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Played battletech and might give the roguetech mod a try once I upgrade to 32gb ram. What other good mech strategy games are out there besides

>into the breach
>the weird one with the time thing
If you're into Japanese stuff the Front Mission 1 and 2 remakes are good. I play them on the Switch while I shit but I think they are on Steam. Just fun building a team of mechs with different roles.
>into the breach
>the weird one with the time thing
Wait, are these not the same thing? Or is there one with an actual time mechanic vs roguelike lore reasoning?
The time one I think is called phantom brigade it’s got a thing like into the breach where you see what the enemy is going to do
Phantom Brigade is such a cool core concept inside an awful game. It's so sad, they clearly made that and then had no idea what to build around it. The campaign layer was so basic and the setting and story were just bland nothing-land. Just like they got bored and gave up and it just kills any desire you have to play the cool combat.
mechcommander is way better than battletech because its real time
There's Kriegsfront Tactics, which is basically turn based tactics with armored core mechs in Vietnam. Main game isn't out but they have a free demo. Playing it right now and it's cool.
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if you like the mechs and the setting of battletech but want more strategy I give you:

I have such a weird thing for the harebrained Battletech game. I can look at it objectively and see that it's flawed and repetitive but every time it's mentioned I wanna start up a new campaign. God I wish they just went on to make an improved sequel. Paradox should have jumped on that shit and offered a good chunk of money for them to stay and make a new one right away.
I played thru battletech and enjoyed my time with it. Finished campaign. I’m not sure why i didn’t fully click with it. I have 500+ hours in MWO, but something about battletech made it a chore to play.

I think I would’ve preferred a clan invasion scenario… something more military and less mercenary where I had more freedom to build lances and customize mechs vs chasing around doing random missions and hoping for cool parts/mechs in shops.

Clan invasion would’ve been cool - bid for missions with other clans based on tonnage, but once you have your tonnage you could do pretty much whatever you want.
Yeah I think for sure it could have used some more complexity and diversity in the types of missions and equipment it had. I think those special missions they added in with the DLC were a great addition and gave you something to aim for to break up the same like 4 missions over and over again. Luckily the modding scene is really good and you have like 3-4 total conversions of varying complexity to play. I played the biggest one and it added too much, so I played the lightest one and that was really nice. Just expanded it to the full Battletech map, let you start anywhere and extended the timeline to cover the start of clan shit. I think I might try one of the other conversions next time I play it.
>I can look at it objectively and see that it's flawed and repetitive but every time it's mentioned I wanna start up a new campaign. God I wish they just went on to make an improved sequel.
Harebrained got greedy, all the games they were making were based on pre-existing IPs which cut in to their profits.
Even though the fans were asking for a BT2 they made the Lamplighters League as a new IP expecting the fans of SR/BT to jump ship with them.
But they forgot that SR/BT are old IP's, the fans have been supporting the franchise for decades through think and thin, they weren't going anywhere and Harebrained didn't respect this.

If Harebrained had stuck to SR/BT they would not have gone under.
Thats just the tabletop game.
I'd want a real campaign that only a GM could provide, doing AI generated random missions isn't appealing, since even BT's random missions are better than MegaMek's contracts.
Not what happened. They wanted to make BT2. Paradox wanted them to make a new IP so they could keep the company, Harebrained was owned not independent. Fuck the lead designer for Harebrained helped make Shadowrun and Battletech back in the 80s, Anon.
>I can look at it objectively and see that it's flawed and repetitive but every time it's mentioned I wanna start up a new campaign.
Because it's still have:
1) Battletech setting (even with plenty asspulls and some questionning writting)
2) Game actually works well with the idea "men means more than mech" and randomizing enemy forces on thje same missionmn (probably one of the best in turn-based tactics/RPGs). With properly trained crews even on starting mechs you can take on Marauder/Archer with escort
yeah, the combat was nice but everything else either missing or barebones
like pilots had not effect on gameplay, pretty much missing feature
maps and mission variety was barebones and repetitive
so on and on
real shame
mechcommander is pretty good, but i've had my fill of 2 spending days sniping cockpits and spending every penny salvaging mechs, you know? Even if it has my boy the Bushwhacker in it.
Roguetech is definitely a winner for me. If you manage to overcome its problems—a shitload of them actually—it’s extremely fun. Battles themselves are okay, but the amount of customization available for mechs is just insane. I spent most of my time in the garage just tweaking different setups and had the time of my life.

