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>imfuckingplying I will let it die
Battle bros thread, menace talk also cause why the fuck not. Found any sexy famed items lately?
obnoxious game which wasted its potential to be le rng hard
Skill issue.
i only played the tutorial campaign and thought to myself i will be fine with veteran/vet/mid new company, boy i was wrong think i quickloaded 10 times in first 30minutes, i applaud to people who play ironman
I play iron man because I can't be arsed to savescum.
I'd rather let my company die than commit too much.
There was never much potential let's not kid ourselves. The devs are obsessed with board games, excessive RNG or not it was always bound to be shallow and repetitive.
I'd say play beginner your first run, savescum and learn how the game works, take difficult fights and big risks to understand what is and isn't possible with different lineups/equipment and try different strategies / weapons etc. Once you've done one or two runs like that to say 120+ playing vet+ and ironman is a lot more fun and you won't lose to "unfair" feeling shit (as often)

Savescumming can unironically be harder in some circumstances. If you savescum to win every fight with no losses for example your party might end up substantially weaker endgame because you ended up carrying a bunch of shitty low stat guys with bad perks past the point where they should have died off and been replaced with better potential hires once you can afford them. Or if you just try to brute force fights and reload "bad" RNG but don't reload "good" RNG you aren't really learning different tactics and it will bite you in the ass later when you try to force your way through a tough fight relying on getting good rolls alone when you could have steamrolled it with the same parties but different weapons and formation.
I always play ironman in every gam. Not just this one.

I would say this is the most important video to really understand battlebros.
le epic bait post to farm le epic yous to keep the thread alive + i am replying to le epic bait because i am le retarded
I am currently playing Legends mod. Are shapeshifters and magicians still disabled, or you can become one/get one in your party now? Also, why the fuck my Hedge Knight only gets female bros? Am I building a harem?
Shapeshifters are disabled, magicians are mostly disabled, limited to commanders in a handful of origins. You can however add back in the magic perks through the breditor mod. Plus, there's a handful of other mods that add magic in.
The female bros thing is just luck, you can disable them at world generation.
I see, thanks. Is it possible to add lycantrophy through breditor or it won't work?
You can, but i'd recommend making a backup save and testing it out before you add it back. It was disabled cause it was buggy as fuck and nobody wanted to fix it.
At least with seer/warlock stuff, it mostly just works.
New overhaul mod, made by the creators of MSU, PTR, EIMO, Modern Hooks, Stronghold, and Player Hideout. Apparently with compatibility and moddability in mind.

>Battle Brothers: Reforged
a bit unfortunate name
Warcraft babies don't have exclusivity over title adjectives, but yes, maybe.

I'd at least like to see what this thing is about and if it's gonna be a Legends killer for the people that use it.
I was excited at first. Then I read the first dev diary.
>all weapons now have a Reach stat (races do too)
Ok, cool. 2H weapons naturally have the best Reach advantage. Apparently they weren't viable enough in the early game (???). So they've created a new problem. How do they fix it? Shields, right?
>make shields very durable
>"This solves the issue where players avoid shields because they are unreliable."
>Split Shield == Smash Shield
>50% loss in efficiency without Shield Expert, 25% with, at max fatigue
>Axes can now Hook Shield (3AP, 15 FAT): reduces shield defenses by 75% (until the shield user's turn or skill use).
>Shield Wall negates this and you can use Recover to get back your shield defenses
Also, doesn't 2H Reach advantage fuck over 1H Duelists too? Yes. So 2H weapons and shield users now also get Duelist. It
>Works with all melee weapons as long as the primary attack of the weapon has a base Action Point cost of 4 or less.
>Gain +25% armor penetration [direct damage?] with 1h weapons, +35% when using a shield, +15% with two-handed weapons.
>Gain +1 Reach with two-handed weapons. [???]
>Shields now also ignore the target's Reach Advantage when attacking.
So not only are there going to be more 2H weapons with 4AP attacks, they also get Duelist. In summary:
>Two-Handed weapons do more damage and have Reach Advantage.
>One-Handed weapons do less damage, but are more versatile and easier to use, primarily coupled with a shield.
Take not of that last part. It's really fucking ironic that they say
>the meta in vanilla still is mostly two-handed weapons
Cause I don't see that changing if they're remaking the meta to be essentially shield vs 2H.
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Needless to say, shields were not unreliable just because they could be broken, but they are now. If your defense from using a shield drops linearly with fatigue, they are objectively more unreliable than they were before. They call this fixing Split Shield, which was not broken, it was just a highly niche attack. If they really hated split shield, they could have changed it to Hook Shield as a replacement skill for axes, removed it from non-axe weapons, and avoided everything else.

What they're not saying is that shield users must pay with fatigue for negating 2H Reach advantage when attacking (and actually being able to defend against 2Hs in general). But that's also not enough, 2Hs now get 60% of 1H Duelist's direct damage bonus AND it also buffs their Reach. If you use a shield you somehow have an extra 10% direct damage over 1H duelists to "make up for" the loss of double grip, which was never a problem before. Duelist as a perk is now nonsensical, a retarded omni-perk. Call it something else, or split it up into different perks. Apparently they've added another 100 (yay) so it's not like a couple more will matter.

After reading that I'm left wondering why the fuck would you bother with 1H duelist? How is this an improvement ove the base mechanics? It's obvious their bias revolves around the reddit meta of 2H supremacy, and I'm mad as fuck about that because I'm sure there's going to be other things that I might actually like about the mod (like the compatibility and modularity promised).
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Some of the comments under the post seem to adress the 1H Duelist thing.
>Interesting. It kinda looks like 1hers are heavily incentivized to use shields. Are there other perks that allow for the classic duelist archetype to still exist?
>Double-Grip still allows for the classic Duelist archetype to exist, and yes there are also some perks that incentivize it. We've also made some changes to Double-Grip that will be covered by a future Dev Diary that further this incentivization.
>I'm mad as fuck about that because I'm sure there's going to be other things that I might actually like about the mod (like the compatibility and modularity promised).
Well, if that ends up being the case, people can always make mods to revert certain changes. to the default.
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Speaking of, found what appears to be the dev project on Hithub, but I can't seem to make it work.

Oh, nvm. Just gotta check on releases.
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Nope, nevermind, still can't run it.

The game detects the mod with the right download but I'm missing one of the nine depdencies Reforged requires, which I can't find any links to.

Well, I tried.
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They wouldn't be stupid enough to make it that easy but kudos for trying
>Encumbrance kicks in when you're below 50 max fatigue, reduces fatigue recovery per turn and increases the fatigue cost per tile moved. The effect gets stronger incrementally as your max fatigue goes lower (40, 30, 20...)
>reduces fatigue recovery per turn
Oh Jesus
Fuck that noise, lord midas is a fitting name for the creator, given he turns all that he touches into abysmal garbage.
He's the kind of autist who tries to find a solution, then crams it in, despite it making it worse.
Shit like Immersive Damage System and the Nimble rework from PTR making combat massively more rng based, fucking with the action economy by giving out free AP buffs to standard bearers, his unending obsession with FUCKING SHIELDS.
Seriously, he's been grappling with the nonexistent shield problem for literal years, every fucking solution he's come up with shows how detached from the core concepts of battle brothers he is.
>dislike legend bloat shit
>this reforged thing sounds like it tries to be "realistic" in the most obnoxious way possible.
Maybe someone could make a mod to revert all the combat changes but I won't hold my breath.
Nice, hopefully it's basically PTR without all the insane half finished bloat from Legends

>The reelase of the Reforged mod was brought up to the Legends devs on their Discord and
>They start having a fucking RANT disparraging the Reforged team and discussing the infighting the devs had about a year or two ago when they worked togehter.
I didn't even know this particular modder drama existed or that there even was modder drama in BB in the first place, but it seems inevitable that wherever there will be modders there will be drama.
>They are having a fucking catfight arguing the facts of the matter with the Reforged devs in the Legends Discord that left the team but weren't banned or left the Discord by themselves.
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>Reforgerered is a product of discord drama
It all makes sense now. We don't get anything nice because of a vision but because some autist's ideas clash with some other autist's and they hate each other now.
This just tells me that we need Battle Brothers 2 with DD2-style graphics and the ability to larp as a Byzantine warrior wiping out 6 gorillion Muslims while watching as their nation gets raped by dragons, orcs, and sorcerers.
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>it's another you fail a 95 roll episode
>at least thrice per combat encounter
>while that brigand stuns you with a 5 percent
>and that marksman headshots your backline with a 10 percent
>every single day
You will never be able to convince me that RNG in this game isn't weighted. DnD-style crit fails/successes should never be even considered when it comes to games like this as it is just another difficulty check disguised as being "fair" and unpredictable.
Letting people reach 100% chance to hit and 0% dodges would fix so many frustrations.
Hope this shitty dev's next game fixes that.
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Reforged dev diaries 2 and 3 covering extended tooltips and dynamic perk trees are up (for a while now):

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Those were posted late. But anyway,
>nested tooltips
Not complaining about that but I will complain about them giving literally all stats etc. away. This will be very useful for veteran cheesers. The perk group stuff is very similar to Legends so there's no real need to comment on it. But
>we found that Recover had been edged out of favorability due to competition from other perks
So they've created another problem. How do they fix it?
>every human character now has access to the Recover skill by default
>we've normalized the base fatigue recovery rate per turn of every human enemy to that of player company characters, being 15. This solves an inherent advantage enemy humans had in vanilla and enables more fatigue counterplay against these foes.
I can understand normalizing SOME of the human enemies, but all of them? Do they really want to nerf all high tier human enemies? I also feel like having Recover from the get-go will be too powerful for the player. Struggling with shit fatigue is part of the early game.

That comic is fucking cringe btw
Funny how the AI has that huge fatigue advantage yet you still kick its ass.
Too many people are trying to overcorrect this game when the issue was always the bullshit RNG acting up one too many times. Fix that and you already have a balanced game that punishes retardation and rewards careful preparation and strategy.
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>Diary 4: Weapons

Aint that the truth.
>Bleeding now stacks within a single instance of the effect on the character.
>Each stack of Bleeding does 1 damage, but does not expire (so it lasts the entire combat) unless bandaged.
>for minor bleeding perhaps even ignore it until the end of combat.
>Each stack of Bleeding also reduces the character's Resolve and Initiative and this reduction is stronger at lower current Hitpoints.
>If you receive at least 3 stacks of Bleeding in a single turn, you immediately receive a Morale Check.
>This allows players to immediately benefit from it in terms of the enemy being more susceptible to dropping morale
They should introduce an artery hit mechanic to balance this out a bit, it's another one of those changes that's typically weighted to the player's advantage. The rest doesn't sound half bad, and Double Grip having unique effects depending on the weapon type is a welcome change.
3/10 bait, very lazy
>They should introduce an artery hit mechanic to balance this out a bit
Isn't 'Cut Artery' already a Injury type?
this game is shit because the devs are obssessed with losing is fun rather than roleplaying and having fun
You're inequivocably correct, but also fuck you.
>strategy board
>well actually i wanted to roleplay as a winner
>skill issue
there are difficulty levels
This is Battle Brothers, not Darkest Dungeon.
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I want to believe but theres no way a 3d game will have this much soul
It's possible, if they go heavy on atmosphere. If the squad wears visible environment suits on cold, barren worlds, if there are dark, rainy, neon-lit megacity contracts.
If it's just sandy deserts all the time then it'll be soulless.
There is, but we don't know if they're messing with it or not, and it's not guaranteed to proc unlike bleed itself.
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The two new dev diaries. Posted a while ago:

>Enemy Design
>'Theme' design around enemy types kept. Each enemy type should bight a certain way, and have at least one weakness to exploit.
>Individual Enemies get extra perks depending on the loadout of weapons they have (A Bandit with a dagger could get the Overwhelm Perk).
>Fatigue Generation is reduced to 15 for all human enemies like your own Bros. In exchange, all human characters, including your Bros, can now use the Recover Skill.

