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Let's see your strongest Irene.
I don't have a build to show, just wanna say that i love her from the bottom of my heart.
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Last thread.
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Here's my latest physical Irene. She's really good if she gets into Final Resistance threshold without dying, but that often doesn't happen. Seriously tempted to drop A Million Years of Training so I can shuffle out Flexibility and stick on either Impulse Fields or Second Heart. Repetitive Training isn't that good and this build's got tons of melee accuracy for her Overcharge anyway.
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Just fought a guy on Asia server who had overall shit gear but absolute 500iq builds. I only thought to screenshot his Irene, but his builds featured
>Black Mage Bianca with pretty much all Wind masteries
>Great Swordsman Albus with 160% block, Running Like Wind and various equipment-destroying GS masteries (only 700 attack though)
>Alisa with taunt / Final Resistance / a bunch of other annoying things, and stats high enough to trigger my tanky units' Impulse Fields even with her default Battle Cutter sword
>Bleed-focused Misty with rogue masteries and Blood Well
>absolute raid boss Irene
His Heixing, Giselle and Kylie were pretty standard aside from running Executioner on Heixing. I'm pretty sure he was doing a challenge run of some kind, because aside from Irene everyone was using their default weapons
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I reconstructed it in a real board and holy shit it's such a stacked board. When I was filling it out I got to 57/60 with 3 support slots remaining and they're all 1-pointers.
Just from looking at the board its biggest weakness is that it isn't stun immune. If he breaks the 5-piece negoori set he could stick in a sturdy headgear or a couple pieces of the Light of Martial Arts set for its stun immunity. Though given how hard it was for me to kill her in general, maybe she doesn't truly need it.
Something else that wasn't obvious to me until I played with it: That build is really bad at inflicting Burn, so it relies on its set effect to apply it. Kind of a problem when half its masteries rely on attacking burning enemies, but switching Spreading Fire for Roaring Blaze mostly solves that. It's accuracy is also kind of mediocre at 122%
I feel like this build has ways to solve all of its problems but I'm too braindead to see them. I tried a mission with the Irene memeset removed but the build actually benefits a lot from it. At least now I have something to work on.
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>Covens is a secret organization based in the Kalter Mountains, composed of women known as 'Witches.' Historically, they have passed down their unique titles through generations, with records showing their influence spanning not only the Kalter Mountains but the entire continent.
So yeah, we got the secret worst korea women cabal faction
>3 staves
>One bracelet
Nana looks fine, the oldest of the group and prob the leader
Catherine is good, remindsme of the designs I was expecting for the main cast
Rose is good, and clearly on an aristocratic public image as opossed ot hidden
Maya is your terminally online womanchild, dandelion sure keeps it diverse
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They all look more like player characters than the actual party members we're getting, though I'm glad Maya isn't one. Need Catherine's chest on my team.
Between them and the Rose Brigade it's a bit strange that these factions haven't got any generic unit designs. I suppose they're similar to the Serpents like that, but that's a lot of art and design to use on probably one-off humanoid enemies. I can't help but feel like Dandylion are biting off too much this time.
Oh yeah they have that "old" cast charm. They would never put actual uggos like Maya in the main cast ever I feel like
And yes, Catherine is sure looking like the prettiest character we have gotten (and won't even get her in the team!)
>Between them and the Rose Brigade it's a bit strange that these factions haven't got any generic unit designs.
Oh that's cause they need to mook molds first
>but that's a lot of art and design to use on probably one-off humanoid enemies.
What are you talking about, all the name characters show up multiple times
>What are you talking about, all the name characters show up multiple times
I mean they're probably not going to be reusing their designs the way most bosses in Abandoned Children are reused with minor tweaks. Snake, Darius and Ryung Lee. Caohong and Garry. Every single Rogue boss except Ortega who shares 95% of his model with Mash and Gaia.
These characters they're making are distinct.
Catherine mating press.
Oh right. Well the bodytypes on 1 were the worst part of it so sure
Depends on if they can handle it, really.
How autistic you have to be to finish this game?
I ve done hundred or more of missions and seemingly wasn't anywhere near the end
>100 mission
You build an ubermensch and finish game in a single turn, so that those 100 missions feel like 10.
Very. But then again, this is /vst/, par for the course.
>and finish game in a single turn
I already forgot whole game mechanics but i don't remember game having "another turn" mechanics like in vc
Just moving around with everyone dying from your attacks/counters you still waste multiple turns getting to objective
The base game isn't that autistic. If your levels were in the 40s you were pretty much there. The ending just comes out of nowhere.
Achievement stats are pretty fun though.
>12.1% achievement rate for the final vanilla map
>6.4% for the final DLC1 map
>1.6% for the final DLC2 map
The dropoff is pretty severe in the final stages of Crimson Crow.
>4.8% hired Misty
>drops by a few tenths of a percentage each map
>2.9% completed Take the Bait
>2.6% completed Into the Tiger's Den
>2.2% completed Walking on my Own Path, almost a 20% filter rate
>1.6% completed A Farewell to the Past, a fucking 37% dropoff for the final map of the game
As much as I wish they did, Dandylion were right not to extend the game past that.
There are a bunch of ways to take extra turns. One Shot One Kill + Catharsis is the common combination, but there's also Bloodbath which refills both action points if you kill a bleeding enemy, which Albus and Alisa can both do in 1 attack to a pristine enemy. Chain killing is degenerate though so I don't do it. (I'm not him)
>Chain killing is degenerate
How so? :(
Maya "Fuller" she is definitely "fuller" than the other three. HAHAHAHA!
Because at that point it doesn't matter what an enemy will do when it attacks, or how many of them there are. The only thing that matters is whether you can one-shot them, whether that's with a basic slash for OSOK or the double slash for Bloodbath. It leads to further degeneracy like Punishing Shot and Indomitable Heart just so enemies can actually attack instead of just falling over the first time you engage them. Or Sacrifice/Comradeship/Second Heart/Curse spam like in 47V. It's just bad design that leads to further bad design.
The only ones I consider balanced are Re-Mopup because it requires still stance, and the Fire set because without One Shot One Kill you're limited to only chain killing tougher enemies that are either already injured and dying to someone else, or die in precisely 2 hits from Fire Wheel Carriage.
>the Fire set
That I can't remember the name of*. I think it's Lord of Hatred though.
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In your opinion, what are your best and worst units? For me, my best is Ray, even though half of her masteries are committed to speed and the reckless charge meme, because she has incredibly fast turns and spray shoot deletes everything. Meanwhile Leton, who is supposed to be a dodge tank, can't dodge anything. Special mention to Alisa because her build only works if she doesn't get one shot from full health (guess what happens next)
Best Witch Anne. Worst Alisa, she is just too fucking slow, by the time I finish a mission, she may be able to move like 3-4 times (if she doesn't die before it)
My best is probably Kylie.

