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I like Civ V. Would I like this game too? I dislike it's cartoony art style and the UI looks too disjointed.
I don't think you would actually.
While they are similar games of course, some of the most important parts of what makes a game fun to play are the appeal of the visuals and UI as well as how it is to move the units (since that's the majority of what you do in a Civ game)

And both the visuals and the moving of units in 6 are annoying worse than they were in Civ 5, so I think you'd probably end up like me and only want to play Civ 5 when playing Civ 6.

I loved Civ 5, played a shit ton of that as a kid (I'm 22 now) and I bought 6 on launch, played a few hours of it, and then never touched it since.
Because it just reminded me that I have more fun playing Civ 5.

So I don't recommend it.
Maybe wait and see what Civ 7 will have when they do the big reveal in a few days here.
I played Civ II, III, and V, and after watching a little bit of VI decided it's not for me.
Based zoomer (or alpha?). You should check out Civ III and IV.
just use civ5 textures mod if u cant stand mobile graphic from civ6 so much
Hard to say. VI is a much better game than V, but V cultists usually hate it the most.
>I dislike it's cartoony art style and the UI looks too disjointed
But you just told me you liked Civ V
6 is much better. Everyone pretends to like 5 on here to get (You)s
It's pirated sir.
Civ VI was abandoned around 2020. The developer opted to milk the fanbase instead of fixing the game and the shitty DLC they had just released.
>he doesnt know how to mod pirated games
You can see past those two perceived issues.

Main difference is that you spread out cities with districts.
You have two trees you progress in, tech and culture.
Instead of having your tech tree and social policies in civ5 basically.
In civ5 you kinda build your policies early on, but in civ6 you switch around policies you acquire through culture progression.
That is more likely to be a real issue, if you really like how "the build" you have with your social policies in a game like civ5, where you can essentially respecc whenever at a very low cost in civ6. Takes away some of the identity of your playthrough.

One way they balanced the game in the latest expansion of civ5, was to add a tech cost from #cities.
In civ6 they instead balance it by increasing the district cost, by number of techs.

Workers and settlers also increase in cost as you get more.

These scaling things might be more of an issue.

Honestly, you should just pirate it, and try it.
Do it without the expansions, if you're curious after that, pirate the expansions as well.
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>the good
Playing wide is better than tall in 6, if you're tired of 4 city strats it'll be a nice change
District system is... Potentially interesting and refreshing
Unit power progression makes more sense (no more pikeman into cavalry or bowman into 1 range machine gun)
>the bad
the AI.
Honestly, the main and perhaps only reason the game is shit is because the AI can't play the game. They don't know how to build cities with the new district systems, they have retarded in-built personalities that don't make any god damn sense, the blatant cheating is infuriating at higher levels.

Even if the new mechanical changes are 100% up your alley (I didn't like them so I'd count that as a con, but it's a taste thing), the game is just not playable because the AI can't play it in a satisfactory way.
So, you can pirate it to see for yourself as other anons said, the mechanics are very divisive as you can see in this and other civ threads; But the AI being straight up retarded and unable to play its own game makes it all feel pointless.
>. Would I like this game
it has a free demo
great yapping about nostalgia fagging. listen OP you gonna like 6, it's a cool game, however make sure to install a couple mandatory mods like:
>Better Trade Screen
>City Lights
>Detailed Map Tacks
same but im 24, basically civ 5, even with NO mods, is amazingly fun and good looking
>Another person complaining about AI in strategy games
Can you even describe what a good AI would like like in a game like Civ VI?
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>Can you even describe what a good AI would like like in a game like Civ VI?
>The ability to work with the city system and not create useless abomination settlements just to occupy land
>The ability to balance economy / war / building without insane cheating
>The ability to actually fight in the wars they start instead of random declarations, walking around your city with 2 archers, losing them then begging for peace
>The ability to use other more complex systems such as diplomatic congress voting for literally anything useful, as is it's just RNG because the AI picks randomly
>Diplomacy that works and functions
>Considering relations & actual strategic interests of their state > retarded hard-coded shit like being mad that you, the player, don't build enough ships
The AI could do much of this in civ4 to an acceptable degree and it was much more enjoyable to play with
Since we're talking about AI in a strategy game, you know that means that every turn there are a number of optimal choices that the AI can take.

A good AI would be the one that always take the optimail choice?
And I guess if it's a easier difficult a random % of takiing not optimal decisions increasing as the difficulty go lower.

Because the devs don't need the AI to cheat it's just easier so that the AI can work with the flow of the player, because if we make a GOOD AI in a strategy game it will just win almost everytime. People ask for a better AI but a better AI it's just more optimal choices and at one point it just becomes almost impossible to beat something like that, and especially not fun to play against.
I found enjoyment in V after the exps but hated VI and still do, its the first civ game I truly hate
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Anon there is a line between
>absolute retardation that settles the mountain pass with no resources that you need to get your armies to your other city
>literally skynet that nukes the player on turn 10
nobody wants the latter
but you can very much fix the former if you give a shit to at least feel like you're not playing with a literal retard, hell there are mods that do it
It's the equivalent of wanting to play chess with a person (or at least someone who understands how the game works), not perfect mathenatically autistic machine that wins every time, but also not stupid cat that'll just paw the pieces randomly, and not cheap shit that gets 12 queens just because it's retarded
Capable of human level adaptation and creativity without requiring me to interact with disgusting meatbags.
I disagree, it feels like just fooling itself.
What you want boils to: Optimail Choices - Not Optimal choices - random change of choosing one or the other, if you're going to win or not depends on how many optimal choices the AI will take.

