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Frog DLC dropping withing the hour


>city builder
not a strategy, get the fuck out
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>Against the Storm
What's the appeal of this game? It looks like crap.
trying to optimize a production chain with the semi-random buildings and resources you get during each map which affects the strategy you might go for
you build a small settlement and when it starts to get bigger, you win
it's a game about intelligently managing your resources to overcome shit situations by holding your settlement together with duct tape until it meets the win condition. It's a pretty fun strategic challenge
Damn looks like they changed a ton of shit with the accompanying patch
yep, shuffled around needs and recipies with the introduction of new resources, some blueprints are now locked behind having a certain type of animal in each run (if I understood the patch notes correctly) so the blueprint pool is not watered down so much
What if Anno wasn't baby difficulty and also a roguelite
It's Warcraft but city builder. Also different fantasy species requiring different needs is a bit of a novelty.
I don't like the fact you feel no attachment to your colonies whatsoever.
Awful comparison.
It's a settlement builder where you have a mission to gain reputation or sometimes other victory conditions. You are placed on a map with uncertain resources and it's up to you to make do with what you are dealt. I would not consider it a city builder as no settlement lasts longer than an hour or so, it's basically resource and chaos management.
It's more of a technicality since it's a strategy game that requires you build a city. It's inspired more by resource management, strategic positioning/routing and planning, and adaptive problem solving. It's sort of a cross between a colony sim, a strategy game, and a roguelike. Some colony sims can be devoid of strategy sure, but there are many that have strategy baked in.

>not a strategy
Of course its not "a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim." How can a game be a plan or action? Silly goose.
>master masons
frogs should have been gourmands
when i think of frogs I don't think of master builders
also, those are some buff frogs
What's the /vst/erdict?
Are the frogs worth the price?
>It's Warcraft
it's got nothing to do with warcraft
you chop trees just like warcraft bro
oh yeah, now i see it
you also place buildings like in war craft
maybe i should get frostpunk 2, the spiritual successor to warcraft
I mean lizards apparently need boots now, it's balance first then wrangle the lore until it fits.
now you're thinking
sometimes i wonder what "people" who posts stuff like this do irl and how do they function, actual mental retardation and they somehow managed to use a computer and found this board.
that's a real mistake, I want my Wind in the Willows twee animals before any mechanical considerations
it's not strategy unless it's gookclick in their mind
I mean you kinda answered your question, they're retarded. Using a computer and using this board must have enough accessibility to the mentally unfortunate, since it happens all the fucking time.
new biome is nice but finding stone or clay is a real pain
yar har har worth every dubloon
ps. i like that it can be very uneven, i had one start where i had two large glades to my right and 20 to the left

waiting for the mountain biome now
fish icon sucks, jazz it up a bit
>new complex food is slop
What did they mean by this?
>waiting for the mountain biome now
they need to add actual terrain
for a now $40 game, it shouldn't just be a flat plane
have they done anything to make the game less repetitive? I got bored 20 hours in when I realized I've unlocked all the mechanics and from then on it's the same thing with different looking environments.
>have they done anything to make the game less repetitive?
no, and they never will, because that would be like asking if FIDE has done anything to make Chess less repetitive
not as far as I know, but haven't played it since 1.0 and there have been 4 content updates now, this latest one supposedly shuffles around needs and so on
but the core of the game is still the same
maybe there are a few new races with the updates and this dlc
except chess is a perfectly fine game, unlike this.
now for a less smart-ass response,
they didn't make the world map game appreciably different. the game might "feel" less repetitive if there were more elements of macro progression apparent on building each new settlement.
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okay its more than just shuffling around
saw another negative review which had like 100h that was whining that he doesn't have time to re-learn the game due to being disable (kek)
but I doubt the core is really different, just have to re-learn what the needs and recipes for different buildings
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found you
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found the disabled review
>Try frogs
>Draw hailstorm
>Can't house the fuckers in pleb housing so they start dropping dead
rivers that can only be forded in some places, and bridged at the cost of stone/copper/building materials, mountain passes that need tools/weapons to open, etc
why the hell are fox buildings at like 150% scale
Should've been the damned bats added instead of the foxes.
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>i caught a fish thiiiiiiiis big
fishing with bait has incredible roi
Should have been bunnies
Were there rabbits? I didn't really see the first creature vote.
so whats the verdict?
first of all, it's not really a city builder
and it definitely is a strategy game
it's actually gacha

think about it
yes, specifically the metaprogression aspect is the gacha
but it's also a strategy game
>specifically the metaprogression aspect is the gacha
what? no. how do you get shit this backwards
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>draw Speedy Real Estate
>build park + shelters
>realize i've got 9 fucking frogs
You will eat the mystery meat mash with food coloring and you will like it.
its over
feeding your people soup? what are you, fucking hitler?
It's a good game. It's a roguelite, so it will be explicitly unfair sometimes (but, that's the point, isn't it?). Roguelites are also some of the most repetitive games around, and again, that's kinda the point.