>Brigands Faction Expansion
>Bandits should scale for longer, but remain easier than average to fight than other enemies. Essentially, there's now a new, higher tiers of Bandit over the original vanilla Raiders.
>All Bandits get the Bully Perk, which make them deal higher damage to enemies with lower morale than them.
>Bandits now come in more 'Archetypes' so as to bring variety to their kind.
>More varieties in the 'Swordmaster' Elite Archetype, each with specialized Perks.
>Hedge Knights and Master Archers are now part of the 'Elite' Archetype of Bandits.
>All Bandit Leader archetype get Inspiring Presence and Rally Perks. 'Leaders' get te Onslaught Perk to order allies to break yoru lines. 'Robber Barons' get the Blitzkrieg to order his allies to overwhelm you using pure speed.
>Bandits as always get Wardogs, but can also come with Armored Variants.
Oh, and two new more.

>Ancient Dead Faction Expansion
>One of the strongest factions in-game.
>All Ancient Undead are immune to Bleeding, Injuries, Morale or Fatigue.
>Reliance on formations.
>All Ancient Undead have the Fearsome Perk.
>Ancient Swords are Sword/Dagger type weapons, benefiting from perks from both weapon types.
>Crypt Cleaver has increased Armor Penetration with lower durability; Rusty Blade attack now cost 6AP.
>Frontline troops now come in Auxiliary, Miles, Legionary and Palatinus variants, all with shields and spears or swor/dagger weapons.
>Standard troops come in Auxiliary, Miles, Legionary, and Palatinus tiers.
>Frontliners all have shields and sword/dagger weapons or spears.
>Backliners as always with two-handed polearms.
>Elite troops come in Praetorian and Honor Guard tiers, either often accompanying Ancient priests.
>Ancient Undead Leaders are Decanus, Centurion, and Legatus.
>Decani allow nearby skeletons to use Shieldwall for free.
>Centurions make nearby skeletons initiative higher.
>Legati makes nearby skeletons Resolve, Damage and Damage Resistance Higher. Resolve makes their Fearsome Perk even better.
>Necrosavants cas Sanguine Curse to reduce their victims vigor and heal themselves, while being able to use Great Khopesh to cleave multiple targets.
>Necrosavant feeding also comes with new blood sprites in their mouth.
>Nobles Faction Expansion
>High morale with good equipment.
>All Noble faction solders have "For the Realm!" Perk which avoids any morale checks from dying allies as long as they outnumber the enemy and their faction's banner is raised.
>Footmen also now come as Heavy Footmen, who have the Rebuke Perk.
>Backlines also have Halberdiers alongside Billmen, who have the Follow Up Perk.
>Crossbowmen are followed by Arbalesters, with the Entrenched Perk.
>Elite Noble troops come in Men-At-Arms, Zweinhanders, and Fencers.
>Men-At-Arms have a variety of heavy equimnet and come with the Pattern Recognition Perk.
>Zweinhanders use Footwork and Kata Steps to position themselves around enemies, then use Sweeping Strikes to deal with multiple enemies at once.
>Fencers are similar to Zweinhanders in movement, but use precision weapons to pierce enemy armor.
>Noble Officers come in Sergeant and Marshal tiers. Both have Hold Steady and Onslaught Perks to buff allies.
>Marshals additionally have the Blitzkierg Perk similarily to Robber Barons to speed up troops.
>Noble Leaders are Knights and Anointed Knights.
>Knights come with one Squire troop while Anointed Knights come with two.
>Squires will always have Confident morale as long as their Knight and Anointed Knights are alive, but will lose morale if they're killed.
>If the Squires of a Knight or Anointed knights are killed it will infuriate them and make them fight even harder.
>Standard Bearersall have Inspirng Presence, and additionally come in a new tier called a Herald.
>Heralds also have the Command Perk, as well as being accompanied by two Herald's Bodygurds tasked with protecting them at all times.
>Noble troops are also accompanied by Armored wardogs.
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Noble army sounds way too overtuned with those morale buff, bodyguards, leadership skill and shit. Do these guys enjoy grinding noble wars that much?
>not bloated
I'm so sorry you have to find out this way anon
Take into consideration that all human enemies have been nerved by making them have the same 15 Fatigue regen as your bros, instead of 20 or even 25. That's a massive nerf compared to several of the buggs they're giving them.
Hopefully they improve the computer's tactical AI to make them do smarter decisisons.
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New Diaries:

>New Equipment
>New Weapons: Mostly two-class weapons to add variety to potential builds.
>New Armors: Mostly high quality armors with positive protection-to-fatigue ratio that help smooth equipment progression. Found mostly in shops or high-tier enemies.
>New Helmets: Same as Armors.
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>Other Changes
>Fatigue Meta Builds: Trying to make Fatigue-Neutral builds a thing of the past by introducing an Encumberance system.
>Ecumberance of a character starts when Fatigue of equipment reached -20 and incrases on a tier for each next -10 Fatigue
>Each tier of Encumberance reduces fatigue recovery and increases the fatigue cost of moving tiles.
>Veteran Perks for all characters each 4 Levels after level 11.
>Rolls for Two Talent Stars now vary between 25 and 35, rather than always reaching 30 points.
>More and more varied loot from certain enemies to make fighting them actually worth the challenge, including a new loot item from Geists.
>Some old and new weapons will have diferring AP costs for the same abilities to incrase variability in builds. For example, the skills from smaller weapons will often cost less AP than normal, such as for Goblin weapons.
>Obtaining loot from an enemy nor requires that you do more than half the damage to an enemy than your allies. No more getting your loot stolen.
>A similar system has been implemented from obtaining XP and XP sharing from beating enemies.
>Ally Dying or Fleeing Morale Checks are now scaled by XP difference between the dying/fleeing and the morale check receiver. So a Bandit Leader will care much less if a Thug dies, but a Thug will care much more if their Leader dies.
>Slings can now be used to throw bombs and holy water, and Bombs are now cheaper and crafing them produce twice as many.
>Three headed fails now do one attack with three rolls instead of three separate attacks. This is for compatibility with other mods and the new Reforged skilsl/perks.
>Poisons can be applied on weapons for 0AP at the start of combat.
>Enemy types won't scale in difficulty as time passes (so Nomad Cutthroats will always be the same). Reforged instead has higher tier enemies to fight within the same factions.
>Other minor changes.
I'm skeptical about encumbrance (changing how fatigue works is bound to introduce balance/scaling problems) but everything else sounds good.
Seems like they haven't added new equipment for other factions nor famed variations for new equipment. Kinda underwhelming for people who want to play fashion brothers.
New equipment are probably gonna be used for high tier Bandits, Noble troops, and Mercenaries, but yes, they didn't add anything for Barbarians and such.
I'm sure soon enough there's gonna be new mods compatible to add more stuff, like Sato's Equipment Variants and Sato's Additional Equipment.

Probably. Worse comes true we can just get a mod reverting back changes.
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what the fuck?! leave me alone!!
Is there way to center on my army? i sometimes get lost when zoom out and looking on the map and its annoying me
hit x
it's not that it's hard, it's that you are required to spec all brothers in a very retarded way to even survive
you can't roleplay having a brother be specialized in something, the optimal way to play is to have them all have the quick switch perk and have 2 weapons on all brothers
You're a mercenary band. Flexibility and teamwork are important. You're not playing an army, you can't specialise units like insects and then rely on superior numbers.
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best 2h flail ive ever got i think. nearly one shots orc warriors on high rolls with killing frenzy and shrooms
what are you missing? modular vanilla mod i presume?
>what are you missing? modular vanilla mod i presume?
All of the requirements were listed and linked on the Github's changelog as they were required by new updates.
All except this one (mod_upd), which I assume is not really a mod or dependency as much as that they're using it like this precisely to avoid people downloading and using the mod before official release on the 12th.


The actual dependencies are either in Nexus or in other github repositories. I've no idea if they'll be merged into the main project once it releases or if the modders are gonna make us download and keep track of 8 different dependencies all over the place. I assume the first one, with option to download the rest indepdendently for other mods.
You could call Wartales the 3d Battle Brothers, and it's true that it doesn't have half as much soul as BB.
I don't know why. There's more to do in Wartales. More missions, more story, more camping.
thats strange. because all im missing is mod_modular_vanilla, since its on a private repo. download this https://github.com/Battle-Modders/Unified-Perk-Descriptions/releases and try again maybe? its ID matches with your missing dependency ID
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Oh. There we go.

Yeah, mod_upd was Unified Perk Descriptions. I don't know why I didn't have it before. I just couldn't download.
But, I already had mod_modular_vanilla 0.3.0 downloaded before. The page only seemed to start going to a 404 a day or two ago or so?

Here you go, since I downloaded it a few days ago when it was available:

Time to see if this thing works.
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Testing it now.

These tooltip upgrades are a godsend, I can actually see the Perks whenever uding Tryout, and not just have them listed without context.
I got one playthrough for Wartales and I don't think I would ever want to touch it again.
>more to do in Wartales
This exactly is the reason why I don't want to replay it, too many bothersome little things to do, the static map also don't help to freshen the thing. Devs also have no idea how to expand their game. A fucking tavern management DLC? Some kind of puzzles solving problems in form of shitty arena battles as late game contents because they want to make battles more linear?
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Enemy tooltips are VERY descriptivenow, but you can configure on Reforged settings on the MSU menu what things should and shouldn't be displayed at your own choise.
working here as well. thank you for uploading the modular vanilla thing. kinda sad there's no guaranteed backstabber due to how perk groups work, but atleast it's a tier 2 perk now. although there's a lot of useful T2 perks. skirmisher + relentless sounds pretty good
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>Company Ambitions have pictures.
Man i like this game but i got bored after 300 hours, trying to learn the meta and shit just brings me out of the experience. Might try Legends mod though.
Their DLC direction is nonsense, I agree. A tavern, of all things. Why not a castle? Why not expand on the ancient ruins by adding an ancient castle that you take over and renovate?
I've played it a fair bit and they can't really add more counties to explore due to their levelling system. Numbers quickly bloat out of control. Fights all wind up the same, with little in the way of a lethal feeling to them.
I enjoyed some of it, but its flaws run deep. Combat eventually gets tedious. Too many enemies on the map, everyone gets multiple attacks per turn, HP scaling on enemies is absurd.
No matter how strong your group gets in BB, you can still fuck up and die. Combat is still fast and lethal. Not so much with Wartales.

I wonder if Menace will manage the same sense of risk as BB, or if they'll lose it and go XCOM style where it's just annoying.
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hopefully theyll release details on the stragetic layer soon. i wonder the same. in battle bros you can play very carefully by just taking contracts and tackling on the first crisis before taking on any camps, but for any experienced player thats sorta a boring way to progress through the game. im curious about what is going to be the "intended" way to progress and if we still will be able to snowball the same way we can in bbros
i also keep forgetting weve got recover for free with reforged. brigands seem to really like to repel enemies away from vulnerable units more often now
Yup. enemies seem smarter overall, and I think that Fatigue is less of an issue? Default Max Fatigue levels seems to be hiver overall?
But I might be wrong. If its true, it's probably to compensate for the Encumberance system.

I thought you were talking about Reforged and not Menace. Honestly, I find the economy of BB too punishing, so I increase the Sell/Buy value of things by quite a bit, so as to make looting enemies more rewarding.
>Honestly, I find the economy of BB too punishing, so I increase the Sell/Buy value of things by quite a bit, so as to make looting enemies more rewarding.
Looting enemies has always been the way of earning big money, the trick is just to repair shit up before selling it. Raiding noble caravans is huge for the midgame spike.
Enjoy the day early Reforged experience y'all.
fuck off namefag
i think base fatigue bros get seem to be the same. im just really glad i found out about this mod. i could never get into Legends and i was pretty burnt out on vanilla

and not getting hit. you dont get hit, you dont need to repair your shit and so you dont need to buy as much tools. took me a while to realize this honestly. early game against raiders i really favour maces and polearms for damage and cc, and ofc spears for area denial

thanks. seems pretty fun so far
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Where are the last Dev Diaries, you're late
Favorite and least favorite end-game crisis? I absolutely love green horde, it spices up the game nicely with powerful retards at the border of every town. Undead Invasion is just downright obnoxious, though.
Posted that for you
Finally. Minus 24 Hours before official release.


