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Did ARA win?
Why would Nefertiti have anything to do with Aten? That was Akhenaton´s idea, she was merely his sister wife.
Also, why would decadence lower merchants? If anything decadence should give more merchants, to satisfy your exquisite tastes.
after civ7 public suicide it might just do
The idea is that you are wasting a merchant to fullfil your whims instead of benefitting the nation.
Inoffensive tits
cute nefertitties
watching ara videos on youtube I still don't understand what type of game it's supposed to be
Ara ara
That's the ideal breast size, with wide hips/thick thighs and huge ass
it won by doing nothing it seems. civ 7 epstein'd itself.
It's the least shit by the looks of it. It could still be a buggy unfinished mess but at least they understand that I want to play one distinct Civ/Leader per game and not some Ethnobending faggot.
What ara even mean? Is it a fancy way to misspell era?
Which is still quite weird. Because the entire point of the Cult of Aten was to curb-stomp the decadence of the Priesthood.
Finally someone with some fucking taste
I have no idea, it's not an acronym either.
>museum sets fucking again
Who the fuck enjoys this pointless busywork
I know literally nothing about this game except a dev said strategy games don't have to be "smart man's games" anymore and I can't think of a harsher indictment of any game's prospects.

I don't think strategy games were ever the smart man's game. Ask any /vst/ gamer if they consider themselves smart and they will most certainly answer no
So it would seem.. So it would seem..
Say the same when they include Harriet Tubman.
Well yeah, it's 4chan.
game has issues but it's overall ok. The way combat works though is absolute fucking dogshit and the biggest reason why I wont buy it
Mixed bag, the mistery meat of internet.
she's doing the fucking happy merchant pose but with a raised chin
I'll be honest, I really like the gameplay of Ara, if it turns out actually good I will consider it a civkiller.
What are you talking about the game isn't even out yet.
He might be a playtester.
"ara ara" because she's a milf
>civ clone with only lustful milfs as leaders
ARA: 32 players max
CIV: 5+3 players max

ARA: 12 eras
CIV: 3 eras

ARA: Localized prices
CIV: Long nose prices + blatant extra monetisation

ARA: 1 month to release
CIV: 6 months

Yes; Humankind was indeed the civ killer. Civ copy it and kill itself
CIV: sells well and is popular
ARA: does not
some gameplay, sadly the host is fat bitch which makes it harder to watch, love from Kazachstan
Marrying/settling with such an hair it's like a kissing a yellow frog.
as >>1831010 said, I am indeed a playtester. And in fact, I've played through all 3 closed alphas over the years. It's very interesting to reflect on where they started vs where they're at now. The very first alpha had a hodge podge of mechanics from various genres including city builders, crafting items as a requirement to make units, etc. It felt like a mess. They've narrowed the scope down which in turn made it a bit more generic. But again, holy fuck I hate the combat in this game.
>humankind is hot garbage but manages to have the most enjoyable combat of any of the civ clones
a real curse
>this is a 9/10 in bongland
What's the optimisation like in the late game?
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>the tiny cars don't move
every single beta ran like dogshit, and this latest alpha was almost unplayable with the game crashing nonstop. I was on a 3070 and then 7900xtx w/ a 5800x during this last alpha. Late game still runs badly regardless of the crashes.
this actually reminds me of a feature they took out of the game after the first alpha. You could zoom in like this and see all the citizens walking around and shit. If you hovered over each one, there would be a little mouseover pop up telling you the person's name, age, occupation, etc. Did the same if you zoomed into animals but would have a small blurb about them. It was kinda pointless fluff, but i liked it. I imagine they cut it due to optimization
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I got two questions.
1. Can someone explain what does "Ara" mean?
2. Can someone link a game footage video without intervening dangerhair landwhales?
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dont pretend to be dumb anon, they wanted a woman leader for egypt and since she was involved with ruling after his death and is arguably more famous than he is (somehow) they'd added it as a trait
that said we might never have a game based enough for Akhenaton
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53min gameplay vid,
looking at the leader roster you would think we lived in matriarchal society all that time
>most of the leaders are women
>AND most of them look pretty
We are so fucking back.
neither is on sale yet, retard
>looking at the leader roster you would think we lived in matriarchal society all that time
meme this narrative and blame shrill feminists for serfdom, slavery etc

I just saw this and haven't watched it myself yet.
can't shame the shameless
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Joan of Arc is a rare example of a historical European figure that often gets depicted in Western games as being fairer than she was described by contemporaries. I don't know why it happens with her alone, but she was described by people who knew her as having swarthy skin and dark hair and eyes, likely had southern med genetics.

So what is the end game tech looking like. Space shit with moon/mars colonies? Or just mundane near future stuff that ends right before any cool sci-fi elements could happen?

If it does just end before things get cool that's a major bummer. At least Millennia had the balls to look beyond the bland modern era and get into the sci-fi alien stuff a little.
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>1. Can someone explain what does "Ara" mean?