The random biomes and blueprint system keep things interesting enough between runs. The world seems pretty whimsical and I like the overall aesthetic style.

It's not going to set the world on fire, but that's okay.
>copper bars from ore or scales
>training gear with reeds, planks, or leather
>dyes for paste
smelter is fucking great now
>porridge and pies are now unobtainable
>my precious brick oven now makes fucking biscuits, plus biscuits are shit, since harpies don't eat them now
>slop requires dyes, as do capes, and best dye building is now, probably... manufactory? (fabric 2, barrels 2, dyes 2) and the other ones are even more underwhelming
The last one is the weirdest. Both paste races and cape races are now dependent on dyes. I smell some future balance changes. They have to either add another dye source or make an alternative component for paste (resin perhaps, with an added cornerstone for growing 2-star resin in farms). Other foods seem a little bit out of balance too, skewers are too damg good, while biscuits are rather usless.

I want a platypus faction, I mean there's already that great looking silt strider nigga in the game
Clay pit is now definitely not an F-tier, since it can produce resin, needed for capes. Now there's more reasons to grab it, get your unlimited bricks/fabrics and get rich with packs of building materials.

Admit it, we had it too good, it was saving the entire runs. It was so good, there was little to no sense in 2-3 star porridge recipes.

i keep getting the workshop offered at the start almost every single game. has it gotten extra weighting or something?
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It tends to give more weight to blueprints with the recipes for building materials at first, I wouldn't be surprised if it gives triple weight to the workshop now. Anyway it's fucking great as a first pick.
it's BORING that's what it is, and completely warps the value of everything that produces plank/brick/fabric
The Workshop is possibly the biggest noob trap of the whole game. Shitters who struggle on prestige 7 will value it too highly.
it's still a better 1-3 pick than most buildings
t. adamantine
Both are right, but it's even more extreme. It's a great 1-pick, but, if it's even your second pick and you already picked any good 2-3 star plank building, weaver or brickyard/stamping mill - it suddenly turns into the aformentioned noob trap
workshop should have 4 worker slots
gay. they should revert that 'fix'.
reading the change list of 1.4, it seems like about half were sourced from the community
so maybe the devs will change it if you are persuasive enough
delete workshop
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>literally the only thing these fuckers agree on is that rain coats are nice
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aw yeah, this game finally clicked for me. I just winstreaked from p13 to p20 after I came back to the game. Can't believe I used to struggle with this shit.
sounds like they just made it easier
it's probably slightly easier now, but it's sure as hell not 7 prestige worth of easier
prestige 25 when
So, can we all agree that Frogs=Foxes > Lizards=Humans > Beavers=Harpies ?
Harpies got fucking NERFED with new difficult cape recipes, new shoes requirement and without bisquits
frogs are only good if you start with them and super-boost migration
foxes got hurt pretty bad with the affinity change

>+5 resolve for like five seconds before you have to burn the cysts
oh nooooooooo
not my little foxie woxies :((((
could be. But I realized that I was seriously fucking up some important things in the past, mostly rerolling blueprints and not getting what I want, and then opening glades to try and get what I want. But there's usually a win in the first one or two glades without rerolling (many) prints if I just try to find the win while staying flexible
>fabric now uses algae instead of leather
>abyssal trees still give leather
maybe i'll take that fiber delivery line after all
so is the game balance totally fucked now if you don't shell out for their dlc?
the DLC just gives a new race and a new biome
stuff like fishing came in the free update
so no, I don't think so
if anything the DLC is relatively light on content as as stuff came for free (though the the frogs have some race specific blueprints now I think, previously you could get anything but now you can get some only if you embark with them not to dilute the pool too much)
so I would think it as a quasi support pack, not critical and not something that would make you want to come back to the game if are bored with the game loop, but just a bit of extra content
you get access to the frogs on lvl 13, so you will play a number of settlements on a new save anyway before you see them
>so you will play a number of settlements
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>sea marrow
just burn some fossils m8
you can speed-build a warehouse to help with 10+ event loads btw
What Royal Resupply option do I pick on a higher difficulties of seal runs if I don't see anything interesting to activate additional range? Seal fragments most of the time and a couple of starting points along the way?
fragments if you need them otherwise stockpile embarking points for the seal. exactly how many fragment picks you'll need will vary based on how quickly you finish your settlements and what prestige you run them at

