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DLC coming in 3 weeks, how are you growing your factory today?
I've finished the tutorial for this game. When is it supposed to be fun?
immediately if you have Faustian spirit, never if you're an NPC
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Factorio is not a strategy game
the tutorial sucks
Building and management games fall under the umbrella of strategy games.
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/vst/ allowed plenty of adjacent genres, like RTT, since the beginning.
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MODS?! Not a strategy game.
rts cookie clickers aint strategy either yet i dont see you complaining there
requires more strategy thinking than gookclick
I'm playin satisfactory until then.
Don't think I'll bother. I already finished Space Exploration, I'm guessing this will just be an easier version of that with some extra enemies.
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I beat the game for the first time literally 30 minutes ago. I have 304 hours in the game and this latest playthrough was 40 hours. My (very) basic design was to convey everything eastward, building a new column of assemblers for every item. Eventually I started manufacturing the essentials off base and bringing them in by train. I set up a train station to have 1 stop available south of each column. I didn't have a main reason why - I just figured it would help transition to a rail base if each stage of production had access to the rail network without it being too intrusive.

Good game and fun.
It fits /vst/ more than it does any other board
factorio is crack for a few hundred hours (with mods longer) I still havent understood trains
Same, I can get a train from A to B fine but making a crossing is wizardry.
I don't fully understand fluid either.
Yes, this dlc was created so that earendel can actually flesh out space exploration.
there is /egg/ on /vg/ too
Didn't know a DLC was in the works. Might get me back in the game, neat. Not a big fan of Satisfactory, a top-down view just suits this genre better imo.
Crossings aren't very complicated. Each signal splits a track into segments. Signals will never let more than one train into a segment. Chain signals copy the value of the next rail signal. They basically tell the train "enter this segment only if you can leave it", which is how you do intersections. There's the mantra of "chain in, rail out", but it's not entirely correct, as you need to use chains between 2 intersections that are too close to each other to accommodate a train. A better mental model might be "Train can stop after - rail, otherwise chain".
If you follow these rules and set appropriate train limits for your stations, you can be 99.9% deadlock safe.
>three weeks
delayed for gleba rework
Gleba patriots in control
Trust the plan
Its more of a strategy game than most “strategy games” wich really are just “tactics” games. It should also be more strategy like, I’m still pissed that all the buts don’t come rushing to my base at once when I’m begining the launch of the rocket.
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god i cant wait for ramps
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From what limited experience I have, the best way to manage trains is to have your "pickup" and "drop" stations, such as "steel pickup" and "steel drop". The train will focus on a single ingredient and have a simple two-stop route to pickup and drop, where it leaves when it's inventory is full/empty.

When you create more item sources, you create more pickup stations with the same name, and add more trains with the same route if you think it's necessary. Then you use red/green circuits to connect the loading chests to the train stop, and have the station disable itself if there's not a train's worth of inventory ready to be picked up (enable if: iron plate >=4000). Similarly, you disable a drop if there's already enough there. That way, the trains will avoid drops that have too much stuff and route to the ones that need it, and only pick up from places that have are ready. Once you're produced all you need, the drops disable themselves, so the trains wait idly at pickups until they're needed again. You can use icons in naming stations, so it's really easy to navigate the station manager by just looking for the iron icon.

I haven't implemented it yet, but I'm going to design my next base to have circuits check the belt right next to the unloader. It'll sound an alarm if the belt is empty. That way, the the base is just telling me what items I need to make more of.
What is this, roller coaster tycoon? I don't think fully loaded freight trains could make those turns
load them up with rocked fuel and watch them go
different gravity level something something
Trains don't like going up period, so yes, it is very silly.
There is no game. It's a lego sandbox where you make your own rules set your own goals and play with yourself. That's the main problem it's all completely pointless. You decide what the game is, how difficult or easy - which means how annoying and boring - you want it to be. There is no right/wrong way to play no standard set of rules/settings/mods where the game asks "hey can you beat this carefully fine tuned challenge?" it's the players who create that for themselves and it's rare to find a modder sharing a well crafted one. You can make it arbitrarily fast or long and tedious by choosing the settings you want to play and some autists spend a million hours doing that but it's basically a question of how much of a masochist you want to be. Some people are so bored and have so little in their life that burning time by inflicting pain on themselves gives them fulfillment.
thanks I hate it
The game has a clearly defined goal. It's shooting a rocket into space.
Not a strategy game
>Shoot rocket into space
What next?
>how are you growing your factory today?
im not im waiting for the expansion
which looks dope af
Thankfully /vst/ is now even officially /vg3/, as of yesterday, so anything goes now, really.
I just found out Mindustry has a free, fully featured mobile version on Fdroid
This has been devastating to my productivity
It plays like ass on a touchscreen like any complex real-time game worth anything ought to. Also it will eventually make your device unusable by keeping the chinesium held together with leadless solder overheated long enough for things to come apart.
nta but this sounds about right, its really not fun on a tiny touchscreen
It's not just about the screen's size. Although it is absolute ass when you need to look something up on the map. But the lack of precision of controls is also a huge problem. And good luck dodging incoming shots while shooting accurately yourself with a touchscreen.
Desktops will never be topped by anything but neural implants, and those will never be trustworthy due to humans in control of offering them statistically being scum.
3 weeks huh can't wait
2 weeks huh can't wait
I'm grinding through a factory and just got up to purple science but I have to tear my entire factory down to upgrade everything and incorporate trains and I'm struggling to keep playing. I dunno, this game has completely lost its spark for me. The grind up to purple science was so boring and I can't imagine it will get better. Seems like the crafting times displayed is wrong too because none of my ratios ever work out like they're supposed to.
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You don't have to do any thing, do something fun instead. The factory is a demanding shithead so don't let it put you to work. Videogames aren't work. I love making useless combinator gadgets like an automated electrical circuit breaker or a thing that counts the plates going by on a belt and resets every minute with a satisfying sound "dididididi-thud". I hate routing belts or setting up mining outposts, i feel like quitting the game when i have to do that.
Choose the fun activity. Not setting up sciences and an item mall once more for a 15th playthrough that's boring.

