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I know that it is beginning as a colony of the British but India has 1.4 billion people living there and it is an educated industrial nation not like Africa. Before the British colonialism India was home multiple to great empires and powerful nations like in CK 3 and EU 4 but in HoI 4 they weaken it so much for European bias.

Why is HoI 4 so centered around Germany-UK-USA-USSR? Just because they were the ones who did fight WW 2 in history does not mean that they are the only ones who could have done.

Brazil was given a good focus tree to allow it to be powerful and act with history why does India still have a terrible focus tree which encourages to be a colony? India has proven in reality that it does not need the UK in fact the UK needs India they even have had an Indian prime minister. Nepal was so strong that their soldiers are world famous for being elite special forces.

I think India needs a new reworked focus tree. It should come in a DLC focused on the ignored Asia of Iran, Afghanistan, India, and Myanmar. America could not defeat Afganistan but it still has the default focus tree? But for Sweden there is made a unique focus tree just because the developer is Swedish.
too busy shitting in the designated shitting street
>but India has 1.4 billion people living there
Means nothing when almost all of them are useless
Because it has so much pop that PDX and all the modders give it either completely crippled industry or massive debuffs or both, because of muh balance. This goes for China too.
i dunno, i don't think paradox has much they can do to make it relevant here
there isn't much to work with historically
They should just ask their programmers, I'm sure they'll have enough some local lore to add.
Omg pajeet discords are trolling even fringe boards like this to cope with their inferiority complex, jesus, stop you victim slave mentality do it on your own useless street shitter
dude just get a mod HoI4 DLCs have been awful
good morrrrrrrrning sirs
China was actually a complete clusterfuck IRL.
India just gets debuff, because in player's hand there are no real-life restrictions on what you can pull off
Indians really are the most insecure people on the planet, huh
... wait until you met a Russian. Slavs are insecure as fuck, East Slavs in particular, and Ruskies are effectively a human-sized insecurity.
We see russians everyday on 4chan, none have ever been close to being as annoying as poojeets and their superpooper delusions
> India has 1.4 billion people living there
Not at the time it didn't. Even in 1950, it only had +200 million or so on the USA or USSR.
Go look at history then come back and answer your own question. Indians are disorganized and backwards, they aren't capable of organizing a military. Hell, go look at their olympic results from 2024. A nation of 1.3 billion and they produce almost zero athletes.
russians have at least accomplished great things throughout history.
>their olympic results from 2024
Based retard, they're not allowed in
Are you retarded?

India has huge potential though. The whole point is alt-history. Just because somewhere was neutral does not mean that it shouldn't be allowed to do anything. Sweden has a focus tree. Turkey has a focus tree. Both of these were neutral historically.
Maybe as fertilizer, but not for much more.
Nah just drunk, thought you were talking about Russia
>India has 1.4 billion people
300m+ in 1940, virtually no industry aside from what the british needed, mostly illiterate farmers
not exactly a superpower, just like today
good morning saar
do not redeem needful IC
>Indians really are the most insecure people on the planet, huh
enter: jews
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>why is a country
>with no national identity
>fragmented cultures
>religious differences
>an extreme class system so harsh it's called a caste system
>zero industry
>and a puppet of a tiny island
>... shit at warfare?

The problem is HoI4 models fighting ability based upon population, and industry based upon how many four walls with roofs are designated as factories.
This leads players to believe the country with the biggest number matters and not its literacy, culture, economy, food security, political climate (outside of flavours of red/blue/orange/grey ice cream, and democratic referenda to become alt left/right) and the ability to have a refinery sat next to an oil well or to produce your own steel.

It's a very modern perspective of line goes up that completely flies in the face of historical accuracy and is why special modifiers are given to the overpopulated participants of WWII, and why colonial powers can't just conscript all of Africa.
Arguably the Raj shouldn't be its own nation in the game, it should just be a lot of provinces that provide a token amount of manpower.
The rest of the empire should probably not be its own devolved nations either, but with how simplistic the game's logistics are, you can't make the empire a single tag without big problems occurring.

