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on sale rn any good?
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>any good
Maybe if you're turboassburger. And even then V2 is probably better.
It can be "fun", I kind of hate it, but I can't stop playing it for now and I am waiting for more content and some good mods
If you liked cookie clicker back in the day you'll love it
just pirate it, yeah it's pretty fun i like it more than vic2 since i hate how the economy/trade was implemented in 2
It will never be good.
>boot up the game
>pick a nation that seems fun
>spend your time looking at numbers and building things to balance the economy
>get in the occasional war that the AI loses for you
>balance more numbers, number go up neurons activate and you get somewhat engrossed in it
>finish playing at some point
>feel nothing, no satisfaction, no pleasure, just kind of wonder where the time went doing something so pointless
>play another nation later on and get the same experience
>realise the game is soulless and empty and don't touch it again until the next major patch to see if anything's majorly improved (hint: nothing will have)
This will be your experience playing the game. If you're too retarded to understand their simplistic systems, add another 10-30 hours of gameplay getting to grips with the system, depending on retardation levels. The more you understand the game, the less enjoyable it is.
That's my experience with Paradox as a whole.
Fucking dogshit games.
V3 is better than V2
It's bizarre how people say "but it's just building factories"
Motherfucker, what do you think V2 was except building stuff?
>It's bizarre how people say "but it's just building factories"
because Vic 3 really is just building factories, you do literally nothing else thats even mildly entertaining
you have one cookie, you click it. Thats Vic 3
its not even a good cookie either, its just HOI4s economy put into a victoria game

some modder needs to add a GDP counter to Victoria 2s UI so the cookie clicker cels can get their dopamine hit playing the superior game
So what do you think a player is doing in Victoria 2 during peacetime?
>So what do you think a player is doing in Victoria 2 during peacetime?
playing with the economy

now what does a victoria 3 player do during wartime?
Vic 3 is only half the game Vic 2 is, if that.
>playing with the economy
What specific actions do they do that you can't do in Victoria 3? National focuses? Trade? Influence? Building things?
I don't know wtf your going on about
Its like your trying to take my criticism that Vic 3s economy is just a copy paste of Hoi4s economy with nothing else in the game to do, and you're trying to counter it by arguing victoria 3s economy has more cookie clicker features than Vic 2, so 3s economy is better

>What specific actions do they do that you can't do in Victoria 3?
my criticism is that Victoria 3s economy is literally just Hoi4s poor facsimile of an economy copy pasted over into the Victoria series. Victoria 3 doesn't have an economy like victoria 2 has, it has a poor facsimile of one in addition to not having anything else to do in the game.

Vic 3 is just Hoi4 but with the war part taken out
um actually, Hoi4 has stockpiles
Why do you decline to state specific actions?
It's competing with its predecessor from 14 years ago and it's barely caught up now that it has Spheres of Influence. Diplomacy is a broken joke, reduced gameplay from warfare being largely taken away from the player, the release was even more barebones and shitty than CK3 not to mention broken, the sphere system is retarded compared to V2 and doesn't make any sense and the AI doesn't know how to use it, it's taken almost two years for the economy to not be completely retarded, trade is implemented so poorly it might as well not exist, politics is an unfun brick wall, elections don't matter, revolutions don't make sense half the time, UI looks and feels like shitty mobile app design, cringe millennial writing "humour" in events, trust-fund baby milquetoast political bent in the design of the political system, and the game slows to a crawl towards the end because the dev team's seemingly mostly made up of diversity hires who only know how to use their scripting system.
>b-b-but muh Vic 2 had problems
That game is 14 years old and they failed to build off it in any way. They didn't innovate, they didn't improve, they just shat out the most low-effort crap they could, full of bugs and broken systems and funko pop-collecting retards with low standards ate it up because of "ha ha funny youtubbs video" and "lol look at me do a communism" screenshots for Reddit gold.
V2 had fun wars and you could beat AI without having invite the whole world into your country. V3 wars suck ass in every way
it would be amazing if we got stock. goty.
>now what does a victoria 3 player do during wartime?
seethe and rage at the retarded warscore system and the AI
Imagine an RTS where you only make buildings.
Also, you can't place the buildings on the map or visualize them, they just appear in a list and you imagine where they are.
Also you don't have visible workers, or units of any kind, they just "mine" in the background and your resource numbers go up which lets you make more buildings. But each worker has 15 different miniscule traits that the game computes every tick, so despite the game mostly existing in your mind, it still tends to lag.
There's also a minor "political" element mostly based on dicerolls that has minor affects on your faction's ability to construct buildings.
A typical game session lasts several hours and mainly consists of building up more resources and workers, which chiefly relies on your ability to construct more buildings. This is executed by clicking buttons in a list and waiting.