>Reforged will have several depeencies that must be downlaoded individually.
>These Frameworks are meant to be used my modders in case they want to use the code in their own mods without relying on Reforged as a dependency.

>Modular Vanilla.
>Dynamic Perks Framework
>Dynamic Spawns Framework
>Item Tables Framework.
>Nested Tooltips Framework.
>Stack Based Skills.
>Unified Perk Descriptions.
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>Future Plans

>Dev team will continue adding to and expanding on the project.

>Faction Expansions. Content for factions will continue to be added, including Monster Factions.
>New content will focus on new Skills, Effects, and Enemy Types.
>Retinue Expansion. Overhaul of how retinue members are hired, how they help the company, as well as their individual improvement over time.
>Livelier World. World to be more dynamic.
>New map entities, and new interactions between the player and other world parties like caravans and other mercenaries.
>weapon perk group is only 3 perks
I like this, having to choose between all the weapon perks in PTR when you also need defense and fatigue management perks makes me sad
The six dependencies for Reforged are up on Nexus.
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It's out.

>Battle Brothers - Reforged
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>- Attributes with 2 talent stars now can roll one lower and one higher than previously, but these rolls tend towards the center. Example: 2 talent star Melee Skill can roll 2-4, but the average of your 10 levels is 25-35 as opposed to 20-40.
>- Brothers gain an extra perk point every 4 levels following level 11 (15, 19...)
Yare yare daze...
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>>- Brothers gain an extra perk point every 4 levels following level 11 (15, 19...)
I agree.

It should be every 2 or every 5 levels. My autism can't cope with this odd selection of Perk Point distribution.
You could say 'Every two levels is too much' or 'every five levels is too little', but honestly, I wish BB campaigns lasted longer. I hate being forced to fight the first Crisis barely 60 or so days into the game, and I wouldn't mind Bro leveling/xp gain and enemy scaling to be slowed down to let the player take their time just doing stuff instead of always being rushed to not be left behind the scaling curve.
>I hate being forced to fight the first Crisis barely 60 or so days into the game
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Thanks Anon. Does this take into consideration regular enemy scaling as well? Ones not related to Crisis.
I'd like it more if the game wasn't time or level scaled, and you could find enemies of all strengths and types at any time during the game.

You could make it so that smaller/weaker parties in the map are faster, while bigger ones are slower, so as to allow the player to choose their engagements.
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BB but wuxia would be kino

They say they do away with the scaling where enemies gain perks after day X.
my understanding was that instead of adding new perks it just replaces the outdated enemy with a new one who has the new perks and another name, so the scaling is still there but you don't have to know that nomads get dodge at day 40 etc
Just got an answer from one of the devs. Apparently, The only scaling in Reforged is for camps, where they scale with time to thrice their difficulty around day 300, and contracts, which depend on your company's strength, and the difficulty of the camp attached to the contract.
Nope. Correction, apparently there is time scaling for roaming parties, but they do just use higher tier units instead of giving perks to random enemies and such.
Thread dead.

Is everyone trying out Reforged or what? Playing something else?
Something feels really wrong with the range enemies in reforged. They spend half the fight killing their own allies with friendly fire and after you broke their frontlines they begin to kiting your bros with 360 no scope headshot.
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Someone care to explain this ? Is it reforged or do these assholes hunt you across the entire map in vanilla ?
Couldn't have scaling have just used renown? And renown only really going up when taking on harder contracts and going down when you fail or abandon one?
If they're hostile then they can be quite determined sometimes, and also send other mercenaries out on contract to kill you. From a quick look at the RF files it doesn't look like they've adjusted the world map AI but it might be somewhere less obvious.
I don't expect any news until December's PCgayming show. Which is quite close if you think about it.
Only 102 days until Christmas, bro.
any good yt tutorials/guides?
God I hate modders
>"make everything a slog, why does no gamedev hire meeeee?"
I'm afraid I'm not gonna make it.
Guessing it's to incentivice the useage of 'Recover' for the Player and NPCs.
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The game is a perfect eroge
Just think about it, you're a band of adventurer girls against lewd monsters
Sure, if you're into mind control, vore, ryona, guro, and the like.
If I played this, I wouldn't let a single one of them get hurt.
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It's to give the middle finger to "fatigue neutral" builds, which is based, but also punishes everyone who just happens to have a shit bro at the time. Under 50 max fatigue is a really bad place to be anyway so IN THEORY it shouldn't be hard to avoid provided you level it appropriately.
shit bros usually don't get to go bf and wear expensive armors anyway so I don't care
Shit bros are a fact of life and now they're even shitter in RF just to own some redditors so I'm kinda annoyed
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>mfw just triple killed the holy footman, billman, and arbalester
>Origin Maker:
>Stash Capacity 54
>Equipment Loot Chance 100%
>Beast Loot Chance 100%
>Daily Wage Mult. x2.0
>Selling Price Mult. x2.0
>Contract Payment Mult. x2.0
>XP Gain Mult. x2.0
>Renown Mult x2.0
>Training Price Mult x0.5
>Taxidermist Price Mult. x2.0

>Simple Crisis Settings:
>Warning Phase 200
>Live Phase 250
>Crisis Strength 175
>Cooldown till Live 30
>Cooldown till Next Crisis 60

>World Parameters:
>Factions 9
>City-States 3
>Force City States to Coast
>Settlement Mult. x1.5
>Coastal Settlement Mult x3.0

>Fair Compensation
>Improved Beast Slayers
>Prepare Carefully
>Prepare for Battle
>Proper Raids
>Removeable Upgrades
>Reuseable Nets
>Plan Your Perks
>Configurable Pause

>End's Buyback
>End's Inventory Management Overhaul

>Sato's Partially Explored Map
>Sato's Expanded Markets
>Sato's Corpse Loot Fix
>Sato's Company Details Screen
>Sato's Additional Equipment
>Sato's Equipment Variants
>Sato's Expanded Markets & Additional Equipment Patch

>Historical Music and Audio
>More Indirect Numeral Adjectives
>>Vision Radius
>Lots O' Names

>Battle Brothers - Reforged

I'm actually enjoying myself. Losing Bros sometimes, but actually struggling onwards and not savescumming, slowly building up my company, taking my time to enjow the early game and the midgame before I actually fo gor the crisis.
>>XP Gain Mult. x2.0
>>Renown Mult x2.0
Gah, those are actually x0.5 both. Meant to make them rise slower, so that bros take much longer to level up.
>Stash Capacity 54
But why?
Do you just hate being able to swap in weapons and armor?
Honestly, it's to compensate for the amount of loot you'll be having, so you only have to take as much as you need. Carry only the necessary, sell or discard the rest.

54 is only the initial inventory start. You can still raise your inventory by buying cart upgrades, but at least it's an investment the player has to do first.
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It's actually ridiculous that paying tens of thousands of crowns only doubles your carrying capacity. It's fine to start small but the upgrades really need to give you more for your money. Thank goodness for the cart upgrade mod
the tooltips in Reforged are a massive pain in the ass
>mouse over something random
>tooltip locks
>everything you look at now displays that tooltips until you mouse over the initial thing again
I just want to see my fucking hitchance, really needs a setting to change the lock timer
also sometimes when my bros switch weapons they just lose their first attack skill for the entire battle
You're supposed to lure them into a giant enemy camp and watch them fight and then finish off the survivors, anon. It's fun.

The guides I have looked at seem to emphasize mimaxing the brother perks and stat potentials over anything else.
I did it! I finished the tutorial, I can finally play the game I finished like 3 times already!
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god i love fencers. Just oneshotted a chosen
This game has so many problems. I think one of the biggest is making the enemies cooler and more tools than the player.

>Can players have necromancers that can resurrect bros and make an uberzombie from across the map, with no stamina cost, on zombies they can't even see?
>Nope, but enemies can!
>What about enslaved trolls? And giving them armor? Players would love that!
>Nah let's only give it to the bad guys instead lol. Players will be so mad at having their bros fight trolls with regenning stamina this is a great idea.
>What about mounted troops? Give your bros horses?
>Lol no, only the goblin faction an have that so they can flank the player veeeery effectively. That'll really piss players off!
>What do we give the players?
>Eh, they can raise their shield 5 inches for a cost of totally exhausting them in 2 turns. Lol.

Many such cases. Retarded devs.
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Battle Brothers is all about a whole bunch of 'normals' just trying to survive in a confusing, terrifying, and ruthless world that neither cares for them and is proactively out to get them.

Making the player be able to have super-special creatures and characters like undead and trolls in their arsenal wouldn't defeat this whole vision of the game, but it would certainly downgrade it. It'd be like playing as the Imperial Guard or Starship Troopers game and complaining that you're not playing as a Space Marine or a Halo Spartan instead.

But I'll spoon-feed you.

>Necromancers/Magic users?
>Legends Mod:
>Fantasy Brothers - New Content Mod:

>Trolls, etc?
>Accesory Companions:
>Accesory Companions (Version for Legends).

>It existed for a while as an independent mod, but compounding complications in code made it obsolete and abandoned. Legends devs are currently trying to add them to their project.
>Fantasy seems to have a version of it, but honestyly I don't know how compatible it is with Legends.

>Player Stamina issues?
>Veteran Stamina Buff:
>...or Fatigue Recovery:

Also check out >>1851254

I think it's dumber when even normal humans do better than your guys who might be veterans.
For instance you can't even get Throw Dirt, the southerner skill that even the more retarded southern bandit have, even if you hire southerners, it's really fucking dumb.
That is an actual legitimate complaint to have. Humans should have realistically the same limitations to each other. So your bros should be able to have the same stamina regen as NPC characters and skills like those of nomads.

Which is why I'm very content with Reforged so far, since does both of these and more.
Even though they are just a gang of normal blokes, they still do really well and mostly survive their back-to-back daily battles against beasts and monsters.
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Rock, Paper, Shotgun article about Menace's Demo on Gamescom

The AI needs a fatigue advantage so it can stand a chance against a player's cheesy bullshit. But you should definitely get to use pocket sand if you hire southerners.
At this point they aren't saying anything new. Which is expected.
>polearm pepes are in melee range of the lindwurm
>archer is one tile below
The more I look at this picture, the more shit I notice
They are a silly bunch.
>gunner and crossbow pepe have each other's ammo
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Legends definitely hasn't helped with my video game hoarding issue
Stop trying to seduce me into going back to it. I'm having fun with Reforged so far.
This is Battle Brothers, not rimmingworld.
I hired a gambler to fill a missing shield space.
The dude had terrible luck with his stats, subpar combat skills, and a fucking 3* ranged defense but insane luck with his survival, he's been getting his ass kicked and then narrowly avoiding the killing blow several times already, I'm almost expecting him to get permanent injuries instead of dying.
Oh and of course he also keep getting positive events like injuries instantly healing
>caravan and brigands fighting
>join in to get some gears
>accidentally kill caravan hand with a crossbow bolt
>get rewarded for defending the caravan
Those donkeys will be ever in your debt now.
>first contract: Bandits
>necromancer event
>second contract: Bandits
>another necromancer event
>third contract: Get artifact
>event talks about ancient deads
>fight is against necromancer
I hate this game
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Being Caravan Hand is suffering
>15 resolve Deserter
Is that the lowest you can get without any modifier?
Don't hate the game, hate the necromancers.
Why won't the Noble Houses and merchants spend on proper guards for their caravans like the Southern City States do? They just rely on mercs who are bound to abandon the caravan at the first sight of danger.
Every time a shipment of grain fails to reach the city, you can increase the price you charge for the next shipment. Supply and demand, bro.
it's all good, weak mercenaries still qualify as "armed guards" as stipulated by the Northern Insurance and Gold Entrepreneurial Rally (NIGER)
What does the Jobs, Employment and Wealth Security department have to say about that?
is there anything still hidden behind expert difficulty? is it expert economy too or just expert combat? does starting gold matter?
hello? is anybody here?
Just very early.
Testing out 'Hardened' submod for Reforged.
>Hardened is a submod for Reforged, offering an alternate vision while staying fully savegame compatible: Players can freely switch between Reforged and Hardened.
>While Reforged focuses on realism and polished mechanics, Hardened embraces a simpler, more experimental approach. The submod takes more risks with innovative perk designs and mechanics, unlocking new possibilities for gameplay, though this can occasionally introduce more bugs or incompatibilities than Reforged. Hardened also walks back several of Reforged's more complex or restrictive design choices, opting for streamlined systems that prioritize fluidity and player freedom.


