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Why is creative assembly no longer capable of making good "historical" total war games? It's been a decade of disappointments. Maybe all the A-guys are focusing on fantasy.

Rome 2
Arguably Attila
Pharaoh is the best historical TW game and TWW3 is the best TW game, what are you talking about hater?
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Because they retooled everything for fanta$oy shit where heroes are going around BTFOing entire armies and it totally fucked up the gameplay.

Just look at Pharaoh. You don’t select a faction, you select a character. That’s a legacy of fanta$oy shit.
Older TW: Kill the general to rout the army
Later TW: Kill the army to rout the general
>Why is creative assembly no longer capable of making good "historical" total war games?
it simply no longer capable of making good games, its just that people play it more for settings than for gameplay
always did
3K is still amazing but just needs a god damn bug patch.
>Pharaoh is the best historical TW game
>nu total war mechanics
>best historical TW
l 0 l
Seethe more, wh3 is leagues ahead of any historical title and always will be
My lad, CA is no longer capable of making a good videogame.
It's one of those zombie companies, like Paradox, Ubisoft, Square Enix or Nintendo that only produc slop and DLCs. Getting money from brainwashed faggots who still think these are the companies they fell in love with 10+ years ago.
>Rome 2
While the gameplay was worse at least R2 was more historically accurate than R1, until the female generals update at least, you can't even properly mod that shit out.
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Because they refuse to return to the best military setting of all times (that still works with Total War rules)

>Victorian era
>high fire rate line battles
>massive leaps in military technology
>scramble for Africa
>American civil war
>franco prussian war
>worldwide campaign map
>maxim guns
>Zulu warriors
>factories and railroads
>political parties and rebels

It would also perfectly line up with the other games and serve as a good follow up for Empire.
You could do so much with it, it's ridiculous they haven't made it yet.
No one is capable of making good anything anymore, entropy won.
Tbf they can`t even make a good a fantasy game, warhammer fantasy does have formations and terrain advatages in tabletop. Right now they prefer to have stat boosting and SEM for warhammer over strong armies.
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Attila was great because it used it's limitations to make the gameplay more immersive
the other games suck because of
>garbage engine
>awful balancing
>boring campaigns
>horrible DLC policy
>one enitity units in a game that shouldn't have them
>hollywood tier animations that ruin the fights (almost the case in Shogun)
historical TW is beyond saving at this point since they also completly dropped the Remaster idea
fantasychads won
Because people move on. You have to realize modern world isn't a world where you have people working in the same car factory for five decades ensuing that every single car is great.
You have people moving from job to job pretty much every year, never really caring about whatever they make. CA that made Rome: Total War has been gone for almost two decades.
>fantasychads won
what exactly they won anon?
i dropped playing wh3 because its unbearable, its more of rpg or busy work game than strategy
and battles are just not fun
diversity hires
The saddest thing for me it's that no other company even tried to make a historical TW clone after all these years, so the genre is stuck with CA.
The main campaign past 1 suck, but immortal empires is still fun at least.
>is still fun at least
for you
I heard Pharaoh is on the right track, but we'll see what happens. The most recent one I've played is Napoleon, and the one I've played most recently is Medieval 2, so feel free to throw my opinion in the trash.

Field of Glory is at least trying, beyond that there are the Koei games that CA was copying off of in the first place when they made Shogun 1.
Fair enough. Don't blame you for disliking it. >>1857962
There's a few indie ones but they don't hit the spotlight well.
garbage thread. Zero discussion, just a thread for whining about shit you can't change. Pathetic.
it is simply because the game is garbage
and you can't change it so why even bother talking outside of some seething anons who have their hopes crushed(they hope for good game but its just crap) and the pain of it is still fresh so they are still care enough to seethe
They won in that CA have channeled all their talent and resources into churning out garbage WH games so that noobs no longer have to take out a mortgage to buy plastic models to smash together. I love historical CA games but honestly adapting TW to WH was a no-brainer idea because the gameplay maps seamlessly onto the tabletop mechanics, and the tabletop game had been a sales golden goose for decades. Now any NEET autist who reads the 4d4chan wiki too much just has to drop 60 neetbux to play with unlimited toy soldiers instead of 60 neetbux on a single box of unpainted plastic minis, and then they still need to buy the codexes, paints, proprietary gameplay materials etc.
I would add on that the settlement management model they took on since Rome 2 has made gameplay worse in general. If you make a mistake in your building chain you won't be able to recruit archers anywhere in Italy or your pops will start starving to death because apparently agriculture is only practiced in a single territory where the senate has decreed that a farm will be built. Utter nonsense meant to place more emphasis on faction politics which is just stupid event choice popups and turned settlement management into some weird puzzle game.
>Field of Glory
I like it (even if I prefer real time strategy), but there's no campaign with integrated battles without exporting them from FoG Empires