If i could, i'd hire someone to build a cool looking factory on a server while i just add gauges, item counters to everything, diagnostic displays with significant bells and lights, control centers harnessing data from every system in one spot. Bwamp horns when the gates open, upbeat jingle when the supply train is full and sad jingle when it's missing an item. That is also Factorio, it's freeform.

You: get run over by your high speed train
Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ii8zdA_teQE
Very nice to see someone else doing the exact same design I did. I found this the most optimal but left me kind of bored at how easily the game was "solved"
I stopped caring about ratios like 300 hours ago. Build every line of assemblers in a way that they can be expanded infinitely, and when something gets bottlenecked just add more assemblers there. The final bottleneck is max speed of input belts, at which point you just copy the entire factory and duplicate it.
>The game has a clearly defined goal. It's shooting a rocket into space.
So it has like 6 hours of gameplay, yet many people put 100s of hours into it. The game is more about shooting a rocket into space
anon you can either argue the game is a sandbox with no purpose, or that it has a purpose. Whether it has 60 seconds or 60 years of extra gameplay isn't under discussion or scrutiny. Stop moving the goalposts and face the consequences of being wrong
Does different gravity matter for this? I don't know if you'd want lower gravity for less resistance on slopes, or higher gravity for more friction on the rails.
That's hilarious, tossing all the materials is sick
dlc when?
What's a mod that lets me make a Rube Goldberg devices that ends in an AIDS needle getting shoved straight into my ass?

Asking for a friend.
New trailer to Fagorio: AIDS age.

you are right but its advertised as a puzzle gam while gooclikers are advertised as REAL time strategy
cringe. completely unnecessary.
>literal fortnite rarity system being added
>dlc is price of the game again
>1 of the 4 new planets is apparently extremely tedious which no one likes
>space flight system is apparently only fun and efficient when players bring their things, but devs nerf this constantly to force you to play it "the intended way" of manufacturing everything en route
How did they make me not excited for big factorio expansion?
>1 of the 4 new planets is apparently extremely tedious which no one likes
the seablock one?
I'm not too familiar with the exact mechanics of each planet, are you talking about aquilo? I meant gleba, apparently it's a huge slog that was considered a punishment to have to play on and which nobody enjoyed.
I'm in the middle of watching some of nilaus' videos about the dlc and I found another thing to add here
>game breaking bug where resources don't spawn on other planets
This was found 2 days ago, I would expect that any critical bugs like that should be completely fixed by now for something with so much dev time and asking the price of the game again. I was really excited for this but they managed to make me want to wait probably at least a year for everyone else to bug test and play test so the game is actually fun. I just hope it's not another KSP 2
Every time you automate a new color of science. The fun is incremental.
It's big
The only reward you get from is a lab that eats half the science packs and IIRC works as if it were 10 labs or something like that?

Gleba gives you the biter egg production which can be used in prod mod 3s and to increase agriculture.
Aquila gives you the lab? Seems amazing, 50% science consumption and 10x speed? Prod mod 3s are alright and I don't know enough about the agriculture mechanics for that to mean much to me, I really do hope that they can stick the landing for this.
>poorfag complaining (just pirate it, retard)
>How did they make me not excited for big factorio expansion?
Sounds like you read other people's opinions and adopted them yourself.
>I don't know enough about the agriculture mechanics for that to mean much to me
>literal fortnite rarity system being added
fucking why

color coded loot has NEVER made a game better
>wow, why on earth would someone not be excited for fortnite rarity system?
It's about the laziness of implementation, I don't mind the core idea but as it stands it just seems half baked to me.

I pirate whatever I can't afford and/or don't want to support, but it's about expectation. For the price of the game again I'm expecting a lot of high quality content to justify that, but I really haven't seen much that mods haven't done better.

>other people's opinions
I obviously don't have first hand experience with the DLC, none of us do, but everything I've been watching has been extremely positive about it. I just looked at what they actually had to say and haven't been impressed.

>don't know enough
Is it a sin to not know every single detail about DLC that isn't even out yet? I'm not ashamed to say that I'm not extremely familiar with everything that's being added, there's nothing wrong with not knowing something that hasn't been released yet.

