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sc2 is dead
we only have brood war
Good, SC2 was a shit game anyways. Took out everything that made the original fun.
it's impossible to go back to SC1 now, it has the shittiest pathfinding and a basic bitch campaign ever
when is gsl
feels like its been ages
>barracks vs snow
least rigged RO8 match
i can't believe bisu got kicked out of the ro16 with those storms
Mod(s) removed the local rule against generals on the 1st so you can just make one instead of spawning 50 Starcraft threads.
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>barracks loses game 1 because snow somehow made his reaver shoot over 2 screens and not dud.
poor bastard.
>then continues to make retarded decisions to lose the rest
lmao. i dont feel as sorry for him anymore.
all skill
god that was rough

I knew dumb pretty boy had no chance, but I was still hoping
i sure hope light wins, but i imagine he'll job since zerg OP.
>artosis didnt invent crazy zerg
no way. i never knew.
>the way light threw game 2
lmao. what an idiot.
>he throws again
well, my prediction was right. i knew he'd lose from zerg being OP, but he certainly didn't help himself.
>check time
>2 hours
>best of 7
oh no, I worry for light
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I dare not scroll down.
but I miss when we had live tastosis korea time on /v/.
Those were the best of times.

On game 2 currently, hopeful for Light, tho if he loses it's still funny because of the years of overhyping of Light from Artosis
game 2 throw is so annoying
zerg op
exactly how i felt.
he threw in several games where he couldve just won. i doubt he'd end up beating soulkey because zerg is just that good, but it wouldve been nice to be closer than it was.
why must these seductresses tempt me so
I despise Snow as a person. I will not justify this with any complaints about balance. I just think he's a contemptible cunt. I want my negative thoughts towards him broadcast through the Internet. No one would be sad if he stopped playing right now.
why? He will always be known as the guy who got 3-0'd buckbroken by Flash playing random protoss
watching heromarine's super autistic german rage towards ladder protoss is still pretty satisfying
we are watching aviloSoAmaze
Light is the best terran of all time, second after Flash. It's evident by his multiple ASL wins in a row, and killer ro16 and ro8 performance.
alright Artosis
whatever happened to that zerg player that would nerdrage? his name was idra or something like that.
you think M$ will ever put SC2 on steam or the M$ store now that they own blizzard?
I got confirmation that they are going to do that next year
>ms store
Already happening, it has to in order for it to be on Game Pass
Maybe, Blizzard's got games there but only OW2 and D4
he quit starcraft to prepare for the upcoming racewar
i bet he'll fight for the OP zerg swarm rather than the patriotic terran side.
What are we watching tonight?
dawg he quit in 2013
Nerf mutas
If soulkey wins this season we are going to need some Island maps
buff mutas
I always liked this official starcraft song since I heard it 20 years ago
Monty Hall?
Well this was a dissapointing day, very low quality games
Yummy thighs!!
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bwbros... we lost
not too many cute gooks today...
I'm claiming the weird looking one
ill take the mystery one then
Question: why do we use v to talk about tourney live watching, and vst for uhh... nothing? Nobody talks about the game here.
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Fuck if I know but these games have been disappointing.
Hero VS Sharp was great, but I agree, this wasn't a particularly strong bunch of matches.
so, is there some rule where terrans have to throw in ro8?
What are some good zerg builds to practice at 1200 mmr?

I do 9 pool speeding into 1 base muta ZVZ

3 hatch muta vs terran

5 hatch no gas vs protoss
why is this artosis guy so shit?
his opponents are too talented
more like shartosis
>terran lays mines in middle
>rolls tanks onto mines and gets obliterated by drag for free

>terran lays mines in own mineral line (??????)
>enemy comes in with 2 units and obliterates 25 SCVs practically for free

>terran invests into mine tech and 10 vultures that roam around the map and lay mines while being chased by good+obs
>goon+obs obliterates 30 mines for free

>a mine damages 2 dragoons (that get their shields back)
>onlookers are knocked off their feet and gasp for breath

>a mine wipes 350 minerals worth of enemy units while wiping 500 minerals and 100 gas worth of friendly units
>terran is heralded as a living god and has virgins dispatched to his domicile immediately
4 pool
12 hatch
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why are whiteoids so cringy?
U wish u had this much swag, bitchboy
That last Sharp vs Hero game was beautiful

I need to listen to anime shonen music after this
so when will they nerf zerg and buff terran?
the quintessence of tournament enjoyment, one player pulls a perfect sucker punch when least expected. They really could make an anime out of korean bw I recently watched nal_ra's oldboy, tfw ywn be a young korean prodigy living in a team house, doing morning stretches with other pros, and playing all day on CRTs helping each other practice and get better 8-12 hours a day
Getting carried by the most overpowered race makes their players arrogant and complacent so they get fucked when faced with real opposition. Flash is a good example of what happens when a player that is actually good decides to play Terran. Completely one-sided domination.
nigga u r retarded
what the fuck is this?
Not /vst/, go to /asp/.
do 'people' unironically believe tesagi?
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RIP snow
prediction: soulkey, sharp. soulkey wins 3rd SSL and people still claim zerg not OP
hope: snow, sharp. sharp wins.
i'm a thighpilled gookcel
Soulkey beats Rain in the finals is my boring prediction.

I am rooting for everyone else tho.
I want Snow to beat Soulkey, but Sharp beating Soulkey would be the most satisfying.
I do watching terran win with mech in tvp is retarded the protoss has to take the entire map if the terran gets a 3rd
just go carrier lmao
what are we watching tonight?
what's that lil bro?
we are so fucking back!

we are so fucking back!

we are so fucking back!



he's streaming
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that toot nigger permabanned for literally nothing
did he say anything about playing tournies
soon brother
It's not going down well in Korea since people feel like it never addressed the core issue, which was people feeling that the intent behind crypto was to exploit fans to make money, and people also feel that this shouldn't have just been short pre-recorded stream but live Q&A.
And to people who aren't famililar, I wrote script to Saiyan's video on this incident here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLFey-wQZhg&t=0s

7 hours ago
he's streaming live right now on soop
No Q&A, no live apology stream, nothing so far, just regular game stream
Uh...I had expected at least one Q&A live interaction stream just for apology but he went straight to gaming so that's unexpected

