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Curse all friends of nature
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tfw you forget to light acclimate your military dwarves
it's such a shame df went in totally the wrong direction
toady cares more about the description of the npc copy paste kingdom's king's shoes and her favorite type of rough hewn opal than he does about military actually working and dwarfs wearing their uniforms or adding something like bathhouses or toilets
taverns, temples, and locations are fucking annoying and the level of micro you're expected to do reading bios has gotten worse and worse but ironically sex doesn't matter at all ever lmao
i hate that it's still genre defining and best in class despite adding nothing worthwhile for a decade
Since yesterday i've been playing on the weirdest world i've ever generated. Everything is emprty, its a 250yo world and there are 0 pops, i checked legends and it turns out it was populated until around y90, but the dwarfs got wiped out by a forest titan, the elves were wiped ou7t by a cyclops and the humans were wiped out by the same forest titan that genocided the dwarfs, the kobolds and goblins never even showed up, quite an eerie world and i'am repopulating it (i'am on a second embark now). Today i will try to embark were the forest titan wiped the dwarves and find it/kill it. Didint even know worlds like this could happen, i had "dead embarks" before where the world falls to zombie apocalypse, but never a long lived world without ANY civilized pops
that titan must be tough
made out of metal or something
What is the specfic line in legends mode that says a tribe of animal people have become civilized? I've never seen it happen after dozens of large worldgens. Is it just the "Animal person X settled in area Y? I dont understand it this is a single unit who individualy joined a civ or if this group of animal people integrated into said civ and that one animal person in the legends is just a generated historical figure to signify civ X now has groups of animal people in them.

Anyone has more info?
I seriously hope you guys don't play as furries in adventure mode
Never playing Nu Fortress. Sorry I just won’t.

Not sure if spider-men or elephant-men count as furry, but heir biology helps a lot with adventuring
best of luck anon, may rimworld or oddrealm or whatever treat you better

Yeah all animal people are furries, and I understand gamers gonna minmax but still, knock that shit off

>game called DWARF fortress
>plays a human

In a dwarf world playing a human makes you the furry, anon...
Dwarves are too OP because of martial trance
Also nobody really wants to be a manlet
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install better quality mechanisms
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fucking nogs, always stealing
oh right
What killed these threads after decades of hanging on in /vg/? I thought you guys were gone for good.
Is it worth having a spearman or two in my squad? I have axemen and macemen but I live near a necromancer tower, would a spearman be entirely useless during undead invasions?
oldfags can't play steam DF
Individual choice tends to be the best option, spears might come in handy vs FB and whatnot
Boring updates + steam development hiatus + gachashit speeding up /vg/
Most likely the 8 years without a meaningful update.
The mystique of the game evaporated when it got the steam release with tiles and mouse control. Then everyone realized it was just a shit game all along, obfuscated by ASCII and keyboard menus.
The formula has been done better by other games like Rimworld and Song of Syx
What's a space-effective way to raise the value of a temple? Between churches and guildhalls they want a lot of value per room.

Tarns retarded development process.

>ohh just wait 30 years its gonna be ready ok, now excuse me while i go to canada hunt for a mansion now that iam a millionaire

pretty much this, Toady has become the RR martin of gamedevs, good luck trying to maintain a playerbase engaged like that.

>become too rich/lazy/unfocused to finish the magnum opus that made you famousin the first place

How long until he starts blaming kitfox and putnam?
rimworld doesnt outdo anything lol, SoS is fucking awesome but its not a replacement for DF they aren't comparable
Rimworld fans are the most aggressivey defensive niche fanbase I've ever seen
put an artifact in a display case/on a pedestal duh
don't have enough artifacts yet? use sapphires/rubies
can't be bothered selecting the right thing to display?
steel floor + engrave
brass walls + engrave
possibilities are endless
But anon, the legends update!
Dwarf Fortress was never a good game.
You are correct.
But it is a great simulation.
>replying to a schizo who has been reposting the same line for more than year now
Not every rimjob fag is your schizo, anti schizo schizo
The two games have a lot of crossover (mostly one way lel)
What kind of value can you get out of engraved metal floors? Hadn't thought of that possibility.
Like x9 material value my guy
So 150 for steel times nine, per tile
I'm not good with math but it's a lot
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I will never play. I hate dwarves and haflings. You know I played Dungeons and Dragons a few times and I would always kill or fight with the dwarves/halflings all the time.

Come back to me when they call it Human Fortress.
Infiltrators coming to steal your artifacts. They're supposed to be better disguised than that but Toady again couldn't be arsed to finish the intrigue arc before moving on to other cool stuff.
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How do I catch another one of these things (male)?
I was worried when I first saw them but they seem pretty non-aggressive, so I don't know how to lure them to a cage trap.
just figure out where it usually paths and put a trap
since when could you engrave contructed floors?
depending on the site, you can remove all the ramps on a hill or mountain and dig out a little corridor lined with cage traps for them to path through.
Why did you reply in this thread? What makes you think people who do play Dwarf Fortress want to come back to you?
Learning player here!
I want to make it so that my squad trains outside so they don't get cave adaptation, how should I go about this?
Any other options are also welcome, doesn't need to be just training outside
Stay in your grave, Gygax you old coot!
Designate their barracks outside and set it a trainning groud to the squads. Alternatively, put them to patrol/guard outside every once in few months if you already mastered the schedule system
50.01 allows you to so in both floors and walls. In fact you get more value out of it than doing it on smoothed stone
I delved into caverns for the first time
caught a bunch of elk birds
what should I do with them? can I breed them? and if so, how? can I domesticate them so they wont be afraid?
>what should I do with them?
You can tame them and make them into pets or raise and butcher them for meat/bones/leather or keep them alive for their eggs
>can I breed them?
Yeah, put them in pasture with nest box and that should do work after they are tamed, I think that they need to graze too so make sure the pasture is large and covered in cave moss/grass. Also make sure to not eat the eggs
> can I domesticate them so they wont be afraid?
>and if so, how? can I domesticate them so they wont be afraid?
Put a dorf on animal trainner duty and then you need to assing the animal as for taming

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