I'd also like to add that I'm not entirely negative about the update, there's some good stuff in there, it just seems a little lackluster and rough around a few edges. I really want them to succeed, I'm just not really getting all the hype.
It's a module you add to assembled that gives you new types of products that have some slight increase to their stats, but it produces randomly based on a rarity system and the naming and color coding system of the tiers is lifted directly from fortnite. It just doesn't fit with the rest of the game, again I don't have anything against the idea of modules that improve the quality of finished products but surely there's a way to do that which better fits within the game than this.
OK, is that something I can just not build and ignore entirely?
Yes in theory but as far as I can tell they are expecting you to use it in things like spacecraft so it's balanced around you having a limited but eventually larger supply of higher quality items. It's something you could probably design around, but you'd have to design around it.
There are roghly three points where the game is fun
>The very, very early game, when you have to set up the barest of bare basics
>When you automate enough to build a car
>Building rail
And the last one only if you are into rail models.
Everything else in this game is pure, unfiltered tedium of extensive planning for the sake of planning itself. It's just that kind of experience
I appreciate the more detailed explanations, ur a pretty cool guy.
Guess I don't see how any of it affects the average experience of anyone other than mega factory builders.
Item rarities are just buffs so what exactly is there to complain about? They exist to make super compact or super efficient or whatever the fuck you want builds. If you think common rarity shit will slow you down or something and you want a faster playthrough then you can make research costs cheap and resources abundant in world generation.
If Gleba seems like such a pain then save it for as late as possible and minimize your time there. I understand plenty of people have played demo versions and that Gleba being cancerous was a common complaint but the dev diary addressing it seemed like a reasonable response.
>I'm just not really getting all the hype.
For me it's the new weapons to butcher new alien monsters.
I am going to wait for when my boys bob and angel do the needful
They be good?
They are the golden standard of gameplay extension mods and they are not made by complete lunatics (like pyanodon is)
>tow utter furries
>not lunatics
They a fetishistic fixation on more and more tiers, enjoy your tier 7 power armor and tier 14 golden solar panel or something.
>They are the golden standard of gameplay extension mods
Maybe 5 years ago they were
No you retards, it's not "lifted from Fortnite". The devs aren't zoomers, you are. Item tier from Normal to Legendary go back decades, they weren't thought up by some zoomer shooter. Who let you stop listening to Kids Bop and gave you Internet access?
So how is it?
>fixation on more and more tiers
Nothing wrong with a few more tiers over vanilla, especially when rarity wasn't a thing.
Dead on arrival
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lifted from diablo*
>from DnD**
Reject conformity
Embrace spaghetti
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So the point of the platform (so far):
> Research (obviously);
> Resource airdrops on demand (which are useful when colonizing other planets).
You can airdrop anything, but the thing you can harvest that I've seen so far are: ice (seems useless on the ground), iron ore and carbon. Iron can be processed in space, but it's limited in utility due to lack of copper. Honestly, seems pretty pointless to bother with anything other that science at this point.
Odd design choices - if you deconstruct a building in space, the inventory gets deleted, so you first have to "open" the building UI, click on everything to put it in inventory and then delete the structure.
Honestly, building stuff feels very awkward, but it's probably something that just takes time to get used to. Yeeting stuff into space also is a bit weird, since central storage can hold essential stuff, so have to place an inserter, set filters and then clone it (can use blueprints, of course, but still seems crappy).
Has anyone gotten comfy on another planet already?
i forgot it was coming out
this shit is gonna take up my entire weekend
It took me a bit to figure out you don't have to be physically present to build on the space platform. I think there could be an advantage to building smaller, modular ones that are specifically for resource harvesting and then use them to supply all of your planets, assuming they get enough resources to be worth it.

Imagine never having to work with iron production again on any planet because your space platforms completely take care of it, and by extension steel production as well. Asteroids appear to be limitless, so once things are set, it's just free resources for the rest of the game.
>Asteroids appear to be limitless
its either that or the fact that the drop pods are completely free kinda trivializes the core of the game imo.
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R8 :)
Needs a coal and stone line for next tier

Where are the turrets?
mmm 3 weeks can't wait
>kinda trivializes the core of the game
I can see why you'd assume that, but asteroid iron, while limitless, doesn't flow at a constant rate, doesn't scale that well and isn't the only base resource in the game.
Well, regardless.... Just tamed Fulgora as my first expansion and secured constant science pack production from there. Was pretty cool.
Unsolicited advice to some wild, random anon:
Take Fulgora as the first place of expansion, the lighting hazard is a boon and there are no critters and thus - pressure. Also, Fulgora's science pack is required for roboport MK2, which is a major QoL upgrade imo.
>once things are set
>im-fucking-plying you're not going to scale up your iron demand
But it's real easy to scale up a space platform. Build an efficient design and clone it as many times as you need.
>Build an efficient design and clone it as many times as you need
>an efficient design
>space platforms
You can get 10x the throughput for 0.1x the cost by simply building a mining outpost far away from spawn and a train to bring in the ore.
A 10M patch will supply 4 green belts of plates for 12 IRL hours before accounting for productivity, try to match that with platforms and you'll tank your TPS.
You can do that for one planet, but if you do it on a space platform you're good for all of them.
There you go m8
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Don't look!
so is space age actually worth it?
The money? Debatable. But you can always become a sailor and get it for free.
Otherwise it's pretty okay.
0.5 belt / 10
>decide to start a new game for my first space age experience
>realise i have to reach space which takes me like 50 hours
kek literally me. I held off on starting a new file before the expac and then realized that it takes me like 20 hours of gameplay to even get close to launching a rocket
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Progression got fucked with, rocket and space science are available as soon as you get oil processing online, production/utility science is "optional", you only need processing units, low density structure and rocket fuel to make a rocket now

Just don't rush to another planet without ample supplies to build a base regardless of what resources are available, or with a "spaceship" that won't survive the asteroid attrition, don't make the same mistakes on /fag/
Also just ignore gleba, fuck that planet
Is that the fruit smoothie planet? It sounds cool.
i assume i'm supposed to cover nauvis in roboports with supplier chests full of turrets and such, what supplies do i need
>load up a save i poured 500 hours into
>all my pipes have "too long" alerts on them
cannot be fucked fixing them
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I made a rate limiter for belts, sort of. It works perfectly, but I think it's not space efficient, not that it matters much. Essentially what it does is create a clock out of circuits to pull exactly 3.5 copper plates per second and push them onto a belt, which then ties into a splitter that prioritizes the copper side of the input and fills the rest with iron plates. The output side of the splitter comes up to averaging exactly 11.5 iron plate and 3.5 copper plates per second, and didn't lose any time after three hours of testing.