This is one of worse dealings of controversy I've seen lol
In the end nobody cares, he's back. bisu did the same and now nobody remembers about that
my question is why are gooks so retarded? theyre always getting scammed by shit that only 90yos fall for in the west.
its crazy reading the comments on that jinjin video and seeing all the esl gibberish and anime avatar pictures
how is that crazy
i dunno i expected people with similar interests as me to be like me but that comment section is a toilet
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you are posting in 4chan
no. im posting ON 4chan, not in.
what do you mean?
what i mean is the poster either made a typo or is an ESL. either way, im insulting his intelligence and ridiculing him publicly.
if 4chan was like VR you could post in 4chan
Isn't Flash ridiculously wealthy? What does he need the scam money for?
because he was going to military and he can't make money there
this is like asking why a jew would offer you a payday loan
Why should I care if he scammed some stupid gooks?
you need to care that the race most known for scamming (asian) scammed themselves again.
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Eleven more minutes boys
>It's not going down well in Korea since people feel like it never addressed the core issue, which was people feeling that the intent behind crypto was to exploit fans to make money,
Yeah that was my take too.
Like mostly garnering sympathy for himself, talking about how he was scammed.

Not actually addressing the plan of how he was supposed to profit, like how he was talking about the coin on stream leading up to that 4 years ago.

Like to really address the issue, you would've needed someone who knew the details, interviewed him in person, and then grilled him.
Now he could just frame it in the best possible way for his benefit.

Gonna be fun to see him next SSL still, but it was a really shitty apology video.
Retards are gonna eat it up and just suck him off regardless of course.
Even tho his apology sucked, at least he didn't manage to scam his fans and got scammed himself instead, so that's some karma.
most pros are soulless rude manipulative dickheads and you'd do well to ignore their personal lives if you want to continue to enjoy the game
I could not give less of a shit, glad he's back to playing the game, that's all that counts for me
>they buffed zerg
>we want to nerf defensive/camping
>nerf terran defense
>nerf protoss defense
>(mostly) buff all of zerg's static defense
haven't watched sc2 since that clem vs serral final and I'm talking about the one before gamers8
last time I played an oracle got out of my base with 1 hit point because of that retarded cyclone change and I wanted to leave the match to uninstall the game
ESL should just bring back instant cast 2 shottable to marine clump fungals if they're worried about war of attrition TvZ fucking up their tournament schedule
who even cares anymore
just ban protoss if they're worried about long pvz its not like that race is competitive anyway
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its kind of amazing how much dev time has been spent attempting to balance queens and all the units that interact with them
almost like queens are fundamentally bad design or something
no, sc2 is perfect. thats why they keep tweaking the balance and keep fucking it up even more.
queens could have launched as a lair tech unit that cost 75 gas and been balanced in WOL if their mobility had been made somewhat normal
its honestly incredible that it took somewhere around 6 years for players to realize queen spam was strong as fuck back when they had 9 anti air range and full instant heal transfuse
>skill battery overcharge removed
good riddance
the balance council needs to be fired unironically
they are doing a good job though?
I main terran and this entire patch needs to be be thrown in the trash
>SC2 balance
who the fuck cares, GSL is over
i wish i spoke korean so i could watch more broodwar streams. i can only watch artosis and his horrible tts spam.
wonder how heromarine is able to talk while playing
did he force himself to learn or did it come naturally with the assburgers
>zerg dominates every single tournament
>protoss never wins tournaments
>somehow this means protoss should be nerfed but zerg and terran should be buffed
skill issue
hey man, terran didnt get buffed nearly as much as zerg. still a little buff, but zerg's was ridiculous.
also it's hilarious seeing zergs try to claim that terran was buffed way more than them
Doesn't matter on the buffs needed to make Zerg Playable. Terran has so much going for it.
its almost like when one unit handles solid anti ground, all early game anti air, unit production, creep production (and thus vision over the whole map) and defensive healing it does just a tad too much
>change disruptor to reaver (looks cooler)
>buff tempest without nerfing it
>give dark archon
>adept glaive bounce upgrade at t3
>remove ghost EMP (something else could cast it)
>add goliath instead of cucklon
>add spider mine
>nerf mmm somehow
>nuke destroys creep and makes it uncreepable for some time
>rape queen
>viper (as all other units) now have weight statistic - calculate the pull so that when it pull a heavier unit it pulls itself to it. When they're equal weight they meet halfway
>corruptor less tanky but add scourge
>remove mind control (that's a protoss thing)
How do you like my patch /vst/? I'm a balance council.
These changes are very interesting actually, also consider that these are PTR changes, not the ones that will be in the actual game.

Skill battery overcharge is something I hated when it was introduced, but since then learnt to play against. Still happy to see it removed, it was quite the crutch for lower level players though, I fear many protoss will now simply crumble against midgame pressure, though I understand that's the whole point of this nerf round. The protoss buffs are warranted, I would've liked to see more of them, I guess we'll have to see if this is enough.

All the other changes are just very good in my opinion. Queen nerf is long overdue, kinda wish that unit was just never in the game to begin with, but it is the only zerg unit which shoots air and isn't ridiculously shit so we've gotta deal with it. The static defense for Zerg is dogshit, so with the queen nerf I think it's good that they got adjusted. Lower build time for Spine Crawlers is scary though, in ZvZ this could cause problems I think... The hydra dash upgrade seems useless for everyone but the highest level players. I do fear it will make catching medivacs and prisms too easy for Zerg. I disagree with the Ultralisk being able to push units around. I think players should be expected to micro their units. What's next, zerglings being able to walk under other units? To "help Zerg players across all levels"?

