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In most games when India is represented it is used for Mughals but Mughals are not Indian.

In Civilization the Indian Civilization builds Mughal fort but Mughals are not Indian.

While Age Of Empires 2 corrected their Indian to represent true India in Age Of Empires 4 India is the Delhi Sultanate which is not Indian is Iranian.

Why is Indian history erased when there are many much more powerful and impressive Indian empire?
Because the Mughals and the preceding muslim states are cool.

If I have to choose between "stereotypical Indians with elephants ruled by Saar Pajeet Singh" or "Indians with elephants and cool cavalry ruled by muslim Persianate steppe warlords" I'd always choose the latter. Even the non-steppe Lodis were pretty cool compared to whatever the fuck was going on in Vijayanagar at the same time.

India is meant to be ruled by muslim overlords writing gay poetry.
Fuck you and fuck all Hindi nationalists. You managed to me hate you more than I hate mudslimes.
They would be cool if they didn't align with Jews because muh Jews hate Palestinians saaar, that means they like us
They do like you, not because you dislike Muslims, but because you're empty shells. Hollow suits. No interest in anything but status (YAS SAAR AM BEEG CEO) and sex (MAAM PLIIS SHOW BOB VAGENE)
>All Arabs/Palestians are Muslims
nice Mossad narrative!
Nigga that's literally how Indians think.
Anyone who defends Israel online is either an American boomer or an Indian. Nothing in between.
Good morning SAAR
ah kk now I get it, your last post went over my head
Because they were the ones who brough civilization to the subcontinent. Next question.
Bloody benchod bastard bitch saaar! Fak you BLOODY!!! You will say sorry to all of Bahrat right now MLECCHA or Krishna will smite you bloody.
Idk man, maybe because that cool ancient India is so far in time that anything relevant in that subcontinent that is in the same time frame of any video game wanting to represent your kind was made by people that weren't Indians? why is modern India represented by shit, rape, shit food, street shitting, ugliness, weakness, hordes of animals, cow worshipping, and a sad nasty long etcetera? I think we should be asking why are mughals being represented as Indians? Seems like an undeserved upgrade for you
India is a modern nation state, not an ethnicity. The subcontinent contains many different ethnicities and cultures, many of whom once had their own states, but every large empire was always a confederations of different ethnicities.
The Mughals came the closest to ruling the entire subcontinent in the AD period, so they're a natural historic representative of the subcontinent as a whole. You could ask this question about any "ancient" nationality represented in games like civ (like China). You'll see that they similarly only use the most dominant and well known kingdoms and ignore the rest.
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>The Mughals came the closest to ruling the entire subcontinent in the AD period
Obviously you wouldn't have the British as the Indians in a civ game
would be based though
Gotta add something more to >>1854725

>While Age Of Empires 2 corrected their Indian to represent true India
AoE2's Indians before the split represented the muslim sultanates in general. Post-split the main Indians became the Hindustanis and are both the free civ as well as the coolest of the four, with the other three being bland and behind a paywall.

I would only play the other three Indian civs if I knew I was playing on a map with cows that I could force my peasants to eat.

Good morning SAAR how are you SAAR
>another white dude larping as an indian to complain about strategy games thread
it's all so tiring
cooler than indians but that isn't a very high bar
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>Queen Victoria leads England, and Queen Victoria leads India in civilization 69
>Queen Victoria ruled both as Queen of England and Empress of India, leaving an entire age bearing her name...
the internet was so much better before third world countries got access
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Because your people had nothing interesting outside of being ruled by the Muslims and English.
Be grateful that unremarkable shithole is even known outside of its borders.
I want to see the Manchu Qing dynasty representing China in games. It'll probably never happen though, because the Chinese would whine and cry about it nonstop.
literally AoE3
You're right. I'm a dummy.
Shouldn't have gotten conquered I guess.
because the only time india was ever close to unified or even relevant in the world stage and innovated at all through technology, literature, art, wonders was when it was conquered by the aryans in the bronze age, or the steppe mongol horsemen, or the britbongs. any one of them contributed more to your society than your own natives.
you people still practice the hindu/buddhism written by your aryan masters. you people literally still raise cattle and forbid eating them yourselves for your aryan overlords. you people still practice the caste system set up by the aryans thousands of years after they are gone.
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You are stupid idiot having no education. There are many great Indian Empire in history and much bigger and more powerful than pathetic ancient European Empire.
>Kushan empire

