anyone have the patched data packs so the game runs a little less shit?
>>1844705https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XQU8k8XVAA> Last night, the crying of the fanboys kept me awake...and I had a terrible vision. I saw the fall of our franchise: low budget remasters under a harsh sun... Historical Total War, gone! Why would CA send such a vision? They are not cruel; they have watched over us. We have had victories aplenty in game awards. Our community sail to all corners of the forums. Yet even now, I fear. I cannot help it. We are the envy of mobile gamers. They tell terrible lies about us. They do not understand, so they lie. But the Warhammer fanboys, they are the masters of falsehood. New Historical Total War will come, I am sure of it. So. I will have no more false visions...and I think the fanboys will be quiet tonight.
>>1844705I think I will need to get back to it. Which barbarian nations is the most fun to play? And I know, why not Romans. Just want to play some barbs.
>>1845666Visigoths or Vandals for me
>>1845666If you are going to play the non-human factions, might as well just go and play Warhammer.But digits checks out on why you want to be a barbarian.
>>1845666The ostrogoth or the visigoth
>>1845666Francseither stay and build an Empire slowley or go fuck it we ball and rape Rome
>>1845666the alans, of course>you're OP as fuck>huns hate you>romans hate you>germans will learn to hate you
>>1844705Oh cool, the Attila thread's back. I need to get back to the Rome playthrough I was posting in the last one.
>>1845666To offer a different option, consider playing the Saxons and creating England early.
>>1846713ATTILA THREAD WILL LAST TEN THOUSAND YEARS/vst/ is an Attila board, no matter how many derailment brother war threads they make so you can discuss Attila on other threads, it all returns to Attila, the Evangelion of Total War.
Has anyone ever played as Sassanid Empire? It seems almost pointless with two Roman Empires in far more interesting situations although it's nice there is an option to play as them.
>>1848901Yeah. It is easymode. Plus you can just declare war and let your billion Vassals do everything.
>>1846465>>1847409Speaking of, how do you play the settled down barbarians? Like you don't get a lot of room for expansion early on. Should you attack Romans early? Maybe try to occupy their provinces instead of pillaging? When is the best moment for migration, if you even would want to pack everything up and abandon your towns?
>>1848901I like Persia, but after you beat the Huwhite Huns the game gets so easy you even feel bad for the ai
>>1848948I haven’t played as a settled barb as of yet, just the ones who start as migrators.I would say you’d probably want to migrate to your preferred area early into the game, at least after saving up a good amount of cash.You could theoretically just conquer and annex instead of migrating outright, but the latter may well save you a lot of trouble when the climate gets worse and the Huns come knocking. Germania is right in Attila’s line of fire, so it’s up to you if you wanna stay there and try to take him on, or just pre-emptively gtfo of the way. The latter could give you more breathing room to build a realm that can better withstand the coming storm.
>>1848948Yeah you literally just carve out a slice of rome and settle in. West tends to only field 1-2 competent field armies Early game and they're beset on all sides so you you'll only need to win between 0 and 1 real battles to become the dominant force in Gaul, Italy, Africa or wherever. East is more punchy but they tend to be distracted by the goths early on so you can bite and hold something defensible and build up from there.Settled barbarians have an easy time producing food but their sanitation sucks and will be the main bottlenecks for how many eco buildings you can stuff into a settlement. So any roman aqueducts you can capture intact will be a huge benefit and eventually determine your main moneymaking settlements.
>>1845666Franks, pillage the WRE, form the NATO with other barbaric kingdoms, pick the smaller ones and conquer themand when the huns come for your allies, fight them on that front so your cities will be safe
>>1850827>Germanic NATOKekThe Northern Aryan Teutonic Organization
I would love to play this game, but the performance is just too bad. There is nothing I can do. When I try the battles fps drops to 20 when units blob. It's by far the most appelaing game I would play but like I said I just can't get it to run properly.
>>1851096How much have you fiddled with the graphics settings?There’s a lot of stuff you’ll want to set as minimally as possible.I’m able to run it on my laptop pretty well after looking up some short YouTube vid on recommended graphics setups. Iirc the two biggest culprits of poor performance are the shadows and vegetation, so you’ll want to put those down as low as you can. I’ll see if I can find the video after I start my laundry.
>>1851105ty would love to see it.
>>1851105>>1851108Okay I think I found ithttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tvVNGeNB2kUsed this for setting it up on my laptop twice (the second time was after I swapped to a larger SSD)
>>1851125thx will try today.
>>1851125Still no difference when units blob it gets to 25 fps. Eh welp...
>>1851136How old/new of a system do you have?Also maybe try running a benchmark test in that graphics menu?
>>1851228It's a beefy 2020 pc. WAs the best of the best for that time(2080 super and 3800x).In Benchmark I get 58 fps on average with the settings in that video.
>>1851360Well, you could try turning a few more of the settings down I suppose. That's about all I can think of at that point.I also know there's something about Attila that cans sometimes make it go crazy on FPS unless you actively throttle it or something.
>>1846713>>1847444I finally got around to resuming my WRE campaign lads. It's a little late so I can't get all the screencaps in quite yet tonight, but I'll at least post one.The Winter of 400 AD closes on yet another triumph in the career of Rome's rising star: Sextus Perennis. Freshly returned to Britannia from his razing expedition against the Alamans, the general and his VI legion was forced to swiftly march northward to relieve the Pictish siege of Eboracum. As the VI legion approached, ever more (admittedly small) Celtic armies emerged from the mists past Hadrian's wall, until Sextus was facing a force equivalent to two full-strength legions (split across four chieftains, as the barbarians are not known for concentrating their strength well). Undaunted, the defender of Camulodunum hired as many mercenaries as his pursestrings could support and rode out to meet the enemy on the moors.Concentration of onager fire and the piecemeal approach carried the day, with the largest Pictish army breaking ranks just before its compatriots could come to their rescue. The Pictish offensive lay in ruins, their chieftains vanquished along with over 3000 of their finest warriors. Sextus was keen to keep up the momentum, venturing past Hadrian's Wall to raze Eildon. It took the arrival of the winter snow to finally stop Sextus's advance and force him to return to Eboracum. The hero of Britannia's legend grows ever stronger with each of his victories, and his favor in the imperial court rises with similar speed.
picrel is imperator relesase
>>1854785Wrong thread?
