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Hello everyone, and welcome once again to another Tinto Maps! Today we will be taking a look at India! Yup, a whole subcontinent… Exciting!

Let me say a foreword before I start sharing with you some beautiful maps. Some of you may wonder why we decided to make the entire Indian subcontinent in just one DD, instead of spreading it a bit. There are two reasons for that. The first is the political situation: the Sultanate of Delhi is at its zenith, under Muhammad bin Tughlaq. You will soon see that it rules over more than half of the region, approximately; so splitting that polity into several DDs would have felt weird.

The other is that we felt that a more cohesive approach made sense in this region, as it’s sooo diverse compared to others, that the way we approached it, both for its setup and content, was from the generic to the particular; therefore, we think that it will also help us more when we tackle the review of the region. Speaking of that, don’t worry much about the time available to prepare suggestions; you may already know that we have a backlog of several regions, and therefore weeks, before we hit the Indian review, so you will have plenty of time to research and prepare them. In any case, as it’s a massive task (we know it firsthand), we’ll let you know a bit in advance when we plan to start the in-depth review of it, so you have time to wrap it up.

As a final say, I just want to mention that an old acquaintance of the community, @Trin Tragula , now Design Lead in CK3, helped us to map a big chunk of it. Thanks, mate! And now, maps!
As I just mentioned, the Sultanate of Delhi is at its zenith, under Muhammad bin Tughlaq, extending through the Indo-Gangetic Plain, including Bengal, and to the south, throughout the Deccan. There we have its toughest contender, Vijayanagar, a county that is a bulwark of Hinduism. Other important countries around it are Orissa and Sindh, but much smaller countries generally surround Delhi. You might wonder how it would be possible to stop Delhi from completely controlling the region, then. For this, two things are affecting its capability to achieve it. The first is the base game mechanics: ruling over so many different cultures and religions with low control will be hard. The second is a Situation that involves the Fall of the Sultanate; if Delhi wants to succeed, it will have to fight back against rebellions, which involves the potential independence of the Bengalese countries or newborn ones such as the Bahmanis, and the multiple Indian states around it, which are ready to take over it.
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Here we have a new type of topography: Atolls. We added it some months ago, as we worked on finishing the map of the Pacific Ocean, and it will be the last one added to the game.
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A new map mode is born! Here you have the development of India. The most developed place is Delhi, which is part of the fertile Gangetic Plain.
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>those sea provinces
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Not an entirely new map, but a glorious one. We chose it to be the one to present how the different cultures could be present in the game for a reason.
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India is the birthplace of numerous religions, and that needs to be reflected in the religious map. The main religion is Hinduism, but don’t be deceived by its homogeneous look, as it will be quite deep feature-wise. We also have Buddhism, which is at a low point, after some centuries of prosecutions. Mahayana is a majority in Sindh, although that's not completely exact, as an earlier form of Buddhism was practiced there; we’re also not 100% convinced about it being a majority, as some sources and accounts set the Islamization of the region to be completed under the Ghaznavids, in the 11th and 12th century, while others delay it until the 14th century - we followed the later approach, but we're very open to feedback in this specific matter. Another form of Buddhism is Theravada, which is the most practiced religion in Sailan. Some interesting minorities present in the region are Jains (yellow stripes), Nestorians (the pink stripe in Malabar, which portrays the ‘Saint Thomas Christians’), Jews (which have their own separate culture, ‘Kochini’), and several Animist confessions, of which we’ve already split Satsana Phi, the traditional religion of Tai people, and Sanamahism, the religion of Meitei people. Oh, although it’s not strictly part of the region, the light blue stripes to the north is Bön religion.
Raw Materials:

India was for some time in the period the wealthiest region of the world, one of the main reasons being that it’s incredibly rich in very different types of resources, including some of the expensive ones. That will make for a very interesting economic gameplay.
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There are several market centers in India that we think portray well the situation in 1337: Kabul (yes, it’s in Afghanistan, but it’s one for the area of Kashmir), Delhi, Khambat, Calicut, Pulicat, Varanasi, and Chittagong.
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India has a big population. To be precise, around 95M pops. Delhi is the second largest country in the world in population, with 41M pops, which makes it a behemoth, with very serious governance challenges. I’m also showing this week the progress we’re making with the coloring of the population mapmode; the stripes on several locations mark that they’re overpopulated, as they have more pops living on them than the pop capacity available (something that may be reviewed, as balancing very densely populated regions such as India or China is really challenging).