Is there a better way to achieve this? I can't help but feel like this is overly complicated for something I could just do with belts instead of circuits.
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You don't strictly *need* starting supplies. You're not going to get softlocked because you didn't bring a drill. But personal bots are extremely useful, particularly because you get the basic resources from rocks and such. Other than that, bringing a few drills, assemblers and chemplants will speed up the early buildup a lot. Inserters, belts and poles are too cheap and too heavy to bring a lot imo.

I think more important is making sure the base you're leaving can do maintenance on its own while you're away. If an ore patch runs out, you need a way to replace it without being there on the ground.
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that can't possibly work. here's my throughput rate limiter it works precisely for any rate you want from 0 to full belt.
why isnt there an ingame tutorial for these fucking things

all I want to do is have it turn off solid fuel production if my light oil gets too low
It's been running in the background since last night on our multiplayer server and has never gummed up the belt, but yours looks much cleaner. I assume it pauses the second belt to halt the flow if the first one scans a certain amount of items?

Actually, looking at your setup, I think I can make mine even better. A yellow belt pushes through 15 items per second, or 1/4 of an item per game tick. If I pause the belt and only activate it for 4 ticks per item I want to push, that will exactly get me what I want. The benefit of this is that it will only require a clock and that an arbitrary number of items can be passed in this way, so I could take several lanes and precisely sushi in a certain amount of items.

Thank you anon, the inspiration is extremely helpful.
Just tested the setup and it works perfectly. I can't screenshot right now, but it's a simple 60 tick clock linked to a belt that only turns on for X ticks per second. For example, to output one item a second on a yellow belt, turn the clock on four ticks per second and just keep the input full.

It's so completely simple it's baffling I spent so much time on the other setup to get it to work. The only extra thing I need to do now to get it to sushi properly is to add in a check to make sure the input belts are full at all times and halt all lanes if they're not.
It's a cherry on top of everything else.
that sounds much simpler but it must be manually tuned to the belt type you're using while the other limiter works on any belt type and any belt speed.
It's not very hard to tune really. Unless you need more than 15 items a second to feed a blue belt, you're always going to use a yellow belt anyway for the rate limited side. The rate limited side will always output a very specific amount of items at a set rate, so even if you're feeding 3 copper plates into a red or yellow belt setup that's otherwise fully saturated with iron, the only thing that changes is you now have a 12 iron:3 copper ratio for a yellow belt and a 27 iron:3 copper ratio for a red one.
Logistics not available until space science is the worst part
fuck b*lts and b*lt bases
Space science is piss easy to make though, so it's not that bad. Launch a couple rockets, get a simple platform running, have infinite free space science.
I used to cheat yellow and purple bottles and the ship itself because I couldn't be bothered to keep setting up belt automations by that point.
>Ignore gleba

Invade Gleba! Introduce it's lifeforms to fire, long range artillery, lasers and uranium bullets.
>I couldn't be bothered
you'e playing the wrong game dude
am I retarded or is there no way to automate sending resources from a space station to a planet? My space station is filling with shit and I can't tell if there's a better way of managing it than clicking to it and dumping everything every 4 or 5 minutes, which is getting annoying
Put requests in the cargo landing pad. A second station dumping 15 space science every second can clog it, however
I was originally skeptical of quality when I read about it, and the first tips the game pops up with doesn't explain quality very well, but once I actually figured it out (the basics at least, I hope), it's actually pretty cool.

Firstly, quality is NOT entirely RNG. If all recipe inputs are of a quality, you are guaranteed to get that quality out. So green quality copper plates and green quality gear together will always give green quality red science.

Secondly, kickstarting the quality process IS RNG. Put a quality module into something to get a chance to get the next quality level out. You could just put a quality module in the assembler if you don't want to worry about setting up green inputs.

Thirdly, quality can be used as a filter per-item. So you can easily have a splitter in your main belt that exclusively filters out all of the RNG iron plates you might be producing and create separate production lines for quality stuff.

Fourthly, quality can have some pretty damn cool effects. Green quality medium power poles will reach across assemblers/furnaces.

Finally, it's entirely optional.

For a game like Factorio, I think RNG actually has a real place because this is a game designed entirely around scale, and at a given scale "randomness" kind of goes away and it becomes an average. It also slightly complicates the build pipelines without creating too many new concepts, imho. It looks like there's also an end game way to "farm" quality by recycling things that didn't roll right, but unfortunately I have a job and am not that far in yet.
When you get bots.
Bros be careful when places inserters next to your space platform hub. I put a stack inserter down before the assembler it was supposed to supply and the fucking thing threw 50 turrets into space fore I had a chance to stop it.
One uncommon or rare iron plate getting into the line has been enough to shut down production. I have a sorter that's supposed to filter them out but a few keep getting past somehow.

Since quality doesn't stack with other qualities an assembler might pick up a rare plate and then get stuck waiting a long time for the 2nd rare plate it needs which never shows up.

Some people suggested setting up a system of building quality modules with a quality moduled assembler and ramping it up in a cycle. I tried it and don't think it's efficient. You should just put the quality modules in your electric furnaces and collect the plates. I have boxes of quality plates now but haven't figured out a good use besides solar panels for my platform. Maybe a tank.
Quality module have a slight chance of yielding items 2 or 3 tiers above. They wont be filtered if you only filter out uncommon quality. Instead, filter in regular item so every other quality get filtered out.
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Set it down sideways first and filter it. Or copy paste another one that already has a filter applied.
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I made this post in a different thread to help someone with automated cargo requests.

