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Times of war are upon us.
old art>>> new art
They have the same guy that did the art on the new one, I wish I had the steam link but he said he was working on new UI cards for PFPs and research.
working with what, bing AI?
I'm pirating this shit and I'm not sorry
We can all see it's AI slop, don't peddle your corpo lies here.
What's the new one like?
It's theoretically possible that the current AI art is all placeholder to be replaced later, and some of the tech tree stuff is fine as is. But holy shit the character art being AI slop was offensive as fuck
Sure dude, I'm sure they'll replace it all, yup, I believe my corpo masters, they would never mislead us!
it's as good as the original. art and music is worse, gameplay and maps are better.
it's gonna be great when the first or second expansion pack(s) hit.
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1. Just because it's technically the same guy typing prompts into some generation tool doesn't mean the art is as good as it was. Like, shit, it was flawed and arguably was technically worse than new because of proportions and other weird shit but it had charm.
2. This is more than just UI AI art. They somehow managed to make the actual ships look like shit. They used to be kinda generic Sci-Fi but the exact kind of generic Sci-Fi that works, they looked like something you'd see in Freelancer or EVE, with signs of wear, windows and interesting lighting and focus on believable proportions and designs, while SoaSE2 just went full gookclick readability generic brightly coloured RTS unit with big recognizeable guns.
Like, why? At the distance where those details become visible any benefit you'd get from them being readable is wasted beacuse you're seeing maybe one tenth of what you're supposed to be seeing. It's not like the colours will help me figure out which units are mine either because the ship is clearly highlighted both on the map and on the side panel.
3. It really doesn't offer that much over Rebellion. The only really significant change is that some planets can now move but half the maps don't even utilize that mechanic in any interesting way. The whole upgrades and items and special resources system feels kinda meh and just encourages even more micromanagement of shitty gimmick abilities that do fuck-all, if not for the fact that some mods actually change ship models I'd hazard a guess it was tacked on because it's really easy to AI gen a bunch of icons to slap on some modifiers and AoE explosions. Trade and "diplomacy" is fine but the first one is literally just a slider to determine what resource you want to get from trade but with extra steps and everything diplomacy gets you could just have been in the research tree.
4. Tim Sweetie paid for my copy so I will not be buying SoaSE2.
First campaign (named Times of War) should first let you play as the invading Vasari, having an easy time destroying campagin-original unarmed trade vessels and trade stations, where the goal is to capture as many planets within a specific time limit, slowly meeting piddly armed frigates and the ocassional sova carrier, until in the last mission, the local alien species called humans have managed to produce actual warships to slow down your advance. Then you play as the newly formed Trader Emergency Coalition, which replaces the Trade Order, halting Vasari advances, and then pushing back, until you play as the Advent who invade the weakly guarded eastern worlds.
You sure sound like a retard and a faggot.
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I wish the vasari had retained their weird legs and four-fingered hands. But now they're all just humans in armor.
But then again, the Vasari are masters of genetical manipulation and do change their own species, so I could explain that in order to look less alien to the humans, they genetically modified themselves to have five fingers now and straight legs like a human, in order to more easily facilitate diplomacy or controlling their captured ships (when using the pirate item to take control of a ship).
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It shall be done.
What a cheeky alium.
>put a shitty weathering overlay over it
Woah... I will buy your game now Tim.
>while SoaSE2 just went full gookclick readability generic brightly coloured RTS unit with big recognizeable guns.
There's a minimal color setting in the lobby where you choose colors and faction.
I'm not spending a single fucking cent on it until every AI generated image is ripped out and replaced with High quality, hand drawn art.
Faceplates, research thumbnails, literally everything.

If you wanna use AI generation to pad out your porn gallery, fine, but don't put it in a product you expect me to pay money for.
Based anon. I bought it before knowing but I completely agree that I'd rather have hand drawn art.
Which they added because people complained but they completely missed the fucking point because it still has memetically huge turrets, random detailing and most importantly looks nothing like the ship from the original game.
But I guess other people are as aesthetically blind as them since you're here to defend that shit.
I had huge hopes because I managed to mostly avoid any information about the game before Steam release, going into that menu and seeing all the obviously AI generated portraits was like someone punching me in the gut. I realized then and there that SoaSE 2 won't be what I had hoped it to be.
>But I guess other people are as aesthetically blind as them since you're here to defend that shit.
