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What are some unlockable or rarely used units that are surprisingly good? Pic related is an absolute fuckmachine.
shit game, shit thread
good game, good thread
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If they won't give me a UK faction, I'll just make it worth myself.
Churchills are actually nuts. With the discount from 88th Assault they cost 45 points apiece, basically as cheap as a low-tier medium tank. With 100+ frontal armour and almost 900hp they're hard as hell to kill for their price, and their gun has deceptively good penetration for its calibre. Enough to pen opposing mediums, at least. But the real kicker is that it fires blazingly fast, in some cases triple the fire rate of other tank guns. You win any close-range fight against a tank you can pen, and most things smaller than a Tiger need to get that close to pen you back.
Plus it's only 9CP, so you can fit 2 of them alongside some recruits for vision in echelon 2, or a whole 3 of them in echelon 3. Opposing infantry can't deal with them, so you put a lot of pressure on opposing tank decks just trying to stop you from rolling over the map wherever you choose. Their gun is just heavy enough that its HE can collapse trenches and kill infantry in buildings, but fires stupidly fast so it clears them really efficiently.

They just can't fight heavies. Like, at all. If an IS-2 or a Tiger shows up just back off and push somewhere else on the map, or multiple points at once and hope they can't cover it all. This would be damning if they didn't cost 45 points apiece, but you can bring so damn many Churchills that you can afford to throw them away against heavier armour and just grind the other side down with attrition.
>good game, shit thread
How come neither MOW2 nor GOH look good? Was it that hard to upgrade the engine?
I don't know the exact reason, but "new" games that don't look new isn't uncommon. Sometimes the development simply doesn't have the budget to license the latest and greatest development tools, sometimes it's a deliberate choice to keep processing overhead low so that 3rd worlders on toasters and adult babies on college laptops can run their game.
I think GOH looks great given the engine, the recent Airborne trailer it looked like an FPS at certain parts.

MoW2 looks pretty terrible though.
Did they fix the damn game?
The german LG 40 field gun is really good. Can't do shit against mediums, unlike the leig 18, but it has a pretty big HE radius that lets you kill artillery every now and then.

I'm a fan of the Opel Blitz with machineguns because it's cheap, fast, carries a full squad AND four machineguns. It is extremely fragile but great for ambushes or catching up with capping squads late in the game. It's also packed full of grenades, mines and TNT too. I wish you could remove the machineguns but it would be pretty overpowered for the cost.

The stuka with cannons is awesome but very hard to use. It has a tiny area of effect and you pretty much have to go for side or back shots, which makes the plane fly funny on the minimap and confuses people, but it leaves you really vulnerable to AA. It can easily destroy most heavies though.
Nothing to fix. Did you fix being some African mud hut dweller that doesn't have 24/7 internet?
Still always online, though the devs pop up periodically to mention that they're still working on removing it. No ETA yet.
I got memed by that cannon stuka one match and lost a Pershing to it. It does crazy damage.
Not only that, but how about making it less arcade.
How does the LG40 compare to the US Pack Howitzer? I eventually took that out of my engineering list because it was too expensive and felt like it occupied the worst compromise between a howitzer and a mortar (too small to do a howitzer's job, too big to do a mortar's job). I just assumed the LG40 was the german equivalent.
>nothing to fix
>he says while his game is dying
fuck games that do this
There's a realism mode. I haven't touched it but I assume that's what you're looking for.
Haven't played burgers but that sounds about right. I still find it useful because most battalions can't bring in real artillery pieces and the only alternative for germans are nebelwerfers and other rocket artillery, which are all complete garbage for the cost.
Hell is russian teammates
Not arcade at all
>noooooo the idiot, ignorant public didn't buy the game in droves!
>that means game bad!!!
Dead game
No mods
I'll hold on to my $70 plus tip
Just pir--OH WAIT
This tank is so good now. I feel like people slept on the US heavy tank list because it used to be kind of bad, but the patch completely fixed it.
>100mm steeply angled frontal armour, even king tigers struggle to pen it
>immune to bazookas, AT grenades and HEAT shells frontally
>cannon 1-2 shots medium tanks and 3 shots other heavies at absurd range
>90mm HE heavy enough to instantly clear bunkers and buildings or collapse trenches
>only 88 deck points per tank.
It's probably the most cost-effective Heavy right now.
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>try to expand to a "wider audience"
>dumb down the game massively
>crayon eaters just go play CoH
>anyone with a brain goes to GoH
Imagine my shock.
How do I build German 5th Medium?
Other tank decks are pretty straightforward. Soviet medium spams T34s because they're strong and cheap. US medium has shit like 105s, Calliopes, Zippos and Easy 8s on top of the straightforwardly strong Jumbos.
But the German medium deck doesn't really seem to have anything that stands out. Panzer 4s are largely the same price as T-34s but totally outclassed. Panthers got buffed but they're still not great for their price compared to high-tier T34s, 76 Jumbos or possible heavy tanks. I just don't really see what this deck offers over the other german tank decks.

