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Looking for beginners to play Endless Space 2 with :)

I recently got into the game and I would like to do a real multiplayer game. If you're interested, join this server I set up for it and we'll start once we get 8 players!!


Why does that matter?
play a better game
Like what? I've just got this game and I wanna give it a real shot with others. :( Let people enjoy things...
play a better game
kidding, kidding
I'd join in if I had the time to play it
it's not that 'bad', but the best things about it are the lore, aesthetics, and the ship editor
overall it's a little meh
I kinda like the idea of a grand strategy and just playing singleplayer is already very fun for me. Maybe it's because I suck at these sorts of games that it intrigues me.
I really like Endless Space 2. I've still yet to beat it with Horatio, Sophons, Cravers, Vodyani, Hissho, and the Nakalim. The Nakalim are really interesting
Hey man!! please join the server so we can add each other and chat :)
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I tried playing it again with my friends recently and it just out of sync'd and froze a million times once we got past turn 80
It's a namefag, not a tripfag
You newfag
I just wanna talk about Endless Space 2 here. It does feel like a journey becoming the top dog in the galaxy(ies)
I love leaning into the races strengths and weaknesses. Larping as literal slavers, treehuggers or loansharks has been fun. Have to go for a science win yet.
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play it alone buddy.
horatio is the best bro
its a cool game but only if you do not play it with dlc
academy dlc- a space bernie sanders ask you again for your support, the player/npc that get the most gets to send the academy fleet witch is op in early game
only after you kill academy guy and his worlds the gameplay is berable
the shadow hackers faction dlc - imagine an enemy that you can not fight and the best is just to ignore them, never use hacking for profit, get some defence tech hacking and shut down the internet conection between your empire and the rest of galaxy
once you defeat all other enemies , you just kill the shadows , very easly , and very slowly because they just run away and hide with some new planets that by end game can never be a threat
its good for making and abusing superman population but you just can not beat empire production snowball in lategame

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