Why is the ERE soo comfy?>More defensible balkans>Rich capital in a good location>Can retreat to it in case shit goes south in the balkans>Very easy to make cash>Only real theat is the south and east
>>1854995You forgot the biggest thing that makes the ERE so much easier than WRE. The thing that lets you overcome even the biggest hurdles...LOADSAMONEY!!!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULeDlxa3gyc
>>1854995also that edict that grows cities like you're importing mexicans
>>1854302Okay time for the restTo the southeast, the Germanic front has also been brought to a pause thanks to the winter chill. Legios I and XXX parted ways following their subjugation of the Alamans, with the former heading eastwards to confront the Marcomans. Vettius Praetextatus was able to defeat the gathered strength of the Barbarians after they confronted him on the field, but the victory wore the first legion thin, and he was forced to withdraw to Juvavum to replenish his forces.Flavius Eutychianus and the XXX legion meanwhile continued north, capturing and burning the Langobard capital of Aregelia. Flavius was tempted to advance further to threaten Tulifurdum and subjugate the Langobards more fully, but good sense told him to return south in order to present a united front against the Marcomans with Vettius, hoping the Langobards had been adequately chastened. For now he encamps outside of Uburzis, enjoying winter in the hospitality of the Alamans. Current plans are for the two legions to rejoin come spring for a joint attack on Casurgis, so as to bring the barbarians who wrought so much grief in the reign of Marcus Aurelius to heel.
>>1855084Stilicho and the X legion have returned to Dalmatia from their Alpine excursion of the preceding year, primarily drawn by word of a gathering rebellion outside of Domavia. Sadly, despite the Imperial heir's best efforts to reach the city in time, the rebels managed to conquer Domavia in an incredibly narrow victory over its valiant garrison. Stilicho reached the now-occupied city and ousted the rebels with only minor trouble, however.It's bullshit that the rebel army reinforced to full strength instantly upon capturing the city though, I was rather miffedThe general had little time to rest, however, as Western Rome was soon dragged into war with the newly-settled Alans by its eastern brother. While an Alanic army was within Dalmatia's borders at the time of this development, it was little more than a paltry raiding party which the X legion was more than equipped to deal with. For the time being, Dalmatia appears secure once more, which brings Stilicho's mind again to the issue of the Visigothic hordes currently squatting in northern Italy. Should he be able to secure the assistance of another legion, these barbarians may be able to be dealt with in a more permanent fashion. For the time being however, a small gift of gold must be enough to keep King Alaric docile.
>>1855086>>1855084Looking grim.The ERE is clearly not doing its job well, so you might have trouble with some barbarians crossing the Adriatic in the future.Also, the raid on Scotland was really risky.
>>1855086>The visigoths at ItalyWhat a predicament!
>>1855086The greater state of the Empire has remained relatively stable through the year. The rebellion besieging Leptis Magna has finally been crushed, allowing Tripolitania a measure of peace. Spain and Gaul remain stable, as does Italy (troubled as it is by the Visigothic presence).Once the winter snows melt, the legions will march to the east and north once more.
>>1855090>The ERE is clearly not doing its job well, so you might have trouble with some barbarians crossing the Adriatic in the future.Yeah, I am a little worried about having to actually establish a navy to defend my shores. My income is currently just about adequate to let me afford new buildings if used smartly, I definitely would not be able to establish a proper fleet at the moment.>Also, the raid on Scotland was really risky.Less so than you might think. Believe me, the Picts had ZERO military strength left after the battle of Eboracum, pic related. Eildon was ripe for the taking. Admittedly they might manage to replenish in time of stop me from marching on Teusis, but I felt pretty secure in this past move.
How do i win open battles, while outnumbered and with no archers nor cav?
>>1855249>No archers or cavWhat the fuck DO you have, and who are you playing?The best general answer I can give is sandwiches. Attila is a game where flanking is king. Nearly any unit, when surrounded by two other units on either side of at least moderately comparable strength, will generally lose. This holds true for all but the strongest units.If you have the infantry to do so, make a line at least almost as long as your enemy’s front line, but keep a unit or two of melee infantry in reserve behind either side of this line.Once the enemy line collides with your own, send your reserve troops up and around to rear charge the troops on each end of the line. Once you get one break, it begins to snowball, so you can have each unit who has been newly freed from fighting the guys you just routed. You can have them envelop yet more enemy troops, continuing the cycle until their whole line is toast.
>>1854995because holding the peak of human civilization while everything around you burns is kino af
>>1855111Historically, Stillicho had to do a little trip to Greece to help the ERE.>>1855111I saw Eboracum, but maybe the Ebdanians (I forgot the name of the higher Scotland tribe) would see that you were sieging the picts and call down a big army after you were done raiding, so you'd have a bunch of fights in a row. It happens a lot to me.>>1855249Do the roman tactics. Assemble your infantry line not in a straight line, but with plenty of regiments forward and one backward.Also, keep plenty of reserves because once the frontline soldiers (yours and theirs) tire, you'll have fresh soldiers to flank and demoralize.But Attila might be the only Total War where the AI never commits its full army to anything, they always keep reserves too.
>>1855555>Quintuple 5sDominus Meus…You’ve got a good point regarding the Ebdanians. Last I checked they weren’t super hostile, but now that I’ve forced some space between myself and the Picts, I might try and subjugate them.
What is the current state of the campaign map modding tool? Are we going to see an expanded campaign map soon?
>>1855463Doesn't the ERE have decent auxillary horse archers/cav in general? Also ERE has hilariously good eco, worse comes to worse hunker down let the enemy come to you, fight them off in town battles and pay them to fuck off eventually.
>>1856211I have managed to remove Britain from the campaign map, but I refused to elaborate when asked why.
>>1855249If the enemy has multiple stacks you can disable large battles from the pre battle menu, this way the ai will attack you one stack at a time. Focus on routing them rather than destroying them, flank them and use flaming shot on your javelinmen if you have any. Your lack of cavalry and archers is definitely a huge disadvantage since these two are the two main morale breaking units, and are essential in winning large battles.
Is it normal to lose this many troops in very hard? Or is it the expected amount?
>>1857336Four equal-sized armies fighting each other to a standstill? It is normal.The Sassanid War is always the mid-game crisis for ERE. Your army doesn't look that hot to begin with.You should have fought it out instead of auto-resolving.
