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this game will be better than eu5 and no one is even talking about it
>Age of History
>Age of Empires
>Age of Mythology
>Age of Waves
>Age of Shit
>Age of Wet Pants
MAke an original name.
Lol, I wonder what was the first "Age of ..." game.
Age of Sigmar
I have game for you, how about you play with my large stinky penis erection right now ?
/vst/'s contrarianism continues to astound me
Sorry I don't play gookclick.
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Poor man's eu5
>Poor man's
So more soul then. Gonna try it, looks sleek and no globohomo fonts.
its gonna release and it has multiplayer and you can fully customize scenarios easily, its also accessible on mobile so it will have a big player base
it's basically if civilization and eu3 combined
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Don't really care about phones or multiplayer, and not a fan of Civ.
II is like 5 euros on steam, so will try that and check if it's comfy to roleplay countries. I like the looks, hope the gameplay is inspired by EU3.

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