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What's the best way to play these in 2024? Is piracy the only way? Looks like Blizzard doesn't sell it anymore... only Reforged. I only care about playing through the campaigns really, not local or online multiplayer.
I know everyone hated Reforged a lot, but:
>Why SPECIFICALLY did people hate it so much?
>Was it never fixed, either by Blizzard or modders?
I don't mind buying it on sale for $15 if it can be made into a good experience, but if it's still completely irredeemable then I guess I'll just have to resort to piracy.
Get yourself the original disc release, then search for the “WC3 Download Archive” thread at Hive Workshop. Click the “Patch Installers” tab in the post and grab 1.26a for RoC and/or TFT. This is the last patch released before Nu-Blizzard started breaking things in preparation for Reforged years later. This is the best way to experience the single player campaigns by far. Ideally you will want to pick a 4:3 resolution since many maps and cutscenes etc will be messed up with a wider aspect ratio that they were never designed to be viewed from.
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>why is it hated
imagine you have something great. then somebody came and promised you something better. they take your great thing and shit on it and return it. its not bad, but man it smells

>Was it never fixed, either by Blizzard or modders?

the community did its best, but there was no influx of new people. Imagine if 4chan was stuck with the same people from 23 years ago and nobody new came. its shit
custom games are kinda dead but you can look it up yourself:

I am on quite a few discords for custom games, like for banjo, risk, ish(ww1), rp, but the games are quite rare...
there is the official ladder, its shit, but the guys at wc3champions made a pretty good ladder, but its dead, it simply doesnt have the numbers.

so the community tried to revive wc3 but its dead, it wont come back and your time is better spend on keeping your nostalgia for it

pirate it to play the campaign again, its very easy if you are good, if you are a scrub it can take some while
If you are still uninformed by this point then you can just buy reforged at a discount/key site, turn on the classic graphics and remain blissfully ignorant as you play the campaign and try a few MP games on bnet. You won't have the the context to appreciate the damage done and absolute perfidy anyway.
I bought it on sale just to play the campaign and I thought it was fine. Just do that.
It forces you to download all of reforged, even if you want to play with classic graphics only. fuck that noise.
Are you out of harddrive space or something? I mean it's your money and time, do whatever you want. Was just telling OP that I bought it and had fun with it.
The classic graphics mode doesn’t even actually let you fully play with classic graphics, it’s dumb but there are still some reforged elements no matter what like the hideous Live2D campaign menu screens, the tranny death knight model, the censored voice lines, and others. Plus there’s no reason to have the game eating up unnecessary hard drive space when you can just get the old version and play without any of the poz.
The old version doesn't have widescreen support. And those minuscule Reforged elements aren't as bad and glaring, you're just a retarded hater.
If you have 0 frame of reference for the greatness of original WC3, you will miss nothing. Reforged is a much shittier, intentionally downgraded version of WC3, but the skeleton is still the same, campaign isn't too fucked up.
I know people complained a lot about multiplayer things not working properly but personally I only ever played the campaign and:
- the game is 30 GB instead of the original 2 GB
- it's straight up uglier than the original, lots of small details lost etc even if it's all high res. I wish I had caught my genuine reaction on camera when I played for the first time because it was comedic. It starts with a pre-rendered cutscene of Thrall in his hut in the rain and I was like "wow this looks amazing" and then it cuts to the in-game graphics and I stopped for a second looking at this dogshit.
- shit performances despite being uglier obviously.
- you still can't rebind the keybinds properly and the old fan-made program to do it doesn't work on reforged.
And I stopped there, at the first map, I asked for a refund and it was refused. Also they changed the terms of the world editor to give them the property of anything you create with it which is the complete opposite of the original mentality they had when they offered the world editor in the first place. So even if it didn't affect my gameplay experience I still take into account this kind of stuff.

So at best it's not an upgrade, but really it was a straight downgrade imo.
>Why SPECIFICALLY did people hate it so much?
I don't understand this either. I looked into buying reforged a few months ago and was put off by all the comments on how wc3 is ruined and reforged is shit. I did buy it a few days ago and it seems the exact same. From this thread it seems people don't like the new graphics and the file size. I can't imagine a more meaningless thing to complain about, especially since you can just turn the new graphics off.
>the hideous Live2D campaign menu screens, the tranny death knight model, the censored voice lines, and others
Like wtf are you even saying, the game is 99% identical except for the most minor cosmetic changes. If no one told me, I would've assumed the classic graphics were the same as 20 years ago. I can't believe the old fans are genuinely so upset by these changes.
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>I'm blind, deaf, retarded, and refuse to research information on my own accord! I DEMAND to be fed a narrative directly and get angry when it breaks my headcanon!!!!!!!!!!!
So incredibly minor cosmetic changes, exactly like I said in my post. There's no headcanon here, i'm not angry, I have the same question as op and still don't have an answer to it besides literally
>muh grass textures
You called me a blind, lazy retard while proving exactly my point at the same time, while also accusing me of being angry and fragile.
If you ever worked in an office, you might have seen hardware upgrades where people get new keyboards and they flip out because it's slightly different and they hate it. A few days later they get used to it and then it's just a keyboard again, but for those few days that they're adjusting, they'll convince you they're actually in hell and the incompetent management is deliberately tanking the company with pointless changes.
I think it's the same here, except instead of going back to work day after day and getting used to the change, wc3 players just quit and stayed salty forever. You also have to consider the overlap between the players of a 20 year old rts game and professionally diagnosed autists. It's substantial.
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blizz shills have arrived
you are arguing in bad faith to rile people up
I'm asking in the best possible faith what the changes are that make the game unplayable and one guy literally posted a grass texture. I don't have a stake in this, I haven't played wc3 in decades, reforged looks so similar I couldn't tell the difference but threads like these are filled with people claiming the game is literally ruined and anyone who doesn't agree is a retard or a shill.
I asked what the changes were and have now recieved three replies that ad hominem me personally while not referencing the game at all. I'm sorry this game is your life or some shit but some people are just coming back for a few custom games after decades and genuinely can't tell the difference. They're not paid shills or trying to bait (you)s, they're trying to understand the vitriol and but you guys would prefer to call people retards and tell them to kill themselves instead of just giving even a single reason.
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>I only care about playing through the campaigns really, not local or online multiplayer.
I had to look this up on reddit because the spergs here don't know why they think what they think, they can only identify opinions that are not their own and attack them. From this list the only thing that would have any impact on your goal is the alleged bugs and performance issues, which I haven't experienced at all.
>magine if 4chan was stuck with the same people from 23 years ago and nobody new came
wow. yes please.
No you are not, you are a dysgenic mongoloid who are either trolling, or incapable of basic googling.
I found this. I don't actually know if it works but it seems the community itself has been trying to make a decent patch out of the whole thing.