Worst, dunno. Maybe Misty.
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My best is Sion, my worst is Kylie. She's not bad as such and her drones kick ass, but she's overspecialised. If I don't keep her out of combat she's always the first to die.
>Special mention to Alisa because her build only works if she doesn't get one shot from full health (guess what happens next)
Give her a Glittering Shock Absorber or Draki's Perfect Scale.
The fat one has a candy cane. Lmao.
>design a fat fuck
>call her fuller
I hope she's got water ESP so she can have a cancerous full HP build with Best Condition, High Tide, Impulse Fields and Recovery Support
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Rate my Alisa. Actually don't, she is so bad. 60 fucking speed. She is a turtle.
I forgot the name of her other class, but I think its time to give that one a chance once again.
Best barbarian Alisa, can keep half of mungo hell busy on her own and usually come out on top, though Leton's growing on me with frosty fortress and freezing-resistant side effect letting him tank for days
Worst, Bianca, attack range is too short for a glass cannon. Guess I'll try a melee Bibi memebuild next
Encouraged Warrior is probably essential for barbarian Alisa. And carry a smaller potion, that one will take you out of Final Resistance and get you killed
>no Final Resistance
>no Encourage
>no Tenacious Barbarian Warrior
>Lightning Reflexes
I'm pretty sure I've fought your Alisa under bot control before. I'd give it a 5/10 just because it's unusual. It's jank as fuck, but unusual.
Without changing your build very much, there's a small optimisation you can make. Drop Honesty and Flexibility and slap in Will To Survive. Your support slots will go to 11/11 with an empty slot, but right now Honesty is doing the same thing: fuck all. That way you get physical debuff immunity and another 300 HP as well as some more damage reduction.
Then with that you can start to question whether Undefeated is worth it when Veteran isn't helping you anymore since you're immune to physical debuffs completely. Maybe you'll swap it out for Tough Spirit so Alisa can go into Rampage without risk of friendly fire.
But yeah, it's one of the more unique Barbarian builds out there while only being a few tweaks away from greatness.
oh and Rampage is bad for your blood pressure
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>Guess I'll try a melee Bibi memebuild next
Good luck! I've always wanted to make a mostly melee Bibi that actually functions. I always struggle with it because she can get really nice damage reduction and other stats in Black Mage, but Witch gets Blood Witch which is probably one of the most overpowered sets in the game for a short range Bibi.
No Final Resistance, rip, pls ignore potion comment, I'm blind and retarded
>I'm pretty sure I've fought your Alisa under bot control before.
Can you actually play against offline players?
If they're on the same server, yeah. If you're completely offline, then no. Maybe someone just has a very similar build.
I never went online, I kind of regret it now. But at that time I thought that going online would mean losing my game if the company went bankrupt or something like that.
Thanks for the build tips!
figure damage reduction from BM, more from some wind sets, and as much block as I can fit, see how it goes tonight
>Skilled Military Strategist + Storm Hammer
very interdasting
Catherine "Cocks" Cox
looks fuckable. Could give Bianca a run for her money.
Just a farfetched idea, but she might be part of the Leblanc family. Always seemed weird that the entire family hinged on Bianca being the sole heiress, and her grandpa's desperate attempts to bring her back home might've been caused by losing another cute grandchild or niece before.
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Well she can facetank an enhanced bicron but that's probably the limit with 3 defense slots. Ideas welcome.
Just had Schild spawn with auto dodge mobility, what a fucking circus
I want to see Bibi's new model in the enhanced engine.
Bedroom eyes cox.
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She looks like she moves and groves
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I was inspired by this anon's Alisa >>1821703 and decided to try my own Rampage-based Alisa. It turns out to be unfairly tanky and capable of some very strange behavior.
>Furious Barbarian Warrior: Overcharge doesn't expire when you use SP Ability in Rampage
>Perfect Shaving: has no cooldown
Rampage AI will spam it on a group if OSOK triggers before the whole group dies. It sends both her and her targets deep into AT hell which is hilarious.
I might remove One Shot One Kill and the other Judgment masteries later since Rampage doesn't seem to know what to do with it. It usually backspaces after killing someone and this build actually has a very hard time getting its HP to drop low because it has 90% damage reduction at full HP thanks to Overflowing Spirit + Berserker Activewear + Lunatic Beast and it only gets higher as her health drops.
Isn't rampage Alisa just there to tank against any physical damge threat? You just put her in the front and heal her ocasionally

I prefer White Knight anyway, ultra speed 100+ version for debuff and taunt infliction
japanese guy in PvP used white knight Alisa with grenades to taunt half my team
still mad
Look at the size of that forehead
Less of a reliable tank compared to an Encourage barbarian, but way faster and impossible to dispel. One of the effects of Rampage is +100 speed. Just have to be careful on the turn where it runs out, because it heals itself at the end of a turn and potentially leaves Alisa rageless.
God, what the fuck happened to the character designs?

