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last one reached bump limit
now post kino mods
Darkest hour with this mod:
Did you really have to shit out another hoi4 thread you deranged faggot
you are free to make threads about other games
you are free to fuck off back to /gsg/ generals
>you can't make fucking hoi4 threads! you have to enjoy my slop that other 2 other people play!
lul no
TFR atomwaffen leaks
simple as
let me guess, the joke is it's actually Extremis Redditmis
Wish this was a thing back when I was still playing DH
It's not but it's always good to be on your toes
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/vst/ what the fuck is this?
this is the ninth collapsed russia mod i've seen in the last year
please... please hoi4 modders...
>play EaW, Harmonic Crystal Empire
>have to hard carry the Great War because the Equestrian army is retarded
>can't actually hard carry because I simply don't have enough dudes, I'm outnumbered ten or so to one in my front
You might prefer /vg to /vst.
I head this mod got into drama for
>Using AI to create portraits
>Selling AI pictures
>Selling "premium" access to discord server
>Stealing assets from other mods
I'm dying to see the Yak rework. Kiria just doesn't cut it.
Can't wait artists to off themselves. When is paradox firing half their art team?
>Can't wait artists to off themselves.
Why, so you can get raped by AI even harder?
I don't care if it is an AI or a tranny that traces the a portrait of a few people and call it a "content pack". Maybe hiring less attists will mean hiring more developers and more actual content
>more developers
Hopefully actual developers and not "modern audiences" developers.
We are talking about paracuck and a swedish company here. The developers will be letters or their allies no matter what. But at least they can't easily insert their propaganda in historical games. The best they can do is finding literal who females in history and exaggerating their accomplishments or creating alternate history paths for them
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>But at least they can't easily insert their propaganda in historical games
Update what?
HOI4 mods.
>Paradox's garbage, nonsense alternate history paths were they completely assassinate the historical character like Confederate MacArthur, Puyi suddenly growing a spine and summoning 10000 loyalists from the void, a random baltic noble taking control over Poland: GOOD
>Woman: BAD
Yes, woman indeed bad
Try unsubbing and resubbing
Yes, women are bad, you fucking simp.
Given a choice, women will unironically choose extinction because it's "fun" and "exciting". Ban women. Don't even teach them how to read.
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>a /gsg/ troon spamming garbage general which is strictly against /vst/ rules telling others to go to /vg/
just 41% yourself faggot
I'd rather have Confed MacArthur than have him be a fat black lesbian with blue lipstick.
>having a tbread discussing modding for a strategy game is against the rules of a strategy game board on a mongolian basket weaving forum
Where are the fat black lesbian with blue lipstick in hoi4
We are talking about PARADOX, not Mods
There aren't. Let's keep it that way.
>James Mason
So what's the third path?
I have an idea for a mod but idk where to start, the hoi4 wiki won't load for me for some reason (blank page) and idk how to code

Why hasn't Paradox made a way to do it visually?
EAW has a fat black lesbian? Who?
In the stream the screen shots are from it seems that it's some weird Christian Identity larp.
She's only black.
She is a fatass too
Opinions on Road to 56? Good or bloated?
Go ahead and post proof :^)
She is my QUEEN
It is pretty good I'd say, I especially recommend Mongolia.
What do you guys think of EAW tranny submod?
Which one is that?
The Grover one.
It is truly telling the level of lies that trannies go through on a daily basis. If you listen to them, they tell you that they have literally transformed into women, and that a surgical wound that needs to be kept from closing with regular insertion of a plastic implement is no different to a normal human vagina. At the same time, they don't believe this at all as they continue to identify as belonging to the pink, blue and white pastel tribe.
Oh, that one. Didn't it manage to get banned even on EaW's fucking discord server of all things?
You've gotta seriously fuck up bad to get banned from a discord server for being too tranny.
Shining is literally me fr
>You've gotta seriously fuck up bad to get banned from a discord server for being too tranny.
Tell me more, I need something to laugh at.
I would fug Chrysalis, not going to lie
I wouldn't fug avians nor griffons, though. Kill them with fire.
>Oh, that one. Didn't it manage to get banned even on EaW's fucking discord server of all things?
>You've gotta seriously fuck up bad to get banned from a discord server for being too tranny.
>Want to volunteer to Red Dusk
>Join the discord server
>Bot comes, please verify your account, okay
>no i don't
>Stupid thing doesn't works, leave
fuck you then
I don't know why they even use these when they already have unpaid jannies.
Honestly, it's decently well done. The dev can code.
>tranny can code
unsurprising, they're all terminally online
She CAN marry NMM (or Sombra)

Nope, you can still discuss it there. Though the devs have stated flatly it will never be integrated, because their vision of Grover isn't trans.
Oh hello Mongolian!
Bruh, they start lying long before that. They lie to you the moment they introduce themselves. The word after "my name is" is already a lie.
They lie to themselves every moment of every day.

>Chrysalis can marry NMM
Tell me more.

>on Grover
What about him makes anyone believe he's trans?
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>play red dusk
>what country with content will I play?
>none of them, pick the UK
>when WW3 kicks off pull of a naval invasion across the Black Sea to quickly secure Crimea
>rapidly secure most of the Ukrainian coast
>rush to the Capsian sea
>encircle and then obliterate the entire soviet Caucasus force
>rush Moscow and then link up with US forces pushing south from liberated Finland
Kino, no plate spinning required
>What about him makes anyone believe he's trans?
They did it because he was underaged. No joke.
Initially it was just just a meme genderbender art, then people got pissy over it, others latched onto it for real. And things escalated from there.
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Hoi4 modding is generally piss easy. Just look at the files of a big mod and copy what it does. It isn't even coding. It's far too simple to be called that.

>What about him makes anyone believe he's trans?
The same reason trannies latch onto anything, because they can. Everything they attach themselves to turns into a sea of white noise composed of TRANZ RIGHHHTSS and [X thing/person] is TRANS! and so on
bloated but good
New Ways would've been better if they didn't remove 80% of the game's content for no reason
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I unironically love fighting in Africa
>Tell me more.
Requires Sombra to form the gray pact, NMM+Chrysalis to be in faction, and then all other powers on Equus to be defeated. Unlocks a decision.
>on Grover
>>1840627 has it right. It started as a R63 meme.
The things I do for lesbians.
>all other powers on Equus to be defeated
Not including Sombra, I presume? Because sooner or later I'll want him out as well.

Also, besides Sombra and NMM, Chrysalis can marry someone else, but who is that? If it is Daybreaker it'll be the best mod ever.
>just played as the AOG in Kaiserredux
>subjugated all of China as Germany's
what a LARP haven. what are some other great LARP routes? nothing in gay USA/Russia
I'm pretty sure it's just Sombra and NMM for Chrysalis, but Thorax can marry Velvet
NMM can marry Sombra or Chrysalis
Sombra can marry NMM, Chrysalis, Radiant Hope, or Sinister Serov
>Sombra can marry Sinister
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Kek is this real
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Imagine if I made a shitpost with trans Hitler and then trannies start aggressively pushing for it to be made canon
anon i think >>>/vg/ might be more your speed
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your sick in the head
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Biden teaser for TFR part 1
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Part 2.
I hope this is still readable as the original file is 40mb.
>enjoying fighting in africa
>playing (my personal) least favourite of the africa merc paths
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it's so fucking kino
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Trump tease. Not sure if this is the beginning of the civil war tree or immediate aftermath tree.
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Pax Britannica next update that reworks Russia and Prussia is "nearing full completion", requires native speakers of Russian and German(preferably with eastern accent) for custom voice lines to add to those nations in their reworks. They need deep voices or masculine sounding men for it as these are the voices of battle hardened soldiers, not femboys(their own words).

