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>AoE2DE is touted as a gorgeous-looking masterpiece with a focus on PvP
>meanwhile the actual PvP matches look like garbage: unsightly grid, unnatural uniform pathetic trees, water that looks like someone spilled blue jelly, no actual fish, empty maps, ugly tilesets, and even the animations are choppy when you see it in action.
What gives? Top pic is nothing like the actual product.
If it's the standardized way PvP is presented, it's no less of a problem.
Top pic is an actual campaign mission you can play, not a representation of PvP.
>it's the standardized way PvP is presented
You have not played the game
You are retarded
Stop posting
Start reading
if you can get an edge through mods then it's bad pvp
sneed, chuck perhaps
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I hate pussywoodfags
>gorgeous-looking masterpiece with a focus on PvP
They never said is good looking in pvp matches
>a thread died for this
You have to bump all the threads that are in the last page, is your fault that the thread died. Hope you are happy. Do better next time
>PvP matches look like garbage
That's the same for every genre with pretty graphics. Compfags get the beefiest hardware they can and even then they turn down the graphics for extra frames per second, remove all effects and details that obscure, distract and otherwise get in the way of intense action, and mod the game to remove unnecessary UI clutter while adding valuable information instead.
They simply want the most the most legible and non-disruptive environment to kick someone else's ass. This is why these new and upcoming RTSes with strong multiplayer focus look like mobile games.
NTA but I read your post and I don't think you played the game.
These kind of complaints are always funny to me. If the thread was able to be pushed off so easily it meant it had no interest to keep it going.
>If the thread was able to be pushed off so easily it meant it had no interest to keep it going.
that's the POINT you ditz
it's saying that the new thread is so worthless, it's worse than a dead thread
Ah so its a useless complaint then meant to do nothing more then farm (You).
>summerfag doesn't know what a bump limit is
>Bump limit
>On a slow board
They deliberately made forests ugly compared to release aoe2 because trees in the backside were hard to click
AoE2 is very flexible
Single player campaigns? You can do that, there's tons of them.
Fuck around in the scenario editor to make your own campaigns or just pretend it's a medieval city builder? You can do that.
Even in the multiplayer there's a bunch of different flavors for whatever interests you
>team games
>custom scenarios
>sweaty tryhard 1v1 ranked ladder grinding
I saw one streamer even play a custom made racing map using the cobra cars.

You don't have to download a bunch of mods to make your game look like it does for elite pvp players. Hell, you can download graphics mods that make it look even prettier than the base game.
good morning saar
have a great day saar
>Mod the game for clarity
>It doesn't look pretty
Gee, have you tried not doing that?
The top picture is from the worst campaign scenario in the entire game
I can't even tell what it is
Something Korea or Japan?
It's the chinese standalone mission.
It's bad when people try to make galleons to win.
It's fun when you remember chinese have a demo ship bonus.
If they don't make a new architecture set for Jurchens, Khitans, Mongols, Tanguts and Tibetans, I'm bombing FE.
Are Dravidians decent now?
As decent as they'll ever be, all things considered.
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Bottom half of pic is of AoE2DE with retarded mods. Stop being retarded.
top is RTS
bottom is gookclick
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They didn't add new architecture for fucking armenians, I would never expect them to do so for mongols.
It's just retard speak for "there are 150 threads on this board and I deliberately entered the one that makes me super butthurt, I need everyone to know about how mad I am!"
It's one for five civs but yeah, pontic civs should have their own arch set.
You gotta utilize the opening better. Take those farmers to the little area with the lumber camp and treb, build a dock, get a little fishing going and then start pumping out ships while you clear the river. Mine out both the single-tile golds in the river if you can, try to have enough for imperial age and maybe a second TC immediately when you get to the base.
The first purple attack can be handled with careful use of your treb and onager. Treb their siege, onager their archers. Don't get hit by their onagers or you're probably dead. You have a monastery tucked away behind the SW gate, if you can convert a cav or two then great. Build a castle for future attacks.
Ignore the first naval attack until you have enough ships to handle it, let them waste time with the harbor walls.
The dragon ship quest isn't worth it at all, neither is paying the bandits or making any land attacks.
I cheesed that mission by blocking the initial transport ship with my ships in the canyon. Expanded, grew my economy and eventually killed every single enemy on the map. Yet even after everyone resigned, I still had to wait for the transport ships to spawn, orange still spawned galleons to attack them after they were all dead, as did grey but with shitty light cav, the wonder still went up and I still had to wait for it's countdown to end in order to win. I never really liked escort missions or defend the wonder missions and this one has both. Also those OP towers they added are bullshit, and the pirates are useless as fuck.
They will be never added to the game even though devs have been interested in adding them for years, because everyone has to cater to China now and China doesn't recognize Tibet.
Skill issue
Anon there was a "What was favourite Adobe Flash-bases strategy game" here last year that lasted for almost 14 months, calling this board slow is an understatement.
Meme American keep spinning around. China doesn't care about depictions of medieval Tibet. Only post-Qing Tibetan independence.
But why is it okay that the majority of streams and videos are purposely making the game ugly? Like it or not they are showcasing the game for the most people.
>"why is it okay that"
Are you still in school? What does this mean?
It's not condemned or banned. Do you have a problem with comprehension?
Condemned by who? Banned by who?
Anyone. The community at wide. The developers whose game is being promoted in this way. Tournament organizers. ANYONE who cares about competitive play that is allowing players to get an edge by installing third party modifications to the game.
>Anyone. The community at wide.
I ban you for being stupid.
Still not playing AoE4
anon, these modifications are entirely optional and exist for sweaty tryhards who need to minmax everything, including things like placing buildings on a grid. Why do they use it?
Because they're sweaty tryhards. The game is about single player and if you install and launch the game you will see a normal nice-looking game, not fucking squares.
Fucking retarded shitposter
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I use this mod for ranked play. Thoughts?
Not him, but you will still have holes in your walls
that aint gonna raise your elo
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Mediterranean went to becoming one of the most bloated in under a year
Games are too sweaty past 1800 anyway.
Pontic architecture would solve this problem for both Mid and EE.
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I still find Huns weird having central European architecture and speaking the same language Mongolian civ does
Portuguese at least makes some sense given they're basically the same as Spanish culturally.