I'm not here to defend it, I was just mentioning the minimal colors feature. Back when one of the first trailers dropped a year ago or so, I was complaining that the graphics looked too mobile-esque. Most of what's wrong with Sins 2 is art related both 3D and 2D.
Quite the spaz aren't we?
I wish the viturak transport cabal auctioned more of their awesome phase gates. They're such a huge boon to all the non-Vasari factions.
>look mom I posted it again
Good job sweetie.
Quite the spaz aren't we?
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What's hilarious about this is a lot of the old art isn't the best, but it has SOVL that gave a feel of a setting that we barely had any information about. And the new art is just sloppa.
literal unironic AI slop
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You know what, sometimes I feel like even some of the textures on the models look AI generated.
Look at the starbase windows, the top row is literally waves from audio editing software.
>t with the Trade Order, the precursor to the Terran Empire Coalition (TEC), and soon after, the psionically-gifted Advent entered the fray, igniting a prolonged and brutal war.
What did sins mean by terran empire coalition instead of trader emergency coalition?
I do a lot of 3d stuff and trust me, it's mostly lazily pasted on textures anyway. Something like this has been done for years.
Nobody cares about Earth in this setting, because Earth is just one of many backwater trader worlds.
I wonder what those waves sound like. Back in my day such a thing was called an easter egg if they're a sound or voiceline from the game.
I didn't mention earth.
>"times of war are upon us"
He said the line!
Is the AI super passive or something? I just watched an AI ally lose like 3 colonies connected to his homeworld while his entire fleet (which was strong enough to protect any/all of them) just sat there and didn't move. And it's nor the first time I've noticed this kinda thing
a normal AI will happily sit on its homeworld and do nothing for the first 5 minutes of the game
Depends on what the difficulty level and the behavior was for the AI. Generally, the AI will only battle if it has a higher supply number for its fleet.
i think the "AI won't take a losing fight" thing is also preventing it from defending colonies
They also said that they patched/nerfed it so that the current unfair AI is less difficult than the previous unfair AI.
On the other hand, the AI can afford to lose colonies, since it has an inherent bonus to its income starting with unfair, so they will rebuild their 2000+ fleet in a short time, and then reconquer anything that's been taken from them.
The AI often gets stuck in a position where it has targeted an enemy colony and parked its fleet ready to jump in, but with AI cheater prescience it knows that a stronger fleet is sitting in that gravity well. The AI will never fight a losing battle except to defend its capital, but it won't change its mind and decide to target a different world. Instead it just sits there at the jump point indefinitely waiting for the defending fleet to move or get smaller so it can win. If it's stuck in one of these stalemates it won't move its fleet to defend against an attack even if it could win, because its highest priority is still targeting that planet it won't jump to.

You can force the AI to reprioritize by jumping into its homeworld, because it will always move its fleet to attack a force in its home gravity well above all else.
The Marza's missile barrage works really well against those annoying missile ship masses that the AI is so fond of using. Those 126 assailants with their phase missiles did not stand a chance against the dreadnought's dumping of all the missiles it has.
It was a hard AI and like 90 minutes into the game, guess I'll have to just go nightmare AI if I want a match to actually have fleet battles.
Yeah this checks out since it's basically the exact thing I've been seeing. I've been using one my fleets to keep defending him, but as soon as I pull my fleet back he'll just go back to hiding at his home world, and I can't ever actually destroy the enemy since they fuck off until I leave too. The first game had some of this but nowhere near this bad. They really need another pass over the AI
Thank God for modders
It's not 100% but it's a bit better.
Yes, it makes it very unengaging. Either you stomp the AI and almost never see its fleet or it comes out of nowhere and curbstomps you.
Just like the first game the trick against AI is very deliberate aggression and careful investment into eco and research. It's trivial to just attack the nearest enemy in FFA or team matches, sacrifice early eco, expansion and tech, then use the captured enemy planets to sling shot your eco to number one position.

Especially with corvette spam and rushing caps with surveys, you can usually kill the first guy you see in the first 30 mins, then your huge corvette fleet will scare anyone from hitting you while you absorb what you captured and tech up.

It is even worse in MP, from what I've heard from players there is little you can do against a deliberate corvette spam rush other than using pirates as TEC primacy, or halcyons as Advent.