The terran changes are warranted, I like both the buffs and the lib nerf. Smart Servos will be too good though. I don't like damage cancelling out the bunker, it felt good from a "characterization" point of view for me, terrans being nifty and resourceful even on the offense... and it doesn't make any sense for the process to be interrupted by a zergling nibbling on the hull of a bunker.
I'm at the zerg campaign now. i forgot how shit the mission design is as well. good god was Warcraft 3 a massive improvement. and i thought warcraft 3 had bad pathfinding
it's shit
After seeing the liberator change in-game, I would like to ammend my statement by asking what the fuck they were thinking, sweet baby Jesus forgive them.
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what do you mean?
better than the new patch but doesnt say much lmao
we are so back

ai generated website
yeah ultra fast wide area libtardator siege up is going to be oppressive as fuck even if it means libtardator harass is a little weaker
an actual nerf would be making libtardators leave probes and drones on one hp like how they made adepts leave scvs on one hp
i knew sc2 was shit ever since they made the scvs have less hp.
hatches cost 275 because zerg cried about hatch block in zvp
first match of reynors gsl run
noice, just as i finish catching up
>make sc2 into brood war, a better game in every way shape and form
you have my full support.
what a dogshit ro4
it was a total joke especially after the sharp game that ended group stage
only thing i'm happy about is that i finally have a definitive time for when the finals is happening so that i can book a watchalong at a gaming bar
2nd of november 5 pm kst
>fails to wall in o kick back
welp, as expected really, thought maybe it would end up 4:1 tho
who invited the skinheads?
imagine being a whitoid that goes to korea to see an one hour 4-0 ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
>*ding ding ding ding*
reminds me what ever happened to that seething bald manlet caster
Spot the ilbe /chud/
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literally me
man. zerg is OP lmao.
still casting heroes of the storm to 500 people somehow as I mention
>see how long SSL video is
>immediately spoiled unless it's like 3hours long
advantages and disadvantages i suppose.
tassels said they can't add padding because it would completely fuck the vids in the algorithm
yeah, i understand. it sucks because it's spoiled, but it's nice to not get my hopes up lmao.
I hope sharp doesn't get smoked in the finals again
just install the extension to hide the duration
just close your eyes bro lmao it's not that hard
Yeah I also immediately realized how it was gonna go.
Gonna need to get that extension I think.

I miss the live korea tastosis so much, among the peak of threads
just found out that the bar i was gonna book an open watchalong of the ssl finals at will actually be incredibly packed for the worlds finals
now i have to scramble to find a good alternative, aka a bar that'll let me put brood war on the telly
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certified rain moment
lmao that final battle
>25 seconds
>rain drops 90 supply
>sharp drops 70 supply
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storm good unit
honestly if i can't find a good enough venue for this event i planned myself for months, there is a chance i might kill myself
this is such a massive blow to my mental health to be thrown this bad a wrench only a week away, it was one of the very few things i was holding onto to be excited for
all it needs to satisfy is that it's in melbourne australia, allows drinking, will let us play afstar1 on one of their tvs, and isn't fortress (also gg ez shut down last year)
sweet, I was gonna clip this too
Why do you feel compelled to be looking at it in some bar? Are you watching it with a friend group? Doesn't sound like you are, so why would you force the entire pub to watch your obscure tryhard chinese videogame?
I think the patch was bad on purpose as mercy killing
I casted KCM
Broodwar or SC2? I don’t care about graphics and I’m new to StarCraft in general
SC2 unless you're autistic enough
Broodwar, pro SC2 is dead
man, sharp played well and rain chose horrible strategies. im glad my nigger sharp won though. i hope he beats soulkey, but im not too hopeful.
shhhh. all protoss rook the same.
deranged autistic adult men act like this sometimes. Maybe his thinking is his enthusiasm about the game will make him irl friends (it won't if you're reading this anon)
rain threw the shit out of that series going double blind dt autism build
i tried to message u earlier but u left everywhere nigga wtf
can he do it?
yeah, bad strats. shouldve just played straight up and probably won, but maybe he thought sharp would be better in a long game. who knows.
>2nd spoiler
brood war is more organic as it wasn't designed for esports, but is janky and can be frustrating to control
sc2 is more artificial as it was designed for esports, but doesn't have jank and has a lot of QOL
because it's a friend group thing
yes no but if he does, he'll be my 2nd favorite terran player
sc2 if you are below 30
I want to believe.
I thought he had no change against Hero, but he beat him, and now here we are.
One of his tricks is already out tho.

If Sharp wins it's gonna be a slog.
If I open the next vod and it's 4 hours I might scream, but even then it'll probably be him ahead and then choke to Soulkey pulling off some masterful cheeses throwing him off.

Everything technical that made Broodwar Great was removed in SC2. Also SC2 suffered during Blizzard's Era of not knowing how to balance anything properly.

Though Broodwar is hard to play especially if you are a retard with a slow reaction time, but spectating it is still fun
I can't understand cultures whose idea of food is diarrhea on top of rice.
just watching the SSL can give even a layman an idea of what SC2 gave up when they switch to 12 worker starting eco tbqh
forcing 90% of tournament games to go over 20 minutes gets pretty fucking old after a couple hundreds games. there's very little variety in openers or macro strategies, its basically just a micro click battle
won't kill myself after all, yay
drinking at home is cheaper
this. Variety is spice of RTS, removing early game because of some retarded, completely untrue notion of "early game is boring" was the first nail in the coffin for SC2
imagine if every brood war game was nexus first no rush 5 minutes like pro sc2 games
good lord
when the most common opener for protoss involves their second or third combat unit being from the stargate, you have a problem
>when the most common opener for protoss involves their second or third combat unit being from the stargate, you have a problem
ain't that just a slightly more extreme version of brood war pvz
hydra bust bottom text
im glad they nerfed meme batteries, they were the only thing holding up this disgusting greed play
brood war is fucking shit
stop living in the past
you are 35+ and bald
I'm 22 actually. Been playing since I was 10

Sounds like you are just a faggot with under 100apm, dumb zoomer brain cannot appreciate the pace of the game
same age but only got into sc in mid-2020 after some of my friends who played RTS were fucking livid over wc3 refunded
what are we watching tonight?
we're getting an appointment to check out our schizophrenia. It's getting worse
my friend told me koreans played video games on tv and were sponsored by huge companies in like 2010 or 2011 and i didn't believe him so he linked me that video of effort and flash getting off a plane
Probably the most whacky sports intro made for any event ever. Crazy shit.
rewatching old asl's really hammers home how lame sc2 is and how every game looks the same
have you tried not being a nostalgic boomer
no, how do i do that?
Step 1: Automatically assume something is better just because it's newer.
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Why do Terran players never use them?
Reminds of the scarab that travelled 3 screens against Barracks
too much micro
it takes approximately 25 minutes to research the mandatory tech
Terran players have too much honor to use invisible men
shit vs zerg, requires barracks in the matchups where you go mech, takes forever to research all the upgrades needed to make him mediocre, dies to a gust of wind.
if you want him to lockdown carriers, you'd have either attacked the protoss before they got too many carriers or you're already be dead.
hard to use
if the range upgrade was researched by default, maybe he'd see 1% more play time for nukes
but honestly just too expensive overall, but if he came out with range + lockdown researched from the get go he would become a must-have unit vs terran and vs protoss
yeah even the queen gets to have ensnare by default
You see then VS mass carrier switches. I've seem them with cloak + ocular to nuke zerg positions as well.

