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Old thread reached bump limit, which means people are still playing this piece of shit game.
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>0 manpower
He obviously is at the stage where you can't keep up with attrition management without severe autism
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For context, I de-stated everything to keep the game going without being OP.
next level torture
should've allied the ottomans rip me
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And its done, the game started lagging every autosave so I finshed my russia campaign here, currently Im the wealthiest nation on earth and have the strongest army and the second best navy
As long as you expand fast in early game you'll be a superpower in the lategame as Russia
I couldnt colonise anything other than few provinces in Alaska and Naw Zealand, everything else was already colonised by the Iberians
Supported the mexicans and the colombians to get independence and the colombians have been raoing the portuguese colonies so much that they controle half of south america
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Forgot pic
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Converted scandinavia and eustern europe to Orthodox
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Managed to build every counting house and manifacturing I could, I get 1500 ducats just from production
In the end it was a very fun game, but it got boring in the endgame, still dont know why I tortured my self by playing until the 1800s
Play MP if single player is becoming too easy. If you get very powerful then the entire lobby will team up on you and it's fun
use Xorme AI
>Trade goods map mode
>Find "Livestock"
>Put soldiers there
>They don't die

Even with only one state I managed to reach a million troops without going anywhere negative income. Eco hegemon and the right reforms can bump the base autonomy in territories down to 60-70%. I also made use of trade companies, marches, and pronoia with all the ideas and policies that boost force-limit from vassals.

Late game EU4 is cursed.
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Pic of my empire before I quit. I started out as Serbia.
>Sevastopol only
Why? You might as well take the rest of Crimea since that doesn't make it harder to defend while also giving you Black Sea trade

I got Theodoro as a vassal via diplomacy and then annexed them. I never actually sent an army north, it wasn't worth my attention.
>Bohemia snaking into Ukraine without taking Transylvania
last time I played I just used a bunch of console commands to give me max tech in 1444 or whatever the starting year is. than I just ran all over the nations around me and bullied everyone. it was fun and I enjoyed having everyone bending over backwards to win favor with me including offering me many wives as options.
i'll probably mess around like that again sometime with console command and just cause chaos for everyone. I also went against the norm and took a wife from a very weak nation and allied with them and even helped them during a war they got into and crushed their foes for them. all in all it was a fun bit of different
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i dont understand how naval combat works in this game
Did you upgrade your ships?
i... didn't even know that was a thing, no
that would probably explain it
Don't forget that for navy the Maneuver pip is the most important
Finished my Denmark->Kalmar->HRE run. Pretty fun, even if hre gameplay isn’t my area of expertise, and France decided to make the first 60 years miserable.
Skipped colonial ideas and just beat up other powers for theirs. I got the thassolocracy decision without really intending to, trade protectorates are always fun. Jerusalem also somehow formed in the Mollacas.
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Ugh, Großmoskowien