sometimes a distance boost can be worthwhile to check out some ! events, but usually not
also noob tip for those who missed it: you can put off picking the reward to check out the map first
I'm on the last seal and holy shit i think i'll have to use a distance boost to jump from a P10 map to the seal because fucking hell P15-20 are a pain in the ass, especially if I want to finish them in 5 or less.
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i love this building
finishing a P15 in ~8 is fine for any seal, no need to rush
for me, it's the (((guild))) house
tends to be a winmore in my experience
With frogevision it's a reliable + 2-3 at worst.
I can handle replaying the same 5 map over and over again
well, good news - you'll be replaying the same 5 maps over and over
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whats this? some new mechanic?
desu they play completely different depending on quest and resources setup, AtS is probably most varied city builder i have ever played, all other ones you just build the same blocks once you figure out the game. The thing which makes AtS feel less "comfy" than other city builders its the fact that optimal way is to constantly increase difficulty levels and thats mentally taxing, i cant play longer than few hours without feeling like i just did a math homework.
There's always the option to just stay at a lower difficulty if you enjoy it. I just got to prestige 12 and I hate the lower blueprint count.
Phew. Titanium seal fucking sealed.
>only seven additional embarkation points left, got plantation, packs of provisions and some additional dudes for Sealed Forest
>happened to have almost perfect starting blueprints - carpenter (s-tier in my opinion), manufactory (which I think is the best fabric building, because of dyes for goyslop/capes) and grill (mostly for copper, but paste is fine too)
>2/3 building material productions are taken care of, and bricks are not as necessary since I don't have frogs, plus my first cornerstone is 3 clay per minute
>production lines for tools and pipes are ready from the get go
>unlock my first dangerous glade, it's a fishmen camp that spawns totems
>check vendor, nothing for an option without totems, but there's a crate on a glade that has the exact 30 jerky required to solve the event
>spend all my bone marrow to crack it open but got too busy micromanaging tree cutting, lizard fuckers snatched and ate a few jerkies, so it's not enough for a safe option, and now I have to solve it with totems during the storm
>Lose 3-4 villagers to totem spam during the storm (possibly the same harpies that ate aformentioned jerky), oh well
>But now, in year 2-3, I have early monastery, plus later I get two "safe heaven" cornerstones, almost in a row, so that's -100 flat hostility and -80 per upgraded hearth. Get drizzle geyser + greenhouse, ruins with 2-star porridge, cornerstone for +50% production to my plantations, now I'm fucking golden
>still almost lose later due to Plague Of Death pushing me to unlock 2 dangerous glades during storm. Both had Harmony Spirit Altar events, and, for some reason, I tried to snatch both without dismantling. Guess what I did? I emergency called traders a couple of times to get everything I need, and almost maxed out impatience, then won with about 1 patience point left
Jesus fucking crist, I know I brought this all upon myself, but now even thinking of adamantine seal run makes my palms sweat
>and now I have to solve it with totems during the storm
letting it pop is not actually a big deal
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glorious roidgut
yeah, and humans don't
of all the species, they should require all clothing
dlc powercreep
So, what are the new meta top prodution buildings?
Stuff like Leatherworker, Manufactory and Brickyard, because they do something useful and also enable field kitchen recipes that multiply food items?
meta chasin is sovlless
field kitchen is pretty ass now. not useless, but even with water it's best avoided if possible
Noob here, started last week and so far this is up my alley. I starting to figure shit out, liking the variability so far. Are there any advantages to soing daily expeditions aside from the rewards?