It's just generally an extremely time and money-taxing unit that has no game-warping abilities. If you think about it, it's the defiler/arbiter equivalent, except its abilities are no more impactful than those of the Queen.
if you could calldown nukes with like 14 range they would be decent desu
but the 9 range calldown is just not even remotely enough space to actually buffer against a zerg who knows where they are. the zerg can just suicide a couple lings to kill him easily
>its abilities are no more impactful than those of the Queen
so extremely impactful
the queen gets ensnare for free, and is a fast flyer
It's useful for busting sunks, and nothing else. Bio can hold its ground, but yeah, overlords giving free detection makes ghosts generally inferior as compared to making more marine medic mech.

Yes, extremely impactful. Not matchup-defining like stasis and recall or dark swarm and plague however. Lockdown is insanely strong, but not worth the investment.

Do you just not play the game or what?
how carried is artosis by terran? watching him actually play for the first time in forever and he moves a few tanks out, sieges, doesn't even look at what they're shooting at because its 3 screens away, goes back to his base and fails to build a missle turret ring with 200 apm(seems low) then checks back at his 3rd just in time to see all his clumped up tanks eat 2 stasises
if sieged tanks didn't auto attack and he had to actually attack move his army i don't see how he could win games
now hes saying the guy was maphacking
He's right tough
Artosis' wife literally said that she was diagnosed with autism
shes just like me
You don't play the game if you think terran has a racial advantage at lower brackets.
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I feel like protoss is such a noob friendly race at lower ranks. Seen plenty of noobs pick up Zerg and absolute have no idea what they are doing and pick up protoss and do generally fine.

Even in my experience playing lower brackets I see tons of noobs getting fucked by someone who knows how to cast storm, make corsairs, or drop reavers.
flash lost
protoss players are so braindead its a joke
if soulkey wins, ill never stop saying zerg is OP. if he loses, ill only complain about zerg every once in awhile.
zerg op
A bowl of fish playing protoss is C rank.

Macro and micro are both significantly more easy when you have fewer units to make and fewer units to control. These are major advantages at EVERY stage of the game. This does not only mean that toss is easier to play, but also that other races have to play significantly better than them when they're cheesing. Proxy gate builds just straight up kill you unless you know what you're doing, meanwhile the toss has to que a unit every half a minute and A click.

Just looking it up, a zealot takes 25 secs to make, a dragoon is 32
A vulture is 20, a marine is 15
A larva spawns every 15 seconds
Of course, the math changes in lategame when you're making tanks or lurker/defiler.

When you think about how much less effort it is for toss to spend their money, the player distribution is not surprising. The same is the case in SC2.
games been out for 30 years learn how to defend cheese
be like mong, completely unremarkable player that never loses to protoss
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is starcraft remastered (and 2) worth just for the singleplayer and battles vs ai?
yes also the are free
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mfw shartosis chat is a bunch of cute aggression dweeb niggas
weebs run the show nigga
When I used to play comp, my coach used to joke that zealots where just baby ultralisks and for every 1 zealot you want 2 sunkens. exaggeration ofc but I agree. Not only are they easier to control their units hit like a truck.
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why didnt they use a big tiddy nun
the catholic church is run by homosexuals

ps. luce -> lucifer
it was subverted by jews
like 1200 years ago. catholics are fucking retarded
then why is half of shartosis chat calling weebs pedophiles
because despite what 4chan would tell you the majority of people aren't even secretly cunnypilled
making a big tiddy nun is explicitly sexual which is probably not the goal of the vatican
too bad in sc2 the toss units are just statistically awful so they fall off super large in the higher levels
zealots went from being a powerful staple at all stages of the game to a mineral shredder
and stalkers trade the ability to fight basically at all for modestly increased mobility
>too bad in sc2 the toss units are just statistically awful so they fall off super large in the higher levels
this is simply not true. protoss is the strongest and easiest race, its top players are just awful at the game
they are extremely dominant everywhere, in ladder, minor/major tournaments, the only place where they do badly is when playing against someone like serral maru clem etc, the highest skilled players who just play better better than the toss shitters
when you account for spell usage they are statistically awful. high level terrans can pretty easily make shields no longer a mechanic. that means toss units have somewhere in the realm of half their paper health not mattering. plus high level players can easily and efficiently counter all toss splash damage, and basic toss units get obliterated by MMM without abusing splash damage, even with shields
there is no evidence whatsoever for toss being underpowered that isnt better explained by the 2 top toss players being less skilled than the 2-3 top players of other races
as for PvZ, lategame zerg units like adrenal lings and the lurker also trash toss ground armies in straight up fights. zerg's mobility and the fact that their early game units hard counter toss gateway units means they can easily get ahead in eco and take bad fights until they just win
EMP and widow mines are objectively superior to storm in almost every way. vikangs are basically handcrafted to kill colossi and every terran already has a reactor starport for MMM so its not even a tech switch. there's so much convenient shit going for terran while toss is left with the onus of deciding what tech to use to maybe catch the terran off guard this time is. while terran can pretty easily just copypaste builds and will always use MMM as their core composition almost no matter what protoss decides to do
t. terran
>name random units of other races
>name the units that terran relies on for the entire game, every game, and no toss has managed to cook up an even semi reliable soft counter for the cookie cutter build orders every terran has done with impunity for years
tvp is shrimply the most unbalanced matchup
then why is protoss massively dominant in ladder + tournaments? peoples constant claims of toss underpowered dont match up with reality
because toss has tools like blink, cheese, skytoss, and disruptors that rape low apm terrans but are useless against high apm terrans
especially disruptor and cheese
>people ignoring that zerg is overpowered
You're missing out on lentils
Honestly am struggling, trying to tell when someone in this thread is talking about SC1 or SC2. Can we stop talking about fagcraft 2 please?
it doesnt matter which one theyre talking about. zerg is OP in both of them. anyone disagreeing is retarded
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>um akshually toss is secretly super weak but only at the pro lev-ACK
>wins by far the fewest ASL titles in ur path
thats cuz every tournament is half protoss nigga
protoss breaching into finals is rare as fuck
>cant read a simple graph
the graph clearly shows they are underrepresented in wins at grandmaster+
you know that "minor" and "basic" tournaments are full of masters right. players like clem dont even bother show up to those weeklies
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the people winning those tournaments are not master players you fucking moron
its crazy watching random master level protoss players and really seeing how low effort the race is
That's very far from the truth. Zealots are still very good for the cost, they've been nerfed multiple times because of how strong they were compared to how cheap they are, but they still pack a punch. Zealot runby-s take 0 attention and are very powerful. As are warp prism backstabs. In straight-up engagements they do get gunned down like any other melee unit, but if you think they're bad for their cost, you're out of your mind.