And that’s all for today! We hope you enjoyed this massive Tinto Maps. Next week we will be taking a look at the Steppe. Which one, you might wonder? Well, the one ruled by the Golden Horde, from Ukraine in the west to Mongolia in the east. Cheers!
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> Will the game discourage countries from conquering and keeping the 'difficult' places like the Himalayas or the Gondi regions in central/east India? Like how the borders of Delhi at the start basically ignore these areas

Terrain has an impact on the control you can exert, yes, in two different ways. First, it impacts the Proximity, which is the base for the calculation of the control a country has over a location. And secondly, it impacts the development in each location, which also impacts the Proximity.

I think that showing the tooltip for Proximity Impact on a certain location will help to understand this:
Wait, so if I am France then a grassland province in Italy would be more "proximate" then one in the Alps? Sounds retarded
No because you have to count the Alps locations to get to Italy
Do they have roads or rivers
I can't wait to deathwar India and occupy all its provinces, then let all its pops starve
>is above tropical
It'll cost less proximity to move from a grassland location than a mountain location. If you trace a trade route from the Paris market to the Genoa market, for example, each location between them would add to the length of the route - that includes the Alps with their higher proximity impact.
Roads significantly reduce proximity impact, while the role of rivers is something that is in active development and hasn't been fully shown yet.
>6 gorillion mountain passes
but why?
OK so they refuse to just make Venice an larger island so it can fit on the map, but are fine with making the Maldives islands 20x bigger than they are irl because?
>the rajah of Reddi
They were larger at this time in history, but not this large.
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The largest Island in the Maldives is Gan in the Laamu Atoll

Here it's the contour of present day Gan compared to Venice
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They seem to have represented entire atols as one singular island location, as an abstraction, so the actual locationg ingame is based on the outline of the island
In addition to that, they also put multiple of these merged atols into one location, picrel, the bottom one is Laamu.
Honestly feels kinda inconsistent (which is a given since multiple people work on different areas), maybe its for clickability (since venice is very close to the mainland, while these atol-islands and others in the pacific are in the middle of nowhere)
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Forgot pic
It is very nice and exciting to see that India has received attention and development which it is deserving of. It is still lacking there is too many focuses on the Islam invasion of India and not enough Hindu development, I am hoping that this will be fixed and that there will be more development of Hindu features.
I need rivers to be made navigable. Both for trade and navies. Make it so I actually need a navy to conquer southern china and can't just quickly hop across the Yangtze, make trade important down rivers rather than just being coasts that are important.

I really hope they make it damn near impossible to make it through the "Fall of the Delhi Sultanate" and "Red Turban Rebellion" situations without losing territory when playing as Delhi/Yuan. Otherwise they'd just be too powerful, even accounting for the supposed difficulty of managing multicultural empires(which I hope is actually true). Also for the sake of not playing as them, seeing them collapse should be the default, IMO.

I wonder if there's any character interaction with empires like Delhi where a minority culture rules over a massive empire like this. Would be cool if there was something like a system where employing characters from your own primary culture would give you more crown power+estate happiness, while employing characters from minority cultures would make the pops of your culture and estates angry while making those cultures you are giving high office happy. Though also perhaps risky depending on the role, like employing a general of a minority culture might make that culture happy but it might also encourage them to break away if they ever lose happiness and have the power to actually do something.
You literally had to deport a shitton of Muslim pajeets to Pakistan when the country split and they're still festering, breeding, in your country.
Because the maldives are actually islands
Since they're making all of these shithole islands bigger, now they have no argument against:
- Venice
- More locations in the Azores (at least one more)
- Príncipe (maybe even Annobon?)
- Diu as an island
I mean including the fucking Lakshadweep, making Maldives 10x bigger and not Venice island or Príncipe is fucking ridiculous
>Writing style of an elementary school teacher
did they change the usual dev?
you know, the threshold for being given a location in India is so low that it makes the huge locations and wastelands in Arabia and Persia look very silly
they should definitely tone down some of the wastelands given that some of the areas have bigger population than northern scandinavia or the southern andaman islands would ever have
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imagine the smell...
We're going to be dealing with this for 10 years aren't we.