I have yet to break a seal, I am working on it though. Started on playing on veteran (3. Difficulty its german dunno whats it in english), should I push for more? Got my ass handed a few times in the beginning and the current one feels just right
start busting prestiges asap, unless you're holding on by a fingernail it's too easy
Just so you understand - prestige 6 is easy, 11 is normal, 16 and above is hard
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It's not like it'll delete your save if you flop spectacularly. Just learn from your mistakes and try
I am getting buried on P4-5
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To answer my own question, daily expedition only seems to give rewards as missions do. Just broke my first sigil... in a daily expidition mission... expected something special but didnt get anything special (rewards still were good tho)

pic unrelated, just got a lucky set of missions and perks and i am now able to churn out 5 packs of trade goods in the makeshift post for 4 flour right from the start lmao (this time its the real sigil mission feeling good about it boys)
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want water? i GOT water
>want water?
anon the rain is literally melting my skin
is there a lore explanation for that in game? (don't tell me what it is)
Yes. The Queen is tricking everyone into helping her replace the Sun, and the rain is the Sun's natural defenses.
>replace the sun
Why would she do such a thing?
How long ingame and realtime do you guys spend on average per settlement? I'm only on veteran and I spend 1-1:20h 5-8years ingame, 2h realtime. Is it expected to play 2h+ on higher difficulties? Feels a bit long for a "run" in a roguelite
she's a woman
prestige 18
takes me about 7-9 in game years and 2-3 hours
about an hour, ~10min less if i'm sharp, ~10min more more if i'm slowbrained
5-6 years most of the time, rarely more than 7
this is on p20
7 years, 2-4 hours but i also don't use the ffwd, ruins the atmosphere
Thank you Griffith
new hotfix
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this looks like a nice place for a settlement
i bought htis on impulse because it was on sale and never got a chance to play it
So I started to play this last week. Is there a way to easily see which buildings are consuming which resources? Like let's say I keep running out of mushrooms, can I easily check which buildings are using them so that I can toggle some of them to not use mushrooms, or do I have to go through each manually? Same question for water, is there like a map mode that shows which type of water each building can potentially consume? Having to go through each production building when thinking about water/pipe usage is such a pain.
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>moody music intensifies
recipie panel, toggle to ingredient

hold tab, or shift-click the cyst warning to just turn everything off at once
The main reason I choose to settle in the new biome is so I can listen to this play
Very comfy.
Thanks, holding tab was pretty much exactly what I was looking for.
Now that I've played it some more, I'm pretty annoyed the way the game seems to be designed only for max level play and gimps you at the start. Like having to waste blueprint slots at the start to unlock different housing until you pick the right upgrades is really annoying. It also gives you orders that you can't fulfill because you haven't picked the ugrades for them yet, the system really could use some tuning for the early settlements.
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turns out that it was

the BP situation is much rougher at high prestige, not easier. you'll be looking at 2 picks out of 2 buildings when you start, and things get worse from there. 40 quarter-value amber for a service building? what a steal

getting orders that are between unreasonable and impossible is quite common. build a tavern and serve 50 leisure, but you don't have a BP for the tavern, nor any beer? again, better talk to the guild, viceroy... often the question is simply "can i do ANY of these before year 8?"
Yeah, obviously the game will get harder on higher difficulties, I was more referring to how the smoldering city upgrade system gimps you at the start, making the first couple of settlements much harder than the rest even when you start upping the difficulty because you don't have access to basic gameplay functions. It feels like they wanted to ease the player into the game by limiting their options, but didn't take any of that into account with the rest of the game. Good example is how the coastal reef explorer suddenly starts demanding complex food after the first two explorations, and if you didn't happen to spec into those three specific foods you are shit out of luck because the field kitchen is locked behind an upgrade in the smoldering city. It's not a deal-breaker by any means, but it did make the start really frustrating, their progression system really could use some more thought.
sounds like a you problem desu
The fact that Against the Storm is a roguelite is the thing, here. Roguelites are *supposed* to be *explicitly* unfair. That really is what most roguelite fans actually want. The design philosophy is built around the idea that a player will be handed almost impossible odds, but still win anyway.