I still love the game, put 50 hours into in the past 2 weeks much to the detriment of my social life. So it is worth the buy. Can't wait for the mods though, I played like 150 hours of the Sins of the Prophets mod over the years, never touched Sins 1 after I added that mod.
Artcucks are fucking insufferable.
>Akkan start
>mining 3, survey 2, civic university
>influence tech, salvaging tech
>wait to gather resources
>destroy starting scouts to free up popcap
>use freed popcap to build Kol battleship before minute 5
>research free scout tech as soon as the Kol starts building
>scuttle one of the starting Skirmishers
>build a fleet beacon the moment you colonise your home planet
>you now have two active capital ships 4 minutes into the game
>if you're playing Alliance you can even give your new capital colony seed nanites with no civilian techs for rapid expansion
Imagine being a human, lmao
>Can't wait for the mods though, I played like 150 hours of the Sins of the Prophets mod over the years, never touched Sins 1 after I added that mod.
It will be interesting to see what modders do. I know we're getting a lot of the total conversion mods for Sins 2 like armada, soner, etc. I wonder what new total conversions we'll get.
That sounds cool and all but what happens when your 2 surveys fail to roll a 3rd exotic (or don't roll matching ones) and you're left with 600 credits in exotics you can't use and a scuffed opener?
Glossing over the new engine can use all CPU cores for absolutely enormous scale battles without slowdown.
What are you on about. Aside from the turrets it looks quite similar.
>random detailing
The original has a bunch of that shit too. I don't mind the turrets too much, but that's personal taste although it's also the only ship I can really think of that did that. The marza looks good, the akkan and dunov look the same and the sova looks better. The vasari ships have that new weird assed metal texture that looks pretty alien and unique, and the advent are basically the exact same. Every single complaint for how ships look is really just down to the Kol having goofy turrets which is whatever when its obviously meant to look like actual battleships and their huge assed turrets.
The devs definitely need to work on the diplomacy.
There's no point in an AI refusing mutual victory, when it's being offered an alliance offer while its forces are vastly inferior.
They really need to bring back the diplomacy system from the prior Sins game, or something like that, so that we can actually ally with them.
Honestly they probably had trouble getting the AI to generate their shape and just went for power armour because it spits it out easily. Really disappointed with the 2D art in the game and it's the only thing letting it down for me.
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He's using a promotional screenshot from like 2 years ago as well. They saw the complaints about the style of the ships and made them much more metallic even with full colours on. Basically this is someone that hasn't played the game and posts in every thread as if his opinions means anything.
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And not only that, they've changed how lighting interacts with the ships. Using the exact same colour scheme as the picture he posted here is 3 different angles of the ship.
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These look much better than the old promos.
The gauss cannons of the kol is really awesomely strong.
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Another good comparison is the Akkan. This is a promotional screenshot from 2 years ago.
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This is what it looks like now. They really did take the feedback to heart. So hopefully they take the feedback about the soulless AI 2D art to heart. I have no problems with how the ships look now.
How to disable minor factions I can't seem to find the option anywhere
Ha you think you get to customize your game in current year?
first pic: >this is a warship
second pic: >"i'm on team bluuuuuuuuee!~"
The front cannons being a little too clean is my only issue with it.
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What did he mean by this?
He meant he's an ass clown still seething about a 2 year old pic that isn't relevant anymore
I think they're unfortunately baked into the maps now? Or maybe we'll get the setting later on, who knows. I guess a way to test this would to make a custom map.
yes, one way or another.
>"diplomacy? lmao"
>"can you even behave"
>build advent culture building
>win game eventually because AI can't be bothered to counter it.
My experience is the opposite
>TEC AI gets 5 culture per second for free on all of their worlds on top of like 7 culture resistance
>All advent culture mechanics are automatically and passively countered for free
There is a map rule that says "Minor factions: True" which implies that some maps have it set too false. Problem is all of them are set to true. I think maybe they set that up for modders or something because 2 of the base factions kind of rely on minor factions, so setting them to false would fuck over those factions.
>because 2 of the base factions kind of rely on minor faction
Which ones?
TEC Primacy makes use of the pirates, but they can probably be ok without them. Vasari Alliance though is all about getting those influence points to get the most out of all the minor factions. They are sort of shitty though and Exodus will always be better.
The alliance has the more tankier ships with more armor and more shields, though. And it's not like building xeno settlements and alliance diplomatic centers is that much worth, compared to just spamming the planetary administration centers with their bonus logistic slots, which also gives influence points.
