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Do you really think you need high APM to win? Isn't high APM just a justification for shitty foresight and planning?
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>does doing things FASTER in a REAL TIME strategy game give you an advantage???
A lot of different skills go into playing well, and indeed you can try playing smarter instead of playing harder. That requires a lot of experience and intimate knowledge of the game's mechanics, though. Playing slower means you need to carefully plan your approach and commit to your choices because you won't have the flexibility of a faster player.
Ultimately raising APM is far easier (you just need to train to do stuff faster through mechanical repetition), and produces immediate results, especially when paired with some brains.
I guess you in fact do not "need" APM to win in AoE2, but it is a total cope to think it doesn't matter.
High APM being more effective is a natural consequence of most RTS games compressing a large amount of decision-making in a minuscule amount of time and at the same time having significant first mover advantages (grabbing resources, securing good defensive positions, rushing certain units/techs before the opponent has a counter...)
To avoid that, you either slow down the game significantly (a la Supcom) to spread the decision-making over a more reasonable amount of time, or just change the rules radically (a la AI War) to remove most of the time pressure and first mover advantages, or do something even crazier.
Fact: if two people are equally matched except one can perform more actions per minute, that one will win more often
why is it so hard for you shitters to understand that you are going to be matched up against someone of equal rank to you because that's how multiplayer matchmaking works these days?
eventually you will reach a point where your opponents are just as adept at the game's strategy as you are, but they are mechanically stronger and therefore dance circles around you.
why are you shitters so allergic to getting better?
I shouldn't have to "click fast"
I shouldn't have to "think fast"
I shouldn't have to cancel my coffee break just because I'm on a match.
Do you really need two hands to win in an RTS?
Not my problem
Micro is the only place where apm matters because you're reacting to what the opponent does on a move by move basis. In micro apm very much does matter to an extent. However in macro play you can get away with very low apm assuming each action you take is highly accurate. Most people don't play like that though because they use the clicking as a sort of internal metronome to keep to a mental rotation.
just play turn based games like a normal human being
>To avoid that, you either slow down the game significantly (a la Supcom) to spread the decision-making over a more reasonable amount of time, or just change the rules radically (a la AI War) to remove most of the time pressure and first mover advantages, or do something even crazier.
...like expect players to form heuristics and act on their knowledge before it becomes an immediate concern.
Those who hate APM are crypto-TBS players
Real-time strategy is REAL-TIME, and that means quickly reacting to sudden events
>multiplayer dies
It kind of is.
Mmm yes the most popular multiplayer RTS of all time is renowned for being low-APM
Not my problem, but starting to sound like yours
No wonder RTS died as a genre. Good thing, too.
>No wonder RTS died as a genre
Uh, honey, League of Legends has 150mil monthly players
MOBA is a sub-genre of RTS
He is right, you don't NEED high APM to win, but to do that you have to consistently outsmart your oponents which is way harder to do than people give credit for.
you need both micro AND macro. you can't just be good at one
>Isn't high APM just a justification for shitty foresight and planning?
"No Plan Survives First Contact With the Enemy."
Humans are dynamic and flexible, you never have 100% perfect information on everything and real life has randomness. Plans, no matter how genius, can always be predicted, circumvented or preemptively thwarted.

>Do you really think you need high APM to win?
If you are in the top 5% of the best of the best then yes at that point the game has been pushed to the limit and the most effective strategies and their relations between each other are known by everyone, so you cannot outplan your opponent within the framework of the game. if you are in the 95% of below the top best then high APM can get you a slight advantage but it is a high cost and minimal gain compared to overall experience in the game flow, game state awareness and flexibility that can change from moment to moment.
good news:
there are genres catered specifically for people like you. why are you trying to turn every RTS into a turn-based strategy game?
>multiplayer dies because people who treat RTS as a single player tower defense mode vs easy AI are too scared to actually play online against others for fear that it will ruin their "I'm such an amazing tactician" fantasy
good riddance
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Situation changes and overall lacking in programmable ai for the detail simulated.

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