>all of 4chan is /v/ complete with MUH TRANZ RITES
all the oldfags turned into ginormous faggots
>the game is 99% identical except for the most minor cosmetic changes
you have already admitted to being a zoomer who learned about the game a few days ago so why do you keep acting as if you know what you're talking about? You actually think filesize is the reason why the game gets so much hate?
It's also funny how you complain about ad hominem while instulting the people who dislike reforged in your very first comment as clueless oldfags. You didn't "just ask what the changes were" you gave a braindead zoomer take.
And every time someone tells you why regorged is shit you keep saying "who cares bro lmao"
There are tons of videos explaing in detail why reforged was such an attrocious failure.
Go watch them if you don't believe anything people here tell you.
>I'm not watching 3 hours of a guy explaining why reforged is bad
fine but then stop giving us your shitty takes
>so why do you keep acting as if you know what you're talking about?
I haven't though, I specifically said I don't understand and no one would give a single answer except to tell me to kill myself.
>You didn't "just ask what the changes were" you gave a braindead zoomer take.
Op asked what the changes were and no one gave a single answer that wasn't minor cosmetic changes. I added that I'd also didn't know what was changed.
>while instulting the people who dislike reforged in your very first comment as clueless oldfags
This is an insane reach and it shows you were in a bad mood before you read my comment, there is no way a reasonable person interprets my post as an insult or an attack.
>And every time someone tells you why regorged is shit you keep saying "who cares bro lmao"
Literally no one mentioned a single reason other than the grass texture guy. The bar is that the game is "ruined" and the "evidence" was a few textures and voicelines that has nothing to do with gameplay.
For the record, I'm also the guy who posted this>>1820282 because I was so confused by the spergs in this thread lashing out and refusing to actually say a single change they didn't like that I looked up.
>There are tons of videos explaing in detail why reforged was such an attrocious failure.
I got a sense of it from the reddit post, it seems a lot was changed, but this was a thread about those changes and no one said a fucking one of them. The absolute narrative you've concocted to justify your hostility is a case study in derangement. A similar thing happened when I asked gacha players what they actually did in a gacha game. They got insanely hostile and accused me of bad faith posting because they literally couldn't imagine a person that didn't live and breath their little hobby showing any interest. I said reforged feels the same as wc3 did when I was ten and I was told to kill myself because I was a blizzard shill posting in bad faith to rile people up. That's sick.
yeah you are arguing in bad faith to rile people up.
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>the game is 99% identical
not sure if retarded or a blizz shill
Maybe just don't give an opinion if you're uninformed and not an actual W3-head. Reforged is dogshit and that's not some hot take for anyone who actually played before Reforged.
>The old version doesn't have widescreen support.
You can mod it to have widescreen support, but why would you do that? Both Reforged and the mod can't take into account that the original missions, especially in cutscenes, were designed for 4:3 resolutions. They won't look right outside of those.
Unironically Blizzard shills are in this thread desperately trying to get people to believe that one of the most reviled remasters of all time is actually worth buying
Three weeks ago I put my cd keys into the battle.net website and downloaded the game - it's the Reforged client but I can't enable the new graphics. Not like I'd want to.
I've never played WC3 on the ladder before and I'm having an absolute blast. 1v1, 4v4 and FFA are all very enjoyable. I lose a lot, currently at 35% winrate in 1v1, but it never feels bad to lose in WC3 somehow - unlike, say, Starcraft 2 where losses can be infuriating.
W3 Champions feels sweatier than the official ladder. I only play Direct Strike there, it's pretty fun.
Oh and I also modded the game to have the old Russian dub. They got a new Russian dub because of, I guess, licensing issues, and the new dub is total crap. I don't really remember the old English dub but it feels like it was also rerecorded.
>bro reforged isn't even THAT bad
>also plz ignore that blizz stole a good product from you and replaced it with an inferior version
If you were Blizzard and decided way back after StarCraft 2 that you would make Warcraft 4, what factions would you have?
Burning Legion is the only one that's relevant and large enough that I can think of. Personally I would love an Ogre faction. Multiplayer Naga would also be pretty cool
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theres a general thread on >>vm right now dumbfuck gargle my fucking balls
i still have my retail version on cd somewhere
>I only care about playing through the campaigns really, not local or online multiplayer.
Thanks for sharing with the class retard but nobody cares.
stick to fortnite. its more up your alley...
youre a braindead zoomer on a post-lobotomy session.
im on the cusp on scheduling your vasectomy...
Something like racial Orcs, Humans, Elves factions etc. with the possibility of adding auxilliaries from other races into your roster. So you could have NE Sentinels with HU mages or something like that.
>Why SPECIFICALLY did people hate it so much?
Can't speak for anyone else but I never bought that trash and they made me download it anyway. I don't know if I have the newer textures in game or not but I never asked for my game to go from a couple of gigs to like 30 for literally no visible change.
On a related note, is the Diablo 2 remaster/remake/whatever also shit or is that one actually good? Haven't heard much about it.
Allright , time to explain things to braindead zoomers and alphas. Warcraft 3 was a legendary game of its time. It spawned so many mods like Dota and countless other maps who were heavily played in the 2000's.
Warcraft 3 had this very pleasant art direction that was kinda low polygon, yet looked like a dark creepy cartoon- I don't know how to explain it better. The colours were pleasing to the eye... The story was superb and unmatched by any other strategy game to this day.
So when Blizzard shat out this demaster where they proudly showed how they cut every feature imaginable, how the completely and faithlessly changed the artstyle to look like a cheap Chinese gacha mobile game, removing the in-game in-engine cinematics, by censoring shit ton of voice lines, by removing custom campaigns, online ladders, and maybe the worst by removing the main menu UI with those recognizable chains that dripped soul and replacing it with a cookie cutter minimalistic menu slot, we were understandably pissed off and we still are and will forever be.
>all of 4chan is /v/
That's pretty much true for current year 4chan anyway.
The custom game scene would be in much better shape without Reforged, there are only a handful of points of light left, they also ruined Battle.net
Reforged looks so bad, they hired some malaysian studio to do all the art and it looks like every mobile gacha garbage out there.
Most of the shit they promised were never delivered and they even managed to break classic war3.
imagine spending 100+ manhours to improve the visuals making unimportant stuff on screen such as terrain less pronounced so that stuff that does matter like units, spells and buildings are easier to read

and then manchildren all over the world start whining the game doesn't look like a shitty 00's low-poly clusterfuck anymore.
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no anon, I'm just tired of you all faggots thinking you know shit about visual design claiming this was pure incompetence while they carefully and thoughtfully tried to replicate dota 2 visual changes without it being too obvious.
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They should have made a WC4 by now.
Night Elves
Illidan - Naga, Blood Elves, Murlocs, Broken/Fallen Draenei, Satyrs
Burning Crusade - Demons, Fell Orcs

