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File: Old world.png (318 KB, 659x228)
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Been playing it a bit lately and having fun, was thinking of getting the DLC's. For people that have played it a bunch are they worth it? Or any of them considered a must get?
Get sacred and profane, it has the most content per dollar. The scenario dlcs are whatever in my opinion. Then there's another event and tile improvement/wonder dlc, wonders and dynasties, it's got stuff but it's not really worth its cost off-sale IMO. Only get pharaohs if you want to play kangz.
Is this a good game?
meh... Very meh. Was looking after it but not worth full price.
I think its really fun with some neat ideas that switch things up a little bit but its also a game that i wouldn't play as much as a Civ or something like that. Its a game ill play for a bunch in a short burst but then not touch for a year or something. If you're a fan of civ like 4x's i would say for sure get it on a sale.
What about the new one, Behind the Throne? Seems to add a lot of new mechanics, and I see some steam reviews complaining about the balancing.

For me it's a game I enjoy now that I've grown tired of nu-civ and its limitations. Old World's 1UPT combat and combat AI mogs civ's 1UPT so hard. Not particularly difficult given how braindead 5's AI is, but still.
Not to mention actually finishing a game of Old World doesn't feel like a going through the motions chore the way civ nearly always does.
I really like the difficulty options for it. Im sure its not unique to other 4x games but one thing i hate about games and their higher difficulties is its just "AI is the same but they get a bunch of free shit." I love civ 6 but ive never played above prince cause i dont find that idea of "difficulty" very interesting. But its great that i can set the AI to be more agro and such but not give them a bunch of free economical bonuses. The game just has a bunch of options overall and its really nice to tinker with them if you have some ideas for a specific campaign.
its not bad but have some weird quirks
also the focus on female power and diversity insertions are ruining my immersion
idk how many times I'm gonna have to shill this mod in Old World threads but here you go
Can decide whether to just prevent females from being generals or from being all roles
it don't bother me that much also it would reduce amount of generals
Behind the throne is on par with wonders and dynasties. More events, not bad, just may be more costly than it's worth by a tadge. Worth on sale for sure.
damn this game is quite something
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my first win
sexy gif
post in-game screen
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like that>?
looks kinda complicated
very nice
The DLCs are pretty good.
Also download the mod to allow you to stop women from taking male roles. It legitimately makes the game better and more accurate.

I want to see Jerusalem's First Temple razed by Nabuchadnezzar, not his third female cousin who is empowered.

Also, Christopher Tin music always delivers.
it isn't that complicated, its different that old civ I used to play tho
the biggest grip I have is that there is plenty of busy work even with limited orders, poor visibility and plenty of visual noise

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