Not weird at all. They didn't have their own architecture and most of their subjects were goths.
Cilician Armenia was located along the eastern Mediterranean, and one of the Georgian kingdoms was situated on the Black Sea.
Any form of competitive multiplayer is anti-fun. The people who get into this shit just get tunnel-visioned on the competition and it's mechanics. Exact same thing happens in sports. Competition is antithetical to stopping and smelling the roses.
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>Become accustomed to playing the game
>Become fast enough to make pretty, mp-viable setups on the fly
So sorry you can't.
alright, but i'm pretty sure that's not the armenia in aoe2, these 2 were apparently entirely separate kingdoms and cultures
>alright, but i'm pretty sure that's not the armenia in aoe2
Their first unique tech is literally "Cilician Fleet".
Isn't the main thing about huns that we know nothing about them?
consider me an ignorant brainlet
There needs to be an umbrella civ for eastern iranians.
Like the Sogdians? Persians
Like the Afghans? Hindustanis
Like the Uzbeks? Tatars
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*China "spleet"/east Asia expansion
Asian Steppe: Jurchen*, Khitan*, Mongol, Tangut*
East Asian: Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Vietnames
#Pontic Update(tm)
Pontic: Byzantine, Georgian, Armenian, Bulgarian (edited Mediterranean set)
Mediterranean: Italians, Portuguese, Romans, Sicilians, Spanish
**Slavs spleet expansion
Eastern European: Lithuanians, Poles, Rus**, Ruthenians**
""Danubian"": Bohemian, Hungarian, Serbo-Croatian**, Wallachian** (mix of Central & Eastern Europe as well as Med/Pontic set)
then give Lithuanians, Vikings, Huns, and Goths a Pagan Shrine tree for their monastery, with a cosmetic 0 cost upgrade to turn them into monasteries (Huns don't have this upgrade)
and make Persians have Central Asian architecture while adding a Yemeni/Somali civ with Middle Eastern
Like the Sarmatians.
They're turkic.
>Asian Steppe: Jurchen*, Khitan*, Mongol, Tangut*
You can include Teebaytans.
>Rus**, Ruthenians**
Cool. Speaking of which, can't wait until they spleet Teutons into Deutsch and Germans.
Fucking dumbass.
>They're turkic.
they provided good heavy cavalry suppliments, but never had a strong empire worth of their own; Tatars at best, else Hunnic paladins like the other pre-medieval barbarians
then either Turks, Tatars, or Cumans. Tatars and Cumans do a lot for the steppe, with either a preference for melee or ranged UU's while Turks at least have their free LC and HA upgrades. Still, Turks have been more idealistic separated for the Seljuks and Ottomans than their Turkic origins (V&V used Tatars for the Seljuks, for example)
Why did you even mention them when replying to my comment about eastern iranians? Retard.
>they provided good heavy cavalry suppliments, but never had a strong empire worth of their own;
They're still related to the Scythians, Alans and Hephthalites, all of which appear in the campaigns and held a lot of power.
>You can include Teebaytans.
nah, just lump them in with Tanguts, since they're lacking in identity and they both were about mountain fortresses
>Cool. Speaking of which, can't wait until they spleet Teutons into Deutsch and Germans.
I wanted an umbrella term for peoples like the the Silesians and Galicia–Volhynia that separated them from the Russian Principalities. I feel, for their scope, there's at least variants to be made out of the Russians to differentiate from the Carpathians to the Volga
Didn't want Eastern Architecture bloat, and felt that Bohemians and Hungarians felt quite out of place when compared to redbrick Baltic states.
Literally Rus'
>Didn't want Eastern Architecture bloat
Not bloated. Just take Bulgarians out and give then Pontic arch.
>Bohemians and Hungarians felt quite out of place when compared to redbrick Baltic states
Give them central european arch.
>since they're lacking in identity and they both were about mountain fortresses
The Tangut army focused on infantry while the Tibetan army on cavalry.
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I will admit those are all fair
Would Croatian-Serbs be Mediterranean and Wallachians be Eastern European? Or are they not needed?
>Would Croatian-Serbs be Mediterranean
Pontic because they're Bulgarians.
>and Wallachians be Eastern European?
Acceptable; Slavspleet not needed
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i'm just wary that Microsoft would want to tamper with the great firewall of Cathay and give Tibetans a unique identity. They very well could, and, honestly, would deserve their own civ and maybe even architecture, but it's contentious enough that they could intertwine them with Tanguts since they interacted with them a fair amount/fled to them after the Mongols genocided them
Also, were the Tibetans that cavalry focused? I thought they were mostly infantry hillmen, too, with some benefits to the deserts of the plateau
I should have listened what people say about Tariq campaign but I give it a shot anyway and man. The first mission was dreadful. It's not that it was hard. Quite the opposite actually. The opponents aren't very aggressive and you get more than enough space and time to build up your forces. It just that once you get to enemy bases it gets really grindy since they keep spawning units from their multiple production buildings and you're stuck in CA so you only have rams to deal with their fortifications and castles. Special fuck you goes to the final castle in the corner surrounded by special flame throwing towers. Just not a fun mission.
Why do people shit on Reforged, but love Definitive?
would not want to tamper with*
if you're asking that question you might legitimately be lobotomized and not realize it
Reforge looks bad for the most part, too similar to a mobile game when it comes to unit design. Definitive has a more consistent style for the units that ressembles that of the original AoE2.
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i have the Chad vs Virgin meme made all those years ago, if you want the quick summary
>united all of the HD expansion content in one package; only $20 when those expansion cost $50 - $80 altogether
>added more content to HD, with new civs and revamped HD campaigns
>maintained the same ELO structure
>had the same trigger/map structure for people to port their older maps/mods/campaigns into
>has consistent balance patches and is well maintained to the present day
>is the same game as the latest patch of War3
>they said they'd update the campaigns to be more in-line with WoW and then backtracked
>didn't have a working ranked matchmaking mode for a fucking year
>did they add MP clans back in?
>i'm pretty sure custom campaigns weren't added back in either
>inflated the normal download size of war3 by three or four times; even if you don't want to play with the reforge bloat, Blizzard would forcibly download it if you try to connect online with your 2003 CD
>any map made in the 12 golden years was incompatible and wouldn't load
>it added a whole lot of new models in place of the previous creep recolors, which is at least a positive thing for mapmakers -- shame they're all gone now
>has a weaker competitive scene than Dawn of War 2: Elite Mod
>replaced Sam Didier placehodler token with ???
>probably doesn't even get updates, i haven't checked since they rejected my refund request
If you really need to ask that question then you're fucking retarded
Last chance qualifiers for Redbull are happening NOW.
I typed a post up earlier but this site/cloudfare are fucking terrible so this is all I'm doing now. Fuck you Hiroshimoot.
Could also split the meso architecture into:
Meso: Aztecs, Mayans, Purepecha*, Zapotecs*
Andean: Incas, Muisca*, Tiwanaku*
Civ wishlist for fixing campaigns:
>Latins (crusader states and holy orders)
there's a more overrated game than aoe2?
Yes, Starcraft.
>Spleetfagging is back.
Yes, AoE4
Purepecha and Zapotecs would be easier.
The first (old AoE would have just Called the Tarascans) is an Archer/Blacksmith civ, maybe with a wood-chopping bonus and Anti-UU archer with low armor.
Second is their AoE3 bonuses and techs expanded out.
Purepecha - Archer/Blacksmith civ
Unique Unit - Keriti, Archer with low armor but bonus damage against Unique Units
Unique Technology (Castle) - Local Tributaries, Blast Furnace Economy bonus applies to Mining Camps
Unique Technology (Imperial) - Ever Watchful, LoS range for all buildings and units increases by 2
Bronze Axes - Blast Furnace Line gives +5% bonus to Wood gathering per technology.
Fixed Border - Towers and Castles build 10% faster
Team Bonus - Centre of Trade, Trade Cogs and Carts are 10% faster.
handcannoneer buff soon! im going to forgotten empires HQ in New Delhi with my handcannon to convince them. wish me luck, /vst/ros.
Spleetposting time.
Celts -> Irish & Scots

Scots: Infantry/Siege civ. Pretty much unchanged from the Celts, just renamed. Woad Raider reskinned into a Highlander, same stats.

Irish: Skirmisher/Light cavalry civ
UU: Hobelar - Light cavalry, trains very quickly and is very cheap.
UT(C): Kerns - Pikes/Skirmishers move faster and get +1 melee armor
UT(I): High Kings - Team UUs train slightly faster (Applies to things like Genitours and Longboats as well)
Tain Bo - Herdables move faster and produce small amounts of gold in addition to food
Hobbies - Light Cavalry upgrades (includes Scout line and elite Hobelar tech) are cheaper
Pilchards - Gillnets is free
>Celts -> Irish & Scots
They're literally the same people. Scotland is an irish colony.
The only thing worse than spleetposting is designposting.
Nice anon, here's my list