>>1857343I fought it personally.
>>1857343>The Sassanid War is always the mid-game crisis for ERE.If that's the mid-game crisis.... Then what's the late-game one
>>1857360[throat singing intensifies]
>>1857336Those casualties are kind of excessive. The persian culture's main advantage are their cavalry and archers so you should be fielding stronger cavalry of your own to face them. If you're not deep enough in your own tech tree to access your own amazing high-tier cavalry then you should be grabbing local mercenaries and auxiliaries.The persian infantry line is weak and will basically melt on contact with your own, so you don't need 11 units of melee infantry. Archers with flaming shot, skirmishers with javelins and spear-wielding cavalry all excel at fighting enemy cavalry (especially when supporting each other) and will contribute a lot more to the outcome of a fight for their upkeep than just padding out your stack with more meat, and you can grab a lot of those unit types on the fly just from local mercenary recruitment if you're too far from home.The worst case scenario against persians, and something that will happen frequently if you let them survive to later in the game, is that you'll be hit with armies that are like 70% ranged cavalry and if your army is all melee infantry you'll just get Carrhae'd. Having a good mix of melee and range, infantry and cavalry is important to not get memed on.
Noob's question while we're at the topic of horse archers. How to I make horse archers and other units with "can shoot while moving" shoot specific unit while circling around them?
>>1857546I may divert some resources south once the German situation is more in hand, as I already intend to send a legion south to assist Stilicho against the Visigoths. They may continue further south afterwards and assist my North African legion, which I could also beef up with some spare dosh. The Mauritanians seem to be well behaved, though the Garamantians could certainly use a quashing before they take any more of Egypt.
>>1845666Ew, go play Warhammer if you want to play non-human factions.
>Gods of the Afterlife, spare my arse!
>go play Warhammer if you want to play non-human factions.
>>1858326>He doesn’t like going on the human equivalent of a Waaagh through Roman lands, dodging legions and growing fat with plunder, before carving out a comfy barbarian kingdom to prepare for Attila’s arrival.Get a load of this Walhaz
Is the Medieval mod better now? I remember it being pretty barebones, except for the units
>>1858546I like that this line actually changes based on whether the faction is pagan or Christian. It’s a small little detail but it’s really nice.Come to think of it, Idk if Roman diplomacy lines change in a similar fashion.Can anyone who’s done a pagan Rome campaign confirm?
>>1855095Alright time for the next update.As the fall of 402 AD settles upon Europe, Sextus Perennis and the VI legion sail home in the aftermath of a bold raid. Two winters prior, the legion had been poised to strike northwards and put an end to the threat of the savage Picts in Teusis, but Sextus was forced to head southwards again due to most dire news. The Franks, having built up a fearsome army once more, took advantage of the general's absence from Britannia's south and attacked Camulodunum once more. Fortunately, the city had been reinforced since its last experience weathering barbarian assault, and the garrison was able to beat back the marauding horde. Sextus was incensed by the persistence of the barbarians, and decided that the Franks must be brought to heel if Britain is to stand. The VI legion spent most of 401 jockeying for positioning against the Franks and the resurgent Angles, who it seemed had concurred with the Franks in wanting to assault Britain again. When the opportunity came, Sextus sailed across the channel with utmost speed to strike at the Frankish capital of Flevum. In a daring naval assault, the sizable garrison of the town was drawn out and torn apart primarily by the valor of Sextus's artillery and celtic skirmisher mercenaries. The Frankish chiefs were made to submit to the Roman yoke, and the VI Legion has now begun their return voyage. in spite of their courage, this expedition has worn down the Legion significantly, and Sextus is well aware that some rest in friendly walls is in order. The general's primary concern is that the Angles may not allow him or his men any time to relax, as their army still stalks the seas. The legion remains just out of their range for now, but only time will tell if another invasion of Britain must be repelled, and whether they will arrive in time to do so. (1/4)
>>1862770Stilicho has been a similarly busy man to his adoptive nephew. Following his reconquest of Domavia, the heir to the throne decided that the Visigothic presence in Italy was becoming too much of a liability, and began moving to dispose of them. With swiftness and utmost discretion, the X legion sailed across the Adriatic to begin following the royal horde of Alaric. The XXII legion coordinated with Stilicho, crossing the alps to intercept the smaller Visigothic horde outside of Genua. When the time was right, the two legions struck almost as one. The horde around Genua was destroyed outright, with Publius Eutychianus benefitting from the assistance of the town's garrison. Stilicho had a harder fight, with Alaric's army surviving their first defeat and fleeing southwards into Calabria. Soon enough, however, they joined their brothers in death.Stilicho had little time to celebrate, however, as his absence from Dalmatia had allowed yet another rebellion to gather strength in Domavia. Fortunately, a quick voyage from Tarentum was able to get him to the town in time to prevent its conquest and destroy the rebels. Now he faces a new threat, however, in the form of a Hunnic horde crossing the Dalmatian border. (2/4)Gonna shower before the other two parts.
