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>literally nothing to do other than spam buildings to watch numbers get higher so you can spam more buildings
>only input from the player regarding war is to build more soldier buildings
>war is determined by who has the most soldier buildings
>every single law group has one law that massively shits on the rest like one of the tax laws gives you the most money and makes your pops richer with no downsides
>every single country basically plays the same

What were they thinking with this pile of crap I really like this time period but I cant bring myself to play this piece of shit.
To me it feels like they had a deadline and skipped the entire balancing part to get it shipped, but then they never fixed it so maybe they just don't give a shit
>what were they THINKING?
money, tbf they wanted to amplify what made the last victoria game fun and special, the politics the population etc but in the end really failed. demograpics and laws dont feel more in depth and they have basically sacrificed the military completely for it, empty shell of a game
Wait until you learn this is the entire Vicky lineup since Ricky came out back in 2006 - and it's not like Vicky without Ricky was much better or more complex, since "obtuse" is the right way to describe it.
War was deeply unsatisfying in EUIV. Bigger number + bigger tech = win, and then an annoying game of whack a mole ensues. Instead of trying to make a system which can model why unexpected victories happen and why some nations militarily overperform, they decided to simply abstract away war entirely. It makes sense when you consider Vic2 felt more like you were nudging your nation towards prosperity rather than commanding it, but it really didn't port over well to war.
But their policy is cranking out dlcs most people dropped this pile of crap and wont buy any dlc for it.
the point is that they were supposed to give a little bit more meat before cranking the DLCs, now the DLCs will feel so unfair not even paradoxniggers will buy them. hopefully
>Source: trust me, bro
This is currently 2nd best selling PDX title, and at this rate, it will be their best seller.
Thanks for making it clear you are out of the loop since about 1.1 patch.
Except theres tons of player input in EUIV and you can beat a much bigger country with a small country, in this game theres 0 player input and its entirely dependent on who has more soldiers.
Literally every single other one of their titles has more players than shitoria 3
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>theres this many people playing this garbage

the strategy genre is fucking doomed
You just described Victoria as a series, not 3 in particular. The only thing that changes between those games is how mobilisation works
Which part of "best selling" you don't understand, ESL-kun, that you are talking about number of players?
It's like you genuinely don't understand which one makes money and what's just a number that has zero importance for anything (both HoI4 and I:R proved that DLC will sell even to a half-dead game).
How the fuck is hoi4 dead its one of their most popular games
>Zoomie so fucking young, 2018 is ancient history to him
What about 2018? Hoi4s population steadily grew since it had the foundation of a good game but needed some work. shitoria 3 keeps declining since its a fundamentally shit game and theres no saving it.
war is strategic in eu4 this is fine, if i wanted to platy strategic combat i would play something like age of wonders or xcom
>Hoi4s population steadily grew since it had the foundation of a good game
>it had the foundation of a good game
Nta, but could you dial down on the retard gauge?

>keeps declining
Repeating it doesn't make it true.
That's not true at all, pick fights on terrain beneficial for you, in forts, etc. It's very tactical
It's pretty much locked at 10k average. Bestselling doesn't mean shit, if it's not consistently turning a profit then it'll get abandoned.
>Bestselling doesn't mean shit
>if it's not consistently turning a profit
It's like you are genuinely retarded
Let me break this for you:
Nobody plays this game en masse. But it is still 2nd best selling product in their line-up. Which makes it even better for the company - people just buy it and don't play it, so less bitching and less pressure to do anything with it from the playerbase.
Next time, instead of reading steam third-party playercount data, read the fucking shareholder report, you dumb fucking cunt. It's a publicly traded company, after all.
>Paradox haven't even hinted at what the next DLC might be
>it's not consistently turning a profit!
Eternally seething.
Paraslop games aren't strategy games so it's OK, genre is fine.
You can't make me read shit you ESL-kun weeb negro. Best selling doesn't mean SHIT. Learn how to fucking READ. Won't waste my time replying this tread any more
but he's right the game needs to turn a profit somehow, if Victoria 3 was done well it would have double the playercount. paradox games last literal decades and the base for them needs to be solid so they can smooth it out well with DLCs but if victoria 3 dosent have a solid base or a good playercount well the DLCs wont be worth it
Here's EU4 player counts