>East asia:
Khitans, Jurchens, Tanguts, Uighurs, Tibetans, Thai, Barangay states, Polynesians
>South and west asia:
Deccanis, Telugus, Kanadigas, (rename Dravidians to Tamils), Khazars, Kurds, Alans, Sogdians
Mossi, Somalis, Swahilis, Bakongo, Kanemese
Sclaveni (rename Slavs to Rus), Vlachs, Finns, Pechenegs
Zapotecs, Purepecha, Muisca, Tiwanakans, Puebloans, Mississippians
I can understand splitting for something like Indians where it was very egregious, but something like splitting Celts or Italians when they're literally the same civilisation just in different kingdoms is fucking weird.
Aoe4 is properly rated as disappointing boring shit
Civspleeters awe weird and out themselves as absolute retards in the first sentence of their post
>Celts or Italians when they're literally the same civilisation just in different kingdoms
with the addition of sicilians this is arguably true of italians being functionally complete, with the bonus romans for larpoids
celts had a surprising amount of differences in things like economy and warfare despite being extremely close geographically
the famous english longbow is actually welsh in origin
the irish had a focus on light infantry and cavalry, and were generally very quick to adopt new innovations in warfare
the scots relied on a combination of shock troops and the famous schiltron pike formation
the bretons had very good horses and were sort of famous for it in france
the cornish were uh. present for these events.
slavs are another civ where you can make a good case for splitting it up, but most of the important ones to split off have already been given their own civs now. poles, bulgars, etc.
as it stands the only ones remaining where there's a good case for further spleets are probably celts, saracens, slavs, and chinese. and probably only one of those. you could MAYBE justify doing something like splitting up turks into seljuks/ottomans but they seem to want to push the angle that nomadic and settled turks are functionally identical (and there's a case to be made for them playing more like nomadic turks early game but transitioning into the gunpowder focused settled turks)
>as it stands the only ones remaining where there's a good case for further spleets are probably celts, saracens, slavs, and chinese. and probably only one of those.
Meanwhile, in North, West, West-Central, and East Africa...
At least Scicily is an entirely separate Island which had some cultural differences to the rest of Italy due to reasons.
Sicily is in as an extension of Normandy.
>At least Scicily is an entirely separate Island
About that...
>that one campaign mission set during the Hook and Cod wars where the Dutch are represented by the Franks
There was a great deal of cultural contact and exchange between the celtic realms though, there's more to an AOE2 civ than their military style. Otherwise you could easily split every other civ ad infinitum.
For slavs they just need to be renamed to Rus, and add in the south slavs as Sclaveni to stop balkan shitfighting.
I think Seljuks would be a big mistake, they're a dynasty not a separate people. You could call them Oghuz to be clear I suppose but that would just confuse everybody. Turks are in a good spot and the Tatars, Cumans, Huns, and Hindustanis are plenty of representation. Though I wouldn't object to Khazars and Uighurs getting put in.
Should be Burgundians or Teutons.
>Turks are in a good spot and the Tatars, Cumans, Huns, and Hindustanis are plenty of representation.
Missing Karluks.
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Red Bull El Reinado Last Chance Round of 8
You spleeters keep going on historical basis but really, what do we need, from a gameplay perspective?
Which unit combinations are missing? I'd love an eagle and cav archer civ for example (some native american, idc)
Mapuche for a native gunpowder civ.
>I think Seljuks would be a big mistake, they're a dynasty not a separate people.
explain the gurjaras
>The Gurjar (or Gujjar, Gujar, Gurjara[1]) are an Indo-Aryan[2][3] agricultural[4] ethnic community, residing mainly in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan,[5] divided internally into various clan groups.[5]
Gameplay is 90% the same for every civ anyway so it doesn't really matter. Historical flavour is what makes aoe2 interesting.
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Why isn't there a cultural army dlc yet? It's so silly playing as a non european and having fully armored christian knights
Download a mod you fucking retard.
Every year Wtii makes a video about the Reforged version and it's incredibly how they still find ways to make it worse. The definition of one step forwards, two steps back.
Make a mod you fucking retard
I like those colours
That a mod?
Gabe's vibrant colors. Minimap is "Simplified Minimap Colors". Lets me actually see deer on Arabia.
Very noice
Seeing deer, relics and stone on snowmaps are always such an eyesore
>splitting hairs over how you appease the ccp while denying you do it in the first place
What is the purpose of the fish border mod? There isn't any issue with spotting them to begin with. Small trees, relic pointers and grid make sense
two sides of the same chud
>honest forumtranny reaction when the Han are added instead of the Chingchongese
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New dlc when? Why dont devs ever communicate anything?
Because they are busy with AoM atm
>New dlc when?

Depends on the success of Age of Mythology: Retold. If it sells well, don't expect another AoE2 DLC for a long time.
Hope it goes great for aom then
It won't do well because it's AI generated putrid trash that ruined the original.
While I dont like AI art of that game, you just sounded like your average /v/ contrarian
I hope Retold does well, playing AoM again with a lot of people will be fun
Vlachs are a must, being the only campaign that has you play as three different civs because you don't have the one you're supposed to be is quite jarring.
aggressive or defensive stance for the default setting?
There's already way too much content in the game. I don't want them adding another power creep civ when there's a lot of them that could get some buffs to make them viable instead
Is it even the same team?
Wel they can tell us there is a pause or theyll focus on balance or whatever the fuck. Instead there is radio silence.
There's a major tournament coming up and a major release coming out in 2 weeks. Do they really need to tell you there's not much going to be done for a bit?
What mod?
>it's AI generated
Honestly it's just possible AI assistance on portraiture and most 'errors' could easily be chalked up to spliced references being painted over digitally instead of actual AI use. Most of the game definitely isn't AI generated.
Because multiplayer fags ruin the game as usual and cry about muh readability
>AI assistance
Get the fuck out, shill.
It was AI generated and fingers retouched by some intern. Everyone with half-functional eyes can say that unless they're being paid to tell lies, pretty much like you would.
busy with AOM and with the upcoming AOE3 DLC : Denmark and polish-lithuanian commonwealth
Some of the portraits are AI generated (probably because they were outsourced and those people used AI). That doesn't mean the entire game is AI generated you retard.
I'm not saying AI wasn't used (in the case of some portraits) or that there are no signs pointing to it and I think it's more than fair to criticize some of the portraits for looking subpar, but it's very unlikely that entire images were just generated with the click of a button. Rather I think these signs point more towards some outsourced portraits being made from spliced references and then being painted over (and some of these references possibly being AI generated), making the errors human instead of AI. And it's dishonest to pretend the entire game is some kind of AI slop based on a few portraits.
>most of my food is covered in shit but that doesn't mean I'm eating pure shit, contrarian retard
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Arena brainrot
>the picture on the packaging of my food looks like shit but the picture has nothing to do with the actual meal, its taste or consistency. I have eaten the food and it was delicious. Only an incredibly autistic and retarded person would assume that a static picture on the outside has anything to do with the actual food inside, as they are different things serving a different purpose
mucho texto
also kill yourself, retard
Thoughts on the new achievement predicting an east asian DLC?
Uighurs are Karluks but have more name recognition
What new cheevos?
Some new hidden achievement, and there's some thing about a predicted 40+ achievements coming? This is just what I saw on the subreddit
Hopefully another campaign dlc
Who gives a fuck who made it? It looks like shit because all AI looks like shit. I won't spare a single cent to people who took the easy route to quickly make ugly images for free.
I'll just play the original.
Is there a way to know if they are working with the old code like AoE2?
has there been any news about that Age3 expansion yet? I know all the focus is on AoM:R, but Age3 was just noted as "late 2024"
I hope the new expansion will add Polabians and Vandals.
Point is none of the current turkic civs are karluks. Plus there is the Gokturks who are a completely separate branch.
Literally nobody cares about these subdivisions
>It even makes the addition of the Tibetans possible...but that's getting sidetracked.
I hate predditors so fucking much. You can show them evidence of the contrary a thousand times and they will still cling to that retarded meme.
There is also the fact that the Tatars and Cumans cover an area that's way too large. Karluks/Uyghurs could be the representatives for eastern turks.
>Filthydelphia's levels were what made up V&V, but interestingly his Chinese level didn't make it. And instead a very similar level set during Japan's warring states period was created from scratch. While Filthydelphia's Cao Cao level is set at the earliest end of AoE2's timeline, we have seen it being pushed back before, and all his levels are his discretion for details anyway. This removal of a Chinese level could mean that all potential Chinese historical figures were being saved for a potential DLC.
>In the internal files, V&V's intros and outros are found in two files, instead of one. All these files are labeled (something)cam, each something being a letter or two corresponding to where they are in the world or the name of their additional content. eecam is Dawn of the Dukes (Eastern Europe), incam is Dynasties of India, cscam is Mountain Royals (cs for Caucuses), fcam for the Forgotten, cam is for the original Age of Kings campaigns etc, and V&V is found in one called phcam (for Fylthdelphia) and ccam. Going by previous file naming schemes, this quite easily would be C for...China.
These are the only reasonable arguments. The rest is predditor bullshit as always.
I haven't read or followed shit, but is it possible they will subdivide china into 3+ civs like they did with indians?
While it is possible it's rather unlikely, since the Chinese can be rather sensitive about splitting it in a way that suggests certain groups are not Chinese, such as Tibetans. Although it's usually fine in historic context.
>The picture on the packaging of my food looks like shit, the food looks like shit, and it doesn't taste as good as it used to despite advertising claiming it's the same recipe as it used to be
Oh, I was thinking more different dynasties. But maybe AoE2 doesn't cover a large enough timeframe for that to be worthwhile.
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I actually wanna play this, despite never really liking any AoE game.
AoE2HD was comfy.
I'm more of a AoM enthusiast, and Retold looks like absolute garbage.
Should I bother?
aoe2:de is good if you like age of empires. it's also a better remaster of age of empires 1 than the actual age of empires 1 remaster, but that's a low bar to clear.
Not him, but there's Age of Empires 1 Definitive Edition, as a remastered version of the original AoE1; and there's a DLC for Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition, called "Return of Rome", which pretty much integrates AoE1 DE into the AoE2 DE engine and manages to be actually much better than the game itself
>should I play one of the best RTS games of all time
I am him. As one example, AoE1:DE has a lot of the pathing problems inherent to AoE1, whereas AoE2:DE+RoR instead has the pathing problems inherent to AoE2, which are generally preferable.
>inflated the normal download size of war3 by three or four times
The AoE2 timeframe covers all the dynasties except the Qin and the Qing. The ones that make sense to be added are the Liao (Khitans), Xi Xia (Tanguts) and Jin (Jurchens). Current Chinese cover Han, Tang, Song and Ming. Mongols cover Yuan.
I wonder what kind of content they can even put into the expansion. They've already added pretty much the whole Europe the last time.
Maybe they'll finally add a new campaign
Give it a try. 2DE is one of the better remasters out there. Even if you don't care for multiplayer, it comes with an absolutely massive amount of single player content.
what about the campaigns?
That's the only part everyone agrees is the good part of the game, very few people buy it only to jump to ladder tryhard
even the new dlc?
Anyone has the links to Regicide Rumble VODs? They disappeared from my subscription list.
Shit lot of them even without dlcs.
I might pull the trigger then, looks fun and maybe i can squeeze a good 40 hours out of it if theres enough content
I mean, no that they're shit. Lot of them are great, the worst are at least decent. It's just there's a lot of them. Like over 20. Each with 5 or 6 missions.
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You get all of these missions before any of the DE expansions; if you enjoy historically-themed compstomps, you can easily get 100+ hours
I doubt it, it's harder to make a whole campaign for 3. But now that you mention it, they could add more historical battles, since they didn't put any in KotM. They sure are taking their time either way.
Holy fuck, and theres even more?
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Yeah, 12 five mission long campaigns. 3 for each expansion. More so if you count Return to Rome but that's more Aoe1 remake inside Aoe2. It got 3 brand new campaigns and some but not all campaigns lifted from Aoe1.
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>Yury's Revenge
Return of Rome has every campaign but the Yamato one, which got modded into AoE2 anyway.
for me it's Total Forumtranny Death
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I was in your same situation, I was more of an Empire Earth fan and never liked AoE2 due to how dated the graphics and sound design were.
AoE2DE is the best remaster ever made, you should 100% at least pirate it to see yourself.
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Well, i did it
Thanks everyone, you were really convincing.
missing all campaign of Rise of Rome too but yeah only Yamato from og game
Have you ever played a competitive game? Literal fucking cretin.
But AoM looks like shit with retarded unit designs. Doesn't matter if it's AI or not.
The scenarios are pretty basic, like 'destroy all castles, or 'walk from A to B' and different civs play mostly the same. It must've been easy to make shitloads of campaigns, quantity over quality.
The new DLC campaigns are the best of the lot
Plus there's no soul in the narration for each mission. You have to fucking mod the game to get the original narrators for the old campaigns.
The Charlemagne scenario is so bad. lol
Better off playing AoEO if you want good sp/coop
Have fun
This is a threat
AoEO is simply not a game people play. It's not an option.
I like how the regicide rumble games resemble so much realpolitik