Hardened is supposed to make many of the Reforged features more streamlined and reverts some of the changes to something in line with vanilla.
I feel like the problem with this game is that most special moves aren't really any better than just using your basic attack.
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'Special' moves are meant to be more circumstancial than special. Either they serve a specific purpose on a specific situation, or they're intended to be paired with other Perks that give them bonuses in order to benefit from the Bro's build. For example, Two-Hander Swords and Axes have the regular attack, but they also have AoE attacks that pair with other perks.
>kite shields
also repair and sell most of that shit cmon
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Man what refugged has only been out a few weeks and this shit already with its own random fucking changes like
>Double Grip no longer provides unique effects for each weapon type
Why in the sam hill fuck would you do this? For what purpose? That was not an ambitious change
>Add new Battle Song skill while holding a Lute for applying a temporary Resolve buff to nearby allies
Bards? Really?
>Distracted (caused by Throw Dirt) now reduces the damage by 20% (down from 35%) and disables the targets Zone of Control during the effect
>Axe Mastery no longer grants Hook Shield. It now causes Split Shield to apply Dazed for 1 turn
Just why why why these are not REVERSIONS they are someone's OC donut steel balance changes
>those vanilla fixes
they're decent against ranged heavy comps, gobs and nomads, worth keeping in the inventory to chuck them on bros for the first turn or two while charging.
Mod autists man, this was just one of the contributors getting annoyed that his changes weren't implemented so he did it himself.
This is my personal favorite
>Fortified Mind now grants 30% more Resolve (up from 25%). This Bonus is now reduces by 1% for each point of Weight on your Helmet
A straight up nerf unless you wear no helmet, what is the fucking point of this? Why wearing fancy helmets reduces your resolve? More than half of those are just random change for the sake of it, like all those goddam shield skills change for example.
>>those vanilla fixes
They are. This is completely separate from Reforged, not gonna be implemented. It's just a submod some rando made.
>look at my bros
>yeah mb I should replace some of these mediocre early hires
>get recruiter man
>2 crisis later
>they are still there and level 15+
I will do it eventually
Your early bros have something more valuable than skill, talent and potential. They have luck.
What is this game about?
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Turn-Based-Strategy about managing the battle tactics and logistics of a medieval mercenary company in a low fantasy setting.
No adventuring heroes. No Chosen One. Just very mortal men trying to make a living trading their flesh and steel for coin, fighting both men and monsters in a world that does not care for them or their lives.

Game is 50% on Steam right now, and the DLCs are on sale as well.
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Also, the modding community is decently big and still quite active.

Here, if you're interested in checking them out, here's the official digital art book and The Caretaker comic, since they come with the game:
>No monster girl mod for battlebros
what could've been...
It's like play OSR inspired D&D by yourself. I think I popularized it on this board, if this is true, my pitch was something like: It's like Bannerlords but worse in every metric, yet somehow better.
It really isn't. Learning this game is a single afternoon. A whole weekend if you are below IQ of 80. Which is what makes it obnoxious - once you know what's up and how does it work, it's just a whole fucking lot of tedium to grind through.

There was a potential to be a half-decent skirmish game. They traded that off for memes, which I suspect to dev's surprise, didn't translate into better sales. Instead people started calling them out on their shit
Why do you wanna see Rat Girls vored by Unholds and decapitated by Barbarians, Anon?
These three pictures should tell you everything you need to know.
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t. butthurt #5
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>POV: You're a knight on expensive armor whose been caught in a net after their morale broke.
I refuse to believe any fellow human being is unable to visualize things. The apple thing is nothing but a meme for autistic teens and solipsists to feel smarter without any basis in reality.
I hate this game but I can't stop playing it because I must be retarded.

I hate serpents because they're shitty and no fun to fight, and the optimal way to fight them is fucking boring dice trading. I hate ghosts because they can spawn in groups of more than three and fuck you over by throwing enough dice at your head while having such high initiative you can't stop them (even if you can rush them which is unlikely) even if you have great morale. I hate shitty delivery encounters that don't let you see what you're fighting even though another mercenary group is rocking up in full view and trying to intimidate you, so you just get thrown into a fight with an incredibly tanky swordmaster while you're at a level where nobody can hit him even if they could do any damage. Arena fights might be gambling but at least they tell you what you're up against ahead of time. I never feel bad about reloading when any of the above things occur because they're just designed wrong.
>the above things occur because they're just designed wrong.
They're designed to make you say "This is a fight I can't win. Better hightail it out of here, even if I have to lose this contract." The loading screen tips even tell you this much.
Who would hire a bunch of sissies who keep running away from a job?
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People who are desperate, which is why failing a contract loses Relationship with the locals or noblemen who hired you, as well as Company Renown.
And maces have a stun that have a random chance to apply so not only is the skill expensive to use, you're not even guaranteed it does anything if you do land the hit.
Don't worry tho, all enemies have mace mastery so that's never an issue for them.
>monster girls
The only monster girls should be dead at the end of your disgusting looking, mentally challenged, and foul smelling bros
But you can win against serpents, they're not hard. It's just that, like all beasts, their gimmick is fucking tedious.
If you find some combat tedious, literally just the in-game settings and mods like Swifter to speed up characters.

There's also Autopilot New, which lets you leave your company on the control of the AI at any point during a battle if you just wanna do something else while they get over a tedious battle, and you can resume control at any time.
any news on menace?
Other than the article about the Demo on Gamescom, no. >>1853030
imagine reading berserk and seeing those human soldiers get horribly eaten alive by monsters, now imagine you think to yourself "Damn, I want a game where I play as those soldiers"
that's battle brothers
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Is trading required? I just picked this up, but even on the deault easy settings I struggle to break even from contract payments after buying food and fodder replacements.
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It's recommended. Once you get to know the map you'll know where goods are cheap and where they'll sell well -- your relations with a settlement/faction matter a lot for how good your prices are too. It pays well to be on good terms with a trading hub.
some tips for economy:
Think hard about minimizing losses and injuries in easy fights, it's still okay to lose a few bros in hard fights with good rewards. But a bad fight can easily cost you money.
Don't try to negotiate for a better contract reward, it harms your reputation with the town and makes you get worse prices there.
Most of the money you get will be from selling loot, so fighting a lot is important.
Hang on to your most valuable loot until you find a city with a good sell price, usually this is a city with 'ambushed trade routes' from a nearby bandit camp. On this note, it might be worth it to not do the contract that clears that bandit camp near the city so you can consistently sell there, only clear the camp for them once you're moving on to a different area of the map. For reference a good sell price is anything upwards of 18%, so 18 gold for 100 value item (a wooden shield make this math easy if you don't have a mod that tells you the sell price).
Buy trade goods in small villages when the price is below or equal the expected value, and hang on to them until you can sell them in a city with a very favorable price. Note that it takes some time for your investment to pay off here, so buying trade goods is usually only worth it if you can flip it very soon or you have enough money to also do everything else you need to do.
This game is so fucking hard this game is so FUCKING hard. I have like 60+ hours and I still never reach late game

Even slight losses in a job eat massively into my profts. If I only take jobs I know I can flawless I lose all my money just from paying wages while running around
I'd make that game but I can't do graphics.
Now you know why the only profitable mercenaries were the ones from the Italian wars that mostly pretended to fight each other
>game is impossible on easy
>doesn't have enough skill or willpower to get good at the game's easiest difficulty
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>Playing Reforged on Expert.
>Some guy offering a contract to clear a bandit encampment for like 600 Crowns.
>Ok, this shouldn't be this hard. Lets look up the hideout just to see what I'm up against before I agree.
What the fuck am I supposed to do against this?
hmm who would win
>a group of 10 well equipped mercs
>3 stupid orcs with some makeshift weapons
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Guess you'll die better question is how the fuck is a mere bastard paying for all that

Dis git dinks 'e's hard 'cos 'is choppa iz shiny
firstly, read Sato's guide
Secondly, consider the reason why you're losing money is because you're throwing fodder into the grinder for little return. Savescum for a little bit to find out what works and what doesn't, go from there.
I don't expect anything until PCGamer show on December.
I thought the only profitable mercenaries were the ones that killed the whole business by constantly switching sides.
Wait, people have issues with orcs?
>better question is how the fuck is a mere bastard paying for all that
how did william the conqueror do that?
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He was the duke of Normandy despite being a bastard, as opposed to a literal who in an abandoned, run-down castle
My sister had a full of wholly grown zoomer adults in university surprised that people have internal voices
Uncreative stimulus since childhood has ruined people unironically
full room*
>better question is how the fuck is a mere bastard paying for all that
"I'll pay you in looting, pillaging and raping"
Sad to see this general slowly becoming irrelevant. What’s going on with their new game?
>slowly becoming irrelevant
We're already on a graveyard board. This is about as irrelevant as it gets here
That's been a guaranteed way to raise an army since the dawn of man.
>kill the unarmored/shieldless one
>the rest of them panic and run
Man don’t say this, this general used to be more lively.
>give the middle finger to "fatigue neutral" builds
I honestly don't get why they'd do that.
Who cares if someone uses fat neutral builds?
Every time a bro levels you only get 3 rolls, that leaves 5 stats untouched.
Battle brothers is about making tough choices to get the best out of every situation, and sometimes that means not leveling fat.
Next thing you know these modders are going to introduce a mechanic that punishes players for not leveling range defense; because how dare you not play the game their way.
It's rather silly when you think about it.
>traders origin in Reforged
>I'll be a real greedy merchant and only hire indebteds to save on paychecks
>1st crisis happens, can barely fight anything without losses
at least I'm wealthy
Wealth should keep you safe during the noble and holy wars. And you might be able to pay off the necromancers.
How do you usually form your companies?
Shieldwalls? Lots of Two-hander frontliners? Polearms? Do you prefer crossbowmen or Bowmen?
What about hybrid builds? Do you themed companies according to their Origin?
I just do
A few
Mixed composition
I try to, but it's hard, since trying to hire people only from the certain backgrounds slows down your progress significantly
Fat neutral builds make it so you don't need to level fat so there's that

Shieldbros are my mainstay and are effective from beginning to end supported by ranged bros (heavy crossbow/warbow/javelin), and at least one polearmer who swaps between billhook or swordlance
early game everyone is a frontliner doublegripping, the surround bonus is just so good, i put two disposable bros on the flanks with shields and maybe one tank I'm raising in the middle with a shield. I have a lot of shit tempo nimble bros that I gradually lose as I transition to lategame. My preferred lategame is pretty "meta", 1 or 2 heavy tanks and damage dealers (qatal, cleaver bros) supported by tanky fat neutrals on mace or axe with a backline of 3 or 4 spearchuckers/ gunners. I only really deviate from this if I have a good famed weapon to build around or find some really exceptional bro capable more.
well fat neutral is kind of the "best" way to extract value from a good-but-not-great brother, but it's also really boring as a build. So this gives a situation where a major part of your company ends up with the boring build. I don't mind it myself, I feel like having these solid pillars in my team gives me good strategic strongpoints to play around with my bros that have fun builds. I often get away with making a bro with nonviable mdef into a god tier frontline damage dealer precisely because I can cover their weakpoint (unreliable defence) with the super reliable fat neutral bros.
>shieldbros to the end
Don't you find they eventually struggle to get through enemy armour?
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Is this at all similar to Darkest Dungeon (1)? Is it for me if I grew immensely frustrated with the RNG nature of it?
This game is even more "bs" that Darkest Dungeon. DD is a lot easier and there are very simply ways to deal with the RNG stuff. Battle Brothers is way harder and the RNG hurts a lot more because you don't really have that player advantage. A Darkest Dungeon game that was more tactical would be pretty cool

