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/vst/ - Video Games/Strategy

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Alright, /vst/, I know how 4chan is, so spare me the usual. I’m trying to get back into EVE Online after a long time away (only got through the tutorial last time), and I’m lost as hell with all the terms and mechanics. Stuff like wormholes, nullsec, ISK, and corporations—what the hell do they actually mean?

I’m not looking for hand-holding, just some straight answers or a shove in the right direction. Help a guy out or roast me, I’m ready for whatever.
why are you asking me? i've never played eve
I only briefly tried eve but I don't remember anything
You fly the spaceship and you make the money.
How high are you to make this thread in /vst/ - Video Games/Strategy and not /vm/ - Video Games/Multiplayer, aka the (m)mog board?
isk = money
nullsec are maps with no npc security punishing pvp, that is open pvp maps
corps are guilds
wormholes are supposed to be nullsec but more dangerous
whatever you do, don't ever even think about mining. it's a noobtrap that makes people stop playing.
go join a faction warfare corp and get into some lowsec fight clubs. faction warfare is a structured pvp game mode where players fight for the NPC empires instead of player-run alliances. it's also pretty good for making isk to continue funding pvp.
don't get too attached to your one best spaceship; it's going to blow up sooner rather than later

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