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Sign up and play Aphrodite's game from Friday through Sunday every morning, your goddess commands it!

Not my goddess
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Stress test? My doctor says I need to avoid stress. And these hours are utterly inconvenient, too.
I really hope they don't force the hotkey grid shit and we still have a traditional way of setting up hotkeys. As I recall when I tried there was no alternative in AoE4.
4 isn't a remaster. I don't remember about 2, but 3 does have legacy UI options so it's safe to assume that AoM will too.
You can rebind literally every key in AoE4 by using the non-grid layout.
But why would you even want to? Grid layout or mostly grid layout is infinitely better than your most important key being on the left of the keyboard and the second most important being on the far right, just because they start with those letters. Traditional hotkeys are fucking stupid.
For AoE4 I don't recall having alternatives during the stress test but maybe they changed it since then.
You seem to think I use traditional keys as is without rebinding them, that's not true I just have my own system.
I do a mostly grid layout for unit training. But for building I have hotkeys depending on their function, and they all end up on the left of the keyboard anyway. The house and farm, the two most frequently used are on Q and W, then the other economic buildings come in that row too. But the thing is I want to keep the same hotkeys as I switch between RTS, instead of having to relearn everytime. So my barracks is always on S, if there are multiple resource storage, then my lumber camp is on E and the granary on R, etc. I can't do that with the grid system.
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>it's only 3 hours a day
She's my goddess
Tits > ass
well, they do want all of the interested players playing more or less in the same time, wouldn't be the case with 24 hours
no butt crack?
cleavage is better, ponder the smell and taste
>delicious peachy essence of a woman
>mix of sweat and shit
Why do people build more town centers. Whats the advantage behind them? Im genuinely curious im not good at RTS games. I thought like maybe for resources but you could also just... Build a lumber mill there for cheaper.
It's a game of resources and villager is the only unit able to give you more resources.
Buy a villager - you become richer. Buy anything else and you just lose money.
More town centers, more villager production, you become richer faster.
In AoE there's a hardcap with the population limit that makes this cycle of getting richer and richer faster and faster stop because you can't have both endless villagers and armies.
In a game like Cossacks, this is lifted so you just grow exponentially forever.
>your goddess commands it!
I would never worship a whore. Aphrodite was always the worst goddess and so was Ishtar.
Now, Artemis, or Demeter, those are worth of worship.
>In a game like Cossacks, this is lifted so you just grow exponentially forever.
then when you actually play it, the game engine can't handle that at all and just crashes
>so was Ishtar
Those are fighting words.
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>worshiping a farmcel goddess as a man
Yes, I will worship my milf goddess as I til my field and return to my plump slavic matrona of a wife.
AoE games require you to have a lot of villagers, in AoE2's competitive play you need to get like a hundred of them and fast. TCs should constantly pump them out until you have enough, retrain the ones lost to raiding, sometimes you'll train extra ones to gather faster and later delete them to make room for the army. TCs in AoM also increase your population past the limit but can only be built in certain spots.
Villager management is easily the most infamous bullshit chore in the AoE series that you have to put up with in every game all the time.
>infamous bullshit chore
Skill issue.
demeter had five different consorts mate, if you're going to worship a woman at least don't pick a roastie
I heard Ares was also a god of much lower importance than people think. He was a god of slaughter, plunder and cruel war in general, and also a cuck, so apparently nobody really worshiped him as a god of war. Athena was the thinking man's choice instead.
To produce more workers, more workers = more resources = more army
Atlanteans are in, Egyptians are out for the stress test.
>Lets you produce more workers quickly
Yes you are capped at 100 Villagers, but it takes a while to get there. 20s per Vil. A second TC lets you train more (assuming you have the food input) allowing you to grow your economy quicker. A second TC early is an investment to get your economy up and running quicker
>Higher pop cap
Once you have built all your houses, only way to increase it further is more TCs
>Map control
While not as good as a Fortress, TCs are still chunky buildings with arrow attacks. Fighting under your own TC is an advantage, so taking one of the middle ones can help you control the map
>Better trade routes
Other settlements are often in a better position for maximising trade caravans compared to your starting one.
1 hour left to the first test!
beta was supposed to be 3 hours but it's still going

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