Star Wars: Interregnum II for Sins 2 confirmed!
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I thought I was on /ck/ for a moment
>Map making for and from faggots
>1 square in SolarForge is 100 by 100 Travel time I could see is as followed:
>1 square = ~6 sec
>2 squares = ~12 sec
>4 squares = ~25 sec
>8 squares = ~50 sec
>16 squares = ~1m40

>For star phase lane
>1 square = ~2 seconds
>2 squares = ~4 seconds
>4 squares = ~8.33 seconds
>8 squares = ~16.67 seconds
>16 squares = ~33.33 seconds
Uff, the nightmare AI is really difficult. I lost in a 3x3 team, with all AI players being nightmare tier difficulty, and having two AI team members. Those ones got defeated very hard, and I couldn't win against a double 2000 fleet. Being TEC Primacy, but with only two asteroids really hampered my ability to get pirate ships.
Also, didn't help that the only minor faction was just the vasari one that lets you colonize planets and can do phase raids.
Is the TEC cap ship that does marine boarding attacks still around?
No. You'll have to use ship items from the pirate factions to steal non-capital ships.
the Corsev is gone
but all capitals can use Boarding Party to steal ships
it's a fantastic way to accumulate Javelis and Harckas and Krosovs in the earlygame
And also to steal the advent player's iconus guardians.
i don't even build (non-capital) ships as TEC Primacy. get an early second capital ship, put boarding party on both, and steal NPC ships on cooldown. rush to pirate mercenary bases and spawn pirates on cooldown.
Obviously not if another AI took three of his planets lmao
On certain maps the AI gets deadlocked because it doesn't think it can beat you and only wants to fight when it thinks it can win. The devs should look into fixing it but I doubt they will.
Holy shit I entirely forgot there was supposed to be 6 cap ships. I felt like there was something missing and just couldn't put my finger on what.
Will this game gonna have campaign or it will be skirmish only like 1st game?
Supposedly a sp campaign is in the works to be released further down the line.
I still love you, Dunov-chan
>more like dunno
The Dunov is unironically great this time around
>up to 4 strike craft with the hangar upgrade
>enough PD to protect itself from missilespam
>equal to Kol direct firepower
>heavy missile takes a tonne of pd fire to shoot down, helping your Javelis to saturate targets
>spammable shield restore to support other capital ships
Obviously Experimental Beam gives Kol more firepower and Marza's barrage is god-tier, but I think mid/lategame you basically only want to produce Dunovs since a blob of them will spam shield restore to keep each other alive while also being extremely effective generalists. When you break down the price, a Dunov with the hangar upgrade brings as many strike craft as two carrier cruisers and as much firepower as a Kol but ends up a lot cheaper than buying a Kol + 2 carriers.
Dunovs slow ability is God tier. Has amazing range and can split enemy fleets in half of keep them from running away. Hell even just not being able to turn and track can give you quite an edge
The problem with the Dunov is that it's an ugly brick. A rectangle in every way.
spacebrick is peak scifi aesthetics.
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I'll show you an ugly brick you philistine
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Your taste is shit
>Kol doesn't look the same
This is likely intentional considering the Kol battleship was almost a 1:1 to the starship in the movie Aliens. They are lucky no one seems to notice.
wonky handdrawn art >>> consistent ai art
BASED, I can't wait for soner 2
Why the fuck are you retards still responding to that bait holy shit
>no fun allowed
eat shit faggot and go to a serious thread for serious people if you're too serious for this one
I wish the Akkan also got to have strikecraft.
Kol story, bro
Because we're retards anon. You answered your own question. Welcome to the club :)
If the Akkan had a single bomber wing it would solve all of its early expansion weaknesses.
What is best between Kol, Kortul and Radiance?
Kortul is a fierce puppy but Radiance can implode its antimatter and it'll be a sitting duck.
Phew, I did it. I won a game where I and 8 AI players all on nightmare mode were put into teams of 3. My AI team mates quickly succumbed to the constant pressure, and one of them got eliminated first. But then I managed to eliminate another AI from a different team, weakening them with the Jiskun Expeditionary Force phase raid. I was fortunately a Vasari Alliance player, so I could afford the phase raids, and more importantly, the frontier lab auctions, which gives you 4 empire / harmony / civilian research. Having three of them greatly frees up orbital logistic slots for factories to quickly replace your losses.