Its means Ara Ara.
This game isn't japslop and actually looks like it might be good so it must mean something else.
I'd like to lick Sappho's armpits
If it were anime artstyle you would complain there are males at all.
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ayy lmao
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Here are all civs and leaders.
Well, except for these five. They're locked behind day one dlc. Really scammy.
Locking Charlememe and Genghis is really gay. The rest are whatever.
>Copernicus as a leader
>Harriet fucking Tubman
The civ picks are top notch but the leaders brain draining. Also I like how you can tell they renamed Crow to Apsaalooke, HRE to Teutons, Persians to Achaemenids and USA to Americans.
I do have to mention that this chart >>1833123 isn't an official thing from devs but I think it's really spot on.
Ah so the names are what would make sense alphabetically then I guess.
I haven't even thought about it, but you seem to be correct. A couple outliers show up on the chart if we take this rule, but I think they can be explained. Archaemnids likely go by Persian. Americans by United States. Charlemagne nation has to be actually Holy Roman Empire than Teutons and Apsaaloke as well liekly go by Crows.
Yeah those are the ones I brought up here >>1833130
Oh yeah, I'm dumb.
it's this thing called a prediction.
Another gameplay video. The brightness is fucked but it seems to be more useful than the other 53 minute one.
i was bothered more by the obvious faggot dev, why are they like this?
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>polar bear in the desert
you coombrain pests should be shot
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My boy looks like Algerian Boxer for no reason lmao
is this recorded by the same ign journalist who spent 5 minutes on the cuphead demo
you're really a glutton for punishment aren't you lol, have you playtested any other 4X games? Also did they completely do away with crafting mechanics or just simplify them? I remember that being a huge red flag to me at the time, seemed like they were just throwing in things from genres that were popular.
>humankind is hot garbage but manages to have the most enjoyable combat of any of the civ clones
I actually playtested for Old World and thought they pretty much nailed 1UPT combat, as well as that type of combat can be nailed anyway.
>harriet tubman

the madmen actually did it, it really was only a joke.
>locking charlemagne and genghis in with 3 women

they knew what they were doing those bastards
they reformed the crafting into basically making buffs that last for x turns, which frankly is much less tedious than the previous "oh you want a settler? better craft a walking stick and 3 dragon dildos first".
That's a cold desert bro, its rare but can happen.
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pretty sure its just tundra, heres an arctic wolf
Isn't Ara real time or am I thinking of a different game?
barbs should be capturable shotas
sick and god damned tired of woman leaders in historical strat games
>Belgians but no Dutch
>Argentinians but no Brazil
>no Babylon or Sumer
>bunch of female literal whos
Yikes, DOA
Assyrians are pretty much the same as Babylon and Sumer, and you have two freaking German leaders for the dutch.
Apples and bowling balls
It doesn't take much brainpower to figure out they're saving them for dlc.
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She's not that ugly, just needs some hair.
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>Using a poet that never had any sort of political influence or authority as a Greek leader to meet the diversity quota.

Wow. That's a new low. Couldn't even go for a historical queen consort like that Spartan queen Civ 6 used?
It's simultaneous turn.
they have a second real leader for greece so who cares. dumb autist
people who want non pozzed DEI garbage and more than one leader per country
keep crying then, little bitchboy
i dont give a fuck you rostera troon, i wont be even pirating this garbage
Not only did many of these people not lead their countries, several weren't leaders in any capacity. Also Charlemagne being the leader of the Teutons rather than the Franks or or the HRE is just strange.
>Argentina in the base game
>but leader is Evita
the malding will be apocalyptic
It is the HRE, the image is unofficial and HRE fits alphabetically.
Yeah they should've had Kirchner.
There's no way that the decision to make Sappho, a literal who Greek poet into a civ leader, wasn't made by a tranny
She is the source of the term lesbian, actually!
And who do you think makes up 90% of self described "lesbians" these days?
why is genghis making a basedface?
After the fiasco of Civ, I gotta say that Ara is looking mighty good...
go back where your kind belong then, polcel
he gonna rape yu quen soon
we could get 2 real leaders then
Based take on the genre
cold deserts of... germany
the series picked at the previous game
we are currently at homm 6 where the budget gonna go lower and lower from this point
Jeanne de arc for french lul
why not puta greta thunberg for sweden aswell then
if they are putting philosopher Confucius as a representation of china it would make much more sense to also put Shang Yang but it would be too reasonable they will rather put the only female emperor in china's history for the 3rd time in a row
>why not puta greta thunberg for sweden aswell then
Simply because she's alive, so it has legal ramifications.
Would have accepted Martin Luther King or Malcom X before Harriet at least they was leading millions at one point and honestly if MLK had survived I could see him winning a presidential nomination years ago.
You know Jeanne has been used as a leader in 4x games many times, right?

Seems like "leaders" is going to be the new trend, like those league of legends, dota games. Think they figured they can make money by selling the leaders as dlc's. There won't be shortage of "leaders" either. Call it alternative history, bam infinite "leaders" to sell.
>in 4x games
oh wow it changes everything then
i guess france was indeed ruled by a psychotic peasant child huh
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even 4 had a leader dlc, although with a bit more than that
They better add MalcomX and MLK then.
good thing the leaders in this game arent exclusively rulers you two digit iq mongoloid
To be fair, France would've been better off ruled by Queen Jeanne d'Arc than the actual king at the time. If Joan of Arc counts as "psychotic" then he was absolutely fucking insane.
I can't believe this, but it happened. ARA fucking won. Humankind killed CIV from beyond the grave.

ARA is what Civ should've been
good thing the game looks like the death of the series and you are a total moron for defending it
that fortnite character?
nah, not by an american company
>Malcom X Ability: Nation of Islam
Whenever a foreign city adopts your religion, they lose 1 Loyalty per turn.
> Malcom X agenda: One Struggle
Enjoys Civilizations with the Order and Autocracy ideology, loathes the Freedom ideology.
>you have two freaking German leaders for the dutch.
I'd love to see you explain this to a bunch of lads in an Amsterdam pub.
Warlords added only 4 leaders to existing factions - Stalin, Churchill, Ramesses II, Augustus; other 6 came with the new civs.
I'm not, i think the game is mediocre at best, having played it for over 100 hours at this point. It had potential but has too much stupid shit, the inane leader choices being the least of its issues. I'm just calling out you being retarded.
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Stop posting, final warning.
ARA seems to be taking the more realistic graphics path... Which is great. I've had enough of goofy cartoony maps in these games
Ara is pretty cartoony too, less so than VI but still.
Ah, a Negro lover.
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What can I say, my dick isn't racist
lmao why is suleiman so dark? turks are gonna flip
They actually did, it was funny. The majority of White leftoid plebbitors who play the game defended the brownwashing.
The worship of Aten also happened under her rule. It was Tut who reinstated Amun's cult, not Nerfertiti. When she ruled as pharaoh she ruled as Neferneferuaten (If she ruled).
She was a full participant in the Aten cult.
Fucking retards
>Harriet tubman
Are you fucking serious
Literally the only one that's dumb is Sappho. She's literally just some writer.
Hildegard was a once in a century talent, and Harriet Tubman at least ran an organization.
black skin is holy skin to leftoids