They just went full westard.
The design is not that different from the previous game desu.
Sounds like secondary speak.
Oh, you fuckers can't be serious. The first game looked like an urban battle seinen anime made into a video game. You cant look at fucking Heixing and Giselle and tell me the new character designs arent a fucking trainwreck by comparison. They're unrecognizeable. They look like designs out of Concord or some shit. There's not even a loli, despite Anne's costume pack likely selling the best for the first game, if steam reviews are any evidence.
No, I mean, these characters looks like the npcs you see in cg art and especially, in that council.
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I wanted to show proof of what I meant to anon, but damn. I never realized that Misty was teased this early into the game. Joel was still alive when she was first "introduced"
No way, I'm retarded. That's Kylie. LMAO.
I was just looking at her ass. I forgot Kylie also wear shorts.
>You cant look at fucking Heixing and Giselle and tell me the new character designs arent a fucking trainwreck by comparison. They're unrecognizeable. They look like designs out of Concord or some shit.
You mean the exposed chest gun autist and the woman that goes hunting on office clothes?
You can call them shit based on your tastes all you want, but don't tell me they don't belong in the same box.
>There's not even a loli, despite Anne's costume pack likely selling the best for the first game, if steam reviews are any evidence.
You say that like its a bad thing. Cunnykeks out.
The real tease there is Bianca and Alisa already consulting with the art dealer
Bianca and Alisa are in the opening scene of the game despite not becoming relevant until the first DLC.
what the fuggg
Alisa you could have saved our boy
>Mono and Vivi symbols on the umbrella
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>Cunnykeks out
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There's nothing good about a man wanting washing boards.
This is how I can tell you never tasted one.
She is so beautiful.
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Quads of truth
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Sorry son, you can keep crying about something that won't change tho
Not that type of game, simple as.
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>open the game intending to make a silly post about Troubleshooter being a fishing game with a bunch of the fishing-related Yasha masteries
>realise this particular kind of Yasha has so many active skills that you can get more than the maximum displayable number on the interface
All its active skills + Recharge + Shout of Concentration + Power Control + Spin Web fills it up and then there's no room for gear-granted item skills. I don't have the heart to report this to Dandylion. Anyone doing this setup knows what they're doing, and it probably functions fine in a map regardless.
Well that was known no?
Misty on average has the most slots per character.
kek, YashaGODs still breaking the game.
Anne and Luna were unironically the best part of the first game and without a loli party member I am not interested in a sequel.
No one will miss you
This tbqh
Healing just doesn't feel right unless it's bestowed by a loli goddess.
>the year is 2030
>the first DLC for Banished Children is released
>it focuses on Anne and Luna the same way the first DLC for Abandoned Children focused on Alisa and Bianca
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I'll still probably buy the sequel unless Dandylion does something really dumb on a systems level, but there's so much about it that makes me feel like it'll be a sidegrade at best. It's like they took everything they built with the first game, discarded it, and are now praying they can get people to invest in a new cast with a new setting and a plot that deliberately advances none of the overarching story. Mechanically all the classes that have been confirmed to return are the annoying as fuck ones too.
>White Knight
Yes Dandylion, please give me more Arresting Force / Witch's Jealousy / Anger Strike / Provoking Strike / Fire Support / Punishing Shot. Those are my favourite things!
>and are now praying they can get people to invest in a new cast with a new setting and a plot that deliberately advances none of the overarching story.
I expected to see spoonists in the sequel.
>a plot that deliberately advances none of the overarching story
You are incredibly stupid.
I won't miss Superstar for one
Will there be lolis in the sequel?
>Troubleshooter: Banished Children
>doesn't actually have any children
Well duh they're all banished
>swords trouble
Wouldn't know anything about that
t. Magic Knight
Been playing this game for a while and just got Kylie. I wonder what you guys think about the story? Personally I tried to follow the story but it kind of confuses me out half of the time, the other time it feels like the game trying to force you to care to the random enemies much. Half the npcs having same faces also doesn't help with the confusion either. Gameplay is nice so far though I wish there's more variety besides fighting 70+ guys every level.
Every guy appears multiple times and the fun of the game is to replay it on pure bullshit modifiers, so you learn on it by osmosis.
The story is superb imo, the only character that I would consider somewhat weak is Ray.
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As of now, no. They showed what they suggested to be the seemingly full cast of playable characters and they're very different from the original game. Older looking characters on average, much more "diverse" racially with rural and culturally inspired clothing instead of the urban anime style of the original. I strongly feel that it looks like a western game from the concept art. I really wonder what happened behind the scenes. Whether they think this can help them appeal to a broader audience, or someone snuck onto the art team and convinced them to just go in a completely different direction. But it really doesn't look like Troubleshooter at all (I define Troubleshooter in my head as "teenagers with attitude and super powers beating up gang members with plastic katanas").

There's a couple winners in there like Ryo and Lumi, and Hannah would be a great addition in a fish out of water style style narrative about a girl from the mountains coming to the city. But when the majority looks like this, it feels like a completely different series and one that I'm not particularly interested in no matter how good the first game was.
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I finally started playing again after not touching the game for 5 months. I forgot how annoying this map was. I had to try it like 5 times to get a good path. I also beat 50V and 52V today, so now I just need to do 54S and 54V and I'll be caught up with where my first playthrough left off and ready to see the new DLC2 content.
The first time through I didn't care that much about it, but this game's story really shines on replays. Those random enemy interactions give so much context to more important story elements once you have the big picture. It's a lot of fun piecing it together imo.
If you get Carter (and probably Leton) to your team's sight range in that one Crow's Ruin clusterfuck your team has some rude things to say before trying to kill you, I assume the interaction changes depending on the characters but I'm not autistic enough to slog through that 20 times trying to screenshot em all
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Albus's wife
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Whoops wrong pic.
big sexo
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People look different because they're not in the same setting anymore, it would be garbage if people from a completely different region had the same exact designs
buckbroken by western devs
Holy shit, is that the first and only good thread in /v/'s history?
and probably the only one who did not died after 10 threads.
too old
There was already some pretty noticeable dark skinned background characters on the CG scenes. DLC 1 "super mission", whatever its called, had 2 dark skinned guys, I think? The battle mage one and one handgun user. White Tiger leader was also dark skinned. There was 1 or 2 dark skinned politicians on DLC 2's CGs. They're going to a rural/tribal area, people who are always portrait as dark skinned in weeb media, for the obvious link to higher sun exposure. The only questionable thing is spear boy's hair, and even then he has blue eyes, which you'd never see on a western dark skinned design.
tl;dr: Stop being a fag.

In regards to being old:
TS1 - Ray, Giselle, Alisa, Kylie, Leton, Misty, Bianca are all around that 25 years range.
TS2 - Gravis and Yuri Leblanc as the standouts. Aurora, Hannah and Azul (spear boy) are the new late teenager crew, in replacement for Albus, Sion and Irene. Everyone else is low 20s.
Overall, -1 loli and +2 boomers. You can even make a case for Gisele being a boomer, reducing it to +1 boomer.
not really that questionable, it's just a ethnic hair style and isn't even THAT style people get tired of seeing.
>Overall, -1 loli
No buy.
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>There was already some pretty noticeable dark skinned background characters on the CG scenes.
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PMkek here. Will this game make me screech kino and then clap like Lob corp and Library of ruina?
>Lob corp
John alone would do that
Don't know.
It was pretty good. Made me wanna pick my second playthrough back up.
There is also one dark-skinned girl waiting in line for the Troubleshooter exam... or perhaps some sort of Psi-magic exam, I vaguely remember one of the background characters showing off some water/ice he was "summoning".
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It's a much more grounded setting and story. Yeah it has people with magic powers and stuff like that, but the story deals with grounded themes like crime, religion, war, politics, human trafficking, etc. rather than extradimensional monsters who feed on suffering being milked for free electricity.