2nd echelon especially stymies me. Your options are basically a handful of P4 variants that are all undergunned and underarmoured compared to what other tank decks field at that stage, or a single Panther. The Panther is decent into other 2nd echelon mediums but it's still just a single medium tank. All it takes is an unlucky artillery hit and you're down your main unit for the whole echelon and back to being stuck with a handful of outgunned P4s. By comparison, the german heavy tank deck gets 2x Tigers in 2nd echelon, which just seems like a much stronger option if I want to spend that phase of the game babysitting a single hero tank.

It's not like P4s are unusably bad but they're just outclassed by the equivalent tanks from other decks and don't have high availability or unique abilities to offset things. So why would I play this over german 48th heavy or US/USSR medium?
Unlike those t34s all your tanks have gimmicks. Practically all of them have either smoke dischargers or smoke rounds, some have extra machineguns too.
Is smoke really that good? I've only ever used it to cover a repair when I get tracked in the open.
It's really good for survival because, mechanically, it lowers accuracy. Think of how many tanks can only be penned in specific spots and now imagine your aiming reticle being retarded wide because of smoke. It affects artillery whose aim trajectory passes through the smoke too.

Realistically you want to be using your tanks in hold fire mode and from camo, especially the F2 (which 5th medium can get echelon 1) and panther. You can fire one shot with total impunity because it doesn't break camo and hopefully cripple any mouthbreathing soviet coming your way. Side shots will still let you deal with most heavies no problem.

Echelon 3 does feel weak on 5th and honestly I never played enough of it to figure it out. It does have tons of panthers.
A tale as old as history.
Yeah I get all that, but it also kills your own accuracy. You can't just sit in smoke to win shootouts, it's basically cover you can plop down to hide in. But usually I'm near cover already because I positioned myself before engaging, and the only time I care about a smoke screen is when I've lost tracks or engine and can't move.

My last game with this deck I was walled by by a heavy tank div for like 75% of the game because I couldn't get close enough to pen him from the side but couldn't shoot and reveal myself to support teammates against other targets or I'd just get blasted because he could still pen me frontally. I spent the whole match thinking how if I was playing soviets I would've just dove him and traded a T-34 for his Tiger and been done for it, or how as US I probably could've just penned him with an Easy 8 or Slugger and won the shootout from a distance. I've never actually been walled by regular heavy tank like that, basically unable to meaningfully contribute to the game wherever it was present--it felt like shit.

So how would smoke have helped me there? Is there some clever use for it that the pros know or something?
>hmm today for a change of pace, I will play arty
>our team: arty (no infantry, no AA), arty (no inf, no AA), arty (me), infantry (afk)
>enemy team: recon, arty, airborne, airborne
Fuck me holy shit
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Damn, anon. If only your tanks had some sort of easy to use, long range, vision obfuscating device that would let you approach!!!!

Stick with soviets. You are too fucking stupid.
How the fuck are these guys in any way balanced?
>250 hp per unit, the same as Rangers, soviet Assault Infantry, Panzergrenadiers, etc.
>Only 1CP per body, 5CP for the full squad. Same CP cost as basic infantry and half that of other elite squads
>every "expert" trait, meaning all their weapons have ridiculous accuracy. Also the only t6 squad with Machinegun Expert so they crush everything else in shootouts
>squad comes with a machinegun, a flamethrower and an officer's artillery flare gun in addition to assorted small arms, minesweepers and every type of grenade
>only 15 points per squad, 60 for the full stack. compared to other elite squads being triple that
It's gotta be the best infantry in the game bar none. The signal gun alone will solo clear entire defensive lines for you from a safe distance. I have yet to have a game with these where I don't just steadily walk towards the enemy spawn as soon as I hit 3rd echelon. Garrisons and trenches get wiped by the flamer/signal flare combo, infantry approaching you in the open (even other elites) just get mowed down by the machine gun's insane accuracy. And without vision from infantry, tanks and vehicles can't hit you without getting close enough to eat a panzershreck. They have enough entity health to survive a P-51 rocket barrage with like half health and carry 5 medkits per squad member. All of these things combined make them so hard to deal with, or to effectively stop from just pushing forward forever once you're past the script line.
Brother, there's no pulse, lips are cold.. It's dead.
Do you folks just stare at the steam metrics cheerleading for the failure of [rival product] instead of actually playing games? Like a 3rd of the posts in this thread are just you weirdos insisting "it's ovyr" and being summarily ignored by folks actually talking about their little slavjank game. Why the desperation?
What a funny clown. Do a backflip
All you niggers play RTS games.
You should be used to player counts in the triple digits.
Have the devs said anything about when offline mode will be available? I don't use discord and since it's a slav game I assume they do like 90% of all news and correspondence there.

