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I’m making a Hoi4 mod in which the allied powers win ww2, what are your thoughts on it so far?
Why the hell have you made two Germanies?
Is regular gGross Germanums not enough for you? And what is with the lame names? Why not Brandenburg and the Confederation of the Rhine!? Shit map. 0/10.
Makes no sense, why would they allow two fascist govt to exist in europe, bad world building, tf is that "Israel" shit in the middle east, some alt-history larp? those things can't happen irl ffs
lol, if you are so into implausible meme nations, why not recreate byzantium or carthage as well?
>Austria snaking it's borders up to Switzerland
>Czechoslovakia borders
Anon learn geography and cartography before attempting this shit
Its a map taken from the internet you dumbcuties
You dont say it? WOW anon, you are so smart and beatiful, we could only wish to be such a genious like you
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>Yugoslavia neutral despite being communist
>Albania allied with China instead of the USSR despite being part of Europe, also has a retarded dictator obsessed with bunkers because "lol funny"
>Finland allowed to keep the same government despite allying with Germany
>Turkey and Greece allied
>All of Africa gets it's independence... just because?
completely fucking retarded, I don't think anyone would take this scenario seriously
at the very least Algeria would remain part of France and all of the Balkans would be communist and allied with the USSR.

>Makes no sense, why would they allow two fascist govt to exist in europe
Probably some retarded shit like the Allies allowed Francoist Spain to exist because they thought they would need their help if the USSR started WW3.