The story gets pretty kino at times, but overall it's much less intense than the ProjMoon games.
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Yeah IIRC that's when Sion and Irene take their Troubleshooter exam. It doesn't seem to be in the gallery but I know what scene you mean.

Speaking of the gallery, I just realized I'm missing a scene. Anyone know where I can unlock the top-left one?
>It doesn't seem to be in the gallery
I spoke too soon. It is in the gallery, it was just later in the game than I remembered.
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It's from Scent of the Past, Heixing's route
Could've sworn I already did that one.

Oh well.
What happened to Carter being the protagonist of part 2, anyway? They list 10 playable characters total, and he clearly isn't one of them.
It was never a certainty, guess they have different plans now.
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>Argonaut and Final Resistance on Anne
There's something you don't see every day. Shame they went for Third Heart so Second Heart doesn't set them to 33% HP for free.
I remember when I first saw this I thought it was a lineup of potential characters in the next game
We will never get a fat playable character. Gooks truly hate fun.
Maya Fuller party member in TS3, have faith.
>Jiaozhi Law
>Baozhi Law
>a bunch of female OCs to round out the team
The fat fuck brigade
>Almost got filtered by seeing magenta in normal
Yep, this game will be a journey.
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if I wanna buy the game is that all I need? everything else seems like mtx
pirated it and I like it after couple missions, wonder how important is online for this game
That's all you need. Characters skins dlc is something that the community asked.
And for online, not really important, but I guess is better to play online than not, as you can "pvp" against other characters builds later on.
You can pvp against actual players as well, not just bot-controlled builds. Not that very many people do it.
Just got Leton. How far am I to the endgame? Who did I ditch now that the party limit maxed? how do you play the dlc?
You gain access to the dlc after you beat the final mission of the normal game.
As of who you drop, no one. Most new missions from now on will allow you to carry 12 characters max. So in missions were you can't, just bring who you want to use instead.
You're almost at the end of the vanilla game, maybe 6-7 story maps left, most of them tiny, and 3-4 violent cases. DLC1 starts after the credits roll. There will be an obvious thing to click on in the bar.
Leton and Irene fill similar roles in the party so I often swap them out in the 8-limit maps.
You can even buy the base game and the 2nd DLC (1st one is free) next sale, yes it's that long.
I just did the first mission with the Red Sand Snipers. Those guys are assholes; I lost over half of my team. Luckily, Heixing pulled through and killed most of the map by himself. Cover Move is so broken lmao
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>is that all I need
No, this is.
Oh hey. I recently started this game. Pretty much through the tutorial. My brain is full of fuck looking at the mastery screen and... The other screen. The learning screen? Wha... Wh..
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>Hmm, today I will attack the slaughterers on the bridge
Funny, I never had much issues with the Red Sars niggers. But the clowns, fucking clowns. I probably had to grind like 100 hours before I could beat them.
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Mastery research has a crazy UI, but it's just about filling slots with enough points to meet the required total down the bottom. Masteries in the "main research material" section are required no matter what and will add towards the total before you do anything. If you haven't unlocked them yet they'll be red and you're SOL. You fill enough of the remaining slots with masteries to reach the total.
Pretty much the whole interface is redundant in practice because you just hit Research All and Auto Select and that fills everything out for you automatically.
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Do try to not let expensive masteries be used in crafting.
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>picked the game up after a longer break
>start a random blue map
>get my shit stomped in by smugglers and bicrons
Happy thoughts, happy thoughts...
At least there aren't any permanent consequences for dying. Just mild annoyance.
kek, shitter
Bros... are all purple enemies gonna be giant ENTER moments?
Sometimes. Sometimes they are mooks. It means a funny match up either way.
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I still won THOUGH.
Honestly it's a coin toss if they run in and tear you a new anus or run in and get one-shot by Sen no Sen.
which boss has the best midlife crisis? John?
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Does it count as cheating if I look up mastery sets?
I guess, but who cares?
I guess I'll have to tell people they didn't beat the game...
The way I see it, if you have the masteries to form a set you're entitled to use it. You still have to actually build a board around it and often that means giving up some things, especially when you're levelling and TP costs are restrictive.
Yeah. But they are obvious enough 99% of the time.
No. Unless you think trial and error and trying every mastery one by one until you ccomplete a set is fun.
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Mungo hell was crazy. This was my first time with a good Barbarian setup on Alisa (that I stole off of discord), and she ran around killing everything. She only died when Anne triggered recovery support healing her out of Final Resistance range and she got nuked by the Mungo King. Only Sion, Irene, and Kylie made it to the end of the mission.
Based Anne teamkilling.
I like to put Impulse Fields / Glittering Shock Absorber on my Barbarian builds to prevent that.
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Anne, my hero...
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I finally got this cocksucker to give up his masteries. I had to play his map 4 times.
If you're going for 100% mastery completion you need his Tima as well. It's got a unique Hide mastery that's either bugged or useless by design.
>that's either bugged or useless by design
How so? I remember it sneaking up on my guys a couple of times.
All other forms of Hide remain active during an attack so the enemy can't dodge or block. That doesn't happen with Conceal in Bush or whatever the Tima version is called. It makes you invisible as expected and shows your combat calculations as 0 block / high hit like any other Hide status, but then it decloaks as soon as your attack begins and the enemy can block/dodge again.
Oh, that's pretty useless. Dandylion probably aren't aware of it then.
You don't lose hide because you're attacking, you lose hide because you're no longer standing on a bush tile.
it's a nice enough map to replay, if a bit easy
>no mungos
>no destrons
>no punishing shot
might be the last curbstompable map in the game
Yeah, I just played 59S and that mission is not fucking around.
>Sniper bullshit everywhere
>8 fucking Destrons
It was like a violent case. I just have 60S and 60V left now.
I used to run it a lot to level beasts. It's not that great of an exp map but you get to roll on three melee Draki boss loot tables per run and it's really easy to keep fragile beasts safe.
59S is one of the great filters if achievements are anything to go by.
60V was kind of anticlimactic... It's just a bunch of random beasts in a big clusterfuck hallway. I was hoping for something cooler like 54V.