I'm only really interested in singleplayer so I've been holding out waiting for it.
small indie company they just dont know how to do it lmao
this company is absolutely dragging their feet on releasing an update with any new content. i dont give a shit about fixing minor bugs. i dont give a shit about the 5 people playing classic mode. give me japan, the uk, or some other shit that may possibly cause a shift from the extremely stale meta.
I don't think actual new content is coming for a very long time.
game bad, game dead, no new content for bad dead game.
I loved the campaigns in the old games, whats the campaign like in this one ? i loved capturing enemy vehicles and weapons
It's basically more of the same, but if your internet hiccups you get kicked back to the main menu.
I did the US campaign and liked it well enough but I'm waiting for offline mode to play the other 2
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There are like a million campaigns. Each nation has a narrative campaign with dialogue and in-game cutscenes like in the old games and there are also several "Conquest" style campaigns that you play through unlocking more units as you go along.

If you are an African living in a mud hut you might have problems with the online but I'm not a subhuman so I've played almost 200 hours without issue.
is the new game better than gates of hell?

Runs infinitely better
Much better AI
Much better netcode
Better gameplay
Better planes
Better defense building

GoH's only improvement is looking better at a massive performance cost.
this guy is smoking copium.
Facts don't care about your feelings, sorry.
lmao the hp pools for vehicles alone make this game dogshit.
You do realize it's the same system as GoH, right?
>he doesn't know

Offline mode confirmed for late september/early october.
he is dead...
Are they going to fix the game? Like make it less arcade bullshit.
What does "arcade" mean
Idk, I haven't played this game. But reviews say that offline mode isn't the only issue with the game. And the rating wouldn't be so low only because of online only.
Congrats you just discovered people are retarded
You're saying this game is the best? Somehow I doubt people are stupid.
Objectively it is. It has the best gameplay mechanics, the most unit variety, the most content, best netcode too. You are listening to the words of idiot retards like this anon, >>1837233 who thinks they somehow added HP to vehicles when in truth the franchise has always had it.
How is the AI in this game? In specifics please.
When I played GoH, it bothered me that on both ends it seemed to be terminally retarded
AI is bad like the entire series.
Nice I'll torrent it after that and give it a go again. Refunded it the first time.
Much, much better.
Skirmish AI is infinitely better, doesn't stop working halfway through games and puts up a good challenge. Playing full bot games is a perfectly viable option, and I say that as someone that played mostly multiplayer.
Unit AI is much better too, doesn't have the GoH problem of refusing to fire nor the issue with towed units killing it's own occupants because of a bump in the road.
Soldiers automatically vault over obstacles while moving so pathing feels better.
Garrisoning a building automatically places soldiers at windows and other firing spots.
There are a couple flaws. The pathing for long, wheeled vehicles is still wonky, particularly for getting the exact facing you want. Vehicle turrets tend to point to enemies, even distant ones, so they seldom point straight ahead and are often at like a 25 degree angle. Hull machineguns can sometimes be lazy firing at very close targets too but it depends on the vehicle.

My one complaint that's not really an AI issue but feels crappy is that soldiers with both guns and panzerfaust/bazookas take a few seconds to swap weapons and can feel unresponsive.
>Vehicle turrets tend to point to enemies, even distant ones, so they seldom point straight ahead and are often at like a 25 degree angle. Hull machineguns can sometimes be lazy firing at very close targets too but it depends on the vehicle.
These two make me absolutely seethe. Missing a golden chance to snipe an enemy tank because mine was trying to acquire a target on the far side of the map and looking 45 degrees off is an absolute killer, and I've been screwed over several times by hull and pintle mgs not shooting at charging infantry, so I have to give individual attack orders while also babysitting the pathing backwards so it doesn't stop and turn.
>im not subhuman
said the subhuman manchild
It's even worse with casemate tanks.

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