Those were literal steppe niggers saar.
Oh is this the hyper-war between finnland and korea DLC?
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While you were still dirt monkey in the cave India had great civilization.
ruling over rivers of shit and mountains of garbage doesn't make you an empire, sukdeep
having other people adopt your language and writing system does
Honestly I think the Raj would be the best way to represent India in a Civilization game - since it's the only time the subcontinent had civilization.
Vikramaditya is a fairy tale. Kusahn were steppeniggers.
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Good morning sir!
They used to be. Specially the Persian ones.
>representing India as the British Raj.
Imagine the seethe
The internet literally started in the US, what are you on about?
Age3 has Indians with Sepoys, Gurkhas, and Rajputs, but an option for more traditional Indian units (Urumi)
India had no mountains of garbage until colonialism and forced to receive western landfill. You fill the world with trash and blame the world. Hindus have great respect for nature.
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>Hindus have great respect for nature.
tell that to him
Everyday I wish a meteor would wipe out this god forsaken subcontinent along with me.
Also this shit is why whenever someone asks what am I/where I'm from I just say "Asian".
The Mughals are more familiar to westerners, since they were the most prominent power at the time they started to explore around the region more regularly. There is also just some cultural bias towards Muslims, since they are fellow "people of the book", whether they admit to it or not. I would say that the Mauryans get their due respect nowadays, and I am looking forward to the Guptas and Marathas seeing more representation in the future. Sadly, I don't think we can expect to see other, more regional dynasties like the Chalukyas or Kakatiyas until more Indians join development teams. It would be awesome if we could get some representation of the tripartite struggle for Kannauj.
Its part of your history, and problem here is that you are insecure.
You could have manchu steppenigger representing china and no one would care. Why? Because chinese love their history.
Same could go with norman representing Brits or georgian representing Russians.
Stop cherrypicking from your history and you will stop having problem that no one else is having.
>nuclear power
>forced to receive western landfill
just one look at india streetview is enough to confirm that jeets are a filthy race with their own garbage at every corner
and let's not mention street shitting
You choice to represent India are:
- indescriptive, interchangeable to any outsider local kingoms
- MUH ASHOKA (who Indians hate themselves, because he was Buddhist and promoted Buddhism) - and that only works if you are in ancient times
- indescriptive, interchangeable to any outsider local kingdoms
- Islamic conquerors
- indescriptive, interchangeable to any outsider local kingdoms
- Islamic successor states
- even more indescriptive, interchangeable to any outsider local kingdoms
- Mughals (so Islamic Conquerors 2: Steppen WOLF!)
- Sikhs (who Indians hate for being both Sikhs and also Pakis)
So the choice is always the same: some outsiders conquering India OR the absolutely indescriptive locals. Gee man, I can see people actually being able to tell Rajputs from Orissa without either being from India or spending good few years studying the subject. Such choice! Many possibilities!