>>1862780On the German front, the I and XXX legions began moving on the Marcoman capital of Casurgis. Those Germans had replenished one of their army's numbers since the thrashing they had received from the I Legion the previous year, and General Vettius was keen to smack them back down, striking the Marcomannic army in its fortified camp. A victory was won, though a rather draining one for the I Legion. Fortunately, Flavius Eutychianus and the XXX were not long behind, using their artillery to do most of the heavy lifting in conquering Casurgis.To the generals' shock, no sooner had they left the newly-subjugated Marcomans than the damnable barbarians had declared war once again! As it turned out, the king of the Marcomans was an oathbound ally of King Alaric of the Visigoths, and Stilicho's declaration of war upon that people compelled their allies to attempt to break free from their new Roman overlords. Vettius and Flavius swiftly rode marched back to Casurgis and whipped its people back into submission (though Flavius was heavily tempted to simply burn the treacherous barbarians to the ground, Vettius was keen to stress the importance of keeping the Marcomans alive as a buffer state.)The generals were soon pulled apart once more, as Flavius was pulled westwards to Argentoratum. There, the upstart rebel statelet of Gaul had declared war on Rome's Alamannic allies, and moved to try conquering the rest of Maxima Sequanorum. Fortunately, the XXII legion was in place to head their army off, and the two legions besieged the city jointly, reconquering it and bringing an end to the rebels' rule (3/4)
>>1862810The retaking of Argentoratum was a minor victory in the grand scheme of things, but it did represent a significant development in the Western Roman Empire's affairs, as the first major city to be regained, after having been lost for several years. With this, Honorius and his generals showed the people of the empire that the state was strong enough to reabsorb what had once broken free of it. With the revanchist spirit such a move might engender, some would wonder if this would foreshadow an eventual resettling of the lost province of Belgica and Pannonia. While any thought of such pursuits might only lay far in the future, Honorius certainly found his realm in a far more comfortable position to reconquer and recolonize. The Empire's income was steadily rising, and the efforts of the VI, I, and XXX legions had finally born fruit in the form of a continuous line of barbarian puppet states along the German border. So long as these states remained loyal and insulated Gaul from further attacks, a reclamation of Belgica certainly seemed feasible, even if Pannonia might not be tenable for the moment. The greater income of the empire allowed for more investment in the outlying provinces, allowing for some important work rectifying the persistent unrest that kept rearing its ugly head in Gaul and Hispania. (4/4)
>>1859467>Born too late to be a germanic raider taking roman loot and women for the luls>Born too late to be a mongol nomad who razes Iran and Russia for no reason>Born too late to be a berber pirate taking south euro women for a haremWhy even live
>>1859467>Waaagh>Dodging battlesISHYNDT
>>1857336What buildings should i focus as the ERE? I am trying to improve income, public order, and sanitation, i have managed to fend off the Sassanids (So far). I am on a predicament of whether i focus on upgrading the cities to tier II or make more sanitation and public order buildings?
>>1864322What you should build will depend on each province in particular, but if food is not currently a concern, I recommend upgrading your cities. Not only will it improve your income and public order to an extent, but it will also improve the province growth, which will quicken the pace at which you can expand the cities and make more public order & sanitation buildings as needed.
>>1864322Generally you want to fit as many income buildings as your public order, food and sanitation will allow and only build the other 3 as needed, to offset your income buildings.As ERE your sanitation building is god-tier so it's much less of an issue for you. Food will be plentiful early on when farm output is still high (farms are also very good for making money), so public order is your key limiter. Priests can also help boost public order in the province they're deployed in and cost no upkeep, so they're a great investment.The main thing main settlement upgrades provide is better garrisons and better roads. They don't gate you city development or building upgrades and providing basically no economic benefit while increasing food upkeep by a lot. Think of that as a fortification upgrade.
>>1865192>he fell for the scout equites meme
>>1865211They're pretty good at garrison battles, therefore, i will use them in an open field against the faction with one of the best cavalry on the game.
>>1865214basedbut I will stick to my equites dalmatae
>>1862887Foederati hands typed this post
How unlucky did we get? The fact that the Roman Empire collapsed, and got overrun by many foreign tribes? I mean India and China survived as civilizations, even though they were various cycles, while Rome didn't.
>>1865218I just levy as much barbarian cav as I can in the early game (as WRE). Often easier to access, AND it saves on my military budget due to the faction trait
>>1865448>capital changes to Constantinople in 330 AD>empire is officially split in 395 AD>western backwater falls by 476 AD>actual empire on the east persists until 1453 AD
>>1865513>>empire is officially split in 395 ADit never officially split and the government was already sepearated during Valentinian I. reign
>>1857710In my own WRE playthrough, the north-african desert tribes were my only true allies that never betrayed methough admittedly, going Pagan pissed off the East
>>1865512fair enough, especially if they're alani >>1865588depends on leader personalitysometimes they roll good traits, sometimes they are absolute rats
bought this game a couple days ago because I got on a kick of wanting to play a Roman strategy game and my old copy of Rome 2 wasn't quite cutting it anymore. It's fucking kino and does a better job of simulating the feeling of surviving the apocalypse than most actual "post-apocalyptic" games. It's stressful as fuck but in a way that feels fun instead of tediousI started my first game as the Visigoths because they're the faction I think is coolest that doesn't have a "warning: you're going to get raped" starting difficulty rating, raided the Danube and Greece for supplies and released Dacia and Macedonia as tributaries to fuck with the Eastern Romans, then moved into Illyria, smashing 3 Western armies in a battle where I was outnumbered 2.5:1 and leaving the path to Cisalpania open to other Germanic tribes while I snuck around the north side of the Alps. After sacking all of the cities Rome still had north of the Alps (as well as Mediolanum because the opportunity presented itself) I bumrushed Gaul and finally settled in Aquitania, then attacked the Romans across the border in Hispania and seized Tarconensis too. Stabilizing and settling two provinces at once was a bit of a doozy but after all of Italy (including Rome) was razed by the Huns and the Western Empire effectively does not exist outside of southern Hispania and North Africa, I think I'm in a good position to finish them off and consolidate all of Iberia as my own, especially after beating the Huns in my own war after they were done with Italy, all of my northern and eastern neighbors are on friendly terms and I have a nice buffer to focus on finishing off the degenerate Latins once and for all
>Tfw I discover the WRE edict that actively reduces immigration in a province along with its public order malusGod damn, I wish I had been using this earlier. All I really have to do to keep my provinces in line is rotate my governors around the empire to engage in regular deportation campaigns.>>1867701Glad to see you're liking the game, playing as the barbs is a fun romp. Do you have a screencap by chance?
>>1867802not really sure how to take a good screencap cause the game doesn't let you zoom out very far, but here's the know world to me on the strategic map circa turn 98. I've started pushing further into Iberia, but the Picts are trying to race me, and I may have spoken too soon when I thought I dealt with the Huns. They're back with at least one army I never saw the first time, and more hidden away in the smoking ruins of Italy that I can see from it showing as their capital. They haven't declared war on me yet but last turn they parked an army directly next to my capital so I figure it's best to strike first and do as much damage as possible before they get themselves into position. My long term plan if I do beat the Huns again is to grab as much of Hispania as is still left and then try to recolonize Italy
>>1867865>Turn 98So it’s like, 415 AD roughly, right? God damn the WRE fell quickly. Nice little realm you have though, hopefully you can monopolize Iberia and have its resources to yourself.As for the Huns, yeah they won’t be leaving anytime soon. Hell Attila hasn’t even shown up yet as their leader if I have the year right for you. The Huns as played by the AI are kinda bullshit, because the game will automatically respawn them out in the East if they happen to get annihilated too early. This continues until after Attila has taken over as King, and only stops once he dies, whether by sickness or death in combat. Until such time, you’ll have to deal with numberless Hunnic hordes.I weathered the storm in my Vandal Game by staying on the other side of the Mediterranean from the Huns until Attila was dead, as nomadic armies are pretty easy to kill with a proper fleet. Unfortunately you won’t have that option. Good luck my man.