Thick golden horde. I forget was the Golden horde a thing in EU4 1.0 or was it always split into parts? I wonder how it'll be in game.
Also how was Chagatai doing at this time, I know Timur is coming of course but is Chagatain in decline or should it hold together until Timur.
It was for a very long time the name of the Great Horde, yes
Thought so, couldn't recall if I was just thinking of EU3.

Fun story, when I was first introduced to EU3 by my cousin, he said that the Golden Horde was in the terra incognita(as he was panning to the east) obviously meaning they were in that direction and were a possible threat. But at the time my retarded ass thought he meant in all of it, so for a while when I watched him play and before I got it myself I assumed that like the entire Terra Incognita was concealing some strange "Golden Horde" in every direction.
parsi doko?
Idk why but that map looks so fucking ugly to me. I hope it looks better in-game.

I guess it's because of the sickly yellow insides of every nation? It's disgusting.
heard of old paper anon?
EU4 starts after the collapse of the Golden Horde due to Timur's attacks on it while 3 and 5 don't
they are there according to pavia
might be too small for the map
>Crimea(along with worthless golden horde) map next week
Can't wait to see how much grobgermanium population we get there
>at least 9 provinces in the Maldives of all places
Is one of the devs from there? That seems excessive given looking at the population even at the turn of the 19th century there were only 70,000 people living there. I can see it being a place some autist builds excessively tall though.
yes it's very excessive given that they only gave Azores four locations
It's somewhat baffling because there doesn't seem to even be polities on most of the provinces. They could at least divide some of the bigger European islands too like Faroes or Shetland idk
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user made map with relief
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ask allah why it is like this irl?
the end of what was probably the most important trade wind lanes in the world end up directly at the maldives. they are the gateway from india to the red sea. the arabs, portugese, french, dutch, english battled over control of them. they were extremely important
do we really need a province for every mountain in the Himalayas?
the more the better
goths my beloved...
I forgot the game went around the whole world, I wonder what the Americas will look like
>The other is that we felt that a more cohesive approach made sense in this region, as it’s sooo diverse compared to others
Why do they always have this cuckuldry. Every fucking region on earth is diverse and India is generally less diverse then some other regions on earth.
So we can only conclude they have this "You are so diverse!" paternalistic bullshit is because India is full of sensitive brownoids.
India players are always fucked on in grand strategy games anyway because they are always trying to serve two masters and get fucked on.
That or they are delusional to think they can be the master in any relationship lmao.
I think you just forgot the word "diverse" actually has a meaning and it applies here
it just means there's a lot of variety, and that's true
The steppe is geographically larger than India, but not nearly as diverse in terrain or culture for example
Russia up to the Urals is about the same size as India, and it's almost entirely one religion, one culture group, hell even one dynasty
you just saw the word "diverse" and flew into a frothing rage asooooming that it must be PC speak
Therefore I laugh at you. Good day saar
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Should probably have posted the colored population map
Arent they all colored?
can't help but think of poo tbqh
same, I want to see Mexico
Very pretty, looks like a world atlas in book form
>the stripes on several locations mark that they’re overpopulated
Those Hindoos better not spill over into the neighboring countries. We don't need more gypsies flooding the map
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>Lakshadweep islands have 12 square miles in total
>They are represented as two PROVINCES
>Today they have a population of 64 thousand people
Justify this.
>San Marino is too small to represent as a one location country
>23 sq miles
What a bunch of joyless fags
Redeem this NOW johan
I just checked a small island off the coast of my city and it has 40 square miles
Like I'm glad if they're representing atolls by portraying them as filled with land. But now they don't have any argument for not portraying many islands that they have so far ignored, or left as one location. Faroes have a slightly smaller population, but they are like 50 times bigger than the Lakshadweeps and still only one location.
I'm all for them being represented, but they have to apply the same criteria everywhere.
>dev dairy that confirms most of the people working on Project Caesar are jeets
its over... Catalonia has fallen...
Very cool. Can't wait to colonize it all.