Also, the vasari alliance is really supertanky if you have the Advent shield burst and the TEC armor plates unlocked. I manged to hold out against two 1900+ enemy fleets, each either with a vorastra vasari exodus titan, or a coronata advent wrath titan at the same time on my gravity well with the help of my own kultorask titan.
The vasari exodus AI packed useless stuff like mobile labs onto its titans and capital ships, so those ships were far weaker than mine. But thanks to the mobile fleet beacon, each of their ships that managed to escape quickly rebuilt a new fleet with titan.
Despite the patch, the Advent Wrath are still the most annoying with their deliverance signal beams. It always hit the planet I was fighting upon with three well timed consecutive deliverance signals.
Lesson learned, you must keep up the pressure against the nightmare level AI and keep destroying all its facilities. Then quickly skeddadle once the AI comes back with a supply-maxed fleet, while I'm still wuzzling around with a mere 1500 supply fleet.
Any new lore in Soase2?
the things chasing the Vasari have now catched and are in the trader sectors, up according to the intro.
But we'll probably only see the "Harbingers" in one or two years.
Oh no, it's gonna be the 3 original factions teaming up against the 4th and defeating it with the power of friendship isn't it?
Ironically only the Vasari Rebels want to do that. TEC Loyalists want to hide behind walls, Advent Rebels want to purge the Advent Loyalists and just not hurt anyone else.
I know that.
Things do change and I'm just guessing that would end up being the plot for the gay story campaign they'll release.
They'll have two gay campaigns.
The first showing how the gay vasari penetrated into gay trader space, andthen the gay advent made it a tete a trois.
The second campaign will be about gay aliens doing gay things to all the gay ones.
You gaylord.
You sound offended by my use of "gay". Maybe you should kill yourself over it?
Sins has always been about how every faction are flawed assholes. It's not noblebright like Starcraft.
Fucking christ, I hate what SC2 did to the story.
I can't wait until all the mods are remade for Sins 2
I want more mods with OC factions like Maelstrom and sins of the fallen.
Do starship artifacts actually work on titans?
When I attach the artifact which gives more hull and armor to my titans for example, it seems that none of those values increase.
>every faction are flawed assholes. It's not noblebright like Starcraft
The Traders did literally nothing wrong
>but muh exile of the Advent
Telling weirdos to move somewhere else instead of actually punishing them isn't wrong and it was generations ago -so the current generation wouldn't be to blame anyway.
Remove Trade Order.
Remove Trade Order.
Remove Trade Order.
Give back desert homeworld now!
Also, transhumanism good, you filthy space jews!
>TEC are the industrialist faction with the best economy
>actually you have the worst economy unless you dump tens of thousands of credits into tradeports
>each port takes TEN MINUTES to pay for itself
>also takes up two of your precious civil orbital slots
>meanwhile your enemies get space magic and huge buffs from cheap 1 slot buildings
TEC really are the most cucked faction in sins2, holy fuck
Don't understand the hate for AI art. Human made art is how you get slop like Concord.
Yeah, if the trade ports only cost 1 logistic slot, this would already greatly help.
Besides it being lazy, AI artwork is completely devoid of humanity, "soul", the je nais se quois etc.
It sounds pretentious but you either get it or you don't really.
propaganda isn't art and the vast majority of what humans make isn't propaganda
They should be way cheaper, or maybe scale - starting cheap and getting more expensive the more you have
If you play TEC you can either build a second capital ship or two tradeposts, it's just stilly
The economy and the speed of the match both need to be fine tuned I think. The point of the Tec is to eco max so that by mid/endgame you can just drown your opponent in an endless swarm of ships. The reality is that everyone's economy is more than enough to maintain their fleets by endgame, and that a lot of matches are decided long before then so there's never really a chance for that idea to come into play anyways. Not to mention that when you lose a late game capital ship the real loss isn't the money and resources but the exp and levels. Late game flooding of lvl 3 ships is pretty shit compared to just having a bunch of lvl 8 ships you never need to replace.
That was my first capital on my first back a decade ago and it was the most complex to boot. Most useless ship in the game.
Sins 2 is fun
Sins 2 is shit
The duality of 4chan
Sins 2 is a mediocre version of Sins 1 and not worth playing

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