Victoria 3 isn't any different than any other Paradox game's early start, and I am really fucking tired of these delusions and trying to meme things into existence.
Victoria 3 is a brand new fucking game though
So? What is this fucking cope? Did you even scroll down to when EU4 and HoI4 were "brand new fucking games"? Are you stupid? This is the exact same experience with every new Paradox game, and Project Caesar isn't going to be any different. Fucking newfaggots.
brand new games... 10 years ago when paradox was a lot less known
Oh, here's CK3, then

Is that better?
umh yeah CK3 has more average players
Thats actually pretty decent. Way more than what i thought it'd be. Really surprising theres that many people still playing this slop.
Don't fucking wiggle, worm.
was more popular than Victoria 2
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>Victoria 3 isn't any different than any other Paradox game's early start, and I am really fucking tired of these delusions and trying to meme things into existence.
It seems to be doing worse than CK3. The reason why EU4 and HoI4 managed to perform so well was because over time they managed to create a massive group of people who play GSG, and when VIC3 was announced all these people were fully aware of its existence. Despite being known by that entire group of people and thus being in a far better situation publicity-wise than EU4 was in 2015 it's clearly below the EU4 of 2015 in every metric. As far as I can see the amount of people who regularly play GSG aren't going to be rising any further, and there's no reason whatsoever to believe that VIC3 will continue to grow as EU4 and HoI4 did(unless of course the developers start adding content to the game and fixing bugs, but they won't do that). Also, in perhaps a year or so EU5 will drop and be in direct competition with VIC3 as it promises pops and economic simulation, which is the entire selling point of VIC3. It will be scratching the same itch and most likely far better than VIC3, not to mention that there's clearly plenty of interest among modders to make a 1836-1936 mod for EU5 when it releases.
In short, you're fired wiz. I suggest trying for a job at mcdonalds.
yeah, desu i wouldve thought it would be like 5k players but holy shit its holding 10k, only 5k away from eu4s average...
it's amazing how many people play this glorified cookie clicker. You know in Gilded Destiny we will be able to build our own custom railroad routes.And stockpiles! Than god resources have physicality
There's literally nothing else in this genre. Vicky 3 is filled with awful game design, but there's nothing else trying to compete with it, so it gets away with it.
Man there are still a ton off dyed in the wool Paradox trannies playing this gay ass game
>Which part of "best selling" you don't understand, ESL-kun
Calling someone ESL while fucking up this sentence so horribly is just pottery.
Look at Victoria 2's player numbers
It's a good thing they didn't make these games in the full era of online only service games where they can shut down the servers whenever they want, we can always go back to Vicky II
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>I am wrong and I want to be wrong, fuck off!
... ok?
It looks great on the shareholder report for the timespan where a lot of game sales happen.
But to stay successful, it needs to sell DLC.
Even for all the repetative events in CK3, I've found it more engaging than whatever Vic3 is supposed to be.
this all applies to vic2 except its much much worse
>economy in vic2 straight up doesn't work and is a buggy mess compared to economy working as it should in vic3
>war is paraslop garbage made worse by bad ai trying to move soldiers around in comically bad ways compared to wars being won by who has more men in vic3 as it should
Shit 3 would be an average game for me if it didnt run like pure shit
i could tolerate it if a game didnt take hours on end when i could watch numbers go up at a fast pace every now and then.
Its completely unplayable with its performance
i have to agree with the bad economy in vic2 and it's frequent crashing and artificial shortages but wars shouldn't be decided by numbers only otherwise China could conquer asia in just a few years but they can't because they start as a primitive nation
this is the part where the brocolinigger discovers than v2 was released before steam got popular
>economy working as it should in vic3
>wars being won by who has more men in vic3 as it should
double lmao
>the mysterious and very numerous non-Steam Victoria 2 playerbase!
>source: dude, trust me!
Cope, seethe, shid and fard.
>economy working as it should in vic3
Victoria 3 doesn't even simulate supply and demand, because there is no tracking of actual quantities of products, just price deviation from an arbitrary "base price" (which is an absurd concept).
Vic2 has base prices, with hard caps, too, you moron.
I'm sorry! I'm just, uuugghhh, not gonna play Victoria 3!
>NEW also bad
Excellent self-own, Wiz.
Down bad, I really wanted it to be good, STOP HIDING FLAVOR BEHIND DLC FUCKERS.
private investment made the game really fun
however i still hate production method micro
this warfare system is better than release but still clunky to manage and warfare is still fundamentally deterministic
diplomatic plays are better but it's annoying that you can't plan a play with an ally or neighbour, and you can't know your opponent is willing to become a subject of the UK just to beat you
speaking of subjects it's really fucking annoying that protectorates keep being thrown around like hot potatoes, 10 years into the game and somehow the ottomans and the netherlands are russian protectorates, and portugal a prussian puppet
this also plays heavily into the whole wargoal problem as the overlord suddenly pulls all his neutral protectorates into the war and you can't even demand anything from beating them, it really should be possible to add wargoals mid-war
>literally nothing to do other than spam buildings
your government must be fucked and your economy is probably really shitty
>only input regarding war
your armies are probably really shitty
>war is determined by who has the most soldier buildings
i find myself playing with general's strategy settings, moving armies around to different fronts, and setting up invasions often. these are the exact type of general levers I want to be pulling during war instead of micromanaging groups of 3 Mexican cavalry running around the west as I burn down their capital.
>every single law group has one law that massively shits on the rest
your only generally good point, but getting your government to those laws while keeping legal guardianship and/or slavery is a ton of fun
>every single country basically plays the same
how many nations have you played? if you're only starting as major and great powers you're missing out