One thing DD has is style and there's no denying that many people were turned off by Battle Brother's style.
I disagree.
The difference between DD and BB is that in BB you can prepare and compensate for random luck by putting yourself in an advantegeus position and formation that won't be entirely fucked by just a single enemy.
DD is far more random AND the randomness affects the party far more because the party itself is smaller and the enemies you fight are stronger, while you can control the strength of the enemies you fight in BB in almost all instances.
>One thing DD has is style
Agreed, one of the coolest atmospheres in any game ever.
I was literally gonna say the opposite. DD is way more about prep rather than the actual tactics you choose. It's really what the game is about with how the zones and heroes and trinkets work. Like how each enemy time is weak to something

Really they're both like this but DD is definitely easier and you really stop feeling the RNG after you understand how the game works. Battlebrothers is undoubtably harder or has a steeper learning curve: one failed fight isn't gonna cripple you in DD and it's overall more forgiving—rarely will you lose a hero in a single turn.
>after hearing stories about the webknechts, somehow Ottmar is now also terrified of direwolves, alps, ifrits, schrats, the kraken and the Ijirok
Anybody here also playing against the storm? For some reason they are paired in my mind, maybe due to being indieslop.
>Do a caravan Escort Contract.
>Encounter ANY kind of resistance on the map.
>Either you run away or Company wipe.
I don't know why these contracts exist. They pay miserably for the risk involved, and by the time you can do them reliably there's already far safer and more rewarding noble contracts.
I check if there is a patrol going in same direction and accept it then.
That or if its a direction I know I cleared.
>menace talk also cause why the fuck not
How much do we actually know about the gameplay of Menace? Is there like a compilation of the info released so far or anything like that? I haven't been keeping up with the news but I watched the trailer and it looks interesting at least.
You can also get the bleeds like in DD
Seeing this video made me remember just how slow do vanilla characters move.
My own game must play at around three or four times that speed thanks to my settings and mods used.
Free food. Special settlement status that spawns famed item and generally makes trading easier.
Short ones are relatively safe, and a crown is a crown in the early game. Same for the southern caravans, as their conscripts are capable, roughly on the brigand raider level. Besides that, all you need to safely run 2-4 days long escort quests is ~9 brothers and few pieces of armour, and you can get that long before having the professional renown required for the noble quests
I only bother with these contracts to force famed items to spawn in the shops. If the caravans head to some shitty settlements without armory or forge then it's a nope.
they exist solely to shop for famed items
also never forget to not do caravan contracts in the steppes, you will spawn lindwurms and you will get eaten
It's okay but it's a middle-management colony sim and it loses its charm when nothing ever happens beyond another checklist

They're Russian roulette-tier early in the game, mid-game they're pretty good, but by late game you wouldn't bother unless you've got nothing better to do. Mid game you can get paid thousands of crowns to shoo away weaker enemies and take their stuff. Only hitch is if some bullshit happens along the way...
>also never forget to not do caravan contracts in the steppes, you will spawn lindwurms and you will get eaten
I had a funny experience with this
>do caravan contract
>Lindwurms shows up
>barely avoid the combat at the last moment thanks to some random peasants passing by
>another Lindwurms shows up
>the other Lindwurm party also just picked up the pace and came back
>barely avoid it again thanks to a patrol passing by
>rince and repeat the entire trip
>by the time I arrive at my destination, I have 8 different Lindwurm parties on my ass
The worst part is, the contract was labeled "easy" and gave me around 200 coins.
RNG is really shit and needs to be fixed. It's extremely annoying to see the npcs get better rng consistently at 5% than I do at 95%.
Player characters should be 5% to 100% to hit. NPCs should be 0% to 95% to hit.
>Savescumming can unironically be harder in some circumstances. If you savescum to win every fight with no losses for example your party might end up substantially weaker endgame because you ended up carrying a bunch of shitty low stat guys with bad perks past the point where they should have died off
Or you can just kill them off when it's time for them to go. However, if you're savescumming, you shouldn't have any such bros past early game so you'd really have to be retarded enough to not reload when you see a weak bro. So, this isn't an argument.
>Or if you just try to brute force fights and reload "bad" RNG but don't reload "good" RNG you aren't really learning different tactics and it will bite you in the ass later when you try to force your way through a tough fight relying on getting good rolls alone when you could have steamrolled it with the same parties but different weapons and formation.
So you savescum fights until you find an optimal strategy much like you would in any other game. Again, you'd have to be a complete retard to be so shit at savescumming that you wouldn't come out ahead. BTW, if you have less of a chance to find out anything about
>different weapons and formation
without reading a guide.
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I am once again asking anons to install the MRNG tweak over at the tweaks and fixes nexus page
made 4 big southern polearms
Imagine being a medieval soldier. You've been marching with the army for months. You've had to shit in holes, eat maggoty bread, and you haven't seen a woman since the campaign started 2 years ago.
And that shield is the last thing you see. You don't even get 5 minutes to appreciate it.
Are there any mods that just flat out remove any and all scaling? Like, I get the game should have escalation, but it is some special kind of retardation that bog-standard humans get increasingly powerful as time goes on. Not to mention the game scaling to how many brothers are in your company. Combine that with the procedural generation, and it makes the world feel really unimmersive and shallow.
They only get stronger once on day 40 or 50 depending on difficulty.
My opinion on the matter is that the biggest problem is the retarded economy. Everything is extremely expensive relative to how much you're paid for anything at all. A weapon or armor says it's worth 2000 crowns? Well all the shops sell it for 4000 and you can only sell it for 300 with maxed relations. Bad news if you ran a caravan to decrease costs. You only get a tiny discount from the inflated cost.

Don't get me started on the "high end" recruits that all cost 10-20 times the cost of a low end recruit yet most of the time end up no better than them.
I suggest you try out Reforged, on Expert/Expert Difficulty. It's a very recently developed overhaul but that only means that the devs are still very active in development and adding new content.

One of the things it does is remove scaling from NPCs and leave scaling by party. That way, a Brigand Scoundel will more or less always be vthe same, but you will see more and higher tiers of Bandits (in comparison to vanilla, where even low class enemies get new perks as time goes on).
If you play on Expert/Expert difficulty you will see far stronger parties on the world map, while still encountering low-level ones, so the world feels far less unleveled/scaled this way.
That's another thing I find ridiculous. People talk about "bouncing back from a loss", but everything in the game is too fucking expensive. This isn't UFO Defense where Rookies are barely a song and a dance, where you can give them the still-warm plasma rifle from the previous wave. The game design is too hard- in the sense that you're never allowed to get ahead. There's never any cushy jobs to tide you over well your men rest and recuperate- you don't get the option to spend a week profitably watching over some warehouses or acting as the honor guard for negotiations. It's fine to have a meatgrinder that eats men alive, but you have to balance that with cheap recruitment and long term improvements. The game desperately needed some sort of Mercenary Traditions tree that would persist even as men died and retired. It'd be a way to make your company less fragile over time and to allow you to specialize it the way you wanted to.

I'll give it a look. Battle Brothers feels too much like the strategy incarnation of Oblivion, as is.
>The game desperately needed some sort of Mercenary Traditions tree that would persist even as men died and retired. It'd be a way to make your company less fragile over time and to allow you to specialize it the way you wanted to.
This is sort of what buying Cart upgrades and hiring Camp Retinue is for, plus keeping the loot of dead bros to give to newly hired ones.

But I do agree with you that sometimes things feel a bit too expensive for the risks involved. I use 'Origin Customizer' to increase revenue from contracts and sales, but decrease the speed of progress of Renown, Relations, and Experience so as to make campaigns last longer. 'Simple Crisis Settings' is also good for this, to make Late Game crisis actually start later and give you more time to prefare for them.
Once you get past the first crisis and your renown gets high you're rolling in monies, and you need to use late game mods like stronghold to make a dent in your pile of coins
Unless you're playing modded, enemies only get one time boosts at preset times. Raiders get +5 to matk and ratk at day 40, Nomad Outlaws get +5 to matk and dodge at the same point. Party scaling is an integral part of the game, not to be disparaging, but Battle Brothers just might not be for you if you don't want enemies to scale up.
Long term improvements exist, just not in the way you realise. You're almost guaranteed to get your weapons back from fallen allies, 100% guaranteed if you get the blacksmith follower. You take that 1k pike you bought at day 10 and give it to a 50 gold beggar, you only lose the 50 gold from replacing the beggar when he inevitably dies.
Secondly, buying shit is always going to be expensive, since weapons and armor are first and foremost taken from dead enemies.
Bouncing back from a loss is possible because contracts always scale with your party strength, meaning if your company is almost entirely wiped, you can easily hire a few decent bros and clear some easy 1-2 star brigand contracts.
I'd also argue that the game stops being a meatgrinder past like day 40, and if you're still losing bros at that rate, then it's likely a tactics issue.
Hey battlebros what mods are you using, i'm gonna start a new campaign and I am looking for mods to start it with. Top picks for me are any kind of anim speedups/UI and QoL improvments. Pls giff some suggestions.
>I'd also argue that the game stops being a meatgrinder past like day 40, and if you're still losing bros at that rate, then it's likely a tactics issue.
He might be fighting lindwurms or facing down waves of raiders, you never know
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Everything below the red line is optional. Don't forget to download mod hooks and modern hooks or a lot of mods won't work. You can use both at the same time. From the tweaks and fixes page the only ones I'd recommend as essential are the MRNG tweak mentioned above and the veteran stamina tweak, though the throw spear tweak and confident tweak are nice too.
>I feel like I need to change up my game a little, I always do the same thing
>Level 2
>Level 3
>Pathfinder or Fortified Mind
>Level 4
>Rotate (or quick hands for ranged)
>Level 5
>Weapon Mastery
>Level 6
>Level 7
>Its the same on every character. I usually use a frontline of 3-4 shield guys and 2-3 two-handers, backline of polearms + 1-2 ranged.
>Melee Skill 50
>Melee Skill 60
>Swords (sometimes flails)
>>Melee Skill 70+
>Two-Hander or Orc Cleaver (If I have good fatigue)
>At this point its like a formula, I just do the same thing everytime. I experimented with a wide backline and a spread out frontline sometimes but it feels awkward.
>How do I change it up?
>anim speedups
>Swifter (Quicker Faster and Event Frequency Successor)
Not only allows you to control the speed of the world map, but also combat animation speed, and the frequency of the events on the world map.

>UI and QoL improvments (that don't change balance).
>Unrecognized UI
I don't use it at all, but it adds some stuff.
>Autopilot New
Autopilot New gives you the ability of putting your company on control of the AI at any point during a battle and resume control at any point, to make easier fights less tedious. It's configureable to let you decide wether you want to allow it to release wardogs or use items, and it also gives you hotkeys for switching weapons/gear from belts to weapons.
>Settlement Situations (MSU)
>More Save Slots
>Fun Facts
>Vision Radius.
>Plan Your Perks.
>End's Inventory Management Overhaul (EIMO)
>End's Buyback (Not Compatible with Legends)
>Smaller Item Slots
>Replace and Restore Equipped Items

>QoL improvments (that do change balance).
>Configurable Pause
I'd say change 'Pause without conflicts' for Configureable Pause. It does the same things and more, plus being configureable.
>Prepare for Battle
>Prepare Carefully
>Removable Upgrades
>Reusable Nets

>Streamlined UI
>Events and Ambitions Delayed Fix
>Cook and Blacksmith Fix

Stuff that lets you configure stuff:
>World Parameters (Map Configurator)
>Pufu's Supplies and Cart Upgrades
>Editable Retinue Members
>Simple Crisis Settings
>Origin Customizer
I heard about somebody who took duelist with orc cleavers but i'm nervous to go in without a shield, though it certainly would help with fatigue. Cleaver mastery helps with orc cleavers but not by much.