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>dude you should play Anbennar, it's going to be fu
>playing Russia
>protestant CoR spawns in Finland
If you are going for a WC you need a plan to stack land attrition modifiers just for sanity.
>playing Russia
>Ottomans dec on me and bring Poland, my allies abandon me
>fight for 6 years, spending all my money and manpower to get a white peace
>rebuild, get new allies
>5 years later the truce is up
>Poland immediately decs again
>be me
>playing Russia
>get mission to expand in the Caucasus
>get claims on the Caucasus region
>I've been allied with and I've protected Georgia since game start, they even managed to get some land from the Turkomans neighbors
>betray them in the most horrible way, breaking the alliance and invading them as soon as the truce ends
>manage to annex half of their land before hitting 100 warscore
>look at the next mission
>the tree gave me the option of completing the mission by either taking land in the region or having an ally that owned a good chunk of provinces
>in the latter case, the mission would have triggered an event in which my ally becomes a vassal
>realize I fucked up
>I really don't want to annex more land because I'm overextended
>can't ally Georgia because they hate me and don't trust me anymore
>tfw I fought a completely pointless war and destroyed a 100+ years long friendship with fellow orthodox because I didn't fully read the mission tree
>no caucasus
>no crimea
>genoa in azov
Uhm, ackchyually Crimea is owned my Throdoro, my vassal and I've already started to conquer the Caucasus, even if I deeply regret it, see >>1826734
As for Genoa, I can't do much at the moment, they managed to ally BOTH Austria and France and they still are in the HRE, same for what's left of the teutons.
How long until there's an ultramega dlc package where you get everything for twenty bucks
EU5 release + ~5 years
If you're playing as moscovy to form russia than you must expand very fast and get strong allies ( I allied with hungary and teutons) and expand into the caucasus before the ottomans could
Than immediatly annex constantinople from them
>attack denmark and ally with sweden
Nice, I did the opposite by letting sweden get independence and allying with denmark
I know how to play Muscovy. But I'm playing with Xorme AI for the first time and it's far more aggressive. I don't have the breathing room to beeline down to Georgia before the Ottomans get there
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How the fuck did this happen? Like, I could have kinda understood if Wu was a massive AI blob in Asia, but no, it just owns Taiwan and parts of the Philippines. And this.
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How to deal with this giga-spain
I managed to snatch granada before they did but now they have a PU with naple and Aragon and already defeating the portugals easaly cause I defeated earlied, and england have only 7k troops and 0 manpower cause of the roses war
Im already allied to the ottomans but they always pussy out
Should I just push into the sahara and hope they dont attack me?
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looks like the uk is gonna be scotish
Name one (1) other
Bohemia is similar in strength, tends to rival Poland early on and doesn't get PU'ed as often because AI Austria is too much of a pacifist weenie to declare war for the PU
Bohemia's distance makes it hard to ally before it fills out on diplo relations.
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>boot up EU4 for the first time in a year
>spectator game while I'm at work to see if it's the same old snot green trash
Has the last few updates/xpacs fixed things? Usually new world is 99% yellow and Europe is 50% ottoman.
Just started playing as dorfs recently in Anbennar, how to defeat The Command? What are their weaknesses?
I'm winning my second war against them because they got rolled by some spirit disaster as well as a major war, but I'm barely scraping by, and my manpower pool is nearing 0.