The perfect leftoid world is one in which we are all as black as coal
anyone from outside of france-britain-germany is a poc, chud
Neanderthal genes activated

You get Heriet Tubman!!!!
>Why would Nefertiti have anything to do with Aten? That was Akhenaton´s idea, she was merely his sister wife.
Why don't we put Martha Washington in the game while we're at it?
Why do these games love Boudica for the Celts when all she did was throw a tantrum, kill civilians, and get her own barbarian tribe destroyed the moment she met the Roman Army?
Looks like Clash of Clans characters.
Because there are very, very few historical female leaders and she is one.
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>Killing civilians is great when strong waamen do it
I do really want to give ARA a try but I have no idea if it's going to be any fun. I found out about this game like a year or so ago(maybe 2) but practically nothing until like last week when it announced it was coming out soon. Is the low marketing usually a sign of a poor experience?
Not everyone has the marketing budget of AAA studios.
>Wilma Mankiller
>Harriett Tubman
these weren't leaders
Because otherwise who will they use to represent the women?
True, well here's hoping it'll be a success
i genuinely feel bad for the people who havent played this game that are looking forward to it, thinking it's going to be good or fun
t. beta tester
Cleopatra looked nothing like this.
Tell us about it then.
Damn... It looks all alright though. Why it's not fun?
i watched few dev vlogs and they were showing all the pointless corporate stuff, like useless HR bitches, inclusivity and there were no nerds programmers to be seen so assumed game will be shit from the start.
read the thread, it was explained already
There's like a dozenish notable Mesoamerican queens, but that would require devs (it's probably more the execs/publishers) putting their money where their mouth is and actually paying attention to underrepresented cultures. Firaxis did it in Civ 6, I guess, but I still think Six Sky is a weird choice over K'abel or a few other options, though not a bad one

The real crime is nobody has used 6 Monkey of Jaltepec/Huachino yet, for fucks sake nobody has used 8 Deer either who has perhaps the most well documented impressive conquest spree of any king in the precolumbian americas

On that note Ara only having the Aztec and Inca respectively for Mesoamerica and the Andes is pretty sad, that's even less then Civ and it already includes barely any. Itzcoatl's outfit is also pretty poorly done, though I'm not sure if I think it\s as, less, or more bad then how Civ handles Moctezuma I and II

Are there any resources which explain all the game's mechanics and systems? I've been trying to find info for months
Also I have no clue why they picked Itzcoatl. I'm all for not going with Moctezuma I and II and somebody else instead (both are fine picks, but you can tell most games use them just because it's the only name most people know), but then go with Ahuizotl or Nezahualcoyotl or maybe Axayacatl or even Tlacaelel even if he's not a king.

Feels like they just picked Itzcoatl because he was the first emperor/post-triple alliance king
Caesar is looking pretty good, going by graphics alone this game tops CIV 7.
>looks like a tranny
I like women
Why did they give Charlemagne some wack ass 16th century armor
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Looks like the model was based on this painting.
everytime i think "maybe i'll end up getting this anyway cause the beta was kinda fun" i remember how dogshit the combat is as well as the shitty formation mechanic and it saps all desire to bother
>They actually did, it was funny.
I need to see this
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There's mecha for sure
I’m already malding. Even fucking Juan Domingo or Videla would have been a better option if they wanted to go for a braindead retard controversial choice.
Fuck, I bought this game by impulse because fuck civ7 with their decisions and I wanted to give the smaller guys a chance
Game releasing next tuesday...!

Im pretty stoked for this one
That retard didn't base his opinion on anything though
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Two new videos today
Leopold II of Belgium as leader

Dare I say... BASED
Female leaders look cute.
They look very average, it's just that western audiences are so used to video game women looking egregiously ugly.
>Fuck, I bought this game by impulse
lesson learned
i based my opinion on actually playing the fucking game you semen huffing faggot
My nigger they will put Harriet Tubman
Where is the info? About leaders and countries?
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Sappho looks pretty, like an actual Greek statue, and smug Elizabeth is cute.
Damn you made me look.
Damn, it was Leopold the first. Well hes novel leader too.