Here's a really simple one you can use just about everywhere.
The easiest way to get your base inventory accounted for is to hook a roboport to the input of an arithmetic combinator (Read logistic network contents)
Multiple that base inventory by -1 to swap the entire thing into negative numbers. Next we hook up a constant combinator with what you want to request from space platforms and use positive numbers. You then hook the constant combinator and the arithmetic combinator output to the cargo landing pad using the same color wire. Set the cargo landing pad to "Set requests" so it automatically sets them.

So here's an example. Your base has 4000 science packs which reads as -4000 in the combinator. You then request 5000 science packs. Now your cargo landing pad combines those two numbers and asks for the 1000 missing packs.
To unload the landing pad just hook up a stack inserter feeding into an active provider chest so your bots put all your items away into storage chests.
Preferably you would have all your storage chests near your landing pad.

It sounds complicated but it's literally 3 wires. Hopefully the pic makes sense.
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I've been sort of overproducing pentapod eggs (better have too many than too few) and had to create a disposal facility
I hate Gleba
Had an adventure going to Vulcanus this weekend. Went there as soon as possible, skipping production and utility science. Didn't pack enough supplies to bootstrap a base and my ship was crippled by asteroid impacts during the journey, leaving me stranded. Had to build up Vulcanus from almost nothing. Ran around picking up rocks and burnt trees to get the necessary resources at first. The simple coal liquefaction made it easy to get lube combined with the trickle of tungsten carbide I was getting from my rock collecting I was able to get some foundries going. After that the infinite river of metals made it easy to build a new spaceship, a proper battlebarge that I was able to take to any of the four inner planets no problem. Pic related, she ain't pretty but she'll get the job done.
use a splitter
yes it's dope the new challenges are legitimate sick
easily the hardest world you have to deal with decaying products and using fuel which decays in a blink if you don't burn it
it can be a powerhouse planet and s tier tech is locked behind it but it's for sure harder than the rest
infinite plentiful metals and using fluids more but honestly an easy chill peaceful world (worms never attack you they only defend) which you can easily migrate to asap and don't have much reason not to

i haven't done the other two yet but they don't sound hard
aquilo has heat but also oil which is busted free infinite resource but you can rain carbon down from the sky anyway with no consequences because there're no biters and again you're using more fluids which is pog because robots suck at fluids and robots trivialize the game
fulgoria also has no real hazards but idk how scrap works
any world without pollution (ie not nauvis and gleba) is ez mode because you can use infinite free resources from space

ong the best dlc i've played for years fr 10/10
my main complaint is that nauvis low key sucks compared to vulcanus in like every way but that's balanced by the fact you've gotta use biters for endgame tech i guess
fr gtfo of nauvis and get to vulcanus asap it is just better
Fulgora is a great time. You basically mine high tier stuff like low density material, batteries, concrete and red/blue circuits. Many deposits are 10+ million, power is free as long as you find a big landmass to cover in accumulators. You can put quality modules in miners and recyclers and get high quality stuff easily. You'll have so much shit you won't know what to do with it. One downside is you'll need some epic train spaghetti to actually get to those big deposits if you do it before Vulcanus.

Bots on Aquilo use 5x usual power and power is a real concern. You can't support nuclear, solar is dogshit but necessary, you have no space, heat requirement = spaghetti, there's fuck all for resources, forget something and you can't do anything but wait for your spaceships, platforms above have to spam rocket ammo to survive, shit sux.
In terms of challenge Vulcanus < Fulgora < Nauvis < Gleba < Aquilo
can you not use steam on aquilo? after gleba space platforms can produce literally everything so i don't see why ammo would be an issue
you should have a platform capable of sending down raw resources
after gleba you can easily make a basic ~400 tile platform which can farm everything you need to grow itself into an interplanetary spaceship over time
i didn't bring enough shit to gleba and bootstrapping there while trying to wrap my head around the production chain was challenging to say the least. spoilage really puts a spoke in the wheels for my usual factory setups
ps i was mining rocks by HAND. like an ANIMAL
anon, just stuff them in an oven.
m8 just check if your storage is >50% full, one wire and one basic condition
I figured that out and now I'm trying to figure out how to make an assembler switch recipes without vomitting all of the components into my output chest before it starts the new recipe.
you can and will use steam but there's no abundant water source
(the ocean is ammonia with some water ice), you use most of the ice for landfill and you can't melt ice without 1% effective solar power at first
I did think of that after drawing the swastika. But it's fine, I'm farming kill stats.
You can get free ice and carbon from space endlessly.
you can get it endlessly from oceans too, it's not fast either way
at 5MJ each it'd take ages to go through six million of them in furnaces anyway
You're smashing big asteroids to harvest it and you don't need any in orbit so you are able to provide some megawatts of initial power. There is zero reason to ever use 1% solar that's a joke.
good luck melting your first block of ice without power
Can't you bottle the water in space and drop it down. Then you just need enough power to de-bottle it.
Yep, still need power. It's not a lot but you need to slap down a bunch of solars at first.
what the hell is the deal with medium stompers? why are my turrets getting raped by a giant enemy crab?
i did find a solution though
>jump into tank
>take like 0 damage
the loading screen gives you hints, use landmines
lasers are pointless and guns don't have enough range to kill them fast enough
they are weak to explosives because you're supposed to use landmines and rockets, which is why gleba unlocks them
construction robots rebuild landmines automatically
why does wube hate lasers
due to... circumstances... i'm going to have to research those on gleba
I was really glad to have made a full rare quality mech suit before touching down on Gleba. I could just walk into any enemy base and tesla gun it to death. Didn't even need nukes. I recommend clearing out a LARGE perimeter around your Gleba base.
>I recommend clearing out a LARGE perimeter around your Gleba base.
yeah i went on a nest hunt and now it's just me and a megatonne of rotting fruit again. tranquil.
because they are lazy zero effort defences with minimal logistical load
they should only be for light defences to catch roaming base seed bands or whatever
i wish personal lasers were less shit but discharge defence is great
landmines are like 100 military science if you're killing stompers you should already be making blue science and black science is easy
the best defence in factorio has always been killing everything before your pollution cloud reaches it anyway
30 hours in and still havent gone to another planet yet...
now check what you need to bootstrap coal production on gleba
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Each shell yields 5 stones.
It takes 50 stones to make a landfill so it takes 10 shells.
I'll drain the smelly swamp planet and fill it with vermin corpses.
it would be easier to have vulcanus send stone
It's not about stone, anon. It's about the message.
Gleba has (small deposits of) stone spread around so that's not a huge issue
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kek same, I don't want to leave without automating all the Nauvis science but my first few resource patches are draining too quickly for my liking. Meanwhile manually torching bug nests in my pollution cloud takes too long now so automated defenses and repairs are on the list too.
One of these days I'll launch a rocket.
one HUNDRED quantum processors for a railgun?
It's been forever since the release. You should be swimming in all kind of shit by now.
>legendary longarms can't reach an extra tile
>legendary longarms
Frankly, the only inserter that's worth the legendary grind.
Quality is such a fucking time and resource sink, imo.
what's the best stuff to make legendary
Power pole/substation
Mining drills
Portable reactors