Script is in pic related.
Chinese team went full Wolf Warrior diplomacy(google it) on the CWIC leads over some territory ingame claimed by China but owned by Japan.

Xi would be proud.
>Stamp out left radicalism
How? Biden's party covers for it, encourages it, and denies it even exists. All at the same time.

It's after.
you're retarded
>more ROC flags than CCP
I fucking love discordtrannies now!
Also god fucking damn are these chinks mentally ill, Senkaku aside it's so bizarre to see them claiming Okinawa.
What does Kaiserredux add to Kaiserreich?
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APLA teaser
Can you post the UoA teasers?
easy solution, ban all the chinese from your mod.

that was easy!
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One of the Putin teasers.
honestly the sheer audacity of it is based
I'm retarded they already got posted AwD toozers when?
Are each of the presidents gonna have unique paths?
>The Myth of the White Proletariat
>Abolish Prisons
>Abolish the Police
Yea, I'm definitely doing an Anarchist APLA playthrough first.
It's not based when they're just believing the state propaganda they've been fed their entire lives. It is in fact cringe.
Nigga, literally everyone has been fed some form of propaganda their entire lives. Free country or no.
Yeah? So that makes believing some islands your nation has never set foot on, much less had historical claim to, are yours now? And that you should take a stand modding a fucking WWII(in which your nation gets absolutely shit on) strategy game while harassing women is based? It's not based in any way whatsoever. Each of us can do our own research, succumbing to what the state wants you to believe is pathetic, and even worse is bullying people without those blinders on.
Yeah, but more than that what's really disgusting is that they actually have no power to influence the mod whatsoever. They're entirely relying on the courtesy of others, at any time the developers could just kick these niggers out and solve the problem, but since they're people with respect for their fellow man they try to argue and compromise. These chinks are acting exactly like parasites, they have no power of their own and rely on sucking on the generosity of others.
Man I might play as Russia first then that seems fun with BTFO'ing NATO.
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>Surrender Limit: +100%
>(all US factions have this)
Apparently they also have content for if they lose the NATO war so if you fail on your first attempt just roll with it
Not on release.
The icons are outdated.
>have color-coded ideology backgrounds
>cover them with a shitload of assets of different colors
what retardation is this?
time to initiate the "Our enveloped forces will hold" cope strategy (I do this when i play prywhen)
chinese genuinely, unironically, wholeheartedly, do not understand foreign policy.
problem is free countries usually have journalists that ask questions about how true the nations claims are, you don't get that in a dictatorcucked country
kys taiwantroon
I thought the bugmen didn't like their government? Yet they will defend China's honour and try and claim literal who islands they don't own? It's like projecting your insecurity over not having Taiwan because you cannot start your own chip manufacturing, but you sure as hell can make houses that collapse within a year and keep convincing everybody you're getting stronger as if needing to fill your petty ego.
That is very false, and anyone who lived in the former Warsaw Pact knows that. You had plenty of journos that were writing and asking questions. It was all about knowing how to hide it so that censors wouldn't notice. Similarly, it was with the books. And people too had to learn how to read between the lines.
>cannot start your own chip manufacturing
Why is it that 4chan people can't help but project their own faults onto China?
Did the CHIPS act ever go anywhere or did it just end up being another federal pork barrel/graft thing?
>apologize to all devs who have made insulting remarks about China
What did xi mean by this?
You do get those journos in dictator countries. But nowadays instead of merely dissappeared those journos are called "racists", "homophobes", "transphobes" or whatever -ist or -phobe applies to the ruling minority before getting cancelled, dissappeared or suicided from two shots on the back of the head.
>did it just end up being another federal pork barrel/graft thing?
Yup. And supposedly the TSMC fabs they were trying to build in Arizona or whatever were plagued by mandatory incompetent DEI diversity hires, as well as sabotage by Chinese “international students” from a nearby school.
Don't forget ANTISEMITE
How do you start an American civil war in Red Dusk?
>sabotage by Chinese “international students” from a nearby school
Diversity is inherently incompatible with counterespionage and border security. Who'd have thought posturing about how tolerant you are of people of different ethnicities would lead to people of other ethnicities taking advantage of how tolerant you are?
is it even possible? I thought all the US content was placeholder
You don't see that nowadays. Or not nearly as often. at least.
You can post antisemitic stuff straight out of Goebbels and you're justified if you put a Palestine flag somewhere.

>Diversity is inherently incompatible with counterespionage and border security
And national identity and culture, too.
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Imbecile stupid racists, the USA is the strongest nation in the world because of inmigration, even before Europe allowed inmigration USA was already asking for everyone in the planet to send people here and live the american dream, without inmigration we would have been like freaking nazi Germany, a now dead nation, a corpse, defeated by humanity.
They understand it well enough, to the point they got the UK to sign an agreement that got them Hong Kong, UK didn't read the fine print
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Forgot to post the other two.

