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Can this mod still be saved?
If through violent or esoteric means, (You) attained full power over the development of Anbennar - what executive measures would (You) take to save the project?

Thread theme:
Yes, this mod can be forked like Kaiserredux for example.
What is the worst thing about Anbennar that needs to be "saved"?
>What is the worst thing about Anbennar that needs to be "saved"?
Faggot devs inserting their modern political multiculti bullshit though low effort donutsteels and then justifying this retardery by whitewashing the previously established lore
Anything cool made in the last year?
Feel like playing this piece of shit
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No one cares about Bureaucracy when it actually works. Anbennar's bureaucracy, unfortunately, does not work. This is, hilariously, mainly due to the same issues that affect the real world.

Almost disgusting amount of oversight, causing everything to need to be reviewed, and thus significantly delaying the progress of the project.

No cohesion and vision, leading to core contributors not actually working on what is necessary but rather at their own whim. Often, they just don't work at all but continue to harass those who try to. The Project Lead does not even make an effort to organize the project nor to set a concrete goal to achieve in the near future.

Revisionist attempts by a large part of the new core members, due to assumptions that they can do better and that certain things are not 'appropriate'. Wholly unnecessary reworks in order to make things 'better', leading to the insane wastes of time.

Instead of embracing their strengths (generic fantasy mod), they instead attempt to innovate in ways that don't work and that honestly seem nonsensical and not fitting. Their monopoly (generally speaking) on the fantasy genre for EU4 is the main reason they have become so popular, but they attempt to discard that in favour of more 'modern' concepts.

The brutal lack of organization. Using discord as a platform to host important documents and general development is honestly laughable. They have a wiki, but it is barebones and hardly useful.

As said above, these are many common problems that most organizations suffer from. I could go on, but I won't. Normally you'd cut off the rot and bloat, which is something JayBean should do -- but I'm now sure he is not planning on it for EU5, considering how CK3 and VIC3 development has been going (years of development and they still can't decide upon the lore, it is great to see.)

If I was made brutal dictator of the Anbennar EU4 mod, I would add half-elven administration and military. Fuck you, Jaybean.
Or to put it in non buzzword terms: they're softening the setting for no good reason, pussyfooting around bad things that happened in Halcann history. The Greentide is a stellar example. The loading screen features orcs with glowing red eyes charging a column of human soldiers with pikes. It was, up until lately, a pretty clear cut case of Dookanson using the orcs to wage a genocidal crusade on the world outside the serpentspine. Suddenly, for no reason, it became "nonono orcs would NEVER kill noncombatants, they just honourably duelled every single Escanni farmer and forced them to abandon their lands"
Also, one of the Escanni remnant states suddenly decides to bestow knighthoods to orcs. Because yes.
Also, everything to do with Insyaa, from mechanim bitching about being given human gender characteristics (y'know, instead of body horror like having their legs chopped off and being forced to act as sentient assembly robots for Cannorian factories), humans, ogres , robots and more living in harmony and so on. Can't forget four billion tags that will never be colonised by the AI as they're intended to be with Insyaa acting as Australia, but with Precursor Relics
I honestly preferred the proposal where it was just kaiju and mecha land, no other races around.