The game has plenty of similarly stupid things - France is fucked politically because the game can't model political division. The US simply annexes Newfoundland and Barbados in exchange for some shitty outdated destroyers when that's not how it worked at all. And with a single click of a button, you will find Hitler being deposed by a female empress in a country without a monarchy and male inheritance laws if it did.
>300m+ in 1940
>1.4bn today
it's insane how not fucked the world was within people's lifetimes
humanity's biggest mistake was not introducing sex ed to these pests sooner.
India shouldn't even be an independent country in Hoi4. Even though it was nominally a self-governing Dominion like Canada or South Africa, it never actually had administrative or executive independence. It was more like a giant department of the British government. The whole continent was 50% cash cow, 50% giant geostrategic liability for the British, not some waiting superpooer (which India certainly is not today)
Turks as well, they're always fucking angry and sensitive to even slightest scrutiny of their mutt history.
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India or China having organizational parity with Western countries in the 1940s is wildly unrealistic. It’s the devs’ faults for not building this into the game mechanics in a meaningful way.
List five of them.
Hard mode: no genocide
The joke is that you can apply a single fucking debuff that DOES represent it properly... except there is nobody to bother.
Consult HPP mod for 3 - it had handful of very basic mechanics to represent clusterfucks AND meaningful way of changing that status. All achieved with basic-tier mechanics that already were in the game and making it probably the main reason why to play that mod - you had general mechanics for sorting your starting situation, rather than some gimmck events or country-specific bullshit.

watch this video

the britishers were bloody benchod basterds
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They have the "scam call centers" spirit giving them +100% equipment capture ratio.
They also have the overpowered street shiting biologicall weapon instead of the weak nuclear one.
Not to mention the "Standardization of cow dung eating" focus that gives +90% recovery rate.
just play europa universalis
Saving humanity from Nazi Germany counts as 5 things.
Saving orthodoxy, keeping the largest empire for centuries and communism if you measure by importance alone.
Oh and being the most populated country also.
>keeping the largest empire for centuries
Russian Empire only lasted for two centuries, starting in 17th and already after Alexander I. was collapsing due to aristocratic fuckery. That is deffinetelly not something to be proud of. If you want to bring up Russian achievments then talk about lirerature.
>it is an educated industrial nation not like Africa.
Butthurt pajeet detected.
Here in Europe we get our cheap programmers from former Soviet block countries.
>India has 1.4 billion people living there
Mostly rice farmers at that point aka horribly diseased and weak, not well suited to military service. The same reason China got its shit pushed in by powerful meat-eating steppe nomads repeatedly.

>and it is an educated industrial nation not like Africa.
Average IQ in India is 74 today.
That was the British.
Slavniggers out in force proving that they are as insecure as Poojeets. Ivan your country has more aids than parts of Africa.
>t:insecure amermutt
Non-Meme Answer:

India ( and most of the TfV countries )
suffers from a National Focus that aged like milk due to the fact that at that point, most of Paradox's historical research on the Commonwealth Countries didn't go beyond what they read on Wikipedia and back then, the base game didn't really have the same amount of depth as it did now.

I'll give you an example of this: Canada's fascist branch can be summed up as "fuck Britain and the US, we're our own thing now!". The problem however is that Canada's fascist man was far from wanting to break Canada away from the UK. He was a Quebecer Integralist with ties to the British Union of Fascists while the actual fascists who want to break away were basically irrelevant by 1936.
They have but they also cope really hard and WE WUZ. All Slavs do even though they have a pretty good history. Like Ireland got BTFO for all of history and they don’t go “h-history is fake the dark ages were made up, there was a secret Irish empire ruling all of northern europe” they just have pride in who they are and their culture. Why are Slavs different?
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Brown, shitstained hands types this post.
Modern day India is a whole different beast from 1930-40s India and even modern day India can't manage to build a domestic arms industry that isn't a total clusterfuck.
>India has 1.4 billion people living there
Not in 1935, granted 127 million is still a lot, but less than for instance USSR. They also struggled to feed them and were only one natural disaster and british mismanagement away from millions dying.

