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So I'm getting into Kaiserredux and having a blast. First played as the KKK in the U.S., then AOG in China, and now Outer Heaven in Africa. What are some other must-playthroughs? Kaiserreich fans welcome to post in this thread, too (with note: why do all reworks in the past 1-2 years just seem like pure politics-wank without any fun gameplay? Ireland, Ukraine, etc..).
>why do all reworks in the past 1-2 years just seem like pure politics-wank without any fun gameplay?
Kaiserreich in particular. At least TNO is kind of built around visual novel politicswank. Kaiserreich has been awful, and I think the Ireland update fucking sucked dick, and the team should feel bad about wasting energy devoted to it.
National France, UoB counter Revolution, Ireland, Russia, Czechia, all fun nations to play
man, I was so dissapointed when I first started up Kaiserreich for DH. I was expecting something much more realistic, what I got was Prussiaboo wishful thinking and using historical figures as puppets to tell stories.
I get 2nd American Civil War and balkanized Italy may be fun from a gameplay perspective, but like it just pulls me out of it before I ever get into it to begin with.
Return of the Mongol Empire, Lovecraft America and Horthy the Pirate King.
He is AuthDem in KX, no idea what you are talking about. Pelly is SocCon.
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He is NatPop in vanilla KR and switches to AuthDem only if he reaches a compromise with the establishment.
Pro-russian Finland
>all reworks in the past 1-2 years just seem like pure politics-wank without any fun gameplay
Holy fucking braindead!
because the south is le bad
>win civil war was wholesome, democratic Pacific States
>while banning race mixing
I love this mod
Hearst my beloved
>Prussiaboo wishful thinking
Uh yeah that’s the premise of the mod.
He was NatPop in hoi2 kaiserreich ffs
>Irish rework creator detected
Your work fucking sucks and is an embarrassment.
dead mod
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Play Wrangel democratic Russia.
I don't play literally who nations
>playing Wrangel
>going Democreatic
>once again proven to be the copycat and stealing Denikin's ideas
He trully is Nigger Baron.
No, the premise of the mod was "what if the white army won the Russian civil war". Everything else is to justify Russia not being commie in ww2.
I enjoy white ruthenia/kryvia.
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I tried to play as democratic Russia without declaring any wars but Germany declared on me and got fucked, idk why they would do that instead of focusing on France
The KR team has designed themselves into a corner. Consider that in KR everything hinges around germany, black monday, and the second weltkrieg. While vanilla has gone too far with ahistorical superstates that could never happen in any reality the premise of some ahistorical wiggle room being important remains. In vanilla ww2 doesn't have to kick off when germany attacks poland. It happens when any bloc attacks something under the protection of another bloc. KR is unfun with some exceptions because it needs to be static for the narrative to work.
Ukraine does have gameplay thoughbeit. You have to carry the Eastern Front against Russia. Or if you're playing Socialist, you have to fight along your entire border against both Russia and Germany. There's even a secret path where Germany dies, you kill the International solo, and you create the UN. I agree with Ireland though. You can get 100 factories pretty easy but you can't escape your cuck box because Britain always has naval dominance.
He's a national populist because ideology is a complete meme in KR and the devs don't actually know anything about Long. National populist is meant to be far right but Long was left wing, arguably far left (by American standards) irl.
Long was a populist. That makes him natpop.
It's more just an easy box to fill. Natpop is the fourth corner of the square of the us civil war and reed already inhabits the left portion. It would be kind of imbalanced if after winning long could flip to the internationale.
man i really dont know how to play this game how tf do u only have 2 casualties??
I played kx like I play TNO, I made every country go pro-russian in country paths.
>KR, play Argentina
>focuses give you objectives to annex most of South America (and eventually Central America and the US if they went syndie)
>do so
>have to pay in PP and stability to keep them annexed for as long as I keep them annexed
Why? I might be able to pay the PP, but the stability is too much, as that doesn't replenish.
Because it is not an annex wargoal, it is just wargoal. It has only one type of wargoals. If KR or KX want you to annex something directly they would give you claims or cores. Stop being retarded and seething obvious things.
It lets me core certain places, and only after they have a certain resistance/compliance value. Releasing the countries but keeping the cores results in border gore.
>the goals of irl national leaders and parties are le bordergore
Yes, it's retarded that a country has completely unconnected territories randomly sprinkled in the middle of a completely different sovereign nation. It's like having New York and Illinois being Mexican territory but the rest of the US is still the US.
Post map or gtfo, Argentina only annexes Uruguay, bit of Paraguay and I think Rio Del Sul. There are no bits locked within another nation.
Okay, yes, but like it just feels like some of it just too much of a stretch to take even remotely serious.
Long is basically what I mean when I say "historical figures made into puppets to tell stories."