60S was kino though.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do now. I think I'm going to have a hard time getting this game out of my head, and there are plenty of things to experiment with, but I don't think I really want to try and grind for everything.
imagine getting that far into the game and getting filtered by 59S
the only new enemy is Gaia and he's underwhelming
PVPfags, what's a good day and time to catch people? sunday night Korea time?
Varies, but I find early mornings Australia time (like, 4-5 hours ago) have pretty good population counts across several servers. Most of the time you'll have to ask people with PVP unlocked (right click them to see if it shows the Invite to Joint Drill option).
If you'd like to fight me right now, post server and location and I'll come wreck you
I kinda understand it. People complained about the first Red Sand mission and 59S has a much less straightforward layout with some really nasty killboxes. But it's a night map so you have access to Darkness Hunter...
>I'm not sure what I'm going to do now. I think I'm going to have a hard time getting this game out of my head, and there are plenty of things to experiment with, but I don't think I really want to try and grind for everything.
You can start a second playthrough! Or go for achievements, or raise beasts and try to make good builds. 60V isn't that good of a challenge map, but the gene modifier lets you change Genetics masteries to special ones that give +2 mastery slots so you can make really specialised beast boards.
I don't understand why people complain about that mission. You can hold your position on the center and kill the rrobots and then wipe out the snipers.
The monkey hell is the worst mission because once one enemy see you, it's fucking over.
They really should have made it so monkeys can't mimic attacks that are already being mimicked. As soon as one of them hits you the entire map is never missing again because they just pass the perfect accuracy back and forth.
This is my second playthrough. My first playthrough was in winter 2021-2022 and went to the end of DLC 1. I decided to start a new playthrough to play DLC 2 instead of continuing my old save.

I'm going to keep going for a little bit, at least. I made a list of all of the troublemakers I haven't encountered yet, and another of all of the beasts that will unluck new masteries if I train them. I just now played 51O to find and tame Ash-Heap Crabmit. Training him will unlock Power Control, which should make taming other beasts a lot easier.
Man, I thought you guys were exaggerating about how addicting this game is. I'm 40 hours in and I can't get enough. Just did the story mission with Irene, Alisa and Bianca, didn't even need to call backup - Alisa and Irene killed everything by themselves in a short time. The civvies just ran by themselves afterwards and it still gave me an achievement for rescuing them all lmao.
Man, Alisa is a top tier qt. All girl designs in this game are fantastic, but her and Irene are just perfect in every regard.
We warned you about villains, bro. We told you dog.
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>Alisa and Irene killed everything by themselves in a short time
Now switch to Cruel difficulty and Challenge Mode, bubby.
I play every mission on cruel. Challenge wasn't on, because I thought you can only activate it on a replay. c-can't you? have I really not been beating the game?
There's a setting in the option screen for "Always challenge mode" that lets you play maps for the first time with it on.
It's actually harder with it off. Permanent challenge mode pushes you way above the level curve and you earn mastery info twice as quickly so your builds come online faster.
>pushes you way above the level curve
There's an option to never go past the intended level of the mission you're playing.
Of course the game'll be easier if you're playing lvl24 missions with a lvl30 team.
Yeah, but then challenge mode barely touches the non-boss enemies
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"Sandy" is a trucking union based at the southern crossing of Kalter Mt, formerly known as the 'Thousand Caravans' Road,' with most members from the Sandrock tribe. Although it has a tradition spanning over 300 years, the union now faces threats due to recent increased marauders.
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Mikhail looks more like a player character than half the party. This is probably going to be a trend with Banished Children.
Damn the trucker faction kek
Oh yeah that too, he reminds me more of what I expected of BC playable cast to be.
Are they planning to avenge Lee the trucker?
>How come everyone has some sand surname except for Evelynn?

>You're very perceptive! The idea is that the rest of the members are from the Sandrock tribe, but Evelyn is from another region (the former Aether Empire) and has lived in the area for a long time though migration at the World War. :)
Fucking foreigners taking our jobs!
Finally finished mungo king violent case and its dumb gimmick was giving me xcom 2 ruler flashback.
End up cheesing it by tossing tank witch anne at it with curse gacha
Anyone got an easier way to deal with mungo king?
>Anyone got an easier way to deal with mungo king?
I don't think there is one. You can't use most of your characters melee special attacks.
>Anyone got an easier way to deal with mungo king?
It's pretty anticlimactic, but I holed up on top of a rooftop with Giselle, Kylie and Ray, and used Giselle's Precision Sniping to indefinitely extend Mungo King's AT from out of sight. That way, his unique mastery won't trigger, and you can use your melee units to defend the building from the army of regular Mungos.
Kylie creates Holograms to attract Thrower and Gunner Mungo's attention and grants immediate turns to Giselle whenever possible.
Ray is a good healer in case either of them is attacked, and can grant Overcharge to Giselle if she ever runs out of vigor.
I unironically throw him smoke grenades to make his field of view to have less range than usual. Then kill him with any range character while using robots and pets as bait along the way.
Outranging the king is pretty much the same strategy as mine just with anne as the bait tank to roll curse and reapply blind as needed.
Till the tank get whacked with luck anyways if you can't proc a good curse like sleep
Yeah, the only downside is that he gets a free turn after Third Heart activates, which can fuck up your entire positioning.
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How is she gonna charm us?
>Witch that just spams Mind Control
thanks I hate it
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>fat one has a candy cane
>boss battle
>when she's on low health she eats her magic staff for extra energy
>shares Sion's personal mastery
Would be a nice touch.
I just had Battlemage Sion and MA Irene 2v1 it at the end of the mission.
stand on the other side of a building and throw spray cans over the roof
piercing spray through the walls
turning over a new leaf
magic stamp
bianca/sion with 700% crit damage
Battlemage Sion with Magic Explosion, Revenge and Unpredictable can solo it. So can Fire-based Irene and Tima builds.
I've heard Bibi's illusion skill completely rapes him but haven't tried it myself. Black Mage Bibi can certainly one-shot him if he fails to block, though.
Oh, counter builds are a good idea now that I think about it. I usually avoid them cause of action delay hell unless it's Alisa with berserker seal
They'll get AT'd pretty badly by Shedding if they don't have Furious Lightning Gale or similar active which is why I use Sion, but yeah it does really good damage as long as they don't die in the process.
I decided to keep playing for now. I'm focusing on filling out the troublemaker list and taming beasts that unlock masteries:
>Ran a couple of ordinary cases to level Ash-Heap Crabmit and get Power Control (also saw new Black Tiger enemies on 45O)
>Replayed 15S to fight Silver
>Replayed 55S again to tame Golden Drakis and get info on Blue Flame
>Played 52V to tame some crabs (Small Frost Crabmit for Great Snow Plains/Snow Hails, Albino Crabmit for Valley Wind, Jade Crabmit for Kelpie after evolution)
>Played 27V to tame Ash (Warrior's Descendent)
>Played 35V to tame Spotted Negoori (Legend Hunter)