>yes it's very excessive given that they only gave Azores four locations
And they gave the Canaries like 2 even when there actually 4/5 proper kingdoms there.
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The Canaries are six locations.
I don't give a flying FUCK about India
>t. Pakistani
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just accept that your entire subcontinent is worthless
it's only there for a colonial England, France or Portugal playthrough.
Can someone give me a tldr if the game will be good or shit?
Do you enjoy MEIOU and Taxes 2.6?
It's because the screenshots were all taken at different zoom levels so you're seeing tiny details blown out onto a large map where they'd normally be hidden.
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Here is another town and city building
It's going to be good but too autistic for normgroids so it's sales will most likely fail
Ck3 and vic3 set standards so low that anything what person without mental retardation can't play will be considered too hard
Owari da...
groBgermanium can fix india
The Himalayas should be redrawn.
There's no need for all that wasteland static.
Overpopulation is a good mechanic.
vgh... the 2 aryan empires united under one empire.... the rome of hyperborea restored...
>Therefore I laugh at you. Good day saar
Weak attempt to deflect from being a street shitter.
You are coping with the fact that they did all of India in a single DD because it is boring and brown, thus not diverse, saying that india is and I quote
>"SOOOOO Diverse!"
Yet they could not even do two DD's on it is comical.
How the fuck does every single picture taken in India have shit in it?
what to set softcap for pops at tho? current day numbers of people living in a location? population counts of 1500/1600/1700? Make a calculation based on freshwater availability, temperature, flora and fauna, altitude... to determine max pop density for each location individually?
I assume its a pretty simple equation based on food supply and innate fertility of the province.
Nigger they just use development, higher development the higher the soft cap.
>higher development the higher the soft cap
that would mean china was always the most developed place on earth, looking at the 1900s that doesnt look very accurate
Developed does not mean advanced. The Favelas in south America are highly developed but are utter shitholes. China was much the same, Rice cultivation requires a LOT of manpower to be effective so rice based agriculture have always had a tendency to concentrate populations much more then other forms of agriculture such has animal husbandry or grain cultivation.
You have to separate the idea that Development means "Rich" or that it means "Advanced" it actually just means "Has the housing and services to support a high population."
what about the Dutch? Imagine 1 billion people speaking dutch with an Indian accent.
They didn't do it in Indonesia, and I doubt they would do it in India.
They didn't, but I will. Grobdutchland will be born.
is the release in 25 or 26?
Dutch is just a more amusing version of English.
if it's 25 it will be shit. I hope it's 26.
So it will likely be 25.
>people speaking dutch with an Indian accent
Isn't that Suriname?
This won't be out until spring 2026 at the earliest, huh?
can you purge it all?
1 and half billion pajeets, all shitting outside
for a year even if every one of them shit only once per day you get more than 500 000 000 000 shits
You'd have to keep large armies on each province to prevent the pops from getting food.
Wouldn't the armies starve faster than the pops with that tactic? I think a better strategy would be simply letting some rival jeet country march all over your jeet holdings, taking all the food and causing widespread devastation before slaughtering all their troops and taking their territory, then rinse and repeat until the whole subcontinent is a smoldering crater.
No. Armies get food priority over pops. If you park a big enough army in a location for long enough you could completely depopulate it.
can you at last plunder and devastate area?
it was pretty common happening
Occupation lowers the Prosperity/Devestation Value (-100 to 0 is Devestation, 0 to 100 Prosperity).
If they do a proper slavery mechanic (which I hope they do) then there should be a way to interact with the local area negatively.
They can simply do the slave raids from imperator.
Never played imperator, is the system any good?
Unlike in roman times, where slavery was somewhat localized, they need to modell:
>Barbary(+Knight of Malta) Slave raids in the Med
>Mamluk slave trade in the Caucasus and Nubia
>Soon to emerge Ottoman Jannisary corps
>Triangle trade in the atlantic
Slave capture in imperator is simply from sieging provinces. Plus a few factors like whether you raze cities or not. So you can do stuff like sail in from North Africa and capture a bunch a people, although you do have to be at war. Its actually the only way to play tall because population growth is negligible
Is the isles independent or is it subordinate to Scotland?
I'm concerned they haven't shown the most important map yet (the 3D map).