If nothing is based in reality then what the fuck is the point? They weren't thinking about what would make a cool video game when they drafted the treaty of versailles. I think it would be more fun to follow a more logical and rational line of thinking and then work with what you have afterwords. IMO that would create more interesting scenarios to play out then just what some Prussiaboo wants to happen.
Did France not declare war on Germany? That's never happened to me before. Usually they declare in 1939.
I fucking hate redditors so much.
Worse than redditors is redditor devs.
>normal religion
It is literally a Millenarian cult that believed that this world cycle is nearing its end.
How are you supposed to beat Russia as Transamur in KX? The slog through Siberia is insane. Even giving myself unlimited manpower, infantry guns, and artillery and I'm finding myself only advancing a few provinces every 6 months. How this would be possible in a "normal" playthrough, I have no idea.
You can get alliance with Dutov in Alash or Vlasov in Don. You can also wait until Russia attacks Germany. But in general, it is difficult, and is sort of supposed to be miracle victory.
So a normal religion
I'm only being half facetious. I jumped to the bottom and thought the long debate somehow got off onto a tangent about evangelical christianity before I scrolled up for the context about how it was just a different flavor of the same.

kinda cringe for sure, although the rework does look pretty good.
Didn't you get the memo? It's only bad when it's KR that removes fun paths
Force the Russian Civil war to happen in the country paths.
>Here's your Roter Morgen bro
How do I do basically anything as Netherlands? I don't have enough dudes.
>oh look, a new update
>did they rework the boring old 2nd American Civil War?
>did they rework Russia?
>how about France, Union of Britain?
>oh.. they added yet another china update
What the FUCK is with their hardon for that place?
Crusader Malta
Totalist Malta
Hobart UoB
Monarchist PSA
Monarchist New England
Kraut Turkey
Totalist CAR
Totalist Tibet
Monsoc Transamur
Civvie modo + battleplans + alt-tab
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Codreanu bros we are so back
Legio aeterna vitrix!
home come ?
>cadets of the guards school starts to play
he doesnt have a border also notice the zero collab if not its just tankspam
>only advancing a few provinces every 6 months
thats literally what supposed to be
once you get instant perma ban from kx subreddit for posting goebbels you come to realize how based the submod really is
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I ain't touching KR until the Russian rework
and then after that I ain't touching KR until the Canada rework
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Just play KX, it has both.
>trollface world tension
you ruined the screencap with that sharty garbage
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I thought this formable was a meme but I found out it existed irl
Git trolled, I love that thing starring at me.
Yeah president Yuan Shikai proclaimed himself emperor and then half the country rose up in revolt. So he tried to walk it back but then ended dying of kidney failure or smth
>did they rework the boring old 2nd American Civil War?