6 days till release (not gonna call it a civ killer, as civ shot itself in the head with a buckshot)
Civ7 would never, Jeanne looks pretty cute too.
hehe, titi
Except they got the lamellae on the legs wrong and now it looks stupid.
New video, new Civ.
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There are actually plenty of other leaders whose full models we haven't seen but that look good from the icons, and only a minority look ugly or average like the square-faced Egyptian.
I wish they had shown the two on the second last row.
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Ara won in age of mythology
Who is this zesty lad?
Is there a summary of features I can find for this game? Without the marketing buzzwords I mean.
Leopold is my man. Why there is no wiki for the game?
what's the combat like?
can you describe it?
got me worried atm
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Well, we're a few days away now. I'll let you all know what I think of it when the time comes. The devs that actually do work on the game, i.e. coders, have been talking about the game and posting screenshots in a non-chalant non-PRspeak way on their discord lately. So that's nice, they seem like normal people, and most of them worked on Civ games from 5 and earlier.
*semitic hand rubbing*
why aren't they offering a pre order bonus for early access? I would eat that shit up.
wheres the pirate link
Piracy is against law (and also against the rules of this website)
I'll wait for the 4x youtubers to upload a full game before I decide to buy it or not. The devs haven't released anywhere near the amount of info necessary.
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It's quite funny looking at the list of devs and their messages. The regular Oxide guys seem fine, but all the Microsoft employees are just exactly what you expect lol
Gameplay videos after 4PM (my time).
ambiguity and ignorance of the past is more compelling because it allows for the insertion and grafting of modern narratives onto historical precedent. Look too closely at America before Europe and the noble savage is nowhere to be found. Details and nuance obstruct the modern political utility.

Boudicca is useful as rebel figure and a rallying point for British nationality. Then she's useful as a rallying point for feminist or anarchist movements. I don't think these people actually value human life in principle, so the ends justify the means. "They weren't civilians they were invaders, and if they were civilians they were fascists and deserved it anyway"
I wanted Battletech / Metal Gear. They get it right for 1 game and then they go full power ranger.
There's plenty of things to craft. Are you ready to craft anon?
I just hope trade routes aren't as shallow as in Civ, I want chock points and the ability to tax trade routes.
Civ leaders weren't supposed to represent a literal eternal ruler but the different "cultural spirits" of a civilization. But even then the leaders they've chosen make no sense except scoring DEI points.
Who let you out of the nursing home, Sid?
What's so special about this game? Everyone seems to praise it but I've never heard a reason. Does it have some new mechanic? It doesn't look good to me. Just looks like another board game with a history skin like civ.
It's civ 7 but not humankind 2.
So it just copies civ VI? Sounds bad.
At least civ vii won't have ancient era Americans and civs only change 3 times every 4 minutes. A step in the right direction for both games.
its nothing like civ 6 from what ive seen
>As a female or non-binary leader, bombard cities 100 times over any number of games
The gameplay videos got me excited.
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whens woke civ coming out, wheres the torrent
It's not even out yet. For some reason the release is at evening
>Only 3 ages
So, how does Ara compare to Civ7, Civ6, Civ5, and Civ4?
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I won't be able to play this until tomorrow but I spent £70 on this and it only has mixed reviews on Steam
>no edge scrolling
>asks for xbox log in
>some crashes
>one review about a bugged war
>only ms review is about it not installing
The rest of it can be excused but no edge scrolling is a bit of an odd choice.
it's better
Fuck off you shill.
It’s already mixed reviews bros I’m so sick of every new game being shit. Done with gaming desu. Had my hopes up but what a stupid mistake on my part. Why can’t we have good things anymore?!
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>Religion technologies
Sid's...he's lost his marbles hasn't he?
Anon, this isn't a Sid Meier game...
oops I'm retarded, I'm leaving.
so...wheres torrent bros?
Not a shill.
I literally listed off the primary gripes in the negative reviews visible in english at the time I wrote the comment. Only 2 negative reviews referenced gameplay.
There simply isn't enough reviews for the mixed reviews to mean anything. Don't buy the game off 10 good steam reviews. Don't not buy a game because of 8 negative steam reviews. Wait. Watch some gameplay. Think for yourself and then pirate that shit.
>Mixed(45% of 33)
I know it's early but it seems like a horrible start.
it'll never recover from this. it'll probably balance out at 68%. it's humankind all over again
It’s so over bros
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We are down to humankind, ara, and civ7. All are shit. What the FUCK happened???
CIV7 will be the usual 4x masterpiece you chud.
failure to gatekeep

Move to old world
>no realistic earth map
what kind of psychopath uses edge scroll instead of drag scroll
Man, I wasn't expecting a Civ killer but I at least wanted it to last until Civ 7 is out.
Why are bob cuts so erotic
not really. people who experience crashes or other major problems will instantly make a negative review while those who enjoy the game will spend the evening playing and make a review when they have played a few complete games.
this. I have dual monitors (because I'm an adult) and it would be infuriating.
>Mixed(42% of 68)
I kinda expected this to happen because the youtubers were just talking to the viewers and the game was staying idle a lot in the streams/videos. You'd expect them to keep playing when they say how fun the game is. I mean I know they're paid but they weren't even playing it that much. That was my sign at least
Another 4x game without:
-Good AI
-Customizable units

Guess Alpha centauri was build using tech from 2050's.
>old world
its not bad game but man
best 4x out unless you really want medieval and onwards.
everything before gunpowder is boring.
Why are "people" getting hyped up about a new 4x game? Has there ever been a single non-goyslop entry in this genre?
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why did you put quotations around people?
umm... don't worry about it
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he mean shills and chatbots
I played Old World once and saw that available techs are in a deck of cards and shuffled randomly so you can't freely choose what to research. Is there anything good in the game that makes up for that bullshit?
If your leader is a scholar you can shuffle and get different techs. It largely doesn't matter because the tech tree has pre-reqs so at any given time you're likely to see 3 of the 6 techs you could possibly research. The 4th offer is usually a one time offer of resources, a settler, border growth or military units which take much less time to research so you can reset your tech offers if you dislike all 3. With highish research you can usually get the limited offer in 1-3 turns, while a mid-game tech will take 7-10.
so has anybody here actually "played" the game?
I loaded it up, hated the menu music then left a negative review.
Edge and drag scrolling are not mutually exclusive. You can have both. I don't wanna need to drag to move my camera over the few pixels I want it to when what I want to click on is gonna be at that edge of the screen anyway. I need both + keyboard scroll + location hotkeys.
I played up through the iron age or so. I like the idea of the supply chain mechanics but unless i missed an overview screen where you can manage everything at once it’s stupidly fiddly. For instance each production building has 1-6 slots where you can put in a finished good (so workshops have one for tools and one for rope or gears for instance), but each of those slots takes a different set of items, they’re not labeled and they all have the same icon so you have to click on each slot in each building in each city, which even in the iron age with four cities and ~10-15 production buildings per city was already pretty bad. I have to imagine the modern age would be a total nightmare.
Can you give some examples for the product chain thing. What do those amount to? Are they like items to be transfered and used? I remember reading they are just like boosters or something.