Allies Mechanic, each faction has a building which allows them to access a small number of other faction forces.
NE/Alliance, Horde/Undead, Illidan/BC.
This represents WoW sides. During campaigns, the building can change to reflect plot developments.
Yeah. Culture War bullshit ruins everything.
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>no more darwin's island
>darwin's island
I'm surprised anyone remembers this one. Good on you! Interestingly, this map is semi-playable in Singleplayer. Sadly, I only have the newer versions. I would like to replay its 1.0 version.
You are a fucking idiot.
We're never getting a WC4 and if we somehow do, it'll be the worst thing anyone has ever seen. Abysmal writing, always-online bullshit, stripped down gameplay (probably will just cut any and all base building and make the campaign exclusively hero-focused).
I agree, every election tourist /pol/ shitposter is an annoying newfag who can't stop yelling about trannies 24/7.
>the game is ruined
>it just is okay!?
>what specifically do you not like about it
>kys shill
It has been damn near a week of this thread and no one has a fucking clue why the game is ruined lol. >>1822217
>I never asked for my game to go from a couple of gigs to like 30 for literally no visible change.
>for literally no visible change.
I didn't buy it, yet it turned Bnet into a malware app that seeks and destroys W3 installs and replaces them with Reforged. That version strips out the shadows and lighting from the classic mode: I have to buy Reforged to get back one of the graphics settings from 2002.
>If I re-install W3 from my discs, I have to uninstall Bnet
Who wouldn't lol, though now I wonder if it ended up developing an autistic meta around whether protein or fibre (?) was the better resource to collect
If you still have an old CD key, you can use it to download from blizzard and play online, but you have to download Deforged slopped graphics even though you can't use them. Most people play on W3 Champions though because nu-battlenet sucks

Cracked old version is still the ideal way to play the campaign
Are you one of the butthurt fags that worked on Reforged? You have no future as a gamedev, you're just a jeet slop artist
desu i'm surprised they don't just go backward in time, they have enough gay lore to reimagine the world, we have no games set right after the sundering with the founding of Quel'thalas and all human nations, big events they could center games around
you bloody take that back saar
The game costs 30$ and adds an extra 28GB of file bloat, removes tons of features present in the original for online like tracking most ladder statistics, seperate ques for random teammates and an arranged team, custom campaigns, and introduces tons of game breaking bugs that made online literally unplayable and the menus and remastered graphics lag to high hell. Oh and the world editor now banned all copyrighted content like dragonball and naruto and everything you make is now automatically blizzards IP when it wasn't before.

And thats ontop of forcing this as an update to the original so you can't play the OG without pirating it or using a CD install and never connecting to battlenet.

The first tournament for remastered crashed like 3 times on the remastered graphics so they switched to the original graphics and it worked fine.
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oh wow that was hard
where are all these zoomers who are downplaying reforged coming from?
Nah it's just people having to try extra hard to come up with excuses to not to play RTS when WC3 is at its prime. More varied meta, online works better and w3champions custom client is even better too.
I heard some rumors about a soft relaunch? No way people microsoft will fix reforge
What is there that needs to be fixed?
your gender for starts.
Switching the graphics back to the OG doesn't fix the horrendous file bloat and removal of features.

Nigger online somehow worked worse than the original launch in 2002 for like 6 months and now its fucking dead because nobody wants to wait several months just to play a game that they used to be able to play just fine for 2 decades.

Only an actual fucking retard would somehow attempt to defend a remaster that does nothing but cut features and whos improved graphics look significantly worse than the original.

Blizzard even pulled the fucking plug on this game due to how much of a fuckup it was. They were supposed to keep supporting it.
The original ladder had horrible delay and the meta was getting 20 years old. That reason alone made the old one way worse.
The meta is still hot garbage, using the dreadlord is still a no go and we have shit like skill coil and manaburn still being a thing.

Also again blizzard pulled the plug the metas going to set in again and it really didn't change all that much from the last time.
The meta is less rigid and that's all that matters here. You can still go dl 1st on some maps for fast expo /w sleep ghouls. Same can be done with cl and Happy plays that vs hu but then again it can be argued that Happy is just that good that it doesn't matter what hero he plays.

Just like in every game ever playing off-meta will be less effective but right now it's more effective than ever in wc3.
True but the damage reforged did should not just be hand waived away like some dumbasses here thinking it wasn’t a massive fuckup. We even had balance patches and updates to warcraft III before reforged (with one update doubling the max player count in a game from 12-24) so really it wasn’t even fucking needed.
There are still more positives than negatives if you actually play the game. People "defending" Reforged aren't defending the Reforged itself. They're just trying to tell you that Warcraft 3 is still there and you can play it. The default RTS mode is better, and custom maps have more features too.

Yes some old maps might not work and one real complaint that I would agree is is the loss of custom campaign functionality. Like sure most people probably never played a custom campaign in their lives but that was still cool. But you can still download the old version of the game for that if you really wish, WC3 was big enough that many people around the world have preserved it.
Custom maps have some new capabilities like more slots, BNet sucks ass and is a downgrade

The amount of good things with reforged can be counted on one hand
Oh that wasn’t even a reforged update? That was like the one good thing I could think of
They started patching the game around 2017 I think to give us needed qol and balance updates. How naive and clueless we were at that time
yeah and at the last patches they added a female death knight and demon hunter placeholders that looked like tranny abominations. even then i sensed their fuckery and thankfully have a 1.29.2 warcraft 3 exe ready and arhived.
>I looked into buying reforged a few months ago and was put off by all the comments on how wc3 is ruined and reforged is shit. I did buy it a few days ago and it seems the exact same.
god I hate people like you so much
The latest model. Don't make me suck your dick, kid.
see >>1820350
One of the very last updates before they Refucked everything. Has widescreen and unlocked framerate. Played through the campaign again over the last week and everything worked fine.
No they very much fucking are saying that the things reforged broke were fine and that they didn't matter did you even read the thread? The fucking positives introduced were also LEGIT PRE-REFORGED UPDATES.