the best part is going back to vic2 reviews and seeing all the exact same complaints; "hollow game", "unbalanced", "boring", then Heart of Darkness came out and everyone supposedly started loving it overnight.
>it really should be possible to add wargoals mid-war
I have no idea why they used their retarded set wargoals pre-war system. You have the same amount of points no matter if you're fighting 1 nation or 10 nations. You can't even add most wargoals against nations that join unless you have an interest in the region. It would make sense if wars could end without the full occupation of a nation but half of the wargoals either don't have a ticker or require taking the capital, and war exhaustion drops so slow that even if a nation is 100% occupied with the war goals being 100% occupied wars last forever anyway and you can't just sit on the defense after you take the wargoal because you will lose hundreds of thousands to attrition by the time the AI is actually willing to peace out.
It's like a schizo designed it. They really should've just copied EU4's peace system.
Nobody is hiding anything. Paradox "DLC" was always a way to pay for continued game development. Literally always has been.
>economy in vic2 straight up doesn't work
skill issue
>i have to agree with the bad economy in vic2
skill issue
i bet you plebs keep all of your factories subsidised all game
they flanderized vicky 2 as "an economy game" without realising any of the reasons that was actually true
it's a total skinner box built to let you larp as your favourite meme, like all paradox games (even the old ones to a large extent), except without even the most barebones supporting gameplay informed by that roleplay
>in EUIV. Bigger number + bigger tech = win,
you're so wrong it's not even funny
it's like the #50 most played game on steam it isn't dead
V2 actually has the ability to run out of shit, though. In V3, quantities of products aren't tracked, so products just get more expensive, they never become flat out unavailable. In Victoria 2 you can actually run out of products.
Vicky 3’s player count still hasn’t fallen to its pre-SoI levels. Keep seething.
you are a brainlet, "running out" is not a good simulation mechanic irl the world doesn't "run out" of iron, that's not how economics works. Shortages cause price rises which cause less consumption as less actors can afford to pay the higher prices. In vic2 actors just eat up stockpiles regardless of shortages until nothing remains, causing unrealsitc economic behavior, not to mention that vic2 is just badly coded and full of bugs and it doesn't at all do what it says it's supposed to do, but you would know that if you were intelligent enough to look at the numbers under the hood.
kinda crazy reading brainlet posts like this
people will point out that victoria 3 doesn't even simulate a world economy at all so vic3cels will nitpick victoria 2s simulation because it doesn't simulate stuff perfectly (ignoring that its a massive step above victoria 3 by the simple fact it atleast attempts to simulate something at all)
it seems to be a running theme with vic 3 economylets
All this resulted in is a button with tooltip "the game will break if you press this".