It feels like they tried to mix oil and water. Too micro stuff for a macro scale genre. I don't know though.
Yeah, they’re like items that provide bonuses when equipped to a building. So like workshops can equip tools and rope to produce items faster, or dwellings can equip furniture and candles to give research and growth bonuses in addition to the baseline of letting your city hold more citizens. Some items can also consume other items to be produced faster, like the granary can produce a growth-increasing grain store item faster if you spend pottery in addition to grain resources. They are technically just boosters but I think the game is definitely balanced around using them whenever possible.
>It feels like they tried to mix oil and water. Too micro stuff for a macro scale genre. I don't know though.
Basically this is the problem. I think with a UI that let you manage your whole empire at once or an upgrade all button it would at least work better. I do like some of the results, like creating growth boosters in your farmland and equipping it on new cities to get them going faster, but overall I don’t think it justifies the insane amount of micromanagement it creates.
Is it me or is the camera movement kinda fucked? Like, sometimes I press the keys or drag the mouse and nothing happens, and sometimes when I press a key it keeps moving after I release it.
>4k people peak
outside of civ 4X games are more dead than RTS
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I don't know, anons
I'm kind of having fun
how do you stop all the AI just attacking you instantly, do you have to give them gifts
Not as good as turboslut civ6 cleo
build military
no theres a limit to how many units you can build so you cant defend everyon attacking you at once
It's on goypass.
This game is not for brainlets. You have to think, unlike in CIV games.
Just look at the reviews, all the negative ones are about the reviewer being too dumb to understand the complexities of this game. ARA was NOT made for american audience.
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Nefertiti's alternative skin
Do civilizations have unique units or buildings? Because from what I see all the bonuses appear to be tied in to the leader characters rather than the civs.
>all the negative
its actually about performance, game barely works i watched a review from a guy who played it for months and he had like 15fps when scrolling on map with high end PC, also when i saw hes doing like 150 things every turn, crafting stuff etc i noped the fuck out. I dont mind some micro management but this is a job im not getting paid for.
this looks like it came out from the mobile game with the scary ads of the grandma getting arrested and writing "he is alive"
wait so if I decide to skip technology to get to a new age quicker I can no longer get that technology? So If I skip naval research I spend the rest of the game with no boats?
I was hoping simultaneous turns would mean snappy multiplayer but the micromanagement seems completely nuts. I have yet to see the game on the fastest speed but I dunno.
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>Ottoman Empire
>One of the largest empires in history
>dominant cultural, religious and military power for centuries
>Ruled from Algiers to Baghdad, and from Budapest to Mecca
>Left out to make space for Australians and Canadians, two middling contemporary powers with short histories and don't even have their own heads of state, and for Cherokeea and Apsalooke, two marginal North American tribes.
>United States
>SIX fucking civs for North America
How do they keep fucking up the performance of 4X games? Millenia, AoW 4 and now Ara run like absolute shit at even minimal settings. Old World is poorly optimized but at least runs well at low settings.
>just buy a better computer lol
I have a 4k monitor and don't want my PC fans to turn into jet engines while I'm playing a comfy strategy game
Ok. Lets add thirdies to the list. I have zero issues with my toaster (4090, i9-13900) at max settings, 4k.
You lose the techs but (so far as I played) everything has multiple techs that can unlock it so you can pick it up later.
Israel is out there committing genocide and we're just sitting here doing nothing about it
>I have dual monitors (because I'm an adult)
lmao thats the classic sign of a manchild
bit its tiresome
played civ 2 recently and playing civ 3 right now and turn times are just snap and my pc do not overheat like in the old world
what do you want us to do? go and help israel? uncle sam already doing it for free
I'm doing my part cheering for them in ARA
Can a retard on here just tell me if this is worth it or just retard slop?
It's fine but it's a wait for sale/dlc bundle situation. The chief complaint is the performance is dogshit which should get sorted eventually. Everything else is subjective. Civ purists seem to hate the city management while city builder enjoyers like it.
why these leaders look so much better than civ 7's
>played just fine yesterday, turning the PC into a jet engine notwithstanding
>for some reason proceeds to crash on startup without fail today
>dlc skin
>reduces cleavage
what are they thinking?
you'd think with the game being published by microsoft that they would get some technical assistance to ensure the game doesn't shit itself.
If you went sailing for it, change the ini file to "Offline=1"