That was an update before reforged launched it even came with widescreen support, uncapped frame rates and balance changes. We literally did not need reforged.
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>the things reforged broke
You don't play games. Your hobby is getting upset at the made up scenarios inside your head with the rest of your kind online.
>there is a button in the menu, just like in the old game, this means that there is no difference
I'm pretty sure this guy is baiting at this point
>got blasted
>I nearly pretended
try harder
the menu was originally on the right side. blizzard cant get anything right....
I have no doubt that you are also >>1826335 and >>1826366
this bothers me more than it should
You can't import models into custom maps now, though. It used to be that you could pull in Starcraft 2 units, and you could play as actual Goku, that sort of stuff.
>hardware upgrade
Explain how you can even have better than what was used 15+ years ago.
Never let the reforged update download, is the multiplayer alive enough between battlenet and W3Champions to justify it? I already have a backup of the og.
What was the last unpozzed patch? 1.31?
>"diversity is our strength" multicultural alliance defeated the evil incels
Game is "le pozzed" since the start.
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plot would be better if the burning legion were explicitly motivated by being angry incels.
>archimonde sees jaina racemixing with BGC
>shoots up dalaran in response
1.31. But apparently there's a game breaking bug in the campaign so 1.30 is the last decent WC3 patch.
1.30.1 or 1.30.4?
The same wc3connect uses: https://entgaming.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=135760
dont be fooled patch 1.29.2 is the last good patch. the others newer ones introduced glitches, terrain bugs and troon Death Knight and Demon Hunter models...
I am too lazy to post it or check if it was posted already.
Search the archive for warcraft 3 post reforged or classic guide for the pasta with all the info and links for different game versions
Sound effects were disabled in 1.27 because of compatibility issues with Mac and weren't restored until 1.30. You either play 1.26a for the best/intended classic experience or you suck it up and deal with the Reforged changes.
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Rexxar is my favourite champion
get warcraft 3 version 1.31 if you want the literal last version of the normal game pre-reforged. and if you really want to, you can also have a separate installation for reforged just to see the differences yourself. there's also maps and campaigns that only work on reforged now.
Not OP but also wanted to get into Warcarft 3, thanks.
>hey here's your bonus campaign, oops all STR melee heroes and zero INT spellcasters
thanks blizzard
The native widescreen fix in newer patches is such a must imo.
it's not just that it looks like ugly gacha trash, but they're clearly not designed with RTS gameplay in mind. the models have poor readability from top down
>looks like ugly gacha trash
You don´t even touch a gacha game in you shitty life, stop lying.
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I linked my WC3 key to my battle.net account. Then downloaded the game from battlenet app. Is that version fucked as well?
Yes, but if you have to ask then you probably won't be able to tell the difference and appreciate what was lost anyway.
Isn't Rokkan an INT spellcaster?
It's pretty useful. It has widescreen, the FPS isn't locked, and it's the only version that supports custom maps and campaigns that have been updated.
>Muradin, me
>Arthas, people here telling you to not to play the game
Spear-chuckin ranged agility. Shadow Hunter. All of his abilities are very spellcastery though, you're right, he has a chain heal, hex, AoE spell ult, etc.
To elaborate, the permanent heroes you get in the campaign are:
>Rexxar, melee STR with a permanent melee bear
>Chen, melee STR
>Cairne, melee STR
>Rohkan, ranged AGI
>the zug-zuging of zug-zugotar
>0 INT involved
Who would have thought?
>>1822685 fucking well said
I've been playing W3 ever since it released. The changes aren't that bad honestly, you can play with classic gfx and it looks the same as before (plus you get widescreen support, a zoom level that actually lets you see what's going on, and a keybind scheme that makes sense)

My biggest issue is that they butchered the voiceover. I've always played in spanish, and as a matter of fact, I had memorized almost all of the voicelines for literally all characters, and when they released Reforged, I was expecting to jump back in with the same voice actors I had grown fond of. That was not the case lmao.
This particularly sucks in Warcraft III as the characters will answer to each and every command with no delay between voicelines, so you're listening to them all the time. The new dub sucks, both in Spain SP and Latin SP.

Other than that, the world editor fiasco was a mess. Whilst I've never used WE a lot, a big part of playing W3 was playing the custom games... I can see what they were going for with the new WE guidelines (as they had the really profitable DotA escape from their hands due to not having rights to user generated content) but it fucking sucks nonetheless.

Anyways, it's not all bad. The campaign is there, didn't really go through a lot of changes, except for some (welcome) additions here and there, such as a few new heroes appearing in the campaign, or some changes to units here and there, standard shit for RTS.

A big part of the hate that Reforged gets is due to Blizzard not fulfilling the expectations, nor following up on the promises they made, such as the new cutscenes for instance.
"fucking well said" indeed to saying that those "remove" thinks arestill in Reforged in reality, no life boomers...
Try again retard, you typed gibberish.
back to ledd it shill
Some of what he said is correct https://www.warcraft3refunded.com/
is it normal that this game is laggy as shit with the new graphics
switching to the old graphics fixes it but then it looks like shit
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Microsoft is certainly making a move. WC3 got recently a ton of attention, Grubby is coaching and hosting games with other streamers, all of them have been paid to do that and it wasn't Grubby who payed them.

Microsoft kinda "saved" wow, in the sense that it gained back quite a lot of popularity. So I suspect something big could be going on, maybe a soft relaunch or, hopefully, WC4 announcement. A man can only hope at this point.
>100+ manhours
cheap outsourcing to chinese bugmen doesn't count as manhours.
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Depends, have you ever owned the game? You can login and just download it again for free. Don't bother listening to these fags crying about Reforged. I literally have no clue wtf they're all talking about, I've owned this game since early 2000s and it's still the same game as far as I can tell. I had to download the reforged textures which was a 10-15gb dl but that doesn't matter at all in the current year.
>its not bad, but man it smells
You this shit isn't bad? Also you fucking retards have been absolutely SEETHING about this shit for YEARS, you can't turn around and say 'it's not bad' after all that.
This is the type of utter retard that's crying about Reforged, OP. Cunts that think shit isn't bad and moan about something they don't think is bad for years and years and NEVER let go. All for something the average person will never notice.
I haven't played ladder in this game since it came out 20 years ago. Are there enough noobs for me to enjoy ladder? I'm worried if I buy this shit I'll get fucking destroyed online
Grubby regularly casts low elo games. Check his bronze heroes videos.
I'll check it out. Also what race is the easiest/most OP? In other words, what is the protoss of WC3?
Orc is the easiest
NE is pretty good at top play if you know what you're doing
You are joking right? Oh wait nevermind you're just elf player.
why would I call my own race the best?
You implied that going keeper 1st into dh bears takes skill. Early game your root is 10s stun with 200 dmg and late you make bear dryad and just attack move the orc army.
they charged money for this too, they thought it was worth money

1.28.5 was the last pozzed one, after that went into rebalancing meme
It's OK. Some say it is really the correct way to play D2 these days. The art direction was mostly kept very close tot he original. Character models went through DEI blender but it's not like you can see that during gameplay itself. Character pick screen is buthchered tough.
As every game these days contrast was turned down for some reasons but overall visuals are appealing imho.
Bottom looks better, you fucking retard. It's the same style just in a higher resolution. Holy shit you people are fucking stupid.
Yeah you still have to download Reforged even if you didn't buy it. Crazy that they didn't give it to us for free. I tried to refund the game but they said I already owned it for 15 years and got my worth out of it lol which I guess is true. I can't agree with these retards crying about reforged though. The game is still active and that's rare for a game that old. Honestly I don't know why anyone would buy a remaster but they got exactly what they deserved and need to shut the fuck up about the game so the rest of us can continue to enjoy it without getting into these pathetic fucking arguments every time WC3 is brought up.
No, the original is perfect.
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> typed a blizzy bootlicker
I'm no NPC, I didn't buy a remaster. Why'd you buy a remaster, retard?
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> blizzy bootlicker seething
>can't answer
I accept your concession, you're just retarded. That's really a (You) problem, faggot. I didn't buy Reforged lol
The only remaster I've ever bought was the CnC remaster, and that's because it's the games NEEDED to be remastered. Understand why remastered games should exist and you won't get sucked in to buying ones that shouldn't. There, you are now slightly less retarded. Fucking retard.
> blizzy bootlicker continues to dilate
At this point, it looks more like you're a blizzard shill false flagging.
Pirate it. Don't give nublizzard a single dime for butchering the franchise.
> I support Reforged, we NEEDED this game. It should exist. There's nothing wrong with Reforged and how it was forced on us
> Y-y-y-you're the Blizzy shill, not ME!
>>Why SPECIFICALLY did people hate it so much?
reforged killed the game. Overnight participation nosedived.
Many such cases with internet Blizzard """anti-fans"""-
you wait for the italian to finish his Re-Reforged
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They didn't turn. The gay was inside you all along, anon