Do you really need to ask? Just of the top of my head, they have almost 100 tags in Sarhal+Aelentir without MT's and using native american portraits, how about finishing those so people might actualy want to play them? Insyaa is going to be another, far worse, Forbidden plains, a place that feels like another planet and has 0 interaction with the rest of the map. Instead of fixing and finishing what is already in thye game, they decided to rape the lore with revisionist history and tranny robots. The tone deafness alone is appaling, with the fuck are they putting fucking robots in a quasi-medieval setting?
>with the fuck are they putting fucking robots in a quasi-medieval setting?
why not
>game starts at 1444
Robots in a setting with magical industrialization is not the problem.
Their lore isare just a waste of potential
>If I was made brutal dictator of the Anbennar EU4 mod, I would add half-elven administration and military. Fuck you, Jaybean.
About that...
Make submods!
In Cannor:
>generic gameplay for adventurer tags, they only get MTs 40 years in
>spine gameplay is watching paint dry
>EoA has no real innovation from baseline HRE and is even worse because no one threatens it either
>Jaddari never expands, Bulwar plays out the same
>Command is too overbearing and other tags rarely do anything
*meant to focus on Cannor but had a brainfart
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It's simple really
>enslave and blackmail devs irl so they work 24/7 on the mod
>limit flavor text to 2 sentences at most
>more government reforms for larp
>more mission trees about deving up provinces, completing a magical eugenics program or achieving a completly arbitrary goal (example: racist gnome tag that wishes to unite all short peoples agaisnt those filthy biggers)
>unleashed interspecies procreation with a pop for each possible combination (including dragons,giants etc)
>give magic another rework and add 5 new UI screens to access one spell
>make the orcs like harpies and turn them all female
>remove 90% of tags on Sarhal and add a new overcolonizing "disaster"
>bring back the leechmen and every other degenerate elf
>replace all tribal religions on aelantir with animism
>give the Sarthal halflings an eager cuck fetish (in their culture sharing is caring)
>double the size and ammount of harimraj tags alongside 3 new praxis
>add a new vampire court intrigue minigame so you can play a corvurian VN
>make it easier to unite the empire of Anbennar (it's in the name so it should be a guaranteed tag wtf)
>add an expell/purge/rape decision to religion,culture,sex,sexual preference,political opinion,favourite cheese, etc
>make the deepwoods 5 times bigger, uglify their borders and rewrite all of EU4 so you can make terrain change mid game
>to emphasize LESS FLAVOR TEXT be it on missions or ideas but events are ok, in fact double the ammount of text in events
>if anyone mentions changing something in bulwar just shoot them in the head irl
>make harpy brothels an actual building and give one to bulwar the city
>give castannor culture conversion mechanics based on Dahui and apply to every human culture on the game
>give fentanyl to your local cardesi community so they OD and are no longer a problem
>bring back the ant and robot hiveminds to insyaa to fight giant monsters (who the fuck thought it would be a good idea to replace them with transformers?)
Where the FUCK is Musaskalam, the strongest empire who almost defeated both Castanor and Dameria but got stopped last minute??
>Bal Hyl above Busihyl
Agreed. The problem is the fact that autists of a particular stripe have latched onto them. Ultrakill has the same problem despite being a game about a robot slaughtering its way through hell. Something about humanoid forms without humanoid faces.
Mulkasasm is that thing with the mary sue leader, right? When you put it this way, I imagine that Muskalaam is like the Bulwar equivalent of Wakanda and it was just made up by pseudo-historians. makes it WAY better and actually really funny. If you think about it the whole mod and all its lore so far have been constructed with the assumption that Mulkasusm never existed, so having the writers make it up after the fact is like meta-worldbuilding. They're LARPing as the pseudo-historians and thus the whole thing feels like authentic fake history. Absolute kino. Triune-Daengun hyperwar lore when?
Now I wish Gnomish Hierarchy got a Castanor-sized contents. I thought they only control the Dragon Coast, never knew they also control Small Country.
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Fun recent MTs? Anything from the last year is fine.
more monstergirl tags
>that ear
Yep, she got the JADD, if you catch my drift
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Nortiochand when?
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>Damerian Republic Never
>Or to put it in non buzzword terms: they're softening the setting for no good reason, pussyfooting around bad things that happened in Halcann history. The Greentide is a stellar example. The loading screen features orcs with glowing red eyes charging a column of human soldiers with pikes. It was, up until lately, a pretty clear cut case of Dookanson using the orcs to wage a genocidal crusade on the world outside the serpentspine. Suddenly, for no reason, it became "nonono orcs would NEVER kill noncombatants, they just honourably duelled every single Escanni farmer and forced them to abandon their lands"

You know that got fixed right? No more "honorable duels".
yeah the honorable duels was just a retarded proposal, it was never really accepted

i think the current lore is that each orcish tribe treated humans differently, some killed them all, some enslaved them all, some displaced them and a couple "just" subjugated them and demanded tribute
Started playing recently and I don't see anything appealing to me on the entire map outside of Nimscodd and Mountainshark. Magic fucking sucks in this game, and adventurers are just picking what nation to form without any flavor of their own (no, I don't care about the lore dumps).
Is there any other fun nation I'm missing?
feiten has unique artificery if that's what you like
Try these nations, people say they are the best. If you don't like any of them then go play something else.
Balrijin and Feiten look interesting. I'll try them, thanks.
Jaddari and Bladebreaker.
Astraport in yet?
Still in systems review unfortunately.
Unrelated, Rubyhold is in the process of getting a MT, here are the current mission themes.
It's the ultimate Jewish experience
isn't that espionage + influence ideas gnomish hierarchy?
Ruby Dwarves were the original jews in cannor until the gnomes btfo them
No diplomacy?
>use the external population mechanic
hell yeah, i hope to see this in the updated giberd/nimscodd/ibevar MTs as well
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With all the checks and balances in development, how come noone proofread the work of an obvious fellow ESL?
Please tell me that this is badly written and i'm not just having an aneurism here
quality control are also ESLs
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The Mission Tree is from 2021. They did not have writing reviewers at the time, allowing for gems like these to be implemented into the game. Unfortunately, those times are long gone.

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