? its finished. What else could they do that wouldnt end up like TNO rework hell
Because that's the only ideology the game has regarding populism. And Long most certainly was a populist, raving against Wall Street, supporting "the little man" etc. And he was nati9nalist, because he didn't yap about international solidarity or whatever
It's boring.
Is Canada any good though? the focus tree looks nice, I like the idea of the sabotage operations against the british syndie fleet
The democratic side forms the League of Nations after the war, but it is kinda shit because everyone says no to whatever you want to do.
The autocratic side and forming the Imperial Federation is very fun.
Does Hans Litten make a wacky cameo in any mod? I so wish there was one where he got to be Hitler's defence lawyer.
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how is it boring retard try to hold out as union you get constant naval invasions out of nowhere while both commie scum and californian republic anally rapes you
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>Try to play Alaska
>This happens
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Major power everyone
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Do you really have just 19 divisions covering the whole Canadian border?
Are you retarded? That's AI
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If I had a penny for every time I reunified USA under libertarians I would have two pennies
what do you mean thats ai? like the image is made from ai? wtf
The frontlines are made by bot, hence why they are blue you retard
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Vozhd sisters... How do we even respond ?
New Australasia content dropped in Kaiserredux. Is this more evidence that KX >>> KR?
On one hand, bloated mod that actually adds content. On the other, regular mod that forgot places other than China exist.
Basically a toss up.
it would be good if there was a desillyification mod
That's what they're doing to KX itself
All the Roter Morgen content's getting removed in an update or two
There isn't even any actual silly paths. They are all a meme paths that you have to activate yourself as the player.
Stop repeating dumb stuff claimed by butthurt people.
>what are game rules
Rotermorgen is shit though.
Perhaps so, but it's sovlful
>playing as the KKK is fun, but playing as Ukraine is too political!
Severe brainrot.
The issue with Ukraine is that all the paths besides Skoropadskyj are boring. Oh and Khruschev. Like the most you do is just retake the border regions you don't own at the start, regardless of ideology. I wish there were different potential borders to achieve. Or having some cooler ways to reshape the map. And just in general the paths are kinda bland, regardless of which ideology you go down.
It just is so bland compared to the insanity of different Russian paths.
Honestly since Rotermorgen is so well liked, I was always hoping for someone else to pick it up and make it playable, but it seems like aside from Überreich no proper attempts have been made.
>They are all a meme paths that you have to activate yourself as the player.
I saw the AI form the meme lovecraft new england on my last playthrough
That is not a meme. That is a normal path.
What's the biggest Germany I can make in Kaiserredux? Cored land of course.
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Holy shit.. maybe I should play Germany in Kaisrredux. I thought it was just the same as regular KR. Is there a gay ass card game for black friday?
fuck you faggot, you are part of the problem
Not right now, although Germany is getting a rework too.
Australasia in KR/KX ultimately is in such a boring position that no wonder it's taken years for it to be updated. I just tried a game of it in KX, and the strategic position is a bore, unless you go against the Entente by DOWing GEA.
nta, but it's not a meme path. an actual meme path would be crusader poland, biden's america, or another similar mod.
>descended from the palaeologi
>can't form the byzantine empire
what's the point
"everything needs le epin plausability" simp please go and ruin another good mod with your bullshit
>its finished

They need to finish that mc Arthur balkanization path. I wanna play some of those tags
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India rework cancelled in KR. All other countries that aren't China to follow.
My god... they need to do SOMETHING with India, FFS
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True, I am still hoping for Theosophist path for India.
So whose idea was it to make Lovecraft a major path in New England? It's lame as fuck.
His cat's. What what its name?
Finally... They can give the RightKMT paths the devtime they deserve...
>Over the past two years, a separate team composed almost exclusively of Texan developers has been tasked with creating content related to the Western Command Centre (WCC) for our mod. Recently, we've had to navigate significant changes in the development (GitHub) version of the mod due to actions taken by these developers. These actions include altering states to be Texan-owned and engaging in contentious discussions about "Western Federalist's rightful territory," such as Aurora, Colorado. More recently, a heated dispute arose over the status of the El Paso frontier (also known as the Rio Bravo's northern bank or the Northern Pass). The Texan developers initially proposed that these islands be WCC-owned, then claimed them as core territory of the Western Command Center. Our Californian developer rightfully refused this proposition due to historical inaccuracies.