- might makes right
- trade routes above anything else
is india out yet
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>4 hours FFA vs AI on a 510x510 black forest map
Oh yeah, that's the stuff.
Have they ever fixed the performance of this? I remember pirating it many years ago and it ran like shit after 30 mins of skirmish vs AI
There is no way you can have performance issues against the pc in a 1v1, in giant maps with 8 players with literally hundreds of units then yeah, most likely
Fair enough.
>almost 16 in-game hours to complete the Ragnar scenario
Why did you guys say this expansion had no content?
Because they are all Filthydelphia scenarios and his levels are the definition of bloat.
You mean blót.
Because you have to do it three more times with the Hardrada, Vinland, and Björn scenarios. They all play the exact same
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Hey guys I've been in a coma since 2018, have infantry been buffed yet?
Yes. Knights are still better, though.
The ragnar scenario fucking sucks
Longer isn't better
I didn't want Basques in the game but the Gascony faction in V&V made me reconsider that.
any AOE 2: HD chads in the thread?
>the conquerors hidden scenario
Was this always in the game since release? Anyway, anything past conquerors is irrelevant in my opinion.
It was hidden on the CD for the Conquerors back in the day. There was some kind of legal thing about distribution, I think, because the scenario was designed by some guy.
so is it included on steam?
I think it's on the workshop.
Why the fuck you are still playing HD?
>autovillager in AoM

c'est fini my brudders
AoM is looking lovely, ngl bros
Not a single reason to stay in HD. Not one.
If someone just wants the original game the HD version is close. Although I can't remember how many patches they put it during those years. I remember they started to come out with the we wuz kangz DLC when gaming went really woke. I never bought any of that. I played the shit out of the game in 2013 and that's where a lot of my multiplayer memories are
AoM was never good. It will sell to nostalgic people wanting to play the campaign and then fizzle out.
Wrong and also an awful take.
Go back to /v/.
Cope. AoE2 was the only good game Ensemble made, AoM was imba trash. I'm staying here while you seethe.
>was never good
Maybe, must be why it didn't sold that well but it certainly looks great now. The streams look fun
Wrong. Star Wars Galactic Battleground mogs AoE2?
>Star Wars Galactic Battleground
Remaster/remake never ever.
I like every Age of Empires game except for the ones I've never played, which I assume are hot garbage. If they were so good, how come I haven't played them?
You wish, nigger
Go back to /v/
Competitive AoM fizzled out shortly after release back then and the same will happen with this one. You'll be finding excuses if not simply pretending it's not happening. It's fundamentally not a good RTS.
Oh, they expanded the Forgotten campaigns? That’s cool. Did they rebalance and/or make them less janky too?
Nice shit take.
Play the game instead of terminally shitpost online.
Or go back to /v/
Or even better, kill yourself.
>I don't have a rebuttal, now kill yourself
Garden-variety sperglord response. See you next year when this game is barely limping along with DLC that sells worse and worse. AoE2 will still be thriving by comparison.
yeah, mostly they just replaced the supper buggy missions with something else and made all the hard mission easier
How is anyone else feeling about the Age of Mythology Retold voices? I know I just have nostalgia for the old stuff, but I think Athena is terrible. Her lines are so rushed, and she just sounds compressed. Also the gods shouldn't have silly Greek accents, only the humans. She doesn't sound imposing or solemn at all anymore.
holy crap wtf is this villager preset bullshit. How do you turn this off forever?
how are those handcannoneer games going, /vst/ros?
American voice actors are terrible.
>Garden-variety sperglord response.
Because you wouldnt accept any actual argument since you're just here to shit up the place.
Ergo, kill yourself.
>Also the gods shouldn't have silly Greek accents
they're greek gods, anon. what other accent should they have?
They’re awful and flat. I don’t like them at all. If there’s not a mod to restore the old voices I’ll be very sad.
>everyone hated the new arkantos voice so much they got rid of it and hired a new voice actor
>gave him strict instructions to just do an impression of the original arkantos va
at that point why not just keep the old voices
Americans are terrible.
>y-you wouldn't accept my rebuttal that I can't make
>k-kill yourself... have you killed yourself yet?
Bitch nigger response.
Maybe just tone down the cultural flare a little, is all I'm asking. Athena is absolutely lacking in gravitas, which isn't a MAJOR issue or anything, but since this is my childhood game I'll whine. Also Ajax's voice doesn't hit the same, but that's fine if he's watered down a bit.

