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This guy and the paraKEKs political compass Victoria 3 feature are my two favorite posters on this board.
pure. fucking. soul.
Are DoW 1 and 2 worth playing?
Nope. Just stick to DoW 3. It's by far the best in the series.
2 is the only one that's playable in the long run
DoW1 is extremely dated but also an icon from the peak of the RTS golden age. It has a lot of very meaty singleplayer content
DoW2 still has living multiplayer to this day. Its more CoH-like, with a smaller scale and simplified tech progress more akin to an RTT than an RTS as well as less SP content overall but the campaigns are this cool Isometric RPG hybrid that you can absolutely break in half. Chaos Rising is probably the peak of RTS Singleplayer, a cool relic from when the genre was reaching maturity but before MOBAs smothered it with a pillow.
Don't care. Still playing DoW 3
some of the best rts ever made not even exaggerating
dow2's campaign is arguably better than sc2:wol
shill thread (its -80% price on steam now)
its probably a fine game, and the dow1/dow2 haters disliked it just because it took some ideas from starcraft2
but god i hate shill selling so much

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