It's not piracy if you bought them, your license for the game, by the act of purchase, has no "expire date" afaik.
It's not bad in terms of "old buggy RTS", it's bad in terms of "compared to original Wc3", which is what it should be compared against. The fact that Wc3 is better than Reforged, makes Reforged more worthless compared to if it was just somewhat shit game instead.
>The fact that Wc3 is better than Reforged
Any objective ways it's worse, like gameplay? Or is it just you not liking the updated graphics?
Not him but early game elf (even disregarding aow creeping) can be very punishing when you're stuck with just 3 archers for 10 min.
Also with regards to the high skill cap, being stuck on 50pop and constantly sending units back home is maybe a tad more difficult than ghoul zerg rush
This is 4chan. People are trying really hard to make up reasons why playing video game isn't worth it. Someone or something ruined it. Westfallen. It's over. etc etc.
Do you play this game? It's popular opinion that elf is the strongest race right now and orc weakest. Like say if you're 1500 mmr in w3champions you will gain +250 just by playing elf if your mechanics stay the same.
Do you only need a key for the base game or for the dlc too to obtain reforged classic through activation?
I've read that tft key doesn't even work, it needs to be roc (base game) key.
That's only a factor at high level and I specifically mentioned elf being harder for beginners.
Orc is indeed the easiest and therefore the best race as far as casual players are concerned.
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>Why SPECIFICALLY did people hate it so much?

For starters, it completely killed the prior iterations for a version that was basically inferior in every way. The only thing Reforged did better was that you no longer need to fuck around with port forwarding.

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Once upon a time I was upset we never got to see Garithos in WoW, but now I'm glad because they would have fucking ruined him
Didn't AoEII have a shitty first remaster too?
even HD was still better than Warcraft Deforged
Even definitive couldn't beat it in sovl.
Who the fuck owns just a TfT key anyways?
You needed both keys to install the game, so someone who has TfT should also own RoC anyways.
lmaoooo Is that really what you retards have been crying about for years? What a fucking joke. You people are fucking morons and anyone outside of this is going to think the same. These things are all standard now. It's like crying about fucking horse armor. Either that or it's retarded wrong opinions like artstyle which is identical except more fucking pixels.
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>Hi anon, we're here to replace your car
>This "New and Improved"™ car is significantly larger than your old car, but the interior space remains the same anyway
>It also is missing several functions that your old car had, like central locking, cupholders, adjustable seats, power steering, and an audio system. You also can't open the windows, they are permanently closed.
>It also takes 10x as much energy to drive it anywhere as your previous car, and most of the roads you liked to drive on previously aren't compatible with this car so you can't drive it on those roads
>BUT it now includes a really nice looking pearlescent paint job! (only if you pay for it though)
>make a female DK model for diversity points
>don't provide a female VA to voice it
>missing features (in extremely fine print): profiles, animated backgrounds, animated portraits, battle.net news
this is why you're a joke. The second I read that, I knew you were all just retarded faggots crying about absolutely nothing. I didn't buy Reforged and saw no difference at all when I downloaded the game again after years (besides the increased size which means nothing these days). All I noticed was I could play custom games again after years of not being able to. It could've been a renaissance of wc3 custom games if only you retarded faggots didn't get swept up in seething over literally nothing. You are fucking dumb as shit and you deserved to have the game taken from you, but I didn't. Kill yourself.
>it's ok that they released the forced update to a perfectly functioning game in a completely broken state because it's working fine 4 and a half years later
>perfectly functioning game
That's not how I remember it. I couldn't get into custom games for years. I assume there was some work around but I wasn't bothering with that shit just like 90% of the rest of the people who played for years. Now I can play again but nobody plays because you retards drive everyone away by crying about fucking missing animated profiles or some shit.
The point is that it's a demake retard. It annoys the people who played wc3 before, and the ones that want to get into it now just put up with it. Don't pretend like anon's seething is causing people to drop this game or steer newcomers away from it. If the number of players dropped, it is solely because of Blizzard. Your frustration is extremely misguided.
>It annoys the people who played wc3 before
Except I'm one of those people and the only thing tat annoyed me was the 20 minutes extra I had to wait to doanload it. Literally nothing else is different from what I experienced, the only thing that's different is a bunch of retards are crying about shit that means nothing when they could be playing the fucking game. And your entire purpose for crying endlessly about shit that nobody new would ever care about is to drive people away. Don't pretend it's not you lying fuck. You retards are subhuman, you worked yourselves into a seethe over nothing and you've kept each other seething over nothing for no fucking reason other than you want to be mad at shit. Fuck off with the rest of the /v/tarded trash if you want to be mad at shit nobody cares about.
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That first week of reforged with constant 24 person War in the Plaguelands matches was pretty cool though.
I look like this and I say this.
>no argument
Exactly what I thought. If you're gonna seethe about something, at least make sure your arguments are something more than 'they changed my anime profile pic :'(' you fucking pathetic trash.
They killed the maps, and changed the license on new ones made(thus fucking over anyone who would even atttempt).
This is specifically aimed at the braindead who was crying "custom was broken, but it's fixed now"
EVERYONE who still played warcraft, and weren't your retarded ass played custom maps online, and with a flick of a finger, without asking or being invited, Actiblizz said "no more".
>thus fucking over anyone who would even atttempt
Yeah because you're really gonna make the next DOTA. You fucking retard, absolutely nothing was stopping people from making new maps and getting back in to custom games but your own retardation the resulting overinflated ego that retards typically have.
I haven't had my discs for over 15 years and I refuse to give modern Blizzard money.
Do keygens still work for Reforged? I just want to play custom campaigns.
You can probably just log in to the launcher and download it for free if you ever had a battle.net account.
You don't need reforged for custom campaigns.
war of the ancients rts would be sick
lmao that was one of the 'complaints' the reforged seethers had against it, according to this >>1862041
Is there anything there that isn't a lie?
You do for many since the prepatch for Reforged. The vast majority of new custom maps in general are reforged only now.
what's the best way to play online if I don't have a legal copy? I want to play through some of the RPG maps and through some other partygame maps but I'm not sure what version to download for multiplayer
No I will not buy reforged, Blizzard can gargle on my nuts
>hype up all the improvements
>show reworked cutscenes
>promised new additions to the game that would improve a legendary title
>people buy en masse
>do a bait and switch
>no new cutscenes
>shittier graphics
>shittier performance issues
>not even an engine rework
>censored the funny yet raunchy voicelines to cover their ass for excessive workplace diddling
>bugs and connection issues out the wazoo at launch
>forced b.net cancer
>custom games restrictions because the morons at Blizzard are still mad about Dota
>also will claim ownership to your custom maps so the modding scene is effectively dead
>extreme bloat for no reason
>no ladders only b.net
>that will be $30
>why is everybody mad? you can just turn on classic graphics and it's just the same game!!1!1!
lol thanks for the beta test chumps
But seriously what year was this? How were people still falling for hype and not reading reviews?
>Released on January 28, 2020
no way it was that recent. How in the FUCK are you retards buying remasters in 2020. Were you all brain damaged by your covid boosters?!? lmfao holy shit
Buy old cd keys, you get a reforged version without the reforged graphics option (you still have to download the assets) and blizzard gets fuck all.
>forced b.net cancer
>no ladders only b.net
I don't get these points. What's your issue with battlenet?
on release, no ladders mean the matchmaking is a clusterfuck where you won't even know who or what you are up against. so, you will either get a complete moron who can't play or somebody who will fuck you up very thoroughly in a few minutes. winning and losing won't count for anything either so you can't track your performance on multiplayer. people have been asking for ladders for years for competitive play in reforged and have to resort to third party ladders in order play with people on similar footing
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I think the biggest missed opportunity of Reforged was that they could've incorporated all those 10/10 custom campaigns and maps in easily accessible menus.