Stalkers do have very little strenght, I agree, but nobody competent uses them as a core of their army. Immortals, Archons, Colossi, Disruptors, Templar are huge damage dealers, they are very impactful units for their cost.

The real problem for Protoss is how little the difference is between the absolute minimum and the absolute maximum of unit control, plus their ridiculous amount of spellcasting micro. Terran and to a lesser extent Zerg can have very complex armies that benefit a lot from proper unit control (mainly against splash damage) whereas Protoss units are about as good when you micro them as they are when you A+click
This is not true. You can't convince me that in the past 15 years the only man good enough at the game to choose to play protoss was Zest and Maxpax. I agree with the general sentiment that Protoss players are bad at the game, but you can look at other pros too, like Dark for example, he's an insanely good player who constantly makes big mistakes too, yet he's winning tourneys while protoss players are torn asunder by any of the top level pros.
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>adrenalings trash toss ground armies
Are you retarded? Archons one shot them, Colossus and storm rips them too, even zealots trade well enough unless they're surrounded

Also, pro tip: you're not supposed to walk into units such as lurkers and siege tanks

>the fact that their early game units hard counter toss gateway units
You're actually retarded, aren't you? Every single PvZ opener is stargate, save for a glaive all-in every now and then. Zerg can't bust protoss early on account of them not having a single unit that shoots air. You'd know this if you actually played the game btw.
zealots are awful in straight up engagements vs terran
immortals are good, until the terran is good enough to cast EMP. then ghosts and marauders evaporate them with instant shield bust + massive dps against armored
archons ditto
colossi are pretty good, but a handful of vikings counters them pretty handily and they are absurdly expensive for the relatively low dps burst dps they do
disruptors and templar both get little to nothing done against pro-level micro. disruptors often get literally zero good hits for entire games and templar do superficial damage since the terran can just run back under medivacs for 5 seconds to fully heal
nothing toss has can really put the screws in on terran the way 100 supply of stimmed marauders and ghosts can obliterate the toss ground army. toss relies on harassment, cheese, and early game micro battles to establish an advantage they can convert into a raw eco lead (which is difficult considering how mules can make a given number of bases upwards of 25% more productive). pound for pound they lose every time
btw i do acknowledge that perfectly dodging storms and disruptor shots every time is not within the realm of possibility for 99% of players
but i can only imagine how frustrating it must be for all of your kill options to basically become weak zoning tools just because your opponent passed an apm threshold. meanwhile liberators and tanks hit like a truck and require zero micro
Your post has merit to it but only if we're looking at the top 0.1% of games being played. I don't think balance patches are going to be able to fix Clem microing MMM with 800 APM to avoid every single AOE the protoss has access to.

The game is terran favored, but only at the tippity top, and given how much harder terran is to play, I don't feel like protoss players are robbed of anything.

I remember so many major tourneys where a toss would get to the Ro4 and then play like shit, it makes it hard for me to feel bad for Tosses being underrepresented in tourney wins.

Despite all that, I still think Protoss needs help against terran, mainly in the form of another EMP nerf. I also think the disruptor radius buff is a very good change
Tanks are a siege unit and they're very cool, so I think they're fine a they are. Liberators can go burn for all I care. Now THAT is a fucking absurd unit in PvT, protoss often has to que and then wait for a new stargate unit to build so that they can clear libs with range, it's absurd and the P has no counterplay. They should just nerf Advanced Ballistics again. Also, does anyone remember that time when they made Liberators cost 25 less gas? Why? It's an all rounder that Terran mass produces in every matchup...
I dont really think MMM is harder to play than storm-colossus-disruptor-zealot-stalker-immortal tbqh
handling lots of tanks and liberators is mildly difficult but the terran is aptly rewarded with strong zoning/killing power
the toss has to micro at least blink and potentially 1 of 2 splash spellcasters, with an army that is both worse in a straight up fight and lower mobility than a giant marauder wrecking ball.

recently maxpax 3-0'd clem in a tournament and 2 of those wins were basically 4 gate while the other was 4 gate into dark templar. its honestly comical
>I dont really think MMM is harder to play than storm-colossus-disruptor-zealot-stalker-immortal tbqh
I offrace as Toss and while disruptor micro is beyond my skillset, the rest is easy, and I don't say this to brag.

Set up a concave
Activate sentry shield
Select your templar, press T and left click
Move command your colossi back when the vikings pounce
Kite backwards as needed
Blink micro as needed

This isn't hard as compared to splitting MMM or leapfrogging tanks in my opinion.
On a related note, they should give the Sentry more range so that it doesn't always die 2 seconds into the engagement.