If you paid for it, lol lmao
What's the verdict?
They have a topic for wishlist from players. They don't seem to be abandoning the game but would they be able to fix it or are the issues just too integral to the game to be fixed?
The micromanaging hell problems would be greatly alleviated by better UI and some automation, both of which is easy to fix.
The atrocious performance though? I don't think I've ever seen a game go from borderline unplayable to well optimized. It's going to get a little better but don't expect much. Same goes for crashes and bugs.
its unfinished, unoptimized and bugged to hell 4X game sold for $60, what do you think
She loses the retarded hat and gets some nice hair though. I find her about 300% more attractive.
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Should I leave the dick off?
Honestly battletech on launch and years later was practically an entirely different game as performance goes. It still had issues with huge overhaul mods like roguetech and bta but vanilla or light mods saw big improvements.
oh i see, the forcelimit only counts formations, you can get more military by only deploying larger formations
Battletech is still an unoptimized mess. Nothing really changed.
City limit and nations getting eliminated each Act is stupid. I played two complete games now and in both I never got into a fight after Act 1 because after ruining my immediate neighbour militarily they disappear and next enemy is on the other side of the continent and there is literally no reason for us to ever fight, unless maybe if you wanted to kill everyone.
Razing being your only real option is also stupid - it's absurdally punishing because a captured city can be recaptured, but if it's razed it's hundreds of turns of growth and building just gone in a single one. This is what ultimately killed my AI opponents - they had tons of units they could just cheat in, I assume, but I razed their cities while they merely captured mine.
The crafting system is kinda cool but I started peacing out of it at the end of Act 2. It's just too much micromanagement with no tools to soften that up. They already have a list of every building (production building, which is it's own problem) in one of the tabs, why can't I just change stuff from there (like Victoria 3, for lack of a better example)? It feels like it's tailored for manual production in small numbers but that doesn't really fucking work considering the scale and requirements elsewhere in the game.
There is a table with balances for all resources but it doesn't actually provide any sort of link to what is producing and what is using said resources, which sucks ass. I spent like 45 minutes trying to figure out what was eating all my Ceramic Jars I needed for Angkor Wat the game wanted me to build.
The reserves and units system is cool but I wish disbanded units returned to reserves and there was some sort of upgrade system for reserve units.
All in all the game is actually nice, having a facade of something actually done competently compared to shit like Millenia or Old World, but at the same time the devs absolutely do not play their own game because engaging with it sucks balls.
Kinda fun city builder type of 4x so far from playing like 5 hours.
The performance is absolute dogshit though after 50 or so turns.
It's fun.. It just seriously needs a UI for the crafting chains and a way to not have to click every fucking improvement separately
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>keep seeing ads for this fucking thing on social media (inb4 twitterfag)
>look it up on Steam since it calls itself a GSG in its ads instead of 4X
>it's 4X
>half the reviews are complaining about it being an unfinished mess that breaks down all the time

I'm so tired, bros...
I got attacked by fucking barbarians on like turn 10, they killed my scout and are sitting on my city which seems to have interrupted my spearmen mustering so now I can't field my army? Also making a new scout is taking something like 2,639,418 turns
send help
>for Cherokeea and Apsalooke, two marginal North American tribes
The Cherokee are one of the largest and most influential native tribes with a ton of interesting history, there's nothing wrong with their inclusion. The only issue is picking a modern-day literal who social worker as their leader over someone like Sequoyah or John Ross. Apsalooke is just baffling though.
They clearly went well out of their way to shoe-horn in women so half the roster could be female. It's my primary concern honestly.
there should be 0 native north american tribes because they don't meet the minumum requirements to be counted as a civilization, but this has been a problem ever since civ 1
>Old World
what is wrong with it?
We don't even know who they were
The Natchez survived long enough to meet Europeans. You clearly don't know what you're talking about at all.
they were estonians
They're called nations in this game though.
The only native north american civ 1 had was the Aztecs
I read comments that this game works perfectly on Switch, how the fuck do you create a game which works well on outdated ipad and lags on 3K PC, only thing which comes to mind is they develop the game for switch then do dogshit pc ports. I would not even be surprised if thats how modern games are made.
he saw your funko pop collection. what genghis likes genghis takes.
The power of custom engines strikes again.This is why you can't develop custom engines for multiple platforms and expect anything of value.
There is no switch port you schizoid.
Honestly I was baiting, although when I first played Old World it was pretty terrible and had literal missing assets, but then again it was early access. Now it's fine I guess.
>Mixed (65% of 680)
Hats off to you sir!
i unironically expect Civ7 to be mixed too, theres no way that game releases in acceptable state
they had zulus which is just as bad
The tech progression in this game feels way too fast compared to how slowly you build and produce things. Like a lot of the first-Act wonders can't even be realistically completed before the age transition happens. I had age goals for the Hanging Gardens and Library of Celsus and even with all production modifiers active I simply couldn't get enough flowers to even attempt to build the Gardens in time because you can only have one flower garden in your country. The Library is even worse because you need to have 10 books which is produced by libraries which require paper to create which is only made at mills and all of these buildings and resources require researching three seperate techs in the final era of Act 1 meaning just by the time you've researched and built them all and started accumulating books the Act is probably ending within 10 turns or so.
you know a game is fundamentally and conceptually bad when 80% of the gameplay loop can be trivialized by a click of a single button, in this case "assign best available goods to empty slots"
busywork disguised as gameplay is not micromanagement - micromanagement at least requires some skill and thought put behind it
In Ara, there's only ever one correct choice
So how the shit do I git gud at this? There's an assload of buildings to choose from and I can't really make out what's good or not.
>There's an assload of buildings to choose from and I can't really make out what's good or not.
The building list is kinda awkward to use, but there are basically only three main types of buildings.

The first type of building simply gathers natural resources, like farms and mines. Either a basic resource (food, wood, materials, etc.) or a special resource (the ones that you can see on the map, like rice, grain, animals, metals, etc.). So if you have a farm for example, if you build it on an empty space it will simply produce food based on the food rating of that region. So if possible you want to build them in a region with 3 or 4 base food. But if you build it on a rice tile, it'll start producing rice as a special resource, which you can then use as an ingredient for certain other things.