Next on the to do list:
>Play 47V for Ash-Covered Yasha (Standing Alone), Gray Yasha (Sky Fisherman)
>Play 54V for Black Draki Egg
>Replay 52V for Flower Garden Crabmit
>Replay 55S for more regular Drakis (Need Call of Earth/Fire/Lightning)
>Play 60V for info on the bosses that got killed before I could reach them (Red Sands Ranger, Thunder Crab, Fire Yasha. Also, I think the Crab has masteries I need)
>Replay 60S for info on Pascal's other Drones
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The ride never ends
Gold Drakis give Call of Lightning so you only need the Earth and Fire ones, but otherwise a pretty complete list. Have you got Snow? He's got a unique mastery called Guardian's Descendant which is a defensive version of Ash's one.
I don't have Snow, but I have Guardian's Descendent. I guess I must have tamed Snow on my previous playthrough and it carried over.
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Is this true Irene bros? Do we just need to grow up?
post at a picture of the guy writing that and you'll have your counterargument right there
Irene had some character development but inside the group she has the lowest number of scenes and dialogue, can't compete with a kyle or a leton.
>Everyone who plays a game I don't like is a baby!
How very /v/.
He actually liked the game. He just has valid criticisms of the writing.
>Every bit of dry of exposition (and that’s almost all the text consists of) is stated literally, in the same way a child might tell an “and then…” story (e.g.: “Jason, the so-and-so, who was known for such-and-such, and enjoyed this-and-this). These statements are repeated ad nauseam all throughout the game. The game starts about 20 million plot lines, doesn’t conclude on the 50 central ones and then produces two DLCs with completely separate stories (that also aren’t finished) that almost don’t touch the main plot at all. Everything is introduced and handled in the most haphazard way possible, basic facts and events are completely unintelligible, characters have no discerning characteristics beyond their most basic archetypes and often drop these when the text requires it. There are about a hundred boring side characters (seriously, every single minor one-mission villain in the game gets multiple text boxes of expositon) while central characters have the most basic facts about them left untold. Some parts of the story are told so often and with such soul crushing repetitiveness that you can’t help but be in awe when the game itself forgets about them all of the sudden. Explanations and causalities are often changed to fit whatever the writer thought of 10 minutes later and are mostly so totally nonsensical anyway that even the game itself gives up the facade of any consistent connection between story threads and just explain them away with a literal “tell not show” dialogue box.
>The writing is inept, utterly incoherent, stupefyingly childish and, ultimately, the most worthless bit of fiction I have ever - ever, in my life - read. It is factually impossible to summarize how disgustingly poorly the story is written because it is simply bad in so many ways it must be experienced to be understood.
Literally who?
Is he talking about a different game?
Already failed with the very first argument.
>I skipped the story and now I don't understand what's going on! Clearly this is the game's fault and everyone who enjoys it is mentally 12 years old (because apparently a 12 year old can follow a plotline better than I can)!
Okay bro, cool story. Please go shill your terrible reviews somewhere else.
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>valid criticisms
Have no arguments to deny their terrible tastes.
And please don't embarrass yourselfs further by posting a single reddit line to "own" me.
This is my (you) farm, get your own.
13yo hands type soulless reviews
school holidays were a mistake
No. It's mine.
Error: Duplicate file exists. here.
Nvm, it's yours.
Dude has a point. All the emotion expositions are amateurish writing. I remember going back to finish DLC1 and the Anne's family scene stood out cause of that.
The K-Drama narrative style is an acquired taste. Piecing together all the scattered plot drops is only fun on a 2nd playthrough.
This gotta be a hyperbole
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Does anyone have any decent Witch Anne builds? I tried putting together a general purpose build with a decent mix of damage, defense, and support, but I'm leaving a lot of training points on the table. I just want something that can still heal and stay alive while also contributing offensively. Buff/Debuff builds and Hellgate builds are interesting but seem like their own thing.
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The stats. Maybe I have more damage I need, and can cut from there to make room for other masteries?
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Here's what I normally run on White Mage.
I'm not at home. But I'm pretty sure in the previous thread I posted my Witch Anne build. It is pretty good, but it sucks against Machines I guess.
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This is an Anne I stole from pvp a while back. It uses the Big Mud Negoori set and Awaken to sit at 450 Earth SP which gives ludicrous block and removes that same amount of block from the enemies. It's the definition of a memebuild, though: It's slow and its accuracy is questionable at best, but it hits hard as fuck and tanks decently well. It really needs Fellowship or Tactical Reform or something.
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Someone else has been running a Sion Battlemage with Unpredictable. Spotted this build on the NA server and it was a real pain in the ass. His Leton was pretty cracked too but I didn't think to screenshot it: He was a counter-based Martial Artist with Riposte, Practical Defensive Tactics with enough Common masteries for Shedding to refund 21 AT, Movement on Silence and a Pascal's Protective Gear to abuse its interaction for melee damage immunity on block.
>Pascal's Protective Gear to abuse its interaction for melee damage immunity on block
What exactly does it do again? The last time I played, his gear still had Kylie's copy-pasted flavor text.
Makes blocking prevent 75% damage instead of 50%. Movement on Silence has the same effect but only against melee damage, and if you stack them it ends up making blocks prevent 100% damage from melee attacks.
Dandy tweeted that KAZING will also work on the soundtrack for the next game, and posted a new track.