What's going on? Or they saving the best for the last?
owned by norway you historylet
>Triangle trade in the atlantic
This is the most important, imho. It literally kickstarted new empires or financed whole regions in both sides of the world.
>Every fucking region on earth is diverse and India is generally less diverse then some other regions on earth.
India has like a dozen different religions and nearly 800 different languages from at least 5 different primary language families. I genuinely can't think of a more diverse region unless we're counting entire continents.
>I genuinely can't think of a more diverse region
Probably New Guinea, but yeah, India is like the second close.
>I genuinely can't think of a more diverse region
It’s full of browns with dark hair and dark eyes and they all poo in the street.
I can't wait for the day when every country but israel is dark red
So this is the intellectual capacity of /pol/tards
>no data
He's an American. Diversity means the most nogs.
No, the US is the center point. All the other countries are ranked based on how they compare to the US.
>No methodology.
lol. You can just post random pictures on 4channel and people believe it, it's like the retards who post cope iq maps.
>rom at least 5 different primary language families.
Same as Europe
>at least 5 different primary language families. I genuinely can't think of a more diverse region
South America.
has two languages
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how is spain as diverse as america? how is romania that homogenous if they have lots of hungarians, gypsies, turks, bulgarians and not to mention romanians themselves...
native languages still exist
No? Europe has Indo-European, Uralic, Turkic, and Basque as a language isolate. That's 4.
I did say "unless we're counting entire continents".
>Europe has Indo-European, Uralic, Turkic, and Basque as a language isolate.
Weeeel Greenland was part of EU(and is still a part of Denmark crown) until 1985 and they had escaleut there
So that's 5
Greenland is in North America.
>unless we're counting entire continents
And i am counting for region instead
When Greenland was first settled nobody even knew America existed
Once again it was part of EUROPEAN union until 1985
Is there anyone who actually uses vanilla graphics for maps in any paradox game?
I do
I really don't care how map looks
I prefer it having as less details in political mode as possible doe
North Caucasian, and Semitic in Malta.
french guiana is part of the EU right now
Don't forget Mongolic in Kalmykia
It's obvious lies.
That means even more language families
If you count all mystery meat that moved into eu by thousands you can probably scrape up enough to get it up to 10
Spain has people who speak Catalan, Basque and other meme languages outside Spanish. Also they have the only pre-indoeuropean people in Europe in the form of the Basques.
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Spanish is the meme language anon
>Mexican but slim
>Visogothic but romance
Asturias were a mistake, hispania is frankish land stolen by crypto jewish cabal of seashell merchants
>hungarians, gypsies, turks, bulgarians, romanians
All just gypsies
its the only preindoeuropean language
not the only preindoeuropean people
italians, south slavs, and nords all have significant pre-indoeuropean lineage. nords and south slavs are majority pre-indo european. sardinians are also mostly pre indo european
the people in europe with the least pre indo european admixture are the gaelics, because nobody had settled there before the indo european migrations
it probably just takes the % of the largest ethnicity of a country which is a fucking retarded way of measuring ethnic fractionalization
Why? It makes perfect sense to measure it that way. It's like with China, where a bunch of millions of Uyghurs live there, numbers that could be compared with a mid-size country. But it just happens that there are also billions of Han Chinese living there, making all those millions of Uyghurs irrelevant.
It lumps all american whites together which would all be independent cultures in a european country: what do the amish and anglo new england whites have in common except their skin color?
The Amish are the exception and not the rule.
>what do the amish and anglo new england whites have in common
Those two are still derivative from WASP culture.
Some good QoL
uh oh my knees start bending again
Johan my lord and saviour
So what are we getting today? Colonisation?
Erm actually most American Amish are descended from Swiss Germans which makes them swarthoids
Lots of weird German protestants in Americas.
ambushes will become a thing?
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Welcome to another Tinto Talks, the time of the week when we give you new information about our entirely super secret upcoming game with the codename Project Caesar.