>This refusal led to further arguments, with jokes and sarcastic remarks exchanged between developers being taken out of context and posted on California forums (AnaheimKlan.org), where they were misrepresented to portray our team as anti-Texan and apologists for the Caliphornia Emirate. As a result, several members of the Texan team were banned from the mod. In an attempt to reach a compromise, we agreed that the frontier would be claimed by the United States, owned by the WCC until 1938, and later designated as a Texan demilitarized zone. Additionally, we conceded to recognising them as a core territory of the Western Federalists in the upcoming 1939 start date. However, all other compromise proposals were immediately rejected by the Texan team, which led to the situation devolving into racist remarks and insults directed at our Californian developer as well as our Polish developers. The situation escalated to include threats of sabotage to the mod files and baseless threats of legal action against us on Steam.

Lol KX is collapsing
cope harder KRtranny
>KX problems
>just some texans fucking around
>KR problems
>leak of any new interesting content
>when it does come out, all China
inferiority complex on display
>Texans and Californians in the dev team
It was inevitable. It's like having Californians and Arizonans. Or Californians and Floridians. Or Californians and other Californians. Damn those Californians! They ruined California!
This is why we need the Asiatic Exclusion League. To rally California against the common enemy.
California IS the common enemy. Also, how does the 2ACW work in KX if there are so many more breakaways?
WCC usually caps instantly to AUS and PCA. Everything else is sort of a prolonged slog without player intervention, because of the bonuses spam that the breakaways get.
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Rathenauplan or Plan Tarnow-Baade?
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Big announcement from the KR team. Instead of giving Hungary content, they are reworking Denmark.
>KR doing something other than China
>he is expecting a Hungarian content
The Austria will get content before that is ever gonna happen.
Which it really needs it, because a lot of central European content is tied to it. This also reflects in KX, where playing as Czechs is just not fun, because of how shit Austria is.
FUCKING HELL. How the fuck did they find a more boring country than fucking Ireland for which to release a rework. Now we get to pick exciting socdem, etc., political choices for Denmark!! I'm so fucking tired of the politicswank in all of their recent reworks. FUCK the devs, give us the Russia rework.
Be glad it's not another China rework.
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Can't believe how many of you above fell for obvious bait based on CWIC's Chinky incident. Fucking "these islands be WCC-owned", of El Paso.
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>le sigh
>why didn't my fellow oldfags understand a discord troon inside joke
So we will never see China again? Good fucking riddance. Now rework Germany already you bastards.
This is part of the Russia rework dumbass, remember how some minor nations got revamped along with Germany? This is how kaiserreich updates are done you fucking dumbass troglodyte, and yes it is confirmed it's Russia, one of the devs slipped up on discord, it's been since deleted of course but everyone knows it
AFAIK the entire Habsburg monarchy is getting reworked, so it's likely they will get released together
Minor Mondays aren't big announcements, dummy baka anon
>Denmark rework means Russia rework
No, anon, Denmark rework is actually China rework and maybe, MAYBE, removing Denmark themed songs and calling that a Denmark rework.

>it's been since deleted of course but everyone knows it
Really? Do you have any idea how false that sounds?

