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Are logistics fixed yet?
Logistics are fine what i am tired of is clicking 20 times to get a decent airplane design
I reinstalled and almost started playing then remembered "AI spams nukes with autorecon" if you don't rush them fast enough bit :/
weird even on highest difficulty setting i remember getting ahead of AI in tech so much i was discouraged to play the game.
Instead of playing this half-baked dysfunctional knock-off why don't you just play HoI IV?

Is it because you like the sci-fi aesthetic? I should have known it was not about the gameplay.
hoi4 wishes it was 1/5th game SE is, btw no idea why you schizos invade other games threads, there are like twelve hoi4 threads on this boards right now, kindly fuck off there
NTA and never played HoI 4 but SE is just kitchen sink of the game with shitty mechanics and bad base design, like every thing is done backwards and in worst way possible
I held back on the AI and eventually they start ICBMing you every turn. No missile defense techs, massive pop death every round when manpower is the most valuable resource in game :^)
HoI4 is unironically for faggots:
>btw no idea why you schizos invade other games threads, there are like twelve hoi4 threads on this boards right now, kindly fuck off there
whats bad design according to you? a traditional wargame combat mechanic? go play hoi4 then you will see why people call it visual novel cookie clicker
>go play hoi4 then you will see why people call it visual novel cookie clicker
They call it that because they are bad and seething and coping about it. They cannot keep up with an evolving meta and dynamic warfare they need baby pacifier rock vs paper vs scissors gameplay from 1991.
>go play hoi4
the most stealthy paradrone shill
>implying SE is hard
man, git gut
because people want to play an actual wargame not paraslop trash
hoi4 is visual novel tier with combat. The game is for 14 year olds.
>evolving meta
People talk about these games like they're esports. Modern Paradox fans are weird.
whats's new?
i never tried playing barren planets like a moon, maybe i'll do that if get around to playing this again
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i just buyed the game what am i in for? anything i really super need to know?vyhn
K go make a shadow empire mod for hoi4 and call me back.
I like this image, may I save it?

And you need manpower and industry, just expand your borders with your starting troops until you meet resistance and hold. Try to get a metal mine up ASAP. Sell your rare minerals and water/food turn 1 before their price crashes.
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you may save the image because you helped me :)
It's about gathering resources on a post apocalyptic planet. No one knows how airplanes work.
The only thing I really hate about Shadow Empire is how the AI will haul ass up the tech tree and there's no sense of resource parity between giganigga laser riflemen and regular infantry.

It kind of makes sense in terms of the sci-dystopian fantasy for 1,000 laser riflemen to be worth 10,000 regular riflemen, but it feels like there's just no real material drawback to rushing zap rifles.
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Have problem with logistic?
Make more truck.
Still problem?
Make train.
Simple as.
Now let me tell you what is so bullshit about the game. The fucking useless numbers in the model designer. It's absolutely fucking retarded.
And thank have we have blueprints. Because otherwise designing an air model would be a nightmare.
I'd like it if the model design iteration minigame was a little easier to navigate and interact with. I think it's a cool idea but as it's implemented right now it just feels like a very half-assed sense of gambling.
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>If your Logistical Points get split over multiple (Rail)roads that will count as a Branching. After 4 Branchings your Logistical Points will suffer increasingly stiff penalties when they get branched again.
I don't quite get this part in the manual. so instead of having one big highway that has roads that split off to assets it's better to have one single road that snakes between every asset and city?
Yes, but I assume it gets reset if you arrive at another truck station(I don't know).
Sci-fi aesthetic is honestly my second biggest issue with SE.
First is amount of gambling where there does not need to be gambling. Why the fuck can't I just throw parameters into the planet generation thing or even just gamble them one at a time? It's dogshit to play with if you have a specific idea for your planet because it can take hours to get a decent one, only to be fucked by the spawn and have to reroll all over again.
I believe the problem is that it's trying to directly ape WW2, where upgrades would be just explained by minor stuff or a new rifle, none of which is inherently that much more expensive, at the same time making the differences bigger for the sake of gameplay. It's weird and one of those things that do not make sense because SE inherently isn't built as "complex 4x ground-based game with focus on military", it's built as "counter pushing game but generic so we don't have to replay Barbarossa for the 42399th time".
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i played about 60 turns and i like it but some stuff confuses me
>managing my cabinet is awful and i hate it because navigating reports feels really awkward
>i have no idea what most of what some councillors do like staff
>assets have to be connected by a road to work right?
>my army feels tiny although i'm only blobbing savages (who i'm scared to attack with infantry)
>spamming truck stations seems to just stack and make logistics go further rather than being like hubs you want to space evenly which i assumed it would be
>i can't tell what free people are doing
>should i settle another city? i'm pretty bottlenecked by ip and i don't see any particular advantage to having one city other than less micro
>i already feel like i own half the map and i haven't even invented tanks but it feels like i fucked up and should've gone more into tech and less into industry since infantry can't attack effectively
>how to make money besides trade
>does militia really exist to stand in cities and reduce unrest?
>some councillor said he was starting a rebellion but then nothing happened other than he disappeared
i got some tanks and robots from cards and they are so much better at btfoing niggers it isn't even funny
>managing my cabinet is awful and i hate it because navigating reports feels really awkward


>i have no idea what most of what some councillors do like staff

Staff council is responsible for researching new formations

>assets have to be connected by a road to work right?

Industrial assets do yeah. The little towns with bonuses do not and are passive.

>my army feels tiny although i'm only blobbing savages (who i'm scared to attack with infantry)

Your main bottleneck for army production early game is metal, IP and manpower. This is why you should try and settle new zones or occupy minors early game.

>spamming truck stations seems to just stack and make logistics go further rather than being like hubs you want to space evenly which i assumed it would be

Not going to get into logistics as it's a bit of a pain to explain, recommend the manual for this though and it's the only place I've found non conflicting information.

>should i settle another city? i'm pretty bottlenecked by ip and i don't see any particular advantage to having one city other than less micro

You should aim to have a few zones you build yourself

>how to make money besides trade

Taxes which I think scale with your population size and size of private industry (I think?)
>Staff council is responsible for researching new formations
i get that but they have a lot of sliders and i don't really know what it means but i suppose it will become apparent
like wtf is oob discovery?
i've had no necessity to design new formations since mg infantry is all i can really muster anyway
>The little towns with bonuses do not and are passive.
i had a yellow asset giving +1 machinery per turn which only seemed to activate after it had a road so is that "industrial" whereas +100 pop, +25 credits, or +20 rp isn't? i like to connect them with roads anyway because it looks neat but i have a dump in the mountains which is gonna cost like 2k ip to connect and gives 20 rp
>settle new zones
as in more cities? i figured my overall pop wouldn't really grow faster with more smaller cities but it would let me spam industry 1 rather than having to upgrade
i guess the same would be true for private assets which seem very powerful
empty tiles seem utterly worthless which makes me wonder why i even need to space my cities out vs concentrating them
i haven't raised taxes once xd
i guess i should be spamming raise taxes then because it's unlikely to succeed
Here's a good in depth guide on logistics from the forums which is multiple posts long.