The second type of building produces crafts special resources. These are things you can't just gather from nature and covers a wide spectrum of things. Usually these tend to produce stuff VERY slowly so they're not great on their own, but they all accept various other resources as input (or wealth if you don't have said resources) which speeds them up significantly.

The third type of building boosts your city stats. Those are the stats you see on the left side of your city view like happiness, health, security, education, etc. You don't want these to get low so for example if you have low security, you might build a castle to give it a boost.

So you use the first type of building to see to your basic resource needs and to get basic crafting boosters, you use the second type to craft whatever you need to build or boost other stuff, and you use the third type to keep your pops happy. There are buildings that have effects outside of these, but it's usually pretty clearly indicated what they do. Examples include dwellings (raises the max pop cap for that city), altars (creates/spreads religion), or city walls (gives bonuses to defending units).
ive only played the early game but the most optimal build i have come up with so far is

scout (1 or 2) - workshop - workshop (both in your second region, make 5 tools and 10 rope) - settler - settler - stonehenge

from there i think you fill the workshop region up with an amenitie producing industry building (so you can take advantage of the workshop bonus).
more production, always
>devs made no changes from the final playtest despite many people telling them things need to change (such as the shit combat and terribly nested menus)
>game runs as dogshit at release as it did in the final playtest
man what the fuck did they even do the last few months
I feel like they will abandone it in some way or another. It's a 60 dollar game. Clearly meant to drive to and keep people in game pass. Just another game just so they can say we have it in our portfolio. I mean this for xbox games, the publisher. The game's mission is/was to keep people occupied for a while that's it.
That's what games are. Keep you occupied until it's time to work again. Keep you occupied so you don't notice what's really going on. People talk about bread and circuses but this is worse man, they took away everything we had so there's no choice but to engage, to keep yourself occupied. I don't even know what this game is sorry for barging in it's been a tough day
>The third type of building boosts your city stats. Those are the stats you see on the left side of your city view like happiness, health, security, education, etc. You don't want these to get low so for example if you have low security, you might build a castle to give it a boost.
In practice only happiness and health are really that important, because happiness gives you a production bonus and if you have low health your city won't grow. The rest are way more situational, you only need a few prosperity cities since you can always just make money elsewhere to make up for the low prosperity ones and security is only relevant if the city is actually going to get attacked. Knowledge is almost worthless in my opinion because you research things so quickly anyways, compared to Civ it's not a serious bottleneck, growth and production are what you need to worry about. Money is good but prosperity is better managed through amenities than wasting build slots.

The most important thing to keep in mind is how many tiles each region has. You want to save the big 4-5 tile regions for industrial districts with a bunch of production buildings because they get bonus production when in the same region as eachother. For example optimally you will have one city with a 5 tile region containing every bakery in your country which will produce bread much faster than spreading them between cities.
You can also do this with farms + granaries/wells but you don't need as many, use 1 or 2 4 tile regions per city for that. The important thing to keep in mind about growth is that the in-game tooltip is lying, the only thing that matters is that the city produces at least enough food to feed itself which allows the city to grow, any extra food production just gets stockpiled and is essentially useless outside of the occasional recipe that uses food.
I think this is pretty fun, it kept my attention more than that paradox title. It feels like 90% of this game is filler and fiddling with production buildings. Also whoever decided that the same icon should be used for City Limit and Empire Limit on buildings should be shot immediately, why do I have to waste time checking the tooltip.
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I played two hours of this last night and found it mediocre. I do like the vast array of "great people" and cultural achievements your nation can have/create and I liked zooming in to see the world. The production autism is okay but I'd just play it in other games that I like better. The leadership choices are schizo as fuck but everyone knows that by now. I would play some more but it CTDs every time I click the exe again. Oh well, not worth having at this state anyway

I was wondering where they were. Figures. They're selling skins that have nothing to do with the actual person. If they can make George Washington a modern general, why not put Jeanne d'Arc in a cheerleader outfit?
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On one hand there are better choices. On the other hand I simp for religious schizo tomboys who motivated armies and loved canons. Like I said, cheerleader outfit. Or frilly royal dress for gap moe.
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one of the better lookers for me
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>no Harriet Tubman leader
wtf /vst/ lied to me again?
>women are so ugly in western video games now that these are considered cute
These games are always so flattering to Isabella I
Now show Henry Ford
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Oh yeah have a literal who from a native American tribe that is called a woman because he knew how to sew.
Such is life in the modern industry

I know they made her look better in Civ IV and AoE3. I remember her acting slutty in AoE3 too.

Can't. Didn't take a pic of him and it ctds when i click the exe.
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I saved these on groomcord.
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There is really a nonbinary leader in the game or did they add this just in case of further expansions?
>literal troon
You know what. I noticed Alexander the Great and Harriet Tubman are gone. Like they're here >>1833121 >>1833123 but I guess they're leaving them for further dlc.
Given the reception and the probably lack of sales, I don't think they'll be much in the way of DLC.
>it ctds when i click the exe.
Do you have the pirate version? I pirated the game and it crashes every time once I hit a certain number of turns. Feels like it's intentional.
Yeah. even if this game was worth a genuine purchase, there's no way I'd pay 60 bucks for it. I just wanted to play a lil for my /his/fu
wtf is ara
Just really don't like Turks desu senpai
simple as
>Only achievement in history is being a powerful 'slime state whose only claim to fame is making life worse for everyone they conquered and having no culture, sciences, or contributions to humanity

Nigga Turks are just Arabs who got very lucky, might as well just use an actually relevant 'slime state
this is how this ho looked when she was 49, what do you want
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What the fuck. Someone took that meme about early-american-presidents-looking-like-modern-politicians meme and ran with it, huh?
So I downloaded a different pirated version and this one does work properly. Just finished my first game.

