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Because real W&R threads haven't been tried yet

This is the ultimate "Play it for seven hours then delete my save the next day because I forgot my plans" game. I love this shit but god help me if I choose realistic construction again.
I really want to do realistic run but I cant be bothered with managing trucks
Is this game good, feel like it will filter me because brainlet. I tried to watch some YouTube let’s plays but the gamer spends like hours just designing his roads and railways takes hours before anything even happens
If you don't have the time to play it you will get filtered. It's the same deal like with Factorio where the people who play it will play it all the fucking time because hardly anything else scratches the itch. I could not imagine going back to skylines after playing W&R and yet the game frustrates the fuck out of me because your failure to plan will always lead you into a wall. That wall is probably going to result in you unfucking your logistics, unfucking your goods planning, or unfucking your mess of half-finished buildings because you expanded too fast and didn't pay attention to your supplies and now you've spent all the goddamn soviet ruples keeping yourself out of debt. And now there's shit overflowing in the pipes because you couldn't be bothered to purchase a truck to move the shit from the pipes and the construction office is telling you it'll be a year before the plumping gets done. It's a great game though.
possibly stupid question but pedestrians aren't allowed to walk under aggregate conveyors unless they're an overpass right? I swear the game says that somewhere and it appears to be true in game but I can't find anyone mentioning it online
provided there is a gap between the struts, you should be able to run a pedestrian path underneath aggregate conveyors. i frequently do so, in fact.
weird, I was trying to set up an area with a bunch of conveyors and it was refusing to read pedestrian distances properly
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that's some good sprawl you got going there m8 which map
no jobs for whangarei for authentic experience
it's a map i made for myself. it was a challenge map with no resopurces, but it turns out if you add no resources the game adds them for you, so i have studiously ignoring those

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