From what I can tell they get a major disaster if they conquer too much, is that all?
Has anyone played Ardabil in the most recent patch? I've been trying to kick the campaign off for a couple of days, and get fucked by RNG over and over again.
>Shirvan allies Ajam 9 times out of 10
>Biapas somehow manages to ally the Timurids
>Timurids never take the decision to actually declare on Ajam despite Shahrukh being alive
>QQ with no allies and no manpower instantly fields like 30k troops
OPM starts are often fun, but this is like the opposite of fun.
I did an Ardabil -> Persia run just after the big Persia update came out, and it's not worth it unless you want to say you did it. I remember the Ottomans allied Shirvan in my game for some fucking reason. If you want to be Ardabil, you've just gotta keep restarting until your RNG works out. If you just want to play Persia, pick Ajam
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The end of my Russia game with Xorme AI. Xorme definitely made things harder. For a while, I felt like I was fighting for my life. I felt that constant need to expand and show strength, or I'd get dog piled on. I had some really tough wars with Poland and the Ottomans for the first 100 years of the game. Eventually, though, once I was able to reach that point where I wasn't really in danger of losing; things began to feel like a slog much faster than they do normally. By like 1575 the big nations had armies over 150k in size. Plus, not only did Lithuania join the Empire (Poland went for the local noble), the became the fucking emperor almost right away. I didn't start annexing Lithuanian land until 1580, because fighting them required fighting an alliance over 400k in strength. For a major like Russia, it was pretty fun. But I feel like if I was playing a smaller nation it'd be largely frustrating. The reason I'm ending it here is because the Austrian emperor just died which gave me a PU on his country. I just don't want to bother fighting France for it because I would win easily and after that the game would be pretty much over
If Byz/East Rome is a formable country then West Rome should be a formable as well desu