If this sounds appealing, Victoria 3 is the game for you.
playing wack-a-mole with an ai that is dumber than the human player is not a fun or engaging war system. Removing that shit completely and making the human player actually lose wars if they have a weaker army is already is already an improvement over every other paraslop game. If you think wack-a-mole is in anyway a "good" war system you have brain damage, i think the term is called "paradrone"
Wack-a-mole is unironically a principle of maneuver warfare which is apart of the 19th century for 3/4 of the game. Playing WW1 style warfare gameplay in 1836 is so ahistorical it might as well be a steampunk game.
Yeah how dare we give the player input in their army instead it should be decided purely by number of military buildings and war is just unpausing the game and waiting for it to finish. Now thats what i call great gameplay.
Pirated it last week and gave it a try. Easily the least I’ve enjoyed a paradox gam
paraslop are not good gameplay games period. The only value they have is as simulations and slapping on a 3rd rate war mechanics does not make it a good game. If you want to play war go play one of the million far superior games that do it better.
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>They didn't innovate, they didn't improve, they just shat out the most low-effort crap they could, full of bugs and broken systems and funko pop-collecting retards with low standards ate it up because of "ha ha funny youtubbs video" and "lol look at me do a communism" screenshots for Reddit gold.
Basically the whole problem. They didn't make the game for Victoria 2 fans, or even EU4 fans, or even strategy fans. Who the fuck is this game for? They made it for today's Paradox slop consumers. The people who laugh about the fart events in CK3. That kind of people.
And communists.
But you have to be fucking retarded to be a communist in the XXI century.
Buy the base if you have friends to play mp with and pirate all the DLCs
If you are playing solo, just pirate it all
can anyone qrd on how the economy works
still more interesting than Imperator
>vic 3 war system is actually better
>ackchually paraslop was never good so vic3 is not worse than 2
This game’s gonna cook, fr. Also, don't sleep on Gates of Pyre, it's got some serious potential.
Building queue watching simulator.
1. press button to build building
2. unpause game until building is built
3. money go up
vic3's system is better because it plays into the simulation (the only thing its good at) rather than trying to be a 4th rate wargame
Bait or awful take?
but then money go down after a while
stop building synagogues
which buildings should i build
>micromanage the economy
>balance supply and demand
>go bankrupt
>enact laissez-faire
>watch the AI shitting out tool workshops despite a 15k surplus of tools and lack of resources
>GDP and living standards launch into fucking space
Once you realize the AI is able to import stuff from you and export stuff to you just like you can do from and to them, it all makes sense. If you have a massive surplus, the AI will buy from you. Or if you have a subject, that subject might export your surplus and profit from it. Tools are a good that it's always in demand, 'cause every single mine and logging camp uses it, and every building system from iron frame onward too.
An easy way into having a supermassive economy with a small nation is to start as any german minor, research mechanical tools and building ONLY tooling workshops. It also works as any small english subject.
If the war "system" wasnt a broken mess and the performance wasnt complete dogshit it would be an average game at best at this point
its an upgrade from completely unplayable since release
Vicky2 had an actual economic simulation, an actual private economy, meaningful pops, actual ideologies and parties, politics that made sense, real armies, no 19th century NATO, a sensible war and peace system, limited map painting, no 19th globohomo multicultural utopias, sliders, a good UI etc.
All you V3 reddit shills need to go the fuck back.
I like it a LOT more than V2, personally.

However, if you have played V2, be advised of the dumbest development choice of the game.

> Absolutely no war.
> None. Zero.
> No armies. No marching. No micro-management.
> There are no armies. None. Zero.
> If you praise the war system (LOL, no such thing) then check your bedroom because your wife's boyfriend wants to pay you good boy points to buy Reddit Gold
> Actively punishes map painting because of the inability to micro-manage

Understand that you will completely lose all ability to win a war that is stacked against you.

If you can handle that and liked V2, get it.
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> Nineteenth century NATO did not exist


Tell me, my good man, why did so many European powers back the Sick Man of Europe to "preserve muh balance"? What was the Concert of Europe?

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