>it doesn't simulate stuff perfectly
It doesn't simulate stuff, period. Tarriffs actually DO SOMETHING in Victoria 3.
>It doesn't simulate stuff, period.
correct, victoria 3 doesn't simulate stuff, period
>Tarriffs actually DO SOMETHING in Victoria 3.
another brainlet post, have you ever even played victoria 2?
>have you ever even played victoria 2?
Yes. Have you? Or are you praising a game without knowing how it actually works, like the dumb fuck you are? There is no domestic market to protect in Liquoria.
>There is no domestic market to protect in Liquoria.
Your just doing the no simulation beats flawed simulation tactic i pointed out here

Tarrifs in Victoria 2 do do stuff, if you'd actually played the game you'd know this because you can watch your factory profitability go off a cliff and go bankrupt when you raise tarrifs to 100% as factories relying on foreign made materials can no longer afford to compete. It's just flawed in that pops always buy domestic goods first, project alice or openvic will be able to fix this. On the other hand no mod, patch or update can or will fix Victoria 3s economy, because victoria 3 doesn't have an economy, only a poor facsimile of one that gets the brainlets hyped up(you) as they don't know any better.


Victoria 3 has multiple RGOs per and prices adjusted in each province. You basedface over stockpiles.
no, vic3's simulations is MILES better then vic2. Having interconnected market hubs where everybody has to physically travel to a market hub to buy and sell their goods is how real world markets work, vic2 doesn't even attempt to simulate economics because everything gets dumped onto 1 world market regardless of the countries access (sometimes a good gets dumplicated and dumped more than once!) and it doesn't simulate competition and how it can affect local prices (buying order lmao)
>my post has nothing to do with stockpiles
>he starts seething about them anyway after being outed as a retard
>even tries to hide his seethe behind "lol" and "lmao"
Your talking about transportation simulation to dodge the fact that goods in victoria 3 do not exist as victoria 3 doesn't have an economy
>physically travel to a market hub to buy and sell their goods is how real world markets work
victoria 3 doesn't have goods
> (sometimes a good gets dumplicated and dumped more than once!)
no ones ever proven that this even exists (flawed simulation vs no simulation)
vic 2 doesn't have goods because everything that doesn't get used gets deleted
You're kidding yourself if you think half of these aren't a problem in Vic2 as well. Vic3 is still very flawed, especially with shit like the war system, but after the DLC I overall think Vic3 is now both a substantially better game and a substantially better simulation of the time period.
>You're kidding yourself if you think half of these aren't a problem in Vic2 as well.
only 1/5 apply to VIc2
And yet you think that Victoria 3's "something from nothing" approach is realistic. Absolute retard moment.
I fucking hate assimilation. Or the lack thereof. I'm Greece. I conquer Eastern Thrace, a Greek homeland and incorporate it. There's 28% turmoil. Alright, just need to get it down a few percent to get rid of all the penalties. Just build a few things to improve SoL, no biggie. Within a year or two, I raise SoL from 10.5 to 13.3. What's the turmoil at?

