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Are you ready to conquer Asia as the Supreme Leader, Anon?
SHIT someone else plays this crappy game?! That’s awesome. I only managed to understand exactly what was going on once I read some history on the time period
Why the fuck is KMT liberalism in this game
KMT is more akin to fascism or some kind of militaristic nationalism than liberal democracy
If you think you can paint the KMT with one broad stroke you don’t know enough about the era. There were many different KMT factions. It’s not unreasonable to think that in some hypothetical alternate universe where china went liberal the liberals would LARP as KMT
I prefer Crisis in the Kremlin. The upcoming one looks promising.
Lol. Lmao.
Kremlingames is fairly well known in vst. One of the few dev I don't pirate
He's probably referring to the actual, practical thing in Taiwan, which was under anti-communist martial law for... more than half of its entire existence. There's still one month to go.
Whoops, I meant a year and a month.
I saw that it will have modding support, which is making me quite excited for when it comes out.
because liberalism is the breeding ground of fascism
I saw the country picker option at the start, and the Poland exception in the demo, and I like what I am seeing.

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