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Mechanics, countries, maybe even alternate start dates?

Personally, I would love to see more focus on the Middle East and the inclusion of religious and insurgency mechanics. There should be greater potential for uprisings and more domestic politics. The post-war period saw these things be very relevant with de-colonization and unrest abroad. Not to even mention how much Judaism and anti-semitism influenced the war and caused the Holocaust which caused America to embargo the Nazis.
I'd rather expansions to the majors and updates to their focus trees before they hand out unique focuses to more minors. However when they do upgrade those minors, I think it would be best to do it in concert with reworks to majors.
Like a UK rework could accompany updates to the middle east and expansions to the north african theatre, where they need to actually manage political mechanics to keep the former ottoman states on their side.

For new mechanics, I'd like to see the whole occupation system expanded. Occupation forces should have their own entities you place on the map and redistribute state by state to keep order and to help counteract espionage, and unique divisions like the italian blackshirts and USSR's NKVD should double as occupation units to give them a unique gimmick. High unrest should threaten logistics specifically, so in general there's an incentive to concentrate occupation units along logistic arteries to guard them.

I'd also like to see espionage expanded to match. Infiltrating a closed economy should involve an operation with options for how to do it (ie cross through a neutral country incognito but risk getting caught by gestapo at a checkpoint, vs infiltrating via submarine or covert airlift etc.). In addition, more operations should involve utilizing unrest in occupied territories--like briefly severing a logistic line with partisans or gaining localized intel bonuses from native informants.
The game needs a massive rework to most of the dlcs. I cant even imagine a way to fix it
I would like to see an optional OOB system that you can choose to use if that nerd shit entertains you. Hoi3 complexity without the absolute dogshit hoi3 UI would literally be my desert island game
a dlc that makes the game uninstall itself on startup

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