I'm all for India getting some proper alt history LARP focus options though.
Nepalese are just jeet-chink chimeras, they have a lower iq too but there's less of them than poos so nobody knows how dumb and niggery they are
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Based posters ITT.
India has a space program
I heard they use germany food aid money to build it lmao
Ah OhOh
Oh God I'mI'm
India has a space program, Sir. *
Fixed that for you.
Why didn't they care then, but do care now?
I'm suspecting that they thought that alt-history paths will be uplayed memes like the different start-dates in eu4, and not The Thing that is selling their game (ignoring mods, that is).
So does Poland. It doesn't mean much.
my impulse wanted to disagree but considering the game didn't ship with ideology flips for any of the majors i think you're probably right
although there is a cynical part of me which thinks they knew they planned to sell them later since communist germany or fascist usa are easy sales pitches
>is an educated industrial nation not like Africa
is it though? have you looked at the stats about mean IQ and amount of open defacation?
Indians are very well educated that is why they are taking all of your good American jobs and CEO.
At least I still have my toilets...
>Poojeet is the brain-child of very based devs who saw first-hand the need for clean toilets in India, despite being a super-power in 2021 and a highly developed country India still suffers from a heavy class division with Toilets being the social commodity. This has driven up the prices of toilets in India and make owning one incredibly difficult, only 1 out of 10 families can afford to even own a toilet seat. Seeing this we decided to combine our experience as developers in the field of Crypto and our passion for toilets, to tokenize the Toilet on the Blockchain, and thus Poojeet was born.
>A token that only helps people take dumps, not dump on them.
a very small portion gets filtered to the US, this is not reflective of the whole country and thus irrelevant for the game mechanics being talked about
low mean iq and the highest levels of open air defacation are facts and a small elite existing does not change that
in fact that is what you would expect even with low iq, you just need a population that is high enough
3 standard deviations over the mean is about 0.15% of the population, india has a mean iq of about 80, which means there are 0.15% * 1.417 bil = 2,125,500 people with IQs over 125

compare this to something like germany (assuming 100 mean iq) and population of 85 mil people, you have roughly the same absolute amount of people with this high IQ, but to get to the US you have probably much more higher filtering effects compared to Indians
>this level of cope because muttoids are mogged by almost every other people on the planet in a fair competition
We know you magapeeds want to keep the immigrants out so they can't tek ur jerb.
its a fact and it doesnt deny that there are millions of very competent indians
the point is to explain why there is this apparent contrast and disparity
one one hand, india is largely a shithole
on the other hand, there are a lot of very competent CEOs who are indian in the US and the mean income of indians in US is very high
this is explained by the nature of the normal distribution and high population of India
Jeets are the only race I utterly loathe.
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>very competent CEOs who are indian in the US
Frontmen for a certain group I can't even name negatively without getting banned, unironically. Indians are soulless careerists who will backstab and destroy literally anyone if it means getting a crumb of power. Perfect tools for a certain group.
>mean income of indians in US is very high
Yeah that sort of happens when you're a very tribal, very "ethno"centrist group that happens to be smarter than black people, which isn't very hard. Black people are also very tribal but they're retarded.
>certain group
This isn't reddit you can write it, faggot.
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>but India has 1.4 billion people living there and it is an educated industrial nation not like Africa.
whatever you think pajeet
back to the nursing home grandpa
>why is a game focused on WW2 so centered around the main actors and theater of WW2?
They are more important and powerful than they were in real life.
India produced less steel than Australia iirc. Curry, cows and corpses floating down a holy river aren't war related resources, sry saars.
saar uk NEEDS india saar!!!
Irish "pride" is in practice (nowadays) no different than all other third world dogs. All they do is prance around and play victim, "look at us, we're just like the heckin palestinians and africans! Colonization le bad! All we have to lose is our chains, death to the English!"
It's servile and pathetic. Also tbf, I haven't heard the Z-Anon historical revisionism regarding secret eastern Slavic aristocracy ruling Europe. Is that how Putin worshippers cope now?
If nothing else, at least the Gurkhas have proven to be quite formidable.
Isn't it strange how Indians are so talented, yet they're incapable of making India itself an attractive country to live in, hence constant emigration?
Good meatshields. Pet monkeys for the british
Combat effective pet monkeys. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dipprasad_Pun
Their combat spirit must be a proxy for their desire to get out of Nepal lmao
I'm sure they've 180'd their cultural norms and ceased openly defecating in the street and bathing in cow excrement a mere 10 years later. Truly superpower status if true!
500lb land whales seething on the internet. The only real work you have done is reaching out for ketchup on the table.
You smell like a curried piece of dogshit.

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