>few indie ones
Yeah, I respect that, but most are underfunded and limited. It's a shame, really
Years of tech debt post R2 and Warhammer proving fantasy shit pays dividends are the main reason. Another huge problem from what I can see is that CA is primarily made up of money hungry suits making decisions purely based on financials. Seriously, ive never seen an interview or a person out of that studio that doesnt look like a millennial Patrick Bateman.
Nintendo is still making good games and you will never be a real woman.
The real answer is because nobody nowadays actually gives a fuck about history or warfare. They think it's cooler to have capeshit style action than realistic tactics or battle procedures. Not saying the original Total Wars were perfectly accurate or realistic, but you could tell that the guys making it thought that knights and samurai and Romans were cool and were somewhat interested in the subject matter. Most of the people now either couldn't give two fucks, or see it all through a distorted ideological lens. Either way they won't touch history, and if they do it's only to make capeshit, or to make propaganda and for no other reason. This is largely true for movies and virtually every game genre, and even a lot of books.
Less focus on tactical gameplay. The series gradually morphed from a virtual wargame to a crappy rpg. HP bars were the first huge mistake and the massification of hero units just cemented it.
Historical vs fantasy was never the issue. Lotr mods for Medieval II play just fine because the campaign layer is about raising armies and moving them and not about equipping Aragorn with a +2 elven longsword and appointing Arwen as his aide-de-camp to give him an extra 3 morale so that he can solo the next orc army.
>and not about equipping Aragorn with a +2 elven longsword and appointing Arwen as his aide-de-camp to give him an extra 3 morale so that he can solo the next orc army.
bingo! the latest 'historical' total war, pharaoh is guilty of this. felt like i was playing some shitty warhammer clone than anything from history. older games had bonuses and buffs, yes, but nothing this egregious.
The LOTR mod for medieval 2 is one of the best mods I've ever downloaded and has none of the garbage mentioned in nuTw
>what exactly they won anon?
Historical combat, limited by the TW engine, is just kinda boring. Like anything that makes line musketry or spearmannii warfare interesting just can't be represented in a TW game, where it's just spamming tons of same-looking units at an AI too stupid to deal with them. And the overworld is always a shitshow that won't play realistically at all.
It's not really though. It's just that the guys making it never think through mechanics they don't already know. All warfare is dominated by information. Back then that meant officers sitting on horses to see further, flags for identification, runners to convey orders back and forth etc. They could try a mechanic where you, as the general, have limited information. Either a line of sight/fog of war mechanic, with runners or whatever providing updates that may or may not be accurate. Then delays between when you receive information, send orders, and when they are carried out. The entire game would be about trying to anticipate movements and plan counters, while also having to be ready and able to deal with rapid changes as the enemy does the same. You could easily make this simple enough to fit into total war, but complex enough to be engaging, but they have no interestin doing so. Instead the next total war will have a Henry VIII cooking minigame and Charles Martel smashing entire armies with a giant hammer.
they already have that in some versions of the game and nobody plays with it cuz its shit.
What you're talking about is general camera, which is basically just a shitty handicap rather than a genuine mechanic. And yes there's also a fog of war but it's stupid since as soon as any unit can be seen it just shows. I'm talking more about delays in passage of information up and down, which is literally the defining factor of 99% of all battles in history.
>Historical combat, limited by the TW engine, is just kinda boring
Come on, that's not true

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