Yeah you had the same experience with Xorne as me. It's impressive they were able to make the AI competent, but it takes away the fun of constantly expanding, without the dynamic craziness you'd get in a multiplayer lobby.
That almost realistic Polish-Russian border is quite cool.
I thought I had the loan limit under control

But I didn't

And neither the overextension

I still don't get why I went from being able to take up to 32 loans to only 23 after I finished a war, which made me instantly go bankrupt and get a coalition formed against me
If your overextension was very high, it may have seriously reduced your income. Had this happen in a Malaya run where I ate most of Japan on a whim.
Maximum number of loans is the point where the monthly interest = your monthly income.
Loan size also depends on income, so usually your max number of loans doesn't change drastically, but a sudden drop in income while you already have a lot of loans from a higher income will do this.
>didn't take that 1 swedish province
>didn't take all the RVS states
> a random enclave in turkey
>not historical borders on the steppes
>tranime nigger
Recommend me a good nation with a great mission tree for meiou 3.0 (i already did brandenburg and trapezounta)
>meme luks
The Hisn Kayfa mission has a bug, you're supposed to befriend the Ottomans, or a "Turkish Muslim in Anatolia", but they used an OR instead of AND, so the mission works for any Muslim country (or Turkish, or Anatolian), meaning you can get whoever you want as a historical friend.
Btw fuck the Schizottomans, twice I allied them and they randomly start desiring all my provinces just to forget all about it a few years later and go back to friendly, you're in my sights now I don't care you picked quality + quantity
Not an answer but is the mod in a good state? I was thinking of trying it just this morning; no idea how much it has changed in the years since I last played, all I remember was finding the biggest countries to loot to make my pops ultra rich and it was fun
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Yeah it may have been that, I took a bunch of land and my income plummeted. Anyway I started a new playthrough
Also I discovered the formula to calculate the amount of loans that you can take:

amount of loans = monthly income / (loan size * (Interest Per Annum / 100) / 12)
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How do you use Oyo's tributary mechanic? Is it something you reserve for after you've blobbed over West Africa? Is it something you use in Europe? What is this?
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>Be attacked
>Enable this edict which you can disable in one year anyways
>"Fuck you enjoy spending four years sieging my forts lmao"
This shit is broken wtf
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What the fuck were they smoking at Paradox when they designed the fort zone of control mechanic wtf
I have 200 hours and I STILL DON'T GET HOW THEY WORK
Running a Tokugawa game where my goal is to go max isolationism in every Shinto event and conquer every island in the Pacific but no mainland territories. Debating on if to count Sumatra and Australia.
Well, there is lack of flavour and missions, it feels kinda generic and the economy/pop/reform system is the only saving grace of 3.0.
> there is lack of flavour and missions
Lack of missions is good but lack of flavor can get boring.
>smartest zoomie parafag fan
Is the AI coded to always use artillery barrage or what? Do they actually use mana for it, cause it would be even more retarded if they do with how much they spam it
There aren't that many islands, you'll run out of things to conquer pretty quickly if you don't count those. Fighting whichever colonial power gets Australia could be the end game boss.
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seethe, playertroon
How do you actually kill the Ottomans?
I 100%'d them and took a few forts, left them with no army no manpower and 6k in debt
The truce is not even over yet and they're already up to force limit and the debt is down to only 4k (enough to join wars against me), it feels like I didn't weaken them at all, no one else even dared to attack them while they were fucked. Is perma occupation until bankruptcy the only way?
>playing as japan
>neo confucianist incident
>hire the 50% cheap philosopher
>desires of the flesh
>consort is cheating with him
>execute the bitch and get a new one
>3 months later
>desires of the flesh
What the fuck this is worse than CK2
>Want to convert Muslims to the fetishist faith
>Fetishism offers two options
>Miira (+2 Tolerance of the True Faith)
>Waaq (-2 National Unrest)
>Waaq has an event for +5% Missionary Strength.
Do you guys cheat? I cheat like a motherfucker. I was supporting Hungary's independence against Bohemia, and the AI was taking forever to dec the war, so I just tag switched to them and started it myself. Another thing I do all the time is I force the AI to let me pay off it's debt. If debt is the only thing keeping an ally out of the war, I'll send them a gift then tag switch and use the money to pay off the loan
I do not, no.
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Is this normal?
>Mahmud ibn Adolipha has had enough
There really should be something to stop the Iberians from blobbing into Africa every single game.
When a country gets annexed its army turns into rebels. Guess that happened while it was doing the old AI military access trek around Europe to fight in North Africa, and Thuringia paid the price.
Do you guys ever play on VH? I tried it for the first time and it's kind of insane
Unifying Japan as an OPM was deceptively easy, I assume because the vassal -forcelimit modifiers kind of offset the difficulty bonuses, but every independent country in SEA has 15k+ troops, Ming has 200k, the Ottomans 300k, and it's still the early 1500s.
Allying with a big blob to use them against another blob is usually a good strategy in the game, but it feels like it's straight up the only viable way to play on harder difficulties.
Ahahah Pavel Durov's children want to take over Paris
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Mamecucks in the grave tonight
Ottowomans are next unless I get coalition'd