>>1867912yeah I'm in 418 iirc, I assume Attila is supposed to take the throne in 420 because that's when the next step of the "main quest" updates? If so I imagine that's even more motivation to deal with the ones on my land ASAP. I noticed that the Huns get a buff that stops them from needing to pay army maintenance, so they just suck up all the mercenaries they can find, which makes them even more of a pain. I'm definitely keeping a plan to flee across the sea open if it comes to that. The Vandals got btfo in like 405 so someone's gotta do it I guess
>>1868071>>1867912meant to add but forgot: I wasn't sure when the WRE usually collapses cause this is my first game, but it did seem awfully fast. I started my migration around the Alps by destroying or crippling what I believe to have been every Roman army on the eastern border of the West, and I think that opened the way for the Bastarnae and then Huns to come behind me almost completely unopposed in Italy. I wish the Bastarnae would lose their fucking capital in Dacia, or connect it to their Illyrian provinces so I could trade with them. The fact that you can't trade with coastal provinces that aren't connected by land to their capital is extremely vexxing when everyone is blobbing like mad and making enclaves everywhere
>>1865448>indian and china>CivilizationA locust does not make a civilization.
>wounding but not killing Attila in an assassination unlocks the "kill Attila" steam achievementkek
>>1865192Finally pacified the eastern lands. Now i can finally focus on my realm.
>>1870122I see you gave us a screenshot of Israel's plan to the Middle-East.
>>1865448>foreign tribes Retard. The “barbarians” and Roman’s teamed up and crushed the foreign tribes and sent those yellow niggers back to Siberia
what’s better, this or barbarian invasion?
>>1870136>israelI don't think they'd like another orthodox superstate there>>1870143yeah "teamed up"then arabs and germs teamtagged the roman empire and reset civilization in western europe and the levant for almost a thousand years
>>1870440>then arabs and germs teamtagged the roman empire Never happened. Germans replaced the old, decayed, corrupt, spiritually, culturally, morally dead Roman Empire and set up better states based off its models, then Justinian the faggot ruined it all and Arabs invaded the visigoths in Spain. Stop being a pop history nigger. The Roman empire’s time was up and the German barbarians literally just copy and pasted it’s laws but infused an ancient aryan chivalric spirit back into it and rejuvenated it.
>>1870145Just started barbarian invasion, if you’re gonna play it, play the late era campaign, it’s perfect. More kino time period and the map is bigger, but not as big as the other two big map mods, where the Roman empires conquer the world and never fall lol.Also this late era campaign is not the ashes of rome or whatever one that takes place after the ostrogothic conquest of Italy, it’s the one where west rome is just hanging onto Italy and parts of North Africa
>4 hordes standing on the furthest border of my realm eats literally all the food in my entire empire
Barbarian Invasion rules. the western romans are not total pushovers like in atilla, they are really desperatly holding onto italia and sending stacks upon stacks after me, its a true struggle.as much i love atilla, west rome is a cake walk, just a few auto resolves and you are all good, in this mod they have way better troops then me and more, so they rape in auto resolve.
>>1870904also vghhhh hvnnic graecorvms und Kvnstvntinvople....
>>1870904>modI thought it's an official expansion made by CA.
>>1870904hard fought victory to keep rome
>>1870916it is, but im playing this mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2646315835&searchtext=which moves the start date forward and adds more settlments. ive never really played vanilla so im not sure how well the roman empire does in that. i opened vanilla and closed it when i saw the british isles was 3 settlments, and italy was like 3 or 4 lol
>>1870924fuck i took their eagle in battle and now they wont stop assaulting rome every turn, its starting to feel so over. praying the goths to the north rape them while i hold em off
>>1870936roman bros..... Cyrus is back As much i hated the blobbing at the start of the campaign, when lombardy captured all of germany and eastern europe in like 40 turns, ive grown to love it because of how fast the situation can fucking change. Now lombardy is exiled back to scandanavia and the fucking celts who only held one province in ireland for the first billion turns, popped the fuck off and took germany. i like how much the situation can change, no little steamroller lasts forever
>>1870945The slavs are the huns but worse, and the vandals have usurped the visigothic dream. The franks offered to become my vassals in exchange for destroying the goths, so thats my current move.
>>1870960East roman bros... we are coming back and the Vandalic Imperium is kino. Also the ai in this game is so fucking duplicitous and jewish. When you are weak, EVERYONE rapes, attacks and extorts you, and the second im strong, every country on earth is sending me alliance offers and gifts lmao. the ai is weirdly intellegent
>>1871729forgor pic
>>1870904>western romans are not total pushovers like in atillain my games, the WRE dies way sooner in BI than in Attila
I just beat valens but the game sends me back to my previous turn, wtf is going on?
>>1874258The Jews.
>>1867701>was razed by the Hunsnon accurate
Whats the current optimization protocol for 14th gen intel cpus for this game? I want to play it but it uses wayy too much of my cpu and thats why I don't play it. My gpu and ram is fine though, its just the cpu.
>>1875170>Whats the current optimization protocol for 14th gen intel cpusbuy a CPU that isn't rusting
>>1875170Just disable efficiency cores and you'll be fine
>>1857336I once fought a battle against Attila in which each of my units had <60 men left. Each Atiila's untis also had only 20-50 men left. This game keeps you fighting to the verge of destruction.