28%. Didn't have any uprisings or unpopular laws added. It's insane. Their quality of life improved by an incredible amount. The highest SoL in the world is 14.9 or something. But no I need to take multiculturalism for any Turks to assimilate, which is completely moot, because if they're already accepted, what need or benefit is there for them to assimilate anyway?

Reminder that this game is two years old in October.
Conquest turmoil has been weird this patch, I've seen it stay at 25-60% for months or years and then vanish overnight
I should note that I conquered that province decades earlier and had just been focusing on improving the economy for a while instead of raising SoL. Still, appreciate you trying to help.
Shit thread from a faggot OP, right now the game is excellent and has so much more going on than what is described here. I'm really eager to see where they go from here now that the game is actually as it should be and ready to be expanded upon

Since EU 4 Paradox had a really bad streak, HoI 4 was fundamentally flawed and never fixed, only boated to shit and coasting off of the setting's popularity and the modding community, then Stellaris had to be pretty much remade after release, Imperator got abandoned and Ck3 is mismanaged to Hell even 4 years later, only the Vicky team seems to have it together.
And the switch countries option is easy enough that when something stupid happens in war you can fix it
Try this mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3241829947
Might need to add a trait for turks and greeks culture so they at least share a common heritage for it to work better
That looks interesting. Will give it a go on my next playthrough, thanks.
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Why the fuck did they give brazil like 5x the state density of the rest of south america. I would've gone for them sooner if I realized.
I think it's their way of balancing mass migrations, greener grass campaign can be abused for skyrocketing your mass migration potential and if you connect with ottomans and russia early enough you get an absurd amount of immigrants, the more incorporated states the harder it is to abuse that
Some game mechanics just plainly dont make sense like you need a culture to be accepted for them to assimilate but whats the point you already get all benefits of them being accepted and assimilation makes no difference
If people buy it and don't play it, it doesn't get DLC's
PDX model is push some unfinished shit out the door so they can sell DLC's for what is basic functionality

It only worked for their last gen games, because they were made by people who actually knew how to design games
Because that's how real life works.
Hows that assimilation working out right now in our great multicultural societies
>Cookie Clicktoria
no thanks
It isn't. Canada went full-on accepting everyone's culture and the result is that nobody assimilates.
It was in a humble choice bundle (monthly sub thing) recently I know because thats how I got it. (Also how I got Imperator which I still want to try)
look at what pops are radical and try to move them to interest groups with high loyalty
It's strange how the clergy and bourgeoisie don't have any kind of negative reaction to high amounts of non-primary culture/religion. It'd be a neat feature to have assimilation prevent the rise of ethnostate support for instance
Ok, let's take OP and do a check for Vicky 2
>literally nothing to do other than spam buildings to watch numbers get higher so you can spam more buildings
>only input from the player regarding war is to build more soldier buildings
You can move them around, so this one gets a pass
>war is determined by who has the most soldier buildings
>every single law group has one law that massively shits on the rest like one of the tax laws gives you the most money and makes your pops richer with no downsides
>every single country basically plays the same