I'll check out the maxpax vs clem game, sounds radical
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Lmao, I just opened youtube after sending that post and this was THE first video on my recommended feed, if this ends up being that 3-0 I'll be rolling on the floor
it is
you are missing the point
While on the topic of unneeded terran buffs, why the fuck does "caduceus reactor" exist? I must've stopped playing for a couple months when this was patched into the game but I really have no idea what the justification was for this upgrade's existence.
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sounds like shit game design. No wonder sc2 died while bw thrives
same reason why loliposters are proud of being shitting up /v/ with their degeneracy, they get off to it.
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i'd put dark and hero at about the same level, hero has had plenty of chances to win tournaments as well but hes a choker
neither of them are on the same level as people like maru or serral
Fair comparison, and yet Dark has double hero's earnings
>yet Dark has double hero's earnings
pretty pointless thing to compare, dark has had a much longer period of success, while hero wasnt considered a top protoss until recent few years
if you look at 2022 / 2023 / 2024 their earnings are almost exactly the same
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guys hear me out, I have a plan to save starcraft 2.
ok check it.
we pay the protoss players a dividend from all tournament cash prizes. The game is fundamentally badly designed so the least we can do is make up the difference financially instead of the developer fixing the game.
Next step is BW. I believe terran ladder players should receive a small % of ELO points from every protoss and zerg victory in a ladder season. It's only fair. Statistically. Let me know what you think in the comments.
No I will not give you any of my twitch ad revenue even though you're also on twitch and struggling, that's not the same thing.
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clembros... serralbros... the gook of lol and the other literal whos are more worthy than us
>assorted jeets and chinks
not my esports
>terran wants to run away
>pick up into medicocks, boost away at light speed
>maybe 1 medivac (10 supply) dies to stalker blink forward but typicall not

>toss wants to run away
>marauder deathball pins units like stalkers, immortal, colossi with concussive shells and gets 10-30 supply of free kills while you are trying to retreat, if they don't just completely overrun you and instantly win the game
Who the fuck are these people? Why am I buying starcraft pros into a LoL team? What game are they even playing?
uh, your recall bro?
we are playing cpl
good job explaining in detail why SC2 mechanics are fundamentally shit and BW is superior in every way. Just play BW if you don't want to deal with this sort of homo bullshit
in soviet brood war the units with superior raw firepower have less mobility!
>I dont really think MMM is harder to play than storm-colossus-disruptor-zealot-stalker-immortal tbqh
tosstards really believe this lmao
forgive tossoids for never learning how to split, all the terran splash is hitscan
>posting non-humans
it also has high ground advantage. When you remove it from your strategy game, the map and terrain become solely track fields for gookclick gayball running back and forth, snipping medivacs and colossi one by one in a gay faggot war of attrition
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who the hell is that?
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a terran
wifetosis's sister
whats worse to watch artosis playing non-RTS games or his wife playing broodwar? i think artosis playing nonRTS is worse.
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sir.. a second patch has hit the PTR
you can't say that and not link it
cant believe they are listening to the whiny tosstard redditurds
does it offend you that people want protoss to win more than 5% of tournaments
>Reverted Brood Lord buffs
>Didn't touch Thors
>mutalisks and ultras are the least used units
>lets nerf the shit out of them
no abduct on mothership is retarded
protoss shouldn't even exist
we'd all be much better off if they deleted protoss
no more relentless training wheels being added because they dont want to learn how to play the game
no more sperging out every patch demanding more buffs when they dont even play the game anymore
12 worker start was the worst thing to happen to sc2
cyclone revert looks good don't think anyone will disagree with that
its almost like they should stop fucking with the game
Nah if you want to at least pretend to keep the game fresh you should adjust the game every season
If they listened to you, reaper packs would still be 5 shotting buildings
uhhhhh not really
broodwar was a balance update
check and mate :)
remember SSL tomorrow to stop coming here to avoid spoilers
hope we get a season or two of flash falling out of the tournament early

spoiler alert, sorry fags!
luckily, im retarded and never trust any post here even if its pretty obvious who is going to win before i see tastosis cast it.
my heart only drops when i see the vod is 1.5hours...
Stormgaters we are saved again, 3v3 moba mode announced
buff the hell out of protoss and add a race veto to match making
let the 4 people still playing the game professionally figure it out
ssl finals today
aussies are gonna have their first barcraft in years, and it's gonna be skitz
have fun babe
>not even posted in the stormgate thread since it's a ghost town
>Nah if you want to at least pretend to keep the game fresh you should adjust the game every season
>If they listened to you, reaper packs would still be 5 shotting buildings
jesus christ you're fucking stupid
>reapers 5 shot buildings so let's nerf them into uselessness. This is good game design btw
Keep changing the game all the time and you end up killing it, because your retarded ship of theseus no longer even resembles the ship everyone knows and expects. There's a reason BW has more players than SC2
>BW has more players than SC2
They can "adjust the game" with new maps, that's how BW handles it.
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Can you reliably play the coop missions solo through the old Process Explorer\Sandboxie method?
what a fucking abysmal finals, Sharp just dropped the soap and let it happen
>Protoss hasn't won tournament in forever in BW, a single Zerg and bunch of Terrans dominates
WOW! BW is perfectly balanced1!!!

>Protoss hasn't won tournament in forever in SC2, a single Zerg and bunch of Terrans dominates
yeah its pretty fucking gay that sc2 maps are all cookie cutter shit while BW puts stuff like troy and monty hall in major tournament runs
>SC2 has 2k viewers on twitch
g-game is GLOBAL!
>BW has 100k+ viewers on afreeca/soopwhatever
game is only active in 1 country only!! Views are fake!

never got this argument
if you insist on using made up numbers why dont you add chinese viewership of both games
there was a post on reddit that showed BW having 50k viewers with nothing going on
finals blew but at least it wasn't zvz again
please kill yourself
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Some fucking spic spoiled me
It's fucking over terranbros...
get fucked for not watching it live
Yeah waking up at 5am to watch some shit final it's better
Does BW have a skeleton crew to implement balance changes?
You're whataboutisming isn't even true if you think they haven't been changing shit
The maps of today are incredibly different from the maps of many seasons
>Random gold patches
>Mineral patches as walls
>Reaper design
>Liberator/medivac/warp prism spacing
>Collapsible rocks
>Observation pillars
These maps change alot
NTA and also checked, but the games I play and see being played are scarcely affected by the map differences. The last map I remember that was strange enough to make matches different was Golden Wall. Maps in SC2 might influence engagements, but not unit compositions.
>sharp just standing around in the middle game1
classic. no idea why terran hasnt learned that soulkey does this nearly every game. zerg op.
>sharp has thyroid cancer
save us flash
game2 proves sharp is smarter but zerg is just OP lmao
game3 sharp almost throwing the entire game away. whats with terrans throwing against soulkey all the time?
They all know Soulkey's family really needs that money. It's just a charade.
is this wrestling?
kek. sharp throwing the opener in game4 with those vultures.
expected sharp to lose vs soulkey due to zerg being op, but he certainly couldnt get out of his own way during the matches.
toot must've range blocked me so i guess i'll just post it here
wish i could sleep

i thought only girls could get that wth
yeah, that was fucking depressing, not only did he lose the vultures to a drone block, he couldn't even be bothered to click on them to get a couple kills