I don't like the way they've set up the hot keys either, but that may be because I'm used to the AOE2 hotkeys by now. I will give them props though, everything does look nice. I also really like how they've bound attack move to space bar. It's much more casualizing, sure, and a bit clunky. However, I think it's a welcome addition since I mostly just attack move blobs into spots anyway. I think the game looks good too.
>have you killed yourself yet?
I'm still waiting.
Do it.
You need the new Age Of Mythology.

>you play the turkic side of Manzikert twice as two different civs
What explains that apart from devs being pajeets?
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Byzantion delenda est
Honestly the voice work in the new game may just be an issue from the past carried over. Instead of timing the voices to the cutscenes, they should've just given the people time to actually deliver their lines & then they build the cutscene to sync with it. It's not like they couldn't have paced things out a few seconds longer. Who would've noticed that as opposed to people suddenly rushing to get their words out, or weird choppy editing? Ugh, I don't want the cutscenes & dialogue to be the only things bitched about forever. That's miserably gay.
why would you want to play as the losing side?
you wouldn't get it
They're more natural and less hammy, which means they're dogshit for an RTS. RTS voice acting needs to be hammy, loud, theatrical for it to still have impact during actual gameplay.
This is especially true in Age of Mythology. This isn't a period piece, this is a story about gods and myth. Authentic greek accents have no value here.

I mean, if we want to be technical, why would they have a Greek accent? They're not actually Greek or from Greece, they're just worshiped by them.

I haven't heard the new one. Is he still Greek? That's what bugged me the most about the first new VA.
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we can go back to bitching about the art if you like
I'm fine with the art, desu.
-t. still in Troy
>you kill saladin before manzikert happens
devs are jeets
>mostly they just replaced the supper buggy missions
Good! D
>and made all the hard mission easier
...questionable. "Hard" is very subjective.
ajax's new voice is growing on me
his delivery on "this is for chiron" is good at least
It's the original VA, but with a slight Greek accent. Some lines are good, some are bad.
>playing AoE in any other form but singleplayer
What a loser
The fact that you're supposed to win in campaigns because it's about the increasing strength of your civ
devs are not above making scenarios that were historically losses for the side you play as
>laughs in Aztec
omfg amanra's voice is fucking ASS
buy aom retold. play aom retold.
Ok, the voices are bad. I'm over it. I'll just have to live. When will the scenario editor games get up & running though? I want to play SIMS, Cat & Mouse, God is Watching, and City Builder.
I really like how they revamped the god powers, actually. Having them on a cooldown + growing favor cost is a brilliant move. Makes the godpowers feel like they're really worth something now. Also buffing all the myth units is nice too. The Anubites might be my new favorite unit because of how good the splash initiate is.
>Middle eastern
The whole reason it's "MENA" is because Berbers aren't from the middle east.
Did they fix the pathing on anubites?
I think? I haven't had any Anubite specific pathing issues, but sometimes I will just get units randomly make b-lines for corners of the map if I order a group of units to move somewhere. It only seems to happen to one or two units out of a group, and mostly when they're going through cramped spaces I guess.
Why not play call of duty instead of all you care about is much graphics.
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i think AOE DE is pretty good for the HD version of AOE 1, which is just modern monitor support or the 1997 graphics
no reason to buy AOE DE otherwise, RoR does everything better
Ban people for showing videos of them playing the game?
Sure but Aztecs are cool and Cumans are poignant. Byzantium is for the zoomer variant of romaboo larpers
Been playing AOE games/AOM since the 2000s. I've found the most enjoyment in single player skirmishes and campaigns. If you have a buddy who isn't a sperg and knows that a game is just about having fun, playing PVP or co-op with them can be enjoyable too. You can enjoy the story and map design in campaign at your own pace exploring, building, and attacking. In single player skirmish you can just do the same thing minus the scenario part. PVP and playing co-op with randoms on the other hand is fucking cancerous and stressful. Its like playing with the anons who make the shiftiest posts on 4chan.
The thing I liked about AOM when it comes to building is the ability to rotate buildings and that stone roads appear near and around your buildings and stay there after its destruction. I remember a long time ago in some single player games I would literally build houses and destroy them just to make roads.
ESLs get out
Literally ESL website
ESL website
Get the fuck out, American
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>send my trebs to attack the enemy castle
>despite having all been in a line, the sudden pathfinding change makes them jumble about then set-up and attack independently instead of all at the same time
my autism wants all of the stones to smash into it at the same time
i prefer them hitting the castle in sequence
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from my analysis of Korean medieval history, I can only find two real ideas for a campaign
>Mongol invasions
vs Khitans and Mongol and Yuan Chinese; then, as tributary, fight Korean military officers and Japanese wako before fighting alongside the Yuan in Japan, with an end credit about the typhoon
I don't know Korean perspectives but, given their complex, probably don't take kindly about their time as a subject
>Three Kingdoms (the first)
Korean Silla allies with Chinese and Gokturks vs Goguryeo and Baekje Koreans and Japanese Yamato and Mohe; then the Silla drove out the Chinese and unified Korea
Only problem I have with this faction diversity is that a lot of the fighting was done by Chinese on behalf of Silla without any Silla involvement.
The other campaigns are a bit bland and are about Korean unification against Koreans and maybe some Khitan/Jurchen interlopers on the side (until they crush everything) and maybe a Chinese expedition that gets repulsed while the Wako raid the coasts.
Can't do the Hyperwar because Jedi are still locked to Galactic Battlegrounds
Additionally, Imjin War was just vs Japanese and mostly defeats until the turning point but we already have the Noryang Point scenario
Speaking of Battles of the Conquerors scnario, the second Three Kingdoms unification was in the cut Forgotten Battle, Kaesong (on the workshop)
I think the (failed) Liao invasions are your best bet.
you fucking wish. These guys have cloth armor they die in 2-3 hits
official V&V tier list:

>kino: gaiseric, vortigern, charlemagne, robert, otto, constantine xi, fetih, nobunaga, drake
>slop: ragnar, ironside, finehair, seljuk, karlsefni, komnenos, stephen, temujin, mstislav, shimazu
>not slop
thats a lot of slop
Yeah, plenty.
Pikeman upgrade cost was decreased, the supplies/gambesons techs were added, rams got their capacity increased, tracking was made free, the long swordsman upgrade cost was reduced, and someone figured out how to make longswords win fights against knights (equal resources).
>gorgeous-looking masterpiece
aoe1 and aoe2 always looked average to me
like a butch of pngs over an empty map the real 3D of mythology and aoe3 (specially the water) truly impressed me
>inb4 zoomie
I played all the games at release
It's not technically pretty but it looks very comfy and nice.
Militia line should be even cheaper, including the unit upgrades. It still has all the mechanical drawbacks of having no range and no speed but a good player ought to be able to win with a militia centric army comp through strategy and sheer attrition. Alternatively make knights more expensive, ultimately accomplishes the same thing.
No. Go play Goths, Incans, Malay, or Gurjaras if you really want that. The game isn't intended to have a purely spammable gold unit that's also good at facing most threats cost-effectively. Infantry is one tool in a box, not a general answer to most problems.
>Militia line should be even cheaper, including the unit upgrades
Bulgarians are literally THE militia civ, including a great unique unit and awesome cheap siege upgrades... they still suck
They suck because they don't have xbows or hand cannoneers, not because they need more militia buffs. There are at least two other civs that do it better anyway.
>Infantry is one tool in a box, not a general answer to most problems.
Like knights!
And archers, dont forget
Can't believe people took this bait seriously
It's an anime drawing, in anime chainmail is basically cloth
If you mention aoe2 we will make that thread the aoe2 thread
And thats a good thing
Militia line should just have more base attack.
Like AOE1, knights shouldn't deal more damage than swordsmen because they're already faster.
I hate boyars
As if the infantry line didn't get shit on enough
Just make a few pikemen and they die
t. infantryfag
>TG tourney with full power GL participating
I wonder who will win
Is 20 pop just too slow for scouts now?
knight line should be like 5x more expensive. Cavalry was historically extremely expensive to field in large numbers, thats why most battles had them as flanking skirmishers
Dude it's ok, fix details in your build order, go to castle age at a decent time and you will be laughing at knight fags sooner than you think
No one cares about civ concepts.