NSM teaser.
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Patriot Front teaser
AWD teaser when?
There's a difference between pre and post 1965 immigration.
I don't think anyone is actually against ALL immigration. But they're certainly against the type of immigration that puts Somalis in Minnesota, Guatemalans in California, Indians (dot) in New York and chinks in Arizona.
this or next month.
great someone spot it lol.
>USA is the strongest nation in the world because of inmigration
Or because it's on an extremely advantageous landmass that was hardly used to a fraction of its potential by its original red skinned inhabitants.
>even before Europe allowed inmigration USA was already asking for everyone in the planet to send people here and live the american dream
This is historical revisionism. The whole "give me your cartel members, your niggers, your poor huddled masses of petty and serious criminals alike" thing only started in the 60s and only really intensified to the point of absurdity by the 90s-00s. Before then, it was de facto open to only European immigration, with some exceptions like Chinese labourers to build railways.
>defeated by humanity
Nazi Germany was not defeated by some vague "humanity", it was defeated by Soviet hands holding lend leased American equipment. Stop appropriating Slavic-based mutt and white achievements, you thirdie.
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>slavic based mutt and white achievements
The whole 'melting pot' thing was an experiment that kinda sorta worked at the time, but is showing serious flaws now.
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TOTA update coming out next month.
It worked when it was solely Europeans.
A system designed around turning Irish and Italians into Americans falls apart when you drop millions of pajeets, indios, mestizos and somali bulbheads into it. Surprising.
He looks like Niall Murray.
I was thinking about this mod last night. A great example of having a good idea but lacking actual modders.
is this that mod where they have to delay a major update because one of the main dev got drafted into the IDF?
I sure hope the WordArt is an intentional design choice and not something they had to do because they don't have anything better.
TOTA sounds like an interesting mod, and I'd like to give it a chance, but it just turns me off, like all those who (rightfully) hated the old, bleed-your-eyes text font that the TNO demos used.
IIRC the mod has an early internet kind of aesthetic going on, so it's intentional.
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hi frens, i'm doing the putin collapse path in red dusk and after the collapse i kept putin as the legitimate gov.
i was wondering how do i re-unify the ussr given how he starts with most of his divisions encircled and with a stronger enemy at the doors
>putin collapse path
Damn, how many paths does every Red Dusk countries have on launch?
USSR has about a dozen, the USA has 3 (party paths, president doesn't really matter), Iraq basically has 1 since the differences are basically cosmetic, Yugoslavia has 4, unsure about South Africa, Vietnam is incomplete but they're going to get a bunch in the next patch
I heard it's possible for USA to collapse and start a civil war
I'm glad that people gave up on trying to flesh everything out on the OWB map and are just adding nations now, the map is finally getting completed
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no one's posted LaHL's recent toozers? Had to compress this one to shit, the original is huge.
Qrd? Never heard of it.
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the mod's been in production for about five years now, they still can't figure out how they want the map to look.
The premise is that the National Bolshevik Party led by Yegor Letov, Eduard Limonov and Alexander Dugin, wins the Russian election of 1994. Eurasians reassert themselves, retake a good chunk of the USSR and style all over China. At the same time, the US go into isolation. Without an external counterbalance, the new political establishment shits itself under its own weight. Then Letov dies and the whole thing goes up in smoke.
the mod is notable for going out of their way to avoid using any liberals and Nazis. A version of National Bolshevism is the new centrism.
Post the LaHL China teaser because that shit is banger.
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IDK which one you're talking about, this is the most recent one. Also includes new ideology names, the England screenshot is from years ago.
They also put out a dev diary for China (I think they have Chinese devs?)
LaHL will never release
If you want a mod set in a shattered britain that will actually come out, there is United No More.
yeah that's some good shit right here
forgot to mention that the mod was endorsed by Dugin himself at one point.
>"The neosocialists are communists"
>looks inside
>liberal social democrats
who wrote that lmao
whats with the anime girls in the focus icons?
LaHL is still alive? Thought it died years ago
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LaHL lives and marches on.
when will it release
I don't know. I'm not a dev. Not expecting anything before EU V.
the way I understand it, the original lead dev fucked off a while back and a bunch of like-minded people picked up the slack. They stuck with the premise but they have some other ideas on the details so they're still in the process of redesigning stuff.
Pax Britannica is surprisingly an okay mod with actual content and wars, just hate you can't form a complete USA
>>UK to sign an agreement that got them Hong Kong
>have brits cuckold your territory for 100 years
>they make it one of the most successful places in your country
>finally get it back
>it immediately becomes shit
ching chong not even once
>Red Dusk WW3 as Yazov
Holy shit that war was both brutal and fun, fucking Chinese and Yugoslavs watching my ass helped out too but goddamn all the naval invasions I had, air was was BS until I managed to whittle them down to the point I could drop nukes.
Any advice? I wasn't able to push into Germany and those fucking American shits kept navally invading me and were a nightmare to kick out.
You got any bomb ass tea to share with the class?
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>try to get the Chrysalis/NMM marriage
>Sombra doesn't start the Grey Pact
>NMM loses the civil war
Guess if you want something done, do it yourself
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Kalterkrieg is so washed, content is stalled, barely any of contentless nations are being reworked, the only "fights" in the "cold war" is China and the USA, no plans to add any (you can bet that proxy wars docs in the dev-blog channel is empty, literal placebo), most of the new content will be same-old same-old KR shit where the "content" is "choose the socdems/libsocs/soccon"
Yeah dealing with them is a nightmare and was the bane of my existence, honestly I just tried to buildup as much as I could and shit out as many armor divs as I could, then it was just a matter of fighter-cas spam before I could get my nukes out. You do kinda lack manpower imo.
>they make it one of the most successful places in your country
desu not a high bar considering how much of a shithole China was at the time
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>Play a mod made by a braindead moron
>Be surprised when it's shit
natpop is when corruption?
what a qt hoi4 playing gril.. i wonder if she has a bf
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kx devs are retarded
What is this mod? Is this the TNO redux people were waiting for?
>This conplete rewrite of tno seeks to give a more realistic and fun approach to tno
nothing in TNO is realistic, kill yourself + buy an ad
>and fun
how do they reconcile the two?
they don't
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TFR stuff
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That's... that's not what Vanguardism means...
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Prettiest women in the HOI4 modding scene?
Oh no...
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>shithole China was at the time
I was talking recently
Literally 1984....
I fucking LOVE eight years war of resistance so much
Land wars in asia my beloved
My fellow dev. Trans, passes completely, legit 9/10 body.
No I won't say which mod
need a game that allows for absolute tech supremacy the way research all'ing the ultimate tech tree mod does. I have yet to see a game where wooden sail ship fleets face a single early cold war destroyer. Or a CAS strike jet swooping the japanese navy in 1905. Or even a single Maxim gun at the Barbary raid on Iceland. Need an RTS that captures the same feel as that mod.
jane titor
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the ace combat mod dev?
what are some fun things to do in Red Dusk? So far, I've played a Soviet Civil War and Chud Africa.
soviet yazov path, vietnam invading china... and that's it thus far
They should rename the ideology to Vanguardist socialism and this particular subideology to Totalitarian socialism and it would make (kinda) more sense
Rise of Nations
how did Red Dusk do it? how did they actually make a fun mod?
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Agree although most authsoc ideologies in the mod are also vanguardist so it would be a bit confusing. Ideally they should remove totsoc (it has no reason to exist other than being le extra cursed 1984 communism boogieman) and rename authsoc to "Old Left" and libsoc to "New Left".
I really don't like the tot/auth/lib classification because all socialist ideologies are intrinsically totalitarian (they seek the total transformation of society) and authoritarian (they use authority to enforce said transformation). The APLA anarchists being Libsoc is particularily egregious since their methods are the most violently authoritarian of the bunch.
Good, we don't need chuds in our gamer spaces
Does anyone here have some familiarity with BICE? I'm getting fucked on the 2nd 5 year plan as the USSR. I keep getting so, so close, like only one objective not complete, but it's always something different.

I can get all the civ factories built, but then I'm missing a tiny amount of oil storage capacity (even though previous runs using the same decisions did not have this issue). I can get all the factories built in the right cities but fall short of the total factory goal. I'm just not sure how to beat this thing or know what I'm doing wrong and it's making me want to tear my hair out.
No one told me Kaiserreich is updated
wtf is call of war
did they just steal r56 focus tree
The new annexation mechanic is kino
>Games that attract autists like flies to shit are also troon magnets
Really gets the old noggin joggin
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Is there a crimeamod for HOI4?
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Sign the form.
>TFR just got delayed indefinitely
It's so fucking over....
Having not played either what's better, Kaiserreich or Kaiserredux?
KR is boring, KX is bloat
I prefer KR, think it's more interesting and cohesive but if you like more 'wacky' world conquest paths and formables (which KR also has, just rarer) and don't mind the more disjointed submod feel KX is for you.
They managed to toe the fine balance between "Cold War" and "World War" mods, where you essentially have both, building up your economy and tech while still engaging in combat through proxy wars, leading up to a climax with WW3.
Still waiting for the Russian rework,Austrian rework and the Hungary tree...