I'd preffer if the AI had personalities and worked like in pre-made scenarios.
Alexander will start to conquer every city state and come for you, as the difficult go increase he does it faster and with more firepower but for him to do be able to do that consistenly the AI needs to cheat.

It doesn't work like that. Play against people or play hotseat against yourself, it's honestly more fun, AI is just smoke and mirrors.
At least currently.
Man, I really need to work on my english, should I run my posts through a translator?
That's why I rarely post.
Is it much worse than CIivV's AI?
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I would say it's about on par, the difference is that civ5 is a generally simpler game so the AI manages to at least function. For instance, I actually lost to an AI rush in civ5 because I didn't consider that starting next to zulu and montezuma will mean early war, and I had several cultural / science / diplo losses too. (fuck you alexander)
I played maybe a total of 20 civ6 games and in those 20 games at least 33% of all AI lost to barbarians, civ6 barbarians are a bit more active than 5's but still, it's telling. I never lost a game of civ6.
Like, I had warmongers try to rush me in civ6, but instead of a swarm of ~8 units they sent like 3, 2 of which kill themselves on your first city.
And unless you play higher cheat difficulties, because of how retarded AI city management is in 6 (because it genuinely is a deeper more involved system where you can minmax or fuck up if you plop random cities in random spots like the AI tends to do), they are incapable of most victory types because they straight up do not have the ability to generate enough ... anything, unless its given to them for free through difficulty cheats.
Higher victories don't really help the AI achieve any non-domination victory, they just give them a lot of units for an early warfare rush while also giving you negative relationship modifiers so they'll be more likely to declare war.
Because city development is a lot more complicated, the AI is pretty much guaranteed to fall behind in science and culture even on deity. Unless you're equally bad at development, or one AI manages to conquer several neighbors and get a ton of cities.
>>I do not like Civ6 for yet another trivial surface level reason and I need my validation thread #8242475
Here is your (You). Now go and do something useful.
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>city lights

how the fuck does that mod work tho???
Is it basically about constructing 2-3 rural towns and sending trade caravans to sustain your urban areas? i havent played civ6 since it came out, i dont even know how districts work but i have been told this mod is essential and that civ7 gonna use the urban-rural town dichotomy as well
People always make a big deal about civ V somehow having good AI. Neither does. When firaxis moved to hexes and 1UPT, the AI was not improved to handle the concept, so both have poor AI.
strange because A* handles hexagons better
Make the switch if you can get the expansions on sale. The road-building and city state stuff is so good you'll never go back.
>The road-building
I like the way it crops up naturally as you trade with other cities! Sue me! I understand why building each individual road tile might be preferable to some but I always thought it was such a pain to navigate the map in 5, especially in the mid game. 6's road system means that when you're ready to have a few proper world wars, you can get units to the front far quicker.
ironically they took the idea from a civ5 mod
In Civ 5 you're playing against psychopaths who's primary goal is to not let you win. In Civ 6 you are playing against idiots who are following a set agenda that may or may not apply to the game at hand. Pick your poison.
its not that bad just get this
VI still has triggers where the AI just goes berserk on you if it senses it has overwhelming military advantage(this usually goes off very early because AI get 3x warrior and multiple slingers to start). The biggest problem in V is just how freely the AI carpets the world with cities because it ignores happiness. Iroquois are almost guaranteed to control half the planet if they're in game and the AI never react to other AI dominating.
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You can alleviate the UI and map graphics a bit with mods. No mod that completely removes the vanilla leader animations, though. There's more game mechanics than V, but half the time the AI can't into using them properly.
My biggest problem with the game right now is the game pacing is off. I just won the game with a diplo victory on diety and it was the fucking 1700s. Why did I rush the win in the 1700s? Because I had to due to the AI ALREADY BEING ON A SPACE MISSION TO MARS. How is this game fun when it breaks immersion this badly?
Do you guys think that Civ VII will pull the same DLC scam like they did with Civ VI?
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Just dwell on how awful V's Frankenstein happiness/trade/growth-cap system is and you will be forced to change to VI.
You can literally turn animations off, bro. It's an out-of-the-box settings option.
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>Do you guys think that Civ VII will pull the same DLC scam like they did with Civ VI?
What makes you think they won't?
They have market monopoly, a name boomers will buy and no competitor in sight, it wouldn't make economic sense not to.
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>static animations
>get a still image of said leader
Let me rephrase, there isn't a mod that removes all imagery of civ's cartoon leaders, like what alot of civ 4 overhaul mods do

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