>>1878309the game does an amazing job at making you feel like you're locked in a war of annihilation where the only way out is through and the survival of your people depends on you winning battles no matter the costit's kino
>playing ERE in stainless steel>it's around 1306>declared war on venice around the end of the 13tn century since I have a solid grip on Italy bar pisa/rome and genoa >hungary, my day 1 ally (its 196 turns, playing with the balanced SS ai), broke my alliance and allied them after I took venice's starting islands>lay siege to venice>realize hungary allied with venice somehow>try to ally hungary again>can't because I annexed venice already and the game engine doesn't allow you to ally countries who have allied dead countries>forced to raise several new field armies around the balkans in case hungary inevitably wars meThis is the only bullshit I already dislike about Med2. I'm more shocked mods like SS didn't amend this. The fact that this is likely a engine issue is something I just can't wrap my mind around no matter how many alcohol shots I take while playing.What's really damning is Hungary is huge because I'm been using them as a comically oversized guarddog in the Balkans the greater eastern European world. I feel like I was quite literally bankrolling them because I lovebomb them with gifts and tributes that last years. I'm nearing the very end of this Short campaign already (on late era) anyway so once I finish sieging rome I'll target them next.
>>1881280>staking anything on an ally not fucking you in a pre-R2 TW gamereflect on your actions
>>1881283Vanilla ai sure. But I'm using one of the balanced SS ones that's balanced but not lobotmized at least. Really in this case it's just because of engine limitations.
Genuine pain.
playing as the Garamantes, why do my fucking Legionary defectors not throw their javelins when they charge? if I leave them idle they'll skirmish with them, but they refuse to actually use them for their intended purpose
>>1881444Sucks that Feral was banned from remastering it.
The Huns allegiances with the Syrians, the Philistina, and Phoenicians has made the Huns indomitable.The Huns have been converting so much to radical Hun paganism.
I recommend to the Huns to send two full~stack armies down to the levant. It’s going well.The armies are taking so much wealth raiding, taking, and abandoning cities that were apart of a faction in my modded version called “deranged cultists”, the truer name for “Israel”.
Best mod?
>>1881487for rome or med2, kinda of curious aobut the former myself as I may play it after my stainless steel med2 game. stainless is probably the best , never touched SSHIP or whatever its called.
>>1844705Attila the KEKEDLMAO!
>>1851096>>1851105There used to be a guide somewhere for editing a file to allow cpu multithreading. It makes a huge difference.
>>1864322Depends on your intentions. Popular strategies for both WRE and ERE involves turn 1 dismantling all churches and going back to Greco-Roman paganism. ERE also has an absurdly broken trait that returns 10% of their stored currency as income. This lets you absolutely runaway money like crazy with the ERE by doing literally nothing (and you can jump start this with the money from dismantling churches)
>>1865211What the fuck did you just say about SCOVT EQVITES?
>>1881472Since “Israel” was long dead by these times, the mod lets me exterminate all Christians/golem turned into one faction known as “deranged cultists”.The mod also updates the game and adds so many other religions & regions.As Christians were nothing ever more than deranged cultists, regardless of how much they mess with Wikipedia.
>>1881524Jutes is pronounced very differently. Like Juhts or juts or jguhts. It’s not really a name that can even be spelled in English.>>1881551Reminder that every clan that came in contact with Christians, quickly crucified the Christians. Nippon relationships&tech from Europe has only ever been via pagans.The game should’ve had many verities Shinto religions. That’s why the game got bad reviews in Nippon.
>>1881554*The game should’ve had many verities *of* Shinto religionsI’m sure most of the developers became angered by “other staff”, the game has such quality in some ways but in other ways it seems someone messed with it to push like an agenda or something.Like how Bioshock Infinite was apparently once a really cool game until something sus happened in the company that eventually caused them to closed down.
>>1881554>Jutes is pronounced very differently.I pronounce it Jewts
>>1881463>Rome Remastered was originally going to be more than a remaster, adding in a lot of the stuff cut from the original.>CA didn't like it, expected a quick and easy cash grab, and forced them to rush it out.>Gave it purposefully shit marketing so it wouldn't compete with Warhammer 3 for attention.>Flopped commercially so CA never has to listen to old fans ever again. >Medieval II remaster will never happen.>Feral confined to making mac and ipad ports.
>>1882848CA peaked with Attila.
>>1881563one of the greatest things in this game is how you can start in some shithole in G*rmania and end up migrated to Africa by mid game
>>1882848>>1884089nu CA actually hates the original series fans.
are there hidden requirements to subjugate a faction militarily other than them only having one settlement left? I need a puppet state for one of the bonus objectives of my faction's mission line, but for some reason I don't get the option to subjugate the one region faction I'm at war with. Do they also have to not have armies, or do I need to border them? Or can you not subjugate factions that can form hordes? Those are the 3 potential problems I can think of
>>1886335I think some factions and leaders will never accept subjugation. You have to raze it to the ground.Just like real life.
>>1844705HUNS FIELD ONAAGEEERRT. Frustrated WRE Legendary player
>>1844705How to make this game run better?
>>1844705God I wish Attila had a campaign that wasn't made to be as painful as possible. The battles are the absolute peak of historical TW but I just can't be bothered with the aidsfest that's the campaign.
>>1900996You don't.
>>1900996Wasnt there a gimmick with backporting engine files from ToB back into Attila which boosted performace?
>>1892873Gods... I hate Gauls.
>>1896354Not historically accurate REEEEEEE
I have a problem where I auto-battle everything. I try to strategize so there's no risk when I engage, which means I might as well auto-resolve. Even when it's uncertain, it's still more time efficient to spend a few minutes on the campaign map rebuilding things than to spend 25 minutes in a battle. And if it looks like I'll definitely lose, I'd rather let the auto-battle deprive me of a rare miracle victory if it means not having to suffer through the typical depressing curbstomp.I like the idea of fighting a great battle every once in a while that shifts the geopolitical situation. But really the game is either easy enough where everything can be auto-battled, or it's just a slugfest of fighting through army after army and it's too stressful.
>>1904415Some battles are actually epic and can decide the campaign.For me, it was a battle for Orissa, where I managed to eliminate three of the sassanid armies despite being the attacker in a siege. Never forget, commanding the comitatensis across a bridge at night and charging the sassanid archers.Also, play Fireforged Empires. Every battle is decisive.
>>1904160My grandfather hated them too. Even before they put out his eyes.
>>1881444The pain when shit like that happens after a heroic victory...
>>1844705current noob here, as I just bought the game on Steam sale back in December 3. I played as the sassanids and I suffered from civil war because I didn't know jack shit about the politics of my faction. help.