I hate forumtrannies so fucking much.
Knights should be cheaper if anything. Individually they're great units but too expensive to mass unless you're Berbers maybe. This is why archers dominate - not costing food goes a long way
t. low IQ
DLC when?
>But aom just got released!!!1
Dont care lol
I care. A lot of people care.
Also there's an upcoming tournament so no DLC nor update will drop.

Skill issue on your part.
>what do you mean you don't care about the african/chinese/mexican/literallywho civ I designed
>y-you low IQ!
Your brain overheating at the sight of some harmless and easily ignored theorycrafting does waft of low IQ yes.
You post the same thing in like every AoE2 thread so it's clearly an ongoing issue.
t. harmless ignored faggot
t. Butthurt at fucking forum posts and seeking validation on 4chan
They are also here.
And keep popping on my YT recommended.
Also differentfag, dumbass.
That’s how spearmen are supposed to look like? I allways saw them as chinese or east asian.
Yes please.
>East asian
>Round shield
Either way original AoK units were designed to look culturally plausible on any civ (except for knights and MAA)
It flopped. No DLC is coming.
The hat looked like a chinese farmer hat and the spear looked like that thing that Rafael has from the ninja turtles on a stick. I created this mental image in the pre-definitive version when I was a kid mind you.
>they're great units but too expensive to mass
that's the entire point you retard. You should never be able to amass a huge army of cavalry unless youre so far ahead the game is over already
More civs and campaigns are literally all that matters for this game. Death to all multiplayerniggers
no more new civs
they can't balance them properly
they should make campaigns for civs who lack one instead
Shut the fuck up
You also shut the fuck up, multiplayer keeping the game alive you like it or not
Agreed, fuck new civs we got plenty already.
We should be getting unique architecture shit for existing civs like those unique temples and priests.
All civs should get some unique castle as well and they should dedicate 99% of dev efforts into fixing the fucking pathfinding so it's at least as good as HD.
Pathfinding and new civs.
Yeah pathfinding would be good enough

No, no new civs
Did you at least bought the last dlc? I do agree they should add more civs only if they keep them in campaigns, they only need architecture, voice acting and the uu
>Death to all the people that keeps the game alive.
New civs, but without retarded design features
No, no fucking new civs, the game is bloated as it is right now
The game is fine. More civs, please.
Someone schizoposted on Reddit about the modification of the Chinese civ description on a V&V scenario and concluded that chink split is coming 100%
Unique castles for everyone!
Regional visual variations of arbalesters, halberdiers, paladins and champions!
It's not a split. It's just more civs being added.
this but unironically
what else is there to do? there's enough civ bloat. people don't like the gimmick units and techs. the scenario dlc was a disaster. the aoe port sucked. only other thing I can think of is a "wonder age" copied from aom but I doubt that would be received well
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>the scenario dlc was a disaster.
The scenario DLC was set up to fail. Repackaging a bunch of popular mods as a DLC was bound to attract criticism and tank public opinion. They should have hired a team of modders to create bespoke scenarios instead of just getting Filthydelphia to bugfix and add eye candy to his old maps.
A campaign focused DLC would be fine, even if it retreads civs we've already gotten campaigns for, so long as it's actually new fucking levels. The problem is everyone's played everything except the three new maps in V&V, so no one wanted to buy it.
>people don't like the gimmick units and techs
Because they're faggots. Flemish Revolution is one of the coolest mechanics in the game.
>the scenario dlc was a disaster
Because it was too little for too much. If it had more content or was cheaper it would've been received greatly.
>the aoe port sucked
It's only missing a ranked ladder.
Flemish Revolution doesn't fit the game. It's cool, but should've been added in a more restrained way.
What keeps the game alive are people buying DLCs.
Multiplayer is a drain on resources, it's not keeping anything alive.
Microsoft themselves said the bast majority of the playerbase are singleplayerGODS tho
Dumb as a rock. If you can't understand that campaign only players are indeed welcome but keeping the game ALIVE falls on the group of people that constantly plays the game then please do not reproduce. It's a very simple concept.
This dumb fag doesn't know what alive means lol.
He knows, for he actually plays the game, unlike you
Also kill yourself
Yeah man, you know, overpopulation and shit. Don't have kids, make us all that favor
Aoe2 has basically no competition in the RTS and is piggybacking its nostalgia value and yet only manages to break 15k at peak times
What a low bar for "alive" you have
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Way to prove me right you dumb nigger. You don't play the game. Shut the fuck up.
>"our game is alive because all the others are even deader!"
Thanks for proving the part about aoe2 having no competition
>the game is alive but it doesn't count!
We had it way worse lol and it was still considered alive by the sheer will of a bunch of autists.
>nuh uh the game isn't alive unless it has a playercount in the 6 digits and top the steam ratings
numberfags are mentally ill
A lot of the Asian campaigns/civs seem very boring compared to the Lords of the West/Dawn of the Dukes ones, do I just need to learn how to love to mass elephants or what's the deal?
Yeah more or less, rattan and arambai are also really good but you need the pop efficiency of FU elephants so you can push in the harder missions.
Chu ko nu bad?
The Chinese don't even have a campaign, oddly enough
That is kinda strange, come to think of it. They've got plenty of history to draw from and it'd probably be good marketing.
I guess it's more of the issue of establishing a character and the consistency of the setting
>Sixteen Kingdoms (304 - 439) - Chinese, the Five Barbarians (Xiongnu, Xianbei, Jie, Di, Qiang), with minor Turkic and Tibetan
>Northern and Southern dyansties (420 - 589 - Chinese south vs sinified Five Barbarians
>Sui Dyansty (581 - 618) - seized the north, conquered the south, failed to take Korea
>Early Tang Dynasty (618 - 755) - seen as a golden age, stopped the Korean wars, expanded into Tarim basin, did a lot of economic policy but then faced crisis with the...
>An Lushan Rebellion (755 - 763) - Chinese, Khitan, Turkic, Uyghurs, and even the Muslim Caliphate
>Later Tang (763 - 874) - mostly just factional strife and corruption, and standard peasant revolts
>Huang Chao Rebellion (874 - 884) - massive catastrophe, lots of power in the hands of Han and Turkic warlords, while Uighurs achieved independence and Tibetans maintained many raids,. The Tang officially collapsed by 907
>Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (907 - 960) - Sinified Turks ruled over the north as independent Chinese realms in the south, as well as Vietnamese independence. The 16 Prefectures of northern China were ceded to the emerging Khitan Liao
>Liao (907 - 1125) - kicked a lot of ass, made a mockery of the Song many times, until angering their Jurchen vassals
>Song Dynasty (960 - 1127) - Were able to unified that which wasn't Khitan or otherwise lost. Tried many fights against the Khitans, but lost out against them and the Xia
>Xia (1032 - 1227) - Tanguts of the west unified, were a power balance between Jin and Song, until the Mongols
>Jin Dynasty (1115 - 1234) - Jurchens who conquered the Liao after staging a rebellion, until the Mongols
>Southern Song (1127 - 1279) - Retreated from the Jurchen Jin, had good chances under Yue Fei, but court politics got him killed. Continued until Mongols
This is the point where the Mongols do all of their thing and get the Yuan Dynasty (1271 - 1368)
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Don't think we need Mongol wank in a Chinese campaign, so
>Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644) - gathered many seperate polities and then defeated the Yuan who were surprisingly easy to conquer due to their own corruption and factionalization
>Had Zheng He's expeditions, but they weren't military and wouldn't be a good campaign -- afterwards place maritime prohibition laws due to
>they did conquer Vietnam, but we already have the Lê Lợi (1385 – 1433) campaign of its liberation
>intervened in Japanese invasion of Korea (1592 - 1598) but most of that time period is stalemate and negotiations (between 93 and 97)
>upkeep took over its growing expenses and the Manchu Qing took over amidst lots of internal problems, especially lacking in silver bullion that had to be imported by the Portuguese and Dutch
>Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1912)
Getting quite out of period for Age2 now