It's honestly not bad. It was too easy on normal difficulty, but that's pretty much true for all Civ-like games I've ever played. I have only two real issues with it. First is that endgame city management becomes way too tedious. Maintaining city growth and balancing it with things like pop happiness and health, while also making sure to optimize resource production just becomes a pain in the ass. By the end I was ignoring pretty much everything in favor of just building mroe farms everywhere to keep up with food requirements. I'm sure I could've optimized things better, but still. This also leads to my second issue. Lategame resources are way too scarce unless you start redesigning your cities to focus on producing them, which takes too much time to be worth it especially since you still need to keep up with everything else. As a result I was still using knights and footmen all the way into the Singularity Age. The only "modern" troops I used were a couple of flamethrower guys. The same with upgrading buildings, some of them require resources that simply don't seem worth producing in the time it takes to get to the end of the game. In general I think building and upgrading takes too long, which means your cities (and thus your resource production) aren't able to keep up with your actual tech level.
Some reviewers say it's like Anno and that's why people got filtered, is this true? I might get it if that's the case desu
Eh, not really. It's got Anno-like production chains where one resource is used to create another resource, but the turn-to-turn gameplay is still very Civ-like.
unironically better looking then your anime bugmen characters troon.
judging by steam numbers its flopped so hard i didnt even think it was possible
Is this a good game? What are pros and cons?
I watched gameplay vids and they look pretty great.
It is a decent anno like but a terrible 4x.
It's okay. Nothing remarkable but I feel lots of people nowadays just instinctively hate everything that doesn't blow them away. It could use some more polish here and there and the pacing of the game needs a rebalance, but other than that I rather like it. My only real issue is the lack of nation identity. At least you have an actual leader instead of the generic nonsense they had in Humankind, but in Civ each nation has a unique building and unit to make them stand out a little, while in Ara you just have some nondescript statistical bonuses, most of which are shared between multiple nations. This hurts the replayability IMO, which is rather important for a Civlike game.
>First is that endgame city management becomes way too tedious. Maintaining city growth and balancing it with things like pop happiness and health, while also making sure to optimize resource production just becomes a pain in the ass.

That's my biggest complaint with the game.
ARA lost. :D I'm done with this shit genre.
>Ramkamhaeng instead of Naresuan
>Sappho (lmao)
>Xerxes instead of Darius or Cyrus
>Wu Zetian and Confucius (?)
>Harriet Tubman
>motherfucking Boudicca instead of anybody competent
they're not sending their best, i see
Not saying there aren't any questionable choices in the roster, but Tubman and Confucius aren't actually in the game as Leaders. I think they can show up as Paragons though.
The idea of a game hybridizing Anno and Civilization actually kinda primed me to bore into this game really hard, so I actually rather disappointed it turned out to be mid
muh stronk warrior waymn leader
Not a surprise since Anno is boring as fuck anyway. Only the modern and space moon one were interesting.

Really all they have to do is make resource extraction and usage automated with AI convoys delivering materials to where they need to go in your empire. Basically just copy Distant Worlds economic simulation and the game would basically beat civ over night.
What need in Ara? a better war system?
Are there unique units and unique unit skins for each civ?
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Another year, another dead on arrival civ clone
Ok but is it actually bad or is it just "not Civ"?
It is civ but with more micro and stupider AI.
>annoying, fat, hi-vis coloured hair bitch
>bald faggot stereotype
Not gonna watch.
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trying it out for the first time and the game picked out my starting leader for me
>let's make civ but somehow even more woke
>surely this will sell our game
oh well, maybe next time
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sent my scouts to hunt wolves but they're having some issues
Mesoamerican history nerd here, can somebody tell me what the Aztec's bonuses are, and show me what their architecture/units look like?

I've seen the model of their leader (Itzcoatl) which looks pretty bad, but I'm wondering about the other elements.
research ballistics at the university
uninstalled this piece of shit and wondered why half of the disk space was still missing. turns out it left a 16GB CrashDumps folder in the appdata from failing to launch during the one evening I had it; like an STD from a bad night with a hooker.
I hope the logs are named hddkiller.
me on the far left complaining about meta slaves
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i feel like washington looked better in civ 4, even
this game really doesn't look that great
It's not bad it just runs like ass and has a bad UI with no quality of life features.
Phoenicians, Ottomams. Egyptians, and Persians and Babylonians are such good factions
It's pretty neat but the pacing sucks. You unlock techs faster than you're able to use the yields or maybe a skill issue on my part. I don't think I'll invest a lot of time into it it's a cool concept and shakes things up from the civ standardtt
At least Millennia was fun to me. Humankind and Ara just felt souless..

Also it wasn't 60$ on release.
Well...that is a problem in civ6 too
>she's not black
historically inaccurate garbage, skipped.
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I like this game. I have nearly 100 hours playing with my friend. It's got a good core gameplay loop and is pretty addicting. I'm excited for the new update on the 14th since that's supposed to fix some of the UI/economy/War complaints people have
Anyone play since the update? Has it fixed the endless micromanaging everyone was complaining about?
Yes. There's a new economy manager and it helps a ton. You can set policies to fill in slots automatically. You can more easily see what you are building. It's pretty nice.

You can also upgrade units and pull them back into reserves.
Where are the fuck are the nukes and space expansion??????
Does it run better now?
Yes. Whenever I opened the old crafting manager (the same icon) the whole game would lag a bit. I also experienced some lag in the late game. Now I haven't experienced that so far. I'll note, though, I never had the game crashing-level of issues that some people note. My computer isn't even that great it's like 3 or 4 years old.
I guess I will finally buy it if it goes on sale this Christmas.

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