What? Source?
I've heard of it, what does it do that makes it so unique?
KX has more content
KR has more libshit and commie wank
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Red Flood leak. Pretty sure it's real.
Half of this is unintelligible to me, is that a bad thing?
reddit flood
I saw some RF devs were making chart in another server and I'm 100% sure this is meant to be a joke.
ESL opinion, disregarded
I think the absurdity of this chart is enough proof
RF is a very wacky mod
Sure it is but the chart doesn't even look anything like Russia in RF. It seems to be some parody of HOI4 modding cliches.
Seems they've ran out of original ideas..
idk, maybe rf is changing direction back to it's more weird and cursed roots?
Even if they did I don't think they would remove everything from Russia and replace it with silly memes.
Robbie above me, do not engage with him
I repeat: do not engage with him
this COULD be true
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erm what is "pedocratic national marxism"?
>auth right
the political compass is astrology for terminally online larpers who get their political views from whatever hoi iv mod they last played
Black ICE
Let children rule.
The fact both Stalin and Trotsky already have well developed paths, which are nothing like what is being proposed here.
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red flood is such a goofy fucking mod
every focus is
>long-ass text about revolt against God and nature
>Effect: Add 2 Civilian Factories
[image of low compressed hands]
I don't understand Red Poop's hate boner towards Russian Empire, I thought it was a meme but they genuinely seems to think that they were worse than bolsheviks
What mod is this? I get mlp stuff when i search for it
it is mlp stuff, with anime portraits.
That is like the eternal issue with the mod. They clearly do their research, and the people they find do have interesting ideas. But then the actual content is just absolutely basic and there are no cool mechanics nor any interesting foreign policy.
What do you mean by hate? Russian reactionaries have some of the best content in the mod. Like Stab-Kapitans, Mladorossi, Rasputin, Drozdovsky or Rodzevsky.
Sweet mother of Nykyism! This is from 2018
>What do you mean by hate?
Every white army man is portrayed as cynical and comically evil cartoon villain, the empire is fragmented and collapses for no reason and you can't have a proper monarchy path because devs are bitter faggots. The old excuse "oh russia was made by ukrainian nationalist who isn't on the team" doesn't work anymore since there are Kazakhstan and Finland toozers that show that they haven't leant anything
>Every white army man is portrayed as cynical
Just like the real Whites.
>and comically evil cartoon villain
None of the examples I mentioned are that.
>the empire is fragmented and collapses for no reason and you can't have a proper monarchy path
Mladorossi, Stab-Kapitans, Rasputin and Drozdovsky all literally crown a Tsar/Tsarina.
Stop fucking lying you massive fucking faggot.
His theme
You're retarded if you think the fucking Romanovs were even comparable to the bolsheviks.
They have legacy to consider
>implying they weren't like that irl
the thing is like trying to do new cool mechanics in this game inevitably ends up as annoying button clicking timer minigames
>holy vedic aryan khaganate of hyperborea of the slavic race
this is why i play red flood
kr for realismfaggotry
kx for kino and lag
No, that is just people being unimagimative faggots.
Personally, I hate mods that try to turn HOI4 into a different game. TNO and its dumb GDP thing, CWIC and MD had their retarded industry spaghetti, even Pax Britannia has its dumb little thing with Teslas/hospitals/schools/agriculture. I still like Road to 56 the most because it's a straightforward "vanilla, but with more retarded paths" mod. Old World Blues is pretty good too, but I dislike how they changed combat width to be 80 or something regardless of terrain. I'd mostly just like a mod that sets up more small-scale warfare instead of global megafactions vs megafactions, even if hypocritically that goes against the design philosophy of the game itself.
>TFR has four far right civil war nations with content on launch
>But only one (1) far left civil war nation with content on launch
Lenin turned a country that fed the whole Europe with bread into a country where women were forced to eat their dead children and that relied on US handouts and Canadian grain to survive
You know why
Having a scattered far-right and a united far left is a fun change from the norm. All of the far-right factions are unique enough to be their own country.
I thought lobotomies were no longer performed?
That's my moot!
I am the first, and I seriously can't comprehend why you mentioned me for this.
the latter was meant for >>1847877
>on launch
tfr released?
Not yet but they've confirmed what nations and civil war factions will have content on release, only one far left civil war faction is going to have content on release.
how about antifa?
they were supposed to have the Green Mountain Anarchist Collective (there's an ancient teaser for their content) and a leftist path for Cascadia, but both got cut from the 1.0.
Having a larp online neo-nazi group control south florida is more realistic
they don't seem to be too concerned with realism, it's just that the pull of "cursed paths" is too strong. Despite doing its best to distinguish itself from TNO, TFR is tainted by the same brainrot that grips the rest of the HoI4 modding community.
The worst thing is, they probably won't even get that brainrot right. Nothing about TFR's output so far suggests that they care about their research, so Atomwaffen is probably going to be a cartoon that has nothing to do with the real thing (even if you look past the fact that the real thing is just a fed honeypot ran by Sutter). I mean, if they can't even get shit like >>1844924 right, what are the chances they're going to read Mason and the O9A handbook?
Chances of TFR disbanding after 1.x?
Bro, did you just step out of cryostasis? TNO's been taken over by a "realism" clique that's obsessed with reworks for the sake of reworks.
Their "standards of research" are skimming Wikipedia articles. Did you see So Far From Go(o)d?
pretty sure he means Panzer era TNO
TNO's influence has nothing to do with its modern incarnation. The legacy of TNO is Taboritsky and Burgundy and the Great Trial and all that other stupid shit. I can say this confidently because I didn't play any of these things and yet I keep seeing them wherever TNO is mentioned. The new devs can make a thousand more Guangdongs, but "cursed paths" is what the mod will be known for until the end of time.
And the fact that someone else is bad at research is not justification for being just as bad, if not worse.
Are you actually a TNO team member? Your views seem like they'd fit in with Mango's clique very nicely. After all, all they do nowadays is chase the dragon that was Guangdong and delay content due to "research".
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I'm afraid you're right. I'm on their server and they very rarely bother answering the more interesting questions about the lore and when they do, it's often low effort 2 sentence responses. Pic related for example, if the best you can come up with is "literally Caesar's Legion" it screams amateur. I can't help to compare it to other teams like KR where they would've responded with a megapost detailing everything about their administrative structure.
I don't think he's a dev, I agree with him that research is very important to beat the specter of slop cursed paths, but that doesn't mean liking well-researched paths = loving nuTNO. TNO has taken it too far to the point that they're scrapping everything to replace it with reworks that will never come out.
>beat the specter of slop cursed paths
Why do we need to?
Because most of the time they're extremely low effort caricatures that don't make justice to the personalities and ideologies of such paths.
I'm not a TNO anything. Don't know who Mango is, never been to the TNO Discord server, only played a few Russian warlords, mostly moderates. What I'm saying is, if someone in my position knows about the wacky shit, it's because the wacky shit is what people want to talk about. It's what they want to recreate in some fashion in their own mods. That's how artistic influence works.
BUT X WOULDN'T DO THAT THO is one of the direct sources of the wasting disease that's killing TNO
is there monarchist path in Red Dusk?
a few of the warlords that arise if Putin collapses the Soviet Union fit the profile. If they win, they get a news event and a super event, but they don't have any unique content otherwise.
Is Caesar's Legion an inaccurate comparison to AwD?
It's a lazy comparison. Most popculture comparisons are. I hate when people say "it's like x from y" instead of explaining in detail what it's like.
in addition to what the other guy said, yes, it is a bad comparison. Caesar's Legion was a well-oiled machine, brutal and efficient. They had a strict hierarchy and a code of rules - so long as you followed them, you had nothing to fear. Traders in F:NV would tell you that they preferred Legion's territory to NCR's.
They were also hardcore civic nationalists, funnily enough. Any tribe could become part of the Legion.
>descended into civil war because leader died
That is not very efficient
From the minds that gave you Amerindians not assimilating into a faction whose defining trait is the annihilation of tribal identities: >>1848431
What happened to Iron Grip? Is it dead?
Are there people actively working on it? Yes. Is there anything worth shilling or showing in a stupid contextless teaser? No. Right now, I'm just trying to get an old school slider system like in DH for miscellaneous content working, while juggling a major Soviet update. If there is anything you want to know go ahead and ask.
Fyi, this is a Russian dev who is known to be terminally online, so he probably not the best judge of AWD content
Is Red World just dead
Let is rest imo, I didn't like it when the redux team started making new content.
its sadder than what happened to tno like a stillborn
Red World was fine how it was before the original death died, plenty of fun content. Yeah he wanted to add more but that's just not how things turned out. I don't trust the Redux team to do it justice.
"Care about research" Lmfao you nerds actually really do care about worthless victories you gain for your "faction" or "ideology" pushing around army men on a pixel map. It is an extremely sad and pathetic delusion that ultimately amounts to the equivalent of astrology, crystal worship, and creating fursonas. I think this is the real reason why the pony mod manages to outcompete and embarrass the countless history nerd basement dweller mods with utter ease - they already have their existing autistic fascination around ponies and and can forge forward with that in mind, rather than risking getting doxxed by some invalid who would be exterminated under the regime he LARPs as supporting on the internet because you didn't represent his favorite neo-fascist leader in the right way
>the pony mod is better because they're using original characters in an original setting
>no, I will not create an original setting for my own mod. I'll just throw together a bunch of shit I don't know anything about and call anyone who complains a loser nerd
I'm not a dev, I'm just calling you an autistic loser nerd who cares way too much about his army men video game. So quit the strawman and wipe the snot and tears off your face, faggot.
Rich of you to accuse me of strawmanning after the diatribe you typed out in your previous post.
You are being very disingenuous when you attempt to reduce the matter to moving army men on a map. I, for one, would much rather play a gameplay-oriented mod, but we already know that TFR isn't going to be one since the whole thing is more or less on rails - unlike the pony mod, where you can justify and declare wars manually. The pony mod also hasn't gone beyond the four vanilla ideologies. TFR did, so we can see that this sort of stuff matters to the devs.
If they're going to limit my ability to play the game in service of a narrative, then at the very least I expect to see a good narrative. Events about Vaush having sex with a horse are not it.
The mod can have a good narrative without autistically conforming to your view on what Atomwaffen must be portrayed as, what a gay post you made. You'll be in my prayers tonight as I ask the lord to grant us a cure for autism.
>>the pony mod is better because they're using original characters in an original setting
It isn't and they aren't.
The team sounds like a bunch of petty squabbling faggots so I would not be shocked
Both of those still exist in the mod, they just won't be playable on release.
It might not technically be an original setting but being based on a fictional series allows the devs to just be able to do whatever is fun and not worry about retards complaining that their big chungus ideology isn't represented correctly.
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I'm doing a mini-Korean focus tree.
Ermmm why is there no TND mechanic for the Atomwaffen Division? Are the devs jewish?
>He doesn't know
When you get your hands on a nuke as them you have the option to nuke Israel and they have a focus in their focus tree to target Judaism
Total N-word death, not TJD.
Woops misread, well there is a focus about "improving the killing fields" so I'd imagine TND is on the table
There is one, but it's going to be the final thing you do before the game end. Think of it like victory condition in civ game or smt.
There's clearly good line between freedom and restriction to have when you're making a hoi4 mod. If you move too much into giving player the ability to do whatever they want then you got a vanila sandbox, where you can conquest to your heart content but lack meaningful favor/characters for the country you're playing as (see any Vanila World Conquest post on reddit). If you lean too much into restriction player ability to give a player a unique experience then you have a prime example like TNO where you are forced into determined paths/gameplay/mechanic. It's just different taste for different people and we're making one for ourselves really.
Because you are a communist who thinks that whites are worse than reds because you believe in soviet propaganda.
>None of the examples I mentioned are that.
You are lying through your teeth like a fucking bitch. Kolchak, Kornilov and Drozdovsky are all portrayed in the most negative light possible.