>>1910827You have to keep an eye on generals and governors who are getting too powerful and uppity, either adopting them as heirs (I think this doesn't work for the sassanids) or into the royal family, or assassinating them or bribe them for support.The price of not having your faction leader and heirs involved in state affairs is that you are at the mercy of warlords if push comes to shove.
>>1910827just remove generals and governors that have loyalty below 3 or 4 and you're good, or you can play the politics minigame and try to increase their loyalty with your own characters, adopt/marry them into your family etcalso you chose well because sassanids are one of the most beginner friendly factions
>>1911126I did choose Sassanids because it said easy on the starting position, and also because the internet said it's the best beginner friendly faction in the game. I only bought this so I wouldn't suffer burn out from Shogun 2. I already have 4.5k hours there since buying it in 2015.
>>1882848>Medieval II remaster will never happen.Are we sure of this? Well, there goes my hopes of an EBII port.
Are you guys playing Ashila with Fall of the Eagles? I like the units
>>1914456Not really, I play with some QoL mods and sometimes with Overhaul (Med 1212) but not Fall of the Eagles.
>>1919395Awesome, I will do the same. I tried FoTE but the campaign's Roman garrisons are too strong, it makes playing as the Romans a little too easy
I'm interested in getting a new TW. Trying to decide between Three Kingdoms and WH3. Don't really care about WH but the battles look fun as fuck. I love setting of 3K and I like the idea of the diplomacy. Do you need the DLC for these games? I assume you can pirate just fine?
>>1919979Diplomacy and campaign progression are about the only good things in 3K. The battles are pretty weak and the game is not very historical.In WH you just find whatever is OP and spam that. Tactics don't really exist and the campaign is just window dressing for more battles.
>>1920082Sounds a bit lame. Maybe i'll just play Medieval 2 or something.
>>1919979TK is an abomination of a "historical" TWjust stick to WH3
>>1919979Go with 3k. The DLC adds extra factions and start dates, but they're not necessary since the main players are already available. Not sure about DLC for WH3, but technically the major factions are part of WH1 and WH2. I think they made some of them available in WH3 for free though.I haven't played WH3, but battles in 3K are much better than in WH1 or WH2. In Warhammer casualties don't matter too much, so units will stick around even when they have a sliver of health remaining. Frequently battles will end at an arbitrary point where the power imbalance is so high the game forces the AI to flee. In contrast, 3K gives you a few tools to work with and if you know what you're doing ,plus the enemy has weak leadership, you can shatter armies with morale shocks very quickly. The big issue is both games have one-man units in the form of heroes, but at least in 3K heroes can get knocked off their horses which makes them much less OP.Plus unit formations are fun, pick related.
>>1919979The battles in either of those games are just mashing stacks of units, clicking on activated abilities and moving your op hero unit from side to side.
>>1920082The Romance mode is called romance for a reason. Its all about the heros.
So is there any way to declare war on someone my client states like without them chimping out and rebelling? I’m trying to maintain a buffer zone of Germans but they just get way too uppity the moment I want to fight someone in their general vicinity. It’s annoying having to constantly beat the krauts into submission, even if it is kind of accurate to the period.
>>1919979I haven’t played 3k but the battles in Warhammer games are absolute dogshit, especially if you’re used to Attila and Shogun 2
Cohors: Kind of tanky but just sits there and can't really fight back.Legio: Equipped with 2 javelins and can actually pack a punch in melee.Legio Comitatenses: Can not only hold the line but will consistently defeat barbarian infantry.Remember to research military technologies. Your garrison units are counting on you.
>>1881554The Americans and Dutch were pagans?
It's been a minute since I last posted anything from my WRE campaign (mostly due to being busy with other games), but I did just play a bit more this weekend, so here's some screencaps.The spring of 407 AD has found the empire possibly nearing the end of a relative respite from the greater part of the chaos of the previous years. The last few years have seen some rare stability from the German border thanks to the subjugation of the Alamans and Marcomans. To the south, the rogue state of Macedonia swiftly sued for peace with the Western Empire after Stilicho tore its army apart outside of Tarentum. Most importantly of all, Emperor Honorius's new program of rotating governorships to assuage the Empire's immigration problems have been working wonders to restore public order, one province at a time. While not every province has yet to be attended to, the amount of potential fires breaking out has been reduced to the point that the Legions are now far more able to contain it. Hispania, in particular, has been stabilized to a large degree (though not without a notable rebellion in Galleaecia that was swiftly put down by the VII Legion). Troubles still brew in the far north for the empire, and tensions are threatening to break out into war once again with the Germans, but things appear, for the moment, to be looking up in Mediolanum.(1/4)
>>1924861The most relevant active threat to the Empire's borders at present remains, as ever, the north. The Franks in Flevum had once been hoped to become the northern edge of the great Imperial buffer zone, which would have Germanic client states guard the Empire's borders before they could even be intruded upon. While repeated rebellions from the Franks had frustrated Imperial strategists, their most recent subjugation as hoped to be a lasting one. Instead, they were ousted by a fresher, stronger barbarian kingdom: The Geats. While Rome has yet to see any active hostilities from the Geats, they are still formally at war, and their newly-established southern presence means that Sextus Perennis and the VI Legion must once more remain watchful. While a peace deal with the cowed Picts has reduced his worries somewhat, Sextus still has the specter of looking rebellion in northern Britannia to worry about. Governors have yet to arrive from Mediolanum, busy in other corners of the Empire, and while priests have been dispatched northwards to calm the people, for now it shall only be by force of arms that the island shall be kept in order.(2/4)
>>1924864Meanwhile, Honorius's major internal concern is over the state of his uncle & ostensible heir, Stilicho. In spite of his great effectiveness at the head of the X Legion, Stilicho has unfortunately become a political pariah, with his continued ostracism killing whatever social capital he accrues from his battlefield successes. While his taking the throne is rather unlikely at the moment due to his age compared to the Emperor's, Honorius still frets over his lack of influence. He is considering removing Stilicho from his post and establishing him as a governor instead, where the more steady buildup of influence might counter his unfortunate status, just as it has done for Honorius's own.(3/4)
>>1924868And the Emperor's final concern lies with the church. The pope in Rome has made a rare demand for holy war upon the Marcomans, whom Honorius is all too keenly aware are currently an Imperial client state. While the prospect of Empire-wide support from the Christian faithful is tantalizing, the harm to the Emperor's diplomatic reputation and the prospect of renewed warfare along the German border do much to curb his enthusiasm.Still, if he wished to get into a war with the Marcomans, there may still be a way. The Nomads of the Gepid tribe have been marauding their way through Rhaetia as of late, and the only reason the legions have not brought the hammer down upon them is due to the knowledge that both the Alamans and Marcomans would rebel immediately. However, if the legions are sufficiently prepared, crossing that line might just be an effective way to bring the empire into war with the Marcomans without being seen as treacherous, pleasing the pope, and hopefully resubjugating the savages with all due haste. It will doubtless take some time to gather the legions together for such an attack, but it may be worth it to further improve the empire's public order.(4/4)Honestly I don't know if getting into war with the Marcomans via their own rebellion would count as completing the mission. Does anybody know whether that would work?
