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the most well-known and influential empire in history, the roman state lasted for over 2000 years, yet there are so little strategy games about them
theres what, total war and imperator? with the latter not even being centered around rome that much, what gives?
this nigga serious
>Most ancient era city builders are set in Rome
>Hardcore war game by AGEOD
>Casual Total War game that covers nearly all of Roman history until Justinian
>Many GS games (Old World, fields of glory, Imperator)

Do you need more?
Also forgot about AoE 1 and the new DLC for AoE2. Seriously nigga there are shit tons of Rome strategy games.
This reminds me of this old game. Anyone played it? It was sort-of 2D Total War like game. It annoyed me you couldn't control troops directly in the battle.
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I love Ostwind girls
I so need a cute warrior woman to abduct me and force me to be her husband
Aut Caesar Aut Nullis is probably my fav Warband mod at this point desu after a beggar playthrough. I wish there was more though, more quests, unique locations, and most importantly, endgame threats for rome

Once you overthrow Nero, settle the civil war, and bring back up stability and place your frends as the legati legioni shit's too easy, like the parthians will never reach half your numbers
Is it actually good? I downloaded it but haven't tried it. Sounds kino to just join a legion as a freelancer and RP as a typical legionnaire schmuck.
Yeah there's a lot of that, hanging around in the marching camp rolling bones or hiring whores, even a few events and storylines with your Decuria mates that follow through to when you become emperor

There's also a good questline if you leave the legion freelancer life midway to join the praetorians that I haven't tried.
Neat. Sounds fun. I'll give her a run tonight. Any other tips? It seems to add a lot
Not really, other than start beggar, try to avoid savescumming, and make sure the setting that allows for 'check too much power' casus belli is enabled as well so the non-romans gang up against rome a bit to balance the battlefields out.

The mods systems work and emerge pretty well together, so going in kinda blind is fun.
One thing that isn't explained very well is the latifundia system though, basically you can buy ad1257 style manors by talking to village elders that you build up and scale into profitable production by providing slaves you capture which is pretty significant for the player's economic options; a well-built up latifundia with ~170 slaves will bring in 5-10x that of a workshop for example.
Why start beggar, stats? And that sounds sick.
Attila already won this genre, there is no going beyond it.
Runs like shit so nope
Better, longer story and rise to power. I don't think you can get the legionary content for example if you pick anything else, since you're already either a Patrician officer or imperator.
It's the most kino WB mod experience. The polish is top tier and it starts as a guided story mode. If you've played the Viking Conquest story mode, it's kind of like that, but with much more cinematic flair and fun scripted events. It is extremely comfy
You get to experience rising through the social ranks, battling your way into higher military ranks, assuming different offices, etc. Then, once you get big, you can do regular Warband sandbox stuff.
Yeah, I'm digging it so far. I just found a legion to join in Gaul and having to train is fun, plus I like how they talk to you like the filthy peasant you are ha
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How different does the beggar route play if your gurl
>game named Imperator: Rome
>somehow “not centered around Rome”
I think it's a huge handicap and reflected in dialogue. Which is based because most modders are too pussy to put in stuff like that.
Many games are set in Rome, few games get the feeling of Rome.
>Any other tips?
Join the army then the Praetorians, don't waste money on gear or troops, listen to news for unique gear, explore odd locations, pray a lot, level charisma and oratory, talk to the senate, focus your quests on cities in Italia to improve their relations, and you need a LOT of money so get enterprising.
I just realized I could've shortened this to:
Politicking and Enterprising is extremely important, you can't just swing your sword to victory. Ignore it at your own peril.
Damn. Do I need to restart if I built myself for combat or just put all my points into CHA from now on? I noticed you don't seem to get many ATR points.
You can maintain 99 rel with rome and 100% senator support with just 5 pers and 2 oratory desu, just reload into the forum during a senate day and spam persuade
Jesu Christus is overpowered in ACAT desu. You're literally immortal if you have surgery 5 and are a Christian
Got the quest to join the Praetorians, where do you find Praetors in towns?
I played it, but my armies kept disappearing and I couldn't figure out why.
I hate you faggots for spamming that shit
How you started doesn't matter too much, praying gives you a lot of attributes and you'll usually be fairly high level by the time it matters, but you want cha to be 20 by the end anyway for the leadership.
Christ is good and you get a unique spear if you worship him but you want to get all of the Roman god rewards before you convert if that's your goal. I believe only pagan gods give the prayer quests.
Go into the scriptorum and talk to one of the guys in there.
Where do I buy a villa? Somebody above mentioned they're good money makers
nvm im dumb
So what's your favorite legion to join? Ignoring practical concerns like 'whichever one is seeing the most combat'
XXI Rapax because I'm a rapist
Also curious about this. I joined one in Gaul and ended up in Dacia, then Germany, then back to Gaul. 95% of the time the army didn't really pursue enemies and didn't get into that many battles, just patrolled.
My only problem with it is that when I get given a castle the local village just seems to remain unowned.
Love this series. I like the lack of control, makes it feel like a real battle where I made my plan and watch if it works.
I know it takes place during Pax Romana, but I wish there were some anti-blob mechanics for Rome to prevent them from taking over the world before you can even become emperor.
You can transfer Legions if the one you're in isn't seeing any action.
In the options there's a curb power wargoal you can turn back on that means Rome will be at war a lot more on multiple fronts. Don't know how well it prevents Rome's conquest since I never turned it on.
I fucking hate romaboos so much. You are niggers.
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>yet there are so little strategy games about them
Centuri-chan, there are already a bajillon games about Rome, stop asking for more.

>lasted for over 2000 years
Rome's founding was in -750ish, and its fall was around 470.
And that's being *very* generous on what count as "Roman State", since the first 4 century they were kinda bullied by everything that wasn't a completely primitive tribe.
In ACAN, are there any events that trigger if you marry the Welsh peasant girl who may be a demon?
there are games not about rome. this vexes me
is this a shitpost
>faggot posting safe-horny Reddit garbage
>braindead retarded takes
Please, go back from where you came from
rome is a solved meta
We've got a shit ton of games based on Rome and they all play out the same. Rome is OP and every other faction is half baked because you're supposed to play as Rome and only Rome. Literally any other setting makes for a more interesting game unless you're strictly looking for a power fantasy.

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