The rest is either boring (woah faster crafting speed/more health), extremely situational (accumulators footprint on fulgora can be reduced if you're struggling with space) or just pure vanity (who the FUCK make quality artillery shells)
Damn, it only takes a couple of hours to automate Fulgora science and rocket off of that shithole. Probably would have even been 30 minutes faster if I'd brought 50 accumulators with me. Are all the planets this easy?
Fulgora and vulcanus are easy once you figure out what the gimmick is.
Gleba will stomp on your balls if you're not doing it perfectly
Fulgora is easy and so is Vulcanus. Gleba is the real challenge.
you forgot modules
quality modules are a huge upgrade
>faster crafting speed
this matters though
but otherwise i agree with your list
i liked making quality tank shells and ammo because it's just a straight damage upgrade and reloading isn't an issue
you're usually more limited by how much firepower you can bare at once rather than how much ammo you have
power poles is massive though
Before you finish the game and unlock everything- don't bother.
It's a vanity thing that's there just to waste time.
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Some stuff is easier to get than other.
Modules are obvious, how else would you get legendary quality modules?
>this matters though
Normal biochamber, foundry and EMP mog the shit out of legendary assemblers and whatever they can't do is something that doesn't really benefit from faster crafting
Your resources are better wasted on making legendary big drills, you get like 12.5 the amount of ore and that doesn't even include productivity research on top of that
I've been on Gleba for about 8 hours now.

Where's the challenge at? Seems to be okay. Burn all the spoilage. Kill any pentapod nests that get within the spore cloud. Doesn't seem too bad.
>Where's the challenge at?
If you have shitty defenses, A wild Big Stompers can wreck the whole base.
At first, I fortified only 'orchard' locations where the farms were at which was fine (its seem they only go for the source of the cloud), but then the cloud got big enough to trigger nests that were very far away. So the b-line from the remote nest to the farms had my production base inbetween which got completely wiped out.
tldr: just make complete turret perimeter like on Nauvis against roaches. Or in other words, business as usual.
I wish the new enemies would do more "stuff". Demolishers seem kind of cool, but they essentially just chill in their retard pen without doing anything.
>but then the cloud got big enough to trigger nests that were very far away
just run efficiency modules and recycle your compost. you don't need that much fruit if you don't waste it
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>just run efficiency
Nah, I'm good. As I said at the end of that post, after securing the whole perimeter with turrets around my territories like on Nauvis it was fine.
>it wasn't a detour since i already took it
It wasn't an argument nor a plea for suggestions, faggot. KYS.
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Cool, I've just started importing tesla turrets. Im gonna try teslas and lasers because im too lazy to run a belt for ammo with the other turrets.

Are walls useful at all? I read they do nothing to stop the stompers.
>Efficiency modules
>Can only be crafted by engineers exhibiting rampant homosexuality
Prod mods and speed mods are king faggot.

Nta, I fucking hate when people offer unsolicited advice kek.
>Burn all the spoilage
you shouldn't have spoilage your running an inefficient factory
>OP : DLC in 3 weeks
>DLC is actually two weeks old already
That thread is kept afloat out of pure rage.
Good. I want inefficiency. I want pollution and spores. I want COMBAT.
do boilers work in space
Try it and report back after
no but nuclear turbines do. Just can some 500° steam and rocket it up there.
I'd skip that and go straight for fusion. Aquilo still has enough solor in orbit and that's the place you unlock fusion at anyway.
>Asteroid productivity
My platform entered a paranormal quantum state, where one rock is enough to kick-start my giant space factory. Atheists btfoed. Shame there's a limit on platform size.
Nuclear doesn't require fluoroketone though and there's infinite water up in space. Then again, Cryogenic plant has 8 module slots and legendary productivity module is 25%, making fusion self-sustainable.
>limit on platform size.
It's 196 tile limit building north (from edge of the hub), but W, E and S directions appear to have to limits.
>to limits.
Meant 'no limits'. mb
Why nobody corrected me and told that Fusion doesn't actually consume fluoroketone and that there's just a sew-saw between cold and hot states? Feeling so foolish. Awful.
cuz im not there yet :p
I'm gonna say it: space platforms are an awful minigame and it would be better if you just shot rockets between planets.
Funny misspelling
What's awful about them?
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Unlocked from Vulcanus, need calcite import but generate 75 plates for every calcite consumed, extremely fast and cheaper steel, gear, LDS and wire recipes
>Electromagnetic plant
Unlocked from Fulgora, overpowered assembler for circuits and modules, 6 of them are enough to saturate one side of a belt with green circuits
Pure dogshit pretending to be a replacement for your oil cracking chemical plants, need a short-lived "fuel" to actually function, has no practical use outside of Gleba's production chain, require bioflux import since the only recipe for "self-sufficiency" on nauvis is nutrient-negative
>Cryogenic plant
The actual good chemical plant, can't crack oil, doesn't have 50% productivity but can slot 8 modules