>Habsburg monarchy
Will we get to continue to mystify Christiandom?
The 2WT just starts. There's no rumours of border conflicts, no political drama or worsening relationships, no rumours of troop movement near the German-French borders. There's just normality and nothing happening, then total world war a few hours later.
And the war isn't just a conflict between Germany and France, they all call on their respective blocs immediately, as if the Third Internationale had conducted joint military exercises or was designed to either stop or start aggressions with the Reichspakt.
>>1863214 (Me)
There's not even proxy wars to test the waters, as it may be. South America could be ripe for this, as Argentina already starts in a state of hostility with a Syndie faction. I know there are foci that let you approach either the Reichspakt or the Entente, but I think it should be the other way around. They should see you fighting a Syndie faction and they both covertly offer you support, knowing that you can only accept one faction and you'll have to stick with it.
Considering how ideologically opposed those nations are, the border would literally be guarded the entire time. It is not some surprising war, it is a war that Germans and French have been preparing for all those years.
You literally do. There is the Argentinian proxy war, the Balkan War, whatever happens in China if it kicks off early, Mittelafrican chaos if it collapses and ACW.
But there's still no worsening of relationships or abnormal troop movements or buildup at the border, or denouncing the obvious interventions from each faction in those wars. There's no 'spark' that gets the powder keg going.
Didn't their use to be events like that? I remember an event chain about France and Germany shelling each others borders
>There's no 'spark' that gets the powder keg going.
There is though. That is France demanding the return of Alsace.
what's the point of Japan in KR? it has zero enemies and can basically do whatever the fuck it wants like a giant gorilla. it's OTL Japan on steroids
Invade China, or defend Korea from China.
aren't you gated behind WWII starting before you can do China stuff
I don't think so? Sooner or later you will get drawn into China, and I don't think you have to wait for WW2. In fact, I don't think WW2 majorly affects the region at all.
>make a heavy tank, maxed out armor
>infantry with rifles still does half damage against it
Ah yes, I love having a Maus killed because a bunch of dudes with bolt action rifles shot it a bunch of times.
they've probably researched antitank rifles
That should still not be enough to kill a HT with max armor. They'd need dedicated AT battalions, support or otherwise, or tank destroyers, or CAS with armor piercing bombs
Tanks aren't invulnerable wunderwaffe weapons, Heavy tanks are notorious for getting stuck on terrain and some well placed explosives on an immobile tank would be enough to atleast disable it.
Fucking shit I played this again and it's still bad
It's kinda funny that Kaiserreich's idea of making the mod not feel like it's still 2016 is just aping TNO like 4 years after the trend faded
The core of Kaiserreich gameplay is also just pretty clearly outdated and makes it not fun to actually do.
KX content is nice but having to slog through <no matter what you do you need to do a world conquest with the same exact players every time because it's wholly static>, <countries hae story but it never leads anywhere>, and <getting more and more countries as things go on> of KR gives me cancer.
Newer better mods adopt a completely different approach to things than KR does.
This is a pasta you fucking retards.
Indeed, but in the HoI4 (and related) context, a bunch of dudes with Mosin Nagants and grenades shot a Maus and the Maus died.
Guess that's what Stalinium rounds do.
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>play as Argentina
>start the war against the FOP
It's hard, but doable

>Chile joins in
That's... a bit excessive.

>the entirety of the 3I joins in

>Paraguay declares
Who balanced this? Shit is impossible. I might as well play as the fucking Vatican.
I don't want to say skill issue but the AI does it 99% of the time...
Just use Naval invasion instacap on Chile, Paraguay gets btfo'd by Bolivia usually, and FOP is just a grindfest.
>Naval invade Chile
The Chilean navy is bigger than mine if I recall, and the ARA doesn't have the range to reach Santiago, let alone Antofagasta. I'd naval invade the FOP if it did anything, but they keep fighting because Chile isn't capped.
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>4channer complains about how it's hard to win as the second strongest nation in South America while I'm trying to restore Turan as Kumul
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Ok now this is EPIC
Oh boy I love having entire wars decided by whether the enemy capital has one or two divisions sitting on it! Totally something in my control, yes? Skill issue and etc.
>try commie china in kaiserredux bc hear Chiang is playable
>play the entire game
>discover that Chiang doesn't even get a focus tree, he's just available as a meme at the very end of the totalist path
>got baited into playing the best kaiserreich-related content
But he does get his own focus tree. It is just a small branch bbut he has it.
Played Shanxi last night, and man is it a well made country with ACTUAL content, not bullshit content like commie china.
>played the province with yan'an
Still commie...
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>Denmark rework is about China
The China team is the only thing keeping KR alive with this update rate.
Every other team takes years, Russia and UoB/France still have not been updated. Makes WW2+WW3 completely stale.
Can't they have the China team do something other than China?