Modders basically had already done the work for Blizzard. 20 years of passionate autism.
They also shouldn't have done any sort of artstyle/graphics rework. I saw this desaster coming from a mile away, because I've had so many experiences with high definition assets fucking up the artstyle of custom maps.

Instead, all the money they blew on graphics and re-recording voice lines, they should've paid for licenses to the custom campaigns, to incorporate or slightly change them (to basically give them a stability pass, ensuring that they work).
On release yes, but it's been like what, 2 years already since reforged got ladder back. And ladder always worked via battle.net, so I still have no idea what
>forced b.net cancer
>no ladders only b.net
>“When we went to Korea [for StarCraft: Remastered] and talked with pros and people still playing in game rooms, the overwhelming feedback was ‘Please don’t change the game,’” Stillwell said. “‘Make it pretty, give us a modern matchmaker and then quietly step away, Blizzard.’ Getting those marching orders made the endeavor not just easier but more focused. But with [Warcraft 3: Reforged], we’ve talked with the communities in Europe and in China [who say], ‘Hey, we don’t think this game is done.’”
>The goal is not just to give Warcraft 3 a new coat of paint, but “do more with it.”
Based gooks managed to save their game while retarded chinks asked for a shiny new thing. Reforged could've still turned out to be good if blizzard didn't outsource it to the cheapest studio they could find and then still cut the budget.
>they could've incorporated all those 10/10 custom campaigns and maps in easily accessible menus
They threw all custom content right the fuck out of window when they claimed intellectual rights on it.

With all said and done, melee ladder is alive and thriving on both battle.net and W3C, which is all I care about. It's a shame about custom maps, there're teams who update Direct Strike and Legion TD and stuff, but the variety is not there.
>They threw all custom content right the fuck out of window when they claimed intellectual rights on it.
100% of warcraft custom maps will go to waste now and never be anything more than a custom map in a dead game. You were never going to make the next DOTA and the only way Blizzard actually could've done what this anon >>1866042 said about including custom maps and campaigns is if they were giving the rights to by the creators. They probably could've set up some infrastructure to buy maps from creators but there was hundreds, if not thousands being played. It would've been a whole new section of Blizzard just to pay users to make maps for a 20 year old game. Claiming the IP is within their rights and it's the only possible way any custom map would get a chance at being made into anything more than a wc3 custom map.
I sound like a blizzard shill now but it's not their fault. IP laws need to be changed or these companies need to be regulated more so they can't steal from the real creators and be forced to share any profits but any time anyone brings it up, you have some 'muh free market' faggot coming in to cry about regulations and calling people bootlickers. Video games are pretty new and they've been overlooked for regulations badly.
It has more players than before. Now you can find a match in both Bnet and w3c, and w3c is making new peaks right now. Custom games died long before Reforged, with more and more games and indies there is less point in playing some mod in a 20 year old game. Custom games even have more functionality nowadays, they updated the editor.
I've never played a real rts game before, is wc3 a good place to start? I have the original battlechest thing with the frozen throne. I kinda just want to play the campaign I think. Is it worth it to play wc1 or 2 beforehand? for the story maybe?
Just make sure you sail the seven seas, WC1 is quite archaeic and WC2 is kind of like SC1 most of /vst/ will shit on them but I think if you genuinely love the franchise you should play them just to experience them. I'd also recommend The Last Guardian and Lord of the Clans custom campaigns. Make sure you visit the Hive Workshop. If you want a better first time experience I recommend Age of Empires 2 definitive edition or the CoC remaster.
no. start with 3. the 2 old games are very outdated and hard as fuck. youll not miss anything important by not playing them..
>The Last Guardian and Lord of the Clans custom campaigns.
kek. nigga are you from 2003? there are a lot of muuuuuuch better quality than those 2 turds out there. Try Tomoraider's campaigns or the Book of Arkain series, Dwarf campaign and so on....
>goes for the most overrated suggestions
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I recommended them because they're apart of the games story you uppity faggot.
>Reforged could've still turned out to be good if blizzard didn't outsource it to the cheapest studio they could find
That studio, Lemon Sky, did literally nothing wrong.
In fact, they recommended to Blizzard a different artstyle which was much more in line with WC3, but the Blizzard guy told them they want what we got instead.
they are rated high for a reason
So, direct strike, huh?
I bet my left testicle that 90% of you haven't even launched the game in the last month and you're just talking shit because that's what you do.

Stop it, Grubby.
So uhm, what's up with the 2.0 patch? Are microsoft going to dump money in fixing reforge to bring back good will, or is that too optimistic of a thinking?
Wc3 custom scene is really strange.
Like it is the peak of video games, but it is the peak of video games in a specific time frame, even a month into the RoC release it was amazing, and it got better.

