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Can someone please explain to me why Paradox would give France an entire journal entry on expanding to their natural borders on the Rhine but not change the states around so you can actually do that? You either end up way past the Rhine into the Netherlands or with a weird hook coming up to the east of Belgium.

What the fuck is wrong with these people? They've never made it possible to recreate these 'natural borders' in any of their games, yet the reference them in each one. WHY?
>can someone please explain why parakike are retarded and 90% of the people who work there make the game worse?
the states system is inherently retarded
we should be able to define our own states within constraints
the first assignment should be a part of coreing and any subsequent reassignments can just cost mana
They changed the states in Western Germany to have ahistorical borders (and just generally not make any sense at all) in order to accommodate France's Rhine fantasy.
Also just noticed that you didn't even correctly draw the Rhine as a border in your picture. The Ruhr state shouldn't be included, as the Ruhr is a tributary to the East of the Rhine.
More like they should annex Netherlands too, because Natural Borders idea includes them too.
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>commies who made commie game giving special treatment to the nation that held the first proletarian dictatorship
It can be done with console comands though, right?
Its possible by province but you have to split Gelre in the code. picrel from my mod
Why are the groBfrancium mods further developed than the groBgermaniums? Did all the kaiserboos stay with vicy2?
But they didn't change the states in the netherlands? Why?
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they didn't annex it during the revolution
No you idiot that's a horrible idea
Marxists consider the French Revolution and others like it to be bourgeois revolutions, not proletariat ones. Funnily enough, going by the same chronology, the Russian/Chinese/Korean/Vietnamese/Cambidian/(etc) ones were as well.
>Marxists consider the French Revolution and others like it to be bourgeois revolutions, not proletariat ones.
That post is referring to the Paris Commune, which Marxists did view in that way: https://www.marxists.org/history/erol/ncm-5/rcp-paris-commune.htm
elsass belongs to deutschland btw thougheverbeit...
holy shit thread quality just went through the roof
France's natural borders encompass the full extent of the ancient frankish empire.
France's natural borders encompass wherever the fuck the land of the reverse gear industrialists is...

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