Once they're done with the bugfixes and start considering a "balance" pass, do you think they'll buff the biochamber or will they just take the easy route and make the agricultural science pack non-spoilable?
Not sure how to best utilize the foundry. This shit is like a cornucopia, but I don't know how to best utilize them. Its tempting to just make distributed sphagheti abominations that are connected to a slim main bus of molten metals and the easy to produce chemical goods, where each abomination is self-contained to produce its own supply chain, thus being completely independant from the rest of the factory while the final outputs would be left to bots to deliver where needed. However fitting them neatly would be a massive pain, and its hard to tell at which point the material should become bot-deliberable, and when it should be produced locally. So it would be a fucking mess. Obviously, the simple solution is to just make all the foundries at the start of a mega-bus that vomits out all the plates in the world. But it feels so wasteful to not just use foundries for circuit wires or random stuff like that which could be directly made where needed.
Why not have both foundry-produced plates and molten metal pipelines on your bus?
No main bus overhaul needed, plates can be distributed where they need to be without the footprint of a foundry being a problem, you won't have to waste belt making lanes for intermediates and your designs will definitively be more compact than you think
I'm glad I decided to not use a single belt for the Gleba exclusive processes.
Went almost pure roboport on Gleba and never looked back.
foundries are so versatile and provide so many resources you should be using them locally at the stem of production lines imo
think instead of a main bus of belts you have some pipelines of copper, iron, and whatever else then use foundries to feed assemblers on short belts
foundries can directly produce basic ingredients like gears, cable, and plates which makes them perfectly suited for condensing stage 1 of production into two pipelines and hence the bulk of the logistical burden ie your main bus
you still probably want some belts but robots can easily move finished products since power is essentially free on volcanus
Go for the simple solution, then expand to local foundries bit by bit.
Is coal synthesis a possible answer to Vulcanis reliance on heavy amounts of coal?
if i haven't played the game before should i just jump straight into the DLC or should i play the base game a lot first?
I would recommend not getting the DLC when just starting out. Play at least an hour or two to make sure you enjoy it before getting Space Age.
so how much did they completely fuck the base game for those of us genuinely too poor to justify buying the DLC?
Judging from the achievement spam I'm getting from friends, it's pretty noob-friendly. If you can handle the base game starting out, it's not much of a difference to start out with the DLC. It's all activating the same parts of your brain
It's basically the same with some progression things switched around in a very logical manner
I was looking for filter inserters in the research menu for longer than I'd like to admit
There are no changes besides some qol like letting all inserters filter if you don't start a Space Age save file
>if you don't start a Space Age save file
what if you do? Can you prebuild a space age factory without any dlc components?
If you did not set up a vulcanus stationary platform to supply the planet yet with carbon(and sulfur) or didn't slap your best quality miner on patches of coal or didn't set up coal cracking operation, no.

You need 2 unit of coal for every unit of carbon, 5 carbon to make 1 coal with synthesis, it is not a self-substaining loop, get the most out of the coal and heavy oil you have on hand
I doubt it will let you if you don't have it
yes but by the time you have a platform capable of producing coal to feed vulcanus there really no reason to use the planet at all
the new endgame is launching small platforms capable of growing themselves and ultimately launching them towards the shattered planet having to send everything up from the planet surface is very inefficient because you're using 50 cpus, fuel, and lds just to transport half a stack of stuff
carbon is literally free from space and in abundant quantities so it doesn't bare mentioning as nobody sane would go coal -> carbon -> coal
What if carbon was shipped in from space?

Idk how sulfur comes from space tho.

Is Vulcanis coal synthesis viable then?
>Idk how sulfur comes from space tho.
it is harvested directly from advanced carbonite processing
>Is Vulcanis coal synthesis viable then?
with space carbon yes but you need to gleba to get coal synthesis at which point you can advanced asteroid
planets remain useful but since there is no limit on platforms you can gather increasing amounts of infinite resources by launching more and you need to be producing in space because sending enough resources up to do the shattered planet is very wasteful, even if low density structures, cpus, and rocket fuel are all cheap
Cool. Im on Gleba right now. Just trying to decide what planet I want to build a megabase on in the future.

Gleba is almost perfect except for the lack of stone.

Vulcanis though has everything but needs a lot of coal which will run out.