Although ling speed finishing just as he was getting in was somewhat unfortunate.
anon, everyone has a thyroid. did you mistake the thyroid for the hymen or uterus?
he probably thinks only girls can get it because fat chicks always use that as an excuse for why theyre fat, while fat dudes will just accept they are a lazy overeating piece of trash
its just one of cancers way more common in women my aunt had
Finally, the G spot, we've found it! But at what cost?
dumb tournament hahah
i started playing bw when i was 16 and im 20 now
sc2 is for disabled people who have no eye for quality
you are not cool for not playing sc2 lil bro
i think he is :)
my brain is finally becoming mushed enough to watch artosis
honestly even more respect to him for playing as well as he has been, finals notwithstanding
where are you retards seeing that he has cancer
check his last soop stream
check liquipedia, hltv, and facebook gaming section.
that tooth story was weird too
gooks are weird
I'm not going to watch that shit finals so don't expect cute gooks from me
wow why are there so many beautiful gooks watching gooks click on an RPG maker depiction of a digital hallucination firing binary through a cord
niggers play twice as fast as gooks but aren't allowed in due to racism
can i realistically get into this series as a complete beginner? i have no rts experience, but the competitive aspect has always intrigued me. should i learn brood war or sc2?
learn sc2 first since its easier, if you get really into it try bw
We won
realistically you're 20 years behind everyone else
you will be playing only with people who have been playing for 20 years
you can get into the series but if you expect to do well in multiplayer, be ready to invest 2+ years of your time to grind into diamond league. But you will probably drop it way sooner when you realize competitive MP is about split second perfect micro decisions that either delete your army in a second, or end up with you deleting the enemy army in a second
BW is a better strategy game with high ground advantage and every unit having a purpose, SC2 is a gimmicky strategy game full of extremely situational gimmicky units that become useless as the game progresses past 5 minute mark.
Also SC2 got rid of early game and you start with 12 workers immediately because of some retarded ridiculous notion of "early game is boring", then they proceeded to make every tournament a bo12 so the gooks just sit in the booth and play like 9 boring ass same-y matches with nothing exciting happening and the audience wishing for it to be over already
Just play battle aces lil bro
nice argument troon
play sc2 protoss and you'll be fine its impossible to get into broodwar
and whine about how protoss doesn't win tournaments a lot. that parts very important
sc2 if you are below 30, just play the campaigns/co op and leave
We are here
Now we're here
As long as you choose to play Protoss, you can become proficient in either game in a matter of weeks.
thats not the WMAF thread
We just jerked off in a salad
There's plenty of low apm challenge videos out there
Imo sc2 made me really fucking good at typing and spreadsheeting, due to needing to know hotkeys, and figuring out clever selection and movement tech
The SOOP Starleague semis and finals were so shit bros
Imo I mainly play coop lately since I never maxed out my prestiges
One thing I see a lot of people doing
>Reacting slowly
>Floating a fuck ton of resources because they have full saturation and nonproduction/units
>Saturating poorly
If anon realistically minimizes float to [until he's at 200 supply] anon is probably a step up above genuine bad players who learn shitty gimmicks rather than important fundamentals in their 100's of games
They should just remove the disruptor and replace it with the reaver
A lot of SC2 units are just poor man's versions of BW units, you can count how many actually feel like something that doesn't cover a replaced BW unit's niche on one hand
>A replaced bw units niche
What was the niche of the Goliath? Other than bigger faster marine with no stim
Long range AA
The Cyclone is just a gayer version of the Goliath
Really SC2 only has 4 good new unit additions:
You don't like the immortal?
i think the medivac is good too.
>Long range aa
By that logic (not saying you're wrong, as I've heard this sentiment before) the Goliath didn't get replaced
It's just that terrans got both the cyclone, the thor, and the viking
This is hilarious to me, since, as spamming goliaths in the pve game modes shows, a small and compact but mobile unit like the Goliath still outperforms all 3 in its role
I don't like the modern incarnation of it
Medivac is too much utility imo.
Medics and Dropships should have stayed separate
They recently received a hefty nerf, but I have seen recent games where a pack of them just pops shit when there aren't marines or zergling to address them
>Can carry 400 minerals worth of marines
>Dedicated tech for more energy
>Can scout and incidentally bait a response
>Can heal
And to think it used to be able to do that bullshit siege tank tech
I just think hardened shields made them a much more interesting to use than barrier does
>And to think it used to be able to do that bullshit siege tank tech
Oh god don't remind me.
I fucking hate roaches, boring fuck unit that didn't need to exist when they could have just kept hydras at tier 1. Actually I don't think I like any of the changes they made to zerg in SC2, probably why I didn't stick with the game.
primordial balance slop recreating sc2
>What was the niche of the Goliath? Other than bigger faster marine with no stim
uhh... it's the only ground AA counter unit for terran? Did you even play the game?
>the Goliath didn't get replaced
>It's just that it got replaced by the cyclone, the thor, and the viking
Marines are better at AA though. There's a reason why it's hard to go mech and requires specific transitions against Zerg where AA is necessary to be able to move around the map.
>the Goliath didn't get replaced
>it just got split into 3 units that all have some retarded gimmick
where'd you come up with these wildly wrong theories? Skirmish with AI?
>he counters carriers with marines
you can mech against zerg too with great success, this isn't 2001 anymore
>AA is necessary to be able to move around the map
it really isnt unless youre implying zerg cant do anything but go mass muta, in which case valkyries do a much better job than marines
Yeah but going into sc2 the 12 unit cap would have been removed and flying your mutalisk into a tight pack marines would have been instant death, which it is
It didn't get replaced
Tell me either of those units is the catchall "well I better build this unit" that the Goliath is
>Build vikings into a ground comp
Get fucked
>Build thors in any capacity
Slow as shit and mid-lategame economical investment
>Build cyclones
Fairly micro intensive and requires vision
You do understand that marines are a real counter to a very fast carrier rush, and the reason you don't use them later against carriers is not carriers themselves but the other Protoss units that hard-counter marines?
>you can mech against zerg too with great success, this isn't 2001 anymore
You can, but you need a specific build and a transition. Something like the Goliath build is less popular than just going marines for a reason.
>it really isnt unless youre implying zerg cant do anything but go mass muta
Zergs will go muta in like 90% of TvZ matches. They don't have to go mass muta, just a basic muta opener will force you to make some form of anti-air unit.
>flying your mutalisk into a tight pack marines would have been instant death, which it is
which is why mutalisks never fly into tight packs of marines, mutalisks pick off marines 1 by 1 with sniper shots out of marine range... unless youre playing against AI and mutalisks just fly head first into marines in packs of 3
>You do understand that marines are a real counter to a very fast carrier rush, and the reason you don't use them later against carriers is not carriers themselves but the other Protoss units that hard-counter marines?
yes, you don't make marines against protoss as a rule, that's literally what I implied.
Strictly in sc2
>The pace of the game is fast and you can easily drift into range
>Stim makes marines fast, further compounding the previous issue
>Scans, mines, towers, all can see you
Literally 1-2 people find success with the mutalisk in sc2 professional, and that's because literally only 2 people have good macro to back up the perfect micro needed to not flush 100/100 min/gas mutalisks down a toilet
holy autism, you're just arguing semantics for no reason
goliath got replaced by shitty gimmicky units, the definition of "replacement" isn't "with exactly the same thing that looks exactly the same and does exactly the same and costs exactly the same and functions exactly the same"
With the addendum being the toilet is a pack of wantonly stimmrd marines that will delete a mutalisk pack before they get into their remarkably short attack range
im talking about BW all the time, I dont give a shit about SC2
The closer replacement is ghosts though
>What is a unit you won't be punished for buying more of
>A unit that thrashes zerg and protoss, ground or air
It's the fucking ghost
Even the hellbat is a direct comparison to the firebat in terms of role
Even the thor compares favorably somewhat to the Valkyrie
It's not semantic
It's just that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about since you only seem to be familiar with the broodwar
Then why the fuck are you talking with me about "the equivalent to the Goliath" in sc2
jesus christ please bring back poster IDs I don't fucking know who's talking to who anymore. I thought you were the one providing the list of 3 units that "didn't replace" goliath
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>retards are used to posting on reddit and cant follow a reply chain
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when is gsl???
save us big phil
you mean ssl, right?
I was just thinking this
wheres the fucking artosis casting the weekly cups
is it just over
this thread is pretty funny
its funny when those turbo redditors on TL get mean
artosis laughed when the tts said gooks
Like they try, but they fail and the ghost fits that bill better as a "you can't go wrong" unit