And in the end of the day, it's going to still be represented by a guy on an elephant, wearing oversized turban and even bigger mustache.
... and now you are squatting in the runs of it, taking a literal dump there. So your point being...?
What about the Marathas? I think they were differentiable enough and their struggle against the Mughals and the British is relatively known (at least sufficiently so to be represented in western games like Empire TW).
Cholas are Dravidians
Mauryas are BC
Guptas are alright, needs more representation
But Ashoka and Mauryan dynasty are cool too! They have elephant too!
golden age of Islam is kino
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Because india did not even exist before the british gave them an identity to larp about, retard.
In games like EU4 and CK2, there are plenty of dynasties from the subcontinent that are represented.
Stop spamming your larp literally everywhere and stop ruining every single sphere of online interaction you soulless faggots.
Did you literally just copy paste an empty map on microsoft paint and spraypaint it to represent your fairytale empire?
Zero self-awareness.
I'll believe him.
>imagine the smell
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historylet cope
Why is there no strategy game or at least a mod about this?
>POLEND/ESL/muh heckin medieval communism in kyiv guy stops posting
>this "indian" starts posting
Am I becoming a schizo or is it the same guy with a different flavour of shitposting?
>I would only play the other three Indian civs if I knew I was playing on a map with cows that I could force my peasants to eat.
Utterly based
they had no real competitor until the rise of Hwan-guk
All proof of its civilization other than its borders and the hyperwar against the Hwan Empire is lost.
Didn't ETW have Maratha?
Yeah >>1855620
When people think Indian history they think “before british india history” and the first thing they immidietly see there is the Mughals. That’s your answer, Sikh Empire game when?
The anti-muslim hateboner has been only a thing since 2001, before that they were considered cool, look up orientalism.
I was working on a Hoi4 mod about it (the finno-korean hyperwar) but I never got anywhere with it because I’m too lazy. Best I have is some design notes and a bunch of assets like shitty flags I made almost a decade ago in MS paint and leader portraits.
There are no mods about that time either, where is my hyperwarivms
Humans operate primarily out of bias and spite, and tend to paint broad brush strokes of things to keep information organized in their head. Designing characters in your game this way therefore is a quick lazy way to say "yes, this character should be recognized as Indian".
because >>1857950 idiot
damn I wonder why the most successful empire in indian history after the british is used to represent India
No, you're quite astute. That is how these "MOM LOOK IM TROLLING" types work.
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That is not even close to true but Mughals are not Indian so they cannot be the most powerful Indian empire idiot.
do hindunats actually believe shit like picrel
how do they cope with the fact their religion was introduced by aryan conquerers
your entire society is based around LARPing as your conquerers with your caste system and your goofy pagan religion
>King Panchagavya
Looking at jewpedia, that dude seems 99% made up Harry Potter-tier fiction and 1% amalgamation of a dozen different kings from various era.
I am the Indian meteor guy from earlier, mere anon bhaiyo don't fall for their lies.
Sab ke sab mille hua hain (Hindi transliterated )
> the fact their religion was introduced by aryan conquerers
Worse than that, their current religion was pretty much entirely made up in the 1920, it's a collage of what used to be completely separate religions that a greater-India activist duct-taped heavily, trying to create something to unite the region. Guess he succeed, but still hilarious how modern pajeet are convinced their thing is millenia old.
You got ruled by Muslims for hundreds of years. Deal with it.
Literally never happened. India has never been fully conquered by muslims, hence the massive hindu population, otherwise it would be another islamic shithole like pakistan.
Your country is increasingly islamising what are you talking about
and that's despite the emigration of indian muslims to pakistan
>Your country is increasingly islamising what are you talking about
>he doesn't know
RSS and BJP literally kill muzzrats openly on the streets lmao, seen what happened in Kashmir?
Jeets killing jeets, doesn't matter if they pray to dude with six arms or dude with explosive belt
>Why is Indian history erased when there are many much more powerful and impressive Indian empire?
Because we don't care about Poojeets. Acknowledging them at all is too much charity to begin with.
Fuck you Paki. India was never fully conquered.
>Bloody bitch bastard Johan puts sodding medieval communism in my subcontinents.
I originally thought he was pretending to be an Indian ESL because they seem to be the one's most likely to fuck up basic grammar while using British slang.
Hindutards manage to somehow be even more retarded than Muzzies, incredible
>do hindunats actually believe shit like picrel
who was this that tried to duct-tape separate Indian religions together?
anywhere to read more about this?
Indian history is a lot like Chinese history in that the most interesting parts of it were when they were ruled by foreign conquerors.

Ok, I lie, The Warlord-era China is fucking dope.
look up V.D.Savarkar
>but Mughals are not Indian.
yeah they are
Their origin isn't indian, but it's not like mughals remained of just foreign descent
>India has never been fully conquered by muslims
India has never been fully conquered by anyone but the British kek
Uuhhh weren't Hindustanis Muslims?
India conquered britain
Muslims brought civilization to your shitty sub continent. Keep coping and seething Pajeet.
He means Hindus as in the ethnoreligious Hindu Indians retard.
You mean Pakis did
Al-Andalus is peak muslim kino and unironically was one of the most developed countries of its time as well as a home to artists and scientists and its downfall is the worst disaster in history
>Continent spanning vitrochuknagandha empire
Wow Indian historical revisionism is on another level. I'm used to black wewuzzing but this is fucking great. Got any more?
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>continuously bumping entry-level /int/ bait for nearly a month
And there barely has been any strategy game discussion
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WHO rabbie
Why you poison well tranny bitch ?
to be fair, that was on them and serves as eternal reminder that this is what happens when you hire too many africans to do menial jobs
Why do Indian men in old drawings look like women with fake moustaches?
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(((THEY))) don't want the world to know the truth
Not enough real demand for a full strategy game. I vaguely remember seeing an HoI and CK mod for it, they're likely dead though
Terrible taste, India and Southeast Asia's hindu kingdoms have some of the coolest architecture on the planet, alongside Prehispanic Central Mexico with Teotihuacan and the Aztec, and Iron age Mesopotamia

At the height of its power, the Mughal Empire represented 25% of the world's economy. It's massive population of 150 million was twice of the entire European continent.

Funny, modern Indians kinda hate it since it represent outsider colonialism, like the British.

