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Thing CK3's warfare system it's completely retarded, it relies on vassals committing levies, which historic vassals didn't, instead they provided knights and sergeants.

Every fief was measured in knight fees, meaning if a fief was worth 10 knight fees, its lord was forced to send 10 knights (or 20 sergeants) to serve his liege for 40 days per annum.

So, how we make this a gameplay mechanic?
>bro just have tiny exceptions and edge cases for every one of the hundreds or thousands of playable nations at starting date according to the different feudal contracts they had
Unironically this. Quit dumbing down and zoomer-ifying strategy games to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
a game like this would need to have a relatively narrowly defined scope in terms of region and history because of the first point. something like the first crusade and resulting crusader kingdoms, or byzantine/HRE internal politics rather than trying to model a giant world like CK2/3
Please never become game designers.
This idea might be too complicated, but I feel like it would capture the gist of feudal warfare:

>every county is worth X amount of knight's fees
>lords recruit knights to serve in their retinue
>when a liege goes war, he calls his vassals to arms
>which gives vassals 3 options
>a) send knights from their retinue to the use of the liege
>b) pay gold gold to compensate for lack knights
>c) refuse the call (giving the liege a reason to revoke their title)

>during the first 120 days of war, the vassal knights to the liege
>however, once 120 days has passed, even triggers giving player 3 options:
>a) pay knights salary
>b) dispand the vassal knights
>c) keep them without pay
>if the player chooses c), the morale drops and the vassals lose opinion
>the event repeats every 120 days

>in addition of knights player may hire urban militia to support knights, but 10 levies are worth 1 knight battle and require more food
How many games have you published?
Why must it include the whole world? Just make it focused on western europe with written western europe history being the backbone.
Remove levies. Maybe keep them for certain types of wars, cultures or government types. Make retinue troops smaller. Maybe 30 men in the early period. Make the number of retinue groups avaliable capped to one for each county so larger land holders have more professional troops. Then make it so higher tier lords can call their direct vassals to war as allies and the number of troops they contribute is based on laws and opinion. The number of troops a Duke provides also relies on his laws and relationship with his own vassals too. Make retinues tied to the land/buildings as well so the AI can improve them over time. They can't manage buildings and retinues separately so combine them.
>the event repeats every 120 days
Way too much event spam, should be a setting on the units themselves.
Agree levies are stupid.
Like levies auxiliary unit but not an army onto themself, if you have 0 knights and only levies, you do not have an army.
no it wouldn't

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