Today we will talk about how conquest works and how integrating the new locations you have conquered will work. With conquest, we are talking about how you take territory through warfare. For how the actual military campaigns work, I recommend reading Tinto Talks 22, 23 and 24.

Casus Belli
To start a war many feel that you need a casus belli for it, which we will refer to a CB for the rest of this talk. If you lack a CB and start a war you will gain some aggressive expansion and lose some stability. Now while this may not be something you may always want, it is a more lenient way to recover instead of spending precious paper mana like in EU4. However, there are multiple ways to get a CB in this game.

Now, Project Caesar does not have a ‘Fabricate Claim’ button that magically creates a CB on any nation, nor do we have a system of claims, but you have several different options to get a CB.

First of all, there is the super old school way of getting one from an event. This may not cater to everyone's playing style, as it is way too random, but if it was good enough for your parents back in 2001, it is good enough for.. Eh, n/m.

Secondly, we have the option of calling a Parliament and asking them to come up with a valid reason for war against a nearby country. This is powerful, but unless you have a high Crown Power, you may need to negotiate with your Estates for their backing. And Parliaments can not be called every month either, democracy is not even invented yet.
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Finally we have the way of creating a CB, when there is a more or less legitimate way to one. First of all, creating a CB on a country requires you to have a spy network in the target country, similar to how claim fabrication works in EU4, but you also need to have some sort of reason to create the type of CB you want. If you let's say play Denmark and want to take back Skåne from Sweden, as you have cores on it, then you can create a ‘Conquer Core’ CB on them, or if they have used Privateers in sea zones where you have a Maritime Presence, you can create another CB on them. There are 50+ different CB you can create depending on circumstances, including everything from ‘Flower Wars’ for countries of Nahuatl religion, ‘Dissolving the Tatar Yoke’ for the tributaries under that International Organization, or ‘Humiliating Rivals’.

31 allies and subjects for Bohemia, hmmm…

Just remember.. No CB is best CB!
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War Goals
Whether you decide that a small border adjustment is needed, or you wish to wage a total war, you need to pick which War Goal you wish to pursue. Different casus belli will allow you to pick different War Goals and the War Goal you pick impacts the cost of conquest as well. A conquer CB will make taking land cheaper, while a ‘humiliation CB will make them more expensive.

A War Goal for a province requires you to occupy that entire province, while a Naval Superiority War Goal will give you a bonus score for blockading the enemy, and defeating their navy if possible.

If your War Goal is fulfilled then the warscore from it ticks up to a maximum of 25, and the total impact from battles in this game can be worth up to 50, while occupations and blockades have no cap and can reach over 100 warscore if possible.

In Project Caesar, therefore, not every war is necessarily a total war like some previous games we have made.

If the War Goal is not fulfilled, it is only possible to get 100% War Score if the winning side controls all of the losing side's locations, and the losing side controls no towns or cities.

This means that if you have your wargoal taken care of, winning some important battles and occupying some land, you will be able to force a reasonable peace on someone.

Give me liberty or ehh.. annexation?
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So what do you do then, when you have signed a peace and got some new land to your country?

First of all, it is not as simple as a location being a core or not, as Project Caesar introduces a new system of integration for locations. There are four states of integration in this game, first of all the conquered locations, which have a high separatism, lower control, and make pops unlikely to convert or assimilate. This is the state of any location you conquer that is not a core of yours. When a location becomes integrated, separatism drops to one fifth of the previous levels, and control has a higher maximum. When a location becomes a core, the minimum control is higher, and your primary and accepted cultures grow more, while minorities become stagnant. We also have the colonized status, which is after you have colonized a location, and it is not yet a core. A colonized location has lower maximum control.