I don't want to stay on Nauvis except for utilising science with the biolab. And Fulgora pisses me off too much.
>Gleba is almost perfect except for the lack of stone.
Gleba has stone though.
In a matter of fact, it's the only resource it has locally other than water.
It's a tiny tiny amount. I'll need a lot more for all the landfill etc.
So if I play the base game and then get the space age DLC will I need to start all over again. How painful is it to start all over again?
>So if I play the base game and then get the space age DLC will I need to start all over again
Yes, you will.
>How painful is it to start all over again?
Since you're new, very. An experienced player can make a pretty good Nauvis base in 10 hours (or leave Nauvis in like 5) but as a noob you're looking at replaying ~50 hours
my vote is for vulcanis check the size of the stone patches they are rich af
>no enemies
>abundant infinite copper and iron
>huge inherent productivity and speed boosts
>great cheap power (either acid steam or solar)
>simple compact production lines as you skip steps
>no need for copper, iron, gear etc main bus
>local resources provide good unique products
it's a less powerful planet than gleba but it is a lot easier and well suited to a megafactory you don't need to check on
imo vulcanis is entirely designed to let you build a factory to feed your mid game developments with little to no micromanagement after you've set it up
nauvis is irrelevant besides uranium and being necessary and gleba has annoying natives as well as complex production lines liable to clogging up and requiring player input
fulgoria is shit and stupid

space would be a good option if platforms could send items to one another
>It's a tiny tiny amount
Depends on where you at. Lets say...
300k patch with ~400% productivity -> 1.2M stones; with 50% drain from V-Anus drills -> 2.4M stones; Landfill is 50 stones so it's 48000 landfills.
What I'm getting at is that there's a lot of "rebuilding my whole fucking base" with the expansion which is a bit tiresome.
I think I'll just ship in landfill directly to Gleba from Vulcanis.

Or make Vulcanis the main megabase location. If getting sulfur and carbon in sufficient quantities from space works out well enough that I can do coal synthesis then im golden.
>coal synthesis
With coal synthesis, the only thing lacking in space is for a full-blown factory is... Stone again, which is kind of funny, because asteroid... Are... Rocks... And second most common asteroids are silicaceous variety.
Yeah lol that's wild I can't get stone in space, would solve my Gleba beef.

Are walls useful in space? I see some people using them. Do they absorb damage from asteroid hits?
I decided to get the full game and I'm having a lot of fun. I feared that the game would be just a city builder, but I like how the game keeps you grounded as a dude running around doing things. I also I like that the tutorial doesn't just hold your hand and respects your intelligence. Although, I do think this game is a bit above my level of IQ.
Yes, they are useful. Do consider, that instead of placing wall, might as well just plop a minefield (same dimensions as wall after all) as mines get redeployed instantly in space.
So only made small outposts that only export unique science packs and planet items. I have trouble deciding to make Nauvis or Vulcanis my main base for the factory. Have not gone to Aquilo yet.
why would you not choose vulcanis?
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Since hauling science is dirt cheap (1k per rocket). Any planet is viable for being a center hub/main factory. Even a space platform is a viable contender if you happen to have plenty of spare time and your autism - potent enough.
Here's a random schlock which (while not particularly insightful) might, hopefully, trigger a spark of inspiration in your brain and help with your decision.
Vulcanus and Fulgora requires foundation to build a huge factory on'em, which is Cryotech locked, builds slow and is fairly expensive. Vulcanus is still a better option as it is train-friendly, so if you are a rabid train-fag, you can build mega-base without foundation. Why not Fulgora? Because of the way deep oil patches are generated, it WILL fuck with your rail placement sooner or later if you play on default world-gen.
A stand-out positive for both: no disruptions, relatively free electricity and a wide range of craftables.
Gleba has marshes everywhere, but also stone deposits for landfills. The pentapods are the most disruptive enemies in the game and production intermediates are volatile.
BUT while volatile, the bio-intermediates have extremely high production output and fairly simple production chains.
Aquilo REQUIRES imports, but it's very easy and convenient to expand and scale your factory there (ice is "free" and concrete is easy and fast to make, not to forget - it can be produced from scrap).
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why all the roboports?
Bots use five times more energy on Aquilo.
robots are a crutch for shitters anyway
Based retard. Name one thing that's worth using belts for in Aquilo other than lithium.
Also post your base.
nuclear platforms are great. add a few panels so the reactor only kicks in when the platform is at high load and wire the fuel inserter to a steam tank so you only fuel the reactor when you actually need to and it'll run on a launch of uranium fuel for ages
gleba is the by far most interesting planet, they'd be fools to mess with it
space is gay. do everything planetside.
>Name one thing
And.... That's about it.
Aquilo is the shitiest planet. Kovarex couldn't even commit to ice melting beyond a flavor text description. Mod-tier dlc.
i see there's already 20+ mods disabling spoilage
Lack of Holmium Ore is my bottleneck
Recycle more scrap, bro.
Yes, well, I also found out there's a scrap recycling productivity research. I like these new types of infinite research
>20+ retards had to make a mod instead of just adapting to a video game mechanic
but I have too much of everything else and not enough holmium. It feels wasteful to just trash it.
i am assuming you can get extra holmium if you have the big foundry
>scrap recycling productivity
Always prioritize mining and research productivity first, scrap, blue circuits and whatever else not should only come into picture when they are twice as cheap as your current mining productivity option.
there’s millions of scrap everywhere, waste doesn’t matter
Fellas how do I get rid of carbon in my first space station when I don't even have filter inserters yet
Every inserter is a filter inserter now
For my baby's first platform I just pitched everything that survived a pass on the belt into the void of space.
Build a receiving station and have the carbon automatically dropped down and burnt in boilers or smelters.
>humblebragging about how he made it to space without unlocking inserters
I'm onto you, Dosh.
Throw it off the side into space.

Throw it into space, recycling is gay.
>get to Gleba
>didn't bring any resources
>my space platform has been smashed by asteroids
>want to go back home to prepare better
>kill myself
>respawn on Gleba
Oh no
check your autosaves
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Void that shit. Fulgora is all about getting rid of anything you have too much of so you can get the actual stuff you want. The ore patches being tens of millions should clue you into how the devs didn't want you to worry about running out. By the time you get big miners your scrap pipes will last hundreds of hours.
Enjoy your throughput limit on landing pads lol
24 bulk inserters is a lot of throughput. You can have 28 iirc.

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