>Mladorossi, Stab-Kapitans, Rasputin and Drozdovsky all literally crown a Tsar/Tsarina.
All options you mentioned are puppets with no real power because Red Poop devs want to "deconstruct" everything and "own" le ebil chuds. Same thing with Austria btw, if you cheat and go through their constitutional monarchy tree it's filled with bitterness and resentment towards fans of danubian federation from KR
Yeah, having a good narrative doesn't intrinsically mean restricting the player. Having more and better written events and descriptions, city lore and flavor loc like TNO's assorted laws or EAW's Kirian journal entries doesn't railroad the player in any way and gives more enjoyment to the people who like reading and/or making lore-accurate headcanons.
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Nazi mod
It’ll be a miracle if TFR makes it a week on the steam workshop. Won’t stop me from praying.
Yeah this looks like stuff that's actually barred from being allowed to be hosted.
you're a fucking retard btw
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Patriot Front, the Commies, Antifa and BLM should each be their own side. Why did TFR merge them into Patriot Front is anyone's guess-
It being undercover would be kino
what a brutal mogging
Respect them for going all out and not holding back
This reads like as if the protagonist from that one game, Hatred, was an entire political party.
They did not dissapoint with the AWD, its as edgy as one would expect them to be, props to the TFR team I guess
>Sarah Clendaniel
Is that a fucking woman? Also some of these guys look a bit swarthy
It's obviously an elf.
kino revealed by none
Bait but ok
>Because you are a communist who thinks that whites are worse than reds because you believe in soviet propaganda.
Stop projecting anon. I subscribe to same monarchist ideas as Tolkien. And admire ruralust noble ideal that Tolstoj wrote about.
>Kolchak, Kornilov and Drozdovsky are all portrayed in the most negative light possible.
Kornilov used to be one of the most wholesome paths before his path was removed.
Kolchak was a cunt irl and wanted to be Supreme Dictator.
Despite that both him and Drozdovsky can do the Neo-Stoliypinyist reforms, and that path is again all about creating a better Russia.
Drozdovsky also crowns the Tsar/Tsarina and returns power to their hand.
>All options you mentioned are puppets with no real power
You clearly didn't play these paths. Stab-Kapitans are all about restoring the spirt of 19th century Russia as protector of Orthodoxy. Mlodorossi are also sharing power with Anastasia, and it is Tsarina AND the soviets. And Rasputin (my favourite path) is all about restoring the fairy tale spirt of the ancient holy Rus, when peasan't lived happily under the protection of the good Tsar and Tsarina and Bogatyer Ilya was fighting against evils of the world.