>i get that but they have a lot of sliders and i don't really know what it means but i suppose it will become apparent
like wtf is oob discovery?
OOB discovery slider for formation discovery, OOB means Order Of Battle.

>i had a yellow asset giving +1 machinery per turn which only seemed to activate after it had a road so is that "industrial" whereas +100 pop, +25 credits, or +20 rp isn't? i like to connect them with roads anyway because it looks neat but i have a dump in the mountains which is gonna cost like 2k ip to connect and gives 20 rp
It does not need a road connection.

>as in more cities? i figured my overall pop wouldn't really grow faster with more smaller cities but it would let me spam industry 1 rather than having to upgrade
i guess the same would be true for private assets which seem very powerful
empty tiles seem utterly worthless which makes me wonder why i even need to space my cities out vs concentrating them
You only need to consider creating new cities when an asset like a mine or a recycling facility is more than 6 tiles away from the nearest city as you will then start to get administrative strain in that city which will give a negative modifier to the production in all public assets once it gets above 10%.

>i haven't raised taxes once xd
>i guess i should be spamming raise taxes then because it's unlikely to succeed
30% income tax and 25% sales tax is usually enough to keep you in the green and be easily supplemented with trading. Keep in mind that your populace will become unhappy at a certain tax level which is determined by your government profile, so you probably shouldn't raise it to something like 60% income tax and 75% sales tax lol.
the problem is that logistics just isn't intuitive and doesn't work like it would in real life. if a unit is out of supply range or there's a massive bottleneck you would naturally think to upgrade your truck/rail station or extend the road but no what you actually have to do is fuck with a bunch of traffic signs and create weird roads with zero branches so you don't get a bunch of arbitrary penalties. units putting in pull requests and then SHQ delivering logi with the points they have is a perfectly fine system, so I don't know why they added all this extra bullshit.
>my army feels tiny although i'm only blobbing savages (who i'm scared to attack with infantry)
In the early game if you compare the stats of your infantry vs your enemies you'll see that they are roughly at equal strength. Infantry in Shadow Empire if you look at the stats have double the attack values when defending so you'd think that if you attack enemy infantry with twice as much of your own infantry that both sides would have roughly equal strength, however there is a value called entrenchment which is slowly built up over time when certain types of units stay in the same spot for multiple turns and or when a unit moves into certain types of terrain.

Entrenchment can more than double the hitpoints of infantry in defensive combat as 1 point of entrenchment gives a 1% modifier to hitpoints. This means that a unit of say 1000 infantry with 100 points of entrenchment has twice the attack values and hitpoints in defensive combat, essentially making it as strong as 4000 infantry. This can further be modified by experience (which per point gives a 1% modifier to attack and hitpoints), readiness (which gives a negative modifier when it's below 100) and commander skills to mention a few examples.

During a combat round in a battle (usually lasts 10 combat rounds) a sub unit selects a sub unit on the other side to attack, it then rolls it's modified soft or hard attack from 1 to it's modified max value (depending on if it's attacking a soft or a hard target) against the targets modified hitpoints to determine if it's attack will hit or not, then if the defending unit doesn't get killed or retreats it will get a chance to do a counter attack in which it does the same roll but using it's modified soft or hard defense instead and then the combat round ends. A hit can either be a retreat hit, kill hit or a pinned hit.

You can read more about this in the manual and some steam guides but once you get a feel for these things you'll feel a lot more confident.
Changelist 1.26i(#214)
-Housing Tech added
-Social Housing Asset Type added
-Worker Apartments Asset Type added
-Added a lot of mouse overs in the election reports revealing a lot more information about how the calculations are made during elections.
-Governor influence on elections has been improved + Soldiers voting algorithm now follows more closely the setup for pop+worker voting. Notice that new elections with this version might see some shifts in voting behavior.
-Sped up AI calculations with 10-15%

Housing Notes

Social Housing Asset provides Social Housing Points and Worker Apartments provide Worker Apartment Points. If more social housing than Population then workers can use remaining housing points. If more apartments than workers than population can use remaining housing. But Workers put in social housing only provides you with 25% of the worker housing effects.

Full housing provides +2 happiness for Population and +4 happiness for Workers. This is because worker apartments are way more luxurious and social housing is much more bare bones. If 50% or more of Population is housed then it increases Free Folk settlement, if 100% is housed then Free Folk settlement reaches the point of being doubled. For Population migration between Zones the difference in housing % acts as a modifier that at maximum, when the difference is 100%, can increase migration by a factor of 4 or decrease migration by a factor of 4 when at the minimum of -100%.

