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Who's hyped that our french daddies have finally stopped ignoring us?

What do yall think will be in it and will we see more dlc/updates after this?
Go play Warno chuddy
Huh, Warno must not be selling well.
first post gayest post
More factions outside Europe would be nice
Yes saar they should be showing the glorious india nation army and bitch pakistani for rape.
Come on, there's no opfor factions for South Africa or Israel. Now that you mentioned it, China and India are also rivals fitting for gameplay
It's doing significantly better than WGRD is lately, genuinely confused why they decided to do this. Best guess is maybe trying to tease something in WARNO with it.
They should make the game moddable, to start with. Lacking that, they should add Arab armies, other African nations and South American forces too.
This feels like an obvious cashgrab, trying to get money out of Wargame players with downgraded Warno models. Expect Italy DLC to Warno soon.
Play Warno, it's moddable. :^)
No warno is hot trash for sub saharans

It just doesn't play as well as wargame so the community doesn't like it.

And ya Italy has already been announced for warno but its different units

Wargame is moddable and its mods are better just not on steam
>No warno is hot trash for sub saharans
I'd rather play Warno with sub-Saharans than Wargame with afro-Americans like you.
>community doesn't like it.
>Italy has already been announced for warno but its different units
We don't know what units will Italians use in Warno as that nation is somewhat far into future, stop lying.
>Wargame is moddable and its mods are better just not on steam
No they're not. Most of Wargame's mods are the same boring "it's realistic now we gave everything ten times the range!!!" and other minor shit, and even the ones with actual "content" cannot introduce new models into the game and even texture mods are replacements so either you play with wrong models or you sacrifice vanilla gameplay for Juan Pablito's next-gen South America mod. Even the great amazing revolutionary gameplay differences some of these bring like air-transportable artillery or EW planes are in Warno basegame.
Wargame also has no map editor, which sucks the most since all maps in Red Dragon are boring ass Chinese villages.
Face it, Wargame is old, decrepit and feels like crude alpha once you play Warno.
Old thing?
New thing?
You contrarian faggots are exactly the reason why strategy games are a fossilized genre. Fuck back off to European Escalation then.
I only found out just now, I was actually thinking the other day that they should have put Italy in as a faction.

>captia: MARX
This is a wargame, it's in the title. There is no place for a military geared towards murdering civilians. They would get wiped by any other nation.
And yet they added Israel in. Curious.
Long story short, People literally vote for it and that back in 2016.

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