Given Chinese delicacies, the barbarian conquest dynasties would be frowned upon, but they offer the most factional diversity.
The An Lushan Rebellion gives a decent amount of Chinese civil war and the Abbassid assistance is a cute little bit, while getting to parade the Tang around. The war lasted a decent amount of time and went through 2 or 3 generations of leaders, so it would have to be about Xuanzong and Suzong vs An Lushan, An Qingxu, Shi Siming, and Shi Chaoyi. Still, a cool defensive mission about eating your own villagers would be a fun twist
The Song feel like they lost two battles for every victory they won, but fought a lot of people.
Yue Fei's story about being a peasant farmer and then the most powerful Song General is great, but it'd just be battles against Chinese rebels and whomever represents the Jin
18-19 max. 17 with Mongols or Lithuanians.
You aren't getting a DLC or major patch until after Redbull.
New SOTL just dropped
Wouldn't it be nice to have more variety though? Every game is archers, it would be nice to see more units played
25 years late to make changes in the core mechanics of aoe2. Make your own game
That anon was talking about making knights cheaper so they're viable in Castle Age. We already have this with Berbers, how is this a core change to game mechanics?
make archers have stamina so they can't run away and kite forever. Game fixed
Am I being trolled? No fucking way you retards are still assblasted over archers.
Knights are viable in castle age
There is a little bit of merit on that but not so much otherwise britons would dominate the ladder, also britons should have FU castle age knights
>Flemish Revolution is one of the coolest mechanics in the game.
AoE 3 keeps winning
I would love a scenario DLC that wasn't overpriced repackaged mods.
AoM did it first.
Didn't ask
Don't care.
Skill issue.
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Let me explain this to you brain-addled tiktok-addicted zoomer retards. Games are kept alive by purchases, not numbers of people online at any given time. Being online is just a drain on resources. Single player chads are the majority of the player base and the majority of the purchasers. We keep this game alive and we push for the meaningful content in the game. Multiplayerniggers only want to chase the dead esports scene and cause the game to shrivel and die from lack of meaningful updates.
You dont play the game.
I've 100%ed it actually. Just waiting for the next DLC to continue the content.
>I've 100%ed it actually
Prove it.
Actual fucking idiot. I hope you are an avid poster and lurker on some "antinatalist" subreddit. Kill yourself.
Impotent rage
This really is some rage. He is right that purchases fuel a game.
That was made clear from the start, the problem is that you are a nigger with no reading comprehension, now go talk to your brown cheap whore retarded mother about how multiplayer is irrelevant for a game, specially this one.
Why do you even bother posting here when you are so incapable of expressing anything apart from "I'm mad"
>t. mad about multiplayer
I feel like too many civs get camels. Is that a weird opinion? Ignoring civ balance I don't see why Indian civs, china or byzantines get camels. Did any of them use camels militarily? I doubt much if at all. I'd prefer they all lost camels and were compensated with other things.
bactrian camels are native to china/mongolia so at some point someone probably rode one in combat, but china has no long history of using camels for military purposes and unlike other camels the chinese bactrian camels are wild and not feral (meaning they are not descended from tamed camels)
byzantines mostly fought against people with camels, but i don't think it's a stretch to say that they probably made some use of them during the brief periods they controlled the levant
hindustanis and gurjaras definitely deserve camels and made use of them extensively
I certainly have a bigger issue with byzantines and china. I guess in the time period those indian dynasties existed they stretched into pakistan.
I think Sicilians should have camels.
I think your mom is a camel
You desire me carnally.
Wait what
His mom is a camel, so he must be part camel too and anon is sexually attracted to camels. Simple deduction Watson.
>train a monk for 100 gold
>monk converts a knight worth 60 food and 75 gold before dying
>knight gets swarmed by all the other knights surrounding him and dies as well
Why are y*utubers like this
the monk is still alive
>bactrian camels are native to china/mongolia so at some point someone probably rode one in combat, but china has no long history of using camels for military purposes and unlike other camels the chinese bactrian camels are wild and not feral (meaning they are not descended from tamed camels)
I think they represent the Tangut military here.
you have to understand aoe2 is a very uneventful game. You spend 20-30 mins doing jack shit watching your slow ass vils haul logs, then it's just some s.oiface moment like this before the game is inevitably over
Well that's worse case scenario, by that point a conversion wouldn't make that much of a difference
the Byzantines had an actual corps of camel cavalry
>camel cavalry
The knight also took time to train.
This is why empire wars should become the default mode.
Christ I hate these retards that get Spanish and only go conqs. You have more on your tech tree that gunpowder CA, dipshit. If you're losing with them, try tech switching. Fuck imbeciles from /vst/ I swear.
>You spend 20-30 mins doing jack shit
LEL hands typed this.
>No, no, DON'T use your amazing UU, you have to use your terrible archers or subpar knights!
Conqs/mangonels is THE comp for Spanish, literally no counter and no reason to play other units
how is a fully upgradable knight line subpar
I dunno, you tell me, why does nobody go spanish knights?

Because conqs are better.
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>muh scout micro
>muh xbow harass
at this point its just running through the motions, M$ could even automate this if they wanted to (scouting already is)
>need 6 million res in four upgrades otherwise dies to xbows
>still have a civ with no eco bonuses
>most likely against a better civ in every aspect except UU
>conqs ends the match just by existing
>every upgrade is just to flex
There is a reason Spanish pickers on nomad are on the same level of scum of turk pickers on arena
Not him, but I'd argue spanish pickers in nomad are far worse than turk pickers in arena
Provided both players are similar skill level, there is no counters to turks on arena. Is THE arena civ
Spearmen look like that, I should convert them more often
Make it so archers fire slower when moving
Archers are the menace for mid-elos, goths are the low elo menace
>turtling and booming on x4 speed with multiple castles at a chokepoint until you can attack move with a horde of ranged units in campaign
In that situation the opponent still lost more res than you, what it normally looks like is player A has 14 knights and player B has 12 knights and 2 monks, player B converts them then wins the fight
Why would I play anythings else if I have conqs and donqs
You save 150 gold on chain barding, knights are playable with Spanish
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Spearmen to fend off castle drop
If he defensive castles, make a castle yourself and boom quick to imp
if he doesnt go for a castle drop, either castle drop yourself and petard in, or ram push him, do not let go imp unpunished
It's hard and you need to be on top of your shit with proper decision making, but it's doable.
t. arena clown