>gets africa addioed right off the workshop in a week
>no further updates and entirely forgotten
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We already have backup plan for that incase it happens.
Nobody will bother with manually installing your mod if it's not on the workshop
Holy cringe
Bait uses to be believable, and 'side it's not going stop us from working the mod. Keep crying some more mate.
Talk is cheap toozerfag
Are you stupid? Both people who have game bought from PDX site or pirated use Skymods or ModDb.
Same goes for you too buddy. Oct 18th can't come soon enough.
Lets stop the cope... how many people playing KX, EAW, OWB, TNO, etc. are on fuckin moddb as opposed to workshop...
OK Red Flood 2
I play KX through Github. Check mate retard.
This is probably really cool and edgy if you're 13 years old
ok, but which one is the fallen angel?
not sure how you can make atomwaffen not edgy
Nigga obviously the satanists hope they didn't change this super event at all, especially hope they didn't put the purple filter over it
This, they should have a wholesome social democrat path where James Mason goes through a redemption arc and learns that racism is le heckin bad and shit
>Stop projecting anon. I subscribe to same monarchist ideas as Tolkien.
Then you are just braindead retard who doesn't read any events or loc
>And admire ruralust noble ideal that Tolstoj wrote about.
Ok so you ARE a commie after all.
>Kornilov used to be one of the most wholesome paths before his path was removed.
He's the only path I played and it was literally Komai Guangdong where poor workerinos are worked to death to build roads. If this is the most wholesome path then you've just proved my point. Or it was Drozdovsky idc
>Despite that both him and Drozdovsky can do the Neo-Stoliypinyist reforms, and that path is again all about creating a better Russia.
If only 70% of the focus tree descriptions and events weren't about how everything is horrible and how evil you are...
>Drozdovsky also crowns the Tsar/Tsarina and returns power to their hand.
No he doesn't, all dictators share the same focus where they put puppet in charge
>You clearly didn't play these paths. Stab-Kapitans are all about restoring the spirt of 19th century Russia as protector of Orthodoxy. Mlodorossi are also sharing power with Anastasia, and it is Tsarina AND the soviets. And Rasputin (my favourite path) is all about restoring the fairy tale spirt of the ancient holy Rus, when peasan't lived happily under the protection of the good Tsar and Tsarina and Bogatyer Ilya was fighting against evils of the world.
They are cringe schizo paths that I didn't want to play because they were too cringe. It was enough for me that all usual paths are depicted as horrible and Red Poop devs are using communist talking points about how everything was backwater and Russia wouldn't industrialize without 10 millions dying from hunger
can you shut the fuck up
Can you stop shilling your shitty leftist mod?
But what does that actually do? Invoking actual demons? Turns TFR into Salvation War?
American Unification event.
Realistic, if kinda boring.
Are they trying to completely kill this shitty mods or smth lmao
>play EaW
>have to make the EQS Civil War longer because certain focuses with very useful effects bypass if I end the war too quickly
And now I have to look at an unchanging border doing nothing because by this point the Equestrian army has less than 6 divisions to my 40.
>join EaW 'cord to see the toozers
>everyone is a commie, a tranny, or both
The situation seems dire. Posada and her consequences were a disaster for the mod
As long as they don't put that shit into the mod...
It's up!

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>As long as they don't put that shit into the mod...
I have some news for you
Posada is a symptom, not a cause.
Zebrica is just TNO in EaW at this point
>doesn't even play half of the mods in the list
otherwise accurate list except that KX and KR should be switched
This toozer isn't any edgier than TNO
How fucking often does Equestria get updated? I just checked it for the first time in like 8 months and the not-China is STILL the "new" announced country.
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TFR looks good. Alfred, Titor, I know I've given you a lot of grief over the years but it genuinely looks like it's going to be a good mod. Cheers!
It's clearly a meme flowchart. Why do so many anons think it's real?
I'm assuming you mean the mod in general. If so there's a serious update every year or two with a handful of smaller ones between. But if you actually mean the country, the answer is never.
Is it out? Why they fuck are you opening your mouth and judging something that doesn't exist?
>He doesn't realize it's one of the devs sucking their own dick in hopes of inspiring others to suck their dicks
They already know the mod is gonna bomb and be panned, they're trying to get ahead of it and psyop people into worshiping it and them.
It reminds me of the mexico dev has been here shilling constantly and then went radio silent immediately after it flopped. I wonder how he's doing right now. I would feel sad for him if he wasn't working for evil scumbags
what is it with you retards? alfred retired long ago, if this was one of the devs or someone active within tfr they would know that.
The EQS civil war breakaways got updated recently if I recall
I know he retired I just thought maybe he is still around, regardless I'm just wishing them luck because I was there when Alfred was spitballing the idea for TFR in a VC with me back in 2019. It's cool to finally see it release.
>t-they already know it's gonna bomb!
Better graphics than TNO, Better gameplay than most mods, a little bit of reading too do but not enough to overwhelm you with shit you don't care about, lack of retarded mini-games, AND no realism cuckery? SIGN ME UP!
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>T(he)F(at)R(etards)devs when the mod is instantly removed from the workshop
Why do some autists hate TFR anyway? Is it just because it's the one big mod project going on right now that isn¡t pro-tranny communistwank?
Shut up faggot
>lack of retarded mini-games
Yea being shitty and talentless is so good!
It literally has a zigger commie tranny inserting his tranime fetishes into icons
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>TFRetards when the mod they've waited years for releases and it's a broken, poorly written, unfun, content barren mess.
It's because it's the first time anyone from here has actually got their shit together and made a mod instead of just impotently seething forever at every other mod out there like these austists, and now they're spiteful and seething about that too like crabs in a bucket and want to pull TFR down.
>zigger commie tranny inserting his tranime fetishes into icons
Can you show us what you are talking about?
I'm not going to reveal my powerlevels on this shithole site
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Is this Japans focus tree?
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Anon... this... really?
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Why is this even in there? What does it do?
I sure hope this has a '-1 Ponypower' effect. Seeing this makes me want to play AWD in TFR more.

