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Has anyone played this? if you're a border war enjoyer there aren't exactly a lot of games to choose from
Nice, didn't see Angola 86 came out of EA. Looks way more in depth/wargamey than Vietnam 66 or Afghanistan 11. I'll probably give it a try, though dealing with truck logistics in Afghanistan 11 was already a bit tedious and it looks like this amps it up even more so with entire truck logistics/maintenance hubs.
Also for anyone who isn't aware, the game dev Johan is South African and I believe actually fought in the Bush War.
Pic rel is the schedule for upcoming games, no idea how he's going to handle the troubles but I don't think there has ever been a game about it so that's pretty based.
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>Northern Ireland
its a bit janky but quite a lot of fun and if you run into any serious issues you can always just email Johan and he will likely fix them within a week or two. the actual difficulty comes from having to juggle a bunch of balls without dropping any or the whole thing comes crashing down, its very puzzle-like
I lost so hard the hearts and minds flag switched USSR, which I didnt even know could happen, and I accidentally ended the angolan civil war ahead of schedule

Botha-sama, I failed you...
>I come from a military family, my father was a submariner, my brother an officer in the Army Special Forces and I was a Lieutenant in the South African Marines. I have been playing wargames and generally all sorts of board games since my early teens. I started with Squad Leader and progressed from there. I decided to leave the military as we were always going to win the battle war but lose the political war.
Wonder what he's thinking about current South Africa.
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Ian Smith Sensei... I will avenge you
>We finally get to control a rhodesian fireforce in a videogame
really cool
The Dev is the only one making counter-insurgency games
>Any of those wars
This line of thinking is precisely why Rhodesians lost them all
incompetent rhodies cant hold belfast any more than they can herat because they keep falling for the COIN meme
the game is being updated very fast

I suppose boomer-sama is on a breakneck schedule to get it done before he moves on to northern ireland
Ah, was just looking for a thread on this. Am playing it properly for the first time right now. It's fantastic. Loved Vietnam 65, enjoyed Afghanistan 11 but thought it didn't quite come together. Now that it's just about all patched up I would say Angola 86 is the expanded Vietnam 65 Afghanistan 11 was meant to be.

That feeling of elegant functionality is back, the game isn't tedious or maddening. You can do what feel like very complex and elaborate things with the game without feeling like you're straining against it.

They fixed the Afghanistan problem of optimal play involving infinite unit buildup. You now have a logistical capacity of max units per sector (which is generous, you won't feel bound by it), but you have a fleet of trucks who aren't bound to the sector unit cap who have good capacity, can travel super easily on roads, and are deployed from their own menu. The idea is that you just watch sector base supplies and load up and deploy a truck as needed. And you can just hit a button to have the truck drive back to the home edge of the map to be redeployed again.

Sorry if I've explained that poorly, but it's nothing like the 50 truck hellscape of Afghanistan 11. You'll be lightly managing 5 trucks for the most part.

And yes Johan is a very cool guy who is very responsive to feedback. I just started playing today because a particular graphical glitch only I was having got patched (I'm probably why they now just render the soldiers in the mrap).

Most of it's just one-off bugs cropping up and being hit one at a time. I imagine all of these games were in progress at once. Johan says he has a team now, but isn't too specific beyond that.
I didn't realise he was making a Northern Ireland game. Based.
If i cant send in loyalist death squads to pogrom c*tholics then its a refund
Its pretty fun, the core gameplay loop is satisfying and frustrating. Its got a lot of jank in it though since he doesnt have the publisher behind him anymore, but he's pushing out updates quite regularly. Too much of the UI elements (movement limits, enemy tracks) are yellow which gets lost against the background, and ive noticed weird CPU usage particulalry when helicopters are involved.

Feels satisfying though taking the fight into Angola against SWAPO and FAPLA on behalf of the white man. I'm keen to see how Northern Ireland '74 goes, I grew up in Londonderry so am looking forward to mogging taigs. Unfortunately from looking at the steam page it looks like a good portion of the game is about the peacekeeping element of Operation Banner rather than IRA smashing. He could probably make a Bosnia game using a similar mechanic around stopping the AI factions from killing eachother.
eggsplain please
rhodesians lost in angola, northern ireland and vietnam because they didn't understand they weren't actually counter-insurgency conflicts, >>1845475 is pretty clear
yes, but what kind of conflicts were they? and what should have they done differently
reminder rhodesians never lost a battle
niggers had to pretend that a humiliating defeat was ackchyually a war crime and that whitey massacred a refugee camp for shits and giggles
>northern ireland
>never lost a battle
>lost rhodesia anyway
that is even more shameful
foreign supported race wars
>no yugoslav-albanian border war of '54
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Finished my first game. Battered the absolute hell out of SWAPO, had some interesting times trying to keep UNITA alive, blew up a fair bit of FAPLA, and found the UN handover interesting. This empty and damaged vehicle was about to be repaired when the fixing crew had to go home. A built up SWATF and the odd spread of UN peacekeeping units held on and got me a decisive victory.

Before this two sittings playthrough I had a few aborted attempts that were more like tests and bug-hunts. Johan says my fucked up save files led to a few sort of serious issues being fixed. I would say that the game is at what 1.0 should have been now. You can play the game end to end and probably not break in any serious way. And if you do, tell Johan. He fixes stuff fast. Most of the big bugs are probably gone now.

Really fun game. I love just looking at it in action. The way your guys spread out over the territory and move back and forth. Some people don't like how these look. I love them all.
Bros, I fucking love when a dev pumps out good games every year twice a year
When you end the game you get a message that says decisive or marginal defeat or victory, and has one of four flags displayed

Its exactly what the bare minimum looks like, and I need a chud fantasy writeup for how southwest is now an integral state of the republic
oh my i gotta see what this is about

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