So only 1/5th DOESN'T apply to Vicky 2.
>It's strange how the clergy and bourgeoisie
>and bourgeoisie
... have you tried playing the game you are talking about? Because PBs are more opposed to those things than any other fucking group out there
>inb4 this is not what bourgeoisie is
Except they are. Neither big cat capitalists nor aristocracy count as bourgeoisie. You are left with all the middle management and petty businessmen and entrepreneurs. Which is what PBs are.
It's true tho. I have about 1k hours of vicky 2 outside of steam exclusively. I imagine there are more like me. And no, I am not saying 1k is something impressive.
>Bigger number + bigger tech = win,
EUIV is the paradox game for which terrain plays the biggest role in combat, plus general stats, plus ideas, plus national ideas in the early, plus supply lines in a small extend, plus you are dumb and oversimplifying.
>It really should be possible to add wargoals mid-war
Or get more maneuvers and/or less infamy for demands when opponent keeps bringing allies. And the aforementioned should scale depending on enemy's ally's strength. Calling Wallachia>+10 maneuvers calling Austria >+25 maneuvers
>EUIV is the paradox game for which terrain plays the biggest role in combat
That's HoI2, nigger-faggot.
In EU4, the only thing that matters is how much artillery you have and what's your sum of pips, everything is an afterthought. Hell, in EU line itself, 4 is the one where terrain matters the least. Go play EU1 and 2 and see what all powerful plains and desert cavalry modifier is, then we can talk about importance of terrain.
Agreed, same problem playing as the same nation. Basically pops are locked at
>Not accepted
>Angry because not accepted
>Not assimilating because angry
>Not accepted because not assimilated.
The only thing left to do is try to ethnically cleanse your nation by getting them to immigrate somewhere else, although I haven't mastered that completely yet. Once I had all Greeks leave crete leaving as a half turk half bantu or something state that were permanently locked in high turmoil and unable to fully employ buildings to raise SOL. All the Greeks went to Greek somaliland and made it a paradise state. Really.
I am not fucking playing eu1&2 nigger I don't have infinite free time like some of you, I have a job and a family. I am playing meiou and taxes because that's the one I love all these years and that's it. Try invading a hilled province over a straight (kallipoli from Marmara for example) and tell me again terrain doesn't matter when you get -5 to your rolls.
NTA, haven't played M&T since 2.x. Have they fixed some things, like communication efficiency over ocean? Does the AI actually colonise?
I don't play 2.5. I prefer 2.0. AI colonizes yes. If by AI you mean England/Portugal/Spain. The rest delay too much and their colonies are irrelevant. CE is fine tho. I've had green across the map with Byzantium by building a shitton of regional capitals, maybe even one per state. That's what you should be doing to improve CE. That and ports/roads of course. For large empires you definitely need logistics ideas to reduce costs of roads cause you need them fully upgraded basically everywhere. For the early a few ports are enough, but to get that 2.5% or so autonomy you need the full package. I don't know how in-detail you want me to go or if this is enough for you.
I meant I play 2.5.x and not 3.0, not what I posted 2.0 and 2.5
Ah, got it. That's what I was curious about. Thanks for the info anyway!
>Not assimilating because angry
it doesnt work that way its hardcoded so that they need to be accepted to assimilate
>I am not fucking playing eu1&2 nigger I don't have infinite free time like some of you
Translation: "I'm a zoomershit, give me a break"
>I have a job and a family
No you don't.
>Try invading a hilled province over a straight (kallipoli from Marmara for example) and tell me again terrain doesn't matter when you get -5 to your rolls.
Try doing a river crossing to hilled province in fucking Victoria 1, then tell me about powerful modifiers, you dumb cunt. Especially ones that you CAN'T overcome with spamming 6/6/6 commanders with a single press of a button. Or, as said earlier, play some fucking HoI2 and go tell us all how bad is a -50% modifier, when you can reach fucking negative values in HoI2 on regular basis from a terrain compounded by bunch of pillboxes.
>logistics ideas to reduce costs of roads cause you need them fully upgraded basically everywhere
why build roads when you can portmaxx
seriously the only roads I ever did was to connect my capital to the nearest port
granted most of my M&T games ended up being around the mediterranean and I did build roads in my brandenburg-prussia and russia games, but didn't invest that heavily into them, i just had a network of high quality roads, and i just used that money on more buildings instead, and the idea slot into something more useful than logistics
if you really want to roadmaxx then just take quantity and build the network with manpower, money is way too valuable in M&T to be burned away on spamming roads
War in this game doesn't make any sense. I deploy my fleet to in hopes of supporting my ally's naval invasion but all I can do is raid convoys or defend against naval invasions so I just have to watch him get btfo.
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>Revolution starts brewing because interest groups want reform
>Revolution starts brewing from the interest groups that don't want that reform
>Either way the exact same states secede from my country
You need to be 18+ to post on this site btw. Just because mommy keeps you supplied, it doesn't mean that resources are unlimited.
Just admit you never played vic2 retarded larper.
>sometimes a good gets dumplicated and dumped more than once!
wish people stopped repeating this r*ddit lie
>Tarriffs actually DO SOMETHING in Victoria 3.
Lmao wtf are you talking about? Trade basically doesn't exist in Vicky3. There is almost no reason to bother with trading at all which is pants on head retarded for the era.

