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/vst/ - Video Games/Strategy

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Are there any strat/political games focused on diplomacy where you play as a diplomat or government minister as opposed to the ruler of the country? Having to balance interests from both sides sounds more fun.
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>Idea guy having an idea and gets excited over said idea
Come back when you have any actual clue what sort of game you want, rather than being excited about abstraction
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I was pretty specific anon: a diplomacy-based game, preferably one in which you have to play as an ambassador rather than as the ruler of the country, which is the setup for most strategy games. Any more specific and it would be pretty pointless.
There is the Diplomacy, and that is basically all I can think of. diplomatic games are very rare and underrated.
Isn't there an old PC game like that where you have to get through the Cold war? Aside from that you just have card games.
>a diplomacy-based game, preferably one in which you have to play as an ambassador rather than as the ruler of the country
That isn't specific, you daft cunt. That's the premise of the game, a useless fluff. It doesn't cover how the game plays, what is the actual scope and mechanics to achieve it.
In other words: it's idea guy faggotry.
>Any more specific and it would be pretty pointless.
No, that would be the actual discussion about the potential game. But since we already established you are an idea guy, that's completely beyond your capacity.
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So your specific answer to the question is that you don't know of any such games. Shitty input but thanks for bumping the thread.
The Last Federation
You must be fun at parties.
There are shockingly few strategy games where you aren't the supreme leader. Let alone diplomacy focused games.
You sound like a jaded cockeater. Seek God.
What an arsehole you are
He asked if there were any games like that, you illiterate quilt.
He wasn’t saying he was developing the game.
The closest I know is Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa, where you play as Franz Halder, the General in charge of the German invasion of the USSR. It's a standard hex wargame except you have to keep your bosses and underlings happy, decide to commit war crimes, allocate resources, etc. It's good but would be better if you didn't have to micromanage every military unit.

Another is one of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms games where you could play as any character. Not much strategic depth in those games though.
Thank you for doing the thankless work of maintaining the quality of the internet.
You both seem like idiots.

catpcha: BOTHJEWS
Yeah, you apoplexic pantaloon.

captcha: TAILOR
The way Rule the Waves makes you the head of the navy rather than the head of state is the closest I can think of. Its one of the best features of the game as you try and balance the needs of the navy with the politics of the country. I absolutely love it, and want to see it replicated in other games. I hope espiocracy implements something similar as the head of intelligence services.

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