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>10 months since the release date change
>3rd faction delayed to post-release
>barely any news this year
>still no new release date

Is the Tempest still Rising?
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I played too many C&C already.
If it doesn't have fun/retarded factions like Yuri or GLA, I just can't muster the interest for more of the same.
Does the setting offer anything more interesting than what's on the jacket?
Or any particular gameplay point that's not visible when skimming through the demo gameplay video on jewtube?
Pretty clear that the game is dead
Is there really no hype for this game?
What is there to even be hyped about?
It's an (apparently) decently-made C&C clone with no particular hook.

If it weren't for the absolute misery that are modern RTS releases, it would be completely ignored. People being even aware of it and vaguely planning to buy it with mediocre enthusiasm is by far a best-case scenario for such a project.
Appeal to nostalgia doesn't have that much of an impact with RTS since graphics&shit barely matter and the old stuff is still very playable.
Cheap StarCraft 2 clone with a skin of RA3 mixed with Tib Wars pretending to be Tib Dawn, dead before arrival, they are even selling third faction as DLC
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Wow. Just wow. Haven't heard about this one before, I skimmed the Steam page and I'm speechless. It's not even trying to hide that it's a blatant Tiberian Sun reskin, it's as if they are taking pride in how shitty and soulless it is. Amazing. Apart from checking out the OST since Klepacki worked on it, this "game" should be thoroughly deleted, both from all hard drives on the planet and from our collective memory. S
Hey! It's not a cheap corporate goyslop made by homos who played only EA-C&C games!
Use the correct term, "spiritual" """""""""""successor"""""""""""
There is zero marketing for the game for some reason. Last year they at least tried to show new units and content. This year there's nothing. Is this the curse of Slipgate Ironworks?
Use the REAL correct term, anti-corpo bootleg boomer bait game.
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Until recently, Slopgate Basedworks were under Embracer Group's heel, this game is very much a corporate goyslop, aimed at cucked boomers, millennials and even zoomers many of whom somehow managed to play RTS games before.

But mostly this game is aimed at Electronic Arts Incorporated so they may see the "total" ""success"" of """"""""""""""""""""indie"""""""""""""""""""" RTS games and try bringing C&C back to life
lul, the s-o-y filter can now guess the context of the message?
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w-what happened...?
It replaced S-o-y-works with Basedworks, although upon firing, s-o-y-filter is supposed to replace s-o-y with onions
To be honest, I don't understand anything: do you guys want a full-fledged finished game or another unfinished product with the hope that it will be fixed in patches? Isn't the sin of all newly released RTS that they weren't finished to the end?
>a full-fledged finished game
With Slipgate's track record, the recent layoffs and these huge delays, the question is are they even capable of delivering that in reasonable time? Before the target audience, the nostalgic C&C fans move on?
It seems that the RTS community is waiting for the game to release and then decide if it's worthy of a hype.
what new and innovative features does it bring to the RTS genre? If the answer is none, it's also the answer to your question
It's a spiritual successor to C&C. Do you guys not want more C&C in 2024??
We want more C&C, we just don't want C&C that got stuck in 1995 but with a skin of Red Alert 3, C&C always tried to innovate itself and the RTS genre. But TR is just more of the same but worse and from the people with such long track record of failure that i wouldn't hire them to mop floors
>C&C always tried to innovate itself
Yes I remember RA3 and C&C4. Such innovation.
Goyms made by EA

But, contrary to your opinion, yes, fully integrated naval combat in RA3, much better and far more successful than in previous games where it was there just for checkmark. Many new interesting and sometimes cancerous unit mechanics. Ability for every unit although it feels too StarCraft'y. Main problems are plot being shit and full reboot of the Red Alert series, which resulted in game not being parody of stereotypes like RA2, but a parody of itself, in RA2 characters basically knew that their world is fictional parody and acted accordingly to the rules of the world, in RA3 they were too serious, also cartoony artstyle and forced co-op that should have been optional.

MOBA-styled RTS that came out when MOBA's were getting popular, quite interesting gameplay, game wasn't even meant for western C&C fans but for Koreans, but the local publisher broke the contract and EA were forced to make it final game in the series and attach horrible story line from the same retards that made C&C3
>innovative features
Fuck off retard, that killed the franchise, all the successful mods didn't tried to innovate shit, just update the engine and add more units/factions.
What the fuck are you talking about? RA2 was serious within universe while RA3 were just Hollywood celebrities mocking each other, go watch the cutscenes again, also, RA3 failed because the cultural context had already started to erode due the GWoT and the 2007 financial crisis, what is worst, EA's entire take on japanese culture came from 80s cartoons instead of 2010s already well established anime tropes which resulted in EotRS looking uncanny, but that's what you get when you outsource your concept art to chink art college students who couldn't grasp RA2 wackiness.
What are they even working on now? Why do they need more time for less content?
Played the 2nd demo release, it's just painfully mediocre all around.
Have to sit through a dozen load screens to even play the mission itself.
Cinematics were all desynced and full of texture loading/pop-in. The not-GDI commander's face was slowly rendering as the fucker was issuing the mission brief lmao.
Gameplay is boilerplate nu-C&C there's really nothing exciting. Unit abilities are a in, and as always detract from the game as you babysit them.
Unit voice lines are completely fucked. They're too low/muffled and get easily drowned out by other game noise. Some of the accented-voice acting is super garbled.
No apparent naval aspect to the game.
>Fuck off retard, that killed the franchise
no, complacency and goyslop producing kikes like the ones behind C&C4 killed the genre and franchise
>all the successful mods didn't tried to innovate shit, just update the engine and add more units/factions
all the successful mods made $0 and nobody cares about them but a handful of autistic slavic neet retards
>RA2 was serious within universe
>soviets vs dinosaurs
>flying saucers
>crazy ivan
>RA3 were just Hollywood celebrities mocking each other
>as if Flint Westwood, Arnie Frankenfurter and Sammy Stallion never existed
can I live in your reality where you get to pick and choose facts however you like and people just accept it and eat your retarded shit?
I've played the last demo and it just made me want to pop in Tiberian Sun instead (which I did). It feels like a worse C&C clone, desu.
They are closing the studio after the first free dlc is completed. Big rush to get the game out.

Don’t ask my source.
Would not call this kind of delay a "rush" desu

Oh sugar, you thought it was coming out promptly after the vertical slice demo? Sweet summer child, ain't no chance it was hittin any deadlines you invented.
Games with unit caps kill my interest immediately.
When each haphazardly created demo mission adds additional 10 gigs to games weight
not enough yeast.
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Closed beta announced. Is this the Stormgate killer we were hoping for bros?
So what, now game weights 5 terabytes because of all 3 skirmish maps they added?
hadn't heard of this game, honestly looking it up just left me more confused
>top down shooter into boomershooter into early 2000s shooter into C&C RTS
what's up with this franchise? who the fuck comes up with this shit?
Shelly better be a commander or something in this one
Fucking vaporware
How's the beta broski??
fuck it make her the new tanya
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imagine if this game had RA style fmv cutscenes where she is being "interrogated" or is "interrogating" enemy soldiers just like Tanya...
what a missed opportunity...

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