>>1924873>>1924868>>1924864I'm not sure if it will count as completing the Pope's request, but it will certainly clear it off of your objectives so he doesn't get disappointed. Also I love your campaign updates anon! It reminds me of the old TW threads on /vg/ when things were more comfy. It's good to see your borders more or less stable as WRE, as I haven't tried to play them yet, although it looks difficult. Why haven't you fully taken Africa? Wouldn't it theoretically be better to have no potential enemies in the region?
>>1925156My lack of African conquests is down to 2 reasons really.1. Northwest Africa has been stable and safe (outside of rebellions) for most of the game so far. The Mauri are long-time trade partners at this point, and that’s money whose source doesn’t contribute to my corruption score, which is a precious commodity for a WRE playthrough. Conquering them outright has the capacity to actually make me lose more money than I would gain, at least until I get my corruption lowered in the late game. If the African factions ever attacked me I would certainly send the legions over to knock them out, but so long as they remain chill I would prefer to save that money and manpower for more immediate concerns.Which brings me to reason number 2: My legions are too busy.The way I play this game, I generally prefer to get two stacks together for a dedicated offensive unless I either don’t have the time or nearby manpower to do so or if I have a particularly easy opportunity that I’m confident one army can do without getting too bloodied in the process (Sextus and the VI Legion are a long-term example of the former). Presently I have one partial-strength legion in Africa, one which I certainly could not count on to conquer a desert city outright. Thus I would need another legion to accompany them. And damn near every other legion has been busy either stomping rebels, fighting off Barbarians, or even just slowing the bleeding of public order in key provinces via occupation. Even my African legion has been busy with the rebels and occupation. I simply haven’t had the free hand I would need to deal with that until possibly now. But I’m still not confident my economy would survive the hit that would come with such expansion.
Anyone here plays as the Huns to give any tips? Holy shit it's insufferable how the ai just chases you and your economy can't sustain the most basic units like the Hunnic Horse Archer upgradeI can win battles but the campaign gamplay is just non stop ballbusting
>>1926088A few:1) Have an economy based horde. One that stays behind the chaos you've caused to settle in the ruins and have mostly the pastures yurts, yurts builders and the wagons (food + wine) make the bulk of your economy. They should have like 6-8 units for maintenance and then you build your economy out of those buildings. Late game, you might need a second one for passive income but by then, you'd be rich from sacking and enslaving (vassal) other nations.2)Don't declare war on nations, have them pay you to not attack them. Unless they are oppurtunists, they won't attack you as long as you don't attack them. And then, you can repeat the process, just like in history.3) Use your agents, a lot. You need to rely heavily on scouts to save you from time to time from repeated attacks. Have them halt armies save you trouble when you want a turn to build up your forces while also embedding in your armies for more distance to travel in the early game. Get your heroes embedded to train more units and give passive experience to units. Priest are less useful here, either as a scout or embedded in your economy horde if they're not happy.
>>1932401Thanks anon
>play as the White Huns>never enough money>Sassynigs pulling doomstacks out of nowhere>can't ever make it past the first checkpoint without getting wiped out>play as the Sassynigs>White Huns are invincible killing machines >half the empire is burned to the ground by turn 50I love this era but Attila filters me so hard. I'm going back to Rome 2.
Another year, another reinstall of Attila.And yet another ERE run. Fun fact: I have literally never played as any other faction and I still come back to this fucking game every year just to start and never complete an ERE run.
>>1938805>Bottombased. attila will never die, only when this earth perishes
>>1865448You're looking at them asshole
>>1865448very but not for the reasons you think
>>1881280>What's really damning is Hungary is huge because I'm been using them as a comically oversized guarddog in the Balkans the greater eastern European world. I feel like I was quite literally bankrolling them because I lovebomb them with gifts and tributes that last years.that was often done in real life too so don't feel bad
>>1881450feral suck dick anyway
>>1882848most of what are you saying is BS tho
>>1886335do you siege their last city?>
>>1932401but how do you vassalize the sassanid's vassals?theres no option unless you defeat them a few times right?i'm trying to build my back country from these vassals but i cannot make them my tributaries and even if i do they rebel in a few turnsshould i just burn down more sassanid cities to make them weaker?
Damn this game is so accurate to history
*Clicks on anon*
>>1945670As you say, you can't vassalize a faction that's already a vassal to another faction. However, there are a few ways to go around the corner:>Destroy the Master factionA bit hard and long to do but all vassals will be available to be vassalized again>Raze their last settlementThis will automatically break all agreements that faction has with other nations, including being a vassal. If you made sure they have a remaining army left, you let them get a settlement and then you can vassalize them, albeit in a destitute settlement.>Create and then enslave rebel factionsThis one is much easier to do. Suppose a single region faction that's already a vassal. You ruin their public order with raids and settlement sackings until the Rebel/Separationist faction appears and take the settlement. You can them vassalize the those rebels. If you don't like the Rebels for some reason, you can redo the process to have the OG faction appear to retake the settlement. Also, beware of faction leader diplomacy traits like Rebellious, Opportunists, etc. as they will attack you even though they are your vassal.
>>1920147Doesn’t 3K give you the option to play with standard general bodyguard units or does the records mode still have single entity generals?
>>1945909Cute Norse
>>1845703Cheers for the Vandal recommendation, I hadn't had a good look at their roster in a long time but feels fun so far with some pretty sweet units later on to look forward to
>>1945830Did the Himyar send you their regards and you chose to convert despite having no incentive to do so?