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lads, it's time for a brood war thread
Gookclick garbage fucked up the strategy genre for years these games are NOT strategy they are just action games there is NO strategy in having to do 200 APM it is just mindless.
more like brood snore
Why is everything smeared is grease in that pic? More GPTslop?
/vst/ is a schizo troon central and visual novel watchers dont bother with broodwar here
Not OP here. I'm playing the Terran campaign for the first time (never played any Starcraft game before) and having a lot of fun. I like the artstyle, the game looks to me like Starship Troopers with a darker palette, and the atmosphere is pretty good. Currently on the 5th mission I think, the one where you have to attack a Confederate base with airships because there's a river between your bases
That mission is pretty dumb
I replayed the campaing recently and one thing that drove me mad was how every mission has a different distance from the geyser to the command center, like in some missions you need six SCVs on gas to get it constantly
Remind me, why was Starcraft purged from /vg/ all those years back again?
besides artosis casts, what's another good channel that casts broodwar and doesn't sound like shit?
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Have fun. SC1 has a lot of great dialog and a decent variety of missions.

Level design in Brood War is heads and shoulders above classic though. Everything is mixed up nicely so you can’t just turtle up to super units and spam
At least Brood War was only gookclick by accident.

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