Having Workers with good housing (apartments) makes it really unlikely that workers quit their jobs, with 100% apartment housing for your Workers the amount of Workers leaving your service is divided by 16. This effect kicks in from 1% onwards.
Once worker housing reaches 50% and upwards the recruitment of workers will be easier, up to a factor 4 more if 100% of workers are housed in apartments.
>No one knows how airplanes work.
A false statement, but even as someone who understands how they work, the hard cap limit of 33 tile max range makes them incredibly difficult to employ in any role other than ultra-light recon planes.
>managing my cabinet is awful and i hate it because navigating reports feels really awkward
Yes, that is true. I almost never read reports in general, your cabinet should ideally be a one time appointment until they retire from old age, try not to appoint shitters to councillor jobs. Internal political faction RNG can really fuck you over because everyone seems to align with the first one or two, and if their ethics don't match what you're going for it can be miserable.
>i have no idea what most of what some councillors do like staff
I can explain all, but Staff is a pretty low priority one. It's primary purpose is discovering OOB's (formation types), and developing them for deployment. The kinds of OOB's you can discover depends on which troop types/vehicles you have models for. Theres a guide on Steam that let's you see how to unlock everything. Apart from this, you can use Staff to make custom OOB's, and they also develop the various posture stratagems.
>assets have to be connected by a road to work right?
ONLY, and i mean ONLY, if you build it yourself, anything built by your civillian sector will get a free road (they do need a road to work, but YOU don't have to build it) All the stuff you find on the map like those old walkers that give research, or old power plants just need to be in your territory, they do not require a road.
>my army feels tiny although i'm only blobbing savages (who i'm scared to attack with infantry)
This game never gets to real-life or even just other wargame army sizes. Remeber that your population at the start is like, 70k total people. So long as you have recruits to spare i wouldn't call being outnumbered a critical problem.
>spamming truck stations seems to just stack and make logistics go further rather than being like hubs you want to space evenly which i assumed it would be
Don't spam truck stations. Build 1 truck station in your cities and upgrade it when your capacity is no longer sufficient.
>i can't tell what free people are doing
Free people marauders just act like neutral critters, they will annoy you and you can just blow them up. Free people villages will slowly migrate to the city which zone their village lies within. Vacuuming up free folk villages is absolutely essential to population growth.
>should i settle another city? i'm pretty bottlenecked by ip and i don't see any particular advantage to having one city other than less micro
Settling new cities is something that should really only be done rarely, if your administration penalty is too high in a large zone, or you want to extend your logistics grid across a space of the map where no city was originally, settling can be fine. But generally you want to consolidate population.
>i already feel like i own half the map and i haven't even invented tanks but it feels like i fucked up and should've gone more into tech and less into industry since infantry can't attack effectively
This is hard to answer given i don't know what your map looks like, but if its a tiny one and there's very few players then yeah, taking over large portions of the map is easy. A bad map with little population can be incredibly boring to play, and its why i echo the sentiment of >>1851413 regarding planet rng, if you could input the values you want getting consistently entertaining planets would be easier.
>how to make money besides trade
Taxes. something like 25% sales and 30% income won't generate any problems if you are Commerce or Enforcement profile, Government players can go up to 50% sales and 40% income and nobody will complain.
>does militia really exist to stand in cities and reduce unrest?
Yes. They are a joke outside of the first 10 or so turns. Vic should probably rework them.
>some councillor said he was starting a rebellion but then nothing happened other than he disappeared
He probably did rebel, but if he did it in a fuckhuge zone of yours he probably spawned on a moutnain tile incredibly far away from the city he wanted to take and never moved from there. You can probably find him if you look around, rebellions in SE are a joke and i actually purposefully push upset leaders to do them, as a leader rebellion is quite literally the most resource efficient way of getting rid of shitters in your leadership structure causing problems.
>i got some tanks and robots from cards and they are so much better at btfoing niggers it isn't even funny
Galactic Republic grade shit is indeed incredibly overpowered, availability is the only issue and you can still lose it to some random bullshit, so best make sure they always fight with support.
Anyway that's everything. I can probably answer any question you might conceivably have about the singleplayer experience of this game. I've sperged this shit so much that the absolute inability of the AI to play the game properly is broadly apparent. The game is too complex for it's own good in this regard and once you learn how to navigate the complexity taking complete control of games against the AI is really easy, even on higher difficulties.
>no idea why you schizos invade other games threads
Because le meme runs that HOI4 runs on wear out fast and they need their dopamine fix by starting fights.
This, they are great for an initial breakthrough though, even with something like 10 tile range will work if you have time to plan, or get bogged down somewhere.
I really like the game but the DLC was such a fail, it must be some sort of special autism to seek a worse, less interesting solution than just BUILD AND HAVE NAVY. This way my megaempire rising from the ashes feel like their being cucked by some Houthi like mfs with barges
Thank you for bumping the thread, bot-sama
For me, I always thought it was an ultra-autistic approach to laying the framework for that, i.e.: MARITIME LOGISTICS WALKED SO NAVAL WARFARE COULD RUN. I sort of get why it was done the way it was done.
Personally I want more fleshed out minors+diplomacy before I want a navy, but before any of that I want way more thought put into late game ICBM play with regards to missile defense+techs.
Also Autocracy generally sucks and shouldn't be treated as challenge mode.
i know what oob means faggot but the idea of "discovering" oob is not intuitive although i figured out that it means new formations which are basically techs and need to be "operationalized" instead of invented
>You only need to consider creating new cities when an asset like a mine or a recycling facility is more than 6 tiles away
that's worth knowing, thanks
i have a huge 8 tile ruin which is over half my metal and all my rares but is like 80 tiles away
i guess i need to find admin strain and look at it
i only just found how to view factors of pop growth, private income, etc
entrenchment and combat is pretty self explanatory and although the exact modifiers don't seem obvious for rivers etc i've just used intuition but when manpower is so precious it just totally doesn't seem worth attacking
does it matter if militia die? i'm not sure how they interface with population
they're terrible at fighting but throwing them at non aligned early on does get rid of them and it takes like 20 turns to have industry and metal rolling before i can really create troops
i meant how free settlements are assimilating
i can view how many migrated but not why or where from and idk if they cause settlements to shrink although i assume they do
marauders are self explanatory but does fauna endlessly spawn? i had a quick game on a green planet and the elephants were a huge problem
>But generally you want to consolidate population
ok thanks, i assume the tier of city somehow matters
>They are a joke outside of the first 10 or so turns
i don't really mind this but i wish they could be better professionalized to at least be capable of killing small fauna
i wasn't even fighting mega kaiju it was like "2m tall crustaceans" and they utterly raped my militia
are buggies worthwhile until i get armor? i'm finally building tanks which i'm anticipating will make offensives more than just
>try to isolate divisions and force them to attack me so they can break out of 0 supply
encirclements are obviously the bread and butter of any wargame but when the front is spread so thin they really feel constant
do ranged attacks reduce readiness?

i didn't realize how profiles worked at first and it seems odd to me that meritocracy suppresses democracy and government suppresses enforcement but now i get it and i'm managing to stack one
it seems best to just stack one profile and slightly go into what it limits while trying to build a cabinet which agrees with you
ministers are annoying as fuck though i'm so exacerbated with impossible demands or requests to raise the wrong profile but i'm hoping if i piss them off enough they will just fuck off and i can replace them with a faction who agrees with me
i should've just postponed appointments but i didn't realize how it worked and just went for suitability
speaking of, how much does initial suitability matter compared to xp gain? if i put some 0 suitability 19 year old with a profile i like will they grow into the role well?
oh and i found you can scrap militia for metal and stuff so i considered just doing that to them once i have like 3 ohq of mgs and some independent armor but metal has kinda stopped being an issue and idk if it's better to keep them around for unrest suppression or hunting down syndicates, which i haven't actually tried to do yet because they don't seem to be causing a problem
You can find river modifiers among other things by hovering your cursor over the terrain icon in the bottom right.
Militia manpower recruitment doesn't seem to affect population numbers however taking too many casualties in a short period of time will result in your population losing happiness but you probably won't cross over those thresholds even if you use them all as sacrificial pawns.
In the early game i use militia to defend my borders while my main forces focus on a specific objective, if i have motorized militia regiments with artillery i'll use them to support my main forces by using the ranged attack order since once they get enough XP they'll be able to get hits consistently which will reduce the enemy's readiness and entrenchment and sometimes they even get kills.