The Mughals were descendant from the Timurid Empire who terrorised the Middle East under the last nomadic conqueror before the age of gunpowder.
No one cares about any other time period, it's just the one the education system focuses on
We get it, you like step pyramids and step pyramid-adjacent architecture
That is a circular argument. The only reason that people do not care about the other time periods of India is because they do not even know about their existence. If the people were educated about the impressive history of India then they would be interested and respecting of it.
Only if you're a mutt.
Bengalis have that kinda cool chariot.
That first one never existed and is just indian self felating.
Tell me something that makes all the others interesting and more worthy of attention than the Mughals.
what happens in the Southern tip that nobody was able to conquer it?
It’s those pretty eyes and lips they always draw them with
Thats the region that the aryans spent the least amount of time in so you have the most dravidians there.
HOI4 is also very active in China. More than a few I'm sure played the Manchuko -> neo Qing Dynasty path. The asspain is all projection from this side of the Internet onto a nonexistent strawman.
that is basic bitch architecture
the only novelty is the assortment of lawn ornaments that adorns the facade
Why don't you tell us?
The Mughals were the most recent empire of non-European origin to control a large amount of India.
The Maurya's and Gupta's are more ancient and also didn't have some of the most iconic imagery India is known for, like the Taj Mahal or the famous Indian style of architecture or music
i agree. some of the buildings you can see in india, sri lanka, nepal, thailand looks almost like ancient alien shit. but that said, i really have a problem reconciling the old india with this amazing architecture, so much philosophical thought, so many advances, etc., with current pajeets. i just cannot imagine that these fucking barely sentient base creatures ever achieved such heights of civilization.

in the modern age, none of us are particularly impressive, but with other peoples, i don't have this problem. i can believe chinks, such as they are, had a civilization for like 4000 years or whatever. i can believe sandniggers were great doctors and mathematicians at one point, i can believe greeks and italians were beacons of civilization, i can believe bongoloids and frogs conquered the world, i can believe south american indios were able to create a unique jungle and highland civilization, i can believe russia was a scientific and cultural giant at one point, i can even believe sub saharan niggers were able to scrape together a few empires that lasted a couple of centuries.

but i cannot believe pajeets built all that shit and wrote all that metaphysical philosophy. my mind just refuses to accept it. feels as ridiculous as being asked to believe fucking abos or gypsies once had great cities.
Games don't "choose one particular group" to represent India. It's simply infeasible to represent a singular place in every way.
For your AoE2 example, they didn't "correct" the Indians civ, they merely had the capacity to break it out into separate, more accurate civs to make a full DLC.
There are currently civs there that are still like the old Indians civ, like Italians or Slavs which are a whole broad ethnic group but only have one particular unique unit to share.
kek, we need a game for the finnish korean war
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They're also in Victoria 3 and they're the most played country in Vicky 3.
Because the Mughals were the closest to what you'd consider a "Unified India" in recent history.
The chariot sucks.
Gurjaras and Hindustanis are the good Indian civs. Dravidians and Benghalis suck ass and are for slurper use.
>There are currently civs there that are still like the old Indians civ, like Italians
You got Italians to represent the Italian trading cities and Sicily to represent the Southern kingdom, what more do you want?
Way back in the day of the original Age of Kings, you only had very few civs, so it was commonplace to see civs represent a lot of different peoples. You see this a lot in the campaigns, like how Teutons represent Hungarians in Genghis Khan, Goths represent Slavs (Poland in Barbarossa, Russians in Genghis Khan) or Byzantines represent Italians in Barbarossa.
This idea that civs represent polities is much newer and comes from a post HD design choice. Note how the original civs, which represented broader cultures, didn't have names that referred to political entities. That's why we had Franks, not France, Britons, not England or Teutons, not Germany.
>that many shogunates

weeb game
Muslims acted like niggers through the whole 20th century
Thats like the least delusional ones
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>India and Southeast Asia's hindu kingdoms have some of the coolest architecture on the planet
So the civilization that mudslides have conquered and appropriated? Next time you're gonna say Egypt.
This is just racism from the English speaking countries. I am from Europe myself and have no interest to see Muslim or steppe horse riders in an Indian cvs, it has been done to death. I am always interested in purely Indian civ - with elephant riders, gods like Ganesha and Kali, typical architecture with statues on buildings and turbans. I don't about some specific historical empire, just the media stereotype.
>I am from Europe myself
Sure thing panjeet
>anarchist prussia
who gives a shit about this garbage? how can they be so out of touch with who actually plays their games?
Holy fuck is that gaudy.
because since the time of the Mauryans the whiteoids fucked too many of the dirty disgusting browns and civilization collapsed.
That's a joke lad
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Love of tasteless but extremely expensive display is a trait of all of the darker races.
I'm pretty sure the joke is that Prussia is le authoritarian GermaniuB state so anarchist Prussia is so whacky XD, even though Prussia isn't that.

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