What is separatism then? Well, it is the reduction of satisfaction for pops that are not of the primary culture. This is very likely to make the locations very unproductive for quite some time.

A location becomes a core automatically if it's integrated OR colonial, and at least 50% of the pops are of the primary or accepted cultures of that country.

It is beneficial to get your locations to become your cores…
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How do you integrate a location then? Well, this is the challenge in Project Caesar, as you do not have any magic paper mana to spend on it, but instead you need to use one of the members of your cabinet to integrate it. At the start of the game, a cabinet member can integrate an entire province at once, but in the Age of Absolutism you have an advance that will let you integrate an entire area at once.

This integration is not instant, but depends on many factors, like the status and the population living in the locations affected, but on average integrating a province may take between 25 and 50 years.

And what are all of these factors then?

Stay tuned, as in next week's Tinto Talks, we will talk about how peace treaties themselves work, and which ones we have.
I love the smell of MEIOU coring and separatism in the morning.
So it seems that No CB will be a lot more common than before, unless it works out that calling the Estates becomes trivial or if the game throws tons of justifications your way.
WCfags aren't going to like this
>First of all, there is the super old school way of getting one from an event. This may not cater to everyone's playing style, as it is way too random, but if it was good enough for your parents back in 2001, it is good enough for.. Eh, n/m.
what did he mean by that?
So, are we kneeling or booing? I need to know before I react on the forums.
>cores only in locations with majority accepted cultures
finally a real gameplay reason for genocide
Probably the Claims on our rivals event. It was huge in EU3 since it gave cores on neighbours. It still exists in EU4 but it's more of an easter egg since claims are easy to get.
as a meiou fag i like this, no more blobbing outside of accepted cultures (or at least 25 years delayed)
now it only needs to require to pay for garrisons for non integrated lands
Good. Honestly fuck the min-max/WC faggots.
PC is a game for the connoisseur of history. It has evolved beyond the childish mindset of uncontrolled blobbing. No country has ever, or will ever, conquer the entire world.
I kneel, WC fags vanquished and scattered
25 years to integrate an area into your country is not exactly historical either. There's plenty of examples of countries that grew massively within one person's lifetime. The Mongol Empire, the Caliphate, Qing, Saladin's empire, Aq Qoyunlu, the Mughals, the fucking Ottomans, and so on. None of those wasted that much time to "integrate" their new conquests.
Boundary dispute was there too.
didn't the ottoman governors of Egypt mostly have to struggle with the Mamluks for centuries after the conquest?
but they certainly didn't core these areas
only the Caliphate and the Mughals had quick expansion in areas without their core cultures that lasted past the death of the founder
besides Johan just said there's no overextension so you can annex as many non integrated areas you want. You'll just have to deal with rebels.
Clearly it’s a 9/11 reference. America was handed a casus belli against Al Qaeda and Afghanistan by effectively a random event, and I’m sure the average zoomer’s parents didn’t mind.
>no more rebels from accepted cultures
heckin based
>mongol empire
which one?
china is an exception
>saladin's empire
did not last
>aq qoyunlu
So this is shaping up to be MEIOU with less jank?
Knowing paradox, maybe by 2027
>shaping up to be MEIOU
>with less jank
Literally can’t bring myself to play another game of bloated POPless EU4 mana slop since I know this kino is coming.
The jank of PDX games mostly comes from dogshit DLC policy. Just menus and buttons added without any sense.
I WILL do a day one world conquest. You can't stop me.
literally me but already happened once I've tried meiou 2.0
i only have 6 eu4 achievements on steam because i exclusively play modded
Holy shit you're right lmao. Johan-sama I kneel.
M&T had the same claim of no WC back in 2.0, at least until some Chinese player did a WC with the Ottomans (who were abusively buffed back in 2.0).
Do it on EU3 and upload it meanwhile.
>Honestly fuck the min-max/WC faggots.
>PC is a game for the connoisseur of history. It has evolved beyond the childish mindset of uncontrolled blobbing.
Someone even did a WC in V2 as Greece