oh, it's made by ESLs.
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Anon, this is literally an in-character thing for Japan to do. They actually have done it in the past and are likely to do it again.
Most of it is TFR devs and their fanboys baiting each other to keep the conversation going. You'll notice that shitposting stops whenever legitimate criticism gets brought up.
When I was in highschool I had a japanese friend and he despised tranime more than I did. Going "WAAAH THIS IS JAPAN SO I MUST TRANIME BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY THING I KNOW ABOUT JAPAN IS SO KAWAII!!!" is extremely disrespectful and just cringe overall
Neither the opposition nor Russia should have anime icons desu.
>You'll notice that shitposting stops whenever legitimate criticism gets brought up
Like? Only issues I have are a lot of events and focuses don't have descriptions, some spelling mistakes, and only one far left civil war faction is getting content on release. Outside of that the mod looks bretty gud.
Can't exactly put war crimes and xenophobia on the focus tree. AWD has the monopoly on that and are unlikely to relinquish it.
Also, it's one icon on the nation that's likely to have one such icon. If it was where it didn't belong (like, say, the aforementioned AWD) or the entire mod was that, I'd agree, but as it is you're making criticism over something that isn't an actual issue.
You can use traditional art instead of shitty tranime
>Also, it's one icon on the nation that's likely to have one such icon. If it was where it didn't belong (like, say, the aforementioned AWD) or the entire mod was that, I'd agree, but as it is you're making criticism over something that isn't an actual issue.
The entire mod is full of goofy memes and shitty references, which would have been funny if I "got the vibe", but I don't get it
Who finds this fun?
>The entire mod is full of goofy memes and shitty references
Good, I'm glad there's an event about Vaush being shot trying to fuck a horse, an event about Nick Fuentes being killed in an FBI raid, and an event about Ron Desantis being murdered by the AWD.
It's literally a chud powerwank fantasy mod for alt-rightoids. Discussion of it should be banned in these threads.
Why do you have to make these things sound cooler than they are?
>It's literally a chud powerwank fantasy mod for alt-rightoids
>a single icon with girls from chinese cartoons means the mod is le bad
hes right
To be fair it's not the only focus in the Japanese focus tree featuring anime in the focus icon, however I really don't see what the issue is in the first place. It's not like every single focus icon features an anime character, in the Japanese teaser only 14 out of 78 focuses features an anime character. Now of course that teaser (probably) doesn't show every single focus Japan will have on release but it doesn't seem like the anime aesthetic will be overused.
Me if it were connected to the gameplay.
Me, I'm not sorry
This guy is 100% going to get cucked hard in the future
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Whats the best HoI III mod?
HoI III is a better base for a HoI game than both 2 and 4. With some exceptions like;
>Is there a way for say dumping loads of supplies on a province to prepare it for a stalingrad/kurland/leningrad style siege for example?
>Is upgrading troops overseas locked by game mechanics or am i too retarded to upgrade cav divisions in east prussia without building transports and shipping them to stettin?
Russia especially should have anime icons, because Russia has a massive weeb fandom.
Anon I'm too young to remember HOI3
Nah, it's just proof that outside of the american civil war factions that are a mix of wish fulfillment and caricature, the countries outside america with content that are meant to make TFR stand out from all the other american warlord civil war mods are just trite wikipedia scrapes and dumb memes by retarded weeb devs.
More reading is always good though, if you don't care you can just skip the events with 1 click.
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The use of AI and MTL in some focuses is way worse in my opinion
TNOfags taking yet another L
>muh anime
>muh zigger
/k/troon, opinion discarded
anon the literal OP of this thread has anime in it
imagine posting this
in a thread with this OP >>1839595
nta but that's an unofficial submod. It's not the same.
Anime website, you fucking tourist. Go back to noncredibledefense or wherever else.
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Check it out, preferably on linux with lutris, you can alt tab and dual screen easily, i'll post podcats .exe when i get home. Beware that there is some fuckery with the Font and maybe pictures making that they load slowly so your game might lag if you zoom in enough to see the names of provinces and when selecting generals. There are no other annoying kinks otherwise which is great for me since HoI III crashes constantly and doesn't load text on windows desu
Using AI assets is actually pretty cool. It's not like they're making the entire icon with AI
I don't know there's a Youjo Senki mod that is pretty decent
They look very out of place when most of the icons use real people.
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Unadulterated Edgekino, the only thing this needs now is Nottim Portant as a general.
So when is this thing coming out?
How is Red Flood nowadays? Is it still kicking or did it descend into rework hell like TNO?

Speaking of TNO, can TFR finally get its own containment thread?
so this is basically the organization from the turner diaries?
/pol/bros will feast
except /pol/ thinks anyone right of trump is a fed or something (especially atomwaffen)
Yeah yeah, if you reunite as AW, the leader portrait changes to Hotchner
atomwaffen may not be feds but they're a satanic cult larping as a nazi terrorist group that was led by a guy with an active CAGE code
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October 18th.
Nobody gives a shit about your ugly ass (most likely a hapamonkey) americanized friend or what he thinks.
I still think Patriot Front should be divided into multiple far-left groups, like the far-right is.
Meant APLA
Honestly? Maybe, but they're not the only far left faction in the civil war. Cascadia can go communist, the GMAC, and the BLA. However sadly they aren't gonna have content on release.
>the GMAC, and the BLA
Who are these people?
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Green Mountain Anarchist Collective
Black Liberation Army
Gay Mens Alliance Command and Boys Love Association
TFR needs it's own living space
someone get on that
GMAC got rolled into a broder libertarian faction called the Association of the Freed
Still their own nation, wouldn't be surprised if all three will have the option of backstabbing the other two.
TFR should only get a containment thread a few months after release if the hype is still there.
Most men are livestock. No point in reasoning with them.
They're either really deep underground, like AWD, or simply don't have the visibility organizations like Antifa and BLM have.
t. ranny
So will the local population in AWD territories decrease overtime? If so wouldn't that cause the mod to be taken down since it'd be simulating genocide?
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BLA was an underground terrorist black nationalist organization fifty years ago. They were leftists, but I don't think the TFR version is only going to focus on that aspect. They seem to be a coalition of various black militant groups, of whom some may be communists. Blacktriot Front.
GMAC was a group of potheads from Vermont. According to one of their founders, the organization, which was founded in 2000, had fewer than twenty people at their peak, and consisted entirely of one person by 2006. Their greatest accomplishments include asking right-wing tourists from California to leave, running a leftist newspaper, and eating spaghetti with Bernie Sanders.
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>Spend 4 years fighting overpowered Mongolia
>Try to regain my power and unify China somehow
>A fucking Afghanistan attacks me and now I'm in war with the entire Sphere
Nah this game is impossible to play without custom paths
huh, i've never seen afghanistan not go kabul pact
You couldn't get more than 18 divisions and to activate Windows in those 4 years?
>Pyotr Wrangel (Moderate Anticommunism)
>Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (Moderate Antisemitism)
>Based Russian Empire
>Pedocratic National Marxism
anon it's a joke flowchart
I reorganized my militias into big division and was busy equipping them with artillery
AI generated image
BLA and League of the South are probably the first American civil war factions to get content post release. Really they're the only other minor factions worth giving content too
I don't wanna cope, but this is why GRIFFON JESUS is the best Yale path.
Cascadia would be better, considering some of the possible leaders it has
the first few TFR updates should focus on the major secessionists tbdesu
>Bingham's Army
>The two mexican ones
besides them most major nations already have content
i'm not sure where they'd go from there
If i remember correctly, LOS, BLA, Cascadia and Assocation of the freed were also meant for first release but got cut due to whatever reason, so its safe to assume those would be prioritized.
them releasing every major nation + alot of civil war factions is good enough.
All they need to do is steadily add more content to the remaining important nations + skeleton content to make the world feel more real and sovlful
Army of God and Hutaree Militia should get content to imo
them too of course
I just think the secessionists would be the most interesting
I'd like to see UK and Iran in terms of interesting major nations for post-release content, maybe Poland too
yeah those would be nice
Maybe Korea, ISIS (If they can do Atomwaffen, they can probably do ISIS) and brazil
Yeah both Koreas seems like a good idea for the Asian theatre, I'd say Australia would be a good idea for that too, China + DPRK vs Taiwan, ROK, Japan and Australia is a good setup for content.
ISIS would go well but no in a vaccum, they'd need to do regional content for Iran, Iraq, Syria, Israel/Palestine for it to work imo. I think Iraq and Lebanon could be kino.
Brazil definitely makes most sense fo a Latin america country to get content outside of Mexico collapse ones, don't know what they'd really do beyond that there, Venezuela maybe?
very truthful
I think something for one of the Cartels would be interesting
I know they seemed disinterested in it, but maybe a shared post-unification tree
Colombia has a civil war. And Nicaragua spearheads a Centroamerican unification iirc.
That sounds cool, I assume the FARC is involved in the Colombian civil war, do you know if they have any regional or international backers?
Nicaragua is also interesting, I'd like to play Ortega and unify central america when they get non-skeleton content circa 2030
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From the VK page.
>do you know if they have any regional or international backers?
Probably, idk.
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>Take all VC's
>Can't capitulate them because they exiled themselves in turkestan
I love playing in China
God's punishment for playing with the anime mod
Why not have content for factions that are actually around, active and more generally known by the public first? Then for the more underground/less known
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I've beaten the colonizers, now when does the front dissolve itself?
As time goes on I watch as a horse mod continue to be butchered by furries and troons. I fucking hate what they did to my boy. I like the anime in EAW, I can at least pretend that I am not witnessing the continued mutilation of the horse mod.
Why don't you make your own?
I am weak.
Help it's not dissolving itself
Lurking VK has been an interesting experience.
TFR dev, the Japanese icons were made by the Russian side of the team who works on Japan, many of the team internally did not like these icons or wanted them done differently. The Russian team insisted on them and as they were the ones devving Japan, the rest of the team couldn't do that much about it. I personally don't object to anime icons being in the tree, but I feel like they were a little overused and somewhat goofy. But these icons do not reflect most of the mod team.
Like what?
Based Russians
TFR dev here, pee pee poo poo.
I hope when the mod releases and the team grows they get some actual japanese people to dev Japan.
For Red Dusk Iraq, how the hell are you supposed to complete the "Contest no-fly zone" decisions?
How do I git gud at EYWOR? Winning as NatChina seems fucking impossible
Shut the fuck up hazard
>No Muslim faction
How am I supposed to do my Jihad larp now?
here you go
Two different mods.
Yea, it's comparing the two.
it's MAA and ExUlt
I've heard of Extremis Ultimis but what's MAA?
Make American Again.
American Collapse mod but with memes.
Goy4 modding is when you fetishise corrupt, old, white men
I heard that TFR devs are starts to offer HOI4 content creators a preview copy of the mod
Heard from what? Sauce?
Most modders do. That is nothing new under the sun.
>TFR devs are BEGGING YouTubers to shill their mod
Oh nononononononononononnono
Anon this is marketing 101
Not unusual for a big mod's initial release, besides they're fully aware they won't last on the steam workshop so they need to get the word out through as many channels as possible so they get more than the few thousand people on their discord and other modding scene followers even go download it from other hosting sites.

