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File: SINS2.jpg (194 KB, 1080x1080)
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I've been thinking of getting this game. Is it worth it? General thought on it?
If you like soase1 you can try it.
It's SoaSE1.8. Does everything the first game did with a bit extra. If you enjoyed the first game you will like the second.
what if i never played the first one? what then, fuckers?
Go play it then evaluate the second based on your opinion of the first, simple as that.
You're saying it like it's not a "you" problem.
Are the spaceships cool? That is very important for a space game.
>AI slop cobbled together and sold for 40$.
Hard pass.
It'll be worth it as soon as the Star Trek Armada 4 mod is finished.
>AI slop
who gives a shit
you spend all of 30 seconds looking at the ship models of a 4x game
most time is spent looking at the map
You can look at the map for 0.00 dollars if you just pirate the game
okay great but the point is not how much it costs
guy above me is gettin all butthurty about muh AI and i'm saying it doesn't matter because you don't ever ain't gonna see it you know? you are boomer fag?
So it's shit I assume.
no, its not
I think it's worth trying at the very least.

Fairly cool. They have bullets and industrial metal, lasers and shields and alien with alien stuff so there's something to like for most people.
Is this worth picking up as a newfag to the series? or should I get rebellion instead? I heard there were some performance issues with rebellion but I wasn't sure if thats enough to not buy it
Are battles generally faster in Sins2?

I'm probably misremembering playing Sins1 back in the day, however my fleets seem to melt quite a bit faster than I remember.
Can I genocide aliens in this game? Best mode to do that?
What was improved?
The balancing is awful. Starbases need to be removed and reworked. Did these idiots play test their own game?
Because they're OP or UP? Most people find they fall too fast.

TTK is weird in Sins, it's somehow both too quick (stack fleets melt rapidly) and too slow (chasing ships takes forever).
they are too squishy but also too spammable
And they make the novalith literally useless why does it even exist???
It's weird because it's functionally multiplicative. One ship has to do piddly damage so that 1000 ships don't end a fight in the blink of an eye, but balancing for combat scenarios where you have earlygame fleet vs endgame fleetcap means both extremes feel unsatisfying.

And of course the fact that ships fly themselves and most abilities can be automated with no downsides means there's very little for the player to do to influence the outcome of a fight beyond just amassing a stronger blob and picking their engagement.

These were all issues in Sins 1 as well. Pve becomes trivial once you realize all you have to do is minmax your eco and arrive vs the AI with a bigger fleet when it wants to fight. Pvp just devolves into a race to develop your eco/fleetcap while disrupting your opponent's through very limited and predictable raiding options (raiding options which tend to either win or lose you the game outright in the opening minutes). When a big fight happens it's just a question of who has more resources worth of ships in the fight. It suffers from the problem of a lot of RTS 'wargame's where war is actually just watching 3D models pewpew each other and doesn't really involve much strategy, decisionmaking or, well, gameplay, and the actual gameplay is centered around building and managing an economy.
You can disable the all the capital ship's auto abilities by right clicking on all their abilities. You can do this in sins 1 too. Almost all subcap ships have some sort of ability or two as well after research.

So just disable every auto and have fun manually micromanaging every ship in your fleet.
Best faction?
TEC of course.
Although the AI art is contentious, to say the least, it's only contained to a few interface elements. I appreciate Stardock were honest on this, unlike so many others these days. They did promise (as much as it's worth) that they'd replace it with proper handmade art later on.

Some of the people here make a huge fuss about this, but in my opinion, compared to the shithole AAA has been for the last decade or so, having a few AI-made images isn't really comparable to those embarrassments (You broke my heart, Homeworld 3, I expected so much more from you.).

Other than that, the game is great, a worthy successor to the original.
I really expected this to make more of a splash when it was announced, turns out the early access, Epic Games Exclusive, and the mobile graphics really took the wind out of its sails.
>Other than that, the game is great, a worthy successor to the original.
Really? Tell me more.
Yeah, that's because the damage mitigation stuff from the first sins of a solar empire has been replaced with durability.
thats what im waiting for
i dont like the way tec sops look compared to the first game :(

you can bomb planets until the populations are wiped out, at least in the first game

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