Meh, which suprises me; I love the OST for Abandoned Children. Also, the title made me have a belated thought: Troubleshooting is a very Valhalla specific thing,Banished Children takes place outside Valhalla. Nobody in the Kalter Mountains should be trying to "Call the Troubleshooter."
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I like it. KAZING made most of my favourite tracks of Abandoned Children and that's just more of the good stuff.
I had a guaranteed luck build Heixing kill it off with his 11 shot attack, the fun thing is luck also bypasses mungo evasion bullshit
Do you have the misty build of that guy? I wanted to make rogue work for quite a while now
> The first game looked like an urban battle seinen anime .
Banished will take place in the wilderness tho.
With the exception of the fatso, they look pretty in line with the designs from the first game and fitting for a coven of witches living in the mountain
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Nah. I do use Rogue myself though, so here are a couple of builds that I like. Both of them use Black Mask's legendary dagger that inflicts severe bleed on critical hits.
The top build is pretty much what passes for meta on the Asia server. Don't let the lack of sets fool you, it doesn't need them. Give her the Golden Mane for +100 SP to really make it silly.
The bottom build is based around Wet after a discussion on a prior thread. I'm not totally sold on Life Drain on it, but iirc I never found anything better to replace it with and it's still giving HP from Adrenaline Rush.
Update: I tamed more beasts, levelled a bunch of beasts on ordinary cases, and got a bunch of achievements.
>Ran 47V for Small Ash-Covered Yasha and Gray Yasha
>Ran 54V for Black Draki Egg (didn't clear the whole thing)
>Ran 55S for regular Drakis
>Ran a bunch of ordinary cases to level all of my beasts (only need to finish Golden Draki)
>Uncleared routes on Scent of the Past (Albus and Heixing)
>Albus kills Luna, Irene kills Marco, Anne kills Albus + Irene in For You
>Draw Lotteries in VHPD Training mission
>Irene beats Roberto in Troubleshooter Exam
>Heixing meets Kylie's squad + group retreats in electric webs mission
>Beat all Spoonists + Smugglers in Carter + Leton escape mission
>Rescue all cops in Tangled Skein

Next on the to do list:
>Replay 52V for Flower Garden Crabmit
>Play 60V for info on the bosses that got killed before I could reach them (Red Sands Ranger, Thunder Crab, Fire Yasha)
>Also need Pascal's Blueprint
>Grind 60S for max info on the machines to unlock their modules
>Replay 54V for max info on Search Drone + Destrons
>Replay 58V for max info on Colorful (need unique Grenadier mastery)
>Replay DLC 2 story missions for achievements (Misty Solo acheivements, rescue citizens, survive the full time against Mungo King)
>Grind other achievements (Misty Ninja achievements, Leton Superstar Achievements, upgrade gear 100x, extract Psi Stone 100x, etc.
Those Ninja and Superstar achievements give class masteries so they're worth prioritising. If you're using Six Path Samsara on Misty, switch it out because it counts as a ninjutsu for the Chakra Opening achievement.
>Replay 52V to get Flower Garden Crabmit
>Can't tame it since I forgot to drop off my crabs at the beast tamer to make room
Could be worse. I didn't realized for a long time about the tamer in town. So as soon as I upgraded one pet, I deleted them.
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Low quality heixing from 8 years ago.....
There's no fan content.
Yeah... I try looking it up on YouTube, no aninatics no memes no edits, there's only guides, walkthroughs and reviews, I try searching memes on it up on Google there's 1 singular meme every thing else is just guides.
Like there's definitely people enjoying and talking about the game but like no stuff being made
Why is Dandy's channel so dead?
Maybe there are some stuff on the korean forums
There's fanart on the steam community page.
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>start looking at the page
>fan art and screenshots
>see this one
>think "wtf that looks official"
>posted by Dandylion
That page is pretty sweet
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Here's a funny build for extracting Psi-Stones. You can just go into hide and run around extracting. Assassination Tool Expert lets you use the knife throw in still stance without losing hide status, so you can one shot things in still stance to decrease your Hide/Water Step/Sprint cooldowns. This lets you set Hide back up before it runs out so that you can stay hidden. Otherwise, you're focused on speed, movement, and buffing your item uses and loot.
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With 2 gear slots, you get 20 energy extractor uses. Ideally, you can just go around the map extracting Psi Stones and one shotting things, but if you get detected somehow, you have high dodge to stay alive, and dodging builds SP to use Shadow Jutsu, which lets you hide again even if enemies can see you.

You don't need your basic attack since you have the Knife Throw, so you can use Recovery Justu for healing.

Crimson Crow is good here for the cooldown reduction, but you don't need to upgrade it. You can use any Uniform you like. The wrist guard of course lets you get more Psi Stones, and Ortega's shoes are good for increasing your Hide duration. Catharsis potion lets you reduce your cooldowns in a pinch, and costs no action points because of The Expert mastery set.

I recommend this build for solo use on 27V. I tried it and was able to use all 20 extractors and kill enough enemies to decrease the energy level enough to retreat, even without dropping from Cruel/Challenge/HRHR.
The Psy-Stone Extraction Endboss...
Don't tell Heixing that your company is getting into the mining business now.
I love this. Their expressions really say something about their personalities. Luna peeking over Marco's shoulder is cute. Though Marco and Luna's presence suggests this is an *old* image.
How worthwhile is the PvP? I'm extremely autistic when it comes to SRPGs and have played gacha SRPG PvP a lot.
It's pretty fun and you can run into some really original (for better or worse) builds.