I'm honestly not kidding when I say that "fixing" the things you are talking about would make the game "worse" in the eyes of their core audience.
Oh so it's like a puzzle game then
There's a difference between "oh you got unlucky by getting a request for wine when you haven't gotten a single blueprint that could make wine" and "oh you got a request to use water in engines which you can't fulfill because the game hasn't given you the option to build engines yet". One is theoretically fulfillablle if you had better luck (or used more rerolls), the second is impossible to do and feels like an oversight. Getting screwed over by rng is fine by me, I just dislike the gating basic gameplay mechanics behind an upgrade system but not changing the game to account for you not having access to said mechanics. It also creates a very lopsided difficulty curve where the game starts out hard, becomes much easier as you unlock the mechanics the game is clearly designed around and then slowly starts getting hard again.
Not really. In puzzles you have full information. In this game it is important to make good choices without knowing what the future holds
Yes. Only part of the puzzle is you get random buildings and species every time, so you need to have a bunch of solutions on hand at any given time for whatever eventuality comes up.
You're wrong. It's a puzzle in the same way Pharaoh is a puzzle. Complete your objectives as fast as possible, and then GTFO.
By that logic almost every video game is a puzzle
ignore the puzzlefag
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What kind of names do you give to your cities? I like to name them based on what kind of biome or what modifier they are near.

Like, I called a settlement "Toad Town" when it was near a Land of Greed tile. I called a settlement, "Scarlet Slam," because it was in a scarlet forest and you have to slam hard if you are going to win and go home in one piece.
Puzzlehomo successfully derails another thread.
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>Unlock Foxes
>Game suddenly becomes unfun
Just sacrifice them to fishussy
Yes, and?
City builder with meaningful consequences
Just like real life, eh
the dlc changed the role of foxes quite a bit with them not being rain specialists anymore
Are they still BABIES that have high demands and low resolve?
they're even whinier now

>how dare you burn that blightcyst that was about to unleash an ancient horror to kill us all
>-5 resolve
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>complaining about a race that get +15 resolve from a field kitchen and lets you finish events in half the time
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>recognizing that furries are being pushed with an above average race
>Furries that pushed out the cooler Cyberpunk Bats.
I love them. I jizz a little if I start a map with foxies and they show me a drizzle geyser
Field kitchen doesn't exist anymore I thought
It does, though they changed the recipes in it so its not nearly as useful as before.
They took out porridge and replaced it with slop and removed jerky for skewers
foxes like skewers, not jerky.

i've noticed that it's pretty easy to end up with a race setup that has no one eating jerky or biscuits
the only sexualized race is the frogs
>harpies and lizards need shoes
>humans dont
uuh uuuh uuuuhh ....
Boots =/= shoes
Lizards and harpies need specialized footwear. The bigger inconsistency is that they are called harpies instead of being named after an animal unlike the rest of the humanoid mutant freaks.
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That's an eagle.
I'd try some new things with her if you catch my drift
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Wake me up when they add the Crows
If anything bats are next. They are the last publicly suggested race.
Hopefully. Brawling techo infusion bats that deal with the effects of the rain by going full machine spirit? These fuckers should've gotten in over Harpies.
I played this for like 30 minutes and the uninstalled. Some of the ideas seem nice but the game is just too clunky. It welt like I was playing a late 90's game and not in a good way.
I don't think we have played the same game, this one sports one of the best interfaces I have ever seen.
new biome coming to the dlc

>Once a thriving forest of giant spruce trees, this land has been ravaged by relentless industrial exploitation and the devastating Blightstorm. Now reduced to a barren wasteland, the forest is littered with broken trunks and remnants of its former glory. This region is infamous for its abundance of Thunderblight Shards - magically charged amber crystals, essential in the crafting of Cornerstones.
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Mmm warcraft 3 autumn biome
getting the feeling that DLC sales were pretty bad
I can confirm this as I didn't buy the DLC
moi aussi

too pricey for just adding one tileset and race.
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Export specialization can go pretty hard sometimes
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Also got like 10 global resolve from that trade because guild house and that one perk with the same effect
Happiest beavers and harpies I've ever had
i'm not buying any DLC until they add actual terrain. like, put some mountains in your boreal forest
So what's the point of foxes now that frogs do the rain stuff? Do events and eat porridge?
They get a resolve boost from pretty much any piped building you have, while also not being affected by hostility. So they are good for building reputation.
the new fox specialization is shit both conceptually and performance-wise
>oh so i can like keep cysts on fox buildings for a resolve boost?
>>no you have to burn those all the time or everyone dies
you literally can though
t. plays on the lofty heights of viceroy
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>Foxes don't even get resolve from previously fox specific buildings anymore
Frogs are basically mexican immigrants huh
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retard you can choose cysts to ignore, 2 or 3 cysts left alive won't kill anyone. Besides, the piped buildings generate cysts shortly after the storm again, so you have the resolve benefits for most of the year, and arguably it matters more during not-storm since that's when you generate rep with resolve
>uh it gives a rounding error's worth of benefit so blah blah blah
yeah ok bro
If you're consistently making cysts, you're consistently spending fuel to cull them. This isn't necessarily a terrible thing, at least if you have the right cornerstones, but I find the risk far outweighs the reward. In fact, I don't even mess with Blight Posts beyond dealing with glade events- it's a labor and resource sink I just don't want to think about. Without one of the cornerstones that increase wood production, all of the biomes bar the Royal Woodlands and Coral Forests have a serious problem keeping up with mid and late game wood consumption. Having to sink even more fuel into burning cysts is not my idea of a good time.