I'm interested to see how many youtubers will pick it up, honestly wouldn't be surprised if some of the larger channels were hestiant to do so, even though I'm sure they'd be invited to do a more sanitised path.
Apparently Swinceball joined their discord so he may be planning on making some videos about it
Considering Mochalover just did Red Dusk Iraq I wouldn't be surprised if he played it soon.
the latinx has decreed
>The EAW subreddit has the troon flag in its logo.
Any reason why? The youtubers rejected it, or TFR enters rework stage for the better part of eternity?

It's reddit. and it's ultimately a reddit mod.
Some very desperate people took the "provided you have more than 20 subs" part literally. Sad, I wanted to barge into College's discord and ask him to since he makes good videos and I'm sure he'd love this type of mod
> Sad, I wanted to barge into College's discord and ask him to since he makes good videos and I'm sure he'd love this type of mod
If he isn't already aware of the mod you should put on his radar, would love to watch him play it when it drops.
Didn't they try to get SwinceBall to do TFR?
He joined the discord but I have no clue if they tried to reach out to him and get him to make a video on the mod.
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TrannyWR sisters is this another le hecking epic 4chan referrance !!
The OWB thread got archived. I'm trying to invade Mexico, who owns Texas, and all of the rivers are fucking insufferable. The pathing/whatever you want to call it gets butchered by the crossings. Who thought this was a good idea?
This just makes me laugh thinking about all the epic edgy slavfaggot tranime lovers I've posted with who met their deaths in a pathetic miserable ditch in the Ukraine. I wonder how many of them thought their faggot video game skills would give them an edge in the battlefield only to have their balls blown off by an FPV drone. Brightens my day utterly and fully.
>epic edgy slavfaggot tranime lovers
>versus epic edgy faggot gore lovers
Gay? Jewish? Arms manufacturer shareholder? Woman (biological)? "Woman" (tranny)? Ethnically Baltic/Romanian/Hungarian?
Engineers can't make the crossings easier? Or they're a hard line your dudes can't cross, like some mountain ranges? You'll have to use paratroopers, and that's a whole new poorly documented poorly explained voodoo you'll have to learn.
Lol why are you such a mad faggot? Slavniggers are a race of crybabies "WAAAAAHHHHH WHY WONT THE MEAN EUROPEANS EVER THINK WERE WHITE" you sniffle as you play power fantasy map games and clunky washed out first person shooters thinking they make you a real general and army man, half-listening to pop history videos in the background which similarly you believe actually makes you educated in any way whatsoever on history or political science. The world will fulfill their objective, if not today, then tomorrow.
I hope they add flavor text to the foci in TFR. Just leaving that window empty reeks of unprofessionalism.
OWB has rivers that are sea zones.
Even if they do it, they're gonna be the blandest descriptions ever. Loc isn't TFR's greatest strength.
That's just fucking retarded. You need an amphibious landing and all the associated bullshit to cross a river?

I only hope they write Trump and Biden's foci in character.
"We're going to have a great industry. We're going to have the best industry the world has ever seen!" (Effect: +1 civilian factory)
"As of today, our heroic troops have entered Baghdad- sorry, Denver and are... uh... I don't know..." (Effect: gain core on Colorado)
I imagine they plan on giving all of them descriptions since some of them already do, would be odd if they never did
>That's just fucking retarded. You need an amphibious landing and all the associated bullshit to cross a river?
No, there are crossings, but when your army crosses the crossing, your army's planned assault gets deleted half the time, so your divisions just stand around and if you're not watching, get encircled and killed. It's so dumb.
Don’t use battleplans, get good at micro.
Has anyone leaked the TFR ost? Some songs are on their VK but I don't have an account to listen to them.
Only partially. Deadrin has two albums on Spotify. They're pretty good. Unfortunately the full TFR OST will only be released when the mod drops. I already checked with him.
>when the mod drops
And when will that be?
18th Oct
Late in the thread but does anyone have any clue on how to fight the River coalition as Hellquill, and am I a retard for making only two gucci heavy tank divisions?
>two HT divs
With the time spent researching and making those, you could have fielded more or less three meta medium tank divs, or a metric crapton of meta infantry divs.
Also, Hellquill generally doesn't have manpower to do tank armies anyways. And two divisions, good as they may be, are or little strategic use
I've got one of the tracks called "The Flames Get Higher" saved on my PC but the fucking thing is acting up, when I get it working I'll post a catbox link to it in the next thread.
Yeah the issue is manpower disparity. I would like to do many things but can only really pull off one or two well.

What's the answer? Inf and Knights? Go into air?
Sorry if this has been posted in a previous thread but this is too funny not to post: Krasnacht/Kalterkrieg dev (most likely Covenant) puts his Hoi4 modding "experience" on his CV
>I would like to do many things but can only really pull off one or two well
That's an issue of almost every country, at least in EaW.

>What's the answer?
Infantry with artillery and a few extra support battalions with CAS, like in vanilla.
Being a goy4 modder should be something to hide kek
Managed to fix it, here's the song I was talking about https://files.catbox.moe/felxl5.mp3
Hospitals too
Looks like the next update will be Daring Do + Yaks
Only if your manpower pool is really low and you absolutely need every dude.

>Celestial State
Well, yeah, it's a meaty update, but the other countries in the South War could really use some love too.
isn't he that guy who doesn't say that german leader from 1933-1945s name and said the alt for leader like a faggot? and talks like in a boring and most unappealing way? that guy? the guy who cares more about pleasing the algoyithm then make hoi4 videos in a funny way.. yeah ok

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