Content/Flavor stuff that I like
>Company Tabards - Mod Hooks Version
>Historical Music and Audio
>Proper Raids
>Preservation - Temperature Humidity and Spoilage
>Player Hideout
>More Indirect Numeral Adjectives
>Fair Compensation
>Camps and Artifacts (Reworked)
This one is a mixed bag. It adds lots of new cool stuff, but it also adds lots of Noble house strongholds that could allow you to cheese alot of encounters (lead enemies to the fort = get 10 Knights helping you in any battle. But it shouldn't be an issue unless you choose to exploit it).
>Lots O' Names
>Craftable Cooked Meals
>More WeaponSkins
>Accesory Companions
Very cool, although I'm not currently using it for this Reforged playthrough.

I recommend you check out Sato's stuff. Most of it is not on Nexus, but on Github, but he has a few interesting mods.
To name a few that is mostly compatible with anything:
>Equipment Variants
>Additional Equipment
>Corpse Loot Fix
>Company Details Screen
>Partially Explored Map
>Expanded Markets
>Tutorial Remover
Patches for some of Sato's mods.

Also, since I'm playing on Reforged, I must say. reforged implements a few frameworks that make UI tooltps and other stuff much easier, such as:
>Nested Tooltips Framework
Which makes getting data incredibly easy. I don't know if it would work on its own without reforged, but you could test it.
There's also a few mods in the Reforged Discord that I could recommend, and will work without it.
>Spawn Corpse Fix
Similar to Sato's, but implemented slightly differently (I use this one).
>Mirrored Weapons
Flips weapon icons in inventory so 1-Handed weapons look one way and 2-Handed ones the other.
PS: Accesory Companions is also defunct and not being worked on anymore, but could more or less work currently (with bugs). The only versions being updated right now are exclusively for the Legends Overhaul.
So use at your own risk.
Oh, and, the Reforged Spawn Corpse Fix:
I only play vanilla. The only mod i ever used was the one that let you see the stars for their attributes when you tryout.
You can use it with out reforged. I call it that because the mod is announced on the Reforged Discord, rather than Nexus.

Oh, Tryout Talents is good, althrough I'm not using ir right now.
I think the most revent/updated fork of that same mod right now is 'Clever Recruiter (Tryout and Smart Recruiter Successor)'
I miss the obituary from Legends, the vanilla one is just useless
is there a mod for this?
Fun Facts.
Could try reforge if you are bored of copied pasted builds in vanilla.
Did the devs ever give any reason you can't do more than one contract at the same time?
No, but I'm certain it's because
>It would lead into conflict between Contracts (what contracts do you decide to give the heads you collect to).
>It would allow the player to take many contracts and earn much more money more easily (being more efficient).
In the end, these two explanations are merely ecuses for the devs not getting better at coding and wanting the game to feel like a slog in an uneccesary way, but unless they decide to rework the hard code of how contracts work I'm sure we're stuck with what we have.
You get them from the village leader and he probably says that he wants you to focus on the one contract he's giving you. Also, if you died while trying to carry out two contracts then it would really fuck over his village.
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>tfw you just had a minor injury and the captain already stripped you naked and took your weapon
Thanks for the detailed reply! I will try the mods out for my next game. Downloading now
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Today I learned that Wiedergangers can grab the equipment of your fallen Bros.
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I got wiped.
Yep, and fun fact: From that point on, it counts as enemy loot, which mean whether you get it back or not is entirely tied to RNG
And yes, that counts from named items too.
And yes, dead bros who come back to life also have their items count as enemy loot.
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>its another episode of anon getting greedy and wanting to knife 2 brigands but losing a starting bro instead.
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RIP in Pieces
If an hexen made your spear/pike bros touch tips, is it gay?
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reforged is really good but damn cleavers are busted
flails are kinda insane on shieldbros too, idk why they made duelist works with shields
And swordstaff is crazy too
The One-Handed Falchion used to be a Cleaver type weapon but they had to change it to a Sword type due to how busted it was otherwise.
I love how spear mastery and polearm mastery stack with each other. My sword-staff bro attacks 3 times a round.
Bow in RF can machine gun a chosen champion with famed armor to dead before he can even reach your line with the absurd amount of armor pen they can stack. Meanwhile crossbow is totally irrelevant.
It's a shame Crossbows are useless in Ref, but the skills are still good for firearms.
is there a mod to make armor attachments invisible?
its interesting because the leveling route you take is not even close to the meta. not that its a bad thing, but there are a lot of things for you to explore with and notice immediate benefits.
stop taking rotate and pick quick hands more often, swapping to polearms is very impactful. also try using taunt instead of rotate, its better, but do not pick it on strong bros. you don't always have to pick colossus first, you can go FA
desu looking at your picks i feel like you are playing on lower difficulty, is that the case? you often don't need brawny or weapon masteries for what you are doing. fast adaptation is useful early on to be able to hit with two-handers, can't have everybody gripping spears and swords.
>orc cleaver
No, but it should be relatively easy to do by finding the files where the armor attachments are found, editing the file to remove the texture and leave the file/place of the texture transparent, and saving the file again.

You gotta find the armor attachment texture files for: when they're an icon in the inventory, for when they are displayed on a bro on the inventory, for when they are displayed on a bro on the battlefrield, and the damaged/'downed' version of the armor textures.
Is this game a Mountain Blade but 2D? Sell me on it
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No, but it's similar.
Battle Brothers is Turn-Based strategy and M&B is Action-Based.

Aside from that, Battle Brothers is more micromanaging of your company's logistics and less macromanaging about campaign events. That means, in Battle Brothers each soldier in your company is an individual with their own backgrounds, strengths, weaknesses, and preferences, and you must see to the morale, inventory, accumulated wounds/injuries, wage and more, and all of them are as mortal as the other. Lose all of your Brothers to battle or desertion and its game over.

Your company does not care about the comings and goings of lords or their political suqbbling, only about fulfilling your contracts and earning money to become a more renowned mercenary company, and most importantly, keeping their own heads on their shoulders.
The setting is low fantasy. Magic is seen as dangerous and supernatural, and the work of the fair folk, devils, monsters and witches. Outlaws, Monsters and monstrous men threatening the civilized world roam the wilds, and the only thing standing between them and your blood is cold steel and a disciplined shieldwall of resolute men risking their lives for gold and glory.
Its more like Medieval Jagged Alliance + XCOM
Thoughts on the Reforged mod? Thinking of going back to BB and want something new.
A decent expansion of vanilla, though it does have a bunch of balance issues since it's still in development. I think the biggest change is that you would have to handpick your bros more carefully now due to the dynamic perk tree system, and battles become very aggressive since everyone could attack ton of times per turn with the new perks.
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ratcatcher if he real
Does Legend change anything about difficulty scaling of the game?
I hate playing on basically a fucking timer - i want it to be like Warband where you can still get rabble bands 1000days in on 99 level...
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Legends changes scaling, but by adding more tiers of enemies at higher difficulties. Legends is both easier and more difficult beause you get way overtuned enemies, but your bros can also get much stronger.

>I hate playing on basically a fucking timer - i want it to be like Warband where you can still get rabble bands 1000days in on 99 level...
I'm totally with you on that.

I recommend testing out Reforged mod. It has lots of QoL and Gameplay improvement changes, and it makes enemy types not scale with time/difficulty, so although you will encounter better prepared and higher tier bandits on the late game you will still see low tier bandits, and these low bandits won't get a misslion new perks just because its late game. Easy bandits are always easy bandits. Same for other enemies.
I also recommend playing on Expert/Expert difficulty and using Simple Crisis Settings and Origin Cutomizer to slow down game progression, but still seeing high and low tier enemies at both the early, mid and late game.

These are my Simple Crisis Settings, but you can do whatever you feel best.
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Here's a joke I made for a /v/ thread a few months ago
>My bros when fighting an Armored Unhold just a few days ago.
Amazingly we make it with no deaths or permanent Injuries.
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>fighting barbs with an armored unhold
>manage to snipe the beastmaster
>unhold continues attacking bros anyway
>unhold continues attacking bros anyway
Every single fucking time
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>I haven't saved in a while, better not risk it when mods are in question
>Saving crashes the game
>Save is corrupted
Ironman? One of the many reasons I refuse to use it in mods that incentivice it.
God, no. I didn't turn it on because I was afraid of what might happen, just half an hour of progress lost.
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they grab weapons off the ground, which means that the unarmored ones can pick up the equipment of other zombies
you can also snatch their weapons before they get back up which is highly recommended with FH

if the beastmaster doesn't whip the unhold, the unhold will switch over to the beast faction which is hostile to both barbarians and you
one beastmaster can handle (i think) 2 unholds at once
if not whipped there is a period where the unhold is effectively stunned (confused) and may do nothing for a turn but it seems sporadic and random
this system would work better if the unhold went after the barbarians but then they'd probably be less effective overall because theyre supposed to be this brick shithouse that scatters you around so the rest of the enemies can get in
>Accessory Companion
power fantasy time
try 3 gunner backline
try PM with multiple mace mastery+backstabber brothers to spam stuns
try 2h mace and qatalist brothers combo
try dodgeforged (oathtakers special), dodgeforged qatal is also possible and easier to do than dodgeforged 2h

>>orc cleaver
its one of the better duelist weapons
For those who have played around with Reforged, does the Weapon Master perk give you it's benefits if the weapon is split category like Kriegmesser which is a sword/cleaver. Talking about the perk which gives weapon perks you haven't taken for the currently equipped weapon if you have the same tier perks of another weapon.
If that is the case then it's a build idea for sure.
Yes and hybrid weapons are busted as a result
I think they changed it so you actually need the other weapon perk groups on your bro? check the changelogs
It really should go hostile against the barbarians immediately. Maybe some would argue that makes it too easy, but it's both a reward for the gamble of trying to pick off the beastmaster early and also a more immersive thing in that the barbarians are taking a huge gamble themselves by using unholds.
If you have discipline you can do a pseudo-Ironman where you just have one save and one autosave and that helps you in case the worst happens.
If I'm reading the tooltip right then yes you need a bro that has both weapon perks and trained perk line. Certainly seems like a strong, albeit rare, option. You are asking for three perk lines and a good brother in order to run it, the benefits are there just not that amazing, you take it when it comes but not search for it kind of deal.
it's really not that rare if you hire the right backgrounds, oathtakers I think get trained + professional guaranteed, mb gladiators and some other combat background too? with professional you get all the bro's weapon perks for just 3 perks, it's really good.
and the benefits are quite good for hybrid weapons, you get free ap/attacks in both perk groups, sword/cleaver for kriegmeisser and sword/spear for swordstaff + free mobility from tempo
I just found that a Halberd has hammer/axe/polearm modifiers. Holy shit. If you get all three with Weapon Mastery and one AP reducing perk like Combo we are talking about two attacks per turn, three with Berserk. Over a 2-tile range. Not sure how Fatigue reduction works with multiple masteries but that is one skilled bro. No wonder the Swiss mercs liked halberds.
>Could build your own orc berserker in Reforged with wild man special perks.
>He either mows down a whole army after he built enough rage stacks or gets bogged down and beaten to dead before he could do anything.
accurate orc zerker gameplay.
>one of the better weapons
Try one of the best, at least damagewise. It has the highest potential damage per turn for any melee weapon, assuming you have the fatigue to handle it.
Dropping weapon spec is possible, but not unless you're taking recover/building a tank, else you're going to end up fatiguecucked.
Is it?
The rusty warblade has more damage and doesn't require duelist.
playing at beginner economic difficulty veteran combat difficulty Ironman, I'm having trouble leaving the early game.
I had a couple of saves that made it to the endgame crisis but that was a long time ago and I lost my gamesense I guess.
What works best at the moment is to spend most of the initial money on a set of good armor to put on the two-handed bro so that he can deal damage unbothered by starting weapons, but I never quite understood when I should bother increasing my squad's size or what bro to keep and who to sack.
Any general tips? Vanilla only btw
What start? Not a professional battlebroer but I've taken an ironman run through 3 crises.
I usually spend my very early game cash on more bros to act as meatshields. Semi-decent armor won't save your starter bro from getting 3v1'd by brigands, but having two guys with shields next to him might.
The main thing after that is being very choosy about what contracts to take - early on, caravans/deliveries are pretty safe and help you with visiting every town, and you want to be fighting brigands as much as possible. Nomad cutthroats are also okayish but southern cities are a bitch to make money at due to the typically high cost of supplies. I'll take beast contracts but drop it like it's hot if I see webneckts until I get solid backliners. Nachs and wolves are fine. Outposts are fine at least until brigands get upgraded, then you want to be more cautious. Weinergangers are mostly fine so long as you have cleavers and should be avoided otherwise.
I start buying armor once I have 5ish solid bros and some chaff. Mail shirts for everyone is usually the starting strategy; I barely ever spend money on helmets until the lategame because they tend to be plentiful. Contrarily, despite the fact that I know I can get them later, I'll drop some hefty cash on weapon upgrades before day 60 or so if it's a decent deal. Getting an early greatsword to slap on your 2h bro (or even warhammer or pike) can save your ass.