You can also play against teams made by other players but played by the AI, which is a lot less stressful than playing against live players.
Man all this talk about pvp is making me regret making an offline profile
Finally finished DLC2. Holy fuck, 59S is cursed. It's easily the most annoying map, violent cases included, with the fucking overwatch-fire support-silence combo from hell. 60s and 60V are cakewalks in comparison.
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>Fire Support
>Fire Support
>Fire Support
>Punishing Shot
>Fire Support
>Fire Support
>Resistance Shot
>Fire Support
>Fire Support
>Close Suppressive Fire
>Punishing Shot
>Punishing Shot
>Revenge Fire
>Fire Support
>Auto Re-Attack
Looking at the DLC on Steam. Why does the Anne costume pack have so many more reviews than the other costume DLCs?
Anne is popular and her costume DLC has cute outfits that are all quite different from her base model.
You know why.
Gacha when
looks like AIslopa
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>Had an idea for an Albus build
>Use wind grenades + fresh breeze to push enemies into your own Sen no Sen
>Awaken + Wind SP to stack crit damage
>Put together a board
>test it out on easy mission
>it doesn't work
>you can't actually trigger your own forestallment this way
>build is useless
Well that was a waste of time.
Still a really critty infinite Forestallment build.
Who's the real villain now
Forestallment specifically states that it activates when it is not your turn
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>not a buff womanlet
Irene is not really buff tho, that's alisa (who's also a womanlet)
it's always great when you see threads like this where there isnt a single picture of gameplay.
there are plenty
If you want to know what the game looks like, go look up some gameplay on youtube. We're here to talk about the game, not to showcase it to lazy tourists.
50% of the thread's images are mastery boards which are way more interesting to people who've played the game compared to seeing some anon's blobs on a grid.
More like this?
Nope, the rest are even shittier. Damn I wish this game got more fan art.
It's a mistery indeed.
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I don't know what this is a reply to, but I don't feel Albus' story isn't given enough weight in the game. Sure his arc isn't as neatly presented as most of the others, but he gets plenty of spotlight moments and his development continues through the entire game. Comparatively, characters like Irene or Anne have far less of an arc. The only real issue with Albus' story is that it's clearly unfinished at the end of the game, but that goes for most of the characters one way or another and is more a result of the way the game is meant to be part 1 of 3. And while I can understand why that would frustrate people, it's not an issue with Albus specifically.
Nice, KAZING did an awesome job with all his combat tracks.
I'm in the home stretch now. I'm only missing 3 masteries and 5 achievements.
>Played 52V and tamed Flower Garden Crabmit
>Cleared 60V twice, unlocked some masteries, found Pascal's Blueprint, and used the gene splicer
>Cleared 60S twice, got Pascal's masteries and some machine information
>Leveled Golden Draki and Flower Garden Crabmit, mostly leveled Mutant Draki
>Used Superstar and Ninja for their achievements
>Cleared unplayed ordinary cases
>Extracted Psi Stones 100x
>Cleared Misty Solo without entering combat
>Rescued civilians in Mungo story case
>Cleared various other achievements (Double KO, 100x Equivalent Exchange, Bianca Illusionist, etc.)

>Finish leveling Mutant Draki for Mutant DNA
>Play 58V to get Shadow Throw from Colorful
>Play 60V to get Will to Fight from Hugo
>Mess with mastery boards to unlock missing mastery sets

>Clear 60S without casualties
>Kill all enemies in Misty solo mission without getting detected
>Survive 1000 AT with Irene & Leton against the Mungo King
>Upgrade equipment 100 times
>Kill 3+ enemies with Annihilation Shot

>Grind 60S and 54V for machine information to unlock remaining modules/drone equipment
>>Survive 1000 AT with Irene & Leton against the Mungo King
If you want to make that one easier, the survival time is a lot lower on easier difficulties.
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>easier difficulties
>lost twice in the final stage in jounalist difficulty
The last stage is impossible. Fuck the robots.
Crimson Crow is basically a test of "Can you identify the cheese builds?"
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It's worth it for that one and the Misty stealth achievement
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True enough, I never managed to hold out for that long on Cruel.
I just took down scott and got recommended to get counter attack on albus. But to research it I need concentration and I have no clue where to get that. Can you purchase masteries anywhere or do I need to luck out from a random drop in a mission?
If you've gotten it before you can just research it as well. Otherwise you just have to kill stuff for it. Concentration is a really common mastery though so you won't have to wait too long. Backstreet Enforcers are the first enemy that drops it.
I dont see it in my research list so Im guessing I got bad luck and it never dropped for me rip
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I pretty easily survived the 1000 AT against the Mungo King by freezing him with Leton. The Mungo King has Autoimmunity, which halves the duration of debuffs and normally cuts freeze's 3 turn duration down to 1, but Permafrost + Large Snowflakes increase the duration so that you can freeze him for 2 turns. Kingdom of Winter applies frostbite to all enemies within 6 tiles every turn. Once the Mungo King is frozen, the frostbite gets upgraded to freezing and resets the duration. So, you can get the initial freeze, Mungo King gets his free turn but stays frozen, then spam end turn with Leton and keep him locked down indefinitely unless he unfreezes by chance based on his ice resistance.
is there a way to make playing this on steam deck more efficient? Screen can get locked randomly and the key mappings are fucked to all hell, is using a gamepad the only option?
What exactly should I be stating my characters into? I just recruited Irene
Don't worry about that at early on. Just focus on leveling all their classes and unlocking masteries.
Irene and Albus are both generalists that can do whatever you want them to. Sion is more specialised into ESP but some people run physical builds on him.
What's the deal with Violett Destron? The other three feel like they have their own identity, but I've never seen Violett Destron do anything special.

Schlid Destron:
>Unkillable giga tank
>Even if you get through its enormous block, it has so much armor and damage reduction that many characters' attacks won't deal enough to get through special armor

Meister Destron:
>Insane Dodge
>Can yank your units into harm's way
>Gets overcharge frequently
>Even when you kill it, it heals back up and goes berserk

Gold Destron:
>Overwatch + Auto Re-Attack on laser to murder your backline through Lightning Reflexes/Impulse Fields
>Big damage + some sort of block reduction - overwatch can just kill your frontline if they fail to block
>Not as tanky, but runs to safety whenever you hit it
>Explodes on death

Violett Destron:
>Not particularly tanky
>I have never seen it do anything interesting

I've beaten 60S five times now in order to unlock all of the modules and I still don't know what this guy is supposed to do.
He hits the hardest
The point is the gameplay is so boring no one posts it.
Great swordsman armorbreak build
White knight armorbreak build
Counter attack costs AT so I wouldn't recommend putting it on Albus until you have a way to shave off AT on your counterattacks
>Even if you get through its enormous block, it has so much armor and damage reduction that many characters' attacks won't deal enough to get through special armor
Not after my Albus taps it 4 times, those robots are overpriced junk
30AT for a free attack is pretty good in the early game when everyone's got 90AT turns and constantly running out of vigor. If you use Wind Veil you don't even get AT'd by inadvertently setting off Fire Veil explosions.

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