I don't remember exactly when, but before the reforged patches, I was playing some.
The ghost games(bots massively hosting games so you'd never know if a game had actual people in it ) ruined a lot, and then kinda the memory of which maps were good faded too.
So when I played, the really good UMS maps weren't being hosted, I joined some popular map that the new wc3 players(there were new players weirdly), and it was like the worst Reign of Chaos map.
It's like no one had shown them what the actual good maps were, they didn't know about epicar, hiveworkshop or anything like that, so the map pool had just devolved.

and having that big public space of battle net where everyone went was so important for the game.
Like you can get super dedicated people, in discords, hamachi, forums, etc I imagine, but the public space for custom games was kind of key.

I think a few years into the starcraft 2 lifespan it was still great.
I don't remember when the ghost botted games started, but that was the beginning of the end, and it was earlyish into starcraft 2 I think.
>Reforged could've still turned out to be good if blizzard didn't outsource it to the cheapest studio they could find and then still cut the budget.
This studio, Lemon Sky was also hired for Starcraft Remastered, and yet that project didn't collapse on itself.
In fact, for both Starcraft and Warcraft 3, Lemon Sky was only hired to do ONE thing - to design the new textures and models.
For Starcraft they were told to keep as close to the original as possible, and that's what they did.
They also planned to do the same for Warcraft 3, but than Blizzard came in and asked them to "upgrade" the models to be more in the style of WoW.
Blizzard has even confirmed, that the new models were supposed to be inspired by the trailer for Mists of Pandaria.
All of the bugs, missing features, terrible new tos, killing of original Battle.Net, 30gbs of useless filespace etc. all of that is on Blizzard.
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The concept art was even good and faithful to the originals, but modelling direction failed
Probably going Free to Play like they did with Starcraft inb4 they make reforged graphics free and classic graphics paid
even if it that studio had done everything wrong it would still be on blizzard. the fact that they can't do shit like this in-house is tragic
>make a thread 2.5 months ago
>still in my tracker getting posts
fuckin slow ass boards
maiev did nothing wrong
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if you activate your WC3 and TFT key on bnet you can play custom games on 'Reforged' without cancer graphics. Don't play campaign because Reforged campaign is busted.
Adding to this, there's also downloadable pre-reforged versions that you can use if you have a key: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/patch-1-31-1-backup-files.322083/
no, we left. brb leaving again
if you have to ask....
>You don´t even touch a gacha game in you shitty life
The best way to play it is to never touch it.
bruh OP is a blizzshill, check the formatting and questions
>if you activate your WC3 and TFT key on bnet
The Frozen Throne CD-keys are redundant for Patch 1.31 and onwards, including current version. They're only useful if you want to put up older patches. Otherwise, it's just Reign of Chaos key you need.
Yeah I'm a blizzshill retard, that's why I repeatedly talked about piracy and then ended up doing just that.
Isnt patch 1.28.5 still good? it was released years before that reforged shit
>Worse, souless graphics
>Mandatory online
>Hive Workshop/mod community nuked
>STILL missing basic features like clans system
>Run like shit
>10X times heavier than the original game for God know what reason
>Some maps were badly redone (some were decent reworks tho, i like the new Dalaran/killing Antonidas map mission far more than the original one
They started immediately breaking stuff with 1.27a that they didn't get around to fixing until 1.30 with the Reforged launch. One example is that they broke ambient sound effects, which they acknowledged in the patch notes. The only good reason to play a version past 1.26a would be if you wanted to play on modern battle.net. Last I checked alternative multiplayer clients like iCCup were still using 1.26a.
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>use old graphics
>you can play bnet games offline if you logged once ini 30 days
>hive works and they're happy for the world editor updates
>use old graphics
>use the fucking old graphics
reforged will never be free huh. looks like the upcoming reveal is a load of nothing burger
Who the fuck would want to play with Reforged graphics even for free anyway? Everyone is complaining about them.
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Sup boys. I love warcraft 3 a lot, but have not playing since around 2010. (Computer broke and just haven't gotten one since). I recently got a PC device and am ready to dive back in. Seeing this thread raises a couple concerns for me though.
>Does reforged keep all the nice voice lines? Specifically the peons and orcish peons? This is important for me
>Is the reforged online populated? I can stomach the graphics as long as gameplay is the same.
>What is the best place to pirate warcraft 3?
>Any hope of reforged ever being free?
Voice lines are the same but reforged did change the pitch to trick you into thinking they made it sound HD, Grubby was bothered by this because some units sound too sharp and unnatural.

Reforged online is definitely populated enough seeing how each map can host 24 players instead of 12. There are autistic RPG maps that people would play solo just to grind because their stats are saved online like SC2.

I have yet to successfully pirate WC3 that's not in Russian language (wasted 30gb from the repack). I don't think this is worth doing even if you just want to mess around with world editor because you are guaranteed to download the buggy outdated versions.

I am also hoping for reforged to be free because thats the only way blizzard can redeem themselves. The community has been split and were harmed for far too long behind a paywall on something they won't even like. It's the least they could do, last I check the game rating is 0.5 out of 100 lol. Kotick is a disgusting rat jew.
from a World Editor enjoyer's perspective, you have more cons than pros. Starting from 1.31 (first reforged patch) you get:

>broke all custom games that have ever existed
>broke many custom models because the ingame textures were renamed and moved around for no reason
>introduced buggy new features that they still havent fixed
>codes still inherently leak (some spells like shockwave) have not been fixed
>if you are using reforged graphics, trying to identify units by the icons will be nauseating. The color has no distinct contrast, everything looks dull and same-ish.
>reforged graphics might seem off putting because its too WoWified.
>navigating the UI is still a pain in the ass, and theres an extra line in every unit that have "skin" which is a microtransaction thing and serves no purpose other than to irritate you
>some decent custom content makers wont update their stuff because they are either dead or not bothered to play reforged

