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Dawn of War was released 20 years ago and to this day remains the best Warhammer game ever made

do you still play it?
>and to this day remains the best Warhammer game ever made
Soulstorm, actually. But yeah. Haven't played it in like 15 years, so I probably should refresh some memories.
Man, that Kriegsman has some awfully big tits.
yeah, it's "Company of Heroes: but worse"
Wtf is Company of Heroes, some Blitzkrieg knockoff?
that doesn't mean it can't be the best warhammer game ever made
i play dark crusade compstomps every once in awhile, yes. the community maps are fun.
that's dow2
dow1 is goat
Wait, don't you mean CoH is a DoW knock off? Since you know, DoW literally came out first?
I didn't say anything about which one came first, just which one is better
dark crusade > soulstorm
>camera way too zoomed in
>pathfinding is atrocious
>ai is dogshit
modded soulstorm > dark crusade > soulstorm
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>camera way too zoomed in
>pathfinding is atrocious
>ai is dogshit
yep, time to game
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being born of the vitae wombs can give a Korpswoman unnatural proportions...
Imo, dow1 was peak RTS
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>>camera way too zoomed in
What the FUCK were they thinking?
I'm playing Dark Crusade as IG right now, with a camera mod. It's fun. I had no idea some people prefer DC, I just picked it because I didn't want flying units.

I wish I had more of a practical reason to use all the vehicle options. Another paint point is the looooow building damage and very limited options for high building damage. I'm also noticing that sometimes only half of my guardsmen are firing because only half of them got into range on an attack order.

But anyway the mechanicus builders are gigachads and they make up for a lot.

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