Meanwhile in Vicky 2 tariffs not only do something, certain countries and scenarios actually allow you to have a profitable economy based almost solely on tariffs. Like in reality. That doesn't even mention the effect tariffs have on pops in Vicky 2.

I really do wish the best for Vicky3 but this small vanguard of its fans who operate solely on OLD BAD are the reason the game will never improve. I blame it on plebbitfags twisting a visage where enjoyers of Vicky3 are all big brained economist autists, when really they're playing cookie clicker.
>Dead as fuck shit thread
Ironic, given those two come from the same person
each state having an interest group attached to them could add a lot of flavor to gameplay, both in terms of civil wars and events based around those regions

You just described how the system decides the revolutions already.
In other words: thanks for sharing you never fucking booted the game.
>Trade basically doesn't exist in Vicky3
Trade in v3 exists but its existence is almost entirely negative for anyone but the AI. tarrifs are a consolation prize for the AI's ability to ruin your market when you try to intentionally reduce prices
Same, I had about ~300 hrs on Vicky 2 before winning the steam version in a raffle. If Xfire servers still existed I'd nab screenshots for proof.
>Pre-Steam era game
>Player count is low
Who would have expected! I mean I guess nobody ever bought or played any games prior to 2010s, since all of them have shit playercounts.
played the game for 2 days. All it did is made me want to continue to try eu4 for some more. American indians specifically
if only it didnt have ui designed for 1024x768 monitors
>we are numerous!
>source: just trust me, bro!
>V3 was totally such a betrayal of the core fans!
>why couldn't we drop reviews below Mixed on Steam?
>fuck you, that's why!
Cope and seethe, shitter. Yellow Prussia Victoria probably made majority of the non-Steam players drop it. Steam players are most of what stuck around.
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>but its existence is almost entirely negative for anyone but the AI.

>improves relations
>unlike internal trading, money goes to pops
>you can get things you don't have access to
>seemingly more efficient than market access for larger nations
>war industries don't collapse between wars
>pops can get better jobs than farming
>costs mana
>demand-based; cannot create demand; cannot undercut a saturated market even if you have better production methods; you cannot dump steel like China
>trade doesn't like equilibriums; imported goods will never be "cheap" without the producing country having a massive oversupply (which wouldn't be sustainable)
>tariffs aren't a reliable income and prevents most trading
>domestic industries, without high wages, will always choke out trade
>markets bypass trading entirely
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Wait, hold on
>checks Metacritic
>from 161 user reviews
you literally get the full game, even multiplayer, if you just pirate it, most of the people i play mp with have it pirated, it doesn't show on the steam numbers tho.
Pirates are literally not the audience. Period. Their opinion is fucking irrelevant.
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shut the fuck up landlubber
Seethe harder, poorfaggot. I get what I want, and you don't. I consider that a bonus.
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i can get everything you have by not paying

you have five extra chromosomes if you pay for a game with zero multiplayer support.
>i can get everything you have by not paying
Not the developer's ear, you don't. :^)