>Denmark is full of historical inaccuracies and mischaracterization
Can't they have anyone do anything?
China is the only fun modern content in KR so that makes sense
It's the ONLY modern content in KR. It's getting to the point where I'd rather play KX, at least they get updates that aren't China
I literally did do that because I played LKMT for the tenth time and wanted to retry it
It's okay but it's still shit because the core is still KR with its 2016 ass mechanics
>Can't they have the China team do something other than China?
They refuse to.
I'd rather have that over nothing but China.
Russia rework in KR when?
It's mostly done, most paths are being tested and bugs being fixed, but some paths either don't have post war content yet or it needs serious expansion before they can be tested, when Germany was in the same place it came out a month and a half later, but in Russia' case their is significantly more post war content(about 120ish focuses across all paths with some shared stuff) it'll likely be closer to 200 when all is said and done so I'd say a February-Marsh release is likely
How does it compare against KX's Russia rework?
Canada rework in KR when? they should just steal most of the KX tree
Post war as in WW2 or civil war?
>most of the KX tree
That's called the KR tree isn't it
WW2, I don't think russia is going to have a civil war, it already doesn't.
>let's do a chinese civil war if the radicalists get too powerful
>omg great idea, sounds cool!
>yeah, and we'll have it narrative-driven
>omg brilliant!
what were the commie chi devs thinking
idk that most people are in it for the narrative now
look at modern mods with 99% railroaded wars and no justifying
am i misremembering or did Germany use to occupy Crete in a really old version of KR?
i also remember the SRI being in the south for some reason
I believe Crete was true? But SRI being south was real for sure
Not even close
Canada has a unique tree in KX? I might have to play it..
it's huge. one part that needs to be transplanted to KR is the UoB navy sabotage operations it's just such a neat idea
Must've misremembered
I thought only the post UK liberation was different
It is unironically one of the best ones, you can form NATO, recreate the British Empire, you could even make the Kanadian Klan rule.
I remember them owning the Suez
Ya fucker made me do Arthurian Edward
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I'm Willy's top guy
I missclicked, I didn't want to give you a you, fuck you
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>invite japan to entente
>they join
>it just doesn't work
>not even the toolpack can fix it
what the sigma
i managed to fix it in the save file
Well it was fun until the inevitable Kaiserreich mega world war in 1945+ which is cancer
While not technically a civil war their are several possible factions that can rise up during WW2 depending on your choices, but its not guaranteed any of them will, although the revolt replacing Transamur tends to happen in like 80% of playthroughs
>6 years in KR development
>France/Britain STILL not being worked on
>play as a Reichspakt country
>Mitteleuropa option
>pick the choice that seems to have the most votes a bit less than a week before the pick
Britain rework is fairly far along, its France that is fucked in terms of development. iirc there was a mention on how the devs are waiting for all the core 3I members to be reworked rather than release them individually.
>Newer better mods
Such as?
>play one of Germany's bitches
>surprised when Germany fucks you
Rather be Germany's bitch than France's or Canada's.
Okay Hans
That is because KR sucks at portraying the ambitions of a lot of these Eastern European leaders. Because yes, they did want to ally with Germany. However, the irl idea was to use the Imperial resources to industrialize, build up, use the Germans to gain some lands and then betray the Germans. It sucks that neither KR nor KX simulate this properly.
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>new totalist path for Haiti
>Haiti doesn't have the ability to use zombies or to use less civs for civilian consumption at the cost of manpower (this represents the populace eating dudes)
>Logistics company replaced with BBQ company
>hospital company replaced with necromancers
The AI is unironically broken for that mechanic, wait until there's one day left and then pick the most voted option.
>get through unholy slog because bulgaria gets A FUCKING 0% SURRENDER CAP
Can we execute all of the kaiserreich developers and throw them into a mass grave?
>try Denmark
>it's boring and shit just like one would guess
what were they fucking thinking... denmark before norway/sweden? go fuck yourselves, devs
Kaiserreich is a mod which isn't played in HOI4, but played on social media.