Still, barely acceptable performance and ridiculous random encounters prevent me from playing it all the time. After loading into battle for ~5 minutes, fighting for 30 minutes because of lag, only for some random ass reinforcements to appear literally on top of you, with retarded BAs, you just give up.

I just wish they would just abandon Battletech and make simple engine with barebones graphics.
newest version has "story arcs" for campaign gameplay
Yeah it's kind of wild, right? Like people remember the Front Mission games so fondly not just because of the gameplay, but because the setting is so enjoyable. The stories themselves are weak, but intrigue and conflict between possible near future superpowers is just an enjoyable setting for mech games.
Supcom and Total annihilation have armies of mechs
try hyades rim
best battletech campaign mod
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>What other good mech strategy games are out there
front mission 1 and 2 are two of the most unbalanced turn based rpg's i've ever played.

first game you literally get infinite money and exp on the arena, and its seeded so you literally can't lose if you select the same move over and over.

then you buy out every single thing in the store, and weight literally doesn't matter unlike battletech. so you just spam the same short machine guns with max armor and walk right into enemy fire. weight has straight up no penalties and you can upgrade the legs if you have slow movement. in by the fourth mission you already are unkillable even in the max difficulty.

super dumb game, no idea how people could find it fun, if it wasn't for the manga I wouldn't have tried it
I can't remember if it's the same with the first one, but in the second one weight has 2 impacts. You can only have as much weight as you produce energy, so you can't put whatever you want on. Weight also effects mobility and mobility is your chance to hit and chance to dodge. Might also impact move distance. So sometimes it's better to leave lighter mech with less shit strapped to it for dodging hitting big shots. I do remember the first one being very easy though. Second is also very easy and still has infinite money through the coliseum, but I also don't really care about that. I just enjoy putting mechs together and watching them shoot/hit other mechs and hopefully with some story and characters. I have pretty simple tastes.
>Weight also effects mobility and mobility is your chance to hit and chance to dodge.

doesn't matter, having heavier legs gives you a massive ammount of armor and heavier leg parts also make you move more, so ultimately the heavier the mech the better,
also you have infinite dodge since you can simply max out your dodge to 9999 levels from the arenas so thats also irrelevant. 9999 short is available once you get to level 3, which is right from the start, fm 2 also unlocks the arena, i think level 5? can't remember, ether way the game's are a joke, there is practically no strategy involved ether, even without the arena all I see in hard walkthroughs are people cheesing the dodge function.

im pretty sure the second game has arenas too, except its not seeded so the ai would actually be somewhat of a challenge. vs the first game when its free infinite money glitch and infinite exp glitch just fight the same idiot over and over
this is also why "long" is useless in majority of these games, since dodging is just so up same with blocking, if your enemy has a bunch of long you just walk up slowly and spam block or dodge and if you're dodge is higher (which it should be) you're practically invincible, and once youre dodge gets above a certain level you don't even need to block or dodge at the end of your turn you can fire, attack then just auto dodge everything. so this makes strategy moot for the entire game.
>you can simply max out your dodge to 9999 levels from the arenas
I mean this is irrelevant unless you are incredibly autistic. Why would anyone sit there and do that if they already thought the game was easy? But yeah, I'm not disagreeing with you. The game is very unbalanced and not a challenge. I'm not sure that's what they were going for though. It's a Japanese tactics game. I've never seen a balanced one of those. I think they just give you the tools to become busted to see how busted you can get and then attach a story. And yeah Long is completely useless in the game which was definitely annoying.
well the idea is that "the player will optimize the fun away from the game" which is a common thing in game design, this isn't the only game that has this problem, but you can't simply say "well just like don't do that" it would be the same as having darksouls having a baby mode that gives you infinite souls and just telling every one to "not use it"
also the idea is, you don't really need 9999 dodge, in fact just 400 dodge is already enough to dodge most things early game, and by the late game i would have had 2000+ dodge naturally due to how much you spamed it in fights even without grinding.

even without grinding the game is still very cheesy, since the AI is very dumb, every game devolves into you just camping into one corner and waiting for the ai to attack into you,
its like in fire emblem awakenings lunatic plus where you just wait for everyone to attack into frederick, or whatever that archetype of unit is.