I usually only play normal + ironman. I think it's pretty well balanced and on harder difficulties it seems like the AI just cheats
I finally finished poland can into space and the 1820 achievement. What a fucking slog. I AFKed too hard and got to the end without teching up twice, genuinely more painful than a WC

You have to beat them 2-3 times using dirty tricks before they start struggling. It seems like the easiest way to deal with them is to ignore them until 1600 then occupy them until they get a bunch of bad events and explode
I love playing as Ethiopia and slowly converting India and China to Coptic
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Boy I'm sure glad they added a feature where I can get spammed with these every few months
>give them money, accumulating favors until you can press the free PU button
I also like this feature
That doesn't give them favors, it spends the already existing favors the AI has on your country, not to be confused with the favors you have on them, I don't think you can see this number anywhere
Trying out EU4 as someone that has mainly played CK2, have most of the DLC from an old Humble deal but thought I'd ask - what order would you guys recommend to pick up Domination, King of Kings, Winds of Change, and Lions of the North in?
>play as colonial Morocco
>after destroying castile both Portugal and Aragon declares independence and are allied to the british
>portugal already have half of cuba and half of Mexica and might cockblock me
>Aragon have 50k soldiers and Britain have 60 ships, Ill get buck broken
>Portugal declares war on some tribe in New zealand, they are loosing
>Improve relation with that shithole until 100
>Enforce Peace
>streamroll over portugal easily
>concede cuba
>concede mexico
>concede eastern america
>breaks alliance with Aragon
Man I love abusing this game, enforce peace is always good when fighting colonial nations
Btw should I swap to andalusian or remain moroccan
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>be UK circa 1690
>No one comes close to challenging me
>Roll over the entire world at the same time
>Lose hundreds of thousands constantly due to attrition
>That many fleets and armies some spend years dying doing nothing in some desolate shithole due to logistical errors
Such is life in the Imperium of Mann
That's not how it works
It uses the favours they've earned with you
Going further into the game I think you're right
also it's looking like I'll have to start some no-CB wars (or wait all the way until imperialism), Portugal got to Rapa Nui and the Galapagos first and Hawaii can't be fabricated on 'cause no adjacencies.
>Have provinces with gold in the same state as provinces that I want to turn into a trade company
>If I want to exploit that gold I have to turn the state into a territory, and if I do that I can't turn provinces there into a trade company
Kinda dumb desu I don't get why you have to do it for the whole state
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Oh my fucking god a straight in this fucking game, my navy is literally blocking the straight why are the british crossing it like its nothing?
I really want to take Canada and 'Mureca from them
alright thanks
straits I meant Im retarded
To prevent gamification of the ai, a strait can allows be crossed if a nation controls both sides of the strait. Britain wouldn't be able to do this if you sucessfully sieged down that province.
You can thank this retarded mechanic called "revanchism". Taking a full war score of provinces from a big country actually makes them stronger than before and gives them huge modifiers.
well in that case Im fucked I dont have enough transporters for mass deployment and their troops are faster
Still this is bullshit desu, a noaval blockade is a naval blockade
you could try tricking them into moving their guys down to london with a fake landing and then land on both sides of the strait and scorch earth
Man, the Mughals are strong, I was thinking of doing a casual India camapign but halfway through I decided to go for the "conquer all of India before 1550" (I don't play ironman, just as a personal challenge) and it wasn't particularly difficult. I only truce broke once to finish off Vajinagar but I have so much spare ADM from the cheap coring that I could have done so a dozen times and barely felt it.
>cyprus into jerusalem campaign
>own palestine, transjordania, and parts of syria proper
>fuck up by declaring on the mamluks and relying on the qaqawhatever
>lost everything in the levant except palestine and an adjacent syrian coastal province
>plan to reconquer it once castile, my ally, is done mopping up its wars in the americas
>every time i plan to declare, castile just starts another war
>10 years go by
>finally manage to call them in against the severely weak mamluks
>castile declares another war on a mexican minor
>my armies are stackwiped
>20 war exhaustion
>castile finishes its war in the americas
>they still dont send over their troops
>ottomans declare on me for rhodes
>castile declines call to war
i fucking hate spaniards
Anon, "Prepare for War" costs 10 favors
"occupied by other wars" is -30
"prepare for wars" is +20
also, not the point, castile had joined my war, just didnt do anything
If the AI is preparing for war, it won't start wars of it's own. You should've had them prepare before they spent all their money and manpower in Mexico. Also, relying on Castile is always a mistake. Castile and Portugal will have ~75% of their armies overseas in the early colonial period, making them worthless allies. Once they get established, they usually keep a lot on the mainland (and can afford mercs + condotierri), so they become worth it again
no one else was willing to be my friend except the papal states, who got curbstomped by spain and venice
They're still a good defensive ally, since the AI is dissuaded from attacking. Just don't expect them to carry you in a war. Plus, playing a weak nation like that means you've gotta be willing to spend a while waiting and waiting for the right moment. Eventually the Mamluks/Ottomans will weaken each other enough for you to move in
>gelre run
>get BI
>time passes, busy colonizing
>around 1520 think it's weird i haven't gotten the inherit event yet
>apparently there's a flag mary_on_the_throne that is required to get the event and it expires after 40 years (1508)
>load up the original savescum copy from when i first got the BI, turn on debug_mode
>no mary_on_the_throne flag set
Is my game bugged? I'm speed 5ing right now to see if it happens on the save I copied right after the inheritance
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apparently I'm just quite unlucky for this to happen twice in a row
Post the ruler and heir of Burgundy
they're my PU, i meant the free annexation event after you've gotten the inheritance
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le purple blob
I wish I could take more land already. I've already fought 4 wars against the ottoman