The Ottomans basically just scribbled their names over Egypt at the time. It wasn't cored. You could even justify it as a mere personal union in EU4 terms. Where Egypt mostly was self-governing, but the Ottomans had overall control.
It took centuries for any kind of integration to happen, and even then Egypt split away very easily when the British got involved.
>In Project Caesar, therefore, not every war is necessarily a total war like some previous games we have made.
If they manage to do that it will be one of the most important changes.
You could already get easy wins in CK2. Occupy some turf, win a battle, end war.
Kind of surprised they Johan doesn't go straight to "no warscore from battles"
Gain warscore only from objectives, lose warscore only from objectives. Meanwhile losses of men (or losing less men than the enemy) operates directly on your ability to achieve those objectives, as well as softer things like impacting devastation in provinces.
Warscore from battles just doubles up on the impact of achieving or failing to achieve objectives. Maybe some war goals like humiliation should have troop losses as an objective itself, either to prevent your losses (as the humilator) or ensure more losses in the enemy as a defender in such a war.
No warscore from battles also allows population rich but technologically weak nations to go full endwar and throw everything they have at an enemy and have a chance to win.
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This game is going to run like absolute fucking shite after 100 years, right?
sound half-assed, just remove warscore entirely
remove mana.
Business as usual
I hope they improve the AI accepting terms. So many times I've had a war I really didn't want to fight at that moment that I was willing to just cede a few provinces but the AI would never accept anything but full 100% spoils.
Like bro you're not stronger than me but I have more important things to fight right now. I'm giving you your wargoal plus the other provinces in the state just to fuck off so I don't need to waste manpower on you.
this is not how things worked at that time
high pop does not mean high manpower you retard
a decentralized shithole would have no way of raising troops
Good performance and good strategy game never go together.
it will run better than vicky 3 and thats good enough for me
good performance is nice but id much rather a good strategy game, however corporate demand is for fast enough action so that the average zoomzoom wont quit after one campaign. HOI4s success largely came because of how quick and easy it is to do all the stupid meme runs.
Project Caesar is paradox's last chance to produce a strategy game and not a toybox
>They seem to have represented entire atols as one singular island location
This is definetly a game design thing. Buildings and units need to stand on something and units standing in an Atol look stupid because they are standing in water. They are probably bigger for the same reason since they need to accomodate building models and battle animations over it.
Yes because the Eu5 map is very big and so you need to actually put all the mountain passes.
Spain really is a collection of smaller nations kinda like the UK. If you take language as a mesure of Identity you have the Catalans wich are a very big minority, Basques, Galicians and to a minor extent the Astur-Leonese, Aragonians and Aranese. Even so the “Spanish” (Castillian) identity is further split down into more minor groups like Andalucians or Canarians. Even the catalans are split into 3 with Catalonians, Valencians and Mayorcans.
Guaraní is the majority language in Panama and Peru has alot of native Quechua speakers, not to mention all the minor languages spoken by a sizeable chunk of the population in Peru and Bolivia. You also have french Creol in French Guyana (and french) aswell as two meme creol languges in Suriname and probably an english Creol + English in Guyana. There’s also tons of native groups with 4 people in them with their own language.
>majority language in Panama
I meant Paraguay
That would be great but I wouldn't count on that.
Rome total war 1 never lagged.
Or a Turco-Mongol-Persian islamic conquest
Dutch is their first language, so they'd probably not speak it with an accent.
Nobody cares johan the game is not out for another 2 years + 10 years to get your DLCs.
Hire someone that understands marketing so you can time your releases better you fat child molester.
I'm not fat.
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you too will bow to your /vst/ king
Vgh... Johan... Caesar... Augustus.... Felix.... Pious... Imperator.... Hispanica Maximus...
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