The mod itself is mindnumbingly boring. Kaiserreich isn't a game people play. It's something they prop up on the shelf to be admired as this platonic ideal of what modders can do (and move branded merchandise). But beneath the autism and alt-his wank, there isn't much fun gameplay. The lack of schizo AI can be a benefit: you don't have to naval invade Australia to win WWII, watch Germany and the Soviet Union start WWII over Stalin chimping out over Puyi, or stare at the nightmarish bordergore after the war. But there is no dynamism in KR either. The same things happen in the same way. The gameplay loop is:
>reading focuses
>reading the events which come with the focuses
>reading Discord/Reddit for what effect this event will have and whether it will lock you out/act as a trap
The most enjoyment in the game comes from sending volunteers to foreign wars, a byproduct of having multiple regional wars before the big one kicks off in 1939. That or the US civil war, or unifying China, etc.

For this reason, the threads rapidly descend into off-topic shit, drama, and schizo shitflinging because to discuss gameplay, you have to actually play the game.
Play KX instead.
KR's problem is that it was made in 2016 and never improved, there's a reason basically no mod does what they do regarding gameplay anymore
>play kaiserreich
>milquetoast focus trees that are the same as they were during launch
>basically zero associated focus events
>short descriptions
>do nothing until 1940
>the same set of wars with the same participants as always boot up
>do a quick war to accomplish your goals
>whoops now you have to do a world conquest because no scripted peaces and each faction is intercontinental
>do the world conquest
>whoops you forgot about another intercontinental faction
>whoops the puppet system makes it so there are more countries now than at the beginning each yielding tens of divisions so your game fucking burns at 3fps
>all this to not event get an event about you just vanquishing the biggest countries in the world
>repeat for every playthrough
KX only fixes the shitty focuses so it's also kinda crap for all the same other reasons. I think mods went too hard in the other direction of railroading every war but KR is just eugh.
Can I do that in KR or is it just a Kaiserredux thing?
>there's a reason basically no mod does what they do regarding gameplay anymore
World Ablaze is garbage.
Such are the woes of the very top. There's nowhere else to go.
Get a better computer, I have no issue with lag until 1947/8
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one of the better chinese unifications i have done, i tried to unify all mongol territories and whatever i viewed as "indochina." the name is kind of interesting as well since China used to be known as "Cathay" at some point and some say it simply meant Scythia.
What country should I play if I want navy fights? Faction doesn't really matter.
>the name is kind of interesting as well since China used to be known as "Cathay" at some point and some say it simply meant Scythia.
Китaй is the Russian name for China
anon this is a joke
it is not describing a real event
Okay, finished up a Denmark game. I went Totalist and joined France and opened up a northern front against Germany. This ended up being a fun game, but I can't see how any other non-Syndicalist route would be fun, especially these days when Germany wins most of its wars. Even if you increased France/UoB's strength, there are far more fun countries to play as to support Germany than Denmark, which ultimately has limited everything.

It's fucking stupid, though, that in order to side against the king in the constitutional crisis (which leads to the commie path), you HAVE to win the economic crisis. Makes no sense. I lost the economic crisis in my first game, and two years later discovered I could only side with the king during the constitutional crisis. There simply was no option for siding against him. Dumbest shit, and it shows a real flaw in the development of this POS country.
>l-kmt event lists twenty literally-who chinese politicians in a row and three choices on which of the 18 factions will gain influence
Nigga I'm 8 beers deep
don't worry, none of it matters. SURPRISE LOL
>Can't they have the China team do something other than China?

