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File: cataclismo.webm (600 KB, 616x340)
600 KB
Indie tower defense / voxel base-builder just released into early access. I tried the pre-release demo and it seemed fun. Camera is a bit janky but I like the gameplay concept of building custom fortresses. Anyone tried this one?
Is there no time component to construction? Can you just throw up a wall right in front of an enemy in the moment without having to build it ahead of time?
Waiting for it to be finished.
Custrom fortress building has always been my pet idea, so I'm excited for it, but I wonder how much it will really feel like designing a fortress, rather than just a wall, because enemies can attack the walls.
>i have never played a tower defence game
you build during the day, assign your troops to positions on the fortress, then the wave comes at night. time passes in realtime but you can pause to take as much time as you like to build. I don't think you can build at night but you can reposition your troops.
I'm not autistic enough to build fortresses brick by brick. Very unpleasant to place starway pieces especially. I'm not a fan of this depressing color palette, either.
Looks interesting, but I'll wait for it to get out of early access.

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