For comparison, in nomad you need to deny stone, deny gold, deny finishing and deny market and then MAYBE he wont be able to make conqs, that would imply tower rushing, MAA rushing and fire raft rush, all at the same time, and that is borderline impossible to do, and if you dont do ONE of these things, the guy will go up to castle age, get a castle and make conqs, then you're screwed no matter what.
Also you can kill jans with just elite skirmishers or crossbows, against conqs if you dont have ballistics you're guaranteed to lose no matter what
Mhhhh, I see your point but getting food is more of a bitch than getting gold imo, I find bulgarian knights play very smooth being able to afford all castle age upgrades as soon as I am up, sure might not be a good strategic move but I can't do the same with other civs.
>celtfag was a clown all this time
I feel betrayed
>post a pic where his teammate is getting turked
>Also you can kill jans with just elite skirmishers or crossbows
He is already on food, he can add LC with free upgrades, I don't want to dismiss your post because for me actual experience have more value that whatever can be said on paper, but I just had to mention the free pierce armor, that's why I said turks is THE arena civ. Will try to remember this next time I play arena on TGs, fags tend to chose pocket anyways
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>celtfag was a clown all this time
There's nothing for me in arabia, scouts and archers, nothing else, I rather play arena or unorthodox maps in which there's more army and civ diversity.
>post a pic where his teammate is getting turked
Nothing I can do about it, it's not my side
>he can add LC with free upgrades
This does not happen in reality, in castle age most turks will go jans, mangonels and maybe some monks, and imp will opt for bombard cannons with their jans or HCs, instead of making hussars right when they get to imp, tho eventually they will make them. Elite skirms and knights do well against turks, tho it's a matter of build order and proper economical execution more than anything.
>Will try to remember this next time I play arena on TGs, fags tend to chose pocket anyways
Honestly? Turkfags in arena are the least of your concerns.
Tower rushing teutons and poles are a huge problem.
>there's no variation in Arabia
>now arena, that's where the fun is at
Naruhodo. Maybe I just don't get it because I'm a 1350 shitter
>>now arena, that's where the fun is at
I wouldn't call it "fun" but its definely more intresting, thinking about my opponent will do and planning around it instead of facing archers and scouts/crossbows and knights every fucking single game
And even the arabia games I win I derive no satisfaction from it
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>25th anniversary soon
>no news
>no DLC
>no anything
Why is arena so much more popular than fortress?
I play AOE2 (2013) to make everyone seethe
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ehm ok
>I play AOE2 (2013)
No you dont
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You finished less campaigns than available in DE in a subpar experience, good for you.
I played age of empires 2 when it was released probably before you were even born. It's the exact same experience.
Wow! You are older than me?! you are not And you have shit taste?! What else can you do?
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>Not even 150 hours
Pathetic. You still didn't play the game.
You're also a tourist and a secondary.
Go back to /v/ where you belong.
I would be embarrassed to put that many hours into this game. It just means you're a loser.
No. I just play the videogame I loved as a child to this day, instead of shitposting trying to stir shit like someone who does not play videogames, like an actual loser would do.
Now fuck off to /v/.
You are the one that got triggered by me playing an older version of the game. Thats how big of a shill pay piggie you are. It means you don't play many different game. That's fine, do you. Most people don't play near that much.
Dont confuse anger with contempt.
How much is 650 hours total?
650 hours
East asia DLC with Tibetans, Khitans, Tanguts and Jurchens is coming soon.

Beware the Kara-Khitai, they are without honor.
>not being able to play the Bulgarians, Cumans, Lithuanians, Tatars, Burgundians, Sicilians, Bohemians, Poles, Bengalis, Dravidians, Gurjaras, Hindustanis, Romans, Armenians or Georgians

those are meme civs not intended for the game when it was made
Boring bait.
Campaign crossovers are awesome desu
>refuses to have more fun with a better looking fame
Uh ok... Would advice against it tho
Well said
Well I hope so but this is all based on supervague clues
honestly poles and bohemians are the only fun ones to play, unless you really need *more* horse archers in your aoe2
Filthydelphia leaving out the china levels from V&V and the in game text about those 4 civs being changed doesn't sound that vague to me desu

not in current year, no.
Why cant they just tell us this desu.
Forgotten Empires have dogshit communication with the playerbase and I have no idea why.
Don't fall for the china memes. China doesn't give a shit. Their claim on tibet comes from after this period. There's already chinese media depicting independent tibet in this era.
It doesn't matter whether china does in fact give a shit, western devs will not touch it because they're afraid of CCCP moderation. Maybe it would be okay today, but in a year, the game could suddenly be banned in china.
>There's already chinese media depicting independent tibet in this era.
literally one execution away from a 180 to "tibet was always chinese clay belonging to the chinese", a communist totalitarian state operates on the whims of a few deranged at the top
I still hold that Persians should have the Central Asian architecture set. It baffles me that the Persians are not part of blue dome gang.
They're already S tier, it's a balancing factor.
>Like the Sarmatians.
TL;DW - Hera won't be playing in Nation cup because he feels that even though he lived all his life in Canada, he's actually Palestinian at heart and he wants to bring attention to the Palestinian cause by boycotting the tournament, which was organized by a pro-Israel militant Jew.
I don't mind Hera, actually
Finally a tournament without spreadsheeters
I am okay with this as long as we Whites also get our own White nations. Hungary for Hungarians, Germany for Germans, Scotland for the English and America for the White founding stock, Anglo Saxons, Germans and Irish & Italians get amnesty for being White adjacent. Mexicans and Muslims begone! Chinese can stay in California, blacks go back to the Dixie states.

You should agree with me if you're a REAL Age of Empires history enjoyer. Real diversity requires separate spaces for everyone!
Shut the fuck up
t. Hera hater
Was wondering if he cared, fool of me to doubt that just because didn't see him mentioning it
>which was organized by a pro-Israel militant Jew
That's our Memb!
Yeah, they didn't even change it with the update; I guess they wanted to preserve the MENA count/original races' architecture?
>memb is pro-Israel militant Jew
chat, is this true?
very based behavior
>playing barbarossa campaign mission 3 after a long break
>just not having fun trying to control melee units
>ally sucks while enemies work together well
i think i should just stick to campaigns for ranged civs. i dont remember being so annoyed by melee units in the first two missions.
>ranged civs
all civs are ranged civs
Teutons have FU hand cannons and good siege. Use those. Alternatively just run stuff down with paladins.
Kill the river guards from the water. Don't bother actually landing on Milan's side of the river until they're dead unless you want to do something cheeky like walling their gates. Build your own base in the ruins of one of the guard bases. If Milan's got it's army around, do it on the island in the bigger base so you can defend with your ships. Once you're secured you can delete your navy, then build up and attack from that beachhead.
Alternatively, ignore the river guards completely and build a dock in or north of your ally's base, ferry an army across from there, and hit Milan from behind while going straight for the cathedral.
all of them? even the goths and celts?
i guess i somewhat assumed id get smashed on water since theyre called the river guard and they tend to destroy my starting dock before i even have a half decent economy.
anyway to make my infantry not retarded? they love to split up to attack buildings and farms then just get killed 1 by 1.
Hera confirming /pol/ theories on immigration and assimilation wasn't on my bingo
Anon you can win that mission in like two minutes by just smuggling your monks through the gates. Look at the speedrun strat.
i can win it in 5 seconds by just using the chat
massing castles and playing tower defense against suicidal enemy hordes wins 90% of all campaign missions
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>17 pop militia spam when
do they not get a slow trickle of resources like ai in other RTS or do they only have what's actually on the map? would bumping up the AI difficulty in campaigns change their suicidal tendencies?
depends on the map
many of them the ai has to actually mine resources, but it generally starts with a surplus of them to give them an edge against the player
the critical point however is that playing tower defense gives the player time to build up an invincible death ball
there are a few campaigns where the enemy has infinite resources and can only be stopped by pushing and destroying production (the Berber one is notorious for this), but in most cases you can win a war of attrition before becoming going on the attack
>the Berber one is notorious for this
God, I fucking hate campaigns like that. Enemies just mindlessly spam units at you. I don't even care about starving them out or raiding their economy, it's just the knowledge that there's absolutely nothing else too them and they're never going to stop.
Hera needs to cheat with cobra cars to beat 700-900 Elo players
>enable debug speeds so you can go to x4 and x8
>make a mad dash for any potential relics on the map
>make palisade walls at all but one entrances to my base so the AI will always funnel all units that way
>mass castles and watch the mayhem on turbo game speed, with a few knights in the castles to send on suicide missions vs rams and trebs
Yup, it's campaign time. Bonus points if you're next to a river and can spam some ships because the AI tends to ignore those
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Should be called Latins.

Not a civ dumbass. Go back to eu4
>Should be called Latins.
There’s tons of crusaders that were germanic like Richard the Lionheart. I suppose they don’t call it “the crusaders” to defirenciate it from the Teutons. Outermer is good anyway since most european settlers to crusader states were “french” anyway.
>Richard the Lionheart
That guy was French thoughever
Angevin (with mostly Gascon Occitan influences)
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wheres the dogdamn new dlc news

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