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Will organise an OP later, it's better that a thread is made rather than having 5 different HOI4 threads.
>Will organise an OP later
Cool thread bro
No one gives a shit and you can shove your general up your ass.
fuck generals
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what did xhe mean by that
it's an early access general
>Never played germany pre-gotterdammerung
Feels good
your missing out on historical experience.

now it's gon be schizo alt history bullshit but in vanilla

I really, really hope all these superweapons only serve to fuck you over and are a waste of resources.
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you VILL build ze ratte and you VILL like it!
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>wehraboos won
>chuds won
>althistchads won
>your missing out on historical experience.
HoI4 is the worst when played historically
China Spyware Iphone make icloud mirrors !
At this point 4chan should just make a paradox games board and throw the cancer there or tell them to go to reddit, steam, and the pdx forums
Operation Triangulation Hacked Iphone hardware Apple HIDE !!!
Anon...this is a paradox games board
it is a paradox board
some people just don't realize it, simple as

Hmm... it looks like this one might be the last HoI IV DLC.

Unless to then release periodical updates/fixes, but this looks like the end.
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Just did a WC as Gerrmany what do you think of it?
Name 5 non paradox GRAND strategy games you play. Slitherine arcade board game shit need not apply

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