In fact, I generally think the rain engines are poorly thought out and too resource intensive. They require piping (which needs metal bars and labor), three different kinds of rainwater (which involves geysers because, let's face it, nobody's fucking around with rain collectors), and creates a problem that can potentially kill villagers and requires another resource/labor sink to manage. I know they're powerful, but they're a copper/dew plated bitch to manage and I don't need the headache.
Also, Mushrooms and Abyssal feel much more difficult now- and not in a good way. The leather change makes it a pain in the ass to secure fabric production- which royally sucks if you have the misfortune of dealing with Harpies.
>but I find the risk far outweighs the reward.
you're just wrong what the fuck? If we take the cost as fuel, you turn a little bit of fuel (trivially easy to get) into a significant efficiency gain on raw resources that aren't as easy to obtain
>I just don't want to think about.
it's a strategy game, you're supposed to think...
>I generally think the rain engines are poorly thought out and too resource intensive.
They are really strong, they should be resource intensive. On top of the serious raw resource savings, you can even water resolve to save your vills in the storm, or push that last point or 2 to gain rep.
>nobody's fucking around with rain collectors)
my last game (coral forest) i didn't get one geyser and sustained my entire rainwater eco on rain collectors. Year 1 rain collector is also amazing for saving wood in that crude workstation plank production, doubly so if you get early food production in field kitchen.
>can potentially kill villagers
only if you're really careless
>I know they're powerful, but they're a copper/dew plated bitch to manage
buy pipes, get pipes from objectives, turn some dew you got out of a box into pipes. You don't need to set up a whole production line
that guy is a retard but you manage to be even dumber
still haven't played the new update, was thinking about it but then saw that they are going to add the new biome into the DLC and also change things around again pretty significantly
An annoyance I have is randomly losing runs forgetting about the +10 cysts every 3 years. The blight post upgrades help a lot to deal with that though.
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When and why does the royal treasurer appear to tax me and how do I make it stop?
It's a forest mystery. Don't let your hostility go up that high during the storm when its in your list.
you can USUALLY survive a crash build of the blight post in clearance 3 when you forget, but you have to make it priority #1

best to just put it down in year 2 desu
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>People are talking about Prestige 15
>I have trouble with Viceroy difficulty
Why must I be a brainlet
Don't worry bro, I've had 2 cycles now where I can't try gold seal because I don't have enough seal fragments
Just focus on stabilizing food supply and keeping hostility down during storm bro, you'll be daijobou.
It's more so my problem is if we get to year 6 storm and I have started shitting and pissing blight cysts where I end up with 25+ die before they can burn enough
just keep playing and learning
ive been in your situation and now im comfortably beating p20
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I noticed that missions sometimes end before I finish all the reputation, usually around year 9? Is there a hard cap of years that you can just survive to reach?
Nope, time is always against you. Missions are only there to help you win, there's a negative tile effect that gives you no missions at all.
Man QHT is kicking my balls
>enter P10 zone
>open a bunch of glades
>find zero food
Third run lost to this exact scenario, think I'm gonna take a break from this game
just build another blight post. you've got the labor.
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new resource added in experimental (salt), you get it from mines
I'm glad that paste gets SOMETHING other than dye. There are just some games I can't get the stuff.
>Biscuits can now be made using Eggs.
What the fuck, is that like eggs instead of flour? Based if true, Ranch is truly god tier now.
If you don't have Frogs, paste is a bottom barrel food product. Harpies already need coats and dye is only naturally occurring in one biome. If you have Beavers or Humans as well, you're never going to make paste without the DLC.
Why is this game so highly rated? I don't like what I am seeing.
What are you seeing?
Some crappy looking simpleton indie shit.
so you were literal with "I don't like what I'm seeing"
you are probably right, if it doesn't look interesting to you, its probably not going to be interesting to you
Because it applies the modern roguelite formula (short runs, grind + upgrades at the hub world) to the colony-builder genre. It's the only game to do this, and it's reasonably well produced for an indie game.
It's also one of the very few colony builders that has a workable goal. Virtually every colony/city builder out there these days is just a sandbox. Most devs don't even bother to release some sort of campaign or scenario mode like you'd get with the old Sim City or Tycoon games.
Because who gives a shit that it looks like War3? Some people like it. User experience is more thought out than pretty much every city builder I saw in recent years. You don't have to fight UI to find something among pages of spreadsheets and graphs, almost everything is intuitive. Roads or connecting buildings is not mandatory, with hundreds of different modifier combinations it makes for a very unique experience.
Fast city builder with limited options so you don't always follow one optimal path & don't spend hundreds of hours just adding more shit. It fills a need.
Maybe it's just not for you?
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new content in experimental patch, abandoned settlements
they have some blueprints and cornerstones picked already, orders open
the idea is to encourage experimentation with new strategies and make the early game less repetitive
That's a step in the right direction, but desu i feel the game is too constrained by how much you need to speedrun everything once you reach the last seals.