More generally:
>always be buying (cheap) bros until you can field a full squad
You can get them fired/killed later if they suck.
>prepare for shit
Keep stocks of cleavers for zombs, spears for wolves/nach, extra shields for outposts, warhammers for barbs, etc. Don't be afraid to throw a kite shield on your 2h bro if he has to march uphill into 5 archers.
>pay for training
When possible. Scale as fast as you can.
>buy dogs
Dogs are very useful meatshields and loot collectors. I don't use them enough because it makes me sad when they die.
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The only other thing I think I should add is that you should not be afraid to drop contracts or run the fuck away when a situation looks bad. You can recover from rep loss, you can't recover from losing. 26 brigands jump your caravan? 2 skull outpost contract has 15 dudes, 4 of them sharpshooters? Can't lure ifrits into the conscript patrol? Just leave. Go somewhere else. Buy your bros a drink and go stab something softer.
>What start?
New company, by Vanilla only I meant I have no DLCs except the one FLC
The other two companies that made it to the endgame crisis are anatomists and oathtakers now that I checked.
>I usually spend my very early game cash on more bros to act as meatshields
I thought contract difficulty scaled with your company, am I meant to dismiss the meatshields after every contract?
> once I have 5ish solid bros
On that note, what's the baseline that I should aim for in a stat? say that I want a melee attack guy with a polearm, should I only consider using bros with stars in melee attack even if their baseline is low?
>I thought contract difficulty scaled with your company, am I meant to dismiss the meatshields after every contract?
It does a little, but you should be more worried about the milestones when enemies get upgraded - around day 40 is the big one. You'll be losing a lot of the chaff you pick up early on. Try to direct kills to the bros you actually want to level, the other guys are just there to soak hits. You can also (and should) buy new dudes after you accept the contract. This is something you want to be doing very early, to avoid losing your starters; by day 50-60 you should have enough coin to buy decent people.

>say that I want a melee attack guy with a polearm, should I only consider using bros with stars in melee attack even if their baseline is low?
You can run the numbers to see a bro's theoretical endgame if you really want to, but if you're playing pure vanilla (that is, if you're playing without the mod that tells you stats before you buy) you'll mostly be working with what you get. You can be more picky when and if you make it to the lategame. Keep in mind that a bro with 3 stars and a starting stat of 40 will still take at least 4 levels to catch up to a bro who started with 60 (more like 6-7 in reality). With good/bad RNG the 60 starter might even end up with a higher stat at 11 than the three star guy (although this is unlikely).

My overall advice is to worry about your endgame build when you get to the endgame; early on, just do whatever will help you immediately. If you need a polearm guy but you're building your highest matt bro to be a 2hander, fuck it, give him a pike anyway until you find someone better. As an example I almost always have my eventual 2h bros using sword and board until they're level 6-8, even though I'm giving them all 2h traits, because I don't want them to die before they get strong enough to be without the shield. Goes for contracts, too; worry about winning the fight, not what it will scale to 20 days from now.
>should I only consider using bros with stars in melee attack even if their baseline is low?
no, the lvl 1 roll is the most important
with average rolls, every star is like +5 stats at max level
0 star +20 matk at lvl 11
1 star +25 matk at lvl 11
2 stars +30 matk at lvl 11
3 stars +35 matk at lvl 11
so your 3 stars 50 matk farmhand will be as good as a 0 star 65 matk bro, on average, if he makes it to lvl 11 ofc
but the 65 melee bro will be more reliably hitting from lvl 1 so he is actually better early game, even if he's unlucky and get bad rolls on level ups
The 40 day buff is such a retarded concept
>arbitrary amount of day
>most enemies in the game gets a major buff for no reasons
>not told enemies just got buffed
I'd be fine if it was having different stronger enemies appearing, but as it stands it's really just a frustrating timer to punish you for not speedrunning the first in-game month
>It has the highest potential damage per turn for any melee weapon
deathblow is ahead of it, it has superior kill times to basically anything else

it has better min and less max when double grip and misses out on duelist bonus, if you're hitting bare flesh enemies then the 2h cleavers are overall better than the duelists since they have better decapitate that costs 15 fat post mastery (and decap is really damn good)
there is always ofc the guaranteed named warblade on every seed if you manage to find the ijirok, other than that the 2h scimmy nomad leaders can drop is actually high value on a drunkard brother because he can kill most basic brigands/nomads in 2 swings (one turn)
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>am I meant to dismiss the meatshields after every contract?
generally no if they didn't catch some crippling perm injury since while contracts/arena do scale on number of men and average level the world itself does not, and if you have a stronger force you can kill more on the map quicker and cleaner/do camps
xp/levels are also extremely valuable for any brother because even the shittiest guy on level 7 (with nimble and 6 levelups of stats) is a menace compared to most enemies in the game because if nothing he can at least get a shield, spam wall and be really annoying to kill for most
you should accept losses but the less people die the more xp you'll keep in the company and the stronger itll get, so dont be stressed if someone drops but try not to waste men

>Try to direct kills to the bros you actually want to level
to add to this, its possible to put people you dont need into the reserve for an easier fight and then have only the ones you want to feed levels into get the xp
so if you run into 7 thugs on like day 20 and can confidently wipe the floor with them because you looted some decent gear by then, if done with 5-8 people instead of your full 12 it can result in the best recruits getting to that sweet level 7 way quicker
double checked, and yeah rusty warblade has a slightly higher damage per swing on average, when comparing both base weapons and maxroll famed weapons. The main thing is that the extra armor pen does make a big difference in time to kill against armored enemies.
Deathblow qatal is actually better than both, but it does require the setup with another bro, so it becomes complicated to compare.
Also something of an aside, it's generally easier to roll better for famed 1h cleavers vs 2h, given there's no chance for shield damage.
You could argue that it's a good reminder to stop dicking around and get your act together.
I run a merc company, all I do IS dick around ye old Germany.
And that shitty buff is there to force you to snowball and to limit the snowball. It's so ass.
My warband survived for like 24 days then we fought 5 wolves in what I thought was a hill but it turns out it was just regular snow so we didn't have the highground and they kept missing 60-something% attacks against the wolves and they all died
It gets more complicated when you consider the cleaver is the heaviest and most fatigue costly option too whilst qatal weighs nothing and doesn't even need recover most of the time
It's a noob thing they should turn off at higher difficulties but getting filtered by it is kinda dumb, they don't get THAT much stronger
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How do you find an enemy location to destroy in the early game?
Or rather, one that you can actually clear with your starting unit.
Nevermind I did find a small farm with like 6 zombies in it and killed them all using highground, but I only got a signet ring out of it and some miscellaneous trash.
Too bad I already took the other ambition lol
warband died to ancient auxiliaries. Oh well.
Yeah, there are plenty of weak camps you can hit, especially early on. It's still a gamble, but as long as you aren't really that far away from civilisation, you should be alright.
In a pinch, you can try to pepper a bandit camp with arrows. They'll hide inside like little bitches.
They get frustrating mostly
Only the Nomads get really annoying, imo. I avoid fighting them as much as possible until the endgame because they're such a pain in the dick to hit.
I avoid them late game too, tent cities are almost goblin tier annoying to fight with the archer spam
Where do you guys get these super weapons? I'm raiding every ruin I find and only found two orange shields so far.
you need to go far in the wild and beat top tier camps, or get lucky with champions, but early game it's mostly lucky tavern rumors
Check if a caravan contract tells you to go to a settlement with a smith/armory. Once completed there is a high chance they will sell a named item.
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Well this sucks. Not only do I not get a single other perk for a halberd(axe/hammer/polearm) with Weapon Master, with a bit of testing, if I had picked spear perks for this bro and then taken Weapon Master, equipping a halberd would only give me the axe perks, not all three lines. What a fucking shame.
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So I did a bit of testing with Weapon Master(WP). This is reforged 0.6.11.
With a bro who has crossbow/spear/sword perk lines, taking the crossbow perks and then getting WM, equipping a Swordstaff(spear/sword) results in you getting the spear perks but not the sword ones(probably unlocks alphabetically). Taking either the sword or the spear perks and then getting WM results in you getting the other group's perks.
Swordmaster has a funny(?) interaction with WM. He can get the clever perk line by taking the Metzger perk which makes all swords eligible for the clever perks and gives you the clever perk group, unlocked. If you take WM whilst you have a sword equipped and no sword perks taken, you unlock the sword perks, sans Sword Mastery because he has it unlocked level 1. But if you switch your weapons and once again equip a sword, you no longer gain sword perks. This is also the case for Kriegmesser(sword/clever). I don't know if this persists after battle.
Back to the Halberd(polearm/axe/hammer), nothing you do can get you the other perk lines. Taking an unrelated perk group with WM and equipping the Halberd gives you only one weapon group, axes. Taking one of the three groups and WM doesn't give you anything, nor does taking two out of the three weapon groups give you the third. Holding it before you take WM changes nothing.
What a jank fucking perk, amazing.
>I don't know if this persists after battle.
The unlocked perk state, that is. I know for a fact that it doesn't unlocks during a battle nor after it, with regards to both the Halberd and Swordmaster issue. Do ignore me calling cleavers 'clevers'.
>Day 5
>escorting caravan, heads contract
>5 goblins attack
>"I think I got this"
>goblin moves next to archer
>I got high ground
>"I can probably move 1 away and attack"
>archer is immediately decapitated
>rest of the warband dies same turn
Note to self: no goblins in the early game
Good lesson. Goblins are puny cowards, but without the shields or proper armour they can be deadly, since their damage is a bit higher than most early game enemies. Almost all goblins have throwing weapons and their melee weapons tend to cause bleeding, something that makes fighting against them quite nasty
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Picked up this dastardly jester thinking he'd just die but he keeps surviving and levelling up, do I sack him or what?
nevermind they all died
At least they died entertained.
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At least he didn't get raped
Without getting too autistic about the game, what's a good overall strategy to approach the game with on the highest difficulty settings and succeeding?