Later into the game i just use them to garrison cities and reduce unrest as troop quality doesn't matter for that job.
Another neat trick is to disband militia within the borders of a newly created zone in order to quickly raise it's population without having to recruit colonists. This will allow you to quickly upgrade the city's level and thus construct higher level assets of mines for example.
>marauders are self explanatory but does fauna endlessly spawn?
Marauder units can spawn from free folk settlements in non-aligned zones (400k free folk produce 1k new marauders per turn) but i'm not sure about alien fauna.

>ok thanks, i assume the tier of city somehow matters
Tier of city limits asset level that can be built, you generally want to concentrate your population in your capital since it's more efficient to upgrade assets than to build multiple low level assets.

>i don't really mind this but i wish they could be better professionalized to at least be capable of killing small fauna
Militia that spawn later on in the game will sometimes spawn with copies of your obsolete models but if you want to make them even stronger you can move for example a militia battalion with infantry and MGs into the same tile as your SHQ, produce replacement troops of your latest infantry and MGs, delete the milita MGs, transfer your latest MGs into your milita battalion and then do the same for the infantry. It can be a bit tedious and you can't freely customize them but this way you will have militia using your latest equipment.

>are buggies worthwhile until i get armor?
Definitely worth it even for the recon they provide alone, hitpoints of units you attack when you have low recon can be multiplied by up to three times. Non-aligned and minor regimes generally don't have any anti-tank weapons and can't cope with armor so just make sure you give them at least 25mm of armor and that you can afford the ammo and fuel costs for them. Though in rough terrain they can suffer.

>do ranged attacks reduce readiness?
Yes and also entrenchment.
>speaking of, how much does initial suitability matter compared to xp gain? if i put some 0 suitability 19 year old with a profile i like will they grow into the role well?
Suitability doesn't tell you anything about a leaders future potential but you can't go wrong with appointing people with profiles that you like since at 100 relations they get a 50% bonus to all rolls they make.
For research directors you want to appoint people with the highest INT stat possible and preferably high capability class as well since that affects their experience gain but high capability is always good for any leader.
For military leaders and staff and spy councils you want people with high WAR stat.
For foreign affairs you obviously want someone with high CHA stat.
For supreme command and interior councils you want people with high INT
For governors you want people with high INT to boost production and trade and high CHA when dealing with unrest.
doh i saw the terrain but not the river modifiers
>In the early game i use militia to defend my borders while my main forces focus on a specific objective
i have no where near enough militia to even do this i generally just use them as explorers or to patrol around distant assets i can't really secure but from time to time there is an annoying stack of bandits and i've been hesitant to throw my militia at them because idk if i'm killing 500 pop or not when i can just contain them and wait for some real units to be free
>Another neat trick is to disband militia within the borders of a newly created zone in order to quickly raise it's population without having to recruit colonists
i didn't know they'd raise pop i figured i was just getting what it told me but that makes disbandment seem much more appealing which it already quickly is and also means that their deaths still matter
marauders don't spawn in my territory so idc about that but fauna seemed to just appear in the middle of my land and idk if it's because it was early, because danger was high, or because that just happens but i'm positive that they did and it was very annoying because i had no tools to deal with 33k bugs
>hitpoints of units you attack when you have low recon can be multiplied by up to three times
worth knowing
i wasn't sure how recon worked beyond revealing what they had
so their attributes are largely fixed and their skills are what give suitability but these grow with experience? the manual only mentions skills and feats
>ministers are annoying as fuck though i'm so exacerbated with impossible demands or requests to raise the wrong profile but i'm hoping if i piss them off enough they will just fuck off and i can replace them with a faction who agrees with me
If you want to mess with regime profiles some more be aware of your current factions (Reports>Overviews>Factions Overview). Their demands (and the profile their demands will raise) will be based on what their profile traits are. You can “kill” factions by dismissing every leader in it and you can strengthen factions by giving their members jobs. Faction profiles do change over the course of the game, usually picking up profiles that you have the highest of/dropping ones that get lowered. I’ve found that the top faction profile never changes so as long as the 1st profile matches one of the ones you want, they’ll usually adapt to your other ones as the game goes on.
>i meant how free settlements are assimilating
They go into the city of the zone they lie in? They don't migrate across zone borders and you won't get from other factions controlled free folk. Free folk don't migrate to Minor Faction cities, only major ones. occupy as many as you can.
>i can view how many migrated but not why or where from and idk if they cause settlements to shrink although i assume they do
They do shrink but this means nothing. Free folk villages do 2 things for you: 1) A loot cache if you are the first major faction to occupy them, this can be anything from credits to machinery or even GR equipment. Rushing to occupy as many as you can early for a chance at that juicy machines cache is worth it.
2) They provide population growth through migration (The population number in the village(s) will slowly move to your city). There's no reason to keep them around.
>marauders are self explanatory but does fauna endlessly spawn? i had a quick game on a green planet and the elephants were a huge problem
I don't actually know the answer to the spawning mechanics, but i can tell you that if you are on a planet where evolution has been going on for too long the native critters can be more powerful than even GR tier equipment. Try to avoid having too many billion years of evolution if you don't want to risk getting into such a scenario.
>ok thanks, i assume the tier of city somehow matters
Yes, the tier of the zone directly limits the tier of buildings you can construct, eg. tier 4 zone -> max level of buildings is 4. Given that buildings become exponentially more efficient with each tier (seriously, compare 7 tier 1 industries vs 1 tier 7 industry) you should always be consolidating.
>i wasn't even fighting mega kaiju it was like "2m tall crustaceans" and they utterly raped my militia
2m tall crustaceans can still have some absurd traits if evolution has gone on for too long.
>are buggies worthwhile until i get armor?
Buggies remain relevant all game, they are comparable to light tanks in survivability, they just use machine gun weapon types and wheeled movement instead of cannons and tracks. The recon they provide alone + fast encirclement maneuvers due to their high movement makes them well worth it at all stages.
>but when the front is spread so thin they really feel constant
You don't have to cover every single tile gap in your front. Units exert zone of control, movement costs are increased by 10 (AP) per tile for enemies moving adjacent to you. Only buggies can run past that kind of penalty.
>do ranged attacks reduce readiness?
They do, and its the main draw of artillery weapons in the game.
>it seems best to just stack one profile and slightly go into what it limits while trying to build a cabinet which agrees with you
This is indeed the correct way to play the game, theres only marginal benefits to trying to hit odd profiles like 60 democracy 40 meritocracy. Pick the ones you like the best and always pick decisions that give you + in those no matter what.
>ministers are annoying as fuck though i'm so exacerbated with impossible demands or requests to raise the wrong profile
Never agree to an impossible demand, it's better to say no immediatly than promise to do something and then fail.
>but i'm hoping if i piss them off enough they will just fuck off and i can replace them with a faction who agrees with me
That is a valid strategy as i outlined previously, but if you have alot of PP and money laying around, you can fire the shitters and promise them a 'better job' (Lie) and then just play retirement cards until they accept. You won't suffer any consequences long term if you pull that off, it's why i consider the Interior Council to be possilby the third most important one after Economic and Military councils.
>i should've just postponed appointments but i didn't realize how it worked and just went for suitability
Definently postpone your council appointments if you only have Cap I or II leaders, (unless it's an unimportant one like foreign affiars), getting it right the first time is best.
>speaking of, how much does initial suitability matter compared to xp gain? if i put some 0 suitability 19 year old with a profile i like will they grow into the role well?
This depends ENTIRELY upon their Cap(ability) level. For a cap I, their initial suitability will directly relfect what they can do, they are so braindead they will barely get better on their own. On the flip side, you can luck of the draw a Cap V junior with 0 in every skill, but they will grow to become masters of whatever role you assign them in 10-20 turns because of how fast they learn.
You know, i'll just write this down now incase it will help someone, here's a list of appointments in order of importance:

SHQ Commander <- This is the most important position in your empire. If you hire a Cap V, this is the position they should occupy first and foremost. You will ideally only ever have one - there's no reason to have more than one unless you are playing Oceania and are invading a second continent. Retire whoever holds this position and replace them with a Cap V if you get one.
Economic/Military Council <- These two are roughly equivalent in importance, developing your economy and technology is critically important in any 4X game and it's no different here. Cap IV's you get can take these jobs if you get any.
Interior Councillor <- A loyal, competent Cap III or Cap IV interior councillor will make managing your cabinet and leaders a breeze. Don't sleep on this position.
Zone Governor <- Of your largest and most productive zones. It seems odd and it's not considered a high ranking position by the game, but a skilled and loyal govenor of a productive zone can boost output substantially.
Supreme Command Council <- In the middle roughly because it's importance goes down overtime. Early on it will handle activities of some of your other councils if you don't have them in limited capacity like foreign affairs, once you have every council Supreme Command only generates PP, which is an important job, but hardly priority fill for high cap leaders. Anywhere from II to overflower IV's (if you get that many) will do.
Model Design Council <- He designs models. This is a position where you can actaully rely on suitability for appointment, Model Design only uses the 'technician' skill, and if your Cap I leader has like 80 of it he will do the job very well.
Airforce Research <- Mid to late game job, this one will mostly be grinding the linear aircraft technologies, like lightweight alloys, to make planes better. Anything above Cap I will do.
Applied Science council <- Spam linear techs for normal technologies. Mining techniques for instance is very good, once you have micro nuke RPGS, payload optimization for instance is cataclysmically OP to do.
OHQ Commanders <- This is a broad category, you might want to put Cap III's for instance on your most powerful tank formations to ensure they can actually get good at what they do, but Infantry Brigade number 36 that you intend to put on hold to guard against some roving wildlife probably will be fine with just a Cap I. As an additional note, demoting people to infantry brigades and sending their HQ formation into combat is a quick and easy way to get rid of bad and annoying leaders. You shouldn't ever use anyone above Cap III for OHQ's though.
Foreign Affairs / Secret Service <- Meme councils.Secret service is only good for sending spies into zones to get intel (it won't last, but it can give you some idea of a zone's layout and what units are within it) Foreign Affairs can be powerful if you start out the game surrounded by amicable farmer minor factions, to unify them faster than you could by violence. But major diplomacy is a joke and you will rarely if ever have any working relationship in this game. It's a wargame and the usefulness of the Foreign Affairs council directly reflects that.
Advisor <- Pointless.
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I completley forgot about secretary, they do rolls for vacant positions (at a massive penalty) but ultimately it's not an important job.
Attached pic is what your late game Cap V SHQ commander who's doped on every single artifact i could get my hands on can do. This one doesn't even have a high roll of her base attribute stats (For a Cap V) and she's still this good.
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And here's a picture of what you can do if the starting faction in your empire aligns with your governing ethics. World peace.
Now i'm gonna stop spamming this thread but i have one last thing to add: If you play as Democracy profile and Government profile, you get a full set of stratagems to train your leaders easily. You might notice in the picrel that all my guys are quite suitable, this was not achieved only through high Cap levels. Democracy gets you access to the 'Cabinet Retreat' stratagem, which increases relationship and EXP for every single part of your council. That's your SHQ commanders, advisors and your councillors. Maybe your secretary too but i don't know that for sure. It's easily the best stratagem in the entire game.
Government gives you Govenor Convention, which does the exact same thing but for govenors.
Finally, Wargames is a card avalible no matter what profile you pick, and it does again the same but for all OHQ commanders. These cards applied as often as you can will make a capable leadership of your empire in no time.
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Wtf am I supposed to do in this situation? It's turn 4 and I have 500 metal having just finished a recycling facility but only 50 IP. Is it worth sitting on these 2 tiles and waiting until I have units or should I quit and chalk it up to unlucky rng? I know they can't kill me but I can't really do anything either.
Are you on hard or extreme difficulty?
Actually what i should really be asking is are these minors or major factions? It's been too long since i played i can't really tell.
If they are majors you should probably quit and start over.
If they are minors, keep raising new formations and send them out along the open gaps on the right and left sides, minor faction AI prefers defensive posturing and they will withdraw if they feel their position is in danger of being surrounded.
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No, it's only normal.
They're minors but there aren't any gaps anymore. I had some great starting events and a godd cabinet so I'd like to salvage it if possible. I'm thinking I might rush for better buggies.
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Oh yay I guess I have no more problems.
Well if it was hard, and those were majors i'd say you should reset. Hard and Extreme major regimes spawn with extra army and territory and that can either partially or compleletly envelop your starting position, making the game incredibly difficult in the opening.

Idk how many turns back you are willing to go but it autosaves every turn, so you might be able to go back to a previous point where you arent enveloped completely.