It doesn't matter what prestige level you're at, what modifier you play with, at the end of the day, you need to average 4 or 5-years wins if you want to reach the seal, so that means that only a few playstyles are actually viable.
the frog update messed up the overll recipe balance desu
i reforged the adamantine seal with an average settlement age of 8 years. you know that you get more fragments at higher prestiges, right?
Yeah, it feels like there's a space for at least one more dye building that doesn't suck, one resin building (or counerstone that allows planting resin trees in all types of farms/greenhouses), one brick building and at least one more usage for scales.
Yes, it is a puzzle game. If you expect a settlement builder it will fall flat.
I don't want this shit polluting my copper veins
fuck still like a month until the update
I used to love harpies because coats were easy. Now i hate starting with those whiny birds.
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nice its coming in a week
There's a 20% discount now on the dlc, do I buy now or will there be another discount when patch goes live? I don't want to play with frogs before 1.5
I don't know, I bought it the day it came out but still haven't played
Just wait for the update
buy now and then don't play it until 1.5

7h until this drops
Why is this game so highly rated? It looks like Anno on a budget.
You can play as furries
its more of a strategy supply chain managment than a city builder that has roguelite aspects (a lot of randomness, singular "runs" or villages die, meta-progression
or idk if there is a better word for it


update 1.5 out now
new biome for DLC, new resource you get from mines (salt)
it's good
Shant play 1.5 until I finish my current cycle. It's pretty good that you can still play old versions for a limited time
wonder if the look of that building is a hint for a new species?
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aren't there a bunch of these one off characters that are of a species not in the game?
so I guess a possible new species but its not like they have a lack of those
Bought the game two days ago and it's pretty fun. Still learning all the stuff but it's very forgiving on easy difficulty.

I have a question though. When do I unlock the other villager types? So far I can only get the three starters.
either by leveling or in the tech tree thingy
Couldn't find any techs that said they unlock them so I guess it's a level thing.

Got any other tips for a new player? Like focus on exploring new glades vs focus on using up the ones I have first. Or which resources to get first.
What resources to focus on entirely depends on the pool of available buildings.
Don't bother with small glades (unless you need to clear out space) - the amount of stuff in them is not worth the hostility increase.
Do use the basic processing buildings (field kitchen, crude workstation, makeshift post or whatever it's called. The 0-star recipes might look shit on paper, but they are surprisingly good and will carry your ass whenever you don't have access to the alternative.
>Don't bother with small glades
Well I've been doing it all wrong then. I focused on the small ones for a while before trying to open up the dangerous glades. Don't you get screwed if you open up the dangerous ones first but don't have the resources they ask for yet?
>Do use the basic processing buildings
Alright cool I thought maybe they would be shit and drain your resources too fast.
Efficiency is nice but the blueprints might not be in your favor or present opportunities that compete with materials you can make from the default stations.
>Don't you get screwed if you open up the dangerous ones first but don't have the resources they ask for yet?

Common strat is timing opening with trader arrival so you can buy what you're missing.
If you don't have anything to trade for then you'll have to tank the threat and solve it before the threat activates again. Not all threats are severe so it's not as bad as you think.

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