>defensive coalition war vs ottoman and some Indian retards. Poland takes the brunt of the damage, I go into massive debt and end up giving up a few province
>2nd war declaring on an ottoman ally just so I can break up the ottoman russia alliance
>two more wars were I max out the wars core taking provinces
Also I've been paying 40 ducats in interest a month for years now. I'm still reducing army maintenance and turning off forts in 1595
>ottos are alive
>half of Arabia is alive
>haven't even touched India
Unless you've already unlocked the ability to force convert everyone and those are all your subjects, that looks pretty meh. Who did you start as?
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Done. Four years before the historical siege of Osaka, I've unified the islands of the Pacific. And they never gave me Ieyasu by event.
Had Aleut, Haida, and Tierra del Fuego too but they might not be visible on this map.
Austria's "Spread Dynasty" is fucking broken but I hate that it won't add an heir so you can get fucked by RNG or AI using favors to put an heir.
As ajam. Sorry I'm just playing the game chill wise and not autistic min maxing
>AI using favors to put an heir.
they do this?
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Alright it was hard getting canada from the brits but I did it, managed to get them via warscore from raping Aragon multiple times, and only portugal and france are the countries that managed to get to the pacific islands
I dont know if its because Im autistic but playing as a colonial nation is pretty fun
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Also would I loose this ability if I turn into andalusia? evn if my colonies are still weak I can get 70k manpower just from them alone
I don't like VH. I just can't cope with AIs that are playing mathematically perfect and end up getting stressed out.
I find Hard is a perfect balance. Everyone around you has believable numbers and you get some maluses to opinion + no PUs with favours.
That ability comes from a tier one muslim government reform.
Andalusia has a unique tier one government reform which doesnt seem to have acess to this ability, however since you'll remain a muslim nation you can immediately switch back to the iqta government reform and retain those abilities, losing a minimal amount of government reform progress.
You should switch to Andalusia, they have much better ideas. The mission tree i'm reading right now is okay, probably better than morrocos but the ideas are much better general ideas.
Preety sure they can because it happened to me twice, in both cases the heirs were from their allies' dynasty.
what year is it? i normally wait to attack ottobros when they start getting decadence. they will try and attack you but just suicide their paper armies until they go bankrupt from reinforce cost. it really breaks the ai
>Provinces in the Levantine culture group will have the unaccepted culture modifier negated
So does this do anything? The unaceppted modifier is still there for unrest taxes and manpower. It's from the unique Hisn Kayfa reform.
Another thing: I need 70 army tradition for a mission which I had until I got hit by a series of bad events that made me lose 50 of that. Now I have no idea how to get it back since even big battles only give me a tiny fraction.
A high value like that usually has a bypass like 70 tradition OR x professionalism. All of the content for this country feels kind of lazy.
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And finally formed andalusia and got 1 more colonist, a little bit late thou
Portugal is in pu with france and france got half of colombia so they're my last colonial competitor and they're allied with the commonwealth
Sadly the ottomans are absolutly useless as allies and I cant count on their help in future wars
>5 Shinto incidents fired
>still no Nanban Trade
>already had to create a savegame copy so that I can go back to do the Christian Japan achievements later
Is Sakoku Law the worst achievement in the game?
does anyone here play Ante Bellum? It’s kino how every single country with an MT is OP and the lore is absolutely retarded
>originally supposed to be set in the 11th century but the devs BS three hundred years of history to make it fit 1444 for some reason
>every single region is contrived to be “balanced”
>there are fucking Kushans for some reason???
anyway it’s p fun, I’ve been playing as the Jalayirids recently and it’s pretty rewarding. You start off forced into death wars for the first century or so just to unfuck your economy and survive the Nizzarids—eventually you get 100% cav through missions and gov reforms and another reform negates the accepted culture malus for Persian cultures. Best of all though is a hilariously OP mission to build roads, where it’ll give you 1 dip dev in every single province you own
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>get event to enforce pu on burgundy
>6 gorillion aggressive expansion with everyone if you do

ebin whats even the point of that
I cheat alot to cause chaos amongst the nations and to sometimes give myself a boost. mostly just mess with the ai and "gift" alot of broke tiny nations alot of money so they can get things going. Its also fun on occasion to start in 1444 and give yourself max tech and just steamroll and bully a bunch of bigger nations til they end up tiny broken nations.
Shinto incidents have to be my least favorite mechanic in the game. I remember wanting to play Christian Japan and having to savescum a span of 20 years for hours on end; the incidents take forever to fire and if you get the wrong one then you have to eat a gigantic cooldown period on top of it, horrible. I think they have some more interesting content for the daimyos/shogunate but any competent player has already unified Japan before the first one even finishes, and even the Ai manages to do it within a hundred odd years.
I played as Jerusalem once
>You start off forced into death wars for the first century or so just to unfuck your economy and survive the Nizzarids
And this was the exact experience I had too lol
It was a while ago so I don't really remember if the MT was too crazy, just surviving was satisfying enough
I haven’t tried Jerusalem yet, it looks like too much of a pain in the ass lmao
Try any of the European pagans if you ever play it again, they’re not too hard and do cool stuff. I like Finland -> Ruthenia, it’s two completely different MTs and the culture swap is easy to do

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