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looks so good. can't wait to play!
It's been quite a while, mostly due to having to throw out basically the entirety of the game's graphics and replace them with new sprite sheets that are compatible with the new lighting and shadowing system, but now that system is (mostly) set in stone. We'll try and go back to putting out semi-regular updates
Oh my, guess that explains why they went silent
good to see it's shaping up, with actual voicework and finally a UI shown.
looks great as always, but there's something very weird and uncanny about the way those big tanks move and rotate. maybe it's just their size that makes it more noticeable idk. looking at games like red alert 2 i can't really find any difference in the way vehicles move there but it doesn't look as weird. but there are no vehicles that are this big there.
Is there a date for a demo release?
>there's something very weird and uncanny about the way those big tanks move and rotate
This. It's too slow and deliberate like claymation.
very sovlful I look forward to the more frequent updates
Inspired by classic RTS.
>Units still only see 10m away
are they blind?
>Once they came close and reveal an area it remains revealed and they suddenly always see the area even if they aren't there
no fog of war?
>prerendered sprites in 2024 when real time graphics look just as good nowdays
why tho?

I guess it simply wants the style and feel of the classics and if that's the goal then it's totally fine.
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>>prerendered sprites in 2024 when real time graphics look just as good nowdays
lol no, away with your bait
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>the dim lighting
>the droning ambient music
oh I'm feeling it
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>the infantry idle animations
>those gutsy engines and rattling treads
>the entire mood

Goooooood shit
how to have fun in this game (brigador)? i really like the aesthetic and the synthwave but gave up after doing like 10 or even 15 levels because it was so fucking easy. do i need to play with the little cuck car so it's actually a challenge? do i need to power through another dozen levels until the missions become more interesting?
presuming its freelance mode you're playing, the difficulty is dependent on the driver you choose. so buy a driver whose difficulty starts at like a 7.
If you're playing campaing just play freelance.
>has a proper, stylised UI
thank god, bloody hate the trend of bland transparent UIs
lame, i wanted to play the campaign. i liked the barebones plot about globohomo causing chaos in a backwater
Demo when? Or open Beta?
It starts boringly easy, it can be crushingly hard and even ragequittingly unfair. Indeed.
Your two posts describe exactly how i felt playing Brigador at first. Play the campaign then you can unlock the campaign levels for the freelance mode. Ultimately Brigador is a small little game, it's repetitive and single minded but it perform its one trick very well. I don't recall when it happened but i fell in love with it at some point and found myself launching it more and more frequently just to stomp, shoot and BWAAMP for 20 minutes. Like an aggressive urge to control these mechs again in that environment. I think the kids would call it a "vibe" and write that it has a lot of soul.
Is it true that an RTS is particularly hard to code compared to other types of games?
DORF looks great but there's no evidence it's going to have good gameplay, or really anyhting on the gameplay at all really

looks like your standard c&c fare, not great, not terrible. will probably live or die based on how fun the units and their gimmicks are
Specifically for online multiplayer, the manner by which the game syncs each player varies between developers and often proprietary.
This. Isn't it even developed under the premise of being a C&C throwback?

Are you fucking kidding? The units look great and for one, they move and shoot at the same time unlike some garbage that has come out recently. $40,000,000 garbage.
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Now just get the same actor behind Kain to voice a charismatic villain protagonist.
It's just not the same without Tiberium.
god I missed pre-rendered sprites so much bros
It looks very nice and all, but how many human beings are actually working on this game? One? Two?
Two the last time I saw him talk about it.
Is this a Brigador RTS?
Do they have a mission designer?
the brigador devs helped with the lighting system but it's a separate project
huh neat
Dorfautist! I want more news
i love shadows on floor causing more visual clutter
i love wasting time and money on useless lighting effects
Man I wish someone made a large scale strategy game with thousands of sprites on screen like medieval tw 1 in one of today's engine.
same it's kino
what's with all the resources
I fucking hope so... Given the glacial progress of Tib Sun on OpenRA.
what about them
is infantry viable to use as your main force instead of vehicles or will i get assfucked by vehicles?
there's more than one, which is unusual for a cnc game. okay, i can understand power being given a resource slot, and population, even though cnc games never had a population limit. but there's like 5 or 7 resources, which is more than most rts games i can think of. in fact the only rts game with more resources i can think of is cossacks
Empire Earth (Gold/Steel/Stone/Wood/Food)
Rise of Nations (Gold/Steel/Wood/Food/Oil/Tech)
Stronghold (About 20 depending on the game)
Not that uncommon, all the factions might not even use all of the resources like how GLA don't use power in C&C Generals.
>Spoils of War: Pump oil from deposits, mine for ore and gather scrap left over from the battlefield to help further your economy, and create efficient supply lines and logistics networks to ensure that the raw material is made into war material to deliver to your factories.

it's not really a CnC clone just uses a modified version of OpenRA
it's a weird blend of different things (KKND, CnC etc.)

I would say the game looks pretty tame when it comes to ressources and logistics from what I seen so far
apparently ore is underground but I don't know if that means there will be underground section in the maps you can access or if the ore is just mined from above ground

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