Austria had those borders before WW2 in OTL so it's not improbable they would also have them in that alt-his scenario, but it's lazy world-building regardless. It makes sense that the Allies would probably give Sudtirol back to Austria.
>Poland owning Prussia and Silesia
Sounds like cope over the fact that the Poles got completely genocided in our timeline.
what's even more retarded is that Ostpreussen was split in half, with the southern part going to Poland and the northern part going to the USSR, specifically as part of Russia.
Why not just make Konigsberg part of the Lithuanian SSR?
>Why not just make Konigsberg part of the Lithuanian SSR?
Why does it matter? It's not the USSR will collapse anytime soon.
>Spain, BeNeLux, Norway and Denmark not neutral
meme map
What's the point of divergence for this ass-pull?
Nah, even IF the allies had won, there was absolutely no possible way the soviet union would keep together after losing so many people and having such devastation, surely every little republic would have left taking advantage of central authority being in tatters
America entered the war in 1941 after Japan attacked them and Paulus failed to hold Hitlergrad in 42. The first part seems retarded because how the fuck would Japan attacking America lead to them getting involved in Europe but I can honestly see the last part happening. The battle for Hitlergrad was pretty bloody and could’ve gone any way really.
>Allies win WWII
>randomly decide to give half of Europe to the Soviets because ???
What the fuck is this shit?
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This alt-history scenario would be dreadful to think about from an aerospace engineering perspective. If Werner von Braun never got the funding from Hitler's government then I doubt spaceflight would have ever taken off.
Like the soonest they would land on the moon then would maybe be in the mid '60s if the allies/ussr somehow salvaged some of Germany's wunderwaffe (which is unlikely because all the top nazi scientists would never suffer the dishonor of working for the enemy), and they would probably have built the first moonbases starting in the 1980s, over a decade later than national socialist Germany did.
A cold-war scenario between the USA and the USSR without the lunar and martian colonial theaters would be very boring. Even if it did happen I doubt moonbases built by the USA or USSR would be as cool as the ones built in our timeline.
>Hitlergrad instead of Hitlerstadt
What a way of revealing yourself as a Krasnyfag shill.
Guess the comintern was the true winner afterall
Why the fuck are Finland, Yugoslavia, and Austria neutral?
Why is all of North Africa independent, even Algeria?
Why does Britain not own Suez? They'd never give it up, especially to a former colony.
>meme nations like restoring ancient Israel but bigger because???
4/10, don't you dare post some shitty teaser of this worthless idea
>implying we have actually gone to space and it isn't just paid actors and special effects
You people would just eat up everything that Goebbels says. Like have you ever met a mondarian or a martian?
Next thing OP will tell us the speak hebrew, a dead language, too
>random middle east country LARPing as the Kingdom of Israel
>Poland moving west
>two countries calling themselves Germany
>fascist allying themselves with liberals
let me guess, WW3 would be a game over because of "muh nukes"
>in which the allied powers win ww2
>let the soviets have half of europe
That would be fucking retarded. There's no way the US would ever let that happen when they hated communists so much. Even if you magically handwave it away and make the borders like that, it would just result in war between the two sides pretty much immediately. Given the sorry state of the Soviets, even in this scenario where they manage to survive, they'd just be crushed from getting immediately thrown into yet another war with another overwhelming force. So it wouldn't even make for a fun mod.
This looks like trash, wouldn't even waste the disk space on it.
You made Russia way too broken, the fuck is this?? Pushing them to Muscow is already a slog in base game, and now I have to go through all these eastern shitholes first? Unbalanced
None of you are funny, and your jokes are like shitty reddit humour. I wish for a proper Fuhrerreich that isn't shit, and cold war version of that would also be cool.
Why is Germany split up but not Italy? You should have made Sardinia and Sicily into independent states, that way Italy has some small wars to keep the early game interesting
>If the US wasn't isolationist it would conquer half the world!
A little bit of a stretch don't you think?
How did the Hapsburgs have the clout to hold onto German Austria when there are two other meme Germanies it could've been split between?
Reddit thread
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Unrealistic, that could never happen. The country I like would clearly have steamrolled the rest.
>Another mod of dev releasing every nation he can
>Also just combines nations for some fucking reason
>allied powers win ww2
>independent north africa
lmfao who wrote this shit, imagine if in OTL Germany just gave away Alsace Lorraine and rescinded the Reichsobligations despite winning the war
Yeah buddy, let me guess, the 11/9 attacks were made up by the government too uh?
>still existing
the only way to explain this if it were to somehow play ussr and the west against each other, and with a strong state and personality cult to keep things stable internally
>that Israel
Nice to see you taking a break from bombing malagasian kids -so you can larp instead, Shlomo.
This. That’d be like if America conquered Britain then annexed Northern Ireland. Like WTF
let me guess, Yugoslavia's path doesn't do anything until the country get's a economic crash event and a random civil war because you devs couldn't be bothered to actual make a fun focus tree
>Retard thinks the allies could have won the war
How were you not aborted in the womb when they detected your defects?
I don't get what's the major malfunction of retards ITT chimping over Israel. If the Irgun lit up pallyshits and pastaboys after the Italo-Turkish war in our timrline, they'd probably be able to do the same in case of allied victory. Still, minus points for lack of creativity, you could have put Israel in Prussia to make the Speerbots kill themselves.
>Germany divided, but not Austria
how does the Pacific front look?
Syria-Iraq borders give me a headache
Yeah sure, lets use a ruler to define our borders.
Why are there so many separate Arab countries in the first place?
Reddit thread, kys
>Great Britain wins the war
>somehow loses all of her colonies
Literally a worse outcome than what happened IRL? Why would the bongs ever let go of the suez?
What's next, an independent India or Canada?
even worse, an independent new zealand
Troll of the week.
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>how does the Pacific front look?
Japanese military is dismantled and it is basically an US protectorate.
Commies win the Chinese civil war.
Colonies either start independent or gain independence within a decade by events assuming no player intervention.
What the fuck is a Pakistan and why are there two of them? Why isn't Korea unified, it literally borders the USSR and China; did they just let Japan have a pity protectorate or something?
>Commies win the Chinese civil war
Lmao, so just a lefty wankfest then. Pass
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>border gore: the mod
wooow so edgy
JFL at the Yugolarp
>German borders according to Yalta """conference"""
Literally /x/ tier. A random fucking séance that most likely never even happened is not a good base for an alt-his scenario ffs
Imagine making a scenario based off of the early drafts of Generalplan Ost where everyone and their mother could edit the damn thing like hitlerpedia lmao
How comes Japan isn't divided in zones?
Why is there two colours for the allies?
dystopian fiction? that's novel
would it have soothed your autism if it was
>west germany
>east germany
>south germany
instead of
>west germany
>east germany
>east germany
>random civil war
look at the amerikaner decision tree m8
sounds unrealistic

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