This game would be tolerable if it had a dumbed down version of HOI4 combat where you just draw on the map where you want them to advance and they do their best to get there
I know this is bait but Mixed on Steam is basically a desecration of all that is sacred. You could sell a service of gross neckbeards shitting directly into people's mouths and it would still be Mostly Positive on Steam.
You should actually check the reviews of actually popular games on Steam. You'll be surprised just how many are Mixed.
>install the game
>ui looks like one of those "build your town and beat other players" browser/mobile games
>literally nothing to do other than spam buildings to watch numbers get higher so you can spam more buildings
False, the player can ignore their economy completely and just wage war all game (too boring to bother in vic 3)
>war is determined by who has the most soldier buildings
False, its also determined by Technology and Geography
>every single law group has one law that massively shits on the rest like one of the tax laws gives you the most money and makes your pops richer with no downsides
n/a passing reforms to make your POPs happy/richer is kinda the point of vic2s reforms system (unless the player is RPing)
>every single country basically plays the same

only 1/5 apply to Vicky 2 while 5/5 apply to Vicky 3
Fucking mega for this crapshoot where? I don't really see it as a vicky game so much as a blob and liquey clicker game and I got an urge to play one of those.
>every single law group has one law that massively shits on the rest like one of the tax laws gives you the most money and makes your pops richer with no downsides
This just isn't true at all. All the tax laws are viable at different stages of the game and will give you more or less money depending on how developed your economy is. You can load into the game as Russia or China or some other shithole country right now and see that even if you could pass Proportional Taxation you would massively lose money by doing so because most of your country is peasants.

The only laws that are outright bad with no use are Traditionalism and Mercantalism for obvious reasons and then all of the no institutions laws, again for obvious reasons. Everything else has its place.
>All the tax laws are viable at different stages of the game and will give you more or less money depending on how developed your economy is
Consumption-based taxation.
Haven't tried playing with it, but you could possibly make it work if you have lots of authority
put it on luxury goods and then tax it to the max and it will only hurt the rich
But yea it's mostly shit, although he other anon is right there is a time and place for most of the tax laws.
game is going to be dead until they adress the horrible performance. esp trading UI.
u cant play past 1870 just due to 1fps stutters
they should fire the entire department and just hire coders to clean up the slop.
sadly they will realize too late u cant just push visual dlcs as the player base gets worn out waiting.
consumption halves the cost of authority for goods.
it synergizes with empire vassal block as u get 25 auth per vassal.
u can have dussins of 1 state vassals by chopping up germany. danzig, luebeck etc.
its a positive feebackloop to increasing SOL
as the people arent taxed income can buy all essential needs and just cant afford the luxuries. usually leading to them buying more luxuries as they level up in strata.
its the best mid game strategy.
gradual income is better when u have a really large upperclass say 20% 20 wealth.
>u cant play past 1870 just due to 1fps stutters
I can play through an entire game in about 5h. The only stutter I get is sometimes when there's big wars, and it's still playable.

You can "make it work", but it's still the worst.

The best strategy in the game is to use as much of the wealth of your country as possible to build workplaces until you run out of population to exploit. Consumption is bad for this because even if you have more than 1000 authority, it's still going to give you less income than the other taxes. Creating a positive feedback loop through building stuff to raise everyone's income is way more efficient than doing it through lowering taxes. Lowering taxes only becomes efficient when everyone is employed.
Turn on aggressive pop merging and the performance is fine as long as you avoid multiculturalism.

Another good QoL mod, when you release a country you get an event where you can vassalize them at any level or put them into your power bloc with differing infamy costs for each.
Anon this a victorian nipple torture board
Being a 24/7 security guard in your home is not employment
On another note, Vicky 2 and HoI are actually good bases for their respective franchises, you can unironically build better games from HoI III and vicky 2 combined than HoIs 2 and 4 or vicky 3
Sorta like how vicky 2 is a better vicky 1(except mass deportations, which can be fixed easily, more serious problem would be how you would add HoI IVs production to HoI III)
vic2 is garbage.
project alice is hope
guess it depends on country and popsize.
u will never employ everyone in china.
u will run out of pos in scandinavia instantly.
gamifinying SOL in south america just to get more migration waves and ecplipsing usa via this could be benefitial
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Yes, as I'm saying Vicky 2 and HoI III are the best bases for a gsg, open source them and gsg will be one of the most dominant and fun genres on the market

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