The China team only wants to work on China, they arent employees that you can shift around, the content that people want to work on, gets reworks

Thats why India is untouched, no one likes India
I'm surprised that there are literally no pajeets around willing to work on India.
pajeets dont play grand strategy games

actually i dunno what they play

But besides that, the major issue with content in places like India, is that irl these places were pretty rigid, and coming up with alt his content for them is essentially writing extreme fanfiction

On the flop side, China was practically made for something like Kaiserreich because the country was already in chaos irl at this time, and theres many characters around that could viably become important with some minor changes in events
Yeah it doesn't matter because I didn't make the right metagame choices and now the war's impossible LOL XD ANOTHER 5 HOUR PLAYTHROUGH DOWN THE DRAIN I LOVE EPIC REALISM GLUCK GLUCK GLUCK
I cant wait for my first strat bomber to be done producing
>NatPop is now green for no reason
wow libshitarian just like me :)
Isn't that just for Russians? It makes sense there considering Sav and Gorgulov were using the green irl. Only thing better would be purple for Gorgulov.
uh you're forgetting darkest hour so try like 2011 anon
not only does it form the basis for much of the content but some older stuff is directly from the DH version, india and iberia for instance are basically the DH setup with some small tweaks
Green makes a lot more sense than brown, wish it was a slightly less saturated shade of green though
Both do, Brown makes sense for Western fascists (minus Ireland) and Green makes sense for the Eastern fascists.
Here's the Russian rework KR video.


Please do not laugh at the troon trying to implement the fruits of their voice training.
>the third russia
>Savinkov is Hitler
>Russia was the only thing KX had over KR
>Now even Russia is going to be better in KR
And yet neither KX or KR have done anything for UoB+CoF other than add meme paths.
Counterrevolution UOB are not meme paths, retard.
And Jacobins/Sorelians are not either, they literally expanded those compared to KR.
alcoholic has an insane skill issue caught on camera
not really. there were no brown or blackshirts in KR. Legionaries in romania are green, ANI in italy are green, Savinkov is green. its a nice little world building choice i like it
blackshirts are literally a thing in Britain
Why would KR timeline fascists want to associate with the colors of one of the 2 paramount socialist powers
Because Mosely Britain is literally just Red Fascism.
Yes and both the mosley and mussolini blackshirts in the KR timeline are firmly in the international syndicalist camp and have their own ideology. Those movements in KR that get sorted into national populism want nothing to do with them, and in Romania, Russia, Italy, Serbia, Egypt, Brazil and probably Hungary eventually, all use green
why would Brazilian integralist monarchist and Russian reactionary anti-communist want to associate themselves with a patriotic flavor of syndicalism
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Chinabros, our greatest struggle ever will now commence
>actually i dunno what they play
pubg mobile
>can't recruit vampires as Romania, even after taking Transylvania
Is this a bug?
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Does Two Sicilies going Radical Socialist and joining CoF's non-agression pact soft lock me from uniting Italy? Is there a way to diploannex them if they have a similar government?
you do have vlad ţepeş as your leader, right anon?
yeah, you just need press ~, type "annex sic" without the quotes, and press enter
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When is the KR Russia coming out?
2 weeks
Is there any path where every nation becomes Christian that isn't playing as Padre Pio?
>play ukraine
>get bolbochan's authority on top
>try to abolish the monarchy
>get couped by hrekiv
If anyone is curious,
Russia Rework:Before the end of the Year, it will drop buggy and unplayable if they have to
Austria/Internationale reworks: I'm telling you right now neither of these are happening next year
Norway:On Pause
Georgia: Actually Good, Maybe next year?
ChinaReich: If you can name a Chinese political group From the warlord period there's a decent chance someone is working on it in some way, RKMT next year Worse then LKMT but still pretty good, Yes There will be a Communist Path eventually but not what you think, Federalists Are boring as fuck, There might be a Non-Qing Monarchy Path down the line buts it's purely theoretical, Fengitan will remain shit for a while longer
Spain: Definitely not happening next year, I can smell the desire to Rewor
"Secret Reworks": Greece Revamp Washington being worked on at some point but is in limbo, Italy stuff is in design talks, probably downscaled to Revamp of Sicily/Papal State, Entente Rework will probably Be Canada, Australia and some UK stuff, And no Dev is touching America beyond Modernization EVER

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