Like, for bad/mediocre brothers, should I build them a certain way while on the hunt for really good brothers to build in specific ways?
>what's a good overall strategy to approach the game with on the highest difficulty settings and succeeding?
If you think you can't take on a fight. Flee. Abandoning the contract will get your company some bad reputation on the short term, but it will survive and recuparate its losses.
Always have a decent cushion of cash for when you're out of a contract.
Regardless of what build you're doing for each bro, it usually useful to give everyone a shield and a spear/sword (or other high accuracy weapon) when they're low level and then switch them to the actual weapon they'll use on their build once they can survive without the extra melee and ranged defense provided by a shield.
Keep him. Luck is the most importan-
>they all died
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The number one tip is to choose your stomping ground wisely. Being on good terms with the settlements that sell you tools and arms and buy your loot is a very basic requirement that people ignore in favor of whatever metacheese bullshit they've come up with. The other thing is having fights near at hand: highways frequented by barbarians, an area where you know there's a big bandit camp spawning raiders, stuff like that. If you have that basic foundation you can do whatever you want.
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>Day 24
>Did the plunder, standard and sergeant ambitions
>sold a lot of wood at a profit , got 3k gold set aside
>killed a bandit leader and got a bunch of stuff
What should my priority be now? I'd like a killer background brother for that extra chance to hit the head to be another backline guy, maybe someone to wear the heavy armor and use the two handed cleaver?
Also my endgame crisis is the undead, how should I prepare for them?
Sometimes I wish there were some preset, crafted maps. Ones set up with proper, distinct kingdoms and geography.
nevermind they all died
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Finally. Peak modding has arrived.
Could at least try to match the rest of the game's artstyle.
or make the rest of the game match that artstyle
Of course. Either one, just as long as it is consistent.
New player here. I noticed that it's a good strategy to go on a hiring spree at the start since 3 guys ain't going to cut it and enemies spawn in similiar numbers anyways.
I also think that going with 2H weapons early on pays off much more than putting shield + 1H on the guys. They're going to get harmed anyways and shield isn't going to save them, might as well be able to deal actual damage.
How wrong are these conclusions if at all?
Also, I am stating to think 2H weapons are just overall better even in the middle and later game compared to 1H + shield.
Shields increase survivability quite a bit, especially when you get to the point that every humanoid enemy is using ranged weapons. If I want to make sure a bro is going to make it past the early levels I have him take a shield. Lategame I'll keep a stock of 3-4 kite shields to stick on shieldless bros for when I'm attacking a place with a lot of archers.
I could see the advantage of having pure DPS from the start, but I feel like you'll get rekt by Reavers and Nomads days 50-80ish
early game double gripping is better than 2h imo
your bros are usually not good enough to hit reliably with a 2h so they just waste turns, with a 1h they have better chances, and if they get hit they can still equip their shield and keep fighting with a real weapon
some fights you bring shields, some fights you don't. often you like to keep shields in the pocket as well. early on, its virtually always better to double grip instead of 2H, that means you can swap to the shield too. 2H weapons don't have extra hit chance like spears and swords, which is integral. you will always take kite shields with you against marksmen/goblins, you take less damage, save tools, its better for uptime. if there's two marksmen maybe not, but 3+ definitely
the problem with using shields early on is that you don't have much base melee defense to stack it with, Mdefense gets exponentially better the more you have. however, 15 defense is still 15 defense. imo its best to put shields (most of the time) on your fodder and midtier brothers, then keep the brothers with the most potential in the center of your formation without shields. pikes are super high impact, so if you get them early you will get more value having a lot of defense on the front cause you won't sacrifice much attack power. you can run 4 shields with 6 pikes and its a valid startegy, for example.
also, if you have less ranged damage, you have to use more shields cause then the enemy won't rush you and give you an opening to step in and get the first strike
>you can run 4 shields with 6 pikes and its a valid startegy, for example
The phalanx will always be the peak of military tactics. It is unbeatable.
Crossbows or bows?
>brothers with the most potential in the center of your formation without shields
that's the best possible way to get your bros full of arrows and bolts
Bows for extra range when you want to snipe those cheeky necromancers.
Crossbows if you want to hurt anything that isn't low tier brigands.
Javelins if you actually want to murder shit.
Is the extra hit chance on crossbows not worth it?
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In general, direct damage > range. I still really like warbows because of their utility
It depends. It's certainly not bad, but bows can shoot twice in a single round, which works very well with the fast adaptation perk. Someone would need to do the math
Does the enemy strength scale back if you lose a lot of men? Otherwise I don't see the point of doing an ironman run without savescumming.
Some to be time-based, I've read a bit. I dislike how much I'm savescumming in this game. Fuck it, doing an ironman run.
>Otherwise I don't see the point of doing an ironman run without savescumming.
I really enjoy the idea that I'm playing as a bunch of greedy sellswords who will turn tail and run the moment things go south, it goes hand to hand with the main gameplay loop of carefully picking your battles.
Yeah losing runs or units to bad RNG sucks but this way you're never on autopilot and starting over is not that big of a deal because the game is fun at low levels too.
good Vs armor unlike bows and guns are great Vs low armor
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idk it's kinda hard to get my rocks off when all my bros are staring at me like this.
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It went well until it didn't.
Karl's got this.
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Maybe. What to give him as a weapon? Axe doesn't seem that good.
It'll scale down a little, it's tied to the overall level of your bros and time.
It'll take the total strength of your 12 (14 with militia) strongest bros.
>tfw you fucked that melon and you'll do it again
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Maybe I should get him. I only have 1 bro and I need at least one more reliable dude to get through this I think.
Karl seems a bit upset.
double grip a sword
buy him and then run to the next town and buy 3 more cheap bros
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Karl and the other guy got deleted in another battle. It's over. I had more fun in this run than in all other games combined because I didn't savescum.
Buyer's remorse
>have to fight direwolves
>wait on a hill so that I have the high ground
>direwolves attack me
>it spawns me downhill
how the FUCK do you get good terrain in this fucking game?
you fight on plains so the rng doesn't fuck with you
I'm addicted to surviving 15-20 days just to have my guys wiped out from taking one bad fight
same ;(
The Early game can be the most frustrating part of the game since you struggle against everything, but I guess that's also what makes it the most fun.

I wish I could have the resilience of other Anons. I find it almost impossible to save without savescumming, specially when some of my starting Bros die. I get too attached to the losers.
Just lower the "difficulty". You don't have to play on expert.
It's more like luck adjustment, anyway.
Seems like you misjudge an encounter before engaging. It takes experience and I had same problem.
I have similar problem where I can easily get week 2-3 with daggered brigand armor and leader armor if I am lucky but after that I hit the wall: I don't level quickly enough to get nimble and at same slowly die due to having too many starter shitters who aren't that good.
Are you just fucking doomed in the first few battles if it goes south?
>inb4 learn to play better
I truly don't know how to set up the early fights other than getting 5-6 guys and giving them spears and shields with one thrower in the back.
I've tried 8 ironman runs and lost fights. Either people are lying about what's the best early setup or this game is just bullshit.
lose 10 there's a cheevo
Nah, this game is total bullshit. It's boring when savescumming, and downright unplayable on ironman since your first few fights are totally based on RNG.
Just practice a little self control when savescumming and you'll have a better time. Set some rules for when you will/won't savescum and stick to them. For example,
>bro gets killed because I fucked up or he was in a brutal fight
No savescum
>bro gets domed by an arbalester turn one before he even gets to act
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There's zero RNG in Battle Brothers. If you lost the fight, it's because you were predestined to lose that fight by the Old Gods.
why are the old gods so mean
To harden their people. Look at the pudgy southerners and their trifling birds, dates, and belly dancers (male). They wouldn't stand a chance against schrats or unholds.
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Gotta reread what lore there is, but I always figured the Old Gods very Crom-like. Dissaproving of worship and sacfifices in his name while approving of individual courage and power.
Wait, you can just retreat from fights outright? Damn this changes everything.
if you pause and retreat before anyone moves, they won't even try to chase your bros, useful when you get attacked in snow/forest
Yeah. You will get -15 Renown and might fail the current Contract depending on your situation, but retreating is always an option.
As the loading screen tips say, you're running a business, not being a hero.
Another episode of the first 7 thugs being equpped with 55+ armor 40+ headgear and hitting everything.
i put kite shields on them if the fight requires it. but you're right, my early QH nimble bros on the frontline tend to get focused in the later midgame and lategame
>fighting nachotards monster
>literally coded to cheese the initiative system to have two turns in a row to eat a corpse without repercussion
>he didn't make sure there was a bro to move on top of the corpse before killing the nacho
There's one thing to know about enemy archers ai, they will almost always fire at the biggest group of bros to maximise scatter shots
So put your low rdef bros on the flanks or arrange your backline so there's only one group of 5 bros and put the kite shields and decent rdef backline there
Is this true? It always seemed to me that archers focus down the bro with the lowest rdef.
Just try to test it, I read about it only some months ago and it makes the archers extremely predictable, I wish I knew this before for fighting nomads
The main problem is trying to keep that arrow bait group together during the battle ofc
Death before dishonour.
I wish there are actual late game cultist gears. Feel wrong to run your band of zealous murderous death cult hobos in prim and proper sellsword gears.
Or someone actually pick up and update that Davkul Rising mod.
I think what's missing is armor/helmet being paintable, the way noble armies have. I'd be fine with having death knights carrying Dakvul colors.
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>Day 10
>5 shield/spear bros
>1 standard bro
>1 hooked blade bro
>1 javelins bro
Can I kill these fuckers? Is the reward going to be worth it?
The skirmishers will go down pretty easy, but the ambushers should scare you. Get some dogs and you might be alright.
>will the reward be worth it
The two notched blades you'll get are great daggers and the bows are fine. Maybe ~600 crowns worth of stuff from the actual outpost loot.
Expect some loses
> Is the reward going to be worth it?
If you are lucky. Cruel falchions are a decent early game weapon and fixed goblin weapons usually turn profit.
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Dogs worked like a charm, they kept two ambushers occupied while my guys dismantled their frontline.
Plenty of injuries but no casualties.
So, should I be repairing all my looted weapons to sell them? I never did that.
always repair weapons T2 and above
I advise you to install the EIMO mod so it just takes one click to repair only profitable items automatically, also you can set items to auto sell when you reach the point where your bros use top tier weapons
>4 notched blades
Sexy. Keep those, they're the best non-legendary daggers in the game.
Are there any mods you guys would recommend that adds more items? I want to spice things up a bit more when it comes to equipment choices.
Sato's Additional Equipment
Sato's Equipment Variants
Company Tabards - Mod Hooks Version
More WeaponSkins

Those are simple mods that don't mess around too much with the game balance. If you want more new equipment then you will have to deal with overhaul mods like Legend or Reforged.
+1 on Anon's recommendations.
There's also 'Camps and Artifacts (Reworked)' and 'More Backgrounds and Events (Updated)', but those mods add quite a few other stuff as well.

You can use all of these mods alongside Reforged if you so wish, and they could also fit in Legends if you play with the Layered Armor system disabled.
thanks guys ill check em out
speaking of overhaul mods, I havent used those yet, are they any fun in your opinion? I'll be checking them out soon when I feel like spicing things up more
Reforged is more like a Vanilla++ with overhauled combat mechanics, dynamic Perk trees, reworked enemies and some new content.
I really recommend it as an overhaul which improves vanilla but doesn't change the core idea behind the setting much. It's also just very well coded and thought out with mod compatibility in mind and improves on the game's coding and tooltips as well.

Legends takes farmore liberties in what it does, adding a whole new camping system before the game had Retinues, new enemy types and tiers, new backgrounds, including hireable female 'Sisters' (optional) which can be set to only appear with appropiate backgrounds (Cooks, Milkmaids, Widows, Wildwomen, noblewomen, etc), two new magic systems one for a Necromancer Origin where you play as a trio of necromancers, and another for the Vala backgrounds which can imbue equipment with runes to improve them, and armor layer system that allows you to buy your Bro's equipments piece by piece and decorate them with stuff, and other stuff.
It has a lot of stuff, although it does change quite a few stuff and the balance is much different from the base game, which can go from impossible hard with the new enemies to a baby's walk once your company is absolutely overpowered.
There's also a submod for Legends called Sellswords that adds even more stuff.

There's the Fantasy Mod, which takes the concept of Legends and turns it up to 11 with whole ass stuff out of Dungeons and Dragons.
Blunt injuries seem to be more severe than cut and pierce injuries.
Are there any other artists that makes BB related content?
>get hit with a sword
>it hurts and you maybe bleed a bit
>get hit with a hammer
>slammed to the ground by the impact, bones broken and spirit shattered
>Are there any other artists that makes BB related content?
Not really. BB doesn't seem to be very popular with the artsy type despite the potential there is on depicting individual veteran Bros, or you get a one-off piece from someone who plays it.
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Gonna post what I've found on Reddit.
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Really cool, crayon-esque style on this one.
I think one problem with BB is that every uniqueness that characters might have is quickly covered up by armor and also gameplay at high difficulty gets cold and technical, it's hard to get attached to an optimized spreadsheet
Why is the axeman smiling?
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He's this guy.
As captain, it is your duty to protect that smile.
>awww, he's smiling!
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Three of Sato's mods on GitHub just updated with new content:


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