>introduction of LUA which lets you change virtually anything in the game like never before from UI to spell making. Someone has made an engine to create projectiles to behave like those in SC2 or even surpass that, like having ragdolls etc.
>in reforged graphics, every creep has a distinct model difference like a level 1 and a level 2 have their own models. Its not just a color change like in frozen throne. Like each succubi have their own slut uniform and sorceress has panties.
>importing custom resources are easier and maps have folders that contain everything
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another pros: icons are 128x128 instead of 64x64 so now you can actually see whats in it
>>broke many custom models because the ingame textures were renamed and moved around for no reason
I didn't know this, this is actually a huge deal, due to how many custom models rely on the original paths.
yes and thats why the community is so divided. Many people are still using pre-reforged and use a third party online client could be 1.26, 1.27, 1.29 or 1.30.4. Blizzard shills or germans in general will always urge you to play reforge but the vast majority are resisting. There are good programmers working on reforged stuff but over half the playerbase is too disappointed with blizzard
He’s literally me
Reforged is actually censored. For example, there was a unit voice line the Dryads had which they deemed unacceptable for modern audiences and cut it from the game.
Can you even name a single map that was broken?
Same voices. Online ladder is alive and well if you can play (download w3champions) but if you play customs you just play with russian and brazilian pirates, if you love the game surely you bought the original, nigger
yes. Reforged was released in 2020 so for 3 years you can't play custom campaigns. They only added that last year. To name a specific custom campaign id say the chosen ones.
>To name a specific custom campaign id say the chosen ones.
Aeroblyctos updated that to work but I mean name me one custom MAP that doesn't work.
I can't name all the zombie games that I used to play but issues with SD models and reforged still exist which force the map maker to redo a ton of shit. First time reforged launched this was a pearl harbor moment. You sound like you are familiar with the help section in hive.
Because you and nobody wants to play zombies v 0.394 by Dave from 20 years ago. You just want to make up shit to hate on things. Most maps were not broken, some were, and every notable broken map was fixed. The game works, old graphics work, the game just fucking works. Nobody likes the remake, they like wc3, and it still is wc3.
Why are you lying? I'm a map maker and I experience bugs where loop variables suddenly go missing and then you have to reassign all of it again. Now imagine if your map has 20 spells that are MUI and face similar issues.
I remember this happening even before Reforged. You mean like it shows your variable setting as red but you can just click on it and press accept and it just turns blue again?
that only happens if you import new triggers to your map, what happens on my reforged when you're switching between maps suddenly your main one has a variable that no longer exist. It is quite infuriating if you dont have a backup, especially since I make most of my own spells.
>Voice lines are the same
why are you lying? shit ton of voice lines were censored. The Dryad, the Archer and some others i dont remember anymore. Reforged is an abomination and you need to go back to red dit.
I forgot about that part. Just have to wonder what kind of loser has to click their units that much to notice.
The same type of loser who cares about censored unit lines like that somehow even matters. They're the same loser screeching about "woke".
>t. unprincipled faggots
Your point and his are both valid. Screeching about voice lines is not an important enough scope for me but the idea that Blizzard could just remove anything they want is another issue entirely.

No I tend agree with you. Its unethical what they did but it is their game in the end and I already hate Blizzard. Its just that there are more deeply rooted issues that I rather spend my energy on than that.
>the idea that Blizzard could just remove anything they want is another issue entirely
It's their game. They can absolutely remove poorly-aged voice lines if they want.
True, nothing false with this statement. It's just unfortunate that a 20 year old masterpiece of a game could just be left alone. Reforged should just be a different game.
>blizzard mad that they lost dota to valve
>now everyone will pay the price by having blizzard own all your custom maps because THEY fucked up

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so... is classic look really classic, or did they fucked it up even further?
I dont even want to think about blizzard at the moment
>Because you and nobody wants to play zombies v 0.394 by Dave from 20 years ago
nice projection retard, how about having some principles in your life? Its not just zombies v 0.394 by Dave, its literally ANY older map including a bunch of my favorite TD ones.
The industry is filled with trannies and niggers because of complacent morons like yourself. If it's not that big a deal for you, why the fuck are you even opening your retarded mouth?
tell your bosses they suck and we are not pleased with their shit ''effort''. Trump won btw. kys afterwards.
>30 year anniversary
>no wc4
blizz is creatively bankrupt

classic is still classic, classic hd part of reforged
The new Classic HD mode looks like a big step in the right direction. I like that they give you several options on what you want to keep from Reforged, though I wouldn't use any of the Reforged graphics. Especially all the UI additions are just a straight up plus.
Now they just need to add a slider for the old voicelines as well, because some of those new death voices are terrible.
The upscaled icons also look bad. I prefer the blurry blobs over the football gun guy sheep icon.

Absolutely politics-corrupted brain.
Hey grubby
absolutely complacent cumguzzling faggot. Absolutely discarded opinion.
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I love the new additions to the hero skin options but I wish they added the Death Knight Arthas for the classic mode, cause there are still little differences between him and the standard death knight. The paladins in classic also had different versions like one with white or gray hair and Uther had golden armor in comparison to the standard paladin model.
Wish they added more variety models like these. Each of them could be associated to one of the random names in the names list of each hero.
And for special occassions you might get one of the big campaign heroes like Arthas.
classic hd looks a lot more like what people expected reforged to be. It's not quite the same as classic nor is it perfect, but it's not a mop cinematics inspired unreadable abomination either.
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Ok, went back to the game and they did added the various paladin versions for classic such as Uther and Dagren. Just not classic DK Arthas, which sucks.
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Not really. They just look sharper. If icon had something unclear in it the AI just kept it.
AI tasked to remake this icon would probably give him shades.
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I want to play picrel, but it's glitched to fuck right now. Anyone know any way to revert to a previous Reforged version?
File deleted.
Outside of the latest graphics bs, how are the 2.0 gameplay and performance changes?
How are the reforged versions?
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>Blizzard shills or germans in general
I always felt the vast majority of players that play Reforged do it on old classic graphics?
Seems nobody likes reforged graphics
>Seems nobody likes reforged graphics
That's because most people didn't get reforged in the first place and the loudest voices are always going to be established youtubers who hate change because they're bitter 30 year olds. It's classic wow syndrome for the rts genre.
But the reforged graphics are unironically bad, them hating it is completely understable
It's normal to not like change if it's for the worst
There are changes that need to be made but they need to make reforged good, not delete it and replace it with a 2002 game now remastered with 2006 graphics.
There are both subjective and objective reasons to not like or use reforged.
But if people dont like Reforged, dont want to use, and dont want to spend all the memory space to store all reforged graphics, it is a legit and valid reclaim
Dont enforce a product on consumers that did not want it in the very first place
Objectively people like modernized graphics and warcraft 3 really shows its age. It's like nobody would be excited if retail wow announced the next expansion would bring it back to the graphical quality of the original game. But the classic market always existed, even if they said objective bullshit like how classic raids were harder than modern ones.
In the same vein people like Grubby were never going to say reforged was good. They always wanted slightly updated classic.
>Dont enforce a product on consumers that did not want it in the very first place
I bought reforged for the reforged graphics though because the original game looks old and blocky.
i just finished WC3 for the first time and i fucking love it.

i want to play WC1 & WC2, should i buy the remastered versions or the GOG versions?
>I bought reforged for the reforged graphics though because the original game looks old and blocky.
That's good and dandy, but I'd bet a gold mine a majority of the playerbase is not fond of Reforged graphics, and actively don't want it.
so are non-reforged users fucked? i downloaded and played like a week ago but now it tells me i don't have the game installed and i have to buy it
For a while after the patch hit, it was popping up the message that you don't have a license. It works now though.
>I have yet to successfully pirate WC3 that's not in Russian language
Um have you tried Pirate Bay?
That's not how objevtivity works, dumbass.
>and every notable broken map was fixed
to say they are fixed implies they were in fact broken. Now that 2.0 is unleashed upon us and history repeats itself, I wonder what kind of cope you will invent next.
Did you play wc3 reforged or classic version?

It's probably worth it for the qol changes, but the new graphics look like AI trash but you can keep original.

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