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File: kingsbounty.jpg (54 KB, 512x293)
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Recs for slavkino games?
The last game to make me feel things I never knew I could still feel
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Eador: Genesis + New Horizons mod
Seconding this, although beware the grind. Also fuck trying to do diplo with drow and elves.
Original War is peak solo RTS. Just make sure you are playing it either in Czech or Polish with subtitles, the English dub if horrible.
thea: the awakening and thea 2
Let’s remove from each faction a tech that everybody has and call it balance
Russians can teleport through space but not build a fucking radar
The Witcher
Space Rangers 2 is made by same people under a different studio name. It's a staple, although it's poorly translated.
the cyberpunk 8k video tho
tortanic fags in suicide watch
Etherlords 1&2
>New Horizons mod
i just play vanilla, its enough for me, I don't need EXTRA EXTRA autism
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Remaster of Perimeter came up some time ago. I've been thinking about checking it out.

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