You could rush buggies but i think light tanks even with just small engines, 25mm armor and cannon should be able to break you out of that pocket. Attack either the tile top right from your city, or either of the two tiles that both of yours touch, for the slight bonus attacking from multiple directions.
In the future you should never let it look like this to begin with, always move everything you have on the first turn as far as you can go. Never stay put, or the minor factions will do what has happend in your picture to you.
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It turned out to not be that bad. I just made mgs and used my gr tanks to breakthrough to do repeated encirclements.
>You could rush buggies but i think light tanks even with just small engines, 25mm armor and cannon should be able to break you out of that pocket.
I said buggies because you start with those but not tanks. All I would have needed is to redesign the model to have armor but it wasn't necessary anyway.
>In the future you should never let it look like this to begin with, always move everything you have on the first turn as far as you can go. Never stay put, or the minor factions will do what has happend in your picture to you.
I did but they swarmed me and I had to retreat to not get cut off from supply.
>you start with those but not tanks
You should be playing T4 starts. T3 is a boring RNG fest.
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What is with all that fallout jesus christ
That's literally a non-effect level of radiation. Yeah every tile has rads but i doubt its a high enough value to actually impact the game in any way. There's no planet gen with radiation high enough to actually impact the game, you have to carpet nuke something to make that happen.
i'm getting better at managing it
just postponing appointments until i have someone with an agreeable profile makes things a lot less annoying
i wish the tooltip gave more info than what it does because idgaf about what it's telling me
yeah but you can't click on a free settlement and see like
>200 pop migrated to Townton because: +2 luxury goods +2 happiness -1 danger -1 distance
or whatever
i get that it doesn't really matter because i always wont them and i always wanna max what they like but i like to see under the hood
even disagreeing to a demand upsets them and every turn i'm spammed with
>go conquer this city in 8 turns
i think i rolled lucky with the world because i've only found 1 metal mine and it costs ~35 credits on the market
thanks i didn't even look at cap or pay any attention to it until now
thanks this is really helpful and i wish the manual had a chapter about it
what does the supreme command slider do which isn't pp? do they generate cards from inactive cabinets? some of the options like
>occupation and governance
are like ??? i'm guessing they're some sort of options for unincorporated cities but there's seemingly no way to know what without just experiencing it
>do they generate cards from inactive cabinets
They just generate low level cards. Once you have a Interior Councillor you should just set it to 100% PP.
The tile qith yellow radiactive affects units but it gets countered with the first level or armor iirc.
>yeah but you can't click on a free settlement and see like
Oh you mean like that, yeah i'm not sure how it works under the hood either lol. All i can tell you is that if your zone is falling apart from unrest, danger and low happiness people will leave the city to free folk villages, and if happiness is anywhere above 'things are currently on fire' free folk will migrate to the city instead. If you play Government, spam the 'Attract free folk card' to get massive influxes of population with no negatives like forced relocation has.
>even disagreeing to a demand upsets them and every turn i'm spammed with
Yes, disagreeing gives you a penalty upfront. But lying to them about a promise will give you a larger penalty AND it will tank your word score, your word score is an extra modifier on your relationship with all your leaders, and having it low will make things even harder for yourself. Never promise something you don't intend to atleast TRY to do.
>i think i rolled lucky with the world because i've only found 1 metal mine and it costs ~35 credits on the market
This is pretty natural, Metal in Shadow Empire is more like the actual currency of the game than Credits are. Everyone needs metal for everything, this includes every factions civillian economy who needs it for construction aswell. Seriously, think about it anon. The only thing i can think off the top of my head that doens't require Metal is like, building roads and solar panels, which require only rare metal. Everything else i can think of needs metal. If you ever player for 100~ or more turns, try and check the in-game price index for resources. I can almost guarantee that Metal is the only thing that only ever increases in value, everything else stagnates or gets cheaper.
>what does the supreme command slider do which isn't pp? do they generate cards from inactive cabinets?
Yes, that's it. Think of those sliders as budget foreign affairs, budget secret service and budget interior council.
green radioactive affects them too it just doesn't kill them
>level 1-3 exposure is morale damage and maybe other debuffs i think readiness recovery is one
>level 4+ kills people and has worse debuffs
exposure is basically rad/100 - protection
>Never promise something you don't intend to atleast TRY to do
i haven't been it's just frustrating having a faction which i frankly wish would get eaten by a giant spider
i've actually ran into a situation now where i have a huge surplus of metal thanks to finding deposits and private mines but i'm struggling with food, energy, water, labor, and logistics
i want to spam open farms where i have good rainfall (500-2000+) but i don't want to fuck up my stretched network with branches or have half my points just going to collect grain and i'm not entirely sure how branching and points decay works
my understanding is
>truck station makes points
>these carry goods from the shq out to stuff (how this works for trucks not at the shq idk i only have one truck station based on advice itt)
>traffic lights let you dam branchs because otherwise the points split equally
>forking is lossy
>it costs whatever the terrain details for them to move every tile
>assets consume logistic points to send goods back to the shq
but what i don't get is how to expand my network if building more truck stops isn't the answer because upgrading the one at home can only take me so far
i don't understand what supply bases do either they say they give free logistic ap so does that mean i can move my lp 50 ap worth of tiles freely between them whereas otherwise i'm consuming lp to move lp? basically i should have one every 50 ap tiles (or idk if they upgrade)

if i built a bunch of open farms with their own truck stop and traffic lighted lp from my shq to the farms red would this truck stop send its lp to the farms and to the shq? i'll probably try this anyway but i'm not playing atm
Assets don't consume LP, they just need it on their tile. It doesn't get used up by the asset.
>i want to spam open farms where i have good rainfall (500-2000+)
Skip that one chief. Just go for Hydroponics if you struggle with food. Both Open Air and Domed farms require absurd amount of workers, which cost you a fortune both in wages and oppertunity cost of having them work such a shit job. Hydroponics scale really well with linear techs. Get those instead.
>assets consume logistic points to send goods back to the shq
They don't, actually. This is a bit of a confusing thing because if you look at the in-game pull points map it says they do, but they actually don't. You just need to 'prove' that the tile of whatever out-of-town building is within the logistics network.
Moving stuff back to the SHQ at the start of the turn costs nothing in logistics, your logistics points only get spent on sending resouces/reinforcements/ammo to assets and units that need them.
Place your farms along the road network you already built, that's good enough.
>traffic lights let you dam branchs because otherwise the points split equally
>forking is lossy
Forking isn't lossy, but what you wrote about traffic lights is correct, ideally you should just never make a network that requires use of traffic lights to begin with.
>but what i don't get is how to expand my network if building more truck stops isn't the answer because upgrading the one at home can only take me so far
It is the answer, just not in the same zone. Ideally you conquer a city or settle a new one and use that as the hub of your new truck station.