so the focus of killing on opponents turn, becomes the norm and that becomes super annoying fast. its one of the reason why sacred stones imo is one of the best balanced fire emblems, and its mostly agreed upon to be one of the most interesting ones that diverges from the rest since its one of the only games where you actually want to kill things on your turn, it promotes an active style of gameplay in these games, vs passively block holding.

vs a passive style, where you hold a choke point with a jacked up unit bait the stupid ai into attacking into them, then use your weakest units to finish them, which is literally exactly how front mission 1 and 2 both play, so even without the grind, its still badly designed.

the only reason to play these is for the story at this point.
Also I know some people will roll their eyes since for some reason larian is hated in this board, but divinity the original sin, and to a lesser extent underrail are two examples that actually solve this issue,
they strongly promote environmental and movement based strategies that force the player to go on the offense, especially underrail, where you only get a single unit *yourself, so when fighting hundreds of people, you literally have to attack extremely aggressively, block holding is just one of the most boring and unfun gameplay style that always happens in games where the kill time for units is extremely high, OR when the game has an extremely high degree of random rng in its hit chance, which discourages offensive play.
I want a mech game similar to synthetik, a real time fast paced isometric shooter with mech mechanics
That must exist already, surely. Brigador is kind of that, but not quite what you're after. But an indie dev has surely done that by now.
I played brigador for 40 hours, its absolutely NOTHING like synthetik, not even close, I would argue hotline miami is closer to synthetik than brigador,

that game is functionally so different, for starters it isn't even a roguelike. but if im going to get into the smaller details.
even disregarding the entire genre, the pace of the game is very different even at the ground level,

the enemies in brigador often times especially in latter of the game, feel like bullet sponges, or more like the structures you need to destroy which becomes a choir, levels take a huge amount of time, and often stealth becomes a factor since you are so powerless in many situations where you end up taking everything super slow. of course you can argue stealth is a thing in hotline miami or synthetik, but its used not as an avenue for defense but for attack, and those games are just much much more fast paced than brigador. theres also alot of customization and perks in synthetik, that you barely see in brigador,

of course ultimately the biggest thing that sets it apart is the firing mechanics, and the movement,

which in my opinion is more comparable to even HADES or bastion than to brigador. synthetik gives you an extremely wide opportunity of movement, and allows your character to move in and out of battle along with fast kill times, vs brigador which many mechs have tank controls, and even the ones that do, they don't give you an ability to avoid fire, or any item abilities etc.

what ends up happening is, is that ultimate most engagements in brigador ends up being long distance engagements or hit and run across the map being chased by a hoard of enemies, while in synthetik or hotline miami your supposed to chase down your enemies across the map in a rhythm.

of course im just getting autistic about this, but I genuinely, wanted to like brigador, but the game felt so tedious and unfun
I sure wish it wasn't just you and me in this thread. You're depressing to talk to.
nah im quite optimistic, its just my despondent way of speech.
I do get the point though, I keep forgetting to consider that people like me who obsess over paradox games or strategy games in general are a particular bunch. I find myself fit in fine with my way of speech
The GOAT, as the kids used to say. Also works fine out of the metaphorical box from GOG. Great mech customization, great battles, every loss feels like a gut punch, every mission feels frightening to a degree. The atmosphere is also great, with the company breathing down your neck from one side and the Cybrids trying to kill you on the other.

The only thing I wish is that there was a similar game in which you could command the human forces during the Cybrid wars on earth.

(Yes I know the Earthsiege games exist, but they were not hex grid, turn based tactics games, and that's what I want. To command scratch infantry squads and shitty reactivated 22nd century tanks and prototype HERCs against the constantly evolving Cybrid threat that is described in the bios of the binders in Cyberstorm)
Ring of red is an alternate history game with shitty WW2 era mechs and combined arms tactics. One of the most unique games I have ever played. Highly recommend checking it out.
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Does it removes picrelated?
They actually just announced that they’re working on a patch that makes pilots matter and reworks the overworld. I might give it another shot when it’s done, last time I tried to play it I lost interest as soon as I remembered it had diablo loot
Oh yeah I just came back to the thread to post it because I have just seen it. Sounds good, might even buy the game if they actually manage to somehow unfuck it

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