Woe is I, instead of this unit we now have a larger number of units that each fit different roles at different stages of the game which are all really fucking cool (except the cyclone, cyclones arent very cool)
>all really fucking cool
There's nothing cool about the Viking or the Thor
how's that chainsmoking habit going fatso? Do you enjoy having to cough up phlegm every time you finish a sentence while casting?
is this on the PTR or live?
he's using hydra dash
dash is a shit name for a zerg ability
literal mobile game tier name
yeah like glial reconstitution, it's more zergy and understandable
>glial reconstitution
pvre sovl
>Viking can fly and it's pve variants are interesting
>Thor is a giant robot
Cmon they're cool
all this talk to distract from how OP zerg is.
how about "omnineural convergence"? Nah it should be fucking DASH because thats what it fucking is retard
battleaces bros i dont feel so good...
battle aces is thriving
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Remind me again, what's the name of the ability where Zerg units go underground?
extraneural para-mitochondrial gland multiextraction osmosis (and it was sovl)
zerg op
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This is what brood war does to a mf
Remove Warp Gate
Remove MULEs
Remove Queens
sc2 but its even faster and every unit is a type of car
i'd say it's more of a burger diet thing
new zg content
1h16 talking without moving in his seat.. I'd be fidgeting and changing position every 5-10 minutes
pizzagrub putting CranK in a crankjacket and cranking him off... omo
she's femcel
that makes it better
im always shifting in my seat because i need to shit
im shitting myself right now, shit is coming out of my asshole
is it weird that whenever a woman starts yammering to me about some nonsense, i feel the urge to shit?
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women owe me sex
I feel ya on the pathfinding but the bad path finding and limited control groups are unironicly why the game is so good.
>plated scbw when I was nine
>Will likely still be playing scbw when I am 39
will be fun playing lans with my spawn
I can understand jank in the context of a good car
But wrangling cats is a retarded chore
>you don't get it, IT'S A FEATURE!!!
cuck npc
>cuck npc
rent free, why did you go for that specific insult? i bet you like it
then play sc2 where you don't wrangle cats and play a boring ass shit game instead
Wardii sucks
sentry would be amazing backported to bw, I don't even know what oracle does since I stopped playing sc2 after HotS.
my gf just beat a very easy cpu for first time
How did you find a women that would be interested in this type of thing. Hard enough finding men let alone a women with a strategy oriented mind unless shes just interested in it because you are interestes in it.
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My gf played until the mission where you have to attack the Confederate space platform with Duke in SC1, that's as far as she was willing to go. Such a shame. Women just aren't turned on by the same things as men, such is life.
women don't care about being a general/commander they want a man that makes them feel safe/makes her life "better"
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We are watching grubby play warcraft 3 reforged reforged
Yeah, I know. I can't for the life of me understand why that makes them uncaring for "cool" things and why it gives them such a propensity for enjoying shitty TV shows though. Having sex and running a household are the only two things a man and a woman can enjoy together, everything else is just a concession made by one of the parties to please the other.
She was playing while I was giving her a shoulder and foot massage
new idea: Futalisks
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women don't know what strategy games are, let alone play them
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sc ghost soon
what are we watching tonight?
we are watching arty play eve
why didn't you retards tell me noregret is visiting arty
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we are so back
strong language, h*ck yeah
it's so over
is this a battle aces or an immortal gates of pyre general
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is the site down for everyone or just me
battlebros assemble
It's wild how Battle Aces ended up being 1000x better than Shillgate
not that surprising desu, FG are massive grifters
all the signs were there from the start people just didnt want to see them
which one did tasteless' mom work at
Shillgate is the Tasteless family nepotism project
Battle Aces is BASED David Kim doing it again

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