Basically every truck station can send its supplies roughly 12~ tiles along dirt road before they start dropping off, i think its like 18 on sealed roads (???, not entirely sure) and you ideally want your cities to be that far apart overall. But don't think of this as a hard rule.

Basically, you want your logistics network to be shaped like a branching tree, that starts from wherever your SHQ is located. New 'branches' in the tree should be in new cities with truck stations in them.
>i don't understand what supply bases do
In the previous section i outlined that truck logistics AP can go roughly 12 tiles on dirt roads before they start fizzling out. If you place a supply base 6 tiles of road away from your city, you can extend this. That's what supply bases are for.
>if i built a bunch of open farms with their own truck stop and traffic lighted lp from my shq
Don't. Just place them along any of the roads leading out from your SHQ, don't make a new one or you will split logistics pointlessly.
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Here, i drew a dogshit illustration in paint to show what i mean with the 'braching tree'. The only reason you should ever intersect branches of the tree is if its strategically relevant to do so, eg a pair of frontline cities where you may want to move troops between them without having to run through wilderness. Otherwise, make it so theres only ever one way back to the SHQ from any given start point in the network.
Use supply hubs if the distance between your cities is high, like 18 or more tiles. Place it in between both cities and both truck stations will the AP boost.

Final note about rail and railstations is that these, especially high speed rail, can cover incredibly vast distances. You will only need one rail station in your capital for most of the game, you will simply place railheads in the other cities in order to make use of all the logi points it gives. New rail stations should only be put up really, really far from your capital.
Never connect your rail in a loop back to itself, the "pathfinding" gets fucked up and it ruins the LP distribution.
>have tons of trucks
>have trains for days
>rail and road everywhere
>still no logistics
I know there's already a few graphics mods out there, but is there anything that adds new units or changes the gameplay itself?
Skill issue.
Post a screenshot. Let us see.
don't think so
there is no modding support
Fag, show us your empire. This council of autists will decide if your complaint is legitimate or not.
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nta but this shit happens and it's retarded
>truck station
Has a truck station at midway
Has that also. It glitches out because the engine breaks down.
My shadow nigger are you really going to post a screenshot using the "current" overlay instead of initial or bottleneck and then complain you don't have any LP? It sounds like you don't know how to play. I looked it up and the kids these days call that a skill issue.
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>2k lp
Uh huh
Hilariously, not five turns before it was all fine. The engine shits itself and ends your game because lmao not gonna use the roads anymore lulz.
>current overlay is worthless
You're a retard. That's how you can tell the engine is fucking itself. Problem is that when the engine fucks itself your game is over because that's it for your front.
Maybe take a look at the preview pts overlay since it looks to me like you deleted and rebuilt your road network and if so it will take a turn for the logistics path to be recalculated.
no it doesn't matter, you can set the traffic stop so only pull points go down a road
is building apartments fun in the new beta?
Post your save and game version, and I will teach you exactly how to fix your problem.
Gonna need a bigger overview here where your SHQ is visible.
>Has a truck station at midway
Don't place truck stations outside of cities.
>Has that also. It glitches out because the engine breaks down.
If you don't have a railhead or rail station in the tile you want to use rail logistic points on, they will be inaccessible. You need a railhead there to actually use the rail logi points.
>You're a retard. That's how you can tell the engine is fucking itself.
He's not a retard, actually. Current overlay is infact completely worthless in problem diagnostics other than 'theres a problem'.
Bottlenecks / Initial PT's is the actual, real way to find out where your problem lies.
>You need a railhead there to actually use the rail logi points.
A percentage (10%?) of the rail LP is supposed to leak down the track with or without a railhead/station on the far end.
An insufficient amount when you can build a railhead for like 100 metal and IP in 1 turn. Place Railheads in the places you want to actually draw rail logistics points from.
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you faggots completely lied about logistics
we didn't, you may just be too stupid to get it anon. logistics are genuinely not even hard to understand in this game and i will explain it as many times as i have to for you shadow niggers in this thread
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yes you did

>supply hubs make good junctions
they have nothing to do with this all supply hubs do is extend how far logistics can move
>don't loop back around
logistics just end at branches and are wasted but nothing stops you from feeding those branches back into a main line
>never build truck stations outside of cities
there is no reason not to make truck stations outside of cities to extend your network
you can clearly see in pic related that the truck stops outside the city are both adding 800 points to the network
>logistics are genuinely not even hard
Mb it's not hard but it's fucking retarded, fucking counterintuitive and fucking unrealistic.
There no fucking single reason for this bloated shit to live.
If you need truck stations outside of cities you should be building rail, my shadow nigger. The refocusing penalty is real.
from what i can tell there is a penalty to any truck points that goes through a truck stop, so in your setup the 111 truck pts that goes through truck stop A loses 44 pts and the 486 pts that goes through truck stop B loses 190 pts. So any truck pts get penalized ~40% when going through a new truck stop. So i can see that by deleting the road from Faulshelf to truck stop A you would save 44 pts for example.

I think most of the confusion stems from the fact that people can't read the logistics overlays, which isn't all to unsurprising because there are a few nuances you need to know that aren't documented and that if you don't know them you won't be able to read them, particularily with how unit supply logistics works. I wouldn't be surprised if there is exactly 0 other people in this thread that can read logistics.
What is the Shadow? Are we just nanite clones of the long dead Emperor Anubis?
fragments of the AI shadow Anubis made of himself
You don't know about refocusing but you're telling us that we're the ones who don't understand the system?
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... My shadow nigger. You didn't learn anything i told you based upon this fucking screenshot.
First of all you're right, Supply Bases don't do anything other than extend truck movement AP but if you're gonna make a junction outside of a city, putting a supply base on it is not unwise.

Now, i've gone and taken your image into paint to show you what your network should ACTUALLY look like. I don't know what those two external assets you have to the northwest are, but if they are truck stations you should erase them and focus on upgrading the one in Faustshelf instead.
All the roads you have connecting shit in between is why you are having problems, every road NOT marked with a red line, should be erased immediatly.
I agree that it's not realistic in the slightest, but counterintuitive is simply not true, i'm gonna fucking type out a post in a second explaining things yet again
1) When the end turn button is pressed, every single resource your empire produces that is within the logistics network is automatically teleported into your SHQ inventory. And yes, this is teleportation. No logistics points are spent on this first step of the process.
2) From here, every item is now distributed from your SHQ. This is why you must make a series of lines and not a web, cities don't ever send anything to eachother even if it would be logical in real life to move metal from one city to another for a factory for instance. EVERYTHING originates from your SHQ.
3) This is why you want to draw your network like >>1854340 Any roads between cities will lead to logistics points being assigned to roads and rails that aren't gonna use them as part of the end turn calculations. >>1857016 You can even see in your screenshot in the middle you've got a road with 1476 points on it. What use is it here unless you are strategic moving units?
4) If you build the network correctly, your bottlenecks map overview will show you where you have actual capacity problems. Any such issue is usually resolved by upgrading the truck station in whatever city is closer to your SHQ along said bottleneck route, but sometimes you might want a road sign to prevent too much LP from going down a short road with a mine or something.
>there is no reason not to make truck stations outside of cities to extend your network
Every time logistic points cross a truck station you lose a percentage point of the total for no reason. It's why i tried to show in my diagram that you want your cities a rough certain distance apart in order to ensure that the two never overlap directly but rather provide their points along the whole lenght of the road, stopping short of the next station.
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I'm even gonna give you an alternate layout that i just came up with here for you. The attached pic is what i would probably personally draw, if Faultshelf is your SHQ atleast. 6 individual directions to expand your network. The going going to the North and the one going south-west should be connected to the cities of whatever hostile zones those are. North-west would look for a city that way or possibly create one of my own, depends on what your map looks like. North-east would snake around the mountain range or try to find a cheap place to cross it.south-east and south would extend straight. Supply bases would be put after about 6-8 tiles to extend the movement AP if you don't find any city to conquer.

If you built it like i drew here, i guarantee you a single truck station upgraded to appropriate level would give you more logistics points than you need, and you would not need to use road signs at all.
>but counterintuitive is simply not true
It's true.
How work intuitive logistick: every truck can move 1 unit or rss for 1 hex 10 times per turn, so truck either can move 1 rss for 10 hexes or 5 rss for 2 hexes.
How SE logistic work:

Only retard can protect this fucking retarded bloaterd shit. And AI totally ignore those retarded system.
Also, how logic of army logistic work:
Army need supply every day in X amount, so they keep X+reserve amount of trucks in their own park.
How logic of constructions logistic work: construction need every day Y amount, so they keep Y+reserve amount of trucks in their own park.

How logic of SE logistic work:
Single auto park for all. You build more than single object? Ggwp go re, you fucked since all trucks went to move rss for building.
This is just autistic screeching, what the fuck are you even talking about?
Road signs exist if you fuck yourself by making the road this way, but even with alot of forks if you have alot of things creating pull points stuff generally does go the right way.
I don't even know what you are trying to say here. If your logistics aren't in order over the end turn then yeah you can't do anything about it until next turn.
>Only retard can protect this fucking retarded bloaterd shit.
Guess im a retard then, but at least i can write coherent english.
>And AI totally ignore those retarded system.
True, they do. Which is why Vic is working on a mid-core simplified logistics system where player and AI would use the same rules.
Again i don't know what you are even trying to say..
I apologize if my replies >>1857416 >>1857421 >>1857424 come across as condescending, i'm just trying to share my understanding of the system.
Go back to school then retard.
A bad faith dimwit, not sure why i expected anything else. Go troll a different thread.
Get help retard. Veryunhealthy to claim that using road signs for keep trucks in road to destination is intuivite.
Another bad faith argument, i literally said if you design the road network like i showed, traffic signs are unnecessary.
Troll somewhere else or read my posts properly before trying to troll.
Bad faith argument is claim that bad designed, counter-intuitive and unrealistic system is intuitive.
Get help already, and find in dictionary what "intuitive" mean, you sick fanboy.
>split your logistics in 6 directions
dude are you brain damaged it was obviously a mock system to test truck stations outside of cities and you know what they are both because they're adding lp and because you were explicitly told
i do know about refocusing but it's not fucking hard or expensive to dump a truck station near the frontlines for when i need more lp and i di need more lp because there aren't enough cities
>pushing into some shitty desert or swamp with no cities in it and running out of logistics? just throw another truck station down and you get 400 more for 20 fuel a turn
>or wait 6 turns to upgrade your home station, assuming it isn't maxed
>or spend an order of magnitude more resources building a rail network
the first refocusing penalty is only 20% and having 180% of the lp is very very nice
this "only have one truck station" is just autism when all that matters is getting lp to the front and there are no pathfinding problems you just need to traffic light the way home
That was an example of expansion later. There's obviously no point to doing it at the stage the image is taken. Pull points system means things go the right way even without using traffic signs.
>mock system to test truck stations outside of cities
I didn't make any assumptions and neither should you about what is and is not obvious.
>you know what they are both because they're adding lp and because you were explicitly told
I did miss that part of your post.
>wait 6 turns to upgrade your home station, assuming it isn't maxed
Fair enough if that's your problem, personally i just try to keep ontop of my truck station upgrades to ensure i always have enough capacity. Building more truck stations wouldn't work if the distance is too vast though, as you need to have the logistic points along the entire length of any given road.
>Building more truck stations wouldn't work if the distance is too vast though, as you need to have the logistic points along the entire length of any given road.
Are you actually this wrong or are you shitposting? For someone who is claiming to understand the system you get the most basic things wrong. You can move any amount of points down any length of road with no losses as long as you have enough supply depots and nothing is using them along the way. Your station can be 200 tiles from where supply is actually used and as long as you have depots every 50ap of distance logistic points wont decay. They get free ap from depots and stations after which they use themselves to move.
There is a blue print designer now my dude.
>Your station can be 200 tiles from where supply is actually used and as long as you have depots every 50ap of distance logistic points wont decay.
Supply depots don't stack though?
From the manual:
>"The Range Boost is not cumulative with multiple Supply Bases en route (if you already have a Supply Base in place and at the end of the line you are not receiving enough Logistical Points, you should build another Truck Station somewhere in between)."
>Your station can be 200 tiles from where supply is actually used and as long as you have depots every 50ap of distance logistic points wont decay
You're a very confident idiot.
>Again i don't know what you are even trying to say..
that is clear
yeah i was right, nobody here can read logistsics so they base their ideas on how logistics work based on what they have read or been told rather than what the game itself is telling them what is happening, thats why these arguments keep happening.

well carry on then
>Are you actually this wrong or are you shitposting?
Neither, but this discussion has broken down into shit flinging.
>You can move any amount of points down any length of road with no losses as long as you have enough supply depots and nothing is using them along the way.
This is untrue, Supply Depots only refill AP once, it's in the manual. You can go pretty far with sealed roads and lvl 3 Supply Depot though.
True, i just think the logistics being what it is makes for low priority shit to complain about regarding